HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5477 P 518 ,If'a ~; .~ i~ ~ t'i ~..~\,r ;~~'~1:. '-1 ~ . f;>; ~' _"*'f1-~ - - - ~ - -,- - - - -- - - - - ...... In the Matter of the laylngout of oertalnTown Highways 1n ,ttte<lfoW'n of Southold,Connty of Suf~olkand state of NewYork,knownas-Plum Island Lan.,p~rkVlew LanetTbree Waters Lane, Sound ViewItoaa,':~~ North Sea Dri~e, Ryd.~L.rtd~ng &nd ~~f~~~~a:m_~n~ ~n_t~e_H~m:e~ ~f _ _ _ TO 41L WHOM THESE PRESENTS SllALL COME OR MAY CONCERN. DEDICATION and RELE4SE c\ GREETING. KNOW n, THAT WOODllOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC., a domestic corporation having its office Bnd principal place of business at 3 Glen Lane, Glenwood Landing, New York, <for and in consideration of the sum of One ($1.00) Dollar, lawful money of the United States of America to it in hand paid by Town of Southold, a municipal corporation in the County of Suffolk Bnd State of New york, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hersby dedicate, release and convey to the said Town of Southold, for highway purposes, the following described lands, to wit: ALL those certain pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being at Orient, Town of Soutnold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: I. Plum Island Lane: Beginning at/~?~onument set on the northerly line of the Main Road 174.9~reasterlY along said line from land of Ray Tabor; rurming thence tour courses as follows; . (1) N. 10 02' 20" E. - 435.76 feet, thence (2) S. 880 57' 4011 E. - 75 feet, thence (3) across the westerly end of Parkview Lane, next here_ in described and then along land of Wood hollow Properties, Inc. S. 10021 20" \'1. - 432.00 feet to the northerly line of said Main Road, thence (4) S. 880 55' 4011 w. - 75..05 feet to the point of beginning. II. parkview Lane: Beginning at the northerly end of the easterly line of Plum ISland Lane above described and running thence six courses as follows: (1) S. 880 57' Ita" E. - 289.79 feet, thence (2) on a curve to the left, having a radius of 60 feet the distance of 94.25 feet, thence (3) across the soatherly end of Three Waters Lane, next herein described, S. 88 57' 40" E. _ 50 feet, thence (4) on a curve to the right, having a radius of 110 feet, the distance of 172.79 feet, thence (5) N. 880 57' 40" W. - 289.79 feet to the easterly line of --------.--.---- (~. . 'I .., I said Plum Island Lane, thence (6) along the easterly line of Plum Island Lane N.lo02r 20" E. - 5'0 feet to the point of beginning. III. Three lflaters Lane: Beginning at the end of the second course, in the above described parkview Lane and running thence six courses as follows (I) N. 10 02' 20" E. - 1324.20 feet, thence (2) on a curve to ths left, having a radius of 100 feet t;1e distance of 15'1.84 f!'let, thence (3) N. 40 02t 201t E. _ 50 feet, thence (4) on a curve to the right, having the radius of 150 feet a distance of 227.77 feet, thence (5) 8. 10 02' 20" W. - 1324.20 feet to the easterly end of the third course in the above described parkview Lane, thence (6) along said third course N. 880 571 40" W. - 50 feet to the point of beginning. IV. Sound View Road: Beginning at the westerly snd of the Second course, in the above described Three Waters Lane and running thence twelve courses as follows: (1) N. 850 57' 40" \,. _ 163,26 feet, (2) N. 780 30' 00" w. - 461.74 feet, (3) on a curve to the left, having a a distance of 208.67 feet, thence (4) S. 77030' 00" TW. _ 420.93 feet, thence (5) S. 710 12140" '-. - 360.41 feet, thence (6) N. 10 31+, 00" W. - 5'2.35 feet, thence (7) N. 710 121 4011 E. - 347.65 feet, thence (8) N. 770 30' 00" E. - If.23.68 feet, thence (9) on a curve to the right, having a radius of 548.16 feet a distance of 229.61 feet, thence (10) S. 780301 0011 E. _ 458.48 feet, thence (11) s. 850 5'71 40" E. _ 160.00 feet, to the northerly end of the third course of Three WateTs Lane, thence (12) along said third course of Three WateTs Lane S. 40 021 2011 ','1. - 50 feet to the point of beginning. thence thence radius of 498.16 teet, V. North Sea Dri va: Beginning at the monument at the southerly end of easterly line of Ryder Farm Lane~ running thence along the easterly line of Ryder Farm Lane N. 1 34' 00" W. - 5'0 feet to a monument, thence N. 880 261 00 " E. - 75 feet -to a monument, thence N. 740 29' 30" E. - 5'50.44 feet to a monument, thence due east 356.00 feet to a monument, thence S. 830 521 ItO" E. - 370.11 feet to a m6nument, thence S. 850 57' 40" E. - 279.41 feet to a monument on the westerly line of Three Waters Lane, above described, 155.4 feet southerly along said line from the northerly end of the firs course of Three Waters Lane, thence along the westerly line of Three Wate:rs Lane S. 10 02t 2011:1. - 50.07 feet to a monument, thence N. 850 5'71 40" W. 282.94 feet; thence N. 830 52' 40" W. 368.34 feet; thence due west 346.52 feeti thence S. 7l+0 291 30" W 549.76 feet; thence 8.880 261 DOlt W. - 8 .10 feet to the point of be ginning. -2- i Q1 ,jIoo :;::t -,a '" ;Jl ""'. CQ! ,<~"'ii , ~ 't: ~, 'i- F:: ~ g;, -, ~ VI. Ryder Landing: Beginning at a monument on the northerly line of Sound Vie", Road, above described, N. 710 12< 40" E. - 47.65 feet from the westerly end of the northerly line of said Sound View Road, running thence N. 10 381 20" W. - 245.96 feet, to ordinary high wat er line t1 Long Island Sound, thence along said ordinary high water line N. 700 381 1011 E. - 100 feet, thence S. 10421 30" E. _ 246.91 fest, to a monument on the northerly line of said Sound View Roadl thence along the northerly line of said Sound View Road S. 70 121 40" W. - 100 feet to the point of beginning. VII. Ryder Farm Lane: Beginning at the west erly end of the southerly line of Sound View Road, above described, and runnin& thence along sa~d southerly line of Sound View Road N. 710 121 40" E. - 52.35 feet to a monument" thence S. 10 341 OOtl E. - 308.6'5 feet to a monument, thence S. /j80 26< OOn w. _ 50 feet, thence N. 1034< 00" w. - 293.15 feet to the point of beginning.