HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-09/28/1995Albert J. Krupski, President John Holzapfel, Vice President William G. Albertson Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 MINUTE SEPTEMBER 28, 1995 PRESENT WERE: ABSENT: Albert J. Krupski, Jr. President William G. Albertson, Member Martin H. Garretl, Member Peter Wenczel, Member Jill Doherty, Clerk JoPm Holzapfel, Vice President CALL MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NEXT TRUSTEE BOARD MEETING: Thursday, October 26, 1995 at 7PM WORKSESSION: 6:00 PM NEXT FIELD INSPECTION: Wednesday, October 18, 1995 at 12 noon APPROVE MINUTES: Approve minutes of August 31, 1995 regular meeting. A motion was made by TRUSTEE GARRELL and seconded by TRUSTEE ALBERTSON to approve the minutes. ALL AYES. I. MONTHLY REpORTi: Trustees monthly report for August 1995: A check for $3,418~.58 was forwarded to the Supervisor's Office for the General Fund. II. PUBL~ NOTICES: Public Notices are posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board for review. III. AN1/tIkWIENTS/WAI.VERS/CHANGES: 1. on behalf of MIC~L .L~EAHY request a the fees on per~$4379 to constl The applicant is having difficulty with the DEC. Located 2200 Hobart Ave., Southold. SCTM $1000-64-3-4. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE WENCZEL to grant a 30 day extension. ALL AYES. 2. PROPER-T PERMIT SERVICES on behalf of CHARLES MILLMAN request an amendmentI to permit $4471 to relocate'and reconstruct dock as follows; 4' X 72' walkway, 4' X 16' ramp and a 6' X 20' Board of Trustees 2 September 28, 1995 float, two 2-pile dolphins. Located 2760 Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck. SCTM $1000-123-4-10. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE -WENCZEL to DENY the amendment and request a full permit. Applicant can amend the permit to move dock over and keep it the same size. Board feels that this is a different structure. ALL AYES. 3. EN~VIRONMENT EAST on behalf of JOAN TECHET request a waiver to construct a i2.8' X 27' addition with a breezeway attached to a 24' X 32' gaEage, and patio additions as per survey. Located Salt Lake Lane, (Rochelle Place), Mattituck. SCTM $1000-144-5-11. k motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE WENCZEL to approve. ALL AYES. 4. JOSEPH POTTGEN request a Waiver to construct a 1000 s.f. deck as per plans. Located 550 Blue Marlin Drive, Southold. SCTM $100~-57-1-27. A motion was made by TRUSTEE GARRELL and seconded by TRUSTEE ALBERTSON to approve. ALL AYES. 5. EN-CONSULTANTS on behalf of JOHANNA SMITH request amendment ~4404'to construct a 3' X 12' ramp and 6' X 18' float · (2) 8"'pilings attached to existing bulkhead. Located Mason Drive, Cutchogue. SCTM $1000-104-7-5. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE ALBERTSON. ALL AYES. 6. ~f of .PAOLO LAVAGETTO request an 957 to modify the floating portion of an (2) existing 6' X 20' floats in a "T" configuration will be relocated and a 4' X 23' float added to form a "U" shape. Floats will be secured by a total of (8) pilings. Proposed float arrangement will afford more protection to boat and will allow easier access. Located 1300 Mason Drive Cutchoque. SCTM $1000-104-7-7. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE ALBERTSON to DENY the application add request a full application. The Board feels that the amended structure will monopolize the bottom. ALL AYES. THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER OFT HE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS FOR PERMiTS UNDER THE WETLANDS ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. I HA~ AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FROM THE SUFFOLK TIME'S. PERTINENT' CORRESPONDENCE MAY BE READ PRIOR TO ASKING FOR COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC. PLEASE KEEP YOUR COMMENTS ORGANIZED AND R~IEW: FIVE (5] MiNUTES OR LESS~ IF POSSIBLE Board of Trustees 3 September 28, 1995 7:45 p.m. - In the matter of 1995/96. SCALLOP SEASON. to set the dates in Town Waters. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Before I take any public comment I would like to say Because of the health of the shellfish itself, the state season has been set for October 30th. The State season has been put back a whole month from what it originally was. This is in order to give the shellfish time to spawn. There was either no spawn or the spawn didn't survive the spring. If the scallop gets the chance te spawn in the fall, which supposedly 50% of the scallops are ready to spawn in the fall. Which is unusual, but in nature, the animal wants to reproduce and this is its last chance. In order to continue the scallop population for future years, we would like to give them every opportunity to reproduce. That is the reason it has been set back to October 30th in State waters. This public hearing we will discuss opening Town waters to recreational harvesters and when te set the opening to commercial harvesters. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: There is just one other point of business while we .are doing this, if you recall when we where doing the work to change the state season we all signed a letter that we would s~pport~ a resolution to make that change. We just need to act on it. Maybe we can do initially and then go on with the Town ~son. ~R~STEE KRUPSKI: That is fine. T~STEE WENCZEL: I would like to read a draft resolution. W~EREAS, Brown tide conditions have existed in the Peconic Bay System during the Summer of 1995; and, Whereas, as there has been no Bay Scallop reproduction during ~ normal spring-s~¥~er spawning season due to the Brown Tide, and, Whereas, it has been shown that when Bay Scallop reproductive failure occurs due to Brown Tide that spawnings can occur during the months of September and October after the Brown Tide abates, and, Whereas, the present poor conditions of the scallop meats is expected to greatly improve by allowing the scallops time to recover from the effects of the Brown Tide by delaying the scallop season for 4 weeks, and, Whereas, the five East End TOwn Bala~ens Associations have met with the Depar~ent of Environmental Conservation and have proposed and unanimously support a delay of the opening of the Bay Scallop Season to October 30, 1995, NOW, BE IT ~ORE RESOLVED, that the Town Trustees of the Town of Southold, support an~endorse the proposed delay of the start of the 1995 Bay Scallop Season to October 30, 1995. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there any comment on the ScatlopSeason. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: The only comment I have is that the Southold Town shellfish Advisory Committee met on Monda~ and made a recommendation that we set the recreational season to begin on October 30, 1995 and the co~ercial season to begin two weeks later on November 13th. Board of Trustees 4 September 28, 1995 TRU~TEE~KRUPSKI: Given the lack of public interest and the recommendation from the Shellfish Advisory Committee, which i~ comprised both of co~ercial and residential shellfish, I vote to: CloSe the hearing. TRus~E ALBERTSON: So moved. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: t make a motion that we set the recreational season, to begin October 30th and the commercial season to begin on NOvember t3th. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. 7: viol of DONALD COCKS on behalf of a Wetland Permit to construct chain approximately 350' of fence alang wall as per survey dated 2/26/92. Located Wickham Mattituck. SCTM ~1000-t14-3-1. KRUPSKI: Is there any comments? CAC reco~tu~ends There is no need shown and the conditions of the allows for no further activity at the site. The CAC of a to b~ing to the attention of Trustees possibility ~ ~he bezm is not being maintain as to the requirements We talked about this at our last meeting. We don't is going to stop someone from entering. They can jus~wal~ the front gate. ~RUS~ ~RLr~SKi: I agree with your assessment as far as a fence intent about braking the law. However, from an envi! stand point we couldn't see any problem with a ~fence on the existing retaining wall at that location. is true that if anyone wants to get in the can get in. The biggest problem we have is trying to customers feel satisfied that their boats are goimg to be protected. If the fence is there, that is just enough right ~here. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Sure, We are not here to make an opinion on whether it is going to be deterrent or not. One of the things that we saw that we put a condition on. Yo~ will have to do some clearing along %he top of that retaining wall, is that correct? DONALD COCKS: Yes. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: O.K~ What we would require as a condition in the permit is that there would be a swale area put in between the building and the retaining wall so that the runoff from the building is contained. DONALD COCKS: There was one but we just cleaned up ~hout $3000.00 in dump fees. In the process of cleaning that berm was removed. We didn't put it back because we would have to remove it to but the fence up. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: O.K. We would like to see a swale in conjunction with a berm. This is the time to do it, while you are disturbing the site. We would like to see it done now. Any other comment? A motion to close the hearing? TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: So moved. TRUSTEE GARRELL: Second. ALL AYES. Board of Trustees 5 September 28, 1995 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I will make the motion to approve the application of Matt-A-Mar for a 350' of chain link fence with the condition that there be a berm and a swale system set up along the south side of the property in conjunction with the fence construction to contain the runoff from the parking lot driveway area. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. 7:55 P.M. 7 In the matter of RICHARD MILTNER FOR FLORENCE TILDEN request a wet'land permit to construct 14' X 22* garage in front yard as per survey dated August 30, 1995. Located 3100 Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck. SCTM ~1000-115-17-14. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak on behalf of the application or against it? RICHARD MILTNER: I am Richard Miltner. I am here if you have any questions. CLERK: Noted Plans changed as per Zoning Board approval. Side yard is larger, making the garage 14' X 22' TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: O.Ko Any other comments? Do I have a motion to close the hearing? TRUSTEE GARRELL: So moved. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE GARPRI.L: Move to approve the plan as approved by Zoning Board. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. 