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Albert J. Krupski, President John Holzapfel, Vice President William G. Albertson Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel Town Hail 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MINUTES October 27, 1994 PRESENT WERE: Albert J. Krupski, Jr., President John Hotzapfel, Vice-President William Albertson, Trustee Peter Wenczel, Trustee Martin Garrell, Trustee Diane J. Herbert, Clerk Laurel Lee Macomber, Clerk CALL MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NEXT TRUSTEE BOARD MEETING: Thursday, November 17, 1994 at 7pm TRUSTEE ALBERTSON moVed to approve, TRUSTEE WENCZEL seconded. ALL AYES NEXT FIELD INSPECTION: Wednesday, November 9, 1994 at 12 noon TRUSTEE ALBERTSON moved to approve, TRUSTEE GARRELL seconded. ALL AYES APPROVE MINUTES: September 29, 1994 Minutes TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL moved to approve, TRUSTEE ALBERTSON seconded. ALL AYES I. MONTHLY REPORT: Trustees monthly report for September 1994: A check for 2,509.67 was forwarded to the Supervisor's Office for the General Fund. II. PUBLIC NOTICES: Public Notices are posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board for review. Board of Trustees 2 October 27, 1994 III. AMEND~fS/WAIVERS/C~ANGES: 1. William D. Moore on behalf of SANFORD FRIEF~/gN requests an amendment to Permit %4318 to extend the existing dock and catwalk approx. 100 feet as sho~ on the attached drawing° Located 1165 Old Harbor Road, New Suffolk. SCTM ~117-3-8.4 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI chose to abstain due to personal relations, TRUSTEE GARRELL moved to table the ~mendment as per request of William D. Moore~ TRUSTEE ALBERTSON seconded. ALL AYES 2. En-Consultants on behalf of HENRY LATHAM requests an Amendment to Permit %4138 To place 100-300 lb. armor stone immediately seaward of 57' of bulkhead° Located 845 Rogers Road, Southold. SCT~ %66-2-40 TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL moved to approve the amendment, TRUSTEE ALBERTSON seconded. ALL AYES except TRUSTEE WE~{CZEL 3. JoR. Home Improvements on behalf of ALFRED AMEND requests a Waiver to remove existing garage (21' X 19'), and build a new two story extension (25' X i9'). Located 380 Midway'Road, Southold. SCT~ % 90-2-4 TRUSTEE WENCZEL moved to approve the waiver, TRUSTEE GARRELL seconded. ALL AYES 4. FRED RENGANESC7{I requests a Waiver to build an addition to existing residence consisting of aw rap-around roofed porch 7~ in depth on landward front of house 32' 6" from existing garage then 23'3'~ in a westerly direction which includes a 7' storm foyer over existing stoop. Located 2005 Westview Drive, LILCO Pole %t6, approximately 500' west of Westview and Woodcliff, Mattituck. SCTM %107-7-4 TRUSTEE GARRELL moved to approve the waiver, TRUSTEE ALBERTSON seconded° ALL AYES 5. En-Consuttants on behalf of LEWIS EDSON requests a one year extension to Permit %4106 to construct a one-family dwelling, deck, pool, sanitary system, well, driveway, underground electric cable, etc. Permit will then expire Dec. 17, 1995~ Located Linden Ave., Cutcho~ue. SCTM %II6-1-9 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to approve the extension~ TRUSTEE ALBERTSON seconded. ALL AYES TRUSTEE GARRELL moved to go off the regular meeting, TRUSTEE A~BERTSON seconded. ALL AYES. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: THIS iS A PUBLIC HEARING IN THE M~TTER OF THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS FOR PE~ITS Ut{DER THE WETLA_N-DS ORdiNAnCE OF '1TIE TOWN OF SOUT~OLD. I HAVE AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FRO~ THE SUFFOLK TI~ES AND AN AFFIDAVIT OF PU~LICATIONFRO~THE LONG Board of Trustees 3 October 27, 1994 ISLA/~DTRAVELER-WATCPRHAN. PERTINENT CORRESPONDENCE MAY BE READ PRIOR TO ASKING FOR COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC. PLEASE KEEP YOUR COBH~F~NTS ORGANIZED AND BRIEF: FIVE (5) MINUTES OR LESS~ IF POSSIBLE 7:15 P.M. In the matter of Proper-T Permit Services on behalf of MICHAEL LEAHY requests a Wetland Permit to add a 2i' X 24+' 2 story addition; a 15~ X 44' deck at rear of house; a 10' X 43' covered porch on the road side of the house; a 13' X 41' COnservatory on the southeast side of the house; a gambrel roof added to existing boat house to provide 2nd floor home office space; a 24.5' X 22.4' dormer added to existing garage to provide 2nd floor storage space; a 3' X 110~ catwalk; a 3' X 12' ramp; a 6' X 20' float. Located 2200 Hobart Road, Southold. SCTM ~64-3-4 TRUSTEE KRUPSKt: Is there anyone here who would like to speak against this project? DIANE.HERBERT: John, John, you inspected this? JIM'FiTZGERALD: Al, a correction, I do not represent Mr. Leahy, I, I sent the drawing in as a matter of convenience for' him. He's ~ere, he represents him. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Alright, thank you. Alright, is there anyone here who would like to speak in favor of this application? Alright, CAC reco~£~ends approval with stipulations. Um, Council recommends'approval with the following conditions: The dock; the Council approves the original configuration of the plans submitted 9/15/94, as a more appropriate configuration of the dock. CAC cannot support a 110 foot catwalk. 2) Wood deck; the CAC recommends approval. 3) Conservatory or greenhouse; CAC ~ecommends approval. 4) Covered Porch; CAC recommends approval. 5) 2nd storyoffice} CAC recommends approval, however, if a bathroom is added, the CAC would need to know the location of the cesspool system before recommending approval. 6) 2nd story:addition to the house; if bathroom is added and a new cesspool system is needed, the applicant would have to, would have to locate the system and obtain a recommendation of approval from the CAC. The CAC recommends approval if there's no change to the sanitary system. And, um, I would like to ask if Mr. Leahy is here. Could you~ uh, could you answer that question for us, um, about ther um, the need to expand the sanitary system in the house? And, and it's location. DIANE HERBERT: Could you come up to the... TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Could you come up to the mic., please? MICHAEL LEAHY: Currently, we have two bathrooms in the house, and, uh, I think that's all we're probably going to be staying with. There are two, uh, cesspools on the property now, and I think they'll be sufficient for, uh, future usage. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: So, there'll be no plumbing in the garage structure, the upstairs part? MICHAEL LEAHY: Um, at this time, I hadn't, uh, planned on it. Really, it's basically a home office, it's to keep away from the kids. I could run across to the house. Board of Trustees 4 October 27, 1994 TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Understood, I just wanted to... MICHAEL LEAHY: Um, may I speak on the, uh, on the dock recommendation you made? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Um-hmm. MICHAEL LEAPer: The, um, our, um, purpose, uh, it's, uh, I walked through with the trustee, was, uh, in changing the application was to, uh, intrude less on the view, both from the water to the land, and from the land out to the water. Uh, obviously it would be like three times cheaper for us to do it the way you are recommending, and, uh, I don't really have any desire to spend excess dollars. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No, that's not, that's not our recommendation, that's the Conservation Advisory Council of Southold Town. That's a separate board that advises us on every application. MICHAEL LEAHY: Oh, I see. Um, is there a, uh, a basis on... TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Well, I think one, I think one of their reasons, and the interest in the town, in the Town Board, is to, uh, keep the dock as short as possible. When you build a structure over water, first of all, it's town owned patent lands, so we own the bottom. We don't wanna, and it's public land, so any structure is going to monopolize that land. The larger the structure, the more land is gonna be taken away from really the public's use, so we always reco~mHend on every application, that the, the structure be as minimal as possible. You need access to-the water, and, uh, and we try to work with you as far as that goes. As far as, and you know, practicality goes, we try and work that out. But it, it's strictly for access. MICHAEL LEAR~: Right, the, uh, my belief is that placing the dock where we, uh, revised the application to show, even though it's a longer dock, seems to be out of the, more out of the way, because the water line swells there considerably. TRUSTEE Ki{UPSKI: Um-hrmm. Um-hmm. MICHAEL LEAHY: In fact, a survey on which the dock application was shove, uh, shows the wetlands intruding on the, uh, property behind the boathouse, um, and the high water line. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We all visited the site on our last field inspection last week. Another reason that I think the, uh~ the Board liked the shorter dock application was because it doesn't, it doesn't traverse the whole wetland area, it leaves that wetland area b y itself, and you, you~ all you're doing is gaining access, that's the whole purpose of the dock. And it's gonna, it's gonna minimize the disturbance of the whole, the whole creek to have a shorter dock. MICHAEL LEAHY: Um, uh, just one last point of information. Uh, the, uh, the ll0 feet would bring the dock to exactly the saree1 point... TRUSTEE GARRELL: Yup. MICHAEL LEAHY: ...as the initial application, in line, because the water line does swell in there. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Sure. MICHAEL LEAHY: So, as far as obstruction, you know, I think it's minimal, in my opinion. Um, the, uh, if you drew the line from the dock, you know to the left of me, and to the right of Board of Trustees 5 October 27, 1994 me, the 110 feet would be within that line. And I'd just like to go on therecord as making those comments. TRUSTEE Kt~UPSKI: Um-hmm. Thank you. Alright. Does the board Well... Then um... TRUSTEE WENCZEL: I'm trying to phrase a comment. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Oh, I thought you said no. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: No. My own comment is that, you know, I feel that the dock would be much better suited off the bulkhead there, and a much shorter structure would be required, and, uh, I'd be much more inclined to approve that shorter dock than the 110 foot structure. Is that what it is, a hundred? TRUSTE~E GARRELL: i10~ TRUSTEE WENCZEL: 110 foot structure~ TRUSTEE~ GARRELL: Yeah, itt it isn't really a question of obstructing the creek so much as the additional disturbance of that, just that little, that little piece, uh, in the corner. Right. Yeah. TRusTEE F~RUPSKI: Any other comments? If not, I~ll make, uh, I~ll have a motion to close the... JI~ FITZGERALD: Excuse me, may I make a comment? