HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5477 P 541 I --,- , -=2li"e;';uA'!UfORYVOliJl..v..: W~J);oed..lthF1>lleov....,;u.Conloiatloi>. I~ (t'~ I eN I ,1!'-"., , ."..,,, I "1M ''''1 tbt~ ~ _~__._ ',.-,.oc.~_'.,".,_," '~'_:'."';' ..<.--,::'''','',''''''- -.. ...... JU':;'u..wwnIlG,iitc.', ,"I.~_aW,,~"'NDt . lIe~5~',1'AG!' Jnbenturt, . Made tbe 3rd d"o1.~" and sixty-three .ettueen WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC., a domestic corporation having its office and principal place of business at 3 Glen Lani, Glenwood Landing, New York, p .~ "" ~, ";-I':"'_~1IJ .~ party 01 the Jim put, sad TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation in the County of Suffolk and State of New York; party of tbe second part. l>>itntsSttfJ, that the party 01 tbe But part, in coDSideratioJl. of - - - - - - One ($1.00) - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dollars, lawful money of the United States. and other ,good and valuable co~slderatlon, pairl. by the part Y' of the second part, does hereby ~rant and,re1ease.unto tbe party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever, for -h~~way purposes, . ~( those certain pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being at Orient, Town of Southo1d, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described ,as follows: I . +. Plum Island Lane: Beginning at a monument set onlthe northerly line of the Main Road 174.95 feet easterly along said line from land of Ray Tabor; running thence four courses as follows: (1) N. 10 021 20" E. - 435.76 teet, thence (2) S. 880 57' 40" E. - 75 feet, thence (3) across the westerly end ~of Parkview Lane, next herein described and then along land of Wood hollow Properties, Inc. 8.10 '02' 20" w. _ 432.0 feet to the northerly line of said Main Road, thence S. 880 55' 40" w. - 75.05 feet to ~he point of beginning. II. parkview Lane: . Beginning at the northerly end of the easterly line of Plum Island Lane above ;descrlbt;id and running 'thence six courses as follows: (1) S. 880 5';P 40" E. - 289.79 feet, thence (2) on a curve to the left, having a radius at 60 feet the distancw of 94.25 feet, thence ' (3) across the southerly end of Three Waters Lane, next herein de- scribed, S. 880 '571 40" E. - 50 feet, thence (~) on a curve to the right, having a radius of 110 feet, the distance of 172.79 ,teet, thence,' (5) N. 880 571 40" W. - 289.79 feet to the easterly line of said Plum Island Lane thence (6) along the easterly line of Plum Island Lane N. 10 021 2011 E. _ 50 'feet to the point of beginning. III. Three Waters Lane: Beginning at the end of the second course, Xn the above described Parkview Lane and running thence six courses as follows: (1) N.lo 02t 20" E. _ 1321+.29 feet, thence (2) on a curve to the left, having a radius of 100 feet the distance of 151.84 feet, thence , J I I" , i ",,:,5477 p'AGEM2 ~ "(3) N~ 40..02' 20" E. - 50 feet, thence (~) on a curve to the right, having the radius 01' 150 feet a distance of-227.77 feet, thence (5) 8.'10 02112011W.'_1324.20 feet to the easterly end of' the third course in the above described Parkview Lane, thence (6-) along said third course N. 880 57' 40" W. - 50 feet totha point of' beginning. IV. Sound View Road; . Beginning at the westerly end of the second course, in the above' described Three Waters Lane and running thence twelve courses as follows. (1) N. 85" 57~, 40" W. _ 163.26 feet, thence (2) N. 780. 30. 0011 IV. - 461.74 feet, thence (3) on a curve to the left, having a radiUS of 498.16 feet, a distance of' 208.67; feet, thence (4) S. 77030' oon W. _ 420.93 feet, thence (5) s. 710 12' 40" W. - 360.41 feet, thence (6) N. 10 34' 00" W. - 52.35 feet, thence (?) N. ?10 12'14011 E. _ 347.65 feet, thence (8) N. 770 30. 