HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 5524 P 343 M-1882 \ \ .~\\ .1 ~: ?: o ~ 0 o 0 '""' S""cl.rd N. Y. B. T. U. Form 800~'7_61_3M_Q"ito1>;m Dc<d_lodil-,do,l or Carpo"u~n. ll8c'1l55-24 PAGE'14.3 CONSULT YOUR LAWYlIt ..0Rl SIGNING !HIS .TRUMINT-THlS INSTRUMiNT SHOULD 8& USID BY LAWYUS ~Y. . ~ i THIS INDENnJRE. made the day of M.aroh ,nineteen hundred and sixty-three, ~ BETWEEN CHA...-1ll,OTTE JOAN VAN GURA, residing at Sautha1.d, Suff'olk County, New York; EUGENE M. LaCOLLA, residing at 24 Garden P1.aoa, Bay Shore, Suffolk County, Naw York; GENEVIEVE L. RICHARDS, re- siding at Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and CLOTILDA D. OLIVER, residing at Mattituok, Suffolk County, New York, ~ li"J party of the first part, and THOMAS LaCOILA entirety, both and VERNA LaCOLLA, his wife, as tenants by the residing at .....n Hd'7uthOld. N... York. party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of _______________________TEN ($10.) _____..._______....________..___ dollars, lawful money of the United States, and other good end valuable consideration paid: by the party of the second part, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the party of the second part, i the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, !/IIIfJiI#4I1#!#1#N/;11##HII#>iI~litl:tJ!,1Jif#iiil#fuj:ill,:I>[.I'''::.:'jNl~1!;# !/;Jltllf,'JJ/b:~'/iJl!II; JIU ALL that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and be.ing at Arsharno:ma.qua, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and S~ata of New York, bounded end described as f'ollows:- BEGINNING at a point on the northerly line of Main Road 20 feet westerly from an iron pipe set on the southwesterly corner of 1anq now of Edward Van Cura and Charlotte Van Cura, said iron pipe bei~g located about 950 teet easterly trom the Mill Creek Bridge along said northerly line of' Main Road and being moreparlicu1arly located by a tie line running North 40 degrees 31 minutes 50 seconds East, 257~28 feet from a granite monument to the said iron pipe, said granite ~nu- ment being set at the easterly terminus of that course on the southerlY line of said Main Road which runs North 69 degrees 07 minutes 20 ~e- conds East and the southwesterly Ler.minus of that course on the sputh- easterly line of said Main Road which runs South 50 degrees 37 miputes 20 seconds West said point of beginning being the southeast cornew of the premises; running thence westerly.along the said Main Road 30p feet more or less to an iron pipe set at a point which 1s 300 fee~ and South ~9 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds Wast from the said poipt of beginning; running thence along said land of Charlotte Van Cur:a and others North 04 degrees 52 minutes West, 200 feet; running th;ence North 53 degrees 26 minutes East, 187.11 feet along said land of I Charlotte Van Cura and others; running thence South 38 degreeS 22 ~1nutes 40 seconds East, 200 feet along said land of Charlotte Van Cur~ and others and parallel to and 20 feet from the westerly line of :land now of Edward Van Cura and Charlotte Van Cura to the point or pl~ce of beginning.