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Sure. JIM FITZGERALD: The... TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Oh, yeah, please, for our secretary's sake, please appraach the mic. ~iM FITZGERALD: Uh~ simply because I've been there~ I knc~ the site. Um, the area where the, or through which the dock would go in the new location is almost all Phragmites. There's very e, uh, Spartina, there's very little Spartina. HOLZAPFEL: Now, on the, if I can interrupt you, on the , once you get to the edge of the water, there's a marsh extending a good distance. JIM FITZGERALD: It's~ it's about ('TOo many people talking at once, couldn't understand what was said.) TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Well, ant~ay, let's not, let's not get into a discussion. Let me see the job site. JIM FITZGERALD: It's, it's mostly for the number of feet traversed, and square feet covered, mostly Phragmites~ and as Mike said, the dock would not extend any further into the creek in thiS Iocation~. than in the original. TRUSTEE KItU~SKI: Sure. Um, does anyone, would anyone like to make a motion to close the hearing? TRUSTEE GARRELL: TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: ALL AYES TRUST~EKRUPSKI: TRUSTF~ GARRELL: TRUST~E KRUPSKI: TRUS~5 WENCZEL: TRUSTI~ KRUPSKI: So moved. SeCond. All in favor? Can we vote on this? Yeah. Peter, you want to make a motion? Okay. You want to look at the surveys? · Board of Trustees 6 October 27, 1994 TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Uh, no. I'll make a motion that wel, uh, approve the application for a wetlands permit to add ~he 21' X 24'+ 2 story addition; a 15' X 44' deck at the rear o~ the house; a 10' X 43' covered porch on the road side of the house; a ~3' X 41' Conservatory on the southeast side o~ the house; gambrel roof added to existing boathouse to provide a 2nd floor home office space; a 24.5' X 22°4' dormer added to existing garage to provide a 2nd floor storage space period~ Um, I recommend that we don't approve the 3~ X 110' catwalk, 3' X 12' rsmp, and 6' X 20' float. I'd like to make it clear that the board~ I'm sure would be more than happy to entertain a, um, a, un, application for an amendment to this peimit for the dock in ~h~ ot~er location. TRUSTEE ~ARRELL: Second° TR~E KRUPSKt: Now that we have a second, we can have a diScUSsion on this. Um. . TR~S~E HOLZAPFEL: One, just a, an easy thing to add, just be~d~, um, I wouI~ like inclUded haybales, you know to the seaward side, nm, during construction, you know all along the length of the property° TR~ KRUPSKI: Mr. Leahy, do you understand what, what's Yes. Alright. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: That's just to prevent the construction material going into the creek. T~USTEE KRUPSKI: Uh, where would the haybales be? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: I think you have to go all the way, 'cuz, ~cuz he~s working all the way to the boathouse~ TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Yeah, we'll put a... TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Ail the way here, from the edge of the, what's that, the northern edge? Southern? Southern edge, right, of the bulkhead, to the edge of the property, to the no~thern edge of the property. That would stretch from here across. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: You think you need a 200' of haybales? TRUSTEE HOAzAPFEL: 'Cuz they're doing all the work here. This is where~th~y're digging up. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay. Alright. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: It's just a row of haybales, that's what we're 'talking about, just to... TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Which is standard on every, every sort of a plicat~on like this Ail in favor? TRUSTEE H©LZAPFEL: No~ you were going to say other discussion. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No, I think that was the discussion. TRUS?W~E HOLZAPFEL: Okay. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No, someone had to second it to have a discussion, someone did second it~ All in favor? ALL AYES. TRUS~EEKRUPSKI: What, did I give away my, uh.,. DIANE HERBERT: Pencil? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No, my agenda? DIANE HErbERT: What~d you do with it? TRUSTEE ~<~/UPSKI: I bet I did. Board of Trustees 7 October 27, 1994 DIANE HERBERT: Here it is. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thanks. This is still the old one? DiANE HER~ERT: No, that's your new one. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay. 7:27 P.M~ - In the matter of JEANNE WHATMOUGH requests a Wetland Permit to add a 15' X 22' covered porch and reconstruct a 6' X 13' entrI~way to existing dwelling. Located 180 No Riley Ave., Maktituck. SCTM ~122-3-38 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is anyone here to speak either in favor or against th~s application? Let me just check the CAC comments. They recommend approval without any conditions. Does the board have any, Uh, any comment on this? Oh, we all did look at this o~e, didn't we? Do we have field notes here~ somewhere Diane? DIANE HER~ERT: On the left. We just asked her for a full application, that was it. She originally asked for a waiver. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: What was the, uh, reason for it? DI'ANE HERBERT: Because Bill went down there, and he said it was within t'he 75 feet. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Right. No, no. Yeah, I recognize it from the photographs, that we all, we were all there. That's not what I want to say. Here's that survey. These are all. exterior house points. That's it. Alright. Alright. T~nere's no, uh, no comment from the board or from the audience. I~lt entertain a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE GARRELL: So moved. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor? ALL AYES TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: You need haybates in there? TRUSTEE KR~PSKI: No, but I think we need, uh~ well yeah, well if it's gonna require excavation, we will. Do I, wait~ do I have a second on that? TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Yeah. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Do you have CAC co~f~nts on that? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Yes. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: CAC didn't have any conditions at all. I think we will mark. Those are the two porches? Is that right, it's 44' long? Alright, then I'll make a recommendation, that we, for reasons of controlling, uh, siltation of the construction debris, require a row of staked haybales between the construction site and the wetland arear and that the building be equipped with gutters and drywells to contain the roof run-off. It already has gutters. Have them install drywells to maintain, uh, to contain the roof run-off. All in favor? ALL AYES 7:30 P.M. - In the matter of PREM C. C~nATPAR requests a Wetland Permit to reconstruct 116' of bulkhead within 18" of the existing bulkhead plus return on south side; construct 85' Board of Trustees 8 October 27~ 1994 retaining wall 245" above grade; repair 56' of bulkhead; construct 30' X 4' fixed dock; approximately 100 c.y. of fill from upland source. Located 680 Midway Road, Southold. SCTM ~90-2-9.1 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Does anyone, would anyone like to comment on this, in favor or against? TOM SAMUELS: Uh, TomSamuels, I'll answer any questions. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. CAC reco££m~ends... BRUCE LOUCKA: Yeah, read the whole thing. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Approval of part of the wetland application of Prem C. Chatpar. CAC recommends approval cf the 116' and 60' bulkhead. CAC recommends disapproval of the 56' bulkhead. The 56' bulkhead is not a bulkhead, but a jetty, and there is no need fo~ a jetty. The CAC reco~m£,ends approval of the dock, but suggests the applicant place the dock along the 60' section, would be a better configuration for the owner. DIANE HERBERT: He may have inspected it on the old description, and then we asked for the new one. Remember? We had, because the description didn't match with the survey. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Yes, we did. Yeah, we did look at this, yeah. Alright. I was under the impression that the 56' part of the bulkhead was a repair. That the section that the CAC is objecting to was a repair. Is that correct? BRUCE LOUCKA: That's correct. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It's existing, 56', that we saw on the field, I mean we inspected that on the field... (DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, A PORTION OF THIS DISCUSSION IS MISSING.) TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: ~..it seems like there was beach in between those two, uh, two bulkheads. TO~ SAMUELS: That's right~ I don't think there's enough water to... TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I don't think there's any water ~RUS~EE HOLZAPFEL: I think it's a beach. TRUSteE! KRUPSKI: I'm not sure, but if I can remember correctly, we stood there, yeah, and there was beach here. TOM S~LS: Do you recommend dredging? TRUSTEE WENCZEL: This is a new direction for the CAC, this, I don't think this is right. I couldn't make heads or tails out of that one. (Several people speaking at once, couldn't understand what was being said) BRUCE LOUCKA: It's only a suggestion, we're not gonna, we're not gonna... TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Alright, is there any other comment then? TRUSTEE GARRELL: Don't put thedock on the beach please. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Alright, is there any other corm~ent? Does the board have any other comment? Do I have a motion to close the hearing? TRUSTEE GARRELL: So moved. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor? ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I have a motion on the application? Board of Trustees 9 October 27, 1994 TRUSTEE ~ARRELL: Move to approve° TRUSTEE HOLZA~FEL: Second. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Ail in favor? ALL AY-ES T~.USTEE HOLZAPFEL: Here's a question. T~US~E KRUPSKI: Yes. ~IAEL LEA~f: I'm sorry, but if I could interject for a second, for clarification. On the, ut%, the ruling that you made tonight, did that include the, uh, the dock for the original ~PP!icati°n? T~USTEE ~OLZAPFEL. Do you want to include the original dock? ~tC~AEL LEAR~: I just want a clarification, of, cfr you know~ I ~c~ the long one wasn't. TRUSTEE ~OLZAPFEL: Okay, what, what happened was, when you re- ap i a new with the dock in the other ~iti°n.i~ What the board did tonight was to deny that other p~? ied, you put in application d~k, and to what, what you're saying is can you get the other do k back in there now? Am I.~ ~I! ~EL LEAHY: Yeah, it seems ~he CAC and the Trustees are a~ainst it. T~USTEEWENCZEL: Next month. T~3STEE 5OLZAPFEL: Yeah, just after it closed, I asked A1 just t~atq~es~ion, and the worst that can happen, it's gonna be a~other month. So, then if you just amend it, next month, you'll ge~ I presume that most of the Trustees would vote for that kind of dock~ where you have it~ and it's not gonna hold yo~ ~p ~at all. Did that answer your question? MI~EL LEAHY: Yeah, I was just wondering, t had actually thought that I was approved in the original form, and Jim spoke ~ith me outside, and he didn't think it was. TRUSTEE KRUPS~t: No, no it wasn't. TRUSTEE HO~ZAPFEL: No~ we had to deny that~ 'cuz you weren't asking for two docks, you weren't saying either or, you know, you had changed it to one long dock~ and so... MI~ LEAHY: Right. TRUSTEE ~ARRELL: What's the harm, what's the harm, you know if you want to go back to the original, we~ve got t~at, we~ve got that on file. Uh, we~ve got the details on file, why don~t we just.~. TRUSTEE ~OLZAPFEL: Can we re-open the hearing? TRUSTEE ~ARRS~L: Why can't we knock it off? TRUSTEE Ki~U~SKI: Sure. Yeah, absolutely, 'cuz it was published for tonight, so we'll just re-open the hearing. Alr'ight, I'll make a motion to, uh, well, we don't need a motion, we'll just go back to the, re-open the public hearing, tn the matter of MICHAEL LEAHY, and, um, let me make sure Diane~s getting caught up with us here first. DIANE HERBERT: You're re-opening? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We're re-opening the public hearing. A/right. DIANE HERBERT: Do you need a second on that? TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Where~s the file? Board of Trustees I0 October 27~ 1994 KRUPSKI: Ail in favor? %RUPSKI: Now, Mr. Leahy, if you can request the board Uap~rove your original application for your dock? STYE WENCZEL: I think he just has to request a change in the KRU~SKI: Do we have a piece of paper? HOLZkPFEL: I think we're just trying to make it easier, but, it's not... ~IM Do you have them both there? ~RUSTEE Yeah, that's why I'm just trying to get. TRUSTEE Just write us a note requesting the amendment. to the~ uh, for us to approve the original application. It'd actually be requesting in accordance with CAC Right, that's right. Can I just, say it, this is it. Um, it's a dockr a 3' X 10', and a 6' X 10' float. Okay~ so re That sounds right? Alright, do I haves do I have a motion? That was the original application? Do I have a motion to close the hearing? So moved. Second. All in favor? GARRELL & ALBERTSON: AYE Make a motion to approve this. Wait. HOLZAPFEL: Can we just talk for a second? : KRUPSKI: Sure. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Um, just one second. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Nearing' s closed. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Should we suggest? TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Are you sure a 6' X 10' float? Does that sound appropriate to you? It just sounds a little short to me, that's why, you know, I don't know how it's gonna work. MICN3%EL LEAHY: Write 20? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Say yes~ MICHAEL LEAHY: If I find... TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: No, and you'll just come back and ask again, what Peter's trying to do, is to save you time, and I don~t know if that's our job to try to do at this point, but, you know it makes much more sense to say a 6' X 20'~ that's the standard. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: That's the standard size~ yeah, it's a lot more stable. MICHAEL LEAHY: Okay, thank you° TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Alright, make a motion to approve that then. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: So moved. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Spell it out. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Okay~ um, I make a motion that weI appro, a the amendment to um, put., uh, place a 3' X 20' fixed dock, ~ 3~ X 10' ramp, and a 6' X 20' float. I made the motion. Board of Trustees 11 October 27, 1994 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: think... TRUSTEE WENCZEL: TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: As per CAC recommendations. Ail infavor? Alright~ did you get all that? Crude, but I Does anybody know what we said there? I think we got What we want there. DIANE HERBERT: Is this legal? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: I don~t ~ow if it was legal, but... 7:40 P.M. - In the matter of J.MzO. Consulting on behalf of LOUIS M. BACON requests a Wetland Permit to allow for hand-cutting, selective rotocutting and small tractor for sIip-chain removal of clumps of Catbrier and multiflora rose and removal of certain invasive species of plants in following areas: Buttonbush Ponds, claypits & Spring to Peconic Bay & South Pond. Located Robins Island. SCTM %134-3-5 ~RUSTEEKRUPSKI: Anyone here like to comment in favor or against this application? G~ENN JUST: Um, I'm Glenn Just from J.M.O. Consulting,. uh, just wante~ to give you guys, I picked up today the, um,. surveys ycd, ve been waiting for, it shows the exact areas you just announced. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay, thanks. TRUSTEE HOLZAPF~EL: Uh, the flagged wetlands? GIiE~N JUST: Yes, well flagged by the stafi of the DEC, TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. Would anyone else like to comment on this application? BRUCE LOUCKA: Yeah, our comments. TRUSTEE FJ%UPSKI: CAC recommends approval. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Glenn, can I ask a question~ as long as it's Still open. Um, again it's just a question. The infamous mud-turtles... GLEN~ JUST: Yes. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Um, is there clear evidence that they are quote gone from the ponds? GLENN JUST:: Yes, we have, I have a, uh, set o.f maps that I'd be more 'than happy to supply the board with, that shows where the turtles have moved off 75~ to 100" away from the list of the wetlands, they've already started to bury themselves for hibernation, so they're out of the area for the cold weather. TRUSTEE HOLZAP~EL: Uh, just when we were out there the last t/me, the turtle guy was out there, and he was just saying only a couple have move~. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: And you can tell how severe the winter is by the depth that they bury themselves in the ground. ~LENN JUST: Maybe wetll learn something this year. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Any other comment? The board have any co,~ent? Motion to close? TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: So moved. TRUSTE~ GARRELL: Second. TRUSTEEiP~RUPSKI: Ail in favor? ALL ~YES TRUSTIEF~t~SKI: You got that? Okay. Board of Trustees 12 October 27, 1994 TRUSTEE GARRELL: Move to approve. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Second. T~USTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor? ALL AYES TRUSTEE Fd{UPSKI: Okay. 7:41 P~M, - In the matter of Peconic Associates Inc., on behalf o~ NARROW RIVER MARINA re~aests a Wetland Permit to remove at thehigh spots at entrance to marina that was originally included and authorized for maintenance dredging on Permit ~3805 issued Feb. 23, 1990. ~ermit was extended to Feb. 23, I994, but fQrlreasons of: 1) owner's original decision not to have the contractor return to complete work (owner changed his mind after ~ceiving complaints of boats striking the bottom in area of low ~d~), 2) contractors availability for such a small job and difficult access, & 3) ice conditions that prevented work'being done in January 1994 as scheduled by the contractor. Total ~edged, 90 c.y., all as per description on sheet 1 of survey, only. Located Narrow River Road, approx. 1.0 miles south of ROute 25 in Orient. SCTM ~27-2-4 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Anyone here like to comment either in favor or against this application? CAC comments: CAC... BRUCE LOUCKA: Originally, we approved it, I d~n't know what we did. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: I didn't see any in there, when I went through the file. BRUCE LOUCKA: Back to the original application? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: From 19907 Well, we're not gonna, we=re not gonna find them in here. I don't think. The earliest correspondence in here would be 1993~ so no, we're not gonna find 'em. BRUCE LOUCKA: I think we originally approved it, the only question was where the 90 yards was gonna go or something like that. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Alright, well that's a question that, I think troubled the board earlier. Um, any dredging, any town bottom, the feeling that it is town bottom, whether it's maintenance or not, it Should be, it should be charged for. T~U~TEE HOLZAPFEL: Can I, Can I just ask a question? TRUSTEE KRUPSKt: Sure. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: The question I had was~ is this at the very mouth? I tired to look through that paper and get a clear indication. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No, it's right on the survey, take a look. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: And this is just at the opening of the marina? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No. No, it's not, it's out here. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: And they're saying that this has now moved up, these aren't the numbers there anymore? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No, they're saying those, that's what they submitted, so those are the numbers. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Those are the numbers, and those are the areas they want to dig. Board of Trustees 13 October 27, 1994 TRUSTEE Ki{UPSKI: 3-7, 3-3, 3-5~ 3-6, 3-5. Now, my contention is, and was at the time of the original application in 1990~ is ~h~t 5alIock!s Bay is an important shellfishery and that it's one of the only places in town that supported a scallop crop, and that it's important that in the event of a future disaster like the brown tide, that you could have scallop populations, uh, to remain in town, and that anything we do out there is gonna have some sort of an effect, you know, on the my f~eling about it, I don't know, umr um. Well, I'd like to make a comment. I think that any dredging in Hallock's Bay is too much dredging, I think was approved in the past~ Um, I think the it, it's done that, you know, to the degree 'that 're talking about~ removing 6''~ is frivolous~ and you know, I wo~Id never be in favor of dredging out there in Hatlock's Bay. Umf my other co~,ent is that if the board so decides to approve ~hi.s, um, I think some mechanism should be designed to make sure th~ only the stipulated 90 yards is removed. I mean, that ne~ds to be kept track of. T~USTEE ~OLZAPFEL: Now, how deep~ can I just ask again, how deep do.they want to go here? 'Cuz it didn't say in the ~es~ription on, you know that. T~RUSTEE KRUPSKI: Should we take a look at the f~ie? HOLZAPFEL: Are they taking one and a half to two feet? Six inches is what I think they were talking about o TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Yeah, I think that ' s... TRUSTEE WE~CZEL: They were talking about removing high spots. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Right. TRUSTEE GARi~ELL: Six inches? TRUSTEE~ HOLZAPFEL: Yeah, I think that's right. TRUSTEE ~CZEL: tt seems to me that's what I-'read. There's nobody here to... TRUSTEE GARRELL: That sounds like it's just a waste of time. I mean... BRUCE LOUCKA: That's a big area there,. 90 yards at six inches. TRUSTEE KRUPSKIi: yeah, that's more than four high spots. BR~CE LOUCKA: We thought it was just~ just out from the ramp, you know the ramp comes out and up from the ramp. TRUSTEE'HOLZAPFEL: Yeah, no, that's why I had problems. I went ~ooking through this and, if we can take a minute... TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Right, let's look at April '94, because that's...Maintenance dredge...doesn't say. Right there. Somewhere I got six inches. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: February ' 90 ~ copy attached. TRUSTEE WENCZ~L: Some discussion. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: See, that's why I couldn't follow. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Wetl~ yeah, this file is like so long. TRUSTEE KRUPSKt: ~nat~s only a fraction of it there. TRUSTEE WENczEL: See, this was, I think you might find the answer in the original application that allowed them to dredge out the bay last winter, because that's where... Board of Trustees 14 October 27, 1994 5OLZAPFEL: Okay, can we, can we just table this for 10 a~d askr umw Laurel to go downstairs and get the Wait~ waitf what does it say here? See the updated. Get your fingers out of there, guys. Only remove the high spots where the water than 3~8' at low tide. So they're talking about removing less than 6" marked on the survey. Apparently. 3-7, 3-3, 3-5, 3-6, and 3-5. What do they want to go down to? 3-8. 3-8. STEE 3-8. s~EE ~OLZAPFEL: That doesn't make sense. You know three in~e~eS or four inches isn't bad. I don't understand how that TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: a~itious plan. TRUSTEE GARRELL: gettiing 910 cubic yards out of 6"? TRUSTEE K~U~SKI: Well, you could just... T~usTEE ~ARRELL: Figure it out. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Well, you can go all the way out to the... TRUSTEE ERUPSKI: Sag Harbor. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: If they're asking 90 yards, you know, and they're just tiny little spots, so there's a discrepancy somewhere and it, you know I~d hate to just vote no, and just based on the fact that it's a misreading of the thing~ TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Alright, well, is there... TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Is there anybody... BRUCE LO~CKA: Weren't they gonna go up to the ramp? TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Oh, that was a long time ago. That was the first application. That was shot down by the DEC. The DEC didn't allow that~ .That was a very Well, let me ask this, if they're gonna do a 6" dredge job, if that's what's proposed, and that's what it appears to be to go from 3-3 to 3-8. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I to 5" actually. TRUSTEE GARRELL: 1 to 5~'. I mean it just seems like it comes under question, no matter what yardage they're talking about. And I think we can proceed with the determination or the finding tonight. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Alright, I'll make a motion to suspend the public hearing. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Is it worth it, or should we just deny it because we just can't. I'm sorry, I'm backing up a little bit there. Board of Trustees 15 October 27, 1994 TRUSTEE ERUPSKI: You sure did. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: No, no, but I mean they would, there's a misconception, and I was trying to give the guy a benefit, but, you know, should we just deny it, and let him go through it again? TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Well, let me ask you a question. Did he, did his agent, and did he know it was on the agenda for tonight? It was published in the paper as a public notice. TRUSTEE GARRELL: That's his problem, then. TRUSTEE ~OLZAPFEL: Okay, then, I take back my comment then. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: It's their responsibility to be here, isn't it? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I ha~e a motion to, uh? DIANE HERBERT: Did you close it? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No, I didn't close it, I made a motion not to close, so that's lost, so now, I~ll entertain a motion to close. TRUSTEE GARRELL: Move to close. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor? ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Now, I wrote down some thoughts on this, and some of the reasons, some of my same thoughts that came up four years ago. Southoid Town Board of Trustees has authority to exercise control over activities in the town's wetlands and adjacent areas, for multiple sources. The State EnVironmental Quality Review Act provides protection, as does the standard set forth in chapter 97.28 of the town wetland code. However, the most powerful and meaningful source of our authority resides in the Andros patent. Hallock~s Bay is patent land, owned and managed by the Southold Town Board of Trustees for 318 years. It is also the most important sheltfishery in the town. Because of it's importance in preserving the local scallop population. The Southold To~n Board of Trustees should take every precaution to ensure a healthy shellfish habitat that benefits the residents of the town, not only this year, but one that will provide safe haven for shellfish in the event of a disaster like that of the brown tide. Therefore, I make a motion to deny the request for dredging by Narrow River Marina, a request that might prove harmful to the water quality and benefits derived thereof. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: ALL AYES DIANE ~Et~BERT: TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I'll second it. All in favor? Deny without prejudice? Deny without prejudice, of course. 7:52 P.M. - In the matter of J.M.O. Consulting on behalf of ANTHONY PETRILLI requests a Wetland and Coastal Erosion Permit to construct a single family residence, sanitary system, deck, regrade and crushed stone drive~ay as per su~ey prepared by Chandler, Palmer~ & King, last da%ed 11/5/91. Located East End Road, Fishers Island. SCT~ $4-5-18 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Anyone here who would like to comment on this application? Board of Trustees 16 October 27, 1994 GLENN JUST: Uh, I'm Glenn Just of J.M.O. Consulting, I'm here if ~the board has any questions. I do think, though, that there should be a correction, that it, uh, I don't believe a coastal e~osion p~rmit, this is in the middle of the island. TRUSTEE KR~rFSKI~: That'S what I was checking on. I don't, I'm thinking t~is is a different application than we looked at. There's some mean erosion up there. KRU~SKI: Yeah, alright, you had me grasping for the file. Thanks. Is there any other comments from the public, on Let me check the CAC co~m~ents. There aren't any. Okay. This is the one that Peter and Marty I looked at last December, so I don't know if you, you've ~here since then. but I don't know if you've looked at this one. Um~ it was a high knoll ground, um, and the wetlands are aI~ to this si~e~ and I don't even know what direction that is, The neighbor was objecting. That's because of the view. Well, it was more that, more because of the of their house, and they never thought anybody would That ' s right. And they never... ~: Somebody bought it~ and they're gonna build a it. And they didn't buy it themselves. KRU~SKI: Right. That was the main objection. I don' t believe it was environmental. Alright. Any other comment or fo~ the a~plicant's agent? No comment. Do I have a motion to close the hearing? ~OLZAPFEL: So moved. ALBE~TSO~: Second. All in favor? ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I have a motion to approve or deny? Somebody who was there should do it. Peter or Marty? TRUSTEE GARRELL: Well, I would move to approve, uh, with the stipulation, uh, the usual stipulation for haybales. TRUSTEE K~UPSKI: Um-hmm. Let's find a contour line. GLENN JUST: I believe it's already shown~ TRUSTEE GARRELL: ts it? Okay. TRUSTEE ~IOLZAPFEL: Yup. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: 215' of continuous haybales. ~lrighto TRUSTEE ~OLZAPFEL: Good job, Glenn. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Now do you have that? Thank you. Thanks a lot. YOu made the motion? TRUSTEE GARRELL: Made the motion. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: ~o I have a second? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Second. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor? ALL AYES Board of Trustees 17 October 27, 1994 7:55 P.M. - In the matter of NIGgGOS ARAIAN requests a Wetland and Coastal Erosion Permit to attach 30' X 30' wooden deck and construct a 60' bulkhead, 6' high. Located 54365 County Rd., LILCO Pole ~58, Southoldo SCTM ~52-1-7 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to comment in favor of or against the application? UNIDENTIFIED PER~ON: Yes, I'ld like to point out the fact that there is a bulkhead on both sides, on the left side and right side~ and also, you have approved the bulkhead which is on the righ~ side, an~ we'd just l~ke to continue. And there is no wetlands there. I~d like to point that out. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: t believe at the last... UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: The same configuration as both sides. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Alright, we actually reviewed this on, Trustee Albertson and I reviewed this on a tour with the Department of State, from the water side, um, last week, and we looked at this specifically. Now, does this, we, I believe we asked for plans for Stairs. Becauser right. UNI~E~TIFIED PERSON: I mailed them in. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. Because last month, we had a prob!~m. Um, well, the stairs that were there were sort of what we cohsider sub-standard, and we~d rather see stairs ~hat were elevated above theo°.I just want to get the stairs. Is there any :other comment? The CAC... TRUSTEE HOLZAP~EL: I think Diane is just saying, you were having a discussion about wetlands and everything. Um, in the town code, anything within 75' of the water needs awetland application. It isn't that there is a plant there that is a wetlands, but, that's why you have two applications. It's in the Coastal Erosion ~azard Act area, but it's also, um, under the wetland code at the same tLme, so there's two different ~odes that ~re making you come h~re tonight, and so that's why here are two different applications. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Alright, the'CAC recommends disapproval of the 3.0~ X 30' wooden deck, because they view it as too large. The CAC recommends the Trustees require applicant to remove the section which extends past the Coastal Erosion Hazard line. The applicant should have obtained permit prior to building the deck. The CAC disapproves the bulkhead, because no need is shown. Oh, I see,. okay. Let's um...Let me find the Coastal Erosion line on the deck part. What? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: It's about what we measured out before, remember when we looked at it? TRUSTEE WENCZEL: It goes right through the middle of the deck, as I understand it. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Right, that's what we had measured out, I think. Remember, you had walked it out? TRUSTEE WENCZEL: It's on one of those, one of those plans in the file there. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Alright. Is it on there? Oh, okay. Alright. And we~ve had, it's sort of a standard for the board to not allow a deck to be that close to the top of the bluff~ and in this case, we~d recommend that it be pulled back 10 feet. ~ne bulkhead application, where you're on property in Board of Trustees 18 October 27, 1994 between two bulkheaded properties, um, my feeling is that it represents a danger to your property, having it not bulkheaded, because of the erosion. I don't know how the rest of the board feels. To continue that line of bulkhead there°.° TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: I don't have a problem with 'that. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: I don't have a problem with it at all, 'cuz it's all by itself, sitting in the middle of, surrounded by bulkheads. Right. But the deck itself extends into the Coastal Erosion Hazard line, and you know, it was built before you got a permit, and all that. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: And the deck also has to be, as part of the COastal Erosion Hazard law, the deck has to be completely detached from the house, there can't be a single nail into it~ attaching it to the house~ MS. ARAIAN: It isn't attached~ I asked the people who built it~ and there are no nails that connect it into the house. Last meeting, we had spoke about it taking it into the water if the waves come up... TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Ri~t,. it's gotta be completely free-standing for that reason. MS. ARAIAN: Right, it is not attached at all. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Alright, and I'm still looking for plans for the stairs. Now, I think what you sent us, which we received October 24th, the stairs extend from the deck to the bulkhead, but I don't, unless I'm not finding it yet, I'm looking for plans for stairs from the bulkhead to the beach, do you propose to build those? UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: Uh, yes, those were sent in, I believe, by mail. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Could you take a look at what was sent in, 'cuz !~m not quite surer I'm not quite sure if that was what was sent in. See, this, is that what was most recently sent in? UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: Right, we don't have a cross-view on that. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Yeah~ but that only shows it from the deck to the bulkhead~ So you see, you need a set of drawings, a cross-section, really from the bulkhead down to the beach, showing us a set of stairs. TRUSTEE H~LZAPFEL: You plan to put stairs from the bulkhead to the beach, right? MS. A/~AIAN: I assume so, to get to the beach. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Right~ that's standard, you know, that's not a problem, it's just that we need it for the file. You have to give us, like you have a, you have a cross-section here of the butkhead.~ you take, you take one cf these drawings and you'd show the stairs coming down here, and you'd give us the dimensions of the stairs. .And we'llneed that. We can vote on this tonight. (DUE TO TEC~ICAL DIFFICLrLTIES, T~IS IS AN I~COMPLETE RECORD IF THIS DISCUSSION.) TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Right, but if they had come to us originally, it wouldn't have been approved. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Because of Coastal Erosion, it never would have been approved. TRUSTEE ~OLZAPFEL: So, do you give somebody... Board of Trustees 19 October 27, 1994 TRUSTEE GARRELL: Alright, sot what do you do now, you want to remove... TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Remove 10 feet from the deck. TRUSTEE GARRELL: Remove 10 feet from the deck. What's that gonna do to the deck? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Free standing deck. RUSTEE GARRELL: Free standing deck, sc it isn't gonna S. ARAIAN: It's off, it's on the ground, to cut it back, we're gonna be totally. We have no view~ as of now, on the right hand now, unless we go out to the, what is called the hazard part of ito If we do cut it back~ I mean that deck is gonna be useless for us. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: See, part of the problem is that if you had come in earlier and done the permitting' process as it should have been done, we wouldn't have allowed that anyway. MS. ARAIAN: We were new to this, we..~ Tt~USTEE HOLZAPFEL: I understand, no, no... TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We understand, you didn't do it intentionally, it's just that we've had other cases where the deck has been built out over the bluff and we've made people remove portions of it, and some people had to have the deck, you know, detached from the house and what-not. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: The precedent is that the next person comes in and says oh, let's build it first~ and then we can have what we want. Do you know what I'm trying to say, that it sets a precedent that, don't get a permit for it, go build it, and then come get your permit, and well, since it's already up, that's okay. FLS. ARAIA~: We apologize for that. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: I, I'm not, I know there was no meaning. Right, and my point is, if you had come for the permit, we wouldn't have allowed you to go past that particular line. So, can we reward you for not going for a permit? That's part of what we have to look at. That's where we're coming from. MS. ARAIAN: Can we be fined for it instead of cutting it? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It's a law, it's a state law, and we have to work with :the law. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: We're following the, the law says there should be nothing built on the other side of the Coastal Erosion Hazard Act. UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: What about if there's a bulkhead there? Then there's no open erosion coast there~ TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No, the Coastal Erosion ~azard line runs, actually thewhole Iength of the Eastern seaboard, and it connects up, it's a continuous coastal erosion hazard line for the whole east coast. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: It's a federal line that's drawn on all maps, whether there's bulkheads, or no bulkheads. MS. ARAIAN: However.~. TRUSTEE GARRELL: How do you remove 10 feet of deck? TRUSTEE KRTJPSKI: It's in sections. It's you know, it's not... TRUSTEE GARRELL: Oh. You don't get a chain saw and buzz it through with a chain saw? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No. Board of Trustees 20 October 27, 1994 TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Um, what she just asked, is, there are other ~eople with decks further out, but I think what happens in those ~ings, I'm taking a guess though, is that they are, um~ pre Coastal Erosion Hazard Act structures. In other words, the house existed 30 years ago, before there was a line. The line was only created in '87. 5~USTEE KRUPSKI: Well, we've only administered it since TRUSTEE' HOLZAPFEL: So~ you know~ it's sometlktng fairly new. So that's why you can see existing structures there. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Or they're in violation, one or the other. TRUSTEE KRUPSKt: Excuse me? ~IDENTiFIED PERSON: So the configuration has to be 30' X 20' then? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Right. ~So ARAIAN: Even if it is not attached to the house? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That's right~ y~ah. Because of' its proximity to the bluff. Now~ that's what we would have, you know, like John said, that's what we would have approved had you, you know, c~me in originally. We would never have approved a 30, a 30 foot extension. An~ other comments? TRUSTEE ~OLZ'APFEL: I~'s only, and I don?t even want to open it ~p, but, I think it's worth a point, is that obviousl~ when you construct a deck, there are break points in it. You know~ in other words, Marty was asking a question~ do you just get the saw and go right through it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Yeah, I think that's what we looked at it. TRUSTEE 5OLZAPFEL: Yeah, I think tha~'s~ it's ~nding at a point where structurally you can end it. TRUSTEE KRUPSK~: Now, if you have a problem, a foot either way, that you'd rather have a foot~ because of the way the deck's constr~cted~ take off 9 feet, or 8 feet~ or something like that, come in and we'll definitely work with you. We're not gonna m~ke you, um, um..~ TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Take out 30 feet and then rebuild 10, you know what I'm trying to say, do you understand-? That there might be a stringer going across that if it's one foot beyond, then come in and we can work with that. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We'll work with you on that. MS. ARAIAN: Is there any way of making that less than 107 I mean~ even if the cutting point is less, let's say 5 or something. I mean, if you, we're only h~re two months out of the year~ and to me, if you don't~ the purpose of this house that we bought was for the, it's a beach house, and to be there for the two months and enjoy the beach, and if we're gonna keep being pushed back~ we have like a tower on one side, so I mean, that the was the whole purpose. If we knew it, we would have done it correctly, but, to cut. back 10 is just destroying the whole purpose. TRUSTEE GARRELL: The problem is that TRUSTEE HOLZA~FEL: There is a law. There is a law that says you can't go beyond that line. TRUST~ KRUPSKI: One of the reasons I think we picked 10, even though it still is within the area, Coastal Erosion Hazard Area~ it seemed like the deck... Board of Trustees 21 October 27, 1994 TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: That was the breaking point. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The breaking point in the deck is 10' Instead of saying take 8 feet off, then you'd have two feet of deck sticking out, and you'd have to rebuild the deck structurally. MS. AP~AIAN: Well, to rebuild it, I mean, that's not a big issue, but. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay, weI1 then if the board wants to have them move the deck backr you know 6', you know I'd.~. TRUSTEE GARRELL: t0 feet, i0 feet. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: 10 feet is granting above the line as it is. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: 10', plus or minus, it depends on where the Stringer is, and do the best they can. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay. Any other comment, so we can close the public hearing? Any other comment? Alright. Do I have a motion to close the hearing? TRUSTEE ~ARRELL: So moved. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. TRUSTEE K/~UPSKI: All in favor? ALL AYES TRUSTEE, KRUPSKI: Make a motion? Uh, I'll make a motion to approve the application, s~lbject to a 30' X Plus or minus 20~ deck, with, um, with, well, with the condition that the permit can't .be handed out until, nh, we receive the cross-section of stairway~ the ~rawing of the stairway. TRUSTEE GARRELL: But the stairway is alright? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Well, sure, it's just a stairway to the beach. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Do you have the bulkhead in there? TRUSTE~ GARRELL: And the bulkhead. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Oh, no, we'd include the bulkhead also. Oh, yeah, everything's in it, yeah. They'll have the whole application with the bulkhead as it was applied for. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: What he's saying is that when you get in, bring in the cross-section, the whole permit will be issued. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: They'll be, they'll be typed up and waiting for you in the office. Just bring in that plan and... UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: Any time? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Diane? DIANE HERBERT: What? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: When will it be ready? DIANE HERBERT: Uh, tomorrow, I can have it ready. UNIDENTIFIED PERSON: Okay~ great, thanks very much. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Alright, I need a second on that. TRUSTEE GARRELL: Second. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor? ALL AYES 8:11 P.M. In the matter of Diane Herold on behalf of BETH BLEVINS requests a Wetland Permit to relocate existing house to parallel property lines in order that a 24' X 24' garage may be built on the east side of house, a 12' X 33' deck on west si~e of house, a full foundation instead of concrete block piers, and enlargement of existing second floor, and enclose an existing Board of Trustees 22 October 27, 1934 screened porch. Located 640 Haywaters Drive, corner of Maso Drive, Cutchogue. SCTM ~104-5-23 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Would anyone like to comment on this application? osCAR. BLEVINS: Oscar and Beth Blevins are available for any ~Omments or recommendations. STEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. Um, I, I spoke to Diane Herold on the phon~, about relocating the cesspool. OSCARBLEVINS: We were aware of that. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay, and there's no problem with that? OSCAR BLEVINS: No problem. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. That was one of our big concer~s. OSCAR BLEVINS: It would be indicated on the survey. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Um-~m~,. Just wanted to, since you're here ask you that question. Alright, let me check the CAC co~mr, e~ ~s. They recommended approval with conditions that the cesspool be moved', which is, which is, uh, agreed upon to restore the natural vegetative buffer. Um, ~iolation land clearing should be stopped immediately. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: That's next door. I think so. TRUSTEE Ki~UPSKI: Has there, has there been any land clearin~ recently? OS~AR~ BLEVINS: Uh, took some trees down. TRUSTEE KltU~SKI: Alright. Um, are... OSCAR BLEVINS: Not in the wetlands buffer. · TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay, 'cuz when we inspected this, it was... TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: I think we saw the next door neighbor m~wing the marsh, and that's what we brought up. It wasn't your property, it was next door. You know, we walked down that ~ay. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: And the trustees were impressed with the amount of wetland buffer you had there. Alright. OSCAR BLEVINS: We haven't removed anything that's along the edge of th~wetland at all. TRUSTEE~ HOLZAPFEL: Right. OSCAR BLEVINS: I understand that's not allowed. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Right, no it's not. And it's not advisabl~ because, during a storm event, that Provides protection for ~our property. That... OSCAR BLEVINS: Well, they're flowering right now, so they really look nice. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: And also, they trap all the debris, if that's ali cut down, when you get a big storm event, all ~hat debris from the marsh washes up on your property, and that provides a go~d buffer from wave action and debris to your property. OSCAR BLEVINS: The trees that we took down were dead, and just, we took out some of the undergrowth. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Alright, and one of the, um, one of the recommendations that we had on field inspection were to put, during construction, a snow fence, between the wetland and construction site. Just to keep any construction debris to keep from blowing into the wetland. So we'll have to look at it and make sure we give you enough room...oh. I would say the 8' contour would probably give you enough room to, uh, the wetland Board of Trustees 23 October 27, 1994 line isn't on here though. Yeah, okay. Will that give you enough room to work? OSCAR BLEVINS: Oh, sure. The 10' line runs 'right along the edge of the building itself. By the time we turn the house, it will be an adequate distance. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: You have room enough t9 work. Any other comment from the board~ a question? Do I have a motion to close the hearing? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Hold on. BETH BLEVINS: You said snow fence and not haybales, right? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Well, we'd rather say .a snow fence. Uh, in that property, it's not really, you don't have a turfed area, it's not really steeply sloped toward the water, so you shouldn't get any siltation from the rai~ effect into the water. And this is just mainly to protect the m.~terial, whatever's gonna blow around in the wind, or be pushed that way, and it j. ust makes for a physical barrier for the contractor, that he knows he can't be, you know intruding on the wetlands° Do I have a motion to close the hearing? TRUSTEE GARRELL: So moved. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: So moved. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor? ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I have a motion to approve? CAC Recommendations? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: TRUSTEE GARRELL: TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: ALL AYES Based on the I make a motion to approve the application. Second. All in favor? 8:16 P.M. - In the matter of Latham Sand & Gravel on behalf of ROBERT R. GENSEL requests a Wetland permit to replace inkind/inplace 55' of 2 1/2' high wooden retaining wall which is normally above mean high water and no additional fill will be ~ecessary. Located Hobart Road, telephone pole $14 opposite house, C~oss street Landing Lane 1/4 mile south, Sout~old. SCTM 96432- - .2 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak in favo~'of this application, or against this application? CAC comments were disapproval, the retaining wall is not necessary, applicant should plant Spartina in front of the existing bulkhead to avoid risk of erosion. ApplJ to meet current town code by putting a b~ bulkhead. Okay, do I have any, uh, comm~ TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Again,~ I just, the vE good idea. This is the one I wasn't here and I have~ I had no problem last week, week. You know. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: We have no problem wJ .cant should be required [ffer behind the ~nt from the board? getative buffer is a on last week, that I, have no problem this th it. TRUSTEE GARRELL: We have no problem with it either, right? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Make a motion, someone have a motion to close the hearing? TRUSTEE ALRERTSON: So mo~ed. Board of Trustees 2~ October 27, 1994 TRUSTEE GARRELL: Second. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Ail in favor? ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: John, why don't you make a motion? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: I'll make a motion we approve the application of Robert Gensel to replace inkind/inplace 55' 2 1/23 high wooden retaining wall, along with a 20', um, veqetative buffer behind the bulkhead. TR~STEE KRUPSKI: I don't think you want to go, that, then they can plant grass right up there. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: What word do I want to use? TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Non-turf. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Non-turf. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Non-turf. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: And I don't know if you have to go 20'. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: I do, because... TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Yeah, but they're probably not gonna disturb that area. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Yeah, but it's so...hilly there. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Well, I was just gonna say because it's so flat there. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: No, it runs down, as a slope. It's not a hill, but there is a whole slope from the house straight down. TRUSTEE GARRELL: I don't remember a hill there. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: I don't remember, was there a hill there? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Pete, do you remember? TRUSTEE WENCZEL: There was a slope. TRUSTEE ~OLZAPFEL: Right, Peter? TRUSTEE WENCZEL: There was a slope. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: It's a gradual, I mean it's a slope all the way down, constant slope. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: It's not a steep one, but... TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: No. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: What I'm saying, is, 20' is only gonna bring you to'here, and it's a gentle slope, well, I mean there's a marine railway here, so how steep could it be? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: But, 20' is the zoning board, I mean, it's the Town Code. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: 20' is? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Yeah. If there is a code, we should follow it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay, Non-turf. It doesn't have to be vegetative, I'd rather see sand, or gravel. Alright, there's a motion, is there a second? TRUSTEE GARRELL: Second. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor? ALL AYES 8:19 P.M. - In the matter of Proper-T Services on behalf of ANDREAS PALIOURIS requests a Wetland Permit to construct a single family dwelling within building envelope shown on survey dated October 24, 1994. Located Private Road off Soundview Ave., Southold. SCT~ ~59-9-4.2 Board of Trustees 25 October 27, 1994 DIANE HERBERT: Um, okay, this has to be assessed first. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Yes, it does. Well, we won't vote on it, we'll just hold the public hearing first. We had a, a little confusion about the assessment and the public hearing, so, we open the public hearing. JIM FITZGERALD: Should I sit down? TRUSTEE KRupSKI: No, no, we'll have the public hearing first, then we'll asses it, then we'll vote on it. But since we have the, it's not in the TyPe I, so we don't have to coordinate, and un~er SEQRA, we've been advised that we can assess it tonight and have ~t~e, hold the p,~hlic hearing, since it's been published for and vote on it. TRUSTEE GARRELL: Oh, okay, yeah, go right to it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Sure, which is what... TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Whatever you say, Al. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Well. Is there anyone who would like to comment on this application? JIM FITZGERALD: Jim Fitzgerald for Proper-T Services, if there are any ~estions. I don't have any comments to make, that's not set forth in the application. TRUSTEE~KRUPSKI: Thank you. Any other comments? I want to get the CAC co~,ents. CAC recommend approval. JIM FITZGERALD: On one, yeah, one time, one thing, the survey is not ~ated October 29th, it's October 24tho In the, in the, in the agenda. DIANE HERBERT: Oh, I'm sorry. Well, what's it say on the bottom? TRUSTEE !KRUPSKI: Bottom of what? DI~ANE ~ERT: Does it say the 29th? Oh, sorry. TRUSTEE ~OLZ~PFEL: Well, maybe he's talking about this. TRUSTEE~UPSKI: No, it should say it on the survey. TRUSTEE ~O~ZAPFEL: No, it's just on this date, he's talking about'on ~hat. JIM FITZSERALD: The date is correct on the survey, it's incorrect on tke agenda. TRUSTEE~BERTSON: 29th, that hasn't come yet. TRUSTEE HOLzAPEEL: Did we all see this? TRUSTEE~KRUPSKI: Yes, we did. Yeah, this is where the pond is, we had violations. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Yes, oh, okay, fine. We met you one day there, when you were bulldozing and, I think, no you were gonna bulldoze and straighten out the pond. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I think one of the Board's concerns were, is that the building envelope is what, 60' wide? 70' wide? And is there any way to constrain that a little bit more awa~ from the pond? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: In other wor~s, the building envelope looked like it was 100' X 80', and that seemed like a very large house, and that if we could work inside that and get that envelope a little bit smaller, it would make us happier. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: And, and also, there's no driveway. JIM FITZGERALD: What would you like? How happy would you like to be? Board of Trustees 26 October 27, 1994 TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Well, there is a 75 limit to building within wetlands. JIM FITZGERALD: And if we do that, then he can't build there. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: No, no, right, I understand that. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: This is why we're here. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: And what we're trying to do is just say if you could move it a few feet further away. It appears, now, we just guessed, but it appears that the width of the envelope is 80. J~M FITZGERALD: I have those dimensions. It's 70' wide in the front and 100' and 105' on the two sidesr and 75 in the back. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: That just seemed like a big house° JIM FITZGERALD: Right, it's a all-encompassing. The three sides, uh, toward the property lines are based upon the setback requirement, and the other is based upon my coming out, out of my head with number. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: But if we moved it to 35, that isn't... JIM FITZGERALD: I think that would be okay° TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: How about 30? You don't want to squeeze them too much either. And what about a driveway? Is there any proposed driveway on the, uh, on the plans? JIM FITZGERALD: No, there isn't. The area between the, YOu know from having been there, there is a relatively wide area, immediately adjacent to the road, but kind of in front of the so-called wetlands, um, where a driveway could tome in. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay, it's just that... JIM FITZGERALD: It would be closer, wellr it would be, it could be specified that the driveway would be a pervious material. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Or placed about, I mean it'd be easy enough to place it outside of our juriSdiction, also. To the north of the septic. -JIM FITZGERALD: I don't think so, Al. The ground is pretty high for the last, right next to the roadr or the northerly or westerly portion of the property line. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: And, just another, the uh, septic system, I presume is controlled by neighboring systems. JIM FITZGERALD: Well, in, in the, in the letter that accompanied the new survey, yes, in so far as we're able to, uh, to find people who: A) speak English, and B) who were cooperative in telling us where their wells and septic systems were. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Yeah, sure, right. JIM FITZGERALD: But that, of course, would be subject to Health Department review, and then they have to tell them. But literally, the neighbor to the north said she wouldn't, the surveyor went there, she said she wouldn't tell him. TRUSTEE GARRELL: They're very friendly peoPle over in that neighborhood. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: So we'll probably get an amendment to this from the, after you get a Health Department approval. JIM FITZGERALD: Well, if, if it is contingent upon the location of the septic system. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Alright, that's fine. Board of Trustees 27 October 27, 1994 TRUSTEE GARRELL: TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: TRUSTEE WENCZEL: TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: TRUCE HOLZA~FEL: TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Yeah, no, because, the reason I was saying the septic system looks like it might be a good place for the driveway, or just next to it. And that's why I was just asking that question. TRUSTEE GARRELL: That's a very friendly corner of Southold town. JI~ FITZGERALD: Yeah, whoa. And the dogs are very big. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there any other comment? Do I have a motion to close the hearing? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: So moved. T~J.ST~E ALBERTSON: Second. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor? ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Make a Motion, John? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Uh, now, first, uh, we are set, I mean I'm backing up to what you said earlier. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We have to assess this first. That's right, ¥ou~!re right. We have to make a, to make a... TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: A Neg. Dec. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That's right, make a motion for a Neg. Dec. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Okay, I will make a motion that we ~eclare thiS a negative declaration in terms of SEQRA. Yeah. Do I have a second? Second. All in favor? Now that we've assessed it... We can now have, we can close. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We've closed the hearing already. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Right, so now we can vote. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We can vote on the application. TRUSTEE ~OLZAPFEL: Alright, I would, um... TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Seeing as there were no questions raised during the public hearing that would require further, uh, further information. Like where the driveway is. TRUSTEE ~OLZAPFEL: Do we want to say something on the application, I mean on our permit? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I would think so. JIM PITZGERALD: Is it, would the inclusion of a requirement for a pervious, a driveway of a pervious material satisfy you, because he'd certainly be willing to do that. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Yeah, tha~ would make us happier, yeah, just to see it on paper. TRUSTEE ~OLZAPFEL: So, can I put that in? JI~ FITZGERALD: Sure, yeah. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: So, can we make that also 25' from the wetland area? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: 30. JIM FITZGERALD: I don't know that it would fit. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Yeah. JIM FITZGERALD: It might, because the property line along the road, of course isn't really there. It's much closer to the road. So, it might work. But, like I said, one of the problems is the height of the ground immediately next to the road. Board of Trustees 28 October 27, 1994 TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Is 4 or 5 feet. Yeah. See, the only problem I think A1 is saying, and I think I have, is that the road doesn't go right past the pond, you know, quote pond. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: And i, to me, also, if you came in at an, you're talking about coming in at an angle from the southwest, uh, southwest, you'd have to go down, and then up again, right? 'Cuz that is, it is swelled down a little bit. JIM FITZGERALD: No, the punitive fill, kind of took care of it. It's pretty level until it gets to the undisturbed area, then it drops very slightly, and it goes up, and I would think that the, that the driveway and the parking area or garage would be very close to the level of the... TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Alright, I'll make a motion to approve the application, subject to a drawing with a driveway, of a pervious nature, shown on the survey. Um, the building envelope will be 30' from the, uh, the flagged wetland edge, and that no mechanical disturbance of the soil shall occur within that buffer area, except~ no I can't even say that, can I? No, I'll just leave that out then, 'cuz if the driveway has to be 20' or 25', then you're gonna have to...But, that buffer area cannot be Violated for the house construction. JIM FITZGERALD: I think that's a given, because that's you know. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Um-hmm. That haybales should be placed at the edge of the building envelope during construction. Staked haybales. An, also, on the wetland side of the driveway, until that, um, construction is donew and the soil has been stabilized with vegetation. Or suitable wood chips or something to stabilize the soil. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Second. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor? ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Now, on my agenda...Does anyone have anything else on their agendas? Alright, then I'll entertain a motion to go off the public hearing. TRUSTEE GARRELL: So moved. TRUSTEE AL~ERTSON: Second. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor? ALL AYES V. ASSESSMENTS/ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATIONS: 1. STEVE PAPAGtANAKIS requests a Coastal Erosion Permit to cut back weeds and scrubs and cover with top soil near the bluff for reinforcing. Located Sound Drive, opposite McCann Lane, Greenport. SCTM $33-4-2 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved for a Negative Declaration, TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL seconded. ALL AYES Board of Trustees 29 October 27, 1994 2. Proper-T Services on behalf of ANDREAS PALIOURIS requests a Wetland Permit to construct a single family dwelling within building envelope shown on survey. Located Private Road off Soundview Ave., Southold. SCTM %59-9-4.2 TRUSTEE HOLZAPFELmoved for a Negative Declarationr TRUSTEE WENCZEL seconded. ALL AYES 3. Eh-COnsultants on behalf of NEIL MC GOLDRICK requests a Wetland Permit to maintenance dredge channel within Hall's Creek and approach channel from Great Peconic Bay. A total of 1,040'+/- of channel will be dredged. The width of the channel will vary. The outer channel will be 50' wide (plus side slopes) and dug to depth of 5' below mean low water, plus i' overcut. The inner channel will vary from a minimum of 20' to a maximum of 30' (both plus side slopes ) and dug to a depth of 2', + 1' overcut. Approximately 5,000 Coy. will be hydraulically removed and placed on owner's beach west of the creek both above and below the lines of mean high and mean low water for use as beach nourishment. Project was previously done by Suffolk County Department of Public Works. Multi-year maintenance permit is requested. Existing bulkhead section nearest residence (14' return, 75') will be replaced within i8". The indented boat slip consisting of 15', 24', 31', 24', 10' will be removed and replaced inkind. The remaining two sections, 20' and 10' return will be replaced within 18". At the inlet to the creek, the 70' groin on the west side of the inlet, will be re-piled and repaired and extended 50'. The 160' section of bulkhead immediately to the north of the groin will be removed and replaced in kind and in place. The final northerly section of bulkhead will be left in place and a new 40' section, plus 10' return will be constructed landward of the marsh that has grown behind the existing bulkhead. An existing 80' groin west of the inlet will be re-piled and repaired. Location private road off New Suffolk Ave., Mattituck. SCTM %116-4-16.4 TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL move for a Negative Declaration, TRUSTEE GARRELL seconded. ALL AYES VI. RESOLUTIONS: 1. Board to set public hearings for the November 17, 1994 regular meeting for those applications that have received a Negative Declaration and the following applications that are Type II Actions. Peconic Associates on behalf of ROBERT HOLLEY requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 20.5' X 16' single story addition, 54' from the upland edge of tidal wetlands, landward of an existing dwelling, and relocate and existing shed (approximately 10' X 10'). Located 1085 Bayshore Road, Greenport. SCTM ~53-3-13 Board of Trustees 30 October 27, 1994 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to approve, TRUSTEE GARRELL seconded. ALL AYES 2. Costello Marine on behalf of EDMOND CURCURU re~aests a Grandfather Permit to install 75~ upper retaining wall and an 8' return, backfill with clean fill (approx. 10 c.y.), to be constructed using 6" X 6" timbers, as per his letter dated 4/29/93. Note: This was originally a Storm Damage request issued last December. Located 450 Basin Road, Paradise Point, SouthOld. SCT~ ~81-1-17 TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL moved to approve, TRUSTEE ALBERTSON seconded. ALL AYES 3. Costello Marine on behalf of DAI & SIM MOT request a Grandfather Permit to resheath i50' bulkhead, rebolt, rebuild and repair six timber jetties, backfill return with 10 c.y. of clean fill. ~pplicant also wishes to amend this Grandfather Permit to construct a 12' return. Located West Lake Road, Southold. SCTM $90-1-1&2 TRUSTEE WENCZEL moved to Grandfather the structures already there, TRUSTEE ALBERTSON seconded. ALL AYES TRUSTEE WENCZEL moved to amend the permit to construct a 12' return and to backfill with 10 c¥ of clean fill. Require a 10' non-turf buffer along the bulkhead. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON seconded, ALL AYES V. ASSESSMENTS/ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATIONS: 6. EDWIN BERNHARDT requests a Wetland Permit to replace 83' existing bulkhead within 18". Located 500 Koke Drive, LILCO Pole 6,500' from Main Bayview Road, Southold. SCTM $87-5-4 TRUSTEE ALBERTSON moved for a Negative DeClaration, TRUSTEE GARRELL seconded. ALL AYES 4. Land Use Company on behalf of ROBERT ALCUS requests a Wetland Permit to construct a single family dwelling a minimum of 75' from the landward limits of tidal wetlands, install a sanitary system greater than 100' from the tidal wetlands boundary and install a pervious driveway all in accordance with the attached surveys dated 5/14/91 which were previously approved by the Trustees under Permit $3884. Furthermore, applicant will conform to the conditions set forth within the permit previously issued. Located Cedar Point Drive East, Southold. SCTM $92-1-2.1 TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL moved for a Negative Declaration, TRUSTEE GARRELL seconded. ALL AYES Board of Trustees 31 October 27, 1994 5. En-Consuttants on behalf of EDGAR D~BANY requests a Wetland Permit to construct 100 1.f. of timber retaining wall in line with and attached to adjacent wall to west. A 12' return will be constructed on east side. Eroded bank up to 12' landward of proposed wall location will be regraded and 75 c.y. additional sand fill will be trucked in from upland source via owners property. An existing 3' X 15' stairway down bluff will be removed and replaced with a 3I X 10' stairway from wall to beach. Proposed wall will be well landward.ofAHW and will correct erosion of bluff. Located 27 Watersedge Way, Southold. SCUM ~88~5-58 TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL moved to table the assessment, TRUSTEE ALBERTSON seconded. ALL AYES 7. En-Consultants on behalf of THOMAS BOYLE requests a Wetland and Coastal Erosion Permit to construct 170+/- t.f. of stone revetment and backfill with 2500+/- cy of clean sand to be trucked in from upland source. Purpose of structure is to prevent further erosion to property and concrete wall which is collapsing. ~roject is an emergency. Also would like to construct a one-family dwelling, sanitary system, driveway, all as shown on site plan. Locat~ 600 Leeton Drive. SCTM ~59-1-7 NOTE: Applicant would like to amend this application, as per recommendations of the DEC in their letter dated March 15. TRUSTEE GARRELL moved for a Negative Declaration, conditional on the owner restoring the bluff above MAvW, TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL seconded. ALL AYES Meeting Adjourned at: 10:10 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Laurel Lee Macomber, Clerk RECEIVED AND FILED BY TM souT o f~ ~fown Clerk, Town of Soutl~old