HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REPORT ON THE WASTEWATER SYSTEM OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE FOR THE FISHERS ISLAND SEWER DISTRICT BY: MICHAEL A. HORNE, M.S., P.E. DTC PROJECT NO. 07-117-200 SEPTEMBER 2007 DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS 556 WASHINGTON AVENUE NORTH HAVEN, CT 06473 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INDEX Introduction ............................................................................ Page 1 Background .......... ......... ..................................... ..... ........... .... Page 2 System General Description................................................... Page 2 Maintenance and Operation ................................................... Page 3 ~ General........................................................................ Page 3 ~ Pump Station ............................................................... Page 3 Community Septic System ..................................................... Page 4 Septic Tanks .......................................................................... Page 5 ~ Community System Tanks........................................... Page 5 ~ Cinema Tank ............................................................... Page 5 ~ Coast Guard Houses Tank.......................................... Page 5 Silver Eel Cove System.......................................................... Page 5 Sewage Collection System..................................................... Page 5 Observations, Conclusions and Recommendations............... Page 6 ~ Conclusions................................................................. Page 6 ~ Recommendations....................................................... Page 7 Enclosure # 1 Maintenance Check List Enclosure # 2 Discharge Monitoring Report - Field Report, May 9, 2007 Enclosure # 3 Discharge Monitoring Report DEC - May 21, 2007 Enclosure # 4 Operation and Maintenance Field Report - August 28, 2007 Enclosure # 5 Operation and Maintenance Abbreviated Report - Aug. 28, 2007 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I INTRODUCTION This report is written to conform with the requirements which were outlined in Item /I of our contract with the Town of Southold on behalf of the Fishers Island Sewer District. It includes maintenance evaluations of the Fishers Island sewer district sewers, the pump station and wet well, the community leaching systems, the Cinema septic system and the septic system which serves the three residences which overlook Silver Eel Cove. In addition, the pump station and selected sewers were reviewed. Water and Waste Equipment, Inc. is upgrading the pump station. The Community, Silver Eel Cove and Cinema Subsurface Disposal Systems were inspected and septage, as well as effluent, were measured. Harold's Construction Company provides service during the year. The collection system in the area of Officer's Service Road has been added to the annual review because of sewer clogging in the sanitary manholes during the past several years. The results of the collection system review are enclosed in Enclosure 4 "Operation and Maintenance Field Report May 2007." The purpose of the field evaluations and this report are to identify operation and maintenance issues and requirements. It should be noted that due to the age of the system and corrosion, some major items must be replaced. In order to assist the operator and fulfill a need, a maintenance checklist has been included in this report. (Reference Enclosure # 1). This checklist is tailored to normal operation and maintenance requirements. Although the collection system has functioned well in the past, it will need several manhole repairs and cleaning to prevent further clogging and backups. Conditions have changed since the smoke testing program about fifteen years ago. Attempts have been made to secure funding to remove five (5) catch basins from the system. In order to accommodate a proposed community center, the stormwater must be eliminated from the system, and the system must be upgraded prior to any additional connections. Fishers Island Sewer District Report on the Wastewater System Operation end Maintenance During 2007 Page 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BACKGROUND The Fishers Island sewer district includes the area of the south end of Fishers Island, which was established during World War II as Fort Wright. Based upon the 1943 Corps of Engineers map of the system, the sewer system consists of about two miles of vitrified clay pipe, ranging from 6 inches in diameter to 24 inches. Prior to 1985, a 24-inch diameter outfall sewer extended into Long Island Sound where raw wastewater was discharged. The map was traced by the Suffolk County Planning Department during 1964. Another large map was produced by the Henry Souther Engineering Company during 1975. The title block was updated by James Sommers, P.E., L.S. Several copies of this map have been reproduced by DTC and sent to Louisa Evans for the