HomeMy WebLinkAboutGross, Amy ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMAno)', OFFICER r:~,'--"~ , ' i Town Hall. 53095 Main Road P.O. Box II 79 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown. northfork. net \, SEP -1 2.J! I \ \ L--r;-;- '-..J Lrc,.;ELL~~-::" So;hold Town Building Department \ , " OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTH OLD FROM: Michelle L. Martocchia, Southold Town Clerk's Office DATED: September 6, 2007 RE: Cesspool Construction/Alteration Application Transmitted herewith is a copy of application No. 3737 for a Cesspool/Septic Tank Construction/Alteration Permit submitted by: Ryall Porter Architects for Amy Gross Please review the application and location map and advise if this office may issue the permit. Please complete the form below and return it to me. Thank you. * * * * * * * * * * * * I have reviewed the application and location map of the project cited above and make the following recommendations: APPROVE ~ DISAPPROVE Comments: - ~?~--'-7"i2:fi;5--::- '/U~;~~ S;gm'= ~ 0'7 ~7/;7 Dated t' / 08-29-2007 12:49 SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPT 16317659502 , . PAGEl . ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE ". TOWN CLERK REOIB'l'ItAa OF VITAL STATIST)('.~ MAIUUAOE OFFICEIt RECQRDB MANAGm&NT m"FICER FJw.EDOM OF IN."ORMATION OFI'ICBR ....... ..Town Hall, 68096 Main Ro~ P.O, Box 1179 Southold, Now York 1197] Fax (681) 766-6146 Telephone (681) 766-1800 KoutholdwWIl ,uorthfork, n~' OFFICE OF TIm TOWN CLERK 'I'OWN OF SOUTHOLD SOUfHOLD W ASTEW A 1'RR DlSTRICr APPLICATION CONSTRUCTION or AL'I'ERATJON PERMfr CESSPOOL or SEPTIC TANK Residential @$IO./ or Non-Residcntial@$25_.. Application N03fJ3 7 Pennit No. ApplicantNHllle vJIL,:-~p,..t-1 0-j A LL --+ ,~!-:~(rtJL..A-r~'M' Applicaut Mailing Address I g 5' S- !i- ,4- \I L ~ ~_:=-= Fl..,~. AJ ~LAJ '1 CT1I!.Ir. /-..J --f I () 0 \ 0 Septic Tank / or Ccssp~~i' .. ._ "'r. ... .- '.- Brief Description ofl'roposed Conslnlction or Alteration ;;. "'1-0 ~" k." ..... ~ .l..L, M",",,- ..........,:d' .~'~......,~ r.-t. LocatiQn of Proposed Construction/Alteration: Owner of Property:. A.... '-/ G. < "~5_ Ownel Mailing Address:,_ ~ 0 0 W €i'.5 r I-.l e\AJ '( oe I( , 5'1- ii. S-\-v..~ NY 100.) 9 -5"'5J_ Owner Property Addross: 1~_o..,_.lUo,e.rl-f VI E'v..> D.....' v,.. De.. I;:: ~ T" . _.'" '-I Name ond phone number of contllCt porson Tax Map No: 1(1()() Section /8 Block d I Lot . o'f.._ Cross Street NOTE: LOCATION MAP MUST DE SUBMITTED wrrn APPLICATION. NEW CONSTRUCTION REQUIRES SURVEY ALm DEPARTMENT APPROV AI, O~ 0'11o}- ate / - . ant q 6/07 Received by' Rya II Porter arch itects TRANSMITTAL 135 Filth Avenue New York, NY 10010 To: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Cc: N/A From: Brennan McGrath Date: 09,05.07 Via: Fedex Project: Gross and 0615 TEL (212)254-1175 FAX (212)254-1755 Enclosures Copies Description