HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-06/24/1993 TRUSTEES John M. Bmdemeyer. III. Presiden! Albert J. Krupski, Jr.. Vice President Henry P. Smith John B. Tuthill William G. Albertson Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 PRESENT WERE: MINUTES JUNE 24, 1993 John M. Bredemeyer III, President Albert J. Krupski, Vice-President Henry P. Smith, Trustee William G. Albertson, Trustee John B. Tuthill, Trustee Jill Doherty WORKSESSION: 6:00 p.m. CALL MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NEXT TRUSTEE BOARD MEETING: Thursday, July 29, 1993 at 7 pm TRUSTEE ALBERTSON approved, TRUSTEE TUTHILL seconded. ALL AYES WORKSESSION: 6:00 p.m. NEXT FIELD INSPECTION: Thursday, July 22, 1993 - 8 a.m. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON approved, TRUSTEE TUTHILL seconded. ALL AYES APPROVE MINUTES: April 29, May 26, & June 24, 1993. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYERmoved to table the monthly report until next meeting, TRUSTEE ALBERTSON seconded. ALL AYES I. MONTHLY REPORT: Trustees m6nthly report for May 1993: A check for $4,811.22 was forwarded to the Supervisor's Office for the General Fund. II. PUBLIC NOTICES: Public notices are posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board for review. III. AMENDMENTS/WAIVERS/CHANGES: Board of Trustees 2 July 24, 1993 1. James Volney Righter Arch. on behalf of HAROLD WIL~F~RDING request waiver to construct a covered roof deck on top of existing small pump house as per plan. Located Hay Harbor, fishers Island. TRUSTEE B~DEMEYERmoved to approve, TRUSTEE KRUPSKI seconded. ALL AYES 2. MARY MC GAHAN requests a waiver to construct a 12' X 20' deck attached to existing dwelling. Located 1400 West Creek Ave., Cutchogue. TRUSTEE ~3=BERTSON moved to approve, TRUSTEE TUTHILL second. AYES 3. FRED RENGANESCHI requests a waiver to construct a 5' X 14' stockage fence. The fence will be approx. 35' from existing bulkhead running 10' inland to an existing fence. Also request waiver to screen in area of deck with an awning roof. Located 2005 West View Drive, Mattituck. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON moved to approve, TRUSTEE TUTHILL seconded. ALL AYES 4. Samuels & Steelman on behalf of JOHN VASSIL request a waiver to construct an open roof structure over the deck and steps on the water side with drywells. Located Salt Lake Lane, Mattituck. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to approve, TRUSTEE TUTHILL seconded. ALL AYES 5. Gordon Price on behalf of BILL MATASSONI requests a waiver to reconstruct an existing building into a two car garage with an apartment on top. Drywells are to be used. Located Village Lane, Orient. 6. ARCHER ISRAEL requests an amendment to permit ~316 to add (2) 6' X 16' floats in "T" configuration to existing dock previously owned by John Becht.. Located Meday & Howard Avenues, Mattituck. TRUSTEE SMITH moved to approve, TRUSTEE KRUPSKI seconded. ALL AYES 7. JOHN DEMPSEY requests an amendment to permit %1965 to add a 3' x 60' catwalk so as to not walk in the wetlands. Located 705 Meday Ave. Mattituck. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to approve, TRUSTRR ALBERTSON seconded. ALL AYES 8. HOWARD WELLS requests an amendment to permit %505 to add (4) 4' X 16~ floats in the new configuration as shown on attached drawing. The existing float ash shown is approx. 5.0' from the channel. The proposed floats would extend out into the Creek only an additional 14', leaving approx. 36' to the channel. Located 1860 Bayview Ave., Mattituck. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to approve, TRUSTEE ALBERTSON seconded. ALL AYES Board of Trustees 3 July 24, 1993 9o J.M.O. Consulting on behalf of ARTHUR URY requests an amendment to permit ~4143 to reinstall an existing 8' X 16' float and a 4' X 8' float instead of the previously noted 6' X 20' float. Located 3750 Stillwater Ave. Cutchogue. TRUSTEE K~UPSKI moved to approve, TRUSTEE TUTRILL seconded. ALL AYES 10. Latham Sand & Gravel on behalf of ERROL FORMAN requests to amend permit 93988 to shorten dock to be as follows: 5' X 12 dock, 4' X 14' ramp, 8' X 16' float and an 8' x 30 float in an "L" configuration. Previously approved permit: 5' X 50' catwalk, 3' X 12' ramp, and an 8' X 30' float. Located 2655 Calves Neck Road, Southold. TRUSTEE TUTHILL moved to approved, TRUSTEE ALBERTSON seconded. ALL AYES V. ASSESSMEntS/ENVIRONMENTAL DECLARATIONS: 1. Matthew Mc Kiernan requests permit to construct a 1 1/2 story residence. All material to be re-disbributed on property to establish proper grade. Construct a 4' X 50' catwalk over marshland and install post to secure small boat. Catwalk to be min 3' above grade. Also request a waiver to start clearing property prior to final approvals. Located Kielbasa Alley, Peconic. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYERmoved to grant waiver to clear property, TRUSTEE TUTHILL seconded. ALL AYES TRUSTF.~ BREDEMEYE~moved to table application for assessment until July 29 meeting and also CAC comments, TRUSTEE KRUPSKI seconded. ALL AYES 2. C & S Engineering on behalf of ELIZABETH AIR FIELD for the Town of Southold requesting a permit for the runway overlay project as described in file. Located Fishers Island. TRUSTEE S~ITHmoved to approve for a Negative Declaration, TRUSTEE ALBERTSON seconded. ALL AYES 3. LAWRENCE NEIBLING requests permit to construct a 3 1/2 ' high retaining wall at the toe of the bank in a straight line as per amended drawing dated 6/3/93. Located 10020 Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to approve the Negative Declaration, TRUSTEE TUTHILL seconded. ALL AYES 4. Board to rescind the Positive Declaration and grant a Negative Declaration for John Geideman on behalf of ANGELA RADOVIC requesting a permit to construct 134' retaining wall as per revised plan dated April 6, 1993. Proposed wall will be approx. 75' from MHW. Located Clearview Ave., Southold. TRUSTEE TUTHILL moved to rescind Positive Declaration, TRUSTEE ALBERTSON seconded. ALL AYES TRUSTEE SMITH Moved to approve a Negative Declaration, TRUSTEE KRUPSKI seconded. ALL AYES Board of Trustees 4 July 24, 1993 TRUSTEE TUHILL moved to go off the regular meeting and enter a Public Hearing, TRUSTEE KRUPSKI second. ALL AYES IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS UNDER THE WETLANDS ORDINANCE OF TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. I HAVE AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FROM THE SUFFOLK TIMES AND AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FROM THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WAT~. PERTINENT CORRESPONDENCEMAY BE READ PRIOR TO ASKING FOR COMPS~VfS FROM THE PUBLIC. PLEASE KEEP YOUR COMMENTS ORGANIZED AND BRIEF: FIVE (5) MINUTES OR LESSr IF POSSIBLE 7:15 p.m. - In the matter of Henry Raynor on behalf of Strongs Marina to c~nstruct new bulkhead, dredge in front of new bulkhead, ba~fill behind new bulkhead and grade parking away 'from bulkhead. Lo.cated camp Mineola Road, Mattituck. TRUSTEE BR~nEMEYER: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf of this project? HENRy RAYNOR: The apPliication before you is bulkheaded approx. 130' of the canal on the south side and dredged approx. 1,4175 yards of Silt and that it runs easily into the channel. ~i1 .fiil is t° be place behind the proposed bulkhead. This project is similar in nature to the north side of the chapel with the hulkheading is existed in place for over 5 years. This project has received a negativedeclaration under SEQRA from your Board, and there is no inverse environmental result come from this project. This property is owned and one marine in theTown's ZOning ordinance and has bccn used as a marina for approx. 