HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-02/27/1992 TRUSTEES John M. Bredemeyer, III. President Albert J. Krupski, Jr.. Vice President Henry P. Smith John B. Tuthill William G. Albertson Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road EO. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 MINUTES PRESENT WERE: FEBRUARY 27, 1992 John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Albert J. Krupski, Vice President John L. Tuthitl, Trustee William Go Albertson, Trustee Henry P. Smith, Trustee Jill M. Thorp, Clerk THE MEETING WAS CALLED TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NEXT TRUSTEE BOARD MEETING: Thursday, March 19, 1992 at 7 pm WORKSESSION: 6:00 pm TRUSTEE SMITH moved, TRUSTEE KRUPSKI second. ALL AYES. NEXT FIELD INSPECTION: Thursday, March 19, 1992 at 8 am APPROVE MINUTES: I. MONTHLY REPORT: Trustee monthly report for January 1992: A check for $1~444.14 was forwarded to the Supervisor's Office for the General Fund. II. PUBLIC NOTICES: Public notices are posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board for review. III. AMENDM~S/WAIVERS/CHANGES: 1. HENRY TREMBLAY request waiver for a 12' X 16' shed as indicated in file. Property located at 6060 Main Bayview Road, Southold. TRUSTEE SMITH moved to approve the waiver subject to inspection, TRUSTEE TUTHILL second. ALL AYES 2. Antonio Perez request amendment permit $3821 in accordance with letter and DEC approval. (Trustee Tuthill has file) Located ROW off Main Road, Orient. TRUSTEE TUTHILL moved to approve, TRUSTEE SMITH second. ALL AYES. Coastal Erosion Permit needed. Board of Trustees 2 February 27, 1992 3. Frank Francia request amendment to permit ~1780 to move dock as noted in letter. Located Cedar Point Drive East, Southold. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER moved to approve subject to notification to neighbors, TRUSTEE KRUPSKI second. ALL AYES. 4. En-Consultants on behalf of Paolo Lavagetto request waiver to construct 16' X 15' room on the southwest corner of the houSe, enclose a screened porch on the east side of the house, and add a garage to the north side all as depicted on the attached site plan. Located Broadwaters Drive, Cutchoque. (Trustee Krupski has file) TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to approve waiver, TRUSTEE SMITH second. ALL AYES. 5. Louis Sulich request waiver to construct addition to existing dwelling as noted on survey. Located on Broadwaters Road, Cutchogue. (Trustee Krupski has file) TRUSTEE KRUPSKI approved the waiver with a suggestion that a material barrier like a snow fence place between ~MW and enclosed activity. TRUSTEE SMITH second. ALL AYES. 6. Brim - waiver subject to inspection and DEC permit~ TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to approve, TRUSTEE SMITH second. ALL AYES. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 7:50 pm In the matter of Land Use on behalf of Village Marine requests permit to reconstruct and extend existing boat ramp utilizing pre,cast concrete slabs. Said ramp will extend approx. 20' beyond existing ramp terminus. Additionally applicant proposed to maintenance dredge approx. 1500 s.f. of the existing marina to provide a 4' depth at MLW. Approx. 140 c.y. of sand/silt to be removed via crane with clam shell and trucked Off site for upland disposal. TRUSTEE B~REDE~EYER: Applicant has rendered a map at our request to show how they will handle the retaining wall to keep the neighboring property from slopping off. TRUSTEE K~UPSKI: The haven't provided us with any drywells. TRUSTEE SMITH: The pitch is away from the ramp. I don't see where a dr~etl would be necessary. TRUSTEE BREDEMEY-ER: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf of this aPPlication? CAC comments? Is there anyone here Who wishes to speak against this application? I'll take motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE SMITH: So moved. TRUSTEE TUTHILL: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I'll make a motion to approve this application. TRUSTEE SMITH: Second. ALL AYES 7:52 pm In the matter of Land Use on behalf of Windsway Building Corp. proposes to construct one 4' X 50' and one 4' X 40' timber stairway from top of bluff to base of slope. Stairway will lead to a 4' X 225' elevated timber catwalk constructed along slope toe to a 4' X 60' timber catwalk Board of Trustees 3 February 27, 1992 connecting adjoining property staircase 4' X 40' and common beach area. Catwalks will provide beach access over wetland area. Additionally, applicant proposes to construct a 4' X 100' elevated timber catwalk leading to a 3' X 10' ramp and (2) 6' X 20' floats in "T" formation secured by 8" pilings. Catwalk will be elevated 4' over TWL area. Located Indian Neck Road, Southold. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: One thing I'm wondering about, first simply, is the osprey platform. BRUCE LOUCKA: They relocated it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Second, their taking access to the beach with the road ending right there. TRUSTEE SMITH: I can understand why they want to do it, Al. My main concern is their going to put this at the toe of the bluff and how high are they going to have it, and what's the spacing on the catwalk. So something can get through, like vegetation to gr~w under it. I can see on that catwalk, I'd like to see it elevated, but if it was elevated 4' it would be dangerous, if children were walking on it. I'd like to see spacing, and I think in this particular area, I think a 30" catwalk would be average. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Is this all Trustee land? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Certainly looks like it. B~UCE LOUCKA: That the question we had, who owns the land. T~USTEE~ SM'IT~: Parts of it are owned by the neighbor. They would ha~e to get written permission. CLERK THORP: We have that. T~USTEE KRUPSKI: Do you think we should have it staked and then we could see exactly where it going to go? T~USTEE SMITH: I don't think that's necessary Al. I would like to see this down-sized as far as the width is concerned. T~USTEE KRUPSKI: Why don't we table this and have it staked. BRUCE LOUCKA: I'm concerned with the length of it. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: We have your comments here from last month, it was a part±al approval. TRUSTEE SMITH: I say 2 1/2' X 30" and have adequate light penetration, a i" spacing and make it out of 4" material, which ends up to be 3 1/2. TRUSTEE BREDEMEY~R: Are there any further Trustee comments? It has been suggested 3/4" space, 4" material and elevated 2' minimum above the marsh, extend the elevated timber catwalk to the 15' profile and include a set of stairs for access for people walking along the beach. Is there anymore comments, we'll close the hearing? TRUSTEE SMITH: So moved. TRUSTEE TUT~ILL: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Approve? TRUSTEE SMITH: So moved. TRUSTEE TUTHILL: Second.~ ALL AYES. 7:17 pm In the matter of the application of Proper-T Services on behalf of Joseph Friedman request permit to construct fixed open walkway 3' X 35', hinged ramp 3' X 12', two floating docks each 5' X 15', floating docks secured by four spiles. All per Board of Trustees 4 February 27, 1992 drawings and diagrams submitted. Located 590 Riley Avenue, Mattituck. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf of this application? I'll take a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE TUTHILL: So moved. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Second. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I make a motion we approve this application. TRUSTEE TUTHILL: Second. ALL AYES. 7:18 pm In the matter of the application of Latham Sand & Gravel on behalf of Errol Forman to construct an 8' X 30' CCA treated floating dock, a 3' X 12' ramp to be attached to an existing dock. Existing dock is 5' X 50' and will be shortened to 5' X 34' Installation of 6 related 30' pilings (4 floating, 2-tie off) Located 2655 Calves Neck Road, Southold. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf of the application? Any further comments? TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: I make a motion to close. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Vote in this matter? TRUSTEE SMITE: I make a motion we approve this application. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. 7:19 pm In the matter of the application of Eh-Consultants on behalf of George Koch to repair or replace, in kind, in place, existing bulkhead return and extend landward of overall length of 310'. Repai~ 4' wide walk landward of bulkhead. Approx. 100 c.y. of clean sand for bulkheading. Located at 30 Schooner Drive, Southold. TRUSTEE BRVr~EMEYER: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf of this application?_ This is the one where we went to initially and we thought it was going to be a whole new bulkhead job and really only entailed the return. MRo HAJE: That's right. There's a change from what you just read. In their inimitable wisdom the DEC is requiring that they a new corner be made since some backfill has been washed out. Their now calling it a wetland area. It will not allow him to rebuild and extend that return. Instead what he's got to do is build a new 13' return, and I can give a copy of the revised plan. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: I don't have a problem with what the DEC is asking for. Are there any further con,~ents? TRUSTEE SMITH: I make a motion to close this hearing. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE S~TH: I make a motion we approve the revised plan of the DEC modification. TRUSTEE BREDE~EYER: Second. ALL AYES. V. ASSESSMENTS/ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATIONS: 1. James Mc Mahon on behalf of Southold Town to dredge 10,000 c.y. of clean sand-from Goldsmith's inlet and place the Board of Trustees 5 February 27, 1992 material on Kenny's Beach and Town Beach, Southold, This material was lost during the Oct. 30 & Oct. 31, 1991 storm. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Moved for a negative declaration, TRUSTEE SMITH: Second. ALL AYES. 2. Land Use Co. on behalf of Maria Trupia request permit to construct a one family dwelling 76' from tidal wetlands lin~ as delineated by the Town Trustees and as per revised survey dated January 31, 1992. Located on Sleepy Hollow Lane, Southold. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI accepted amendment, TRUSTEE BRRDEMEYER second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI motioned for a negative declaration, TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Second. ALL AYES. 3. Lawrence Matzen on behalf of Gardiners Bay Estates Homeowners Assoc. request permit to construct a 3' X 16' catwalk (elevated over grade); 3' X 16'ramp; 4' X 24' float with 2 - 3' X 14' fingers and 3 piles also; move existing catwalk 12' east; all work on Association right of way and pond property. Spring Pond, East Marion. TRUSTEE SMITH motioned for a negative declaration, subject to zoning, TRUSTEE BREDE~EYER second. ALL AYES. VI. GRANDFATHER: 1. Costello Marine Contracting on behalf of Margaret Braatz request a grandfather permit and to replace/repair sheathing, 7 piles and lower bottom stringer to reinforce damaged jetty all in accordance with DEC Emergency permit. Located at 5250 Vanston Road, Nassau Point, Cutchogue. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI motioned to approve, TRUSTEE SMITH second. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER abstained. 2. Costello Marine Contracting on behalf of Sandy Eggers request grandfather permit and to replace/repair 6' X 80' dock and install a 32' X 20' movable ramp to be used as access from dock to bulkhead. Access stairs shall be installed on on the dock. Project to be in accordance with plans stamped NYSDEC approved on December 13, 1991. Located 6675 NaSsau Point Road, Cutchogue. TRUSTEE K~RUPSKI moved to approve the grandfather permit, TRUSTEE SMITH second. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER ~hstained. 3. Costello Marine Contracting on behalf of Alina Weiderman request grandfather permit and to replace/repair 18 planks & 3 sheets of sheathing on groin/pier structure. Replace four planks on eastern groin structure. Replace cap timber on bulkhead. Repair work shall be in accordance with structures shown on attached NYDEC approved site plan. Located Cedar Point Drive, Southold. TRUSTEE SMITH motioned to approve, TRUSTEE TUTHILL second. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER abstained. 4o John Crossley request a grandfather permit for 100' bulkhead and to remove and replace 65' of bulkhead and to repair 35' section of bulkhead as per survey dated January 3, 1992. Board of Trustees 6 February 27, 1992 Located Peconic Bay Blvd. Laurel. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI motioned to approve, TRUSTEE TUTHILL second. ALL AYES. 5. Elizabeth Jessup request a grandfather permit for a bulkhead with 12' return and to repair 7' of return. Located on Private Road off Peconic Bay Blvd., Mattituck. TRUSTEE TUTHILL moved to approve, TRUSTEE ALBERTSON Second. ALL AYES. 6. William Penny, III request a grandfather permit for 4' X 27' dock; 3' X 16' ramp; 1 - 4' X 25' float; 1 - 6' X 20' float as indicated on application. Located on Cox Neck Road, Mattituck. TRUSTEE SMITH motioned to deny, TRUSTEE KRUPSKI second° ALL AYES. 7. Grace Kaufmann request a grandfather permit for a bulkhead and to repair same. Located on Mason Drive, Cutchogue. (This request is for the bulkhead ONLY, not the dock. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI motioned to table, TRUSTEE ALBERTSON second. ALL AYES 8. Glenn Just on behalf of Beachwood Colony Owners request a grandfather permit for 80' bulkhead and to replace same in kind, in place as per DEC Permit. Located Dean Drive, Mattituck. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI motioned to approve, TRUSTEE ALBERTSON second. ALL AYES. 9. Dr. Felix Palmeri request grandfather permit to reconstruct bulkhead as indicated in file. Located 2615 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue. (Trustee Krupski has file) TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to approve VII. RESOLUTIONS: 1. Board to set public hearings for the March '26, 1992 regular meeting on the applications that received Negative Declarations. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER motioned, TRUSTEE KRUPSKI second. ALL AYES. 1. Robert Johnsen request permit to construct an 8' X 24' floating dock with a 3' X 16' ramp. All materials to be made of CCA treated lumber. Located 4500 Ole Jule Lane, Mattituck. 2. Betty Petrowski request permit to construct a 6' X 30' floating dock with piles and 3~ X 12' ramp to extend no further than adjacent docks. Located 295 East Legion Ave. Mattituck. 3. Proper-T Services on behalf of Robert Scripps request permit to construct fixed open walkway 4' X 80'; hinged ramp 4' X 14'; floating dock 6' X 20'; install two 2-pile dolphins to secure floating dock. Located 2745 Pine Tree Road, Cutchogue. (Trustee Krupski has file) VIII. MOORINGS: 'Board of Trustees 7 February 27, 1992 t. Richard Jahncke request mooring in East Creek for .a 21' I/O with 100 lb. mushroom or whatever is required. Access: property. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI approved subject to Bay Constable inspection, TRUSTEE TUTHILL second. ALL AYES. 2. John Pesek request mooring in Mud Creek for a 19' I/O with 75 lbo mushroom. Access: Public. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to table due to further inspection of public access, TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER second. ALL AYES. 3. Maria Ciulla request onshore/offshore stake in Richmond Creek for a 19' outboard at the end of Harbor Road. This was tabled in May of 1990 and was recently requested again. (1 or 2 stakes have been cancelled this past year). TRUSTEE SMITH moved to approve subject to her stake being beyond the fence area, TRUSTEE KRUPSKI second. ALL AYES. 4. Peter Mc Donnell request onshore/offshore stake in Howard's Branch of Mattituck Creek for a 16' Jon Dory outboard. Access: Association ROW. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER motioned to table this subject to attorney's documentation of ROW. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI second. ALL AYES. 5. Matthew Ollen request mooring in Goose Creek for a 15' Glaspar with mushroom. Access: Public. TRUSTEE SMITH moved to approve subject to his inspection, TRUSTEE KRUPSKI second. ALL AYES. Meeting adjourned 8:45 p.m. Respectfully Submitted By: Diane J. Herbert Clerk, Board of Trustees RECEIVED AND FILED BY iH,~ SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK Town Clerk, Town o-~ Scut~olct