District's file and to Harold's Construction Co. for their use. The residents, the highway department, the Fishers Island Water Department and others can obtain utility information from the maps. During the late 1970's and early 1980's F.I.D.C.O. purchased the Fort Wright area from the Govemment, and the New York Department of Environmental Conservation (N.Y.D.E.C.) issued an order to Southold to eliminate the discharge to the Sound. A wastewater facilities plan, which included an activated sludge treatment plant system, was initially proposed. It was concluded that a plant would result in excessive operation and maintenance. Therefore, the current pump station and community septic system was developed, designed and constructed in compliance with the order. The flow of wastewater into Long Island Sound was eliminated. The system has consistently met N.Y.D.E.C. discharge monitoring requirements. (See the Discharge Monitoring Report [DMR]). (Reference: Enclosures #2 and #3). SYSTEM GENERAL DESCRIPTION The alternate community septic system scheme was accepted by the N.Y.D.E.C. This plan, which was implemented during 1985, included installing a pump station adjacent to and connecting the 24-inch diameter outfall to it via an 8-inch PVC line, plugging the 24-inch outfall, constructing a large subsurface disposal system near the airport, constructing another large subsurface disposal system to serve the Cinema and finally, construction of a subsurface disposal system to serve the three houses which are on the hill above Silver Eel Cove. The systems were constructed during 1985. Therefore, they are more than 20 years old. Considering the ages of the systems and mechanical/electrical equipment, they have served the residents well in the past. However, the pump station and the community leaching field need upgrading. Maintenance of the system become more important as the system ages. Fishers Island Sewer District Report on the Wastewater System Operation and Maintenance During 2007 Page 2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MAINTENANCE AND OPERA TION GENERAL This section addresses maintenance and operation of the system. The Town of Southold has contracted Harold's Construction Co. in the past to maintain the system with consultation and specifications as needed from DTC. Harold's has operated and maintained the system for years and personnel are familiar with it. During two field reviews of 2007, Harold Cook and his personnel assisted in obtaining access to facilities, testing them obtaining measurements and relating important performance information about the system. In addition, during 2007 Harold's Construction Co. has continued to provide on site services. The maintenance requirements for the system in order of effort required are: 1) The pump station and generator, 2) The community leaching field, 3) The sewer collection system, 4) The Cinema system, and 5) The three Silver Eel Cove residences system. They will be addressed in the following paragraphs based upon three site visits, numerous telephone conversations and faxes, prior knowledge of the system, and examination of plans and specifications. A. Pump Station The major components of the pump station are the submersible pumps, the wet- well, the electrical controls, the valve pit including check valves, isolation plug valves, a by-pass valve, and the generator. The fence, gate, a small spares storage building, grounds and electrical power distribution equipment are part of the station. In order to maintain the pump station and order parts, the plans and specifications are essential. The key maintenance requirements include continuous observation of the pumps and wet-well, checking the valves to assure proper seating of the check valves and operability of the plug valves, monitoring the elapsed time meters on the pumps to assure that the pumps are both working, check of vibration of the pumps, observation of the wet-well for excessive debris and scum, cleaning the valve pit and wet-well, exercise the generator, replace components in the electrical control system and when they fail or failure is eminent, control rusting of the facility by touch up painting with rustoleum and other corrosion inhibitors. Rust control and cabinet sealing are important because of the proximity of this pump station to Long Island Sound. Fishers Island Sewer District Report on the Wastewater System Operation and Maintenance During 2007 Page 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I During May 2007 and August 2007, the writer visually inspected the pump station and other parts of the wastewater system. The primary purpose during May was to obtain flows for the annual Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) for the N.Y.D.E.C. During this work, the pump station was evaluated. One pump only was operating satisfactorily; the other one was out of order. The one pump only was pumping below capacity. During the August 2007 review, Water and Waste Equipment, Inc. was upgrading the pump station. During August 28, 2007, a