No. Date Rev. 1 Application 09Kl4Kl7 1 Approval from Town Trustees 07124Kl7 1 Permit from Dept. of Health N/A 1 Survey 09Kl4Kl7 1 Check 4416 Remarks: Elizabeth, Enclosed please find all the documents aforementioned as per our conversation earlier this week. If there is anything else I need to provide please contact me at the number above. Thank you, Brennan K. McGrath Aue 22 2007 4:21PM HP LASERJET FAX p.l James F.. King, President Jill M. Doherty, Vice-President Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen . Bob Ghosio, Jr. Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Bax 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 24, 2007 Mr. William Ryall Ryall Porter Architects 135 Fifth Avenue, Floor 2 NewYork,NY 10010 RE: AMY GROSS 740 NORTH VIEW DRIVE, ORIENT SCTM# 13-1-4 Dear Mr. Ryall: The Board .of Town Trustees took the following action during Its regular meeting held on Tuesday, July 24,2007 regarding the above matter. WHEREAS, Ryall Porter Architects on behalf of AMY GROSS applied to the Southold Town Trustees for a permit under the provisions of Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, the Wetland Ordinance of the Town of Southold, application dated June 7, 2007, and, WHEREAS, said application was referred to the Southold Town Conservation Advisory Council and to the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coordinator for their findings and recommendations, and, WHEREAS, the LWRP Coordinator recommended th.at the proposed application be found Inconsistent with the LWRP, and, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has furthered Policy 6 of the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program to the greatest extent possible through the imposition of the following Best Management Practice requirements: installation of gutters and drywalls to contain roof runoff, and a line of staked hay bales to be installed prior to construction, and A4C 22 2007 4:21PM HP LASER JET FAX p.2 2 __ WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held by the Town Trustees with respect to said application on July 24, 2007, at which time all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard. and. WHEREAS. the Board members have personally viewed and are familiar with the premises in Question and the surrounding area, and, WHEREAS, the Board has considered all the testimony and documentation submitted concerning this application, and, WHEREAS, the structure complies with the standards set forth in Chapter 275 of the Southold Town Code, WHEREAS, the Board has determined that the project as proposed will not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the people of the town, NOW THEREFORE BE IT, RESOLVED. that for the mitigating factors and based upon the Best Management Practice requirement imposed above, the Board of Trustees deems the action to be Consistent with