7:~57 P~.M. In the matter of ROBERT SHANK re<fuest a Wetland raise existing house and decks approx. 20 c.y. of upgrade septic system. Located Fishermans Beach, Cutchogue. SCT~ %1000-111-1-19.1. TRUSTEE KRUFSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak in favor or against the applicant? Does the Board have any C~L,L.e~ts? CAC recommends approval with the condition that the applicant us~ silt fence and extreme care so no silt goes into the water. It is pretty straight forward. It is a pretty small parcel. Do I have a motion to close the hearing? TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: So moved. TRUSTEE GARRELL: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I will make a motion to approve the application with the condition that a silt fence be placed between the project and the wetlands during construction and that all disturbed soil be re-vegetated or be haybaled so it can be re-vegetated. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. 8:00 P.M. equest a storm, also replace existing decks and stairs as necessary. Located 21515 Soundview Ave., Southold. SCTM %1000-135-1-5. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak in favor or against the application? CAC recommendations = approval, a non-turf buffer on the embankment be installed to prevent further erosion. Does the Board have any comment? Board of Trustees 6 September 28, 1995 I will make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I will make a motion to approve the application with the condition that he applicant follow the recommendations of CAC, the embankment be re-vegetated in a non-turf matter so that the overland flow of water will not cause further erosion of the embankment or the structure and result in siltation of the surface waters. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. ,,~,~,.~?8:03. P.M. - In the matter of J.M.O. CONSLq~TING on behalf of ANN request a Wet~and Pe~t to reconstruct within 18" i~10+Y= of imber bulkhead, to construct a new 24 return along western property line and to backfill structure with 20+/- c.y. of clean sand to be trucked in from an upland source. Located North Parish Drive, Southold. SCT~ 31000-71-1-10. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak on behalf of or against the application? TRUETEEWENCZEL: There was a question about the walkway on top of:the jetty. There should be a non-turf buffer behind the bu We have contacted Natural Resource Soil Conservation TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: O.K. That will stabilize the area to their advantage. CAC recommends approval with clarifications, according to the submitted diagram the applicant wants to reconstruct walkways. The Council recommends approval of the walkway behind the bulkhead. The walkway located by the middle groin be disapproved. There is no need shown and the structure should not be on the beach. The walkway is located on top of a groin? GLENN JUST: It goes down toward the water on top of it. I don't see any reason why it needs to be replaced. TRusTEE KRUPSKI: Are you going to repair the stairs? If you are we might as well package that all together. GLENN JUST: There are four steps that need repair coming down from lawn. (GLENN CANE UP AND AMENDWDAPPLICATION).TRUSi~qEKRUPSKI: Does anyone have a co~ents on the amended application? TRUSTEE GARRELL: Amotion to closethe hearing. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: I make a motion that we approve the application of Ann Kwasneski for a Wetland Permit to reconstruct with in 18" 110' of timber bulkhead and to construct a new 24' return along western property line and to backfill structure with 20+/- c.y. of clean sand to be trucked in from an upland source. To reconstruct stairs landward of the bulkhead. To have a non-turf, non-fertilized buffer. Note that the walkway on top of the groin is not included in this permit. TRUST~R AT.RERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. 8: . - In the matter of O. CONSULTING on behalf of a to construct 2 board walkways purpose of areas of inter tidal marsh as located by DEC. The northern most walk shall be 18" X 147' Board of Trustees 7 September 28, 1995 and be constructed 18" over grade of marsh, and the southern most walk 18" X 112' constructed over 18" over grade of marsh, (also to allow for the installation of a 6' X 12' X 4' seasonal waterfowl pit/blind to be located along the southern spit of the island. Located Robins Island. SCTM 41000-134-3-5. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak on behalf of the applicant? GLENN JUST: Here are some additional photos. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: O.K. Thanks. CAC co~uent is approval. TRUSTEE GARRELL: MotiOn to close the hearing. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL A~ES. TRUSTEE GARRELL: Motion to approve as written. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. 8:12 In the matter of J.M.O. CONSULTING on behalf of to construct 190' of retaining wall as per drawing August 15, 1995. Located 500 Beach Court, East Marion. SCT~ ~1000-37-7-9.1. TRUSTEE ~RUPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak in favor of the application? Is there anyone here whowould like to application? 