HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5439 P 107 r " ::::;;,::':.:::i'::~:=:';N~;~~':::=~i39~~10~ ~.TH~INDENTURE,~..2 ~dayof October, . nineteen hundred and .1x1iy-1ihree:, . .t~~~ ~~oar ~O~d~, re.1diag at Greeuport, Ifew York, " LS;!~~i ';~;:n,~, I party of the first part. and Eugene N. Mazzaferro, residing at Greenport, New .=--'ji York, and William If. Heaney, residing at Greenport, Hew York, &8 .::'1 tenants in common, ~I II II the sum of one &0 no/lOO . Ii lawful moo"'" of the United States, and other good and valuable oouaideratiopd "1 -~ I. I! by the party of the second part. does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or party of. theserond part. WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in amsideration of I ~!'~~ -.....r~ ; , ~ ~ '" . . . . .. dollars. sucCessors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or pared of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and beingttlIIE at Greenport, Town of Sou:thold, County of Suffolk and State qt New York, bounded and desoribed as follows: PARCEL 1 - beginning at a point on the souther1y line of the North Road marked by a concrete monument set at the northeasterly corner of land of Peterson, and running thence in an easterly direction along the southerly line of the North Road, about 356 feet to a point; running thence southerly, along the several lands now or formerly of Moore, Henkel, Jensen, Bogaoh, Sperling, Harroun, and Strau8sner, to a point; thence on a course about south 87046'30" west, about 450 feet to land of Smith; running tnence in a general northerly direction, along the lands of Smith and others, to the southwesterly corner of land of Peterson; thence along the south- erly line of land of Peterson, north 77057'3011 east, 100 feet to a point; thence north 27034'00n west, 210 feet to the point or place of begin~ing. TOGETHER with a right of way 20 feet in width running along the westerly s1de of said land of Peteraon from"the Nortli Road southerly.to the above desoribed premises. BEING and intended to be all of the property in or near the area formerly known as the Horton Swamp of which, among ~ther property Inez Fordham died seized and possessed, which was subsequently con- veyed ~o the party of " the first part by deed made by Austin L~ Davison, dated August 29,1963, recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's office in liber 5411 of convey~oeB, page 283, on the 9th day of September, -1963. PARCEL 2.- beginning at an iro~ pipe on the east~rly line of Madison Street, 210.30 feet southerly along said easte~ly line tram the North Road; said po~nt of beginning being the southwesterly corner of_land of Anderson; from said point of beginning running along" said land of And~raon and along land o~ Ozaro, north 7~.06'40. east, a distanoe of 243.68 feet to land of the party. of the first part; thence alpngsaid land, south 3036140. west, a distance of 280~lO teet to land of the To~ of Southold; thence along'said land of the Town of Southold, south 76006140. west, a distance of 179.64 feet to said easterly line of Madison Street; thence" along' said east- erly line, three oourses, 8S follows: 1) north 13053'20. west, 100 feet; then98 (2) north 6017140" wsst, 151.33 feet; _ thence. (3) north 13053'20" .west, 17.l4feet to the point of beginning. ----1 um] ~~~,!O-80eginn1Dg at a mODwoent on the eastsrly lins of Madison ..J3tl'e~t: 138.19 feet northerly along sa1d easterly line troll Wil- '.gfr_thAve~ue; sa1d p.Oint ,of "beg1nning being the northwesterly 001'- ~r of land of Beebe; from said point o~ beginning running-along sa1d easterly lineot Madison Street, '.courses, 8S follows: _ 1) north 13053'20" west, 40.91 feet; .tnence (3) north 21029'00" weat, 151.33 teet;. thence (3) north 130531~O" west, 18.36 feet to land of .the T9WQof Southald; thence along a81d land of the ToWn otSouthold, north 76006'40" east, a distance of 171.76 feet to land of the party o~ the first part; theneealong said land of ' the p~rty of the first part, south 3~36t40" west, a distance of 219.41 feet to a JJ1Qnument and said land of Beebe,; thence along said laDd of :"Beebe,south 76006'40" west,. a distance of 85.74 feet to the point or plaoe of.beginning. Parcels 2 and 3 herein BEING AND INTENDED TO BE ~HE SAME PREMISE~ oonveyed ~o _the.p~rty.of the first'part by deed made by Rose 'M. Smith, indlviduaily and as exeoutrix of the last will and testament of George W. Smith, deceased, .a~id October 3, 1963; ~d re90rdsd in the said County 81erk's office ~ liber 5428 at conveyances, page 387, on October 8, 1963; SUBJECT to covenants and restrictions therein set forth. Parcels 1, 2 and 3 herein oonveyed SUBJECT to: any state of faots an accurate survey might show, and to covenante, restriotioDs, easements, agreements, reservations, and zoning regulations of record, if any.