HomeMy WebLinkAboutHome Defense Meeting
'A HCIIle Defense 1Il13etlng all be held II.' the Greenport HIgh SChool
AUditorlU11l on Fr1day Bven1ng,May 9th at 8.,15 0 This meetlng 1s under
the ausplees of the &1ffolk COuntll Fefense \.~ell"C1vll1an HCIIl8
Defense Is be1nsi; organized throughout &1ffolk C~"'I\lIlty .This 1s one
of a serIes of '~l'ownsh1p meet1ngs. Informative and il~terestlng speakers
'1111 address th:ls meetlngoA large attelldanee 18 ant1e1p<.'ted as the subJeet
1s vItal to all of us.
SoWentworth Horton,Suffolk County Defense Council
L.Barron Hill,Chairman Suffolk county Civ11ian Befense ~ouncil"
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Pladge of Allegiance to FJaa.
/ Operrl:ng-
3 Boys
Sons ot LegiDD- Richard Jlarsellos
Bo7 Scouts- Roger Gardner
Sea Scoute- 8_ -v..V---.Al Robert lIhite
:2. Dorotl\Y~:1nner of th1a district AaoLegion Spesldng Contest
t3 GUbert Horto_ II II Count,. II II II II'
7 J" Co1u1t7 Judge-Hon. L.Barron H:I.ll
~ Capt. Henr,y VanLielr , ,,.. /::";i
") Ilot1on Pictures - dwj /)) ~ 1/;Jit1dt 7i2I~t ,
Clos1n&- star Sp"ng''''Il Banner.