130 Cleaves Point Road, East Marion. Are you going the groins. The literal drift of the groins goes east to west. In audible, spoks about the effects the groins had on properties to the west and is against reconstructing these gro~ns~ Spoke of history of area. TRUSTEE K~UPSKI: Yes. The description that was read off the was not a complete description. the last meeting you segmented this application. One under the Grandfather with the new of the retaining wall was separate. That was done at the discretion. TRUSTEE I was just in formed that do to clerical error we are not going to be acting on the groins tonight. On our Board's inspection we did look at exactly what you had mentioned about the of the'structures. Which is what we look at any structure for a Grandfather , because to often we get an application fo~ a Grandfather permit that~contains a structure that is more or less non,functional or non-existent. We wouldn't grandfather a structure that isn't functioning as what it is applied for. MR. EDLER: When will it go on the agenda.. I don't want it to slide ~hrough without myco~m~ents. I won't be here next month can mycommentsbeheard tonight for next month? TRUSTEE KR~/PSKI: Yes. Lets have this public hearing first. To construct I90' of retaining wall. Which is the structure that is located completely on the other side of the property on the channel going into Spring Pond. The Board took a look at this and what it is is to raise the elevation of that beach area whichis behind all those bulkheads that are existing. I will take any comment about this part of the application. The reason the Board ask to segment it is because the retaining wall seemed like a pretty straight forward project behind an existing bulkhead. It is not in the water. It will only come in contact Board of Trustees 8 September 28, 1995 with the water in a severe storm. It is completely on the applicants property. MR. EDLER: I am not objecting to what is on his private land. GLENN JUST:We are going to be elevating this one that is in here 18", elevating this one 18" and that one~ A new one along here and 4' one here. These beaches in this area are very susceptible to northeasters. That is where you are getting all your sand. This whole section of East Marion.. With a northeaster the sand last time blew right across, right over the top of the bulkhead, filled in part of the inlet, fill in this boat slip and fill in that ramp that all the people in the co~unity use. Mr. Aprea removed all that fill at his own expense. MR. EDLER: Where did it go? GLENN JUST: Right back in groin field where it belongs. TRUSTEE F~RUPSKI: Is there any other comment on this faze of this project? The Board? TRUSTEE GARRELL: MOve to close the hearing. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON~: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: CAC comments? STEVE ANGEL: CAC recommends approval of retaining walls only and only if the fill was placed legally. Since this report we learned it was, therefore we approve. TRUSTEE GARRELL: Move to approve the application for 190' of retaining wall with the condition .that the disturbed area be planted withbeach grass. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON:' Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE F~RU~SKI: We will take col~=~nt on the other part of the app%ication.aow even though we will not be acting on it tonight. Gillette Drive, East Marion. If you review the where that parking lot comes in at the end of East Gillette Drive. The Highway Dept. has had to'move guard rail back on two occasion. They have lost somewhere between 30 and 40 feet. I think that is indicative of the kind of back swirl around that has resulted from the structure of the groins to the east. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. Anyone else? JOE BUSSO: spoke also. 8:25 P.M. - In the matter of EN~CONSULTANTS on behalf of to existing erode~ slope as is feasible to install tie-back system, backfill with 1,~200 c.y. of clean fill to be trucked in from upland source and place a stone splash pad 12+/-' landward of wall, repair (or replace as necessarf) pedestrian access to beach. Retaining wall done with the concept that it be buried with sand. Located ROW off County Road 48, Southold. SCTM %1000-73-5-1. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone who would like to speak in favor of the application? ROY HAJE: I spoke to the DEC today on this project. They would like to see some relatively minor changes. I would like to amend that before you right now. There is that patch of phray~tes over here. They would like to keep that if possible. That is not nearly as bad as it is over here. That is fine, so what we will Board of Trustees 9 September 28, 1995 do is eliminate that section. We will run this return, go up the corner of the platform. Same way 30, on an angle, same angle. Just take that out. The only gther thing is to place stone armor along this return. The back ill is all fine. STEVE ANGEL: DEC wanted that ROY HAJE: We are not going up is putting a return up in her~ TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That is the ROY HAJE: Yes. It is odd sha~ STEVE ANGEL: There is no bul~ ROY HAJE: No. STEVE ANGEL: Do to stay there when the bulkhe~ ~gle here to the bulkhead. here. The only thing we are doing and stopping up in here. ~roperty line.? ~ piece. ~ad there presently? 