detailed operation and maintenance inspection and test was completed for the system. (See Enclosure #4). During the flow testing for the DMR, two methods were used to determine flow into the wet-well. Based upon these measurements, it was concluded that the north check valve (pump # 2) was not seating This allowed flow back into the wet-well between pump cycles. A new check valve has been installed and another will be installed soon. B. Community Septic System The major components of the community septic system are three, 10,000-gallon septic tanks, 4-feet. x 4-feet. deep concrete leaching galleries which form 14 rows of a flow distribution system. The wastewater flows from the pump station to the tanks. The grit and septage are removed in the tanks where it settles to the bottoms. The wastewater flows from the tanks into a distribution system and into the 14 sets of leaching galleries. The community leaching system was visited twice, once May 9, 2007 and once during August 28, 2007 in order to inspect various system components. The inlet distribution, the tanks, the outlet distribution and the 14 rows of leaching galleys were inspected. The depths of sludge were determined. The results are in Enclosure # 4. Distribution to the leaching chambers was observed. (See Enclosure # 4). In general, the western 60 foot and 100 foot long galleys were partially filled. The eastern galleys were not. Inlet # 3 of the eastern 100 foot galleys had 20 inches of wastewater in it. Inlet 1 and 2 of the western 60 foot galleys had 4 inches and 18 inches of wastewater in them. Inlets 2, 3 and 4 of the 100 foot galleys had 21 inches, 36 inches and 22 inches of wastewater respectively. See Enclosure # 4. Fishers Island Sewer District Raport on the Wastewater System Operation and Maintenance During 2007 Page 4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. Septic Tanks Community Tanks The three 10,000 gallon tanks were pumped during 2002 to remove sludge because they were filled to near excessive depths. During August 28,2007, sludge depths were measured in the three tanks. All of the sludge depths are shown in the Field Report of August 28, 2007 (See Enclosure # 4). Based upon the measurements, the center tank first compartment must be pumped and the east tank first compartment will need to be pumped soon. Cinema Tanks The Cinema System consists of a 1,500-gallon septic tank followed by four by four leaching chambers. Inspection of it reveals it is in excellent condition and does not need improvements. Septage levels are very low. Coast Guard Houses Tanks The inlet sludge is 21 inches deep which is more than year ago. when a septic truck is used for manhole cleaning or community system pumping, this should be pumped. D. Silver Eel Cove System (3 Houses) This system serves three residences, which in the past were owned by the Coast Guard. This system consists of a 1,500-gallon septic tank and a large precast concrete leaching system consisting of large leaching chambers. It is in excellent condition. No improvements are required. However, septage increased significantly during the summer of 2004 from 12-inches to 21-inches. The August 28, 2007 inspection revealed that the depth was at 21 inches. This system requires pumping during the next several years. (See Enclosure # 4). E. Sewage Collection System The existing system consists of vitrified clay pipe, which normally cracks at the bells or female fittings. Normally, groundwater flows into the system through these cracks. This does not appear to be the case for the Fishers Island System. However, at least four stormwater catch basins near Fox Lane are connected into the system and contribute substantial amounts of inflow during rainstorms. Elimination of this stormwater from the system was brought to the attention of the Town of Southhold after smoke testing the system 15 years ago. A letter was issued by A.R. Lombardi Associates requesting the repair and funding. It will be addressed in our long-term improvement report because it costs to pump it and it Fishers Island Sewer District Report on the Wastewater System Operation and Maintenance During 2007 Page 5 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I taxes facilities including the community leaching field. Sanitary manholes in the Officers Service Road were inspected August 28, 2007. One sanitary manhole should be pumped out because it is filling with debris. A little gravel should be removed from another one and the top of one near landscape boulders should be repaired. F. Observations, Conclusions and Recommendations Conclusions During periods of non-rainfall and even during periods immediately following rainstorms, the flow drops down. This indicates that the groundwater table is low or it is not leaking into the sewers. During 2001, the first clogging of the sewer with rags occurred and was resolved. The clogging of manholes with paper, debris and pebbles has continued. The manholes in the Officers Service Road should be monitored and cleaned before back up occurs. (The obvious