HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5461 P 138 party of tile ~ntPart.and Philip Schiavoni '".1 ., ,...... residing at Greenpar~;cNe~ 'Yo~k, .-'t. ~" i:- ..".- party of the-second part, w~ that the party of the ant part, in consideration of Ten Dollar. and other valuable lXnIIiduatioa paid. by the party of the sccoad part. doeI hereby IfUt aDd releue unto the party of the ItCODd part. the hem or successorw and.uips of the party of the aecond part forever,. ALL that certain,pIQt. piece. or parcel of land, ~--'". .A....____1ituate. lyingandbeingin"tbeTawnafSouthald, County .of Suffolk and State of New Yark, knawnand described as lot lIon IIMap .of Property Known as Wash~ngton Helghtan,filed in the office .of the Clerk .of Suffolk CamrtYi said> lot, being"'bounded narthby 1.'i'ilmarth Avenue, 50 feet; east"by lat 10,120 feet; south by lot 16, 50 feet, and west by lat ~2, 120 feet. BEING the same premises canveyed tb the party of the first part by deed made by Samuel Levine dat,edSeptember 1, 1954, recarded September 22, 1954, liber 3761 of.. canveyances, page 534. SUBJECT ta thefallawipg restrictiona:-that neither the party .of the second part nor tpeir heirs, successors .or assigns shall use the said premises .or permit the same to be used far the carrying on of any nOXious, dangeraus or .offensive trade or business; nor shall any'dwelling be erected an said premises which shall cost less than $3,000 and no building (including stoops, porChes and piazzas) shall be erected or maintained within 10 feet of the front street line, and na stable .or garage .or other outbuilding shall be erected on said premises except on the rear half thereaf. ~~fl-:--'- ."__Th~L"_Da.rt.V.. ,..of. .the_.__seMnd.._llAJ'_t_. c.nVAnRnt _<:I . t_h.Q t. .<:I"'W.Q"''''~ 11"'",L_....Q.=~-'"