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InoUent ooourring at Parking Lot.
I H E boJI1:I. ha.... tal~en on oar., .etting two oar. on tire.
a people inJ\I1'ed b7 .Ull.
~ person burned b7 fire.
Air Raid Warden wi~~ hand Part a to Doten.e Warden on arri ftl.
lIS wor_en who.e hoae. aro in w.rioWl part. or Southold
aro now left without transportaUon or taro.
Cuual Ue..
Cut on right log 4. in.he. below knoe on buk ot Les
Bloe41DS in .purt.
OUt on Lott Arm " inoh.. bolow Elbow
Burnod on both ha.n41
Inold.nt ooourr1ng at oorn.r ot "th Str.et &: ),l1nt street.
2 H E \lcab. and &5 lnoendl&17 bcab. haT. tallen on
two hou.... ..U1ng :tlre to an.. and d..troy1!lg the other.
3 p.r.on. lnJured In the hou.e on :tlre. 2 dead in
de.troy.d houa..
Air Rald Ward.n will hand Part 2 to D.tenae Warden on
PAR'!' 2
Doten.e Warden wl1l order houa.. on both .lde. at deatroyed
dwelUng abandoned (A) J'am1ly oonahUns ot J'a ther. Mother
and 8 oh1lAren. J'u11ly (B) Mother and three oh1lAren.
2 Dead
Out on lower Right Arm - 4, inahe. b.low .lbow - Bleeding In apurt.
Broken L.tt LeS b.low kn..
Cut on head. 2 inoh.. abaTe right .ye
Ino1dent oeourrlng at oorner !lain and l1rat Street.
4 H E bomb. dropped at lnter...tlon, destr07iDg 1 oar by
fire, atter talling into shell hole.
1 dead and 1 injured
Road 1II.pa..lble UIltll all elear.
Air Rald Warden will hand Part II to Detense Warden on arrl'ftl..
'!'he hole "used by b_bs Qat be repaired.. soon .a poaaible.
1 D-.d
Burued on both Lesa up to 6 lnoh.. below Ime..
lnoi4_t oooU1"r1lls at Oorner ot 078t.r Pond Lane and Ma1n Road
10 1noen411U7 baab. haYe tall_, .et1:1Dg tire to hou.e and
bru.h around hou.e.
2 people 1n hou.e lntrned on leS. and banda. ..oapins trom
burn1ng houae.
Air Raid Warden will hand Part a to neten.. Warden on
5 people r..141ng 1n bura6d hou.e now are 1n n..4 ot aheltar
in addition to 2 people burn.d.
Caaual tie..
Both banda burned
Both Lq. burned trCllll Gnu tire below knee.
Ino1dent ooourring at oorner or Bay ATe. &: Main Road
2 H E and 15 lnoendlary b_b. haTe fillen, de.tro;y1ng
3 hou... and ..U1ng tire to wreokase.
2 people 1nJured.
2 people burn.d .e...rely.
2 hou.e. unoocupied at ~e or .Xplo.ln.
Air Rald Warden will hand Part 2 to Deren.. Warden on arr! Tal.
~ART 2
2 t'8m1l1e. who.. houae 18 de.tr07ed, are ln need or ah.l tar.
5 ln eaoh tam1ly.
O..ual tie..
Burned on both hand.
Burn.d on lert arm aboTe elbow by OhE1oal
Cut on lower lett leg - 4r inoh.. below knee
Cut on lower lert arm
InoU.8Ilt OOOUl'r1ng at Railroad StaUon
4r H E baIb. and 10 ino8llcl1ar7 bUlb. haTe taJ.len.
a hou... on South 81d. and ataUon set artre.
2 persons injured, and 1 p..son burn.d.
Air RUd Warden Will hand Part a to Detens. Warden on arrhal.
~ART 2
2 tuUJ.1es of 6 are Without ahelter beeause ot tire.
Traok and Wir.s blown up in tront ot staUon.
Casual the.
Both t.et and 1... 'burned up to 4r in.h.s aboft aDl:1.e..
Broken upper risht aa.
Broken lower l.ft le..
In014ent ooourring oppOa1 t. High Sohool
8 H E balaba and 10 inoend1ary bOlllb. baT. tall.n s.tti~
tir. to house and IlIIUll1 stor..
2 peraons illJur.4 by cploa1n.
Air Rai4 Warden will baJd Part 2 to Det... Warden on arrhal.
~ARl' 2
Store not sn.rel,. ....1.4, but stook 18 in ...d ot proteoUon.
Caaual ti...
Broken Lower Right Arm.
S...r. Caa. of Shook.
Ino14ent ooourr1118 a1; Par.IdDg Spa.. on Gol~ th & Tuthll18 Dook.
SHE bcab. and IS 1nolUl41ar,. bOlllb. ha.... tallen
2 oar. d..tro:vect b,. tir..
1 WlOoClUp1ed bullding ..t &tir..
a p.r.on. 1nJur.d and 1 p.r.on burn.d.