one is the service road sanitary manhole that services the State Police Building). The manhole was observed to be clogged and backing up into the upstream sewer. If not taken care of, this can result in basement flooding. During 2007, the aforementioned manhole was again clogging. Debris was observed in it. The community leaching system distribution is not acceptable. The west galleys are overloaded due to a clogged outlet to the eastern galleys. Based upon review of August 2007, the following can be concluded: v'" Clogged manholes in Officer's Service Road must be cleaned, inspected and rebuilt inverts if necessary. ./' Upstream users must refrain from flushing materials like cloth down the toilet. v'" The flow distribution into the three tanks was unbalanced. v'" The flow out of the distribution box to the leaching field was very bad. The east pipe was entirely clogged. It must be unclogged or dug up and repaired. v'" Both pump lift out fixtures are severely corroded in the pump station wet-well. (Both will be replaced by Water and Waste Equipment, Inc. v'" Pump out of septage from the three residential system near the Silver Eel Cove system should be considered in the event that a septic truck is used to clean manholes or pump out the community system. v'" The pump # 2 check valve is faulty. (Has been replaced). Fishers Islend Sewer District Report on the Westewater System Operation and Maintenance During 2007 Page 6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " Six community leaching system frames and covers are either broken or off-set from the manholes. " The pump station upgrade and stormwater elimination must be done before the community center can discharae to the svstem. " The generator is non-operational and will be replaced. Recommendations " Continue pump station upgrade. " The velocity in the force-main is too slow to move grit. Pump # 1 must be replaced. " Remove grit and pebbles from the wet-well bottom " Replace generator. " Replace pump lift out assemblies. (Will be done by Water and Waste Equipment, Inc.) " Replace pump # 2. " Remove solid soapy material from surface of wet-well when it accumulates. " Pump sludge out of first compartment center tank of community leach field. " Pump sludge from first compartment east tank of community leach field. " Pump out the septic tank first compartment Silver Eel Cove residence system. " Replace frames and covers in community leach field - See Enclosure # 4 - Some open manholes should be covered immediately. " Unclog distribution pipe in the Bilco hatch covered distribution chamber to balance the load to the leaching field. Pipe flowing each is clogged. " Remove material from the manhole near the Officer's Service Road (parallel to Whistler Avenue) and opposite the State Patrol Office Building. " Carry out contract operations and maintenance. " All of the above must be checked and tested. S:\2007\07117 Fishers IsiandlO&M ReportlReport 2007.doc Fishers Island Sewer District Report on the Wastewater System Operation and Maintenance During 2007 Page 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENCLOSURE # 1 MAINTENANCE CHECK LIST ------------------- FISHERS ISLAND WASTEWATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST MAINTENANCE CHECK PERIOD ITEM DAILY WEEKLY MONTHLY QUARTERLY SEMI-ANNUALLY ANNUALLY 1. Standby Generator (include check of fuel X level)) 2. Sensors and Alarm System X 3. Power Usage Records X (DTC) 4. Flow Total X 5. Flow Rate X 6. Automatic Transfer Switch X 7. Transducer System X 8. Pumps, Motor, Controls X 9. Remove Solids from Wet-Well Liquid X Surface 10. Exercise Plug Valves* X 11. Observe Check Valves* X 12. Main Pump Mechanical (Check Alarm Light) X 13. Station Cleanliness X 14. Check Wet-Well Solids X 15. Check Community System Inlet Distribution X 16. Facilities Condition X 17. Mow LawnlBrush As Needed 18. Wet-Well Cleanout As Needed 19. System Inspection X (with DTC) 20. Pump Out Septic Tanks As Needed 21. Inspect Septic Systems X (with DTC) 22. Pump Tests to Determine Capacity X (with DTC) * In Valve Pit Note: All weekly items can be inspected during the weekly generator start-up. Visual observations are necessary. S:\OOI89\I02\Rcoport Task l\MalnChecklistCharl.doc I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENCLOSURE # 2 DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT FIELD REPORT, MAY 9,2007 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~~~~ tc " LAND ENGINEERED STRUCTURES SOLUTIONS W ATIUl May 11, 2007 The Honorable Louisa Evans Fishers Island Sewer District Fishers Island, New York 06390 RE: DMR and OIM DTC Project No. 07-117-100 Dear Louisa: A copy of the field report is enclosed. Respectfully, DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS ~a,y~ Michael A. Home, P.E. Associate Enclosure: Field Report cc with Enclosure: Harold's Construction Co. 8:\07117 Fishers Island\Letters\05-I1-07 Evans Field Report.doc DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS 556 WASHINGTON AVENUE NORTH HAVEN CT 06473 2032394200 !~.