'ou think the Phra~tes are going ~ is put up. ROY HAJE: We don't have much ~f a choice. DEC said you have to dO it and they would approve ~t under those circumstances other wise they wouldn't approve. TRUSTEE ~RUPSKI: If they came back like that, just say there was a seVere storm and that was washed away, the return would be the new bulkhead. How is the erosion to the west? ROY HAJE: This doesn't extend all that far. When you get over here it stops eroding. You have some unprotected bluffs over here. i STEVE ANGEL: Are you going w th the buried concept? ROY HAJE: This is going to be relatively high. To bury that whole thing, that would take a tremendous amount of sand. It would be very tough. TRUSTEE E/%UPSKI: What is the~levation of the bulkhead? ROY HAJE: Top elevation is 16~ up as high as possible becau~ The higher you can get the to~ that new slope. TRUSTEE KRU~SKI: 16' elevated ROY HAJE: No. That is the top It will probably be about 10'. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Not that it ~ no sense building a short one Is there an~ other comment? TRUSTEE GARRELL: Move to clos~ TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. TRUSTR~. KRUPSKI: CAC comments placed at the toe of the bluf~ beach grass. Is there a plan The reason is to try to get that of the severity of that slope. the more gradual you can make ~ff the beach? elevation. That is not expo~ ould bother me, because the~ and having it come over the the hearing. ALL AYES. recommend that retaining w~ and that the fill planted.% to re-vegetate? ure. e is top. ~1 be ith ROY HAJE: Yes, we are going tQ re-vegetate~ TRUSTEE GARRRLL: Move to approVe with CAC conditions as amended plan. TRUSTEE AL~ERTSON: Second. ~LL AYES. 8:31 . - In the matter of of WILLIAM construct 160+/- 1.f~ ~ backfill with 85+/- c.y. of c] upland source. Construct a 3' existing platform and stairs revetment at toe of bluff. SCTM ~1000-52-1-t. to to be trucked in=--~-~o~and stairway to connect ~strian access over )5 North Road, Southold. Board of Trustees 10 september 28, 1995 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak in favor or against the application? ROY~HAJE: Roy Haje, Eh-Consultants also Mr. Turnbull is here. The project is obviously necessary. If you have been to the prOPerty the erosion should be ve~t apparent. It has taken in the nine years that the Turnbutls have owned the property, considerable portion of the beach. With the proposal that we are seeking approval for tonight is simply to retain wh~t is there now without trying to recapture. So we are going to be maintaining and keeping the bluff line as closely as possible again. The reco~endation to cover it over with sand, in this case, is fine. We won't be that high a structure. The Turnbulls want to keep as natural a look as possible. So the request to cover and plant is fine. The one thing that does give us trouble however was a recommendation that a covenant be added to the deed. To the effeCt of that the Town Beach be restored. The Turnbulls do have a problem with that in that, in that other case. How would you show that this structure would be the cause of any erosion on the Town Beach. That has been eroding, Mr. Turnbull has photo's, of what happened to that beach with no structure on his property during storms. To show that this structure would be the cause of even a portion of that, would be pure speculation and would put him in serious financial jeopardy to restore that. In addition having that appear on the deed to his property is very likely to devalue the property for future owners. If they saw that I'm sure they would be concerned on what they would be getting themselves into. The Town continuously pushes up the sand to maintain the grade of the beach. Mr. Turnbull has not done that, he has not gotten permission to do that. Years ago, typically that was done. Not only up here but all over the place. DEC when they got into the business, said noyou can't do that. So Town Beach at this point is considerable wi~er and b~gher in elevation than the TUrnbulls. It is very unlikely, specially this type of structure andthe location proposed, would have ~ny adverse effects. We would ask potential, condition be dropped. TRUSTEEKR~PSKI: I have given thought to it. The other one they we are talking about that we had put on the C & R's was a structure that impacted with the tidal waters'and can be impacted in a majore storm. That one was.a lot different. What I would like to do is just put in a condition that if the area is deemed by the Board to be destroyed by that structure that it be restored by the applicant. It is unlikely that this structure would, have any effect to the Town Beach at all. The Town Beach is erosion, on a regular basis~ MR~ See where that stair case is now, that is where my was ali the erosion. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We where at the site. We are familiar with it. I think if you put the structure in and there, was a major storm and there was a major hole on town property because of the adjacent structure. If it looked like this afterWards (pointing at picture}, I think it would be pretty hard to go out there and say that is caused by the neighbor. ROY HAJE: A very obvious gouge immediately adjacent... Board of Trustees 11 September 28, 1995 TRUSTEE KRU~SKI: Exactly. MR. TURNBULL: Asked if there is a major storm can I reclaim the sand from out there. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: After majore storms we are having contact and discussions with DEC about doing just that. Someone suggested that they mind the sand from Sound, off shore. Instead of building a hard structure, you build up the elevation of the beach. It might go in one storm or it might last for 20 years. MR. TURNBULL: It would take it away in the Winter and Mother Nature would put it back in the Summer. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I think it is a good idea. If you wanted to explore that, i think this Board would approve of it. ROY FAJE: Mr. Turnbull might not want to put in that would stairway. As an alternative he might want to put something more natural right into the stone work. Put a stone stairway in. The question which we have, if we kept it in, we would be assessed on it? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It is not over Town bottom. ROY HAJE: O.K. We will live it in. If he does not decide to do it, if he doesn't build it, fine. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI:~O.K. Fine. ~R. TURNBULL: I would rather it just be as natural as possible. So I don'.t have to put that on the deed. So if I some where down the road if I sell my property, I don't have to tell someone they are responsible? TRUS~EE'KRUPSKI: That is right. HR. TURNBULL: Thank you. Some of my comments have been made mute, but since I long I would like to make them an!rwa¥. (Inaudible) If he builds a structure on his own property above high water, I am wondering where you get the mandate for this? If a stipulation was added to the pezmit, I think it would be necessary for all properties anywhere...If you are going to make request like that, I think you should have scientific fact...In the ToWn's erosion management plan there is no mention of covenants that a property owner would have to do protect the Towns property or private property on either side of him at some future point in time. If you want to have something as part of the per, it, I would suggest that you, Southold Town Trustees, should add input to the local erosion management plan, by the way I was shocked when I went to that meeting and there wasn't one Southold Town Trustee there. I still can't understand why you weren't there. This is something the Town has to live with. You comment about having discussions with the DEC should be part of that plan. Spoke ~hout the importance of theTrustees being involved in this program. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you any other cor£m~ent? We did have the Town Engineer look at the other project before we had them do C & R's. That structure was adjacent toa Town Beach and was actually in the water. I realized this was a completely different project. Our major concern was to the Town Beach. As far as the draft pls- that the Town is reviewing, I have reviewed myself and we are going to have a discussion about it later on tonight. I ~m not sure we are going to reco~m~end. Board of Trustees 12 September 28, 1995 DAVID CORWIN: I agree with you. If you gentlemen don't get up there now while they are reviewing, you shouldn't say months from now you don't like it. You should have the input now while it is being fo:lL~ed. I realize you are busy, but I hope you have some more input in the future. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: ThaD_k you. Move to close the hearing. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: So moved. TRUSTEE GARRELL: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: I will make a motion to approve the Wetland and Coastal Erosion Permits request for William Turnbull with CAC reco~L~endations. TRUSTEE GARRELL: Second. ALL AYES. the matter of EN-C~NSULTANTS on behalf of WILLIAM and Coastal Erosion permits to construct a re~a2 angled return on west side. Structu~.e will be'armored with 1+ ton stone onfilter cloth, backfilled with 375 c.y. of sand trucked in from Duck Pond Road to west and construct a 4' X 170' stairway with (2) 4' X 8' for access to beach. All work done with concept that will be buried with sand. Located ROWoff Bridge Lane and Cutchogue. SCTM $1000-72-1-1.1. Is there anyone here who would like to speak in application. ROY Roy Haje, Eh-Consultants. The project is really self you have any questions. Any other comments? CAC co:~ents recommends that the applicant bury the bulkhead and plant ass and allow vegetation to grow. : What do you feel about the 4' X 8' platforms. Our usual standard is 4' X 4' what is the need for size. ROY HAJE: What I had in mind was an small area to sit. This is a ~popular. We are not g~ing that big. Oiher co~,ent. Given the magnitude of this application, think there will be a problem. TRUSTEE close the hearing. ALL AYES,  TEEWEN.~EL: Grant a Wetland Permit and Coastal Erosion ii for .William Els with condition to re-vegetate. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. 9: .M. In EN-CONSULTANTS on behalf t° constrUct a ~imber dOck 3' X 30' fixed catwalk extending from top of "bank" as s~n on survey; 3' X 10' hinge ramp; 6' X 16' float arranged in "T" configuration and secured by'(2) 8" pilings. Located Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck. SCTM $1000-115-i2-12. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak in favor of or against the application? ROY HAJE: Roy Haje for the applicant. I believe we kept the dock as close as we could' with a "T" configuration. There are docks in the area the we are in keeping with. Board of Trustees 13 September 28, 1995 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We assume that all activity that is associated with the house is well beyond our jurisdiction. CAC recommends approval that the dock does not interfere with navigation. We looked at it last week and fee that it is an appropriate size for the area. Any Other col~ut,ent. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: I make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE GARRELL: Second. ALL AYRS. TRUSTEE KRUPSK~: I make a motion to approve the application. TRUSTEE GARRELL: Second. ALL AYES. 9:0. the matter of EN-CONSULTANTS. On b~half of request a,Wetland P~rmit to remove an surfaced launching ramp and replace it with a 1~ X 53' 'concrete-surfacedramp by removing bulkhead on west side of ramp. Ramp wilt~be extended seaward to prevent trailers from going off end of ramp at low tide. New West side will of 24' upland bulkhead which will connect to existing and 25' free-standing wall with 3! Wide walk a top. upland (10 c.y.~) will be used to back fill new existing 12' X 20' concrete block tool shed by increasing height by 5' andextending 5' to the south. Lower 4' of shed will be filled in and new floor poured. A 4' X 4' and 4' X 6' staircase will be added on west side to access from that side. ~A doorway will be added on east side for access from parking area. Purpose of project is to avoid flood damage to contents of shed and improve accessibility. There is no sanitation system in this building nor is one proposed. It is used solely for storage of tools and e~pment. Located 800 Skunk L~ne, Cutchogue. SCTM ~1000-104-8-2.5. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak either for .or the application. ROY HAJE:i the appliuant. The existing wood surface ramp has one is it lis too short and the other is that it is too sliPPery. We hope to avoid that liability by putting in a rougher surface as ithe concrete. We also hope to make it usable at more times. This ramp is now limited tO high tide use. The building is behind the existing bulkhead there is no wetland grasses back there. As you have read it is too low. When we have stozm events, it ge~s flooded, We simply want to raise. Modestly increase the size by 5' on the south side. There is now intention to Change the use of the shed. There is a gasoline dispenser there that is no longer used. The tank that was associated with that was removed long ago. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That was our question. We saw the vines grgwing on lt.~We assUmed that it wasn't being used. If the tanks been remoVed, that is fine. ROY HAJE: There was a question about creating a berm on the up side of the ramp. We don't have an objection to it. The only thing is that the grade there now is higher then the road. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We noticed that. ROY HAJE: Chances are we are not going to get anything down there anFway after we rebuild it. If anything it will be a Board of Trustees 14 September 28, 1995 littler higher. You will still have that natural slope. I don't think anything is going to come off the road. STEVE ANGEL: The CAC was more concerned about the runoff from the parking lot then the road. The CAC recommended that the runoff be controlled. Council suggest that the regrade the water in the parking lot to a catch basin to direct the water away from the ramp. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That is a good concern~ I think it will be done naturally because of the spoil site from the excavation work. It should raise that, so the parking lot won't be directed on to the ramp. ROY HAJE: That would be in effect a berm that we would be creating on that side. There is a town drain. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Doesthat come out by ramp? FRANK ZITO: I am not sure where it comes out. I was trying to find out myself the other day. I don't know if there is a drtr~ell there. It was put in by the Town quite a few years ago. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We are going to suggest if the Tows_ can put in additional rings in that area. We looked for the out flow pipe. I wouldn't be surprised if it is underneath the walkway by the shed. Yes, that is where I think it is. I have to fix the anyway, so I will take a look. TRUSTEE KRUPSF~I: Any other c~m~ents? TRUSTEE GARRELL: Maybe the Town can coordinate with the owner to do the work. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I will take to Ray Jacobs. Any other comment? TRUSTEE AT~ERTSON: Move to close the hearing. TRUSTEE GARRELL: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE GARRELL: Move to approve with advisory that the Town Highway Department be consulted with regard to the drainage. TRUSTEE ALBERTSON: Second. ALL AYES. V. ASSESSMENTS:. 1. request Wet,and Permits to , septic! system, move existing house from across the street onto foundation. Pilings and septic system will.remain on lot on the bay because a new house will be constructed on site after house on lot 11 is doneand permits are obtain. Located R~hbit Lane, East Marion. SCTM #1000-31-17-11. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE ALBERTSON to grant a negative declaration. ALL AYES. Note: Once house is removed from existing location, the Board will want new Health Dept. approval prior to new construction. 2. GLENN JUST on of DR request a Wet construct a and to backfill structure with approx. 20 c.y. of clean sand which shall be trucked in from upland source. Located Private Road, Grccnport. SCTM %1000-49-1-I8. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRU~SKI and seconded by TRUSTEE GARRELL to grant a negative declaration. ALL AYES. Board of Trustees 15 September 28, 1995 3. GLENN JUST on behalf of DR. THOMAS J.~ MC DONAGH request wettand P~t to construct a 10' X 60' X 2' earthen be£m, which s~ll be fronted by a rock revetment consisting of 200-500 lb. rock placed 2' below grade: on filter cloth. BeL~ shall then be planted with Rosa Rugosa; 18" o.c. Proposed helm and revetment shall be constructed on what is known lawn area. The purpose is for stoz~u and flood protection. Also to construct 3' X 40' catwalk, 3' X 12' ramp and 6' X 20' as per plan dated 12-10-94. Located 765 Cedar Beach Drive West, Southold. SCTM %1000-90-1-6 A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded byTRUSTEE ALBERTSON to table this application for survey with contours. 4. GLENN JUST on behalf of CHARLES CAPPELLINO request Wetland and tal Erosion Permits to construct t00' of timber bulkhead and structure with 200+/- coy. of clean sand which shall be trucked in from an upland source. Bulkhead shall be constructed in line with similar structures which exist on adjoining properties. Located 65 Sound View Ave., Mattituck. SCT~ #1000-99-3-2. A motion was made by TRUSTEE GARRELL and seconded by TRUSTEE ALBERTSON to grant a negative declaration. 5. SUFFOLK ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING on behalf of MARY IRENE' BURNS~irequest a Wetland Permit to construct 130+/-' of revetment/rip rap utilizing 100-150 1.fo quarry stone installed to grade in accordance with the survey prepared b¥ Joseph Ingegno dated August 8, 1994. Applicant. also proposes to plant beach grass one foot on center between the seaward tow of the proposed revetment/rip rap & the landward edge of tidal wetlands. Located 853' east of Oaktawn Ave., Southold. SCT~ %1000-70-4-10. A motion was made by TRUSTEE WENCZRL and seconded by TRUSTR~ GARRELL to grant a negative declaration. ALL AYeS (Clerk checked old records and found a Grandfather Permit for the dock). 6. construct a per plans dated 18, 1995. Located end of Condor Ct., Laurel. Off Peconic Bay Blvd. S'CTM %1000-127-3-6.1 & 6.2. A motionwas made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE GARRELL to table so the Board can meet with DEC,CAC. ALL AYES. J.H. IDEMAN on request ' X 4' platform on top as per plan dated 6/6/1995. Located 122 Sound View Drive, Orient. SCT~ %1000-t5-3-9. A motion was made by TRUST~EKRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE GARRELL to t~hle this application to talk to DEC. ALL AYES. RESOLUTIONS: 1. COSTELLO MARINE on behalf of ALICE & WILLIAM~ request a Grandfather permit~for 60' jetty (to repair 16' Board of Trustees 16 September 28, 1)95 inkind/inplace) and 67' bulkhead. Located 650 Rabbit Lane, Marion. SCTM $1000-31-18-16. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUS~ ALBERTSON to grant a Grandfather Permit based on Trustee HOLZAPFEL'S inspection. ALL AYES. East 2. COSTELLO MARINE on behalf of ADELE TALMAGE request a Grandfather Permit for a 60' bulkhead (30' of bulkhead will be replaced inkind/inplace) with 41' return, 20" return and a ~0' jetty on the south side, a 30' jetty on the north side and 4' jetty leading to house. Located Bayshore Road & Island Vie% Road, Greenport. SCTM $1000-53-6-24. A motion was made by TRUSTEEALBERTSON and seconded by TRUE GAR~RY.L to grant a Grandfather Permit with a 15' buffer. ~hL AYES. 3. EN-CONSULTANTS on behalf of WILMOTH UELLENDAHL, KIMOG[]~R pOINT CO. request a Grandfather per,alt to reconstrU6t inkind/inplace 38 t.f. Of bulkhead. ApProx. 50 c.y. of clea sand will be trucked in from an upland source for backfill. Remove and replace inkind/inplace 25.f. which will be jetty type construction without tie rods and deadmen. Located Kimogeno: Point, New Suffolk. SCTM $1000-116-6-24. A motion was made by TRUSTEE WENCZEL and seconded by TRUST[]~ ALRERTSON to grant a Grandfather permit subject to receipt ~f a survey showing the bulkheads. ALL AYES. 4. J.M.O. CONSULTING on behalf of HERBERT BRADFORD reques: a Grandfather permit to reconstruct inkind/inplace 50' of ti~er bulkhead and to backfill structure with +/- 5 c.y. of clean sand to be trucked in from an upland source. Located 3755 Baysho];e Road, Greenport. SCT~ ~1000-53-6-17. A motion was made by TRUSTEE ALBERTSON and seconded by TRUS~.'EE Gb/~RELL to grant a Grandfather permit with a 20' non-turf buffer. ALL AYES. 5. J.M.O. 'CONSULTING on behalf of ~WILLIA~ PYMM request a Pezmit to replace inkind/inPlace 2 timber groin :. most structure is 150' the western is 50'. Local ed ROW of Reeve AVe., Mattituck. SCTM ~1000-122-9-7.9. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by ALBERTSON to table tb~s application for further' review. AYES. 6. The Southold Town Board of Trustees hires~Tim rate of $65.00 an hour as the Board's as needed and sends resolution to the Town Board for their approval. ALL AYES. a IV.. MOORINGS: 1. WI] a'mooring in. East Creek for a 11' Boston wha mushroom. Location of mooring %907 which has been canceled. PUblic access. Board of Trustees 17 September 28, 1995 A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE ALBERTS©N to grant approval of mooring. ALL AYES° MEETING WAS ADJOURNED AT: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED BY: ~BOARD OF' TRUSTEES 11:15 RECEIVED AND ~LED BY T~. SOU~OLD TOW~ CLEPZ D~E 'J/~/~ ~.ou~ Town Clerk, To~ of Southold