the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program pursuant to Chapter 268-5 of the Southold Town Code, and, RESOL VEt>. that the Board of Trustees approve the application of AMY GROSS to construct atwa-story addition to the existing single-story dwelling, install a new swimming pool and pergola, expand the existing driveway and install a new sanitary system. with the condition of installation of gutters and drywells to contain roof runoff, and a line of staked hay bales to be installed prior to construction, and as depicted on the plan pr$pared by Ryall Porter Architects, last dated June 4,2007. and received July 17,2007. Permit to construct and complete project will expire two years from the date the permit Is signed. Fees must be paid, if applicable, and permit issued within six months of the date of this notification. Inspections are required at a fee of $50.00 per inspection. (See attached schedule.) Fees: $ 100.00 Very truly Yours, !=;.::: ~ President, Board of Trustees JFKleac Au~ 22 2007 4:24PM HP LASERJET FAX p.4 e"" .~:< ..'- .. .. .. ,.c",,' ...' .. ~ _J:. c__, ,_ ..:; --.',- -, ",,:,;,:,",' 1.- It! ;-OI?:,~:~'s- COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STEVE LEVY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE 'I.: ;~r-~:::;i::,'-\~',~'~:,9> '''':'je-' - i; ,~~:~;:lP"H. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH seRVICES PERMJr ,';";; ,.>,' .. :. ,- .. ','.t':);'VL:'+':;+i--f',:l c'....._. ,,-, ~>d,:,. ./t'l'_:J:,{;;; The attaChed I when 001 $i ed b . a ~ti've Ofthe~~colistitutes It ,J",l'''''t',i> sUPPly aild!lc:riection ~~or th~ p~ asdepict6d. 'tbi~l~t@i()u!d,~~~ approval, which may be indicated on the plan or ~o~ herein., ~ction.~,~ da!:ds' Indiftft dard fi A I f .r~" dC;~' ti'~'--"' ~f:f~f!;::#r:;o-:ln~~!~~lt~'r[~v~i~if~~\t.. ~ = ~~ plan, ,ot.." ',"'lIP ,g, ~"ty ,VU!& ,.,...., ',., conformance With applicable,~t,Illl~,~" ,.;;'" ,j " ,!-.; !.'J,,'" ".ii,j,',r,tlj; The ~Up~).~ l!n:ee.(3) ~ ~,~ i!'P~~,daJc!,.,Any ~j1ti9P~~l:}~JlY' '.'; , .",posed 5eV\'1l~~l,Iff:i~,P,i:wa~S}lPJlIy.~ I:~~~9f~~;,. elUl!!" .~, ,., . ".'.) for fllapproVal prior to construction. No ins 0 S W' ' erli rtn the De a ' .,e~~y:" .....,. "'" . , " ,'" Pctmits'lnaybe renewed, extended, ..l1'ansfett.ed or ,:fevjsed in iK:cOtdariee with1he ',proe . in "Sublnis$ioil ~e"'eDts' for ApprOval :or SeWage 'DbpOslU,...a "WaUr 'SupplyF.mes:J;of... .'amlly DwelliDgs" (FormWWM-041). ' ",';' '~';:';'~''''f~w',' ": ' It is thclpp~'s responsibility to tall tbe~~t..t'852:.s,54," '~ce, ~~. sewaS6"di~aI ~nmel: -wppJY~1iti~~~~1l:tiI; ;l'l1cse'ln~r " "': " collectiOi{fnd \$sposal ~,'Witer ~11~km~~t$ ma lltp;hj;'~.' .'~ ~, apPrOved plans. In certain cases, inspections of the soil excavation maybe teqI1irc(f1Q, '." " . the soUs for sewage dis,poAl systems. The. DeH.~t _lISt be iJt!tlftU ., htI$t 34 ~Iiri ,iii', an irlsp<<.tiwtili f,i~'iMpiitldlB",f!t~~iJj~'rS1:'1'NJd" :.