30 Fears. The applicant, is not seeking in any way to expand the established uses on the property, but strictly to improve the facility as its exists. I know that the CAC has recommended against this project, the site being demonstrated for bulkheading and I believe your Board is in possession of photographs for our present parking area showing the asphalt paving caving into the embankment which will eventually wash into the canal. This is a result of the rain or runoff going over the bank and undermining the subsoils on which a paved.area exists. The CAC states the potential importance the marsh land that would be eliminated, and I don't feel this is so. The project itself is well to the east of the existing marsh land and in no way shape or form would we propose to infringe on any of that which exists. This project is designed basically to stop present runoff from the asphalt surface and create a recharge area for parking fields. This would be done by reversing the slope on the parking area creating a gravel surface as opposed to the asphalt surface which exits today. And the area itself will become a natural recharge. If you have any questions you might have, I will answer them. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Is there anyone else who wishes to speak on behalf of this application? Is there anyone who wishes to speak Board of Trustees 5 July 24, 1993 against this application? Any comments from the Trustees? From CAC? I'll take a motion to close the hearing in this matter. TRUSTEE AT~ERTSON: So moved. TRUSTEE TUTHILL: Second. ALL AYES TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Your wish to vote in this matter? TRUSTEE SMITH: I make a motion we approve the application. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Second. ALL AYES 7:16 p.m. - In the matter of Michael Bontje on behalf of SANDRA ZATARAIN requests a permit to reconstruct deck and home within the existing foot print of same, no to encroach on Town Road to East. Add wave attenuating g~hian revetment within the foot print of the existing deck. Located Bay Avenue, East Marion. · RUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on' behalf of this application? Is there anyone here who wishes against this application? CE LOUCKA: Did you receive any comments from us? STEE BREDEMEYER: I do not know'. We originally granted an emergency authorization because of the hazardous situation. There was a recommendation to approve by the CAC. STEE KRUPSKI: What's the gabian constructed of? sTEE BRRDEMEYER: The gabian I believe is stone filled basket type, it~!s landward of a previously existing bulkhead. Any additional questions? Comments? Seeing none, I"ll take a motion to closethe hearing in this matter? TRUSTEE SMITH: so moved. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Second. ALL AYES TRUSTEE BREDEM~TfER: Approvals in this are under the Town Wetland Ordinance as well as the Town's Coastal Erosion Hazard Area Act. If you wish to vote both in the same time. TRUSTEE KUR~KSI: I'll make a motion to approve. TRUSTRR TUTHILL: Second. ALL AYES 7:17 p.m. - In the matter of Glenn Just on behalf of Sheldon Salzman requests to construct approx. 104' of timber bulkheading with a 20' return at each end and to backfill structure with approx. 100 c.y. of clean.sand which shall be trucked in from an upland source. Located North Parish Drive, Southold. TRUSTEE BRR~EMEYER: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf Of this application? Is there anyone here who wishes to speak against this application? BRUCE LOUCKA: We have corm~ents. We reco~Lu~nded disapproval. The beach is adequate and there are no other bulkheads in the area. TRUSTEE SMITH: This is a retaining wall. Well land where the high water mark. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: We looked at a soil retentive that would actually keep lawn activities from encroaching on the sand. That was how the 'Board viewed on the field inspection. Are there any additional questions or concerns with respect to this Board of Trustees 6 July 24, 1993 application? I'll take a motion to close' the hearing in this matter. TRUSTEE SMITH: So moved. TRUSTEE TUTHILL: Second. ALL AYES TRUSTEE BREDF/~EYER: Motion in this matter? TRUSTEE SMITH: I make a motion we approve. TRUSTEE TUTHILL: Second. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No. 7:18 p.m. - In the matter of J.M.O. consulting on behalf of CAROL CASSEL to construct a single family dwelling, associated sanitary system, gravel drive, decking, approx. 750 c.y. of clean fill will be trucked in for grading and sanitary system, permanent natural buffer zone shall also be maintained all in accordance with enclosed plans. Located Willow Point Road, Southold. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Is there anyone where who wishes to speak on behalf of this application? Anyone here who wishes to speak against this application? TRUSTEE SMITH: There was a Building Permit issued on this prior to this wasn't it? TRUSTEE BPu~DEMEYER: There was a prior Trustee permit granted for~ the property with the same permit conditions. I believe that expired in reauthorizing the DEC permit. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Did they have a current permit. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: ~They had a DEC permit that expired. The DEC analyst was concerned that with the wetland line that had previously been determined had changed. And they were changing the flag tine. The area we saw all finished lawn area. There being no further co~ents, I'll take a motion to recess the hearing in this matter until we hear from DEC. TRUSTEE KRUPSKt: So moved, TRUSTEE An~ERTSON: Second. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I'll make a motion to re-advertise in the matter of Carol Cassel for July meeting. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES 7:19 p.m. In the matter of application of CHARLES BRAUN to rebuild storm damaged lawn retaining wall (approx) 3' high) and move this wall to be in line with contiguous walls (approx. 6' out) Located 2005 Bayshore Road, Greenport. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf of'this application? We have CAC co~ents, no problem on it. Is there anyone here who wishes to speak agaimst this application? I'll take a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE SMITH: So moved. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Second. ALL AYES TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Vote on the matter? TRUSTEE SMITH: I make a motion to approve. TRUSTEE TUTHIrJ.: Second. ALL AYES 7:19 p.m. - In the matter of the appliCation of CHARLES BRAUN to rebuild storm damaged lawn retaining wall (approx. 3' high) and move this wall to be in line with contiguous walls (approx. 6' out)Located 2005 Bayshore Road, Greenport. Board of Trustees 7 July 24, 1993 TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: 7:20 p.m. - In the matter of the application of RICHARD MAUTNER to rebuild storm damaged lawn retaining wall (approx. 3' high) and move this wall to match existing wall of adjacent neighbors. Located 2055 Bayshore Road, Greenport. TRUSTEE BREDE24EYER: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf of this application? Is there anyone here who wishes to speak against this application? Trustee co~mL,ents? CAC comments we have in the file to approve. TRUSTEE SMITH: I make a motion we close the hearing. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES TRUSTEE BREDE~EYER: Motion in this matter? TRUSTEE SMITH: I make a motion we approve. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES 7:21 p.m. In the matter of the application of En-Consultants on ~behalf of Virginia Meyran to construct 106 1.f. of timber retaining wall plus 20' return on w/s/. The e/s wall will connect to adjacent bulkhead. Approx. 375 c.y. of clean sand will be trucked in via Bailie Beach Road to West. A 3' wide stairway from west of bluff to beach will be repaired/replaced as appropriate. Located 175 Soundview Ave. Mattituck. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf of this applicatiOn? ROY HAJE: The Property is obviously eroding and as testimony to that if yo? recall when you revisited the site a rather large boulder Which is now at the toe of the bluff was up until a couple of'months ago at the crest. The adjacent properties are protected on one side by bulkhead and less protected by a failing gabian0n the other which to my mind is testimony to unsuitability of gabians on Long Island Sound applications. We propOse that the inline of that adjacent bulkhead which will protect the bluff and prevent any further eroding. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: is there anyone else who wishes to speak on behalf of this application? Is there anyone here who wishes to sPeak against this application? BRUCE LOUCKA: We reco~a~,ended disapproval. "Moved by Steve rAn~gel and seconded by Bruce Loucka, it was Resolved to eco~m.end the Southold Town Trustees .disapproval of the wetland application of Virginia Meyran to construct 106 1.f. of timber retaining wall plus 20' return on wks. (reading the same description of project as .above) The council recommends disapproval because the retaining wall bulkhead is not warranted. Also there is no established policy concerning the bulkhead of property along Long Island Sound. The long range effect of the Sound must be considered. The council approved the repair of the stairs. Vote of the Council, Ayes All". TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Any additional comments from the Trustee? There being none, I'll take a motion to close the hearing in this matter. TRUSTEE SMITH: So moved. TRUSTEE TUTHILL: Second. ALL AYES TRUSTEE BR~DEMEYER: Motion in this matter? Board of Trustees 8 July 24, 1993 TRUSTEE SMIT~: I make a motion we approve. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Second. ALL AYES TRUSTEE BR~EMEYER: A vote in the CEHA? TRUSTEE SMITH: I make a motion we approve. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES 7:22 p.m. - In the matter of the application of Rambo, Inc., on behalf of DR. CELESTINO CLEMENTE to construct a 342' bulkhead with (2) 20' returns above the MkS~mark along the toe of the bluff. Backfill behind bulkhead with approx. 475 c.y. of clean fill trucked in from an upland source. Trim overhanging vegetation at the crest of the bluff to allow for a natural angle of repose of approx. 45 degrees. Plant bluff face with beach grass on foot on center. Located Bailie Beach Road, Mattituck. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf of this application? Anyone here who wishes to speak against this application.? ~e comments of the CAC are not in the file. Any comments from the Board of Trustees? TRUSTEE SMITH: I have a question this one. Trim over hanging vegetation at the crest of bluff to allow for a natural angle of repose of approx. 45 degrees. Is that for sun light? TRUSTEE BRmDE~EYER: That's for sunlight penetration and they have to ask for that under CEHA because of the needs to h.ave...it's a permanent activity within the hazard area that conducts activity on the bluff. TRUSTEE SMITH: It says, "plant bluff face with natural beach grass one foot on center". Is this the whole face of the bluff because that's gonna be quite a disturbance? TRUSTEE BRED~YER: My understanding was that they were planting the exposed bluff face. We've had a number of sites they planted the whole face. There's no separate landscape diagram with the application. There being no further co~,ents, your pleasure? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Motion in the matter? TRUSTEE SMITH: I make a motion we approve this application. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Do.you want to move for the CEHAHenry? TRUSTEE SMITH: So moved. TRUSTEE TUTHILL: So moved. ALL AYES 7:23 p.m. - In the matter of the application of Patrick Callahan to construct a 3' X 18' eleV. catwalk, a 3' X 10' ramp, a 5' X 12' float located approx. 15' from south property line, property locate Deephole Drive, Mattituck. TRUSTEE BREDE~EYE~: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf of this application? Is there anyone here who wishes to speak against this application? CAC comments? They were sent May 24. There being no further co~,~ents, I'll take a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE SMIT~: So moved. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Sedond. ALL AYES Board of Trustees 9 July 24, 1993 TRUSTEE BP~nEMEYER: Vote on this motion? TRUSTEE SST/TH: I make a motion we approve. TRUSTEE AT~ERTSON: Second. ALL AYES 7:24 p.m. - In the matter of Suffolk County Water Authority to install water main in the Laurel area to provide domestic water and fire protection for public use. Peconic Bay Blvd. up Bay Ave. to approx. 250' north of Bartley Road, Mattituck. TRUSTEE B~RDEMEYER: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf of this application? Is there anyone here who wishes to speak against this application? Trustees previously conducted an inspection and issued their determination previously.. Comments from the Town Engineer are in the file. That James Richter indicates from a response to your memo of June 8, "please note that I have been working closly with the SCWA (goes on to quote James letter) They have agreed to replace and repair drainage structures that are in the path of the public water line. Any additional comments? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We have in there that they will leave hay bales intact on the south side of Husing Pond. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: I believe ~hose col~,uents were already transmitted in relation to the environmental review we did on this at your request. TRUSTEE SMITH: I make a motion we close the hearing. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Motion in this matter? TRUSTEE SMITH: I make a motion we approve provided they leave the hay bales intact along the south side of Busing Pond. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES 7:45 p.m. - In the matter of En-Consultants on behalf of Gus Wade: TRUSTEE BREDES~EYER: (Jay read from page 4a) The Town Trustees are Lead A~ency and maintain copies of the Dra~ft Environmental Impact Statement. there is a copy which is available in'the reference Library of the Cutchogue Library and sources for review of the DEIS. The Town Trustees will consider co~tu~ents in this maltter on an extended co~ent period until July 19. Is there anyone here who wishes to speak, if you will, to the issue of the completeness or issues in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement in this matter, i'd like to ask that your comments be succinct and specifically directed to completeness, thoroughness or any new issues. If you would please identify yourself. I would ask that we have a sign in sheet for the sake of completing a proper record and comparing comments. Stand up to the mike and speak clearly and spell your name just so we get the spelling of names correctly for the Public Record. Anyone here who wishes to speak? BERNIE DEMPSEY: I am President of the Fleets Neck Property Owners Association. The Association