HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-01/29/1997Albert J. Kmpski, President
John Holzapfel, Vice President
Jim King
Martin H. Garrell
Peter Wenczel
Town Hall
53095 Main Road
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, New York 11971
Telephone (516) 765-1892
Fax (516) 765-1823
JANUARY 29. 1997
Albert J. Krupski, Jr., President
John Hotzapfel, Vice-President
Peter Wenczel, Member
Martin Garrell, Member
James King, Member
Jill Doherty, Clerk
NEXT TRUSTEE BOARD MEEting: Wednesday, February 19, 1997, at
7:00 p.m
NEXT FIELD INSPECTION: Wednesdayr February 10, 1997 at. 2:00.
I. MONTSLY REPORT: The Trustees monthly report for December
1996: A check for $9,12t.73 was forwarded to the Supervisor"s
Office for the General fund.
Public notices are posted, on the Town Clerk's Bulletin
Board for review.
1. Costello marine on behalf of STANLE~ J. CIAPUTA requests
an amendment to Permit ~4621 to repair arffi reconstruct existin~j
deteriorated stairWa~ and platforms on the bluff, locate~: 635
Soundview Ave., Southold. $CT~ ~50-2-7
A motion, was made by TR~STEEKRI/PSKi and sscond~dby~USTEE
KING to approve amendment. ALL AYES..
2. Costello Marine on behalf of LUCIEN ARCAS requests, an
Amendment to permit ~4622 to repair and reconstruct existing
Board of Trustees 2 ,~uary 29, 1997
deteriorated stairway and platfoxms on the blui~f. Located 435
Soundview Ave., Southal~. SCT~ ~50-2-6
A motion was m~ by TRUSTEE GARRELL an~ seconde~ by TRUSTEE
KING to approv~amendme~t. ALL AYES.
3. SALLY AN~ PETE~HAEFFNER requests a one-year extension to
Permit ~4441 to constm~ct sin~l~ ~amily dwellings.. The permit
expires April 1997. Located 1950 Clea~view Ave., Southold.
SCTM ~70-10-27.
A motion was made by TR~STEE K~U~SKI an~ seconded by TRUSTEE
HOLZAPFEL to approve extension. ALL AYES.
4. STEPHE~ PARZIALE requests a Transfer of Permit ~118-4-11
from Joan Cacciole to Stephen. Parziate and amend the p~t to
add the secondary retaining wall approx. 9~' with two approx.
10' returns as per survey dated 10/11/95. Located 8425 Nassau
Point Road, Cut~'hoque. SCT~%llS-4-11~
A motion was made by TRUSTEE KR,UPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE
HOLZAPPEL to table until next month so it can be ins.pected.
5. En-Consultants on behalf o~ JAMES ~A~BO, INC.
requests an Amendment to Permit ~375 to add approx. 30 1.f. of
rock revetment to existin~ revetment, to tie i~tobulkhead of
neighbor to west. Approx. 200 c.yo of clean sand will be trucked
in and used to backfill propose~reve~ent as well as existing.
Located ROW off Oregon Ro~a, Cutchogu~. SCT~983-2-4.1.
A motion was made by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL and seconded by TRUSTEE
KING to approve amendment.. ALL AYES,
6. J.M.O. Consulting on b~half of PISHR~S IS~ GOLF COURSE
request an Amendment tc Permit ~4556 to construct an additional
105' to existing rock =evetment, place 19~ c.y. of clean sand. to
restore dune rue, install 1t0 1. f. of sno~ fence at toe o~
eroded dune and pla~tAmericanBeackGrass on 12" centers on
area of fill and hetween duneand gol~ area as pe~ ~ECAmend~d
Permit dated 12/18/96. Located E~t End Road, Fishers Island.
SCT~ %1-1-3o13.
A motion was made by TRUSTRR WENCZEL and seconded by TRUSTEE
HOLZAPFELto approve ~me~t. ALL AYES.
7. J.M.O. Consulting on behal~ SUZANNE C. SCHUTZ~ requ, ests a
Wai~er to construct a pool, patio,, dr~well f.ar pool, =econstruct
existing deck an~ constr~ct rOO~ ~or deck. Located East End
Road, no number, Fishers Island. SCTM ~7-6-8.
A motion was made by TRUSTE~ WENCZEL an~seco~8~dby TRUSTEE
HOLZA~FEL to approve waiver. ALL AYES.
8. LEO & GERAL~INEOLSE~q request to trans~erpermi~ ~528 for
bulkhead ramp and float ~rom V. Ge=mansky to Leo & Geraldine
Otsenastheyhav~ purchased the property. Located, 359Q ~m~n
Road, Greenport. SCTM ~35-4-28ot2.
A motion was made by TRUSTEE. KRU~ and seconded b~ TRUSTEE
WENCZEL to approve transfer. ALL AYES.
Board of Trustees 3 ~nuary. 29, 1997
1. J.M.O. Consulting on behalf of JAMES & KARENHOEG requests
a Wetland Permit to cons.truat a sin~te family dwelling, sanitary
system, deck, paso, ~cl~d~h~t ~iv~, an6 a line of
haybates 50' ta~w~d, of ~is~ng ~1. wetlmm~ line.
Locate: Wil]~s CEeek ~rive, ~t~t~k. S~ ~115-17-17.10
~US~. KR~.: Is ~eze ~y co~? Dc I ~ve a motion tu
close the he~ing?
~US~E ~~: Motion to approve.
~US~ HO~~: Second. A~ AYe.
2. J.M.O. Consulting on behalf of HAROL~ SCHWERDT requests a
Wetl~n~ Permit to remove 94' of concrete block retaining wall
and reconstruct in, lace with 80' timber wall with a 7' return on
both end~ and backfill witk 5 c.y. of clean sand f~omupland
source. Located 4~00akAve., Southotd. SCTM ~77-2-1.
