HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeneral Order No. 2
SlJc?FOLK CCUNTY ;ENiJTJ~ f!jj';};
It becomes quite evident at this time that the consolidation
of the " Minute Men" or~anization is most important and must be
effected as rapidly as possible.
Each Division Commander should complete his records in dupli-
cate and forward copy to the Sheriff's Office where the complete
county file will be established.
This record should include the names, addresses and telephone
numbers of each subordinate officer in their proper order.
A complete list of the vital points in your respective town
should be compiled. This to follow the survey made 'for the pur-
pose of protection in case of an alert signal. This should also
be made in duplicate and a copy filed in the Sheriff's Office.
Several of the towns are new far enough advanced to have a
trial with some simulated incident, but before proceeding with this
the record of your town organization should be filed in the &her-
iff's Office.
Stationery is now being prepared and will be forwarded to the
~ivision Commander as soon 2S delivery is made.
New application blanks in duplicate are in the hands of the
?rinter and they will be forwarded to the Division Commanders as
soon as received. Ftth these will be a compIete identificr,tion
oar'd for each l'le;nber of tho i1l!linute Hen",
Continue to furnish copies to your local papers strossing
the desire for firo arMS te be loaned to the menbers of this or-
ganization for duration and any other phase of publicity that
would be helpful.
Keep this office informed of the progress of your organization,
and we will render help whenever we can be of any assistance.
Keep in mind that each Division Commander is the sole com-
mander of his town. He can appoint subordinate~officers to assist
him whenever in his jud0el'lent tho same is advisable.
This office would appreciate information reg4rding the per-
fecting of the orgo.nization in YClUr town 'c,s it beeomes quite
evident that the need for thin orgQni~otion is becoming more im-
portant every day. '
Thank you for your cooperation in the:Jo notters.
3inccrc;l:T 'j-ours
rp- It; ;7~r-I1(nt
Willian C. NCC0J.l0i'1
8herJ.ff-S'.lffol'c C')1.Anty