was incorporated in 1939 and we have approximately 125 members. And if you add in the family members, children grandchildren, there are several hundred people that could be adversely affected by this project. We are adamantly opposed of this project on the basis Board of Trustees 10 July 24, 1993 of environmental, economic and legal grounds. I'm not going to address each one of these issues because we have counsel here who represents us on legal grounds, and there are also a number ~f people who are members of the Fleets Neck Association and they will speak as a member and also as an individual. And I'd like to give them an opportunity to address the environmental as well as the economic issues. My own, speaking as an individual as well as the Prlesident Association am opposed to this environmental ex~ensive piece of property is well documented. By your own admission a Positive Impact Statement would declare that this piece of property has been under water on a number of occasions particu'larly from this last storm we had. Just from an economic viewpoint, if you take into consideration, if there were ~an¥ concessioners were made on this project, you can imagfne the amount cost that this type of precedent being set. Somewhere in the impact statement its mentioned ~hout the school district being able to acco~odate any children, and Mr. Wade in his proposal said his has no children would be attending schools, however, for future ownership, who will provide transportation? Will we be providing boat transportation for these children? Just another side to this issue on the economic ~ortion of this objection. I will defer at this point because a ot of people wo~ld like to take a few moments up here to express their concerns about this very sensitive project. TRUSTEE.BREDEMEY~R: Any additional individuals who wisk to speak from the right side of the room? sTEV~PINZINO: i!'m from the Law Offices of Steven Pinzino. I'd ~ike to thank you for affording me the opportunity to present a few arguments in opposition to the proposed project. I respectfully reserve my right to revise and amend any I mig~ht~ make and to submit at a later point in time ~y documentary evidence that may make reference to my presentation. I will likewise refer to those people who are expe~t and have expertise in their particular field as it impacts.upon environmental and economic issues. One point I woul~ like to bring out and stress to the members of the Board, ~s taken from the Draft Impact Statement on page 19. I"m sure the Board will ~ave a copy of that. I quote from page 19. "Mr. ~ade will personally attend to his fuel needs". As the Board is f~lly aware, if harbor system of cooling and heating will be fueled by propane tanks. I further quote. "He will transport the propane ~in one hundred pound tanks, plural, on his boat to andfrom his house". This is too obviate the need to egress or access across the Trustees land. According to Federal Statute and I quote from the Cod~ of Federal Regulations, that article 46 the 10 1 92 addition, and I apologize to the Board for not bringing more copies, but I will present it to you. I will quote just briefly. '~Subsection B 3801-1 The transportation on deck of liquefied flammable gases and portable cylinders and tanks and transportation of empty cylinders in portable tanks previously used shall be in accordance with the requirements of 49 quote of Federal Regulations part 171 thru 179. the transportation of such containers under deck shall be in accordance with further requirements. So not to bore the BDard of Trustees 11 July 24, 1993 members of the audience with legal eves, I also have here the chart which summarizes the transportation of hazardous material. I've asked, and I'll direct to the Board and to conclude my presgntation, "propane" which is listed as a 2.I hazardoUs class ~r division of flammable gas Well above the level of gasoline. With respect to the transportation of any such containers on a passenger vessel, as opposed to a cargo vessel or something so designed, it is absolutely prohibited on a passenger vessel. So not knowing Mr. Wade personally, but 3ust going ~Ywhat is stated in the document that he is proposing, ~bviates t~e need for any such requirements, I fail to see how he is goTn~ to accomplish the transportation of propane via water on a 26 foot boat, when he speaks of 100 lb. cylinders, than one. Continuing in that frame also attached document that attached the appendix W is his contract With Cutchogue Harbor Marina. Maybe the Board recalls I :appeared before you sometime last year with reference to other PrOblems, that unfortunately are still unresolved, with respect to this contract the marina operators are quite clear in that they say that boats shall be sea worthy tradition a~d not constitute a fire hazard. As a volunteer fireman in m~ ToWn°f ManhaSset I can tell the Board and bring in neWspaPe~artlcLes to show what a five pound cylinder of propane will do to a structure, it can completely level it. How he proposes ~to accomPLish the loading and off-loading of one hundred at a marina which is not under Federal licensed or zoaed for that, presents an i~m~inent harm all around the marina as well as any bodies tranSportin~ or using the water and or the beach for recreational purposes. That means the children, grandchildren and any other residents that Mr. Dempse¥ referred tO. Absolutely, categorically hazardous fire hazard. The contract with the marina goes on to state that the boat owner agrees to keep his boat fully insured. The worst case scenario being an attorneywith the ligate society, assume the boat does blow up, was the recourse, Mrs. Huntington, who lives across the street~ if this boat blows up, I am s'~re that the insurance contract has written in it'a disclaimer that no pledge of vehicle will be covered if they are transporting one hundred pound propane tanks. We are at their mercy. I know full well the operator of the marina is not going to reimburse us for any hopefully just loss of property damage as not even counting life. We have '~hsolutely no recourse. Further we go on to state attached had appendix X as a letter from Dennis M. Cochran a fire prevention expert. He takes great lengths in this letter to say that if fire prevention will not be impeded by the fact that Mr. Wade's property is going to be on an Island with which no access can be gained over other than an emergency situation. What he fails to point out in paragraph 5, he says, that the utilities such as electric service and telephone will be brought onto the site. No where in his letter is mentioned how it is going to be brought up to the site, by way of propane and a 4,000 watt generator going 24 hours a day. Just one further note, with respect to propane. The National Fire Protection Board of Trustees 12 July 24, 1993 Association in a publication which is called "Publishers Standards of Storage and Transportation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas" at NFPA.85 establishes standards that the industry/ follows in the transportation of liquid petroleum products, propane being one of them. I had an occasion today to speak to the president of Conservative Gas in Riverhead. One hundred pound tanks are owned and owned solely by the company that delivers and services. No one is allowed by County regulations to own a one hundred pound propane tank. They are leased for use, the company services them, and supplies them. They cannot under existing regulations deliver to any member of the Board a one hundred pound tank and let them go on their merry way on their little scooter with that to do with what they will. Again I hate to harp on the same point, naturally fish might be impacted and birds might be impacted, those are all good and valid concerns. My concern is the loss of life on a July 4th week-end in a house which is just a week-end residence subject to vandals and children on the beach at night on unprotected beach when we have five hundred people on the beach ~nd a leak in a propane tank that someone is carrying by himself happens to go off. I thank the Board for their attention and as I said I will submit to you my letter or FAX the appropriate section. Thank you. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Anyone else who wishes to speak on this side of the room? MARYANNERI/NTINGTON: I live on West Creek Avenue, Cutchogue. I'm submitting to the Board some photographs that were taken at various times within the past year after the major stoZ~L~. Indicating that some of the property is clearly underwater that it had in fact had reached across the land mass to the Bay. I also submit photos taken in 1966 which may be of interest to the Board showing how the Board of Trustees property has been filled in, not by Suffolk County as indicated by the impact statement. The critical points in the photos are defined. You'll see where its clear when there's no flooding conditions then you will see the signs underwater or in the middle of the water. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: For point of clarification, these pictures with the bull dozer spreading sand? MS. HUNTINGTON: Theywere taken in 1966, when the Board of Trustees Water way was in fact filled in, and not by the County in their dredging. If you'll notice there's ice, we don't have the exact date, but its believed that its definitely in the winter and not when the County does its dredging. All the photos are dated on the back. TRUSTEEBREDEMEYER: Do you wish to have these baok? MS. HUNTINGTON: No, you may have them. (Change of tape) MR. MC KILOP: I wanted to know if its appropriate to ask for a little clarification on what they mean in the description of the action when they refer to two navy type retaining walls? TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Navy type of retaining wall is that which is constructed with post whalers and stringers as opposed to construction which might be a reverse type of retaining wall which only has a flat facure. For the sake of information I don't know, Mr. Haje who regularly writes permits or any of Board of Trustees 13 July 24, 1993 the other consultants here can give a better description, but the navy type retaining wall is a type of Construction that we know is a conventional retaining wall or bulkhead of Southold Town as opposed to ones other co~u~unities use which typically have an exposed flat facure, ours have the stringers if you will. The navy bulkhead has the stringers on the outside, the pilings seaward or~ outboard of the stringers. MR. MC KILOP: I appreciate that. I also wish to echo the sentiments of the previous person speaking as to how much that beach means to area of Fleets Neck. We've only been there 25 years~ but our children have enjoyed that beach and I'm sure the people will enjoy that beach in the years to come. The construction of this home seems to be endangering that beach now and what it means to the people in Fleets Neck. All of the items mentioned as to the possible dangers that would be incurred, it baffles me as to how the issue Could still be under discussion. But having said that I just wanted to echo the sentiments of I think many of my neighbors as to how much this beach means to the people in Fleets Neck. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Anyone else who wishes to speak? ANTHONY MAERCF~ECK: I've gone full circle w~th this, and I really want to say when the former President of the Board, Mr. Kujawski sat there, be'said, "Boy, here comes trouble". But its an opportunity for me again say hello to my neighbors because it seems to me they talk about the beach and the best place to meet is in.Town Hall here, because this things been going on for 9 years. Let me just mention some of the practicalities and realities. The legal is~s~es have been decided. There's a new door opener. And anew circle that's just beginning. The door opened when the dock went in. That was going to be for pleasure purposes, recreation and boating. Before you people the applicant, I don't that's a question you have to ask. Is it for pleasure? Was it intended for pleasUre? If you look at that impact statement now it's for residential use. I have to commend the members of the Board, Town Trustees that sat through the 9 years here and I was inuo!ved in the association. I happen to be a neighbor of these great people, and there's a good number of them here that haven't stood up and said anything. I want to co~m~end the former Town Attorney the late Bob Tasker. Because I felt that the Board at that time, and some of you people were members, had the same interest that we as citizens and residents had, we are all basically environmentalists. We selected the Boards, and you included, we vested in you a proper authority, we have given you the right to rule and enforce, and we've given you our confidence and trust that you will do the right thing and you would uphold the law and the value of character of the community. That has been done full circle from the initial application of this Mr. Wade, when he turned around in the first instance, and he asked the TOwn Trustees to give him an easement over the jurisdiction over the body of water you have. He couldn't get the easement he asked you give him a deed so he could own that land. He didn't get that either. So he had no way of getting to his property so he got the Building Dept. to Board of Trustees 14 July 24, 1993 give him a pezmit on the basis he had access by walking. He went to the DEC and told them a lot of things also up in Albany, not here in Stony Brook. And When they gave him a permit at Albany, he came back here and he violated every condition in that permit. I don't know 'cause I'm not the DEC, but I think some of the violations still remain on that property. Some of the footage of thos~ piles have not been removed and should have been. When the prosecution ended in a consent order where a fine of $2~000 was paid and there was mandate that the excess fill was to be removed, vegetation was to be restored, and as well some of the pilings. The President, Mr. Dempsey called me and said "Well we have a new impact statement". I looked at in my drawer with 38 inches of files and the first thing I was able to pull out was a duzard. Which is local. It appeared in Suffolk Times, June 22, 1989 and it says, "E~d of the road for the 18 year fill flat". And this article appeared and showed what Trustees prapertywas like prior to being filled, not by the County of Suffolk as alleged in that disclosure statement, the ruling was they didn't know backfilled that. ~ow does he know it was the County of Suffolk, at this late stage? I'd like you have this and, I'll furnish you with a copy. And the reason that this came out on June 22 was because on June 7th 1989 a judge in the Supreme Court of the County of Suffolk ruled the easement business went out the door after all the administrative decisions de~ied tbs easement, then the quit claim deed went out and back to court they~ went. The court upheld the Trustees and ~hey upheld the Town,Board. Then he went in for the bridge. Finally on june 7th,1989 Judge Vaughn said "Good-by Mr. Wade, no bridge." And you haven't taken any appeal. So now, what happened? The DEC Pelmit expired December of 1984. On