~ lfi,mL~D ~~~dU:~3Ll1 ' ~ ,T-/j-07 203 234 7376 FAX I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EIIGIREERED ~ -----I-- ~ WAfER LAIID SfRUCTURES SOLUTIO.. FIELD REPORT Page 1 of 4 May 9, 2007 8:00 a.m. Sunny/Dry OATE TIME ON SITE WEATHER Fishers Island Sewer District LOCATION Check pump station, community system, cinema system, 3 Coast Guard System, and sewers PURPOSE Michael A. Horne, P.E. REPORT BY Fishers Island Sewer District 07-117-100 PROJECT NAME I PROJECT NUMBER Personnel Present: Harold Cook, Harold's Construction Company Shawn Moniz, Harold's Construction Company Mr. Beebe, Fishers Island Electric Chad Marowka (Electrician, is familiar with the pump station) 1. Arrived at 8 a.m. and discussed day plan with Harold Cook, Paul and Shawn. Shawn obtained manhole puller, bilco hatch latch opener and measuring stick for septage and 4 x 4's. 2. Opened pump station hatch and noted pumps off, flooded about 4 feet. Pump # 1 was in run position, but was not running. Solid chunks of congealed soap were floating an the surface. 3. Harold called Fishers Island Electric. Fishers Island Electric arrived and checked the power supply. It checked out and corresponded with the pump station electrical plans per Mr. Beebe. (Note: The Electric Company has had trouble with this pole due to the corrosive atmosphere, lighting, etc. based upon our discussion. 4. The electrician, Chad Marowka, arrived, opened the main panel and verified that the panel was energized. He noted that the circuit breaker for pump # 1 was tripped out. He reset it and turned on pump # 1. Pump # 1 sounded bad and re-tripped the breaker. We lifted the check to back flush the pump later in the day. Chad, the electrician, returned and tried the pump again to no avail. The pump # 1 is not operational. 5. Based upon Harold's suggestion, we opened the valve for pump # 2 and switched to it at about 9:15 a.m. The pump requires about 4 hours to pump out the wet-well and 24" sewer which extends back to the head of Silver Eel Cove by the Ferry Dock. 6. Shawn removed the chunks of floating material from the wet-well. 7. During the pump down period, Shawn and I conducted the following work: DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS SSG WASHINGTON ",VENUE NORTH HAVEN CT 06473 203 239 4200 203 234 7376 FAX STAMFOR.D, CT ANDOVER, MA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EII.,IlEUIEO ~ -----I------ ~ wun LAND STRUCTUtlES SOLUTIONS 1) FIELD REPORT Page 2 of 4 Community Leach Field System a) Main bilco distribution box removed rags and debris and opened outgoing pipes to provide equal flow distribution. b) Check east mh - ok c) Check west mh - ok d) Check 3 10,000 gallon manholes for sludge depths. . East in 36 inches out 16 inches . Middle in 30 inches out 2 inches . West in 17 inches out 2 inches e) Second bilco hatch distribution box. . No flow east. NOTE: THIS CONDITION WAS REPORTED LAST FALL. THE LINE NEEDS TO BE SNAKED. . 1/3 of the field is not in use. f) Distribution System - 4 x 4's (6) 60 feet long (8) 100 feet long Numbered from Whistler Avenue. 100 footers west: 1 - Flow - no backup 2 - Flow 6 Y:z" backup 3 - Flow 11" backup 4 - Flow No backup 60 footers west: 1 - Flow No backup 2 - Flow No backup 3 - Flow 3" deep 60 footers east: 1 - Flow No backup 2 - Flow No backup 3 - Flow No backup DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS 556 WASHINGTON AVENUE NORTH HAVEN CT 06473 203239 "1200 203 2H 7376 FAX STAMFORD, CT ANDOVER., MA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SOLUTION' ~ ----I-- ~ LAIID EIIQIMEUttD 'TRUCTURES ....UE. FIELD REPORT Page 3 of 4 100 footer east: NO FLOW OUTLET PIPE from distribution box is clogged. Conclusions: Considering that only 213 of the system is in use, the leaching system is handling the wastewater well. g) Cinema System sludge depth: In - 1 inch Out - 2 inches h) Three (3) Silver Eel Cove house system Inlet - 4 inches scum, 18 inches sludge Outlet - 2 inches scum, 12 inches sludge Conclusion: Near pump requirement. i) Sanitary Manhole - Officers Service Road A lot of sludge and debris in the manhole - it looks the same as it did last fall. It needs cleaning or a backup could occur. j) Note: Due to the pump malfunction, the 24" main and wet-well need to be pumped down from 9:30 a.m. until about a 2:00 p.m. Some residual flow was likely continuing. Assume solids dropped out in the flat 24" pipe. We did not obtain the normal clear flow. The flows were as follows: Time Second Flow m 2:31 .m. 30 6 m 2.37 .m. 27 6.3 m 2:41 .m. 28 6.3 m 2:43 .m. 27 6.6 m 2.45 .m. 25 6.3 m 2:47 .m. 28 6.3 m 2:49 .m. 29 6.3 m 2:51 .m. 28 6.3 m 2:57 .m. 27 6.6 m 2.59 .m. 27 6.6 m 3:01 .m. 26 6.9 m DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS 556 WASHINGTON AVENUE NORTH HAVEN CT 06~73 2032394200 203234 7376 FAX STAMFORD, CT ANDOVER., MA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGIJlEERED WIoTER LAND STRUCTURES SOLUTIONS FIELD REPORT f Paae404 Time Second Flow gpm 3.03 p.m. 27 6.6 gpm (Note School out 3:00 p.m.) 3:09 p.m. 25 7.1 gpm (Note: Some contractors out 3:00 