HomeMy WebLinkAboutBlackout Driving Lights
July 3, 1942
Of rice of the Director of CiT1lian Protection
Gritfing Avenue Riverhead, New York
Copy sent to Deputy County Directorz ot Civilian Protection.
This oftice has patiently waited for specifications to come through
trom Washing ton on a standard blackout driving light but it seems we have
waited in vain. In a reoent b~letin issued by the New York State Otfioe of
Civilian Protection, a County Director of Civilian Proteotion is authorized
to approve blaokout driving lights. In order that we may achieve some
degree of standardilation in Suttolk County, the following are descriptions
of types ot blackout lights which have been approved by this otfioe;
For the use ot o'ivilian pr.tection personnel, three approvetI types
are available and are on the market oommercially:
A. A separate 1151110 uni 10 similar to an ordinary "tog" light is
adopted for this purpose. The amber tog lens is removed antI in
its plaoe is inserted a hooded shield with a red tilter or lens.
The red tilter shows up as a semi-oirole or arc aoross the upper
portion of the shield immediatcUy beneath the hood. This arc
begins and ends at a line drawn through the center of the shield
or lens. The remainder or the shield or lens is blacked out. In
the very center ot the shield or lens and direotly before the bulb
in the light unit a small semi-oirole is also blaoked out in order
to shut off direots!, rays trom the bulb. In addition the unit
includes a suitably blacked out tail light. The price of the en-
tire unit is $3.25 exclusive bt installation charges.
B. There is also a blaokout shield or hood whiCh is not a sepoat4[l
light unit but is made to slip over all types ot regular automo-
bile headlights. This is constructed ot a leatherette or rubber-,
ized fabric. In the lower portion of this hood there is a slit
about 3 inches wide and i an inch high over which there is a red
tilter. Over this filter there is sewn a saall hood which de-
tlects the light coming through the red filter d01lllward. This
type is not as satisfaotory as that described above in paragraph
A but is less expenseve, selling tor about tl.50 per pair, for
either sealed beam or older type headlights.
C. There is aIlother blackout light, which consists ot a metal shield
completely covering the lens from the top of which protrudes a
hood or shield about 4 inches long. Directly underneath this hood
there is a sUt approximately i by 3" which can be shielded wi th
red til ter. In the center of the metal is a very small glass
button which when the car is in operation will show red tor
identitiaation purposes. This light is an independent unit.
The light as described in paragraph A., has, in the lower portion,
letter denoting the service to which the driver is attached. These, identi-
tication marks are as follows:
Office ot Civilian Proteotion Staft...................... S
.. -..
Page -2-
Wardens. Report Center and Control Center Personnel.......... A. W;
Police and Auxilla+y Po~lce...................................P. D.
Firemen and Auxiliary Flremen.................................F. D.
Doctor s. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. M. D.
Civilian Emergency Medial! Personnel...................... .. E. M.
Certified Red Cross Personnel................................ star
utilities and Transportation................................. U
Public Works. Demolition and 'Repair Personnel................ P. W.
Decontamina tion and Gas Identitiaa tion. . . . .. ................ G
Motor Un! ts and other un1 ts not covered by the above......... A
Any deputy director interested in obtaining the names of manu-
facturers of the above deacribed lights may do so by calling this office.
It is ordered that all personnel purChasing lights as describe4 in
above paragraP.... first obtain authorization through their Office of
Civilian Protection. The purchase oa such blackout driving lights Is the
responsibi~ity of the individual. '
Sometime ago a bulletin waa sent tram this ofrice that all blackout
driving lights should be equipped with a red. fn ter. In some instances
this has not been done and personnel are 8 till driving wi th a green fn ter
Will you have this changed at once?
It should also be made clear to all personnel uaing blackout lights.
that speed must be cut d01ll1 to a point compatible with public safety.
It i8 recommended that blackout driving equipment be a separate unit
controlled independently of regular car lighting.
FlOyd. D. Houston
Director Civilian Protection