A1r Raid Ward.n will hand Par1i 2 to D.ten.. Warden on arr1'ftl.
n.hil18 part,. ot 3 men and 2 women are in n.ed ot .holter
and tran.portation to BrookJ.;vn.
Burnod on r1pt hand and arm 3 inoh.. above wriet.
Out on lower l.tt l.g - Oute on lower r1pt, arm
4 in.he. below elbow.
Broken right l.g abo... kno..
Ino14ent ooourring 1n front ot Count17 Club.
10 1noentiar:r bomb. haTe ta~len on hou.e on NW oorner
..t ting 1t a1'1re.
1 peraon 1nJured, 1 p...on burned. .
..- t ! J ,.;. { f
Ca.ual U...
Both Hands Burned.
Cut on R1ght Arm lIelow Elbow. Bleeding 1n apurta.
Incident ocournng at NW oomer or High Sohool
a H E blabs baTo rallen dostrO:v'1ng earnor or bUllting
and sot tins it &riro.
J'1rst Aid Station destroyed, With 2 patienta, IIU1d all
ot F1rst Aid orew injured,
. injured 2 burned
Air Raid "&reien Will hand Part 2 to Detens. Wareien on arn_l.
A new First A1d Station lIl\lat bo estab11she4, IIU1d JIWUlod Without
0...1 ties.
2 1'l:'a1'fio Aoo1denh be1'ore bGlll.b1ns.
( Out on Itoad 2 inohes abovo Len Eye)
( Out on Lower Len Am )
Cut on Right Arm above Elbow &: below Elbow.
Broken Lott Am abo.... Elbow.
Burned Both Hanb.
Burned Lott l'oot and Leg up to IS inohe.
bolow leneo.
lno14ent ooouring at OorDer or B&7 A....., and Ma1n Road
4 H B baabs drOPped at inter.eotion, aestroying 1 oar by
tire. atter tall1q into shell hole.
10 inoendiary bombs talling on Hamilton'. (]e.s station, setting
it afire. 2 injured in ae.troyed oar.
Larse .hell hole at interseotion, makes road 1JIlllasa1ble until all
Air Raid Warden will hand Part 2 to neten.. Warden on arn val.
Air Raid Warden orders two neare.t JIDIlses abandoned.
I boar41q !loUd bas 8 people.
1 hClllle baa ta.1ly or 5.
Out on B_d. Top and Oenter.
Out on Lower Right Am.
.Uer~ - R1Yerhee.d
So. Yellow - MattUuok
Alert - OUtohope
.. - SOUthold
.. - Orient
.. - Gre 'n,orll
.. - Ea.t llarlon
MaUUuok 840615 Sub Stll. 11 23
8veell L1sh1l8 out at
E. Marlon Sta. II 215
Street L1shh out at
Peoon1o Sta. {f 14
Str.et L1sh~. OIlt at
Gre.port "Ulage
7 .215 P.M.
Eut Marlon
001'. Bay A.,.. 6; Nain Road
2 HE 6; 15 1aeu4iu7 bcab..
d8otro7111C 3 "'0. . ..tt1q t1re to
....ap. 2 po.ph 11l~ur04 -
2 people It\1l'lle4 .......81y - II houo..
aDoooapi.4 at th. t1ae ot explosion.
10 people haael....
Reported Rl~bead
Orieall - at Halloou Lane. Maln RCl8..d
10 1I10_41ar7 __b. )saye taU_
..t UIl8 tlre 110 hOWl. . ltruh U'Olad bou...
I peopl. In house lturnoa on 1... I; 1an4e.
II tlre appara1lU8 - 1 &JIltul.anoe - 1 re.oue
.quad - 1.t ald 41apallobed .
Reported MYerhead
7.27 P.M.
., .26 P.M.
Railroad Statton
7.01 P.M.
7.02 "
7.0S ..
7.01 ..
7.03 "
7.02 "
'1.01 "
'1.02 P.1t.
".03 P.M.
7.07 P.M.
'1.0. P.M.
7.30 P.M.
.,.so P.M.
. D ltab. - 10 lno.dlary bcIIIdt..
I houes on 80Ilth 014. an4 Station
..t anre. I per_s inJured.
10 people lumeleo. - traoks lt10wn up
1n 1'roI1t ot otaUon.
PoUo. - r..ne .quad - 1 tire pwap _
1 ho.. e&z't - ladders. .hoyel. an4
ohe1oal oaaps.ny.
., .32 P.'.
Reported R1Yeruad
Oppoalt. High Sohool
".32 P.M.
2 HE bCIIllts I; 10 1noon41ary ltcIabs
.etUng tire to Jaou.. 6; -.J.l .tore.
I per... injured.
:5 pi.... tlr. apparan. - ladder. 6; ahoY.l. _
1st aid - 1 reHUe .quad.
Reported R1TWhoad ".36 P..,l.
TZUS m:PORl' l.rID mm)OOITFlfl
'.so }>.lA. !fa Ul t'lIok
<., "'J
: .';.
. $c~
f ....t.
'.30 P.".
'.28 .".
'.ae :P .1,1.
