HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-03/25/1993 TRUSTEES John M. Bmdemeyer. III. President Albert J. Krupski, Jr., Vice President Henry P. Smith John B. Tuthill William G. Albertson Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUPERVISOR SCOTT L. HARRIS Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold. New York 11971 PRESENT WERE: ABSENT WERE: WORKSESSION: CALL MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NEXT TRUSTEE BOARD MEETING: MINUTES MARCH 25, 1993 John M. Bredemeyer, III, President Albert J. Krupski, Vice President Henry P. Smith, Trustee William G. Albertson, Trustee Diane J. Herbert, Clerk John B. Tuthill, Trustee 6:00 p.m. Thursday, April 29, 1993 at 7 pm TRUSTEE ALBERTSON approved, TRUSTEE SMITH second. ALL AYES NEXT FIELD INSPECTION: Thursday, April 22, 1993 at 8 am TRUSTEE SMITH approved, TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER second. ALL AYES SPECIAL MEETING with Ground Water Consultants at 6 pm on April 5th. TRUSTEE SMITH approved, TRUSTEE ALBERTSON second. ALL AYES Board to meet with Southampton Trustees at 7:30 pm on April 15, 1993. TRUSTEE will discuss further. APPROVE MINUTES: January & February 1993 TRUSTEE ALBERTSON approved, TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER second. AYES ALL I. MONTHLY REPORT: Trustee monthly report for February 1993: A check for $3,416.80 was forwarded to the Supervisor's Office for the General Fund. II. PUBLIC NOTICES: Public notices are posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board for review. ' Board of Trustees 2 March 25, 1993 III. AMENDMENTS/WAIVERS/CHANGES: 1. Edward J. Boyd, V. requests an amendment to Permit E81-3-9 to replace 150' of timber bulkhead within 18" of existing bulkhead due to storm damage. Located Robinson Road, Paradise Point, Southold. TRUSTEE SMITH approved, TRUSTEE ALBERTSON second. ALL AYES 2. Gerald Janis on behalf of THEODORE ZANG for waiver due to storm damage to raise house 4' and fill in missing fill behind bulkhead. Fill to return entire property to pre-existing height (one cement block high). Loca=ed Private Road off Main Bayview Road, Southold. TRUSTEE SMITH moved to approve the request for a waiver, but on the fill he will have to fill out a full application. TRUSTEE ALRERTSON second. ALL AYES. 3. Donald E. Tuthill, President of SEAGYAN CLUB requests an amendment to Permit 98-5-16 due to storm damage to install a completely new bulkhead and stairs in front of present storm damaged bulkhead. Located Indian Neck Road, Hog Neck Bay, Peconic. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON moved to approve, TRUSTEE SMITH second. ALL AYES TRUSTEE ALBERTSON moved to off the agenda and go onto the Public Hearings, TRUSTEE SMITH second. ALL AYES. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS FOR PF~R~ITS UNDER THE WETLANDS ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. I HAVE AN AFFIDAVIT OF'PUBLICATION FROM THE SUFFOLK TIMES AND AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FROM THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER-WAT~. PERTINENT CORRESPONDENCEMAY BE READ PRIOR TO ASKING FOR COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC. PLEASE KEEP YOUR COMMENTS ORGANIZK~ AND BRIEF: FIVE (5) MINUTES OR LESS~ IF POSSIBLE 7:27 p.m. - In the matter of En-Consultants on behalf of LYNN ROSINNI request permit to construct 102 +/- 1.f. of timber rebaining wall attached to adjacent existing walls, Backfill with 300 c.y. of clean sand fill to be trucked in via Bailie Beach Road to west. Replace 4' X 80' stairway and add 4' X 10' retractable stepsto beach. Wall is necessary to prevent further loss of bluff as occurred during DeCember Storm. Project is an emergency and must be done quickly in order to prevent damage to house. Located 755 Soundview Avenue, Mattituck. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf of this application? Board of Trustees 3 March 25, 1993 ROY HAJI: The project is very straight forward and its an un-bulkheaded piece of property line between two bulkheaded sections which was hit very badly during that Dec. storm, moved the bluff back considerably. It now must be stabilized in order that the bluff be stabilized. That will be the first step a~d plant it, to do as much as they can with vegetation. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Thank you. ~nis is involves not only Wetland permit for which we are having for the hearing, but also Coastal Erosion Management Permit. Any other coa~ents in favor of, or any c~,~nt against this application? BRUCE LOUCKA: We had the letter on it. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Approval with stipulation. BRUCE LOUCKA: With stipulation on the stairway and steps. TRUSTEE BREDE~EYER: There are some solid recommendations here, right. And the CAC reco~m~ends approval of the retaining wall but recommends that the applicant remove the deck and move it back over solid ground. BRUCE LOUCKA: 'Cause otherwise it will be hanging over. MR. HAJI: They are gonna cut back on that. It's about 4 to 6 feet they're gonna cut back. BRUCE LOUCKA: That was our only coincident, that they bring it back to hard ground. TRUSTEE BREDE~EYER: The Permit I don't think stated that, it may be understood but .... The deck will not overhand the bluff, the simple Permit conditions. Is there anyone else with comments? I see no further co~m~ent, I'll take a motion to close the hearing in this matter. TRUSTEE SMIT~: So moved. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Your pleasure on a vote? TRUSTEE SMIT~: I make a motion we approve this application, with the stipulations on the deck. TRUSTRR BREDEMEYER: Second. ALL AYES. 7:3i p.m. - In the matter of En-Consultants on behalf of DR. LAWRENCE CATULLO request.permit to construct 100 1.f. of timber retaining Wall attached to return of adjacent wall to be built on west side. Approx. 500 c.y. of clean sand will be trucked in for backfill via Bailie Beach Road. West end of wall will be in toe of eroded bluff which must be regraded as it is now unstable. In addition~ a '4' X 20' section of steps will be replaced and/or repaired as appropriated and 4' X 10' retractable stairway added to access to beach. Project is an emergency as the December storm caused severe erosion which is threatening a concrete block structure which support stairs. LoCated 1000 Bailie Beach Road, Mattituck. TRUSTEE BREDE~EYER: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf of this application. ROY HAJE: This is another case where there wan an unprotected bluff that's ia~ediatelY adjacent to a wall to the east, has suffered considerable erosion. There is now a concrete block structure which is a support for the stairway down the base of the bluff, which is maybe two or three feet of that eroded block. We need to again stabilize the toe by means of a wall in Board of Trustees 4 March 25, 1993 order that that concrete block structure not fall down which is gonna happen if we get any storm with any intensity. If this will be coming off the return of that adjacent bulkhead it will be in fact back. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Ok Thank you. This one I don't believe got to the CAC, we expedited because it being on an emergency nature. BRUCE LOUCKA: Didn't we comment on that? TRUSTEE BREDEHEYER: Oh yes we did. You had a problem with this. I know I did see that you had a problem with it. The reason the Trustees went back was that there was this brick block house that supports the stairs which imminently is ready to fall in, and that wasn't initially even seen by us, we were just concentrating on the steps. That will be on the beach very shortly, and that was the main reason they wanted to move ahead on the emergency .authorization. The Trustees actually had granted the emergency authorization through the storm damage procedures and they're completing the permit process now. They had submitted an amended drawing that we requested so its really just concluding the process. Any further comment in this application? I'll take a motion to close the hearing in this application. TRUSTEE SMITH: So moved. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Your pleasure in this application? TRUSTEE SMITH: I make a motion we vote yes on this application. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: I'd just like you to note that would be subject to-the amended drawing that was submitted that we requested during the emergency procedure. 7:32 p.m. - In the matter of CHARLES LUSCHER request permit to construct a 3' X 45' catwalk. Located Bayview Drive, East Marion. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: This is a 3' X 45' catwalk. This extends overPrivate bottom for which they have approval of their property owners association, that is the Gardeners Bay Home Owners Association who at least maintains they have an ownership interest in some of the bottom there. Not that it's not necessarily legally binding, we asked that they go to their association for approval. Is there .any here who wishes to speak on behalf of this application? Or against it? BRUCE LOUCKA: CAC says it's OK. TRUSTEE BREDE~EYER: Hearing no other comments, I'll take a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE SMITH: So moved. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTRR BREDEMEYER: Motion on the approval on this matter? TRUSTEE SMITH: I make a motion we approve this application. ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. 7:32 p.m. - In the matter of Latham Sand & Gravel on behalf of JOSEPH GERACI request permit to construct a 6' X 6' cantilever platform attached to existing bulkhead with construction of a 3' Board of Trustees 5 March 25, 1993 X 15' ramp leading to a new 6' X 50' floating dock. Installation of (3) 25' long pilings to secure float. Located 685 Dawn Drive, Greenport. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf of this application? Anyone who wishes to speak against this application? BRUCE LOUCKA: We ok'd it, providing it doesn't applicant leaves a 1/3 of the water reserve for open water which is the standard navigation easement. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: There being no comments, Trustees? for or against. I'll take a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: So moved. TRUSTEE SMITH: Second.~ ALL AYES. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Motion to approve? TRUSTEE SMIT~: I make a motion to approve this application. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. TRUSTEE BREDE~EYER: Anyone wish to include keeping open non-bridging navigation, not going out more than 1/37 TRUSTEE SMITH: Yes, 1/3 the distance including the boat that will be tied to it. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: So amended. ALL AYES. 7:35 p.m. - In the matter of Costello Marine on behalf of ROBERT STOTT, JR. request permit to replace 8' X 160' dock with 6' X 160' dock, construct 6' X 35' semi "L", 2 lower platforms 5.' X 39', 5' X 24' swim ladders, 1 boat lift, 2 (2) pile ~olphins, water & electric. Located Paradise Point Road, Southotd. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Anyone who wishes to speak on behalf of this application? GEORGE COSTELLO: The first section of this job is a major repair. This is an existing 8' X 160' dock that was completely destroyed and doing so we decided to rebuild this narrower, 2 foot narrower, to 6' and make it a little more useable for Mr. StOtt. That's the reason for the semi "L". Also if you look at the depth of water there, it's just about 3'. If you get a real good'low ti~e, we're hitting 2 or 2 1/2 and that he's hitting bottom q~ite a bit. So I'm putting his boat on the outside of the "L" where the boat lift is gonna be placed. the 2 pile dolphins are part of the boat lift., which is approx. 14' off the "L" itself. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Is that a hydraulic lift? MR. COSTELLO: Yes. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Is the orientation there on a slanted"L" or full "L", or just mostly because of the depth, or the wind fetch? MR. COSTELLO: well, yes, it was to make it easy for him to dock it. There's quite a bit of cross wind there, and the way he was docking, it was broad side if he had missed he would bang into the dock, so we made it a little bit easier. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Do we have any coa,~ents, Bruce? BRUCE LOUCKA: I don't think we have. TRUSTEE SMITH: It's basically repair. TRUSTEE BR~EMEYER: Is there any other additional co~muents? Hearing none, I'll take a motion to close the hearing. Board of Trustees 6 March 25, 1993 TRUSTEE S~tTH: So moVed. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Your pleasure on a vote on this matter? TRUSTEE S~ITH: I make a motion we approve this on the plan Mr. Costello submitted. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. 7:38 p.m. - In the matter of Land Use on behalf of LEONARD & DONNA SCHLEGAL request permit due to storm damage, to construct 4' X 95' fixed dock, a 3' X 20' ramp and a 6' X 40' float. Fixed dock to be elevated a minimum of 3.5' over grade. Applicant has a 45' boat which draws 4 1/2' of water and needs length of catwalk to get to depth. Located on Westphalia AVe. Mattituck. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf of this application? TANYA LACKES~A~ER: We have DEC Army Corps. permits in hand and the Only other thing I'd like to mention is that the boat draws 4 I/2 feet of water, it should be 3 1/2'. BRUCE LOUCKA: Could you read the specs again? TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: (repeats the above measurements) This was all very usual for that location. BRUCE LOUCKA: Nothings changed then? We approved it with a stipulation that it be only 4' 'cause our application says 6'. TRUSTEE BREDEb~EYER: Let me just check, 'cause that's the way we published it. TRUSTEE SMIT~: 4' I have. 6' X 40' float. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Apparently the initial description was 6' X 95', we'll have to check. What is your Army Corps. DEC approval say.. TANYA: It is 4'. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Any further comment or questions? Hearing none, I'll take a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE SMITH: So moved. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Motion on the applicant? TRUSTEE SMITH: I make a motion we approve the application so stated. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON. Second. ALL AYES. 7:41 p.m. - In the matter of En-Consultants on behalf of GENE BOLTER to construct a 4' X 12' hinged ramp off existing bulkhead, and a 6' X 20' float secured by (2) 2 pile dolphins. Located Bayber~Road, Cutchogue. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf of this application? Or against it? Hearing none I'll take a motion to close the hearing in this matter. TRUSTEE SMITH: So moved. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Motion to approve or deny? TRUSTEE SMITH: I make a'motion we approve this application. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. ' Boird of Trustees 7 March 25, 1993 7:42 p~m. - In the matter of J.M.O. Consulting on behalf of ANN POSEY FERGUSON to construct a single family dwelling, associated sanitary system, gravel driveway, decks and to hook up public water system. TRUSTEE BREDE~IEYER: Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf of the application? GLEN JUST: I had addressed the Board on the last worksession on this project, and you have any further questions, that's what I'm here for. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: No further questions, we just received today the formalised planting plan. The Board had inadvertently not announced both Public Hearings 'cause the variance under the CEHA is and has been the policy we are gonna have all those go to Public Hearing. So we'll advertise that next month, as well. I don't think it will particularly effect the project, the way the weather is. It will be awhile before they can do the planting. So since we didn't have the plan either, we can be in a position to discuss if the Trustees have any questions. It would be a matter that we would hold the hearing and if there was anyone who wanted to be heard with respect to the proposal for the deck. Does the Trustees have any questions? GLEN JUST: My question is, if they wanted to get back to work on the residence itself, would pose a problem? TRUSTEE BRE~ER: My understanding was that the Building Dept. order that I was given, only foreclosed activity that was seaward that was for the deck itself. The copy of the stop work order that we were given was not for the entire house, just was for seaward activities. GLEN JUST: That section that we discussed last month? TRUSTEE BREDES~5~ER: That's correct. Any additional comments? I just want to take this time to thank Mr. Just and Mr. Ferguson his consideration and his forbearance, 'cause this is one of those difficult situations. You're to be commended. On occasion you have to give someone a pat on the back. But this is someone who got in between permitting jurisdiction and they handled it like a gentleman. Motion to close the hearing? TRUSTEE S~ITR: So moved. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Do you wish to vote on the Wetland Permit while we're at it, and CEHA or entirely separate? TRUSTEE SMITE: I'll make a motion that we approve the Wetland Permit. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. 7:45 p.m. - Costello Marine on behalf of ROSINA CUNNINGHAM to install 90' bulkhead, 10' returns & 12' returns, backfill 80 yards of soft structure removed and hard structure replaced. Located 55105 Route 48 Southold. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: What do they mean, "soft structure removed"? TRUSTEE BREDE~IEYER: I think that did not apply describe it. The applicant had under a previous CEHA Permit, tried to plant the bluff, and it got destroyed by successive storms and they simply said, "Gee we tried to do it your way, and it simply did not work". So their request was to go to the hard structure ' Board of Trustees 8 March 25, 1993 reluctantly. Is there anyone here who wishes to speak on behalf or against this application? There being no co~t,L~ent, I'll take a motion to close the hearing in this matter. TRUSTEE SMITH: So moved. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER: Your pleasure on the application? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I'll make a motion we approve. TRUSTEE SMITH: Second. ALL AYES. V. ASSESSMENTS/ENViRONMENTALDECLARATIONS: 1. En-Consultants on behalf of SUSAN TASKER requests to construct a one-family dwelling, deck, retaining walls, sanitary system, bluestone (or similar pervious) driveway, underground utilities, and approx. 265 c.y. of clean sand fill will be trucked in. Located County Rd. 48, Greenport. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYERmoved to approve for a Negative Declaration, with a conditions -- 1. A stone revetment with an interlocking elements necessary to minimize future beach loss from reflective wave energy and protect the home site which is not provide for a retreat. 2. The revetment structUre must be built to last at least 30 years with minimum ton and one half to two ton with interlocking stone supply with geo-textile core of underla~ment. 3. The structure can be no further seaward than bulkheads and stone retaining walls from the neighbors east and west. TRUSTEE KRS~SKI: Second. ALL AYES. 2. In the matter of John H. Geideman on behalf of PIERRE GAZZARIAN to replace bulkhead damaged by storm. Bulkhead to line up with neighbors bulkhead.- Located Willow Terrace Lane, Orient Harbor. Board also to approve, was on last months Public Hearing. TRUSTEE SMITH moved to approve for a NEGATIVE Declaration. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE SMITH moved to approve this application. TRUSTEE ALBERT$ON second. ALL AYES. 3. In the matter of J.M.O. Consulting on behalf of DR. ANTHONY PETRILLI to construct a single family dwelling, sanitary system, deck, regrade and crushed stone driveway. Located East End Road, Fishers Island. TRUSTEE BRRDEMEYERmoved to table this for review. SMITH second. ALL AYES. 4. In the matter of LESLIE TEMME to construct a 1 family dwelling approx. 