HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/10/1942
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Link's Hotel, Pa tchogue, N. Y.
Se9tenber 10, 1942
John J. Caffrey, Huntington
Frank A. Tafe, Patchogue
otto Anrij, Southold
Milton C. Sherman, Shelter Island
Russell J. Perrine, Sayville
Nugent H. George, Riverhead
Au:;ustus En::;lert, Lindenhurst
Thos. B. SpraGue, 'dest Br.bylon
Christian Stephens, Lindenhurst
John D. Evans, North Brookhaven
Edwc.rd E. Krepela, Bohemia
Ford Thompson, Sayville
Phillip thearn, Sayville
Terry R. Tuthill, Southold
Chief S;''I'yllae~t, Shelter Island
James Earl, Babylon
Georee Cork, Babylon
Myron Howell, Vle.ding River
Al Brown, Patchosue
Harry Messineer, E. Northport
Eric Berglund, Huntington
Louis Mans, Bay Shore
R. J. Bartley, Bay Saore
Earl B. Gibson, Bay ~hore
Henry L. Reith, patchogue
C. G. Collier, Patchogue
Minutes of the last meeting of ~ugust 14th wore road and approved
with the chan~o of first name of !lilton Sh~rman, of Shelter Island.
The Sheriff renorted that duties of the Sta to Guerd ~lnd b';on
~'lken up with numer'ous officials ana. is now under considerC\tion by
J0110ral Haskell. This annlies to car insignia nnd arm bends. When
,'ni.;ter is concluded the r~sults will be roport'JQ to Division Com-
Lotter from Paul Corey wns read to the group by the Sheriff.
!~. Evans of North Brookhaven reported on his efforts to seeure
j'::tsoline from his local Ration Board to use in Ilinute Han travel, in
,/:.11ch he filled out same form used by plane spottors, the first forn
t~ be countersigned by tho Sheriff [md succeeding formG to be siGned,~
bJ Division Commander, each allowance to last three months.
Division Commanders, whose Units are in position to do so,
Dhould have photographs made of their groups in uniform nnd field 0
eQuipment and sent to the Sheriff to be incorporated into a pamphlet.
In ordor to obviate confusion the Sheriff pointod out that mem-
bers not receiving the Special Deputy button should fill out Oath of
Offico and forward to his office, or hand in to his Division Corrraan-
dor. Inasmuch as these buttons Cere nailed third class, the meMber
sl10uld inquire at his loc~l postoffice before roporting non receipt
of so.mo.
Youths of eighteen :Toars or over will bo considered as cr:ndidnte.
for the Minute Men, if of good ch~rector and standing in the community.
llr. Tefe renorted that in response to e roaUc)Gt of hi8 local
C'licf of Police for nSGistance, his-group took over tho C'J.arding of a
local shipyard for twenty-four hours, six men to n Ghift of two hours
oach. Thisvws accomplished in a ver:T workr.mnliko mnnner, no mnn hc.v-
in~ to stand more than one shift nnd there were no prowlers observed
[t,}~hnoil;\ ttemutod snbotgg,Q'd The Chief! w reouastiof Cr.mn Unton ,~rmY
nut or ~IGS I"Or n guaru un ooon prevloulsy do~ ca. ~ - ~
The Sheriff shall devlso n code vlOrCl. to insure authentici tv of i'
alerts or .:;;roup o.sGembly which hE; .lill trmlSmi t to ec-ch Dhrision* Com-
monder by HDil. The Division Com.~1Gn<'er mre devise a Sen[\rClte codo
word in nlertin.::; his Cr.ptc'cins. Thof1CJ to b:) cho.n[,od f\S ilOCOSS it:. dic'"
.. '.~..
~ .. ..
IiII'. ShermfCn oxhibi tGd snnrlo of cep :preferrod b~T his Group.
Upon motion, I'. vote of thrmks vms extended to Ii!r. Tnfe.flnd his
or::;cmizo.tion for the s:p1endid showinG in their c1ril1, nhich VlceS wit-
nessed by ell, prior to the meetin3.
No further business being in order, e motion to ndjourn wes
mnde :lnd ccrriod, to moe, t :~ t the c['.ll of the Sheriff.
~:~ 1r 3~ ~:~. ~:} .:~
Nu.:;ent !l. George, Secretary