p.m. +/- AVE = 6.47 gpm / AVE was 5.27 aDm based upon June 19, 2006 readings, one house has been connected to the lines = .104 gpm ave. flow/day. .3 gpm peak flow. The estimated flow for 7.66 hours is 5.47 gpm -1 gpm residual draining = 5.47 gpm 5.47 gpm - 1.00 gpm infiltration allowance = 4.47 gpm. Daytime wastewater flow 4.47 gpm x 12 hours x 60 minlhour = Night-time wastewater flow est. 1 gpm x 12 hours x 60 min/hour = 3,218 gpm 720 aDm 3,938 gpm WE NEED TO CARRY OUT THE LIST RECOMMENDED OF ITEMS ON THE O/M SHEET ATTACHED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Attachment: List of Upgrade Items - 1996 Operation/Maintenance Review S:107117 Fishers IslandlField ReportsI05-09-07.doc DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS 556 WASHINGTON A.VENUE NORTH HAVEN CT 06473 203 239 4200 203 234 7376 FAX STAMfOR.D, CT ANDOVER, MA 5lif""' ~~,1 I I I I ~ - I i I I j " I' t 1, I~ ~ ~. ....---- -,,--_._.-.'~. -... CJc/o~ .2aob all'1' ~/r ./ Much debris was on the wastewater surface in the wet-well. ./ The generator is non-operational Recommendations ./ The pump station transducer should be in a stilling well. ./' Pump station # 1 meets specification. ./ Pump station # 2 is below specification in flow. The velocity in the force-main is too slow to move grit. Pump # 2 must be replaced. ./ The wet-well surface is very dirty with floating debris. It must be cleaned. ./ Remove top of check valve for pump # 2. Repair or replace it. ./ Replace generator. ./ Repair building door hinge. ./ Replace pump lift out assemblies. ./ Replace pump # 2. ./. Carry out contract operations and maintenance. ./ Remove solid soapy material from surface of wet-well. ./ Pump # 1 was installed. In order to use pump # 1, the plug valve on pump # 2 was closed to prevent re-circulating waste water. The check valve must be repaired. ./ Install 4inch diameter stilling well for transducer away from inlet pipe in wet-well. ./ Replace frames and covers in community leach field - See Enclosure # 4 ~~ Some open manholes should .be covered immediately. ./ . Unclog distribution pipe in the Bilco hatch covered distribution chamber to balance the load to the leaching field. ./ Remove material from the manhole near the Officer's Service Road (parallel to Whistler Avenue) and opposite the State Patrol Office Building. ./ All of the above must be checked and tested. S:\06187 Fishes IslondlO & MlRepor12006.doc Fishers Island Sewer District Report on the Wastewater System Operation and Maintenance During 2006 7 I I I I I I I I , - I I I I I I I I I F. Observations, Conclusions and Recommendations Conclusions During periods of non-rainfall and even during periods immediately following rainstorms, the flow drops down. This indicates that the groundwater table is low. or it is not leaking into the sewers. During 2001, the first clogging of the sewer with rags occurred and was resolved. The clogging of manholes with paper, debris and pebbles has continued. The manholes in the Officers Service Road should be monitored and cleaned before back up occurs. (The obvious one is the service road sanitary manhole that services the State Police Building). The manhole was observed to be clogged and backing up into the upstream sewer. If not taken care of, this can result in basement flooding. The community leaching system distribution is not acceptable. The west galleys are overloaded due to a clogged outlet to the eastern galleys. Based upon review of October 2006, the following can be concluded: -/ Clogged manholes in Officer's Service Road must be cleaned, inspected and rebuilt inverts if necessary. -/ Upstream users must refrain from flushing materials like cloth down the toilet. -/ The flow distribution into the three tanks was balanced. -/ The flow out of the distribution box to the leaching field was very bad. The east pipe was entirely clogged. -/ Both pump lift out fixtures are severely corroded in the pump station wet-well. -/ Fix storage shed hinge at the pump station. -/ Pump out of septage from the three residential system near the Silver Eel Cove system should be considered in the event that a septic truck is used to clean manholes or pump out the community system. -/ The pump # 2 check valve is faulty. -/ Six community leaching system frames and covers are either broken or off-set from the manholes. -/ The pump station upgrade and stormwater elimination must be done before the community center can discharge to the system. -/ Pump # 2 pumped 70 gpm which is far below specification and can result in force-main clogging. 6 Rshers Island Sewer District Report on the Wastewater System Operation and Maintenance During 2006 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENCLOSURE # 3 DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT - DEC MAY 21,2007 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERED . -, -- ~ ,'.'