<, '< . n. " of the i1ispecdDlt. AI1l'cle nI of/he StdfQlkCotmtj> Code, "Septic Industry Bushi_~., '.l. ,,{{ers of 8,~tic ~fI.~' wj~hi,>>: :~~ ~ty.~{yll{ J1Off~ fl Wiljd !icere fhmi IOJe frdf.q{!~~!Jf~r 1fJfl.f7!'. ~J'j# .qpl.li.MVQ:pe'Jo.~ ~J/!CJip#3;pr gr~t fin<< .tlJI!':oYf' far;, hr.~01I!.tr}il:titJ.~I('i!:l/M!Ylj9!. are rnstOJ~~l'l'~i~IIC6M,e41n4tl1f4uflt . ~t l.$.tMiq,ore, J" yqurbest l1It~t 'f{ utiJzze .~ce.i1pt)Or~~h a valid {icBme to' avQid substantial delays inyourproject. " : '::;, f,j'iP",~li'f.iK; l "''+ ~"j!\~ f1* ~ , .,~" , "'if -, > j~""1f ! ~~~ ~> 'tj~'4~ t 8 FINAL ',', ..',.". .' OCCUPANCY OF NEW BUllJ>INGs, J\DDmONs To EXISTING BUlLDING&, oR FOR THE USE OF SEWAGEDISPOSAt!()R:WATEtfStl..t-\"~Ms~'1; . c";'.' t:.: ::-,'\'S1:t.: . '"'.:', " WWM-058 (REV. 9/05) PAGE 101f,2 . .... . ",., ,..",i("'""~";'(fI' '''V''", ~"'( """'~.". .';.-....' : '.', ".'~'.' .... .:.. .,'__...d....-,,,..,' ..' '. '.~"'f~.. ~..I., ""''''''.' -"i:o;;.,_i!::{.' .-.'t....i..,'ll,;..'It,'.~ ,".$"'L';':: .~(iF~MEN1A1. QUAIJ1'Y.oFFaOF~TERMANAGEllENT.,.YAPHAllKA~'~2cti_iif"~,r-" ", I'HcM: (83f)~ FAX: (lJ3f.~ . ii?i.U " ',.r"v,arteat..,..c. , -' -, ",_' n_'_ .>, ,..',' .'. i,' 2:' " INStRUctIONS FOR. FINAL AP~~9~f..OF CONST~p~ ~V8!~MS ' h is the awlieant's responsibility to can the Dep F," ',r" e inspeetions of the sewage disposal .,- arid water supply faetlities prior to bac1dil1ing.These include ' . "wof the .oil exca'VlrtioJi for the ~ lispoaal ,1I}'Stem, when. ~ and inspeetiQns of the water supply wen,lateral, pqblic water supply line. disposal S)'StelD. piping and final ~1\$ Other inspections may be requ~: . ' "1 FollOwlpg satisfactory COtI$trUctiOn and ~ons: l.'Tfi ",,;~ti""~~;.sbbmit 4 prints of an as-built plan (up to and including 1l.xr7ti):'~'~'ti~?&;i8it - ." 'oftbe -''''eet A" . "0' 0' . . . - pl. y~g'.tt~,:~r*', . . the'lot locati' and nlCtesIbounds' dtst...u., i, c",'"." a ' ,AM "" ". -, ,!-:;:?;"" ",...,i~f. _.' " ,_-^ _ ", __,~ _'" ' '" ",_ '_,': _ ',",' _, ,_ ._._,~;..-~<,-!>_.,~t'i'-;'<:~-'<' ,b. the lotn~$) ~ the. ~fthe subdiVision, if applkllble; ,e. ' "!IJj~~.~.',,' ~11'" ,', '~r'll18tatet'.J.'ifaro~!:("" ~"e ,':s=;"?r; "/v~~'; >":,~'" -. ~<-'2;:"::~{~::,":::;;',: , ~f':"" :':~ . 'eo .:'-- ' -'"<~-[''''!:_;-': ';~,-'~"" aft:S" :1:5" for tile Depactnie.t'(" " -. . . . l......litM' ." '~' ! o/OS~ --.......,..: ' ',,' IJ '- ' ?I , ," _fl--,':'R/,., '" '-, 'I'" '.J" -, " '.._~.,~ ,"C-:..;;: _.!.}!1\ - .'I'<-'"lt'i; '; -(';~h{;.c:...,ri,-';" ';-,o ~,-:,. '~~';'_ -,!:/ . . " ".,.' (~~'~-J;,>' :;-'".