HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5474 P 53 . 'q;'o'.C..~,,""y..,~ ~~ I u. S. L R. S. ............ .....,.~,...._ -,.~'"'...""'f"01\J..i'.N~ ~Ks ! .!! !!!. !!! H !! !!! !!.!! / ~ Mad. tho :J.SIthda7 or ~.....b.r. ~.t.." _.d oll4 ...~..~~~.. (\ Bet-w;.". HCIllWl GUARAJr1'Y 'lRUS~ -C1OKPA!lY OP dV Yaut.,~V~",_~ ., principal. ot'.t1o. at ~O Broa4way, Be. York, W.. :r01"k~ '...q.ll.t~ " 'L0 or the Blltate or Harrison K. HoC.~, aotiDg under _ the La'ert:":'iJ.J. (. (?_ and Testament or Harrison K. KoCann,late t!ftth.e -Ci't7,~Coua:f;;,.,:." 'f.~ State of' NeW' York.., deoeaaed, P&J;"ty of the :rirst part, ~ " " ...J. -i' ~.,' , 'c. t!t) ~4Il -~ 8,0 .... and JOSEPH M. SOHNEIDER and Kl.'fiIRD D. SCHNEIDER, husbaDdaDd wi!"., both. of' Orient in the Town of' 8authold, County ot' Suf"f'olk aJJ,Cl_ State of ..."York, a8 teunt. b,..the entirety &ad: 118t ....1ieiiaJlli.:in common, partie8 ot' the aeoond part, . Wli'MESSE!I!H: That the party of' the rirs't part, by virtue of' the power ADd authority to it given 1n and by .a1d La.tWill and T..t.IIl.~t!aad. in consideration or Fif't,. Thousand ($5o~ooo.OO) Dollar., lavnll1UDe" of the United States, p.id by the, parties or the seeODd. part, 4... hereby grant &Del rele..e unto the partie. of the a..ODd. pal"t~ their heirs, executors, admiaiatratora and a.algna.t'orever, . ALL that oertain plot~ pieae, or parcel o.t'land, lituate, lying and belDS in or near the Village o.t' GreenpOl"t, lfcnm of Southold, County ot Suffolk and State of Mew York" bounded and described as tollows: BEGIl\INnG at- a point on the norther17 slde t4 Hidcllo Road .(e.B. 27) (.North Road) whore the la.. i. intersectea 137 the westerly slde of land now or former17 of F!'.c1erlek K. Taaker and. from .atd point of beglrming 1"'UDIl1ng then.. aleng the north.rl.,. _ .id. of .a14 Xi."10 R....tlle 1'011_- ing ecmril.. aad- 41at.....:- (l)SeUth 774ogre.. S7 miDlilt.. )0 8000nd.. Wo.t )62.95 r.et; (2) ....terl,. along an arc of a curve bearing to the left_having a rad-ius of 3852. 72 feet~ a distanoe along lIald curve or 47.83 feet; runnina: thenae North 15 degI"eell. 55 minutell 50 seconds West 470 fe.t; running then.e Borth 76 aegree. 37 ..inut.. 40 ...ond. E..t 407.76 r..t; rtDOI1iDg tho".. South 16.degrees 13 ml1'1utes 40 seconds East 479.64reet to the northerly aide of' .ald Middle R~d at the point or plaoe of BEGINNING.