.,,7;::<: LAND STRUCTURES SOLUTIONS May 21, 2007 Mr. Scott A. Russell Supervisor Town of South old Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 RE: Discharge Monitoring Report Fishers Island New York Wastewater Systems NYS-SPDES DMRN.Y. 0.199214 DTC Project No. 07-117-100 Dear Mr. Russell: In conformance with our contract, we are pleased to submit the Discharge Monitoring Report for the Fishers Island Wastewater Disposal Systems. The sludge depths for the septic systems 001, 002 and 003 as shown in Table I, and the estimated wastewater flow rates for systems 001, 002, and 003 based on flow monitoring are shown in Table 2. We are sending copies to Justice Louisa Evans, as well as the listed State and County officials for their records. Sincerely, DNERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS ~.t:" Chairman and Chief Executive Officer -7~..A4d~. y~ Michael A. Horne, M.S., P.E. Associate "Enclosures: Table 1 and Table 2 cc with enclosures: Justice Louisa Evans, Esquire Mr. Dilip BaneIjee, Department of Conservation, Region 1 N. G. Kaul, Director, DEC Mr. Isador Doroski, Suffolk County Department of Health Services S:\07117 Fishern Island\Lelters\OS-22-07-Russell rptdoc DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS 556 WASHINGTON AVENUE NORTH HAVEN CT 06473 2032394200 2032347376 FAX I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I FISHER'S ISLAND W ASTEWTER SYSTEM FACILITY ill NUMBER - NEW YORK 0.199214 TABLE 1 SHOWING SEPTIC TANK CONDITIONS FOR SYSTEMS 001, 002 AND 003 MAY 9, 2007 System Description (001) Community Septic System 3 10,000 Gallon Concrete Septic Tanks 12 Feet High, 10 Feet Liquid Level Depth, 20 Feet 6 Inches Long Septal!e Conditions West Tank Inlet Compartment Thin Scum Layer I 7" Deep Septage Outlet Compartment Negligible Scum 2" Deep Septage Middle Tank Inlet Compartment Thin Scum Layer 30" Deep Septage Outlet Compartment Thin Scum Layer 2" Septage East Tank Inlet Compartment Thin Scum Layer 36" Deep Septage Outlet Compartment No Scum 16" Septage (002) Cinema Septic System I 1,500 Gallon Concrete Septic Tank 7 Feet High 10 Feet 6 Inches Long, 5 Feet 4 Inches Liquid Depth Septa!!e Conditions Inlet Compartment Outlet Compartment No Flow in System Thin Scum Layer No Scum I" % Deep Septage I" % Deep Septage (003) Three Cottages Septic System I 2,000 Gallon Concrete Septic Tank 7 Feet High, II Feet Long, 5 Feet 4 Inches Liquid Depth Inlet Compartment Outlet Compartment 4" Scum/Debris 2" Scum/Debris 18" Deep Septage 12" Deep Septage 5:\07117 FisbInls1and\I.el:t=1:\Septic Tant: TlIbJe I.doe I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SEPTIC SYSTEM 001 002 003 001 002 003 TABLE 2 ESTIMATED WASTEWATER FLOWS (SEWAGE ONLY) SEASON Summer Winter Summer Winter Summer Winter ESTIMATED TOTAL FLOWS (INCLUDING EXTRANEOUS FLOWS) Summer Winter Summer Winter Summer Winter 5:\07117 F'lShm IsJand\J..etten\Est WuteWal.cr Flows Table 2.doe FLOW (AVERAGE GALLONS/DAY) 9,488 gpd 3,938 gpd 700 gpd 7 gpd 550 gpd 250 gpd ] 6,688 gpd 7,688 gpd 700 gpd 7gpd 550 gpd 250 gpd I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENCLOSURE # 4 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE FIELD REPORT, AUGUST 28, 2007 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~"QI"EERED '~ --+-- ...---::-:--... WATER L""D 'TRUCTURES SOLUlIOM. FIELD REPORT Page 1 of 3 DATE August 30, 2007 WEATHER August 28, 2007/8:00 a.m. DATE/TIME ON SITE Fishers Island Operation & Maintenance LOCATION Annual O/M Review/Report PURPOSE Michael A. Horne, P.E. REPORT BY Fishers Island Sewer District 07-117-200 PROJECT NAME I PROJECT NUMBER Personnel Present: Harold Cook, Harold's Construction Company Sean Moniz, Harold's Construction Company Michael Horne, PE Water & Waste Equipment, Inc. Suburban Septic I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pump Station We assembled at 8:00 a.m. The pumper truck and crane equipment were mobilized at the pump station site. The force-main and wet-well were emptied and the by-pass pump disassembled and removed. W&WE, Inc. removed and replaced the east check and plug valves with good quality new valves. The control panel was removed and replaced with a user friendly panel. Pumps were checked. The west pump motor is not operable. It is explosion-proof. It is not repairable without a high cost. It was lifted out of the wet well and onto W&WE's truck. 7. The pump lying on the ground at the site is not repairable. It is rusted. 8. The only operable pump was repaired and seems to function well. 9. The pump station is operational. We tested it for about 30 minutes. 10. It was noted that grit, sand and pebbles have accumulated at the bottom of the wet well. Thev must be removed or damage to the new pumps when they are installed could occur. DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS 556 WASHINGTON AVENUE NORTH HAVEN CT 06473 203 2394200 2032347376 fAX STAMFORO, CT ANDOVER, MA I I I I II. 1. I 2. 