887 A.... & HelD nand
4 R! '-bit a' ta......UC>l'1 CelI~
1 oar ..,. tiro atter fall1ng lnto 1 bolo.
10 llutencUary bCltllba hllen on Ilu 8tBUon
..Ulna it aft.... IA:.rso aMU bolo at
lnt.....UCll Mkee I'Oed lrapualb1..
B lnJUl'84 in ".troY'Qd 18t'.
;~ - !tit aid 0J"eW t. aootor .
1 00 - 1 P'DP - 1. boeo _r1:.
nepor'e4 f1lftrhm14
8nd toetor & tiret aid UDlt 418lX\'.bed at
GnfWlpGl'1; 4th St. & l1int st.
. HE lIaaa'be & I taoencUal'J' bcab. be..
ta110n on two houe. .., ung tlre to
em. & 4utroy1Zll\: tbe other. .
3 pel'80D8 1DJVod ln hou.. on tin.
. elM4 In ....\1'070<1 .......
1. Blrot ail1 - 1. ambtalenoe e doctor _
1 :polloe aqua4.
'.01 F.".
'7.53 i'.r .
Reporte4 nlftrheo4
arel'.Gport Main & ftr.' S'8.
.. R;; bcab. dro'pe4 at 1II.t...aoUon
CelItro71nc 1 tar by tire aft.. tal..i.1ag
in to ebe1. ." bole.
1 40eu Ie 1 1II.Juro4 - NaIl4 tmpa.81ble unt1l
1 tire aprDl'lI tuG - let 814 Orft anti toetot' _
ambulonoe - pollo. .qUa4.
Reporto4 HI Yerbflftd
8.18 l' .n.
8.10 ,>.l~.
OI'o"pol't PuldIlR Lot
I Iii bcIIba 118... fallen _ ~. ..t"ne
two oar. an tire - a peG"l. inJured b7
..11 - 1 pereon 1Nrne4 by tire.
1 tift ap~retu8 - ). til'Dt aU erp _
1 embUltmofJ t:., dootor - Polloe equod.
r~4IpOrtec! T~lY8rh8l!ld
;jat"wok 1m Oorner Hl6b 80b0al.
8 !l~ baabe lIB"" tt1llon 4ostroYlnP: eol'ftClZ'
or bu11d11l6 M4 ..t tlnG 1 t afire ---First
ai4 etatton ..tl"O,.od with f? pIlllIonte.
anet all or ftrst al4 ere" 1Zljurod.
4 1II.Jurec! - It lNrne4.
a.erSOMY ~4 - lot a14. 4ootor & embu1anoe _
1 pap - 1 Il0o. eart.
!ad firet ald orew iU~toh(ild wUh cSootor and
acl41tlonal ap}llt'nwo
OUtoboeU. Park1nc tlpcoe . Oaldnth &
'1'UWll (1'1.. SUffolk)
Pl'Obll111 lo.t - .a.llo4 IJOUtbold Hepart .anter tor
. Rli bcI8b. &, 6 lM_cUt\ry boab. !lay. NIc.
e ear8 de8troyed by firo - 1 WlOO aupll14 bu1141ng
..11 afire - II per~ UaJure4 t. ). poI'lIClb 1lt.am04.
1 eh~loal - 1 UlbulllZloe - 1 l'OUlU ...... -l't.'DOrtftd "'R." 8.81'1>111 u_
, 'lt~
~..I !.
7.10 P.M. Cutehc&\le Alftlul Lan. & O-tl7 Club .Road.
10 laeea41U'J' baIU. Ita.... hll_ on
_M - NW tome%' ..tt11l.8 it anre.
1 person laJured - 1 per.OIl b\U'J1ed.
1 pump - 1 aabUlu...
Reported R1....rh..d 8.83 P.M.
MaUUuek Sta. I 13 - Llsbb on at 8.01 PeII.
X.Marion · , aD - " " "8.02 "
Pooon1e · I 24 - .. .. .. 8.08 "
are_port TUlaSO - " .. .. a.02 "
1'Jut "Whito" or &1.1 olear II1snal _8 _yen to
SOattJao14 Boport Oerater b7Rberhoa4 O.trol
C...ter a-t -------------~----_____ 8.01 P.M.
BOIltbold: Air Ra14 War4ell oa1104 Bad abulaue. _
A "'-or 81' tile nr.t A1d 8q\18d lira XU tb Ole..n
rell aDd 1n~1ll'od r18ht elbow.
Supi8ioa or ltroak. Am Qlintod aD4 ,.t1Cftt
Va t04 tor ..ok thOll '-kOll to tIl. :Butera
LGIIg Ialu4 BollPi tel..
1lr. atrren. of SOIlthold 1n a1lton4anoo.
X Bay. taken end .lbow _. round to be .praiaed.
Patient lott he.pital aDd .... takon to the hcmo
of Dr. TbClIaPlloa in BOllthold.
9 Z<~ /
? - ~ ~ ~.~"
cJ 6 e-?> (: /:C> '7
4// --. i' (" (/./
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