the order of consent with the DEC after Mr. Wade paid the fine, he had right because the DEC gave to him to have that permit extended for over two years. That would have brought it to 1986.. But there were conditions put into that consent order. That he should do it i~uuediately. If he was going to make an modifications or changes to the original st~ff he had in the application for that permit he would do it immediatelywithin 30 or 60 days, you have that in your files, and it would go back to the same judge that gave him the permit originally. It's the way extended he says, to 1986 and he's extending it to 1992 is it? You gentleman have the copy in writing from the DEC. Is that the original pez,~it that wasextended? The one in which he violated the overfill? He violated the over number of pilings and so on, is that the same permit that was extended? and is that the same permit he's coming here with saying "That's the one I'm gonna try to use for the DEC for all these purposes"? Let's look at the reality Gentleman/ I had the pleasure of meeting with Mr. Bredemeyer when we talk about the exchange of property. I didn't figure he had a quarter of a million dollars in Orient Point. Mr. Wade says in this thing here he was the owner when he came before this Board looking for a Wetlands Permit. He was not gentleman. Look at your records. He was contract vendee. He was under contract buying the land from Mr. Gorbic. He knew that he was buying the cat in the bag. It's Board of Trustees 15 July 24, 1993 like a guy buying the Brooklyn Bridge and then saying to me "I want to build a house over the tracts and the train can go underneath it." That's what he did, and became an owner in 1984. He said he intended and purchased it because he wanted to build on it. He wanted to live there as a residence. If Mr. Gorbic gave him an assurance and he bought it at that risk for $22,000 gentleman,if I recall correctly. I can determine that I think by the revenue stamps on the deed. $22,000 for a mound of sand that last year was~appraised for $225,000. This impact statement now should make the property worth another $25,000. Is the value of the land increased because of the legal proceedings that were generated by Mr. Wade with all this. (Mr. Mc Kilop went on about this same issue for awhile, basically saying the same thing) TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: We would like to go in an orderly fashion, like across the room. Unless someone has an eminent personal problem that they have to leave the meeting, I'd like you be recognized. LINDA FLETCHER: I am a resident of New Suffolk, and I just have a question for this Board as in regard of 1986 Order of Consent and the compliance schedule from the DEC regarding this property. Do you know if the applicant has complied with that 1986 compliance schedule? TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: We would have to consider same as a request of the Board as part of the hearing process. I don't think a member has recently studied that. MS. FLETCHER: So you do not know whether or not the compliance has been completed. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: No, we couldn't say. That would be an independent position of the DEC. But if it's your opinion that you request that we look into that as part of our environmental review. MS. FLETCHER: I think it would be very interesting to know that if there was a compliance scheduled issued in 1986 if the applicant had complied with it. That's another layer of regulations that are necessary and compliance schedules are usually set up because there have been violations. And I think it would be very interesting to know if those violations have been corrected. I will ask you to look into it. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: We will. TRUSTEEBREDE~EYER: Anyone else who wishes to be recognized from this side of the room? There being none, the middle of the room. LINDA LEVY: I am the Southold Coordinator for the North Fork Environmental Council and I want to say that I'm glad you clarified exactly what this hearing is about, because I myself am a little bit confused. When I was looking at the DEIS today and writing up myremarks I was thinking "whyam I writing these remarks today if we haven't even gone through the DEIS hearing. So I'm glad to know, and I have to say because I was confused my remarks do cover both a DEIS hearing and a final application hearing all in one. In case I don't get back here for your final hearing you can these remarks. We've like to state our opposition to the granting of the permit to construct Board of Trustees 16 July 24, 1993 a residence and retaining walls at this site. And I have to say that this application as described in the DEIS demonstrates the length to which an individual property owner will go in an effort to build on property which is environmentally unsuited for development. This whole package that I have received was just full of so many things I could comment on that I just can't begin to tell you. One thing after another. But we've limited our co~.~ents to just a few points. First of all due to the Trustees well founded refusal to allow road access across his p~operty the proposal caused for water accessed only. Allowed tb be applied for ingenuity this concept is most unworkable and unenforceable. It's only a matter of time before 4-wheel drive vehicles are surreptitiously used to gain access to this property. The question is who's gonna be out there to see whether or not these vehicles are going to be going across, who's going to know what's happening on this site~ We know that already we have problems with enforcement in all levels of the TOwn and there's nobody left in Town who has anymore time to be standing outside on east road watching to see if anybody driving down in the middle ~of the night to that house. In addition we hear that the emergency vehicles are permitted by law to cross any property including Trustee property. Now I would never say that if somebody has a house down there and they have trouble that we shouldn't let them have an ambulance come to their house. But the fact is, that if there were no house down there there would be no need to have any emergency vehicles on that property at all. The potential for flooding and erosion is addressed by proPOsed retaining walls. One is70. feet the other 150 feet. Whi~e~th~se walls may resolve the ~.~edia~e problem of the house being washed away, the ultimate hydro-geologic impacts of suchresults remains unknown. We do know that mandate barriezs in other parts of the country and here on the east end has caused very Costly problems. Once the Town has authorized a habitation and water access on this pro~ezty it will be legally obligated to bear the cost to maintain that access in the future. The impact on the surrounding co~m~unity at this proposal cannot be taken lightly. Fleets Neck Homeowners were bequeathed a beach which is currently surrounded by open space and beautiful vistas. The property values of the area reflect this condition. The issue is not simplyone of aesthetic appeai.;~this proposal will degrade the value Of surroundinghomes, thereby having a negative econOmic impact on the community. The DEIS states that no group or agency has been willing to purchase this property, for open space. In fact, the owner has been offered a land transfer by the Trustees, and Southold Town has gone so far as to have the property appraised for the purpose of. acquisition. These avenues should be pursued further. It should be noted that the Town assessed the property at $50,000 without a Building Permit, and $175,000 with a permit. This application should not be approved if the result is simply to cost Town taxpayers a higher amount for the purchase or trade of this parcel. Nothing can alter the fact that this is a proposal to build a house less than 40 feet from the high water mark, virtually in the middle of wetlands, and Board of Trustees 17 July 24, 1993 lying within the 100 year flood plain. R~gardless of high-tech disposal systems, propane generators, and reverse-osmosis wells, these circumstances cannot be mitigated. Yes, in $outhold Town we do have other houses built too close to wetlands, in environmentally sensitive areas. Let's learn from our mistakes, not repeat them. We respectfully request that you deny this application. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Anyone else who wishes to speak? BEN SWARTZ: I don't own any property but for over 27 years I've lived adjacent to the subject property. I'd like to affirm everything that's been said and add my own personal appreciation of this beach during the project described. Regarding this whole DEIS here is based on a mistaken impression that the applicant has the invested right to use this property for residential purposes. This is not true. Unusual extreme variances from the standard building lot and plan, the impacts had identified right in the DEIS, making clear any residential use of this property is not only unacceptable but would be illegalo The applicant has every right to pursue this application for residential use. the Trustees have a right and the duty to deny it. Recent contact with some of the county agencies have led me to believe the appli~cant at present has no DEC clearance, no permits from them, no Suffolk County Dept. of Health permits, and if the application as presented in the DEIS would not be approvable by, either of those agencies. I hope that it will not gain the Trustees approval. Specifically getting to the things that are missing from the DEIS there is .... he jumps into the middle of the story, he gives very little history about when it was once an island. It was never an island. Anybody that knows it was and island, I would like to hear about it. It was proven in court up in Albany that there was once an island there, but I've seen the proof. And I don~t believe it. However, if it was once an island then lets look at that and look at the prior owners title. My understanding was it was titled to paying rights on an island. Then in the 16 & 1700's this property was not considered a buildable lot. Then why should we, with our environmental conferences today, t~rn that around and say "go ahead, build a house there". If its accessible only by the water then I think sin~e water access 'to residential use in Southold is so unusual I thin it would be appropriate for the environmental impact statement and the final environmental impa~t statement to contain a chart of the water depth and the access route. I don't understand why if the access to this house is supposed to be by the water and the dock is gonna be his front door, then why is the front of the house facing the road? According to the DEIS page 40. (Mr. Schwartz basically says the same things for awhile) TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Anyone else who wishes to speak from this end of the room? CHRIS & EILEEN CARB: Eileen and I are porperty owners in Fleets Neck, and as you heard we enjoy the beach very much. I'd like to touch on something that Ben alerted to. You all, from your physics and from sound know how sound is amplified and Board of Trustees 18 July 24, 1993 travels across water. I don't know whether anyone would want to hear a 4,000 watt generator twenty four hours a day. Ben mentioned Haywaters beach. Now your infringing on other property and your gonna have Nassau Point people up in arms. My second quick c~mt~ent is, if there is a fire or an emergency that area in East Road has a stantion, they have to take down the stantion first before they can get any vehicles in there. TRUSTEE BRED~: Anyone else from this side of the room? At this time, quickly, we'll go back over the entire room and if there's anyon~ who wishes to speak who has not had the opportunity to. A~y members of the Board of Trustees? At this time I'll take a motion t© close the hearing in the matter of the DEIS. The Board in following this, will review the minutes and the comments given and will consult with our Consultant. there will be consideration of requiring items as appropriate in ~ final Environmental Impact Statement or there is also the possibility that the Board will require the applicant to f~le a supplement to the DEIS for further consideration as an Appending to the draft. The Trustees I believe under SEQRA~have appropriate routing to consider. Either route and upon consideration of aluminaus coalescent here this evening we will consider both options while we work with our Environmental Consultant in this matter. Is there anyone have any questions in this matter? (changed tape, lost some words) Mr. P~nzino asked if a 2nd hearing will be held. I won't quote you chapter and verse, but I believe since the process is s~pposed to be as open and directed to public comment as possibleiwewould probably try to do that. Understanding that the B~ard is not in a position to do that or we find we want to simply address this through the Final Environmental Impact Statement there is still a hearing that has to be held on the thoroughness or the completeness of the FEIS. And there is still would be the option that we would hold the wetland public hearing separate from that. As I said previously there's a discretionary judgement~ to have both together. I can't say for certai~t~i If you wish this Board to research that and communicated to lets say a contact person within the Fleets Neck Association or yourself as an attorney representing them we would be glad to do that. KEN MC KILLOP: I think earlier you said you would into whether or not this gentleman has complied with some of the requirements of the Board. I think that should be step % 1. And if he hasn't complied is the process going further than it does? TRUSTEE.KRUPSKI: No, I think what we're looking into whether he complied with the DEC not'with the Board of Trustees. MR. MC KILLOP: Even so then if he hasn't complied with anybodys existing laws or regulations .... TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: That would remain a consideration for the Board to mull over upon getting a return from the DEC. We are not the DEC and there comes a point in time as far as appropriateness for anyones right to bring an application or be heard that we don't simply sign these activities of this Board on other agencies. We pride ourselves on being fairly Board of Trustees 19 July 24, 1993 independent and that runs even to our relationship with the Town Board. I think it would a decision whether we would want a siamese or link our actions to another agency. LINDA FLETCHER: As a point, if an applicant is in violation can a local entity like the DEC grant a permit for the same thing? TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: We certainly could, and again your complaint would be with the DEC. We never granted approvals there. We consistently interacted with Mr. Wade both favorably and negatively. We granted a dock application. And we denied a bridge application. But if the Fleets Neck Property Association or the New Suffolk Group or the North Fork Environmental Council or any individual has a problem with the compliance of the DEC, then bring it to the DEC. BEN SCHWARTZ: I think the question is we're dealing with a so called court of equity that the applicant has to come in front of you with clean hands. Does he have to be free of all encumbrances and violations of other agencies? MR. KRUPSKI: I don't think so. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: There being no further co~ent I'll take a motion to close the hearing on the DEIS in this matter? The Board will review the minutes and the comments given and consult with our consultants. There will be consideration of requiring items as appropriate in a final environmental impact statement or there is also a possibility that the Board will require the applicant to file a supplement to the DEIS for further consideration as a pending to the draft. The Trustees under SEQP~ have an appropriate routing to consider a route and upon consideration of illuminous comment here this evening we will consider both options while we work with our consultants in this matter. TRUSTEE SMITH: So moved. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Second. ALL AYES TRUSTEE SMITH: I make a motion we go back on line. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES (Going back to ASSESSMENTS/ENVIRONM~NTALDECLARATIONS) 5. ONNIK ARSLANYAN requests emergency permit to replace storm damaged concrete seawall with 98 1.f. of navy style timber bulkhead and a 45 1.f. return along the western property line, as shown in plans stamped NYSDEC approved April 21, 1993. Located Route 48, Greenport. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYERmoved the emergency permit but table the environmental declaration until CAC sends co~,~ents, TRUSTEE ALBERTSON seconded. ALL AYES 6. En-Consultants on behalf of Kenneth Rathgeber to construct approx. 160 1.f. of timber retaining wall plus (2) 15' returns. Wall will be approx. 8' back of face of existing bulkhead which will remain. Backfill with 30Q c.y. of clean fill which will be trucked in from upland and delivered over bank. It will then be planted with Rosa Rugosa, Bayberry, Board cf Trustees 20 July 24, 1993 Switchgrass, etc. Purpose of project is to restore bank which was eroded by waves which overtopped bulkhead during 12/11/92 s~orm. Located Nassau Point Road, Cutchogue. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to grant a Negative Declaration, TRUSTEE ALBERTSON seconded. ALL AYES 7. Eh-consultants on behalf of ANTHONY SCARMATO requests to replace (within 48') 124 1.f. of timber retaining wall. Repair in place 73 1.f. of easterly return. Approx. 100 c.y. of clean fill will be trucked in from upland source. Construct a 4' X 4' platform, 4' wide steps from proposed retaining wall to beach. Distance between new and old retaining walls is necessitated by presence of improvements such as fish pond located close behind existing wall which will not allow tie back system to extend very far landward. To compensate, new wall will be 4' out so a 10' tie road and deadman system can be utilized to afford adequate lateral stability. Located 235 Huckleberry Hill Road, East Marion. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER moved to table pending CAC comments, TRUSTEE ALBERTSON seconded. ALL AYES VI. RESOLUTIONS: 1. Board to set public hearings for the July 29, 1993 regular meeting for those applications which received negative declarations and those applications that are Type II actions under SEQRA. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYERmoved to approve, TRUSTEE KRUPSKI seconded. ALL AYES A. En-Consultants on behalf of PAUL RACANO requests permit to construct a timber dock consisting of a 4' X 72' fixed elevated (4' above grade of marsh) walk, a 3' X 16' hinged ramp, a 6' X 10' float with a'6' X 30' outer float arranged in "T" configuration. A 4' X 60' path will be cut through brush on slope leading to dock and surfaced with wood chips. Located 1265 Calves Neck Road, Southold. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to approve for next months public hearing, TRUSTEE SMITH seconded. ALL AYES 2. ORIENT BY THE SEA MARINA requests a Grandfather application as per map dated May 14, 1993. Located Orient. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER moved ~o grant Grandfather Permit, TRUSTEE KRUPSKI SECONDED. ALL AYES 3. WILLIAM TUITE requests to replace-50 to 75 c.y. of sand behind bulkhead lost from December storm. Located 580 Midway · Road, Southold. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON moved to approve for ordinary repair, TRUSTEE TUTHILL seconded. ALL AYES 4. Glenn Just on behalf of JOAN & WILLIAM FISHLINGER requests Grandfather Permit to reconstruct a 4' x 32' fixed dock, a 3' X Board of Trustees 21 July 24, 1993 12' ramp, a 6' X 20' float and two (2) pile dolphins inkind/inplace, all structures were lifted and damaged during storm. Located 1935 Pine Tree Road, Cutchogue. TRUSTEE BREDEME~ER moved to approve, subject to fee, TRUSTEE KRUPSKI seconded~ ALL AYES 5.~ PAUL CAREY requests a Grandfather Permit to reconstruct 29" X 123' catwalk, 2 1/2' X 8' ramp~ a 6' X 20' float and a 5' X 20' float as per plan drawn by Larry Tuthill dated June 22, 1993. Located Park Ave. Ext., Mattituck. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to t~hle, TRUSTEE ALBERTSON seconded. ALL AYES 6. Glen Just on behalf of ROBERT SEARL to construct a single family dwelling. Board to review Consultant, Bruce Anderson's report dated June 23, 1993. Located Fishers Island. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER read and approved report dated 6/23/93 and forwarded to applicant, TRUSTEE KRUPSKI seconded~ ALL AYES 7. Resolution to appoint TOWN TRUSTEE WATER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Martin Sidor, Chris Smith, Joseph Fischetti, Steven Burns, Robert Villa, Jim Monsell, CAC member, John Bredemeyer, Albert Krupski. TRUSTEE B~RDEMEYERmoved to approve, TRUSTEE KRUPSKI seconded. ALL AYES 8. Board to set July 7, 1993 for a special executive meeting with Trustee Attorney and D&B, TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved tc approve for a 7:30 meeting, and TRUSTEE ALBERTSON seconded. ALL AYES 9. Board to authorize the President to sign a contract with Dvirdka and Bartilucci pursuant to TowriBoard authorization of $5,000. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to approve, TRUSTEE ~r.~ERTSON seconded. ALL AYES 10. BLUEPOINTS CO., requests to place 2' X 3' floating seed tray underneath the finger dock at the Mattituck Park District (Love Lane). This will be to monitor shellfish growth rates. We have letter from the Park District approving same. Located Love Lane, Mattituckl TRUSTEE BREDEME~/ER moved to approve and return $25 fee, TRUSTEE ALBERTSON seconded. ALL AYES VII. MOORINGS: 1. Michael Sher requests stake at South Harbor Road for a 16' Bayliner. TRUSTEE SMITH moved to approve, TRUSTEE B~RDE~EYER seconded. ALL AYES (Returned to Resolutions) Board of Trustees 22 July 24, 1993 11. JUNE LO ROCCA - requests Grandfather Permit for bulkhead repair, backfill, dredge. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER moved to approve for bulkhead, backfill from upland source, decline dredging without full application, TRUSTEE KRUPSKI second. ALL AYES 12. BEIXEDON ESTATE requesting extension for dredging. Permit expires February 1997. TRUSTEE SMITH moved to approve, TRUSTEE KRUPSKI seconded. ALL AYES 13. LAGOON ASSOCIATION requests extension for dredging. Permit expires March 1997. TRUSTEE SMITH moved to approve, TRUSTEE KRUPSKI seconded. ALL AYES. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY: Diane J. Herbert Clerk, Board of Trustees ECEIVED AND FILED BY T'~iE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK Town Clerk, Town of Southold