3. I 4. I I I I I I I I I I I I I ElIlillllillOlIEO WATER I.AII"D .TRUCtURES IOLUlIO..I FIELD REPORT Page 2 of 3 Community Septic System Area mowed and looked good. The inlet manholes are clean. Flow splitter prior to 10,000 gallon septic tanks was checked. The V-notches were cleaned. Flow appeared equalized. Flow splitter after leach field evaluated. Flow east is very sluggish. Pipe needs cleanina. TANK INLET COMPARTMENT OUTLET COMPARTMENT West 1" scum 3" sludge 10" sludge Center 31" sludae 4" sludae East 23" sludge 9" sludae Center tank needs pump out. East tank should be pumped when effective. i.e., when the Silver Eel Cove (Coast Guard House) tank is pumped, or the center tank is pumped. The depths of wastewater in the leaching field were measured as follows: Number 1 is nearest to Whistler Avenue. EAST 60 FEET LONG GALLEYS -INLETS #1 Moist #2 Moot #3 Moist - No cover on manhole EAST 100 FEET LONG GALLEYS -INLETS #1 Moist, Cover broken #2 Moist #3 1-2" DeeD, End needs manhole lid #4 Moist, Frame/Cover reset DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS 556 WASHJNGTON AVENUE NORTH HAVEN CT 06473 2032394200 2032347376 FAX STAMFORD, CT ANDOVER, MA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SOL.HOIt. LAIID EII8'''EEREO ITRUCtURES WATER FIELD REPORT Page 3 of 3 EAST 60 FEET LONG GALLEYS #1 Moist #2 19" DeeD, Manhole Cover Missino #3 7" DeeD EAST 100 FEET LONG GALLEYS -INLETS #1 Moist #2 21" DeeD #3 36" DeeD #4 22" DeeD Five manhole top covers - repairs needed. Conclusion: Flow is unbalanced because pipe to eastern galleys is limited. Pipe needs to be uncloaaed. III. Cinema System 1. Inlet 4" sludge. 2. Outlet 1" sludge. No problem. IV. Coast Guard Cottages (Silver Eel Cove) 1. In 2" sludge. 2. 21" sludge. Conclusion: Needs pump out V. Manhole in the Service Road north of Whistler Avenue and the State Police Facility must be cleaned. 5:\2007\07117 Fish.", IslandIField Reports\08-3D-<l7.doc DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSUL TANTS 556 WASHINGTON AVENUE NORTH HAVEN CT 06473 2032394200 203234 7376 FAX STAMFORD, CT ANDOVER, MA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENCLOSURE # 5 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ABBREVIATED REPORT, AUGUST 28,2007 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8/28/07 ENGINi:E~ED WATER LAND 'TRUCTURE. .OLUTION. FIELD REPORT Page 1 of 2 8:00 a.m. WEATHER DATE TIME ON SITE Fishers Island Operation & Maintenance LOCATION Annual O/M Review/Report PURPOSE Michael A. Horne, P.E. REPORT BY 07-117-200 Fishers Island Sewer District PROJECT NAME I PROJECT NUMBER Personnel Present: Harold Cook, Harold's Construction Company Sean Moniz, Harold's Construction Company Michael Horne, PE Water & Waste Equipment, Inc. Suburban Septic I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pump Station We assembled at 8:00 a.m. The pumper truck and crane equipment were mobilized at the pump station site. The force-main and wet-well were emptied and the by-pass pump disassembled and removed. W&WE, Inc. removed and replaced the east check and plug valves with good quality new valves. The control panel was removed and replaced with a user friendly panel. Pumps were checked. The west pump motor is not operable. It is explosion-proof. It is not repairable without a high cost. It was lifted out of the wet well and onto W&WE's truck. 7. The pump lying on the ground at the site is not repairable. It is rusted. 8. The only operable pump was repaired and seems to function well. 9. The pump station is operational. We tested it for about 30 minutes. 10. It was noted that grit, sand and pebbles have accumulated at the bottom of the wet well. Thev must be removed or damage to the new pumps when they are installed could occur. DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANTS 556 WASHINGTON AVENUE NORTH HAVEN CT 06"173 2032394200 203234 7376 FAX STAMFORD, CT ANDOVER, MA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERED WATER LAND .'RUCTUIIES SOLUTION' FIELD REPORT Page 2 of 2 II. Community Septic System All depths of wastewater in all of the units were recorded. They will be in the final report. Conclusions: The center 10,000 gallon septic tank must be pumped. It has 31 inches of sludge in the first compartment. Sludge accumulation is more rapid than past years. The east tank has accumulated 23 inches of sludge. It could be pumped if cost- effective i.e., truck capacity. The flow to the leaching field is unbalanced i.e., the pipe leading to the eastern set of galleys is clogged. Four rows of fourteen total have 19 inches to 36 inches of wastewater in them. (Due to unbalance of system). Cover repairs are needed in five places. Some are missing completely. The splitter boxes need to be cleaned. Cinema System No problems. Coast Guard System Needs pump out. Manhole is Service Road parallel to Whistler Avenue services the State Police Facility and upstream facilities must be cleaned. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. III. 1. IV. 1. V. Formal report with detailed information will follow. cc: The Honorable Louisa Evans (via email) Harold's Construction Co. (via email) S:\2007\07117 Fishers IslandlField Reports\08-28-07.doc DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGY CONSUL TANTS 556 WASHINGTON AVENUE NORTH HAVEN CT 06473 203 239 4200 203 234 7376 FAX STAMFORD, CT ANOOVER, MA