HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/10/1942 .'. --,.--- - -. --- .-.----. ..~ ~--...J.!" MINUTES OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY 'MINUTE Irn:N MEETING HELD P T FREIDEl S INN SI!ITHTOilN, L. I., N. Y. JULY 10, 1942 SHERIFF Vnl. C. McOOLLOM, Presiding PRESENT: John J. Caffrey, Huntington Frank A. Tafe, Pat6hogue t~. Reith, Patchogue otto Anrig, Southold I~. Sherman, Shelter Island Nugent George, Riverhead l~. Collier, Patchob~e Mr. Perrine, Islip ********** Guests present were: l~. Houston of the OCD. Messrs. Tillot and Prussner from the Sheriffts Office **~E-***.~*** The minutes of the last meeting were read, and with the addition of l.w. Sherman being listed among those present, were approved. lw. Tafe reported that as a result of a newspaper appeal for guns to be donated that his group had received eighteen guns of both modern and ancient vintage. It was the consensus of the members that these appeals should be encouraged by other towns with the hope of securing additional guns for use by the Minute Men. . I~. Tafe also reported that, in order to reduce the number of men called by each Division Commander, or second in command, that his organization hud adopted a breakdown us follows: In addition to a Second in Conmander to the Division Oommander, a Platoon Commander has been appointed, with three Corporals in each Platoon. In the event of an alarm or alert the Division Oom- mander (or Second in Oommand) gets in touch, by telephone with the Platoon Commander, there being two Platoons, the Platoon Com- mander getting in touch with the throe Corporals, who in turn get in touch with their second in command and three other men, thus limiting the number that each man calls to not more than five men each. This system to be adopted, in so far as possible, to each of the ten organizations. ~. Tafe also reported that his organization had considered' and intended to adopt coveralls as a uniform, leaving the question of headgear to further consideration. The color of the coveralls to be khaki. It wc.s agreed that all other towns would follow Patchogue's lead in the matter of uniformJ The Division Commanders requested the Sheriff to put through an alert cc.ll with simulated incidents for the purpose of test- ing the efficiency of each group. This test to be confined to, four Towns, Patchogue, Huntinciton, Shelter Island, and Rivorhead~ Gas rationing for members of the Minute Men for essential purposes only was discussed, and, in that connection full rosters of membership are to be submitted to the Sheriff so that this question might be taken up with the Ration Boards. Approved Headli~hts for automobilos for members, as well as defense stickers for windshields, were discussod. These to be procured ns soon as possible after c.doption of [ uni,form light by the OCD. .. .... ~'" .. .. ~ '> "" .., .. Now ap91ication ror membership is to bo p~e~~red by the Sher- iff, in the form approved, and sent to Division '-'o!mnander to bo filled out in duplicate by each member, the Division Co~~nder keeping ono for his files, the other to be forwarded to The Sher- iff. When same is filled out cnd sont in a compnct card, con- taining member's photograph and imprint of right thumb, shall be forwarded to oach Member for positive identification. Ne~ lettcrhends of the Itlnute Men are to be mnde up by the Sheriff, to include each Division Comnnnder's name, his Second in Command, tlith their telC9hone numbers, together ~ith the Soul of the County and a cut of Lexington's Minute Ibn with Rifle. No further bUSiness being in ordor, u motion to adjourn was made Qnd carried, to meet at tho call of the Sheriff.