00" E. - 1f.23.68 feet, thence (9) on a curve to the right, having a radius of 548.16 feet a distance of 229.61 feet thence (10) S. 78030' 0010 E. - 458.48 feet,thence (11) S. 850 57' 40" E. _ 160.00 feet, to the the'third course of Three Waters Lane, thence (12) along said th:l:r d OJ urse of Three Waters 50 feet to the point of beginning. I northerly end of Lane S. 4p 021 2()1I1 w. -I I VII. North Sea Dri;V~:: i Beginning at the monument at the southerly end of easterly line I of Ryder Farm Lane, as shown on map of orient by the Sea, Section 2, filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's office on October 26, 1961 as Map i No. cl444; running thence alonf the easterly line of Ryder Farm Lane ! N. 1 34' 00" W. - 50 feet to a monument thence N. 880 26' 00" E. - 75 I feet to a monument J thence N. 740 29' 3011 E. - 550.44 feet to a monument,1 thence due east 350.00 feet to a monument, thence.S. 830 521 4011 E. - I 370.11 feet to a monument, thence S. 850 571 40 " E. - 279.41 feet to ! a monument on the westerly I1ne of Three Waters Lane, above described I 155.44 feet southerly along said line from the northerly end of the f1rs~ course of Three Waters Lane, thence along the westerly line of Three I "raters Lane S. 10021 20" "f. _ 50.07 feet to a monument, thence N. 8~ ! 571 40" W....:;82.94 feet; thence N. 830 521 40" w. 368.34 feet, thence ! due west 3fb.52 feet~ thence S. 740 291 30" W. - 549.76 feet, thence S. 880 261 00" W. - ~l.lO feet to the point of beginning. BEING ~ND INTENDED TO BE all those certain streets, roads, avenues or drives shown and designated as S9und Vi~w Road, Three Waters Lane, : Park View Lane and Plum Island Lane on a certain map entitled "Map of I Orient-by-the-Sea, Section One, situate at orient Point, suffolk County, < N. Y. owned and deve:+oped by Wow hollow Properties, Inc., Jericho Turn- i pike, Jericho, N. Y., surveyed by otto W. Van Tuyl & Son, Licensed Land! Surveyors, Greenpart, N. Y." and filed in the office of the Clerk of the [ County of Suffolk on 11/21/57 as Map No. 2777; and shown and designated i as Sa un\!._ Vie....f Road and North Sea Drive on a certain map anti tIed "Map of: Orient-by-the-Sea, Section Two, situate at orient Point, Suffolk Co., N.Y. owned and developed by Wood hollow Properties, Inc., 3 Glen Lane1 GlenWJ ad Landing, N.Y., surveyed by otto W. Van Tuyl & soni licensed land surveyors, Greenport, N.Y.u and filed in the office of the C ark of the County of ! Suffolk on 10/6/61 as Map No. 3444. I (Description continued on rider attached) i ;:r ~ RIDER (WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC. to TQ1.tlN OF SOTJTHOLD) t!l!l:R5477 ",...S43 Descrintion Cantld: V. Ryder Landing: Beginning at a monument on the northerly line of Sound Vie Road, above described, N. 71012' 4011 E. _ 47.65 feet from the westerly end of the northerly line of said Sound View Road, running thence N. 1038' 20U w. - 245.96 feet, to ordinary high water line of Long Island Sound, thence along said ordinary high vlater line N. 700381 10" E. - 100 feet, thence S. 10 lt2' 30" E. - 246.91 feet, to a monument on the northerly line of said Sound View Roadd thence along the northerly line of said Sound Vim-f Road S. 71 12' 4011 1'.T. _ 100 feet to the point of beginning. VI. Ryder Farm Lane: Beginning at the westerly end of the southerly line of Sound View Road, above described, and running thence along said southerly line of Sound View Road N. 710 12' 40" E. _ 52.35 feet to a monument thence S. 10341 00" E. _ 308.65 feet to a monu- ment, thence B. 880 261 00" 1,'1. _ 50 feet, thence N. 10 341 00" W. - 293.15 feet to the point of beginning. . BEING 4ND INTENDED TO BE all those certain streets, roads, avenues or drives shown and designated as Ryder L~nding and Ryder Farm Lane on a certain map anti tIed tlMap of Orient-by_the_ Sea, Section Two, situate at Orient Point, Suffolk Co., N.Y. owned and developed by Woodhollow Properties, Inc., 3 Glen Lane, Glenwood Landing, N.Y., surveyed by otto W. Van Tuyl & Son, licensed land surveyors, Greenport, N.Y.II and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on 10/6/61 as Map No, 3444,