HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-07/31/1996Albert J. Krupski. President lohn Holzapfel, Vice President Jim King Martin H. Garrelt Peter Wenczel BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box lq79 Southold. New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (5t6) 765-1823 MINUTES JULY 31, 1996 ~ MEETING TO OPdDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NE~T FIELD INSPECTION: Tues, August 20, 1996 12:00 NEXT TRUSTEE BOARD MEETING: Wed., August 28, 1996 7P.M. WORKSESSiON: 6:00 p.m. APPROVE MINUTES: Approve minutes of June 27, 1996 Regular Meeting. I. MONTHLY REPORT: The Trustees monthly report for June 1996: A check for $3,020.45 was forwarded to the Supervisor's Office for the General Fund. ii. PL~LIC NOTICES: Public Notices are posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board for review. III. AM~NDMENTS/WAIVERS/CHANGES: I. Eh-Consultants on behalf NICK ARONiAD!S requests an amendment to Permit ~4476 to construct a 12~ X 50' wood ramp over the existing stone ramp. Located 1090 Latham Lane, Orient. SCTM ~!5-9-!.6. A motion was mad e by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL and seconded by TRUSTEE GARRELL to approve the amendment. ALL AYES. 2. En-Consultants on behalf of RAY GOODWIN requests an amendment to Permit $4285 to make the dock 4' X 50', instead of 3' X 50'. Located 2445 Pine Tree Lane, Cutchogue. SCTM $!04-3-3. A motion was made by TRUSTEE GARRELL and seconded by TRUSTER HOLZAPFEL to approve the amendment. ALL AYES. 3. DONALDi'3d~D JP~ANVAZQUEZ requests a 'Waiver for a ti' X t6' deck that was constructed in 1984 with a building permit. Located 2165 Bay Ave., East Marion. SCTM 931-!7-5. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE. HOLZAPFEL to DENY without prejudice the waiver and requests a full application. ALL AYES. 4. HE~BERTFk%NDEL requests a Waiver to remove deck and add to house as per drawing of Fairweather-Brown Arch. dated 12/10/83. Located 1000 Inlet Lane, Greenport. SC?M $36-2-26. Board. of Trustees 2 JULY 31, 1996 A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE GAP~RELL to approve the waiver. ALL AYES. 5. Karen Oxholm on behalf of WILLi~ MANOS requests a one year extension on Permit ~4376 to construct single family dwelling, to expire 9/27/97. Located Soundview Ave., Southold. SCTM 954-5-46.t. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded byTRUSTEE KING to approve the extension for one year. ALL AYES. 6. ART~R BORTZ requests a one year extension on Permit 94362 for a catwalk, ramp and float, to expire August 2~ 1997. Located 405 Pierce Drive, Cutchogue. SCTM 9136-1-7.1. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL to grant a one year extension. ALL AYES. 7. GEORGE BAMBRICK requests a Waiver to construct a 12' X 32' - two stqry addition (enclosing existing deck) on west side of house and a 8' X 20' - one story addition (enclosing existing deck) on north side of house. Located 85 Lake Court, Southold. SCTM 959-5-7. A motion was made by TRUSTEE WENCZEL and seconded by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL to grant a waiver. ALL AYES. 8. CAROL CASSEL requests an amendment to Permit 94218 to add two 12' X 12' sitting areas to each side of existing catwalk over rock. Located Willow Point Road, Southold. SCTM ~56-5-40. Application was tabled until next meeting as per applicants request. 9. BILL .AND DOLORES KREITSEKrequests a Waiver to keep a sprim~kler system in place and plant as per planting plan within 75'. Located New Suffolk Ave., Mattituck. SC?M ~!14-9-14.1. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL to ~mprove waiver. ALL AYES. 10. ANDREW A.~AURICHiO requests a waiver to construct a 22' gate across ROW, approx. 80' from Rt. 25, also to constzuct approx, t65' of split rail or similar fence on southeast property line as shown on map. Locate Rt. 25, Southold. SCTM $56-4-16. A motion was made by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL and seconded by TRUSTEE KING to approve waiver. ALL AYES. 11. William Price on behalf of MR. AND MRS. EDWARDJ. BAP~RETT request to tr~nsl Trustee permits from Suzanne Swick to the Barretts as purchased the property located at Main Road, East Marion. SCTM ~23-I-6.1. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL to approve the transfer. AIJ, AYES. 12. CU~OHOGUE HAi{BOR~INA request a Waiver to place 2 1/2 to 3'~ base of stone on northern end of marina. Located West Creek Ave., Cutchogue. SCTM ~1i0-1-i2. Cutchogue Harbor Marina will send a letter with description and Board will consider it maintenance. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Board of Trustees JULY 31, 1996 THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING IN T~ MATTER OF THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS UNDER THE WETLANDS ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOIVEKOLD. I HAVE A/~ AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FROM THE SUFFOLK TIMES. PERTINENT CORRESPONDENCE KAY BE READ PRIOR TO ASKING FOR COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC. PLEASE KEEP YOUR COM~fEN~S ORGANIZED AR-DBRIEF: FIVE f5) MINUTES OR LESS~ IF POSSIBLE !. ALEXA/FDER SPIRIDAKIS requests a Wetland Permit for a 5' X 5' platform and a 37 X 36' stairs at ROW off Soundview Ave., Southold. SCTM $135-i-4. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE GARRELL to recess this application for further infoz~tion. ALL AYES. 2. Costel!o Marine Contracting on behalf of BARBAP~I~BRAATZ requests a ~ettand Permit to continue maintenance dredging of boat basin, create 60' X 65' deposition basin (i,150 c.y.) to a depth of 7.5' below AMLW. Dredge spoil to be placed on approved upland site as per drawing dated July 18, 1996. Located 5250 Vanston Road, Cutchogue. SCTM %111-i0-!4. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak on behalf of the project? GEORGE COSTELLO: George Costello from Costetio Marine representing the applicant. This is sort of a two, three part application. We are attempting to create a deposition basin on the south side of the existing basin just to prevent some literal drift from entering the channel way. Which has to be dredged also at this time. The proposed basin is 60' X 65' The material will be set up on the beach to drain. On the plan I have two spoil sites marked. One for drainage, and/or if the stays there and I do not get a permit from the DEC to put it over on spoil site two. Which is to renourish the beach to the north, then it will be trucked away from site one. It would be placed behind McDonalds bulkhead or something like that. We want to attempt to dredge the mouth of the entrance right now. I have a window that has been opened 'up for me do to Chuck Hamiitons efforts. The window is opened for a month. So I can just dredge the entrance. Just one time only. He is processing the application further as far as the spoil site. He hasn't made an onsite inspection as far as one or two. We have used one in the previous years. Two has not been approved. Right now all of the material will go up on site one. Then drained, then we will deal 'with it after that. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: The property owner on the other side, are they acceptable in taking the spoil? GEORGE COSTELLO: Apparently, it is the Nature Conservancy. Chuck Hamilton wanted to speak to them. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: That was our question, when we originally proposed that idea. GEORGE COSTELLO: Whether~that is a good thing or bad thing as far as their concerned. We haven't made contact yet. We are a little bit in limbo as far as site two. Chuck did like the idea, because that beach is starving. That is the natural flow of sand. Unfortunately, we interrupted it with... TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: That was our concern. That is why we suggested it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: .And Chuck is agree~b!e to the deposition basin? Board of Trustees JULY 31, 1996 GEORGE COSTELLO: Yes. Only because, we submitted pictures that go back a couple of years and the property to the south, which is owned by the Braatz, is filled in considerably. You guys gave me a permit last year to rebuild some of the entrance. They have gained 50' of beach on the south side since April of this year. We are trying to contend with that build up. My theory is that Wunnawetta Pond has been dredged and the material has been put up the beach and think it the small basin, i call it Barrell, which has been dredged and pu~ up on the beach. All that fill has made its way down to this area. Every other year it is dredged, so there is a lot of sand moving this year. I assume that is the case. We are trying to head it off, so it is not a major problem in the next 3,4,5 years. That is why we are asking for a deposition basin. To control the amount, of dredging that has to be done. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Usually people have a problem with the sand disappearing. George Costello: Yes, she does not want to be taxed on this new beach that she gaining. TRUSTEE KRUPSK!: Is there anyone else who would like to speak at all on this project? Does the Board have any comments? TRUSTEE WENCZEL: I think the sand should go on the other side. The other side is loosing beach and is going to continue too. i almost think it should be conditioned on that approval. As difficult as that might be. All we are doing is building up the south side at the expense of the beach on north side. That is not right. TRUSTEE K~RUPSKi: I agree. I am just trying to think, is there any way you can bypass that sand. Where you have it there between mean high and mean low water is fine with us. Is there an!