45' X 36', a septic system, well and catwalk. Located Goose Creek Lane, Southold. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON moved to approve for a Negative Declaration. TRUSTEE SMITH second. ALL AYES 5. J.M.O. Consulting in the matter of JAMES N. BAILIE to repair and extend a stone wall which was damaged by stozm of '' Board of Trustees 9 March 25, 1993 October 31, 1991, by truck%ng in and relocating boulders at a point approx. 70' landward]andM~W line, and to create a garden landward of the wall. Located Private Road off Oriental Ave. Fishers Island. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON moved to approve for a Negative Declaration. TRUSTEE SMITH second. ALL AYES 6. Land Use on behalf of JOHN A. BURNS requests application to construct a 4' X 50' fixed dock elevated a minimum of 4' over grade, and a 3' X 15' ramp and a 6' X 20' float. Located 755 Lighthouse Lane, Southold. TRUSTEE SMITH moved to approve for a Negative Declaration. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI second. ALL AYES 7. J.M.O. Consulting on behalf of THOMAS W. BUCKNER to construct 2 one-story additions and a deck onto pre-existing single family dwetling and relocate existing septic tank. Located Private Road, Fishers Island. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER moved to approve for a Negative Declaration. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON second. ALL AYES. 8. James McMahon on behalf of TOWN OF SOUT~OLD for Rocky Point Road, East Marion tostabilize the existing path at the end of Rocky Point Road by placing backer boards, as needed, along the path and backfill with topsoil. Unvegetated areas will be replanted with grass seed or other suitable cover. TRUSTEE SMITH moved to approve for an ordinary repair TRUSTEE KRUPSKI second. ALL AYES 9. VARUJAN ARSLANYAN to construct approx. 95' of bluff protection type bulkhead to connect to existing bulkhead to the east. ReplaCe approx. 150 c.y. of washed out embankment with trucked in fill. Construct i8' X 68' wide wooden deck, and replace 3.' wide stairs to beach that was washed out in Dec. storm. Located 54455 County Rd. 48 approx. 1/2 mile east of Town Beach, Southold. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to approve for a Negative Declaration. TRUSTEE Ar~ERTSON seCond. ALL AYES. 10. J.H. Geideman on behalf of ALICE QUINN to construct a 65' groin to regulate and control beach area sand. Located 7625 Nassau PointRoad,"Southold. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYERmoved to table and ask the applicant to withdraw the application. TRUSTEE SMITH second. ALL AYES. 11. Eh-COnsultants on behalf of MICHAEL GARBARDELLA to construct a timber dock consisting of a 4' X 110' fixed elevated walk including ramp at inner end, a 4' X 12' hinged ramp, (2) 8' X 16' floats secured by (2) 2 pile dolphins plus (2) 1 pile dolphins. Located 1450 ~Broadwaters Rd. Cutchogue. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to table this application. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to rescind the motion to table. TRUSTEE SMITH second. ALL AYES. '' Board of Trustees 10 March 25, 1993 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI motioned to give a Negative Declaration, and stake. Note: Whole Board to inspect. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI made a motion to rescind his second resolution. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON second. ALL AYES. 12. KATIE NICHOLAUS to construct wooden bulkhead at toe of existing bluff slope with beach area. Located North side of Soundview Ave. east of Mt. Beulah Ave. Southold. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to approve for a Negative Declaration. TRUSTEE ALBEETSON second. ALL AYES. IV. RESOLUTIONS: 1. Set date for scoping session - Brick Cove Marina TRUSTEE BREDE~EYE~ made a motion the date will be Tuesday, April 27, 5 p.m. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI second. ALL AYES. 2. J.H. Geideman on behalf of JOSEPH FLOTTERON to remove old existing 20' X 4' dock, ramp and float. Construct in same location a 30' X 4' dock, a 3' X 10' ramp and a 6' X 30' float. Located 595 Clearwater Lane, Cutchogue. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to approve for a Negative Declaration and put on for Public Hearing, April. TRUSTEE SMITH second. ALL AYES. 3. COVE COMMERCIAL CORP. to construct a 2 story, 1 family house with 2 car garage, septic system, piping for water, and landscaping. Board to review Bruce Anderson report. Located North Side of Albacore Drive east of Main Road, Southold. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to adopt Bruce Anderson's report of March 23, 1993. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON second. ALL AYES 4. Board to reinstate Permit ~452 to construct one family dwelling in the name of Baumgratz, formally James Fisher. Located Meadow Lane, Mattituck. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYER moved to reinstate the Permit of Fisher, but he will have to transfer to Baumgratz. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI second. ALL AYES TRUSTEE BREDF/~EYERmoved to add a condition to Permit 452 that prior to the issuance of the building permit, the applicant shall meetwith the Board of Trustee to discuss all terms of Wetland Permit 452. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI SECOND. ALL AYES 5. A) Baymen would like to take clams out of permanently closed areas of Mill Creek at the beginning of May for 2 days and relay clams to Town and Goose Creeks which are seasonally closed. TRUSTEE BREDEMEYERmoved to approve subject to further discourse with Baymen's Association. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI second. ALL AYES '' Board of Trustees 11 March 25, 1993 B) Baymen request that conditional of Mattituck and Mill Creeks be extended at least 2 weeks. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI Moved to approve TRUSTEE BR~EMEYER second. ALL AYES C) The above must be requested by Trustees in writing to the DEC. 6. Board to vote on report by Bruce Anderson on Part 2 SCWA water main extension at Peconic Bay Blvd. TRUSTEE SMITH moved to table. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI second. ALL AYES VII. STORM DAMAGE RESOLUTIONS: 1. Ural Talgat on behalf of BARBARA SELZ to relocate wood platform back to original location, and replace beach/gravel between revetment and meandering masonry walls. Located end of Bay Home Road, Southold/ TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to approve this application. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON second. ALL AYES 2. JOHN C. NEVILLE requests permit to have some sand replaced forward of his bulkhead due to erosion. Located 2380 Hobart Ave. Southold. TRUSTEE SMITH moved to deny this application. Request that we write a letter to him expressing value of marsh. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI second. ALL AYES. 3. Environmental East on behalf of MICHAEL ¥OUNGMAN to remove broken stairs and platform that access to beach, and rebuild inkind/inplace. Located 1010 Salt Marsh Lane, Peconic. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON moved to approve this application. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI second. ALL AYES. 4. EDWARD NORDSTROM requests to repair 35' of bulkheading and retaining walll. LoCated Wood Lane, Peconic. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to table in stake this application. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON second. ALL AYES. 5. WICKHAMS FRUIT FARMS to rebuild and repair dikes. Located both sides of Wickham and West Creeks. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to table this application and have them stake it. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON second. ALL AYES 6. J.H. Geideman on behalf of JAMES B. GIVEN to repair and restore existing fixed dock. Located Private Road off Old Harbor Road, New Suffolk. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to Grandfather this application and return $50.00. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON second. ALL AYES. -~ Board of Trustees 12 March 25, 1993 7. LAWRENCE J. CERVON, JR. requests Grandfather Permit to construct new bulkhead within 18" of existing bulkhead, new retaining wall, stairs and deck repaired. Located 8460 Peconic Bay Blvd. Laurel. TRUSTEE BREDE~EYERmoved to approve this application. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON >second. ALL AYES 8. FREDERICK ROSS requests Grandfather Permit to repair 100' jetty marked A-B on survey. Located Park Ave. Extension, Mattituck. TRUSTRR BREDEMEYERmoved to deny this application. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI second. ALL AYES. 9. Peter C. Wilson on behalf of JAMES IRELAND to add two additions to either side of existing residence, renovation to second floor, pick up an existing deck that was previously built without proper permits. Also a new bulkhead replacing an existing one that may also not have proper permit. Located Peconic Bay Blvd. Laurel near Birch Drive. TRUSTEE BREDES~5~R moved to approve for a Grandfather based on survey dated 9/21/89. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI second. ALL AYES. 10. MATTITUCK PARK COMMISSION requests emergency permit for removal of portions of deteriorated bulkhead according to Dec. 1t, 1992 storm. Located corner of Peconic Bay Blvd. and Bay Avenue. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to approve the application. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON second. ALL AYES. 11. NARROW RIVER emergency permit to conduct spot dredge. TRUSTEE SMIT~moved to approve. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI second. ALL AYES. 12. LF2{NERT - emergency permit to build deck. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to approve subject to Al's letter of conditions. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON second. ALL AYES. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:20 Went back to worksession - Meeting adjourned 9:45 p.m. Resp.ectfull~ Submitted by: ±ane ~. I-Ierhert Clerk, Board of Trustees RECEIVED AND /LED BY