~_~: ,',;.i .J' ,. L ,,-,4,- ", Date: 09/06/07 Transaction(s): 1 1 Town Of South old P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Receipt#: Check#:4416 Septic Permit - Construct - Resid. Reference 3737 Total Paid: Name: Ryall, Porter Architects 135 5th Ave, 2nd FI New York, NY 10010 Clerk ID: MICHELLE 4416 Subtotal $10.00 $10.00 InternallD: 3737 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TO: Southold Town Building Department FROM: Michelle L. Martocchia, Southold Town Clerk's Office DATED: September 6, 2007 RE: Cesspool Construction/Alteration Application Transmitted herewith is a copy of application No. 3737 for a Cesspool/Septic Tank Construction/Alteration Permit submitted by: Rvall Porter Architects for Amv Gross Please review the application and location map and advise if this office may issue the permit. Please complete the form below and return it to me. Thank you. * * * * * * * * * * * * I have reviewed the application and location map of the project cited above and make the following recommendations: APPROVE DISAPPROVE Comments: Signature Dated 09/07/2007 PRI 10:38 PAX 2122541755 Ryall Porter Arch ldJ001/002 Ryall Porter architects FAX 135 Filth Avenue New York. NY 10010 To: Mike Verity Town of Southold Builging [)ept. Fax No: 6:31.761),9502 CC: N/A TEL (212)254-1175 FAX (212)254-1755 F!1X No: From: Brenn!1n K. McGrath [)C\te: 09.07.07 Page: 1 of2 pages Project Gross r10-07-0065 RE: Survey Dear Mike: Enclosed please find the official stamped survey. If there is anything else I can provide, please feel free to contact me directly at the number above. Regards, Brennan McGrath 09-07-2007 09:41 SOUTHOLO BUILDING DEPT 16317659502 PAGEl IS) \D I IS) -,J I ru IS) IS) -,J IS) \D .I> ru U1 o C --i I o r o ~ H r o H Z Gl o m "U --i .... en w .... -,J en U1 \D U1 IS) ru l~_. i! ffi ru J~ONG .."",' ...---...-.-. 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S'~GLE' F"UILY 1it1~IDt"'Ce: ONLY N ... N N '" .. ... ... '" '" '" .. ~ ,.. ,.. '" o ~ .. () ~ OAT< -d~/n H'~"n,.' ','0. RrO-07- 0065 ApP'tOYEO (." . FOR MAXIMUM ofJ~ BIEOttOOMS EXPIRES THREE YEARS FROM DATE OF APPROVAL 0,: ~I ~ ,; '" ~ " ~ ..... ~... g ;,;~ ..:., :.::::c: :g ~,;~\ __ ::;:'w" t.f? -". '.1' '" i!<' o ". ~ ;':' ,;' .~ ~~ Excavation Inspec:tlon Requi~. For Sanitary System fr".. By Health Department '>;s- . ,;f '*;r : Nathan t Corwin III ~~c;.:~~r~.~_~~~: 1.'....'rv<,....s._.. =",...... _ c....~"".,.., '''rM PIlOll( (&)')n7-:l!OH r... ((.~llnl'.'i"l~ ~'>Y.f~ 1<X.o\<{/J.1 '~!oJI'('....o><i:_" ~J.'.""",,""':'5n' <'M~,")l:!,~< r08o>'9.\J Il'_...., ~........ 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BREAKDOWN OF LOT COVERAGE OVER LOT AREIt LltNDJrARD OF COASTItL EROSION HAZARD LINE AREA =22,405 s'l It i-DESCRIPTION AREA I"LOTCOVrR,o,GE ~"'" "0"" 1211 ." ~.4o%__1 EXISTING GARAGE '" '", It. 1.62%: I BRICK &. BRICK WALK 33' '", " 1.51% -1 r SLATE &. GRAVEL PATLO '" '---1 sq./t 1.41% ' --" TOTAL EXISTING 2,228 sq.tt. 9.94% PROP. ADDITION ,,, '" ", 3.64% -- PROP. POOL .80 ., " 2.14% --"-.- PROf'. PERGOLA '" " f1 O~~ PROP_ TERRACE 639sq fI_}-285X TOTAL EXIST. a: PR~~ sq fl 1948% - --~ LOT COVERAGE NOTES: I. BUILlM9L.E AilEA = 22.40~ >q II (AREA lANtlWARD Of COASTAL EROSIOH HAZA.