~way you can bypass it easier, just by craning it straight over across the mouth. GEORGE COSTELLO: That was one of the first thoughts, but we are not allowed to take the fill and put it in the water. It has to be put above high tide. The only way I can reach it effectively is to put it on land in site one and back up with a barge and put it on land between that ribbon between high tide and low tide. That is what Chuck has to look at. He is not sure what the d~stance is between high and iow. There is wetlands above that and he does not want me to cover that up of course. To expedite this thing is to put it up on land and we will figure a spot and we would haybale it or silt fence i~ or whatever. But get it on that beach because its sifted sand and that way we can control it. Because double dipping rule is no good. TRUSTEE _~RUPSKI: When will he be coming out? Do you know? I would be willing to meet with him down there. GEORGE COSTELLO: i don't know. He has given me the approval for the entrance dredging and put it on site one. He wants to look at site two as far as. TRUSTEE ~OLZAPFEL: And put the rest of it there? GEORGE COSTELLO: Yes. TRUSTEE ~OLZAPFEL: Peter has a good point. What we can do is O.K. the original mouth dredging and then try to force the issue with Chuck to make sure it gets to the other site two. GEORGE COSTELLO: It gets a little complicated with the Nature Conservancy. It depends on their attitude and how they are going to handle that. And the people down at Mudd Creek, if they are going to complain that we are filling in there basin. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Sure. Board of Trustees 5 ~JLY 31, 1996 TRUSTEE K~RUPSKI: They shouldn't, because ag'ain it is a matter of the sand disappearing. They should be happy to get the sand~ Most of the times you are here is because property is disappearing, not because it is agreating. That is the normal flow. They should be happy to continue that. You have a permit from us to open the mouth up? GEORGE COSTELLO: My understanding from Sue is that the dredging application, you wanted a complete dredging application. I broke it down in two parts for Chuck Hamilton. The entrance, the immediate window to do some dredging so they can use the boat basin. And then the deposition basin would be part two. We submitted one application to you guys. So you can see the big picture. TRUSTEE KRUPSKi: O.K. And you also wanted to go with 7.5'. What was the reason for that? GEORGE COSTELLO: The reason is because that beach was filling up so fast, that we have gained 50' X 300' 7.5' is going to disappear quickly. If Barbara wants to use the basin more thkn once or twice in thq Summer time before it shoals up. We are trying to head that off a little bit. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: CAC reco~L~ends approval with the stipulation that there be no action from March !5th to September qo protect the nesting of the Piping Plover and Least Turn. When did the State give you a window? GEORGE COSTEr,LO: The window is from 7/31/96 to 8/31/96. Otherwise the area only can be dredged outside of' the environmental window, i can give you a copy. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We should have a copy, because that is the concerns of the CAC. I think the State would be able to... that is a State protected bird. That is a State concern. If they have addressed that, there is no sense in us trying to go over that. We don't want to walk over the same road. That is fine. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Wewhere there and there was nothing nesting there. SCOTT HILARY:' Ken Meskil (CAC Member) had thought that he saw birds. That is why we said that. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I can't imagine the State issuing the permit. There was a lot of tro~:bte down at Deep Hole Creek with permits. There were know birds but we had to wait a certain amount of time to make sure there where know birds nesting. That was up to the State to say yes the County can go ahead and dredge. So if State issued pez~ission to do so, that is who we would ask. SCOTT. HILARY: I agree. But if they recognized birds being there. I can double check to see if there are birds there. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I can't imagine the State not checking that. After what happened at Deep Hole. I know the State is on top of that sort of thing~ Any other comment? Do I have a mouion to close the hearing? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: So moved. TRUSTE~E G~LT.: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: t make a motion to approve the maintenance dredging of the mouth of the basin as per DEC permits and conditions. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Second. ALL AYES. (Part two of application can be approved later by an amendment without addition fee.) 3. Costello Marine on behalf of LOUIS BACON requests a We,!and Permit uo dredge area at New Suffolk as shown on drawing dated April 24, 1996. Located New Suffolk Ave., New Suffolk. SCTM ~i17-8-20. Board of Trustees 6 JULY 31, 1996 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: CAC recommends approval with the recommendation that the applicant dredge as much as possible to include the Southo!d Town Ramp area. Is there anyone here who would like to speak in favor of this application? GEORGE COSTELLO: George Costello on behalf of Mr. Bacon. We are proposing a ten year maintenance permit to dredge these areas on the plan. We have dredge in the past under the Suffolk County permit. We require your permit to dredge other areas from the east side of the basin to south for the landing craft...Suffolk County permit has expired and they are looking for our own permit. Sort of overlapping permits under our own name. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: This is area is entirely below mean high water? GEORGE COSTEI,I,O: Yes. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: We where on clear of that when we were there. GEORGE COST~LLO: It has been dredge three tLmes in the last two years. It is fairly well maintained. We are just trying to maintain wh~t they have now. Basically, it is fine right now, but we anticipate filling up. There is a lot of fill coming around that corner. It only takes a couple of months to fill that basin and then the channel is closed down. Then we have a problem with the landing crafts and the grew boats. Mr. Bacon has taken on the burden of the dredging the Town r~mp. TRUSTEE WE~CZEL: When where these ~oundings taken? GEORGE COSTF. LLO: These where taken probably the day I submitted the plans, which was April 24th, (1996). TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Are ~here any other co~muents? Any other questions by the Board? I will make a motion that we close the hearing. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: I will make a motion that we approve the, application to dredge the area as shown on drawing of April 24th with spoil to go to the Town and part of spoil to be used within fence area as needed. TRUSTEE KING: Second. .ALL AYES. (Trustee Krupski left room, but voted Aye). 4. CRESC~BEACH~CONDOMINib~ ASSOCIATIONrequests a Wetland Permit to add 68' of fixed dock to existing dock with 7 piles, a 4' X 48' "T", a 3' X 10' ramp and a 6' X 20' float. Located off Maple Lane, Greenport. SCTM ~38.!-I-22. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: We don't have a new copy of this. PRT~M~ORE: I want to talk about it first. In the mean time i had a chance to speak to Mr. Geideman. Who pointed out some misunderstandings that we had. What is necessary, what would work and so on. I 'woUld like to thank the Board form coming out. There was a discussion about reducing the extension of ~he dock from the requested 68' to 40'. Then there was some discussion verses the and the "T" and so on. Mr. Geidemen said ideally not to do anything with the "L" that is presently there. It helps the situation. We must have a "T" on the end, because otherwise there will be no slips on the east side, because it won't be practical. There is to much wave action. Mr. Geidemen said you must have a "T" with a splash board to protect other boats. Otherwise it would be useless. It is a lot of money for 4 slips. The other issue was the ramp. Relocating the ramp as if it was one of the "T's". Using an "L" on the end and using the ramp. The float that is there now would never work because there is to much wave action. Mr. Geidemen said you really need that "T" on Board of Trustees 7 JULY 31, 1996 the end. We thought lets not use the ramp as an extension of the 'dock, but keep it as a part of the existing dock within those boundary's. Using the float because the people their need the float to get onto their boats. We can use it in lieu of slip. We can eliminate of our slips and use the floating dock. But not create an extension. In other words keep it to the maximum distance of the stationary dock, to 40'. Do you understand? It is easier if i draw it. We will come back with drawings for you. After some discussion, Mr. Geidemen said really what we need is to try and make use of some of the east side, even if we give up some slips. The compromise on our end is that we have given up a significant number of slips. All we are talking about is that there is one piling there that is at 30' We are only talking about another t0'. Right now we have the proposal is 68' of fixed plus we have the existing that we used today. We are eliminating that as an extension. We are going to include it as part of the...as a loading platform as the boats come in._The other condition that we talked about was at the end of October to make it the area available for the baymen. Remove the lines and at that point the floating docks would come out anyway. We would essentially open up the area for the baymen. That was something we know you thought was important. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: What you are proposing would extend how much further out than what is tlnere now? PAT MOORE: Ten feet. If you look at the drawing it is easiest. We have the existing, then we have the floating dock, which we where going to put at the end of our extension. We are removing that floating dock and make the "T" at the end of the dock. A total of TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We need drawings. PAT MOORE: I ~ going to give you drawings. I only met with John yesterday. Plus he needs to know what he is going to draw. Right here is the existing. ~nis is right now is presently at the end of here. You have got another I0' TRUSTEE GARllELL: So the existing is the "L" plus 10' PAT MOORE: Yes. What we are talking about, from this point out, 40', take away that 10'. He said don't do anything with that "L", put a "T" on the end, that will make the east side useable. Otherwise the east side won't be practically. The boats would be damaged. TRUSTEE K/ILrpSKI: One of the reasons we are having trouble looking at this, is because it is not to scale. Usually when we get something, it is drawn to scale. Since he has to do a new drawing anyway. Have' him do it to scale without the squiggly line. Have him delineate the property line. That way we can get a better feel of what is going on. When that is not to scale it is hard to say, we are going to add to that because actually we lost 200~ somewhere in here. We have a hard time. PAT MOORE: O.K. I know what you are saying. I just want to have the applicant and everybody come back in for another meeting. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That is why I am saying this now. Instead of coming back next month and saying we want to have it to scale. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: This is 40? here? PAT MOORE: No. right here is 68'. The old figure. 40' being from here to the end of the fixed. At the end put a "T" and the float will be somewhere on the east side or on the west side as a portable float, wherever is mos~ convenient. Within the confines of that distance, so we are not extending any further. We are staying within the boundaries. Board of Trustees 8 JULY 31, 1996 JO~ HOLZAPFEL: I still don't understand how that comes out to be t0'. PAT MOORE: 9 plus a piling. Everyone talking at once. TRUSTEE KRUPSKi: We need the drawings. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Did you see this letter? The dock is in the wrong place. You may want to look through. It extends way across your neighbors property line. PAT MOORE: I am not sure. Just for the record, the Fakaris property was a problem. He was taking the most westerly line of ~he property and extending the dock from there. Because of tha~... TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: If you look at the Fakaris property line, his dock goes away from the property line. It extends away from it. Next month we will be on the same page. PAT MOORE: Do we-have to come back next month? Assuming that we present a drawing that conforms with what we just talked about... TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No, we want a drawing. We couldn't do that. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: I would think the CAC would want to take another look at it. It is a different application. PAT MOORE: It is a reduction of the original application. That is why I was hoping that we could resolve it today. As long as it complied with what we talked about in the field and what we talked about tonight. Obviously, it is costing them money and to keep it going like this. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I thought we had a good discussion in the field, but now it has changed. Plus there is more infoz~tion in the file, which I haven't had a chance to review yet. PAT MOORE: O.K. A motion was made by TRUSTEE F~RUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE GAP~RELL to recess for further information. ALL AYES. 5. En-Consu!tants on behalf of JOPH~ LYNCH requests a WetlandPermit to construct 120 t.f. of timber bulkhead with 2 8' returns and dredge an area up to 10' wide in front of new bulkhead to max. depth of 3~ below ALW. 133 c.y. of spoil will be used for backfill. Bulkhead will be generally at or above line of AHW. Located 1020 Glenn Road, Southold. SCTM ~78-2-28. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: This is an out dated description. Is there anyone here who would like to speak on behalf of the application? ROY ~JE: For the applicant, Roy Haje. The owner is here and the dock builder as well. Having not been at the meeting in the field, I am unsure to what is proposed and I think Mr. Lynch would like a clear delineation of what the current proposal is for the sill, where it is supposed to be and how high it was suppose to be. The extent of the dredging. I need that infol~,ation in order to draw it up pr~uerly. TRUSTEE ~RUPSKt: We can give some general recommendakions. I think what we said in the field was that you are going to have to talk to the contractor. As far as the distance away from the marsh fringe, the shore is very irreqular. If it goes a foot either way, I don't think we would have a problem. What we want to see is a low sill. Some where around 6" below average high water, so if floods everyday and Spartina can be planted above it. It is a similiar situation as what was done experimentally at Strong's Marina. That was experimentally successful. That is the sort of thing we would like to see. I don't know how far down you want to go with that. It depends on how deep Mr. Lynch would like to dig out in front of that. How much water he would like in front of that. We can't tell you how deep Board of Trustees JULY 31, 1996 you can go. We would like to see something about 6" below high water, planted with Spartina behind it and back filled with clean sand. So he has total bank stabilization, but also got low structure in the water that he can dig out in front of so he can get his depth for his float and his boat. As far as the specs go, somewhere in the middle of the existing ramp. ROY HAJE: That would be five feet or so out from where I show the bulkhead line on my groins. TRUSTEE KING: At least that or more. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Than again you have to go out at low water and see what is practical. We are not going to say no we want it there, if it is more practical to closer to the bank or further away. It has to be something that is going to work for Mr. Lynch also as far as getting his access. ROY ~LAJE: As far as the extent of dredging around the float? TRUSTEE KRUPSK!: Whatever is necessary. You know a reasonable amount to_get the boat in and out. TRUSTEE ROLZAPFEL: You might want to talk to Chris Pickerell. He is the plant expert at Cornel! Coop. The elevation is critical to the plant growth. That is what is going to protect everything TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I think you have a good area to work with. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Chris' infommation is free. MR. LYNCh: Thank you. It is basically what we talked about. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded TRUSTEE ROLZAPFEL to recess this application for further information. ALL AYES. 6. MICHAEL RAYNOR requests a Wetland Permit to remove an existing dock and replace with 125' of bulkhead to tie into neighbors existing bulkhead and backfill with 450 c.y. of fill to stabilize property. Located 890 Old Harbor Road, New Suffolk. SCTM ~!17-5-22. A motion was made by TRUSTEE HOLZA~FEL and seconded by TRUSTR~. KING to recess the application for further ~_nformation. ALL AYES. 7. STRONGS MARINA requests a Wetland Permit to construct 40' X 60' showroom, to install a catch basin and add additional parking as per planning Board. Located Camp Mineola Road, Mattitucko SCTM 9122-4-44.2. TRUSTEE KRLrPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak in fa~orof the application? JEFF STRONG: It is pretty simple. You guys have been out there to see it. It is just a consolidation of what we are doing now~ We are just replaCing and getting clear on a permit ~qat was issued ~hout a year ago. Just a couple of modifications that have taken place since I have gone through the Planning Board. I think it is pretty striaght forward. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Anyone else have any co~m~ents? CAC? SCOTT_iHiL~LRY.: We are unsure of the criteriar of how you came about for the catch basin. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: It was spelled out very clearing in the Brick Cove file. It goes through very clearly what has to happen. It is environmentally benign. SCOTT HILARY: O.K. TRUSTEE KtlUPSKI: It was designed under a microscope. Any other comments? TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Move to close the hearing. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Second. ALL AvES. Board of Trustees t0 JULY 31, 1996 TRUSTEE GARRELL: Move to approve. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Second. ALL A_wES. 8. Clement Charnews, Jr. on behalf of THEODORE MAGEN requests a Wetland Permit to construct approx. 100' of access stairs with one 12' X 12' sitting area at top and (4) 4' X 4' landings as per drawing. Located 610 The Strand, Pebble Beach Farms, East Marion. SCTM ~21-5-i. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Any one like to make a co~LuL~ent on this? CLEM_ ~HARNEWS: I ~m Clem Charnews. If you have any questions. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: What are the CAC comments? SCOTT HILARY: We approved it suggesting that minimum disturbance. The vegetation there has done a great job. TRUSTEE GARRELL: I don't have any problem with it. The only question I have is about the size of the sitting area on top. Usually the areas on top are smaller. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The Coastal Erosion Code doesn't look favorably on the big platform. We would have to reduce that down to a 6' X 6' or something. CLEM CHARNEWS: I met with him over the weekend. I asked him how important is the deck on top. It was important to him because his neighbors have it. I don't think he is going to fight tooth and nail for it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The Coastal Erosion, one of the big things there is that you shouldn't have a platform at t2qe top of the bluff. The access stairs are straight forward. I notice he has the fence coming down the bluff. CLEM CHARNEWS: It must be. The fence is down the bluff always. TRUSTEE K~RO-PSKI': We approved that. It work out well. They don't have to look at the fence. They have to have for the pool. They don't have to look at the fence as their view. TRUSTR. E GARRELL: I would say 8' X 8' would be a could area. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: The structure should be independent of the stairs. They should be linked together. CLEM CHARNEWS: Can I cut it back to build the stairs. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Yes. You don't want to kill it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Cutting back to work there would be fine. It will grow back. TRUSTEE GARILELL: Move to close the hearing. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE GAR1AELL: Move to grant the pezmit with sitting area to 8' X 8' and to be buil~ separate from the stairs. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Second. ALL AYES. 9. requests a W~s/~d~P~mit to construct a 4' X 5 existing bulkhead, a 3' X 12' ramp, a 8' X 20' float with two 3' X 20' floa=s to make "U". Located 405 South Drive, Mattituck. SCTM ~!06-i!-20. TRUSTEE F~RU~SKI: Is there anyone here 'who would like to make a commen? The CAC recommends approval with the stipulation that the project would extend no further into the creek then your neighbors to the north and the south. '~ V. RESOLLrTiONS: Board of Trustees 11 JULY 31, 1996 !. Century 21 on behalf of Ai~GELO SPETSIOTES requests a Grandfather Permit for a 4' X 20' float, 5' X 15' float, 4' X 4' platform, and a 3' X 8' ramp. Located 1045 Budds Pond Road, Southold. SCTM ~56-5-13.1. Application is not complete. Need proof of structure built prior to 1971. Clerk can poll Board after proof is received. If not a full application will be necessary. VI. MOORINGS: t. JOHN M. HOGA2{ requests a mooring in Mattituck .Creek for a 19' Well Craft with 100!bs mushroom. Access: Love Lane Ramp. Location approved by Bay Constable. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE KING to approve mooring. ALL AYES. 2. WILLIAM POLLERT requests a mooring in Jockey Creek for a 27' Sa~l Boat in front of his house with 2501b mushroom, for and aft anchors. Location approved by Bay Constable. A motion was made by TRUSTEE K~UPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL to approve mooring. ALL AYES. 3. DOUGLAS J. ~3kNGAN requests a onshore/offshore stake in front of his house at 360 Oak Dr. for a 19' Boston Whaler. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE WENCZEL to approve mooring. ALL AYES. 4. F. LAVIERFLEM!NG request a mooring in Broadwaters Cove for a 15' Boston Whaler with 1001b mushroom. Access: Public Road Ending. Location approved by Bay Constable as long as not in way of other boats. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE GARRELL to approve mooring. 5. KEArNETHRQBINS request mooring in Richmond Creek for a 22' Catalina with a lb mushroom. Public Access. Approved by Bay Constable. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKi and seconded by TRUSTR~. WENCZEL to approve mooring. ALL AYES.