HomeMy WebLinkAboutSuffolk County Minute Men Organized
Pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Supervisors adopted
on March 13th calling upon the Sheriff to organize a protective group
in the various towns in the County the following were named as the
executive officer or division commander in the various townships:
Robert Spence
John J. Caffery
John Farr
Otto L. Anrig
Harry Tracy
Harry Steele
Frank A. Tafe
Nugent M. George
W. Royden Klein
Milton C. Sherman
Eas thamp ton
Shelter Island
co~~anders, one representing each
The name of this organization to be
At a meeting of the division
town, the following was adopted:
the Suffolk County Minute Men.
We, the Citizens of Suffolk County, in order to provide immedi-
ate protection against hostile forces from within or without, and in
order to assist in any way possible, the Army, Navy, Coast Guard and
other Authorities, do hereby organize, recruit, equip and train a
body of men, in each community of Suffolk County for the purpose of
aforesaid, and to operate witpin the limits of Act. No. 7702719, as
passed by the New York State Legislature, February 2, 1942, effective
May 1, 1942, and as per constitutional authority vested in the Sher-
iff of Suffolk County, as per authority contained in resolutions
as passed and recorded by the Suffolk County Board of Supervisors,
March 13th, 1942.
It shall be composed of one commanding officer, one Division
Commander from each Township in the County of Suffolk, and a Unit
Commander for each community in which a Unit shall be organized or
required. It is to be organized and operate on a semi-military basis
with the Sheriff as the Commanding Officer.
It shall be the duty of each Division Commander to appoint in
each village, hamlet or separate community, a Unit Commander with
the number to depend upon the size of the community and its particu-
lar location, and such other staff officers as shall be required, and
the organization and training of a group of men for the purpose as
previously set forth; and the commanding of such units under the dir-
ection of superior authorities.
The Unit Commander shall be charged with the responsibility of
recruiting, training, and operation of the unit under his command.
Each Unit shall depend upon the size and locality of the terri-
tory to be covered and protected.
Each member is to furnish his own firearms, ammunition, outdoor
clothing and transportation if possible. Each member shall attend
all meetings of this body, lectures, field exercises and practice~
firing at ranges unless physically incapacitated or by reason of
being engaged at his place of employment or for other reasons requir-
ing his actual attendance elsewhere.
Each member must be willing to devote time and hard work to his
training. Members who fail to report regularly for training; who
refuse to wholeheartedly throw themselves into the training schedule;
who, intentionally or unintentionally, persist in conducting them-
selves in such fashion as to create dissension or interfere with
training, must be eliminated regardless of who they are.
Each member shall obey all orders, instructions or regulations
that may be issued from time to time by the Commanding Officer,
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Division Commander or Unit Commander, and otherwise conduct himself
in such a manner as is becoming a good soldier and a loyal citizen.
The training shall be that outlined and prescribed by the Com-
manding Officer from time to time.
Mobilization pQints in each Township shall be designated by
the Division Commander, subject to the approval of the Commanding
Minute Men shall stand by for all blackouts, but mobilization
shall only be made upon direct orders of the Commanding Officer
through such Division Commanders as may be affected.
Mobilization orders shall be through channels separate and
apart from blackout or air raid signals in order to avoid confusion;
thus blackouts could occur without mobilization, or mobilization
could be affected in the absence of a blackout.
No member of the Minute Men shall operate in any official capa-
city until he has been dUly appointed and sworn in as a Special
Deputy Sheriff of Suffolk County.
No member shall be permitted to carry a revolver unless he has
in his possession a legal permit signed by competent authority.
Each unit or portion thereof, shall affiliate with the National
Rifle Association, or otherwise provide a legality for the bearing
of arms.
These articles to become effective when approved by the Sheriff
as Commanding Officer and the ten Division Commanders.
Above articles may be amended by a matqrity vote of the Division
Commanders, if approved by Governing Authorities.
Any articles contained herein which may be later deemed to con-
flict with Federal, State, Military or County Laws.hall be considered
null and void and stricken from the By Laws contained herein.
Any by law~ adopted by any subdivision shall conform in prin-
ciple to the Articles embodied and shall not conflict therewith.
The ten Division Commanders shall constitute a General Staff
and shall meet at the call of the Commanding Officer and formulate
such broad policies as are deomed expedient.
This organization will be composed of those who are willing to
devote their time to the protection of home communities. No public
moneys will be available or will be requested by this organization.
It is thought that there are enough public spirited citizens who are
anxious to contribute their time and ability to the formation of a
group of volunteers organized for this worthy purpose.
It will be impossible to immediately secure uniform fire arms
for this group. It will, therefore, be necessary to appeal to the
general public to loan to the County whatever available fire arms
they may have as their contribution to a very worthy cause. Anyone
who possesses fire arms of any description that are suitable for use
would be making a great contribution to the welfare of Suffolk County
if they would volunteer to loan the same for duration. Please con-
tact the Supervisor of your Town or the Sheriff's Office where pro-
per recognition will be given, Side arms, shot guns or rifles will
be most acceptable.
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The Divisioh Commanders in eacn town are now working Qut the
details of organization. Those who are interested in the formation
of this group may appeal directly to their .Supervisor or, the Divi- .
sion Commander in their Town. \ ," " ."of
The underlying thought back ofth1s organization'i~t~ have
small units whie!! can be quicltly alerhil and. verYfle.~bleto move
in on any incident assisting in everY1(i1ly the Civil ~ '1tfntary-
Authori ties <lnd 'in c.l.ose cooperation 'frith the SuffJ(.+K. County War
Couricil, to protect life, and proJ)erty be1'~e MHltary' moblliza t19.n
would be, p.osslble. ' ' ',' ",
,~ :' ;
, .,
Signed.1Id >>~R1L
Wilham C.' McCollom.
Sheriff, Suffolk County