HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-11/20/1992 TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Albert J. Krupski, Jr., Vice President Henry P. Smith John B. Tuthill William G. Albertson Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 MINUTES PRESENT WERE: NOVEMBER 20~ 1992 John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Albert J. Krupski, Vice President Henry P. Smith, Trustee William G. Albertson, Trustee John L. Tuthill, Trustee Diane J. Herbert, Clerk THE MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NEXT TRUSTEE BOARD MEETING: Thursday, December 17, 1992 at 8 PM WORKSESSION: 6:00 pm TRUSTEE BREDE~E~ER moved to approve the meeting, secondedmby TRUSTEE TUTHILL. ALL AYES. NEXT FIELD INSPECTION: Thursday, December 10, 1992 at 8 pm TRUSTEE SMITH moved to approve, TRUSTEE ALBE~TSON second. APPROVE MINUTES: The October 22, 1992 minutes were approved by TRUSTEE SMITH, seconded by TRUSTEE TUTHILL. I. MONTHLY REPORT: Trustee monthly report for October 1992: A check for $~!,~92215 was forwarded to the Supervisor*s Office for the General Fund. II. PUBLIC NOTICES: Public notices are posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletins Board for review. III. AMENDMENTS/WAIVERS/CHANGES: 1. En-.Consul.tants on behalf of Neil McGoldrick requests waiver to construct a swimming pool and deck landward of existing bulkheads. Located Harbor Farms, New Suffolk Ave. Mattituck. SCTM 9i16-4-16.4. Motion to approve made by TRUSTEE BREDE~YER, second byTRUSTEEALBERTSON. ALL AYES. 2. En-Consult~nts on behalf of Roger Vorce requests an amendment received Nov. 11, 1992 to Wetland Permit ~2201 received Mar. 23, 1986 to extend the westerly return 16' Board of TrusTees 2 November 20, 1992 landward and backfill with 10 c.y. of Clean sand to be trucked in and to replace additional 1 ton stone along the return and westerly 135' section of bulkheading. Locate~ROW off BridGe Lane, Cutchogue. SCTM ~72-1-t.8. Motion to approve made by TRUSTEE BREDEMEYE~, second by TRUSTEE SMIT~. ALL AYES. 3. Eh-Consultants on behalf of Joseph Frazzitta to amend application to extend that the bulkheading will he removed and replaced, rather than a new structure built in front. Located Inlet Way, Southold. SCTM %92-1-6. Motion to approve made by TRUSTEE BRED~, second by TRUSTEE ALBERTSON. ALL AYES. 4. En-Consultants on behalf of Erika Swimmer to extend permit to construct a single family dwelling, sanitary system with retaining wall, well and bluestone (or similar) driveway. Approx. 800 c.y. of fill to be trucked in to raise grade, for 5 years. Located Orchard Lane, Southold. SCT~ ~90-4-I2. Motion to approve an extension, ending April 25, 1994 for i year, was made by TRUSTEE SMITH, second by TRUSTEE KRU~SKI. This is the final extension. ALT. AYES. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS FOR PER~I.TS UNDER THE WETLANDS ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. I HAVE AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FROM THE SUFFOLK TIHES AND AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FROM THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WATCHMAN. PERTINENT CORRES~ONDENCEMAY BE READ PRIOR TO ASKING FOR COMb~2TrS FRO~ THE PL~LIC. PLEASE KEEP YOUR CO~H~ENTS ORGANIZED AND BRIEF FIVE (5) MINUTES OR LESSr IF POSSIBLE 7:26 P.M. - IN the matter of %he application of Peconic Land Trust on behalf of Plock Family Joint Ventures to construc, t 211' of rock revetment and 357'I bulkheading replacing existing bulkheading within 18", and 1700 c.y. of dredging and filling to construct boat basin mariculture area, remove approx. 195' of pier, deck over approx. 240' of pier, fill approx. 15,000 s.f. of vernal area and improve or create 15,000 s.f. of wetland habitat. Located off North Bayview Road, Southold. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I have anyone here to speak on behalf of this hearing? Would anyone like to comment? TIM CAULFIELD: If there are any other questions, I would be glad to help. I have been working on this for quite som~ time and the PlOck Family has been very patient in wo=king through a plan which we think is very generous, and we seem to have come quite a long way. There s~ems to be no probtem with any of the other regulatory agencies so we can proceed. TRUSTEE SMITH: Excuse me, this is the last inspection we made, and this is what we all agreed on to do. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: At the last scoping session? TRUSTEE SMITH:: Yes. Board of Trustees 3 November 20, 1992 TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Has the planning board, started SEQRA process yet? They were going to take the lead and scoping. MR. CAULFIELD: The haven't, they requested and expandedpart three, which is still not in. As soon as they get that they can issue the process.. TRUSTEEi BREDEMEYER: I'm only asking from the prospective of proper processing if the board should properly come to a final vote ini the matter, only because we had decided to defer lead agency ~tatus for the Planning Board and said we would send them any additional scoping sessions or help them. It might create a processing problem if we went into a final vote on the matter a-head of participating scoping. I don't know how the board will feSl about this. TRUSTEEi SMITH: I feel that I have no problem, with this application. Let them have one less hurdle to go through. We were working on this thing for two years. TRUSTEEi BREDE/~EYER: We don't have to, because we're not lead agency so we can go ahead with our approval. We already told them our interest in not taking the lead. TRUSTEEiKRUPSKI: Well we might not approve. We haven't voted yet. MR. CAULFIELD: On the issue of Trustees jurisdiction, and the endlessi conflict that is created between the Trustees rights and the Trustees obligation and other agencies, From the philosophical standpoint it would seem to me that the Trustees should do what the Trustees will do. Including the SEQRA of course if you were lead agency. I'd hate to see deference to another body, and you can vote any which way you want, but when it comes to the Trustees rights it seems to me that they're the Trustees'rights. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: You're absolutely right, but in defense of Jay, I think he just wants to make sure it moves in an orderly fashion~ and we don't fall apart at the end. TRUSTEE BREDE~ER: This project has very little Town Trustee land so that part of the decision making was there since a sub division has a lot more to do with. the plaru~ing process. MR. CAULFIELD: I. apologize. Don't take what I'm saying personally. TRUSTR~ BREDEF~--SrER: No, no I didn't. I know exactly what you're saying. This board really wanted to take lead but for the fact we felt that our staffing was short, enough tbst we would only be hurting a very beneficial project by taking lead selfishly. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there any other co~m~ent on this project? Does this Board have any comments? TRUSTEEi SMITH: No, I make a motion we close the public hearing. TRUSTEE' ALBERT$ON: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Can we have a motion on a vote on tP~s? TRUSTEE SMITH: I make a motion we approve the application of the Peconic Land Trust on behalf of the Plock Family Joint Ventures. TRUSTEEI ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. 7:31 P.M. In the matter of the application of Harley Arnold on behalf of David Tuthili requests to construct a 4' X 40' catwalk Board of Trustees 4 November 20, 1992 with 3' X 16' ramp and 6' X 20' float as Shown on survey. Located 2350 Deephole Drive, Mattituck. SCT~ 9123-4-7. TRUSTE~ KRUPSKI: Do I have any comment from anyone out there? Either~in favor or against the pro3ect? Does the Board have any commemJts? ' TRUSTE~ SMITH: I have none, its just a straight forward dock, float and ramp. TRUST. E~KRU~SKI: Do t have a motion to close the hearing? TRUSTEE S~LITH: I make a motion we close the hearing. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: TRUSTE~ TUTHILL: TRUSTEE' KRUPSKI: TRUSTEE S~IITH: application. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Do I have a second? Second. ALL AYES. Do I have a motion on the project? I'll make a motion that we approve the Do we have a second? Second. ALL AYES. 7:34 P.M. - In the matter of Tessler Associates on behalf of Joseph ~antione requests to construct a fixed pier structume 4' X 10~0' and 14' ramp and (2) 6~ X 20' docks. Located 54275 Stillw~teF Ave. Cutchogue. SCTM ~137-3-1. TRUST~KRUPSKI: Do I have anyone here to speak in favor.or agains~ this project? I believe last month we requested that it be staked. I did not see any stakes out there. I was out there this e~ening. From what i can see there's a mooring right at the en~ of this where it would end up fr'ommy estimation. BecauSe it wasn't staked or marked at all I'm afraid we're gonna have to recess this. MR. MANTIONE: You say you have a request f'or staking? You mean staking out in the water? TRUSTEE KR~PSKI: No, the staking at the end of the dock, so we know how far out the dock will go. ~R. MANTIONE: I don't believe an~ request has come to my house nor to Mr. Tessler's, because I spoke to him this morning. I haven't received anything from you. I saw it in the newspaper when it was on for tonight so I could be here. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you, for speaking up. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Here's a letter in the file. I thought we made contact. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Last month when we all went out on field inspection and we looked at it and its one of those cases where it's almost impossible to tell standing from the top of the bank, how far the structure will go. We know it will be significantly further than what the neigb2~orS have. If it was similar to what the neighbors had, we wouldn't request this. But since it is going to be significantly further out, that's why we wanted the stakes so that we would know exactly Where the end of the project will be. MR. MA~TIONE: My property happens to curve in as compared to the neighbors property. So I really need a little more room to get out as far as they are and by using the restricted rule we did take the depth soundings and its not really that I wante~to go out that far, but I have to go out that far 'cause when its low tide my boats gorma be on the ground. Board of Trustees 5 November 20, 1992 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do you have a mooring now? MR. ~LANTIONE: No. that's not mymooring out there. One of those moorings you see out there are not even used. The mooring that's farthest out was not even used this year. There's no number on the mooring. Is that required? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Yes, it is. TRUSTEE TUTHILL: Could you put a sta~e out there now? MR. MANTIONE: It's a little cold, and I don't have a boat to get out there right now. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: A stake or a colored Clorox bottle, or something to put a short string on so that we will know. Our next field inspection is set for Dec. 10th. Maybe you could have it set for that day and we'll be out ~nere to take a look at it. 5IR. MANTIONE: When you say a stake what exactly do you m~an? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: When there's a long structure like that you have to have a stake or small buoy placed there at the end, then we can come and take a look and we can use our judgement° TRUSTEE TUTHILL: We're not objecting to it, it's just that we have to know where it is. MR. MANTIONE: If I had the request, I would have responded to it. TRUSTEE TUTHILL: Get it out there by next meeting and we'll be able to handle it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I'm glad you came to the meeting aud spoke up, because it's a lot better to talk then. TRUSTEE SMITH: I make a motion we close the hearing, and recess it one month. TRUSTEE TUTHILL: Second. ALL AYES. &:40 P.M. - In the matter of Samuels & Stee ~lman on behalf of Harry Hohn to construct new stairs and catwalk, from existing bulkhead to beach. Located 8980 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue~ SCTM ~118-6-1 7 1.3. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf of the applicant? I went to take a look at it and it's a very minor project and its really stmaight forward. I have no problem with it. TRUSTEE SMITH: I make a motion we close the public hearing. TRUSTER TUTHILL: Second. ALI. AYES. TRUSTEE S~ITH: I make a motion we approve the application/ TRUSTEE TUTHILL: Second. ALL A~S. 7:42 P.M. - In the matter of Costello Marine on behalf of Joseph Beradino to install approx. 107' of rock revetment with (2) 15' returns, backfill void area With. 32 yards of fill and vegetate with Rosa Rugosa and beach grass. Located 62825 North road, Greenport. SCT~ #40-1-11.1. TRUSTEE KRU~SKI: Is there anyone who would like to speak on this application? Is there anyone here who would like to co~,~nt on this? I'll take motion to Close the hearing. TRUSTEE SMITH: Second. ALL AYES TRUSTEE SMITH: I'll make a motion we approve the application. TRUSTEE TUTHILL: Second. ALL AYES. Board of Trustees 6 November 20, 1992 7:44 P~.M. Eh-Consultants on behalf of Mattituck Fishing /-Station request to remove and replace inkind/inpiace 360 +/' 1.f. of timber bulkhead and dredge up to 10' off bulkhead to maximum depth 4' below MLW. Approx. 86 c.y. of spoil wilt be removed and used to backfill bulkheads. An existing 6' X 20' section of fixed walkway and rip-rap adjacent to launching ramp will be removed and replaced. The existing 16' X 20' launching ramp be resurfaced with concrete. Add (5) 2.5' X 16' fingers and (3) 2.5' X 16' fingers to sections of existing main floats as Shown on plan. A drain gutter has been added to the upper sections of the bulkhead has also been indicated as sand and gravel with an upper layer of stone. The above all in accordance with request of the DEC and Trustees as per revised survey of October 6, 1992. Located Mattituck Creek. SCT~ ~9~,4-23. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to comment on_this application? Does the Board have any comments? TRUSTEE B~EMEYER: They had the verbal dmscription but. hadn't preciously concluded the fact that the picture representation was making the ramp go to 20' X 60'. I don't know where the 16' ramp which is about i0' X 48' long is in fact and they've applied and it's on the diagram to go to 20' X 60' to give the additional depth of water and the width to handle the drainage. TRUSTE~ K~PSKI: Did we request to grading behind the bulkhead to be away from the bulkhead? TRUSTEE BREDES~YE~: Yes, it was incorporated in and to stand behind the bulkhead, the final diagram. TRUSTEE K~UPSKI: The description matches tha san~and gravel backfill of the bulkhead. TRUSTEE BRED~: t don~t believe they' went into the exact reading. I guess we can ask for it. TRUSTEE K~UPSKI: We have to. BeCause I don't really see it on the diagram. Does anyone want to make a motion? TRUSTEE SMITH: I'll make a motion thatwe approve this appliCation, but that we add that they would contain the water runoff into a drywetl. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Anyone second. TRUSTEE BREDES~YER: Second. ALL AYES. 7:46 P.M. - In the matter of Costella Marine on behalf, of Frank Monteleone requests a grandfather permit to reconstruct- existing 16' return and install a 16' return extension, and to place l0 c.y. of backfill. Located Blue Marlin Drive, Southold, Shelter Island Sound. SCTM $57-1-30. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Would anyone like to comment? JOHN COSTELLO: The existing sheathing on the bulkhead is an area that's all decayed. The bulkhead framing is still intact. TRUSTEE BRE~EMETER: I did the field inspection and I ~viously went to the wrong property. MR. COSTELLO: On the return it was dug-in at the bank and some of the sheathing was undermined. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: I'll have to indicate to the clerk to ask for a full permit on this and it must have been an error made Board of Trustees 7 November 20, 1992 when I was in the field because I was in the wrong location, so it may well be worthy to grandfather. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: To grandfather we'd have to amend it also to include the addition. TRUSTEE SMIT~: Was this property just purchased? MR. COSTELLO: Yes, last year. TRUSTEE BREDEM~FYER: I have no problem recommending this. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I have a second on that motion? TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I have a motion on the grandfather application? TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: To approve the grandfather and the attached amendment. TRUSTEE SMITH: So moved. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. 7:49 P.Mo - In the matter of Dra~tin Gobic to construct (3) 1/2' X 50' catwalk, 32" X 20" aluminum ramp, 6' X 20' floating dock and 2 pile support dolphins.. Located 2125 Hobart Road, Southold, Town Creek. SCTM 364-3-14. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who wishes to coherent on this application? FRANK MAZZAFERRO: The adjoining property belongs to mir mother-in-law and they have a notarized statement from her signed b~ attorneys that she is opposed to this. TRUSTEE Kt%uPsKI: Could I have that to read aloud? Could we have a copy of this for our file? MR. MAZZAFARRO: Yes. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: "To Whom It May Concern, this is dated November 20, i~92, the undersigned Catherine Mazzafarro and Dorothy Mazzafarro as attorneys in fact for Helen Young owner of the property on Hobart Road, $outhotdNY adjacent to the side of the proposed dock, do hereby object to the s'~ject application." And it's signed and notarized and will be placed in the file. Yes sir? GEOt~GE LAW: I live on the opposite side. I also want to object. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone else who wants to speak? JO~N COSTELLO: I am the agent representin~ Mr. ~obic. The attention of this is the old zoning matter, wheneas this gentleman and his family own propert~ across the street, And they have purchased and paid taxes on a right-of-way to the water enabling them to utilize the water. When the water from the high water mark out, evidently we know who owns that and who controls that. This Board does. This dock as pr6posed is a minimum in width for this access way. The ramp isthe minimum width and as to other applications made prior tonight~ a 6' float was designed. No additional mooring piles off the float. It is the minimum for safety reasons. DEC wants to know, if we could reduce the float to a 4' float, it becomes very unstabie and then they suggest possibly a "T" would stabilize it again, then we're protruding over the property lines, objective property lines, even though it's T~stee bottem. Trustees have this jurisdiction. This~entleman au4 his familyhave been paying taxes on that tan~, there is no attempt to incumber Board of' Trustees 8 November 20, 1992 either the adjoining property owners or the neighbors, or the people across the creek. They're looking for the. m~n~mum, leng~r/~ and it just so happens that this is one of the pieces of property similar to 'this, at the end of the dead end road. But there are several pieces of property like th½s throughout the Town and it's unfortunate it wasn't bigger. This does not restrict and will not restrict either of the adjoining property owners from utilizing their watez in the future. TRUSTEE TUTHILL: You say he has the right of way down there, is this the same width as the right of way. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Inches smaller. TRUSTEE TUT~ILL: Could we hear why the people object to it? TRUSTEE SMIT~: It's been a policy of this board in the past that we require anybody who puts a dock out, that they stay within 15' on their property so as not to go across on your neighbors, or in front of the neighbors property or anything like that, and I don't think when this property was meant to have a dock the way its proposed here, I would say that we're not denying this gentleman the use of getting to the water, that's basically what a 3 1/2' right of way is, just to get to the water, that doesn't give him any right to hang ~ver on his neighbors property with his boats and docks. I think, it's wrong, and I grant you he{s a tax payer, but these other people are tax payers too, why should they have someone else's structure in front of their house? ~R. COSTELLO: Just to contradict you, Hendr, this is not hanging over over anyone's property in Southold Town, Trustees bottom. If t~is gentleman had more land, I'm sure .... This access gives him access way to the water. WoUld you like [~m to build a longer permanent dock, or narrower? You could build a permanent dock narrower, but a float, I don't know. TRUSTEE TUTHILL: Maybe what Henry is saying is if he p~ts a boat along side his dock it might hang over, MR. COSTELLO: I can't keep the boat from swinging around the circle either. That's why we're applyin~ to the Trustee for this permission. TRUSTEE F~RUPSKI: What's it like on either neighbors side.. Like John T~thill said, he had a ~ood question for both the neighbors, what's the objection? MR. MAZZAFARRO: I don't know what my mother-in-laws objection is, but I don't think it's appropriate to put a dock there. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: What's your objection sir? MR. LAW: My Question is, how is he gonna maintain this things? He's got t2' of property} and 3 1/2' of dock. what's he gonna do, fly the stuff out there? TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: He has access to mean highwater, which is ordinary right. ~. LAW: I don't feel that I should have to look out m5~ window and look at this abortion sitting out there, all year, while ~r. Gobic is ~od 0nly knows where. He can't s~e itfromhis house, and we have to ~ook at it. I don~t believe its right. MR. COSTELLO: I disagree with this man's opinion, and. John asked a good question to see what the objection was and %hat's the main objection, and that's what we wanted to find out. Board of Trustees 9 November 20, 1992 TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: My ~nderstan ing that the right to wharf out is the right that's seceded in the common law, and runs similarly to the right to access~he water, and it has a basis in the riparian rights and riveri~e rights and there's a consequence the Board would be wrong or ill advised to deny an application, but they could mod~fya proposal such that it would provide for a reasoDable right of access. And at least in my own mind I guess i"d be concerned maybe for a docking on either side if it would eliminate or minimize another riparian right, the right of navigation fits into this and both neighbors not indicated that they've been disenfranchised or had their ~ights minimized, they have the right to approach the force drawn perpendicularly which is also one of those rights and at least as far as I'm concerned I'd have to be honest and say that i think the Board would be very ill advised to deny someone the right to wharf out in the creek. This Board ba~ always stood for allowing its citizens the minimum use of' their water ways consistent with being environmental going along with the board, trying to do things the right way. Regardless of how it looks to deny this would be a gross disenfranchisement. Mind. you, I wouldn't be against modifying it a little bit, it runs counter to ou~mandate, and our' historic right to regtulate, i~ we don~t regulate reasonably. And there's a rule of reason involved in this thing, and I'd hate to see something like this go to the courts and having a judge s~pplant or direct his views over this Board's prerogatives. TRUSTEE SMIT~: Well it's been a polic¥ of this Board, and we made policy years ago, that any dock would be. held inward 15' o~ a neilghbors property line. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We have made exceptions in the past. TRUS~R~ BREDEMEYER: I like the idea of a fixed dock, myself, only from a stand point tha.t they would intend to minimize problems, possibly. But what's reasonable? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I do have one question. Are there docks on either side? No? So we're not talking ~Dout safety or navigational problem. TRUSTEE TUTHILL: It's 3ust a case of how it looks. Your point is how it might look. MR. LAW: That's right. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I have any other comment? MR. SAMUELSr I agree with Jay's position. I've got a file full of documented cases on riparian rights and access to water. I appreciate his problems with neighbors and in some cases, it depends on how it's uretty tough call to turn down the man, he does have access and with tha~ goes th~ riparian rights. TRUSTEE S~IT~: Yes, he does have access to 3 1/2'. MR. SAMUELS: Well, that's the endless problem~ and that's been in court too. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Any other comment? MR. ~AZZAFERRO: Is this gonna be a hundred feet long? TRUSTEE K~UPSKI: The application is for a 50' catwalk, a 20' rsmp and a 2~' ~toat for a total of 90' from wherever it begins, hopefully above mean high water. Truste~ Bredeme~er: The Board viewed it for that when we did the field inspection and does not Board of Trustees 10 November 20, 1992 believe that the structure impedes ordinary navigation. We have an occasion where they might have mis- supplied an inspection and the structure goes to close to the channel, we have required them to be altered. That remains the responsibility of the Board to always provide for ordinary navigation. We did not se~ that as a problem in our field inspection. MR. MAZZAFERRO: You don't think that it's that close? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No, on the application, the fixed portion goes to mean tow water, and only the 20' ramp and 20' float extend out pass mean low water, and that 40~ out. Any other c~m,ent? TRUSTEE SMITH: I haven't seen a stake out there to mark it, what the total distance will be. I want to see a stake out there. We're asking this gentleman to put a stake out there, why not him? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Any one else on the board feel that a stake would be necessary? TRUSTEE BREDF/4E~ER: If one Board member wants it, I guess we should all re~est. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I will entertain a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE SMIT~: So moved. TRUSTEE TUTHILL: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE K~UPSKi: Then we will not vote on this until we have a stake put out. FLr. Costello could you have the most seaward portion of the dock staked for December 10. That will be our next field inspection~ MR. COSTELLO: I will certainly try to make every attempt to alleviate some of the concerns by using the smallest pilings we have. Possibly with the butt end down so it will less~n it. I'll leave the h~ndrails o~f and make- sure theTe aren't any extra except on the ramp~ TRUSTEE BREDES~YER: John just as a question as a Board member, is there flexibility from owner in terms of possibly going with fixed structure or some alteration in plan, in other words, the desire for a dock is it fixed in this plan that we're lo~king at here? MR° COSTELLO: If that so suits the Board then I~ll check with the owner and find out if he would be will to do this. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I believe we will be voting on this then at the next meeting. I'll make a motion we go off ~hlic Hearings. TRUSTEE S~tTH: So moved. TRUSTEE TUTHILL Second. ALL. AYES° V. ASSESSMENTS/ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATIONS: 1. En-Consultants on. behalf of Lewis Edson to construct a one-family dwelling, plus appurtenance all which will be at least 75' from tidal wetland and therefore beyond T~astee jurisdiction~ There will be clearing~ grading a~d landscaping up to 25' beyond proposed improvements. A 58' naturally vegetative buffer will be maintained except that Selective pruning will occur to afford views of the marsh irom the house. Located Linden Ave. Cutchogue. TRUSTEE BREDEFfER: I move t~ Neg. Dec. Board of Trustees 11 November 20, 1992 TRUSTEE TUTHILL: Second. ALL AYES. 2. En-Consultants on behalf of Dr. Bennet J. Hess to replace (within 18") 184 1.f. of existing timber bulkhead plus (2) 10' returns. Approx. 150 c.y. of clean back~i]] will be trucked in from upland. An existing 4' X 13' stairway will be removed and replaced. Located Peconic Bay Blvd. Laurel. TRUSTEE B~F~EFiEYER: I move to Neg. Dec. TRUSTEE SMITH: Second. ALL AYES. 3. En-Consultants on behalf of Roger Vorce to extend the westerly return 16' landward and backfill with 10 c.y. of clean sand to be trucked in and place additional 1 ton stone along the return and westerly 135' section of buikheading. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I'd like to strike that last part "and westerly 135' section of bulkhead", because that is really misleading. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: I move to Neg. Dec. TRUSTEE SMITH: I second. ALL AYES. VI. RESOLUTIONS 1. Close scallop season early - Hallocks Bay - Vote at next hearing. VII. MOORINGS: 1. William C. Reimer, III requests mooring for a 24' inboard with 100 lb. mushroom in Mattituck Creek. Located end of Raccoon Road, Mattituck. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Motion to approve. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. 2. Gerald Weir request a mooring for a 20' outboard in Richmond. Creek. TRUSTEE SMITH: I motion to approve. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Second. ALL AYES. 3. Getchell - requests waiver TRUSTEE BRF~ESIEYE~: I move to approve. TRUSTEE TUTHILL: Second. ALL AYES TRUSTEE TUTHITJ.: I move to close the meeting. TRUSTRR SMITH: Second. ALL AYES. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully SubmittedBy: Board of Trustees Clerk 12 November 20, 1992 Clerk, To~vn o£