% UNEI EXISTING BU!LD'N~ COVERA(;E IS 1.:>/3 .q. 11. O~ 70Z" Of 8UlLOABU AREA. PIlOI'OSED BUILDING COVEPAGf If'ISTlNG .;oUSE.!t GARAGE. PROPOSED ADOITIO~ P~OPOSEO POOl.!t PERGOLA IS 3.012 .q. 11. OR 13.7'" Of BUILDABLE OWIA THIS IS ,0, 51 ,20" 'NCRE~SE r~OM THE EXlSTlIIG 9UILDIIIC COVEIl.o.GE TOT,o,L (X/STlHG lOT COVEll",GE, INClUOIHG EXISTING HOOSE. GAR"'GE. B~ICK It P...TIO IS 2,<29 sq. n, OR 9H% or 9UllOAllLE A,~EA 5, TOTAL PRQl'OSfO LOT CO'ERAGE. INClUOIN/J EXISTING HOUSE:, GARAGE WoL~.. BRICK, SlAIE PATIO .....0 PROPOSED AOOlnot<, POOL, PE~GQlA!< TE~~A~E.. IS ".S66 oq. It OPI9.ol.l!%O,BUIllJA,BlCA,RfA rEST HOLE No, 1 llE';1 HI!U Ull<; 6Y Uc!)(lNAII) ~m~rrFN(T ON MAIi(f-/" TE SL./iQ!"JI ./!. ~ ITf5T "1'.11.0' WG 8' .mYINAlrJ "Ftrr.-"';K:' ~- \ i UNAUTHOP'lED AI TfRAT,m'; TO THIS SUIN'-' ^ S[CTIONn09'jl f,'f EDUCATIOI>J LAW COPIES OF THIS SURV;;Y MAP NOT ElLAF"NC. rHElJINOSURVEYOP'SINKED"EALUP EM80SSED SEAL SHALL NOT BE r:ONSIDLRED TO BE A VALID TRlJ€ COpy r;U"lIFiCATlONS INDICATED KEREON SHALL RUN ',fjlY TO THE PERSON FOR WHOM THE '3URVEY :',PREPARED,ANOONHISBEHALFTOfHE TITlE COMPANY GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY AND IFNDINGINSTITUnONUSTEDHEREON,AND TO THE ASSIGNEES OF 'HE LENDING INSTI- fUT'ON. CERTIFICATlONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE THE EXiSTENCE. OF RIGHT OF WAYS AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD, IF AI\Y. NOT SHOWN ARE NOT GUARANTfED. SURVEY OF PROPERTY SITUA TED AT ORIENT TOWN OF SOUTH OLD SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK S,C, TAX No, 1000-13-01-04 SCALE 1 "=50' MARCH 21, 2007 APRIL 9, 2007 ADDm TEST HOLE No 2 APRIL 23. 2007 RlLOCATE TOP OF BLUFF MAY 11, 2007 REVISED LOT COVERAGE DATA MAY 25, 2007 RfVI'3FI) POOL SIZE & ADDED HAY BALE L1~jE AUGUST 1, 200! RLVISfD PROPOSEJ SEPTIC SYSTEM AREA ~ sq. fl. irol'f'lI'f:- 1.243<Jc. f!Q1'.E...$. EILVATIONSAREREfERENCmTON.G.V.D. 1929 DATUM EXISTlHG ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN THUS:_ EXISTING CamOUR LINES ARl SHOWN mus: - - - -00 - - _ -,~ -- 101'00''''''- 80_"'-' "'I~IWU" SEPTIC lANK CAPACII;lS lOR A 5 9EOROOM HOl;SE IS I.S00 GALLONS 1IANK:5'DI,o"S'lIQlIlll0LP'H "1"1l,iUl,I LEACrllHG ST$!EM fOR ~ BEDROOM HOUSE IS "00 'Q !t SIDF;WALL ARlA I POOL; 16' DEEr. 8' o1io. @PROf'O'it.OlXPAN~'OHP()<)l @PROPDsro:FACH'NGPOOl (~(;, \,~PROPOSfO<.FPTlCTAN' 5 THE ~OCATlON or wrU,5 ANn US$POOlS SIlOW>! HEREON ARE FROW qnD OBSERVATIONS AND/OR DATA OtlTAINEO nrol.l Of HERS. 6 EXlSTI~G SEPT<C SYSTEM STRUCHlRES SHALL BE PUMPED C'_EAH A~O REMOVED IN A,CCORDANC€ -.v'rl< S_C,D_H.S, STANOARDS 7 AU ROOF RUNOff '0 8E CAPTURED BY DRYWHlS. 50469 Nathan t Corwin III Land Surveyor iiU,-, -"rvcys Subdivisions Si/,'f'Jul'" ConslructionL"youl PHONE (631)727-2090 Fox (631)727-1727 UI-TIGTS LOCATED AT 1380 ROANOk.E AV[I,jUE RIVERHEAD, New York 11901 MAiliNG ADDRESS P.O 80x 19.31 Riverheod, New York 11901.0965 - -'-~l1~qnl