HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/15/1942 ----,.---. ~ ,:'_.~,,'.\::;~;::"'.-.""" ~":~-:-"!lI"'I"\".,. -- -------~;_--~~..,"'~"'.,....'V:~..,,,. Meeting of' the Suffolk County M1nute Men held at Fre1de's, Smithtown, Mondcy, Jlli,e 15th. 1942. Sher1ff William C. McCollom presiding. Present at the meetIng ware:- Shoriff W. C. McOollom - Rivarheud w. J. Lin~say - Riverhoad Chiof Otto Anrig - Southo1d Chiof Hurry Steclo - Eosthampton Robert Spence - Babylon The minutes of tho lust mooting wore road by Rhoriff Mc- Collom and approved. Joh~ F~rr - io~thampton J.:>hn Caffroy - Huntington It was with much rogNt th",t the X'csit;;nQti.on of Robert A. Spenco, Division (tomm:.;ndor, Town of i:br.Ylol1 W.1'S acceptod. This wo.s IllUde nJcossQr~r by his dl1ty lilt PineJ,awn CemfJGerJ anc by orders from the Wut' Dopllrtm:mt. This l'esignQ~1on tc ';ak0 effact when Q new (t1v~_sion comruonc..eI' (lon be f~)"und (md appo'.nt1(L, Harry Trucey. Comruonder IOlip TOWII, Cliso ';o'l',orod hl., 1'osig- notion owing to tho fact that ho wi.ll bo cullod a.va~ to drill troops this summer, That it was voted at tho metting tbat tho Sho~iff in con- sultution with iupcrvispr Muncy and Supervisor L~I'yoa detormine who w'Juld b3 tho n'Jw divisional commandors t'r.JiIl tho two towns c.ffoctod by the rosignation of Mr. Sponco und Mr. Tracey. It wos rOQuostod by Sluriff MoCollom that each division commander mokJ a survoy of his township in rogard to the storago of gasolino and oil ~nd sond in his survoy as. soon os possiblo. Alse .:lskod that 0 furthor survay bJ mado of roads, bridges, Qntt Vitol irtdustrys in oach locslity. Sheriff McCollom rOQuestod that a second in command should bo appointed in o~ch instance to aid tho commandor end to toko command if thocommondor is not availablo during an omergoncy o.nd that socond in commend bocome familiar with the entire set-up. In ardor to p,rfoct tho organization of tho '~Minute Menll it wes votod that OQch division commander give more complete inform- ation rogarding his organizution, tolephone numbers ond any othor information that would IJud to him being quickly contGctod. Also tho nome of Clny subordinate that is to ect in his stead with tho soma information. This informat1on was to be filed with tho Shoriff who in turn would compilo it and furnish each division commander with tho entire roster of tho division commc.ndors end thaiI' subordinatos in tho County. Bech division commandor is ro- quosted to file this information 06 quickly as 'pessible. By consent of the membership, ahoriff McQollom and W. J. Lindsay bo authorized to propare an app11cQtion blank and h~vo tho samo printJd in duplicute ond furnished to the divisional commundor. Thoso blanks to bo printod and mailed to tho divi- sion cOllllllc:ndor whon r.J_ldy. General Ord3r Numo,-,r 1 d..(t~)d .:~t IHvorhead, Juno 22nd, 1942 is onclosod herewith. It is understvod of course that we 01'0 work- ing with Q vuluntoJr gr. up, end wo must requost things rc.ther than deffi,--,nd thom, s..J:"ok coop3ratl'Jn r,.ther than glve orders, and gen- eral order numb,'r 1 sh.~uld b3 Cippl10d on that bo.sis~ It Wl.lS sugg3st3d that c. uniform type cap on the order of 0 ski cap QC purchased to be wcrn by minuto mono Sheriff McCollom and W. J. Lindsay to submit samples and prico for the action of tho genorol stoff at its noxt mooting. No further business boing in ordor, a ~Gtion to adjourn wes mndo end carried to meat at tha call ef the Shoriff, rrvnlit?~~- ~~~: NcSollom ihori~r..a;tlff'elk County :-~:_;:,,,,L.,, . ---,.,:,",~-~--,-"":"..._~'