TRUSTEE. KRUPSKI.: I see thish4= ap~licationhas/~'t chanGe~. We
spoke with Glenn and the~ I met with Lou Chiarella. We had the
identical discussion. He built his retaining wall where the
block wall was. All that is just garbage that he is throwing in
front. That should he remow, ed. He should bring in seme ~aud to
bring up the elevation a~d replant. Lou said~that is goc~. I
asked Jill to tell Glenn that is basically it. I make a motion
to table this.
3. Proper-T Permit Se.rvices on hehat£ of ANGELO PADOVAN
requests, a Wetland P~t to construct a concrete retainin~watl.
totalling 128 i.f. and construct a rock r~vebment on seaward
slide of. reta~g wall. locate: 2~615 Soundvie~Ave,,
Sou~ho~d~ SC5~ ~t35-1-25,1
TRUSTEE KRUPSF~: Is ther~ anyone her~ wh~ would l~ke to speak in
favor of the application?
JIM FITZGERALd: Jim Fitzge~at~ ~or A~gele Padovan, I don't have
anything to add. to the application, but I would h e happy to
answer any questions you have.
TRUSTEE KRUPEK~: We looked at it and. it seems straight fo~d.
CLERK: CAC recommends, disapp£oval because Gf: the neighhc~'ing
parc~els an~ existing erosion patterns do not warrant it being
Board of Trustees 4 ~nuary 29, 1997
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The way we saw it, it is sort. of semi armored..
The structure itself armors itself the w'a¥ it is. Ba.sica.l~ it
is just a repair to that structure and it is not going to c:hang~
what is happening there anl~ay. Use this like a patch.
JIM FITZGERALd: AKter~ the retaining wall. is-place, he will. d~ill
a hole in ~he deck and pump in concrete and fill that in. Jill
said you are i~te~ested in where the oil tank is. It is on the
landward side of the seaward side of the house in the northeast
corner outsi~e.
TRUSTE~ HOLZA~FEL: Water ~ets vez-f close to that.. That is ou~
concern. If this is the northeast side, where th~deckarea is.,
it seemed t~at the tar~k was ~ust be~o~d that. By 5 or 6'. The
must get ver~ close tG being in the water on a storm tide.
JIM FITZGERkLD: That will be enclosed~ it will he inside the
retaining wall. This will protect the oil tank.
TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: That is p~etty ~ch armored by the patio.
There reallyis no difference.
JIM FITZGERAIi~: Envirornu~ntatly speakin~ there is no difference.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone else who would like to comment
on the application? Does the boa~d have any othe~ c~ts?
A motion was made by TRUCE WENCZEL and seconded byTRUSTEE
HOLZAPFEL to close the hearing. ALL AYES.
A motion was made by TRUSTEE HOLZA~FEL and seconded by TRUSTEE
KING to approve the application. ALL AYES.
4. Richard gaetta on behalf of JA~S GRACE, SR. request a
We%land & Coastal ErOSion Permitto remove two existin~ houses,
join the 2 ~us and construct a 1 family dwellin~ as per
survey. Located: Wi~llowTerrace ROW, orient. SCTM $26-2-6
T~USTEE K~UP~SEZ: Is t~e~e anyone here who would like to speak in
favor or against the application?
JAMES GRACE: I am here i~ you have any questions.
TRUSTEE E]~I~F~(t: We did the line between tb~ two houses, an~ it
follows the line in a consistent marn~er.
TRUSTEE There is a li.~e between the two corners and~
it is basically landward of that line.
TRUSTEE WE~CEEL: We are net approving' this building envelope,
just the proposed house and deck.
TRUSTEE KRIF~SKI: Is there any other comment? Do Z have a motion
to close the hearing?
TRUSTEE HOLZA~: I will make the mo~ion that we approve the
appticatio~ ~ Jam~s ~ace to remove t~ e~isti~g hou~e~.~ join
the two lots and. construct a single family dwelling as per
survey dated JanUar~ 24~, 1997. It does not include the ~aildi~g
5. FRANK SCAVONE requests a Wetland P.~.e~mit to construct a 45'
bulkhead along toe of bluff approx, 4~ ~i~h, 8' to 15' above
average highwatsz asp er drawings. Located: 16t5 Fleetwooct
Road, Cutchogue. SCTM 3137-4-35
Board of Trustees 5 .nuary 29, 1997
TRUSTEE KRLrPSKI: I have had many conversations wither.
Scavone and in the end we discussed the rock reMeh~ent~ He.
thought that would be a gooct idea. He agreed to stabilize along
the toe in front of and. on top off the rock revetment. I see that
he sent us a cross section here which is very nice.. He wants to
but a ptantin~ box up top which prevents rumoff, he says. Low
density fill undemneath. He wants to mcdi~ the slope where
required, which will allow to reuegetate. He wants to put
natural boulders at the bottom. ~e says 2 os 3' high. ~Ie doesn~'t
want a massiMe structure. He wants, it to look fairly natural. Re
wan~s to angle~ it to reflect energy of the wave action and
revegetate in the fromt. This is exactly what we discussed. It
did save him a lot of time and e~fort as he says in his letter.
Any other comments?
TRUSTEEHOLZA~FEL: No. I think that is what we wanted.
TRUSTEE KRLr2SKI: What kind of grasses?
TRUSTEE GARRELL: American Beach Grass.
TRUSTEE KRU~SKI: O.K. You want American Beach Grass ~oing up the
slope and you want in front Spartina Patents?
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: There is a hu~e rack line here. There is like a
TRUSTEE MOLZAPFEL: But Patents needs a much hiqher salinity and
I don't think you erre ~oing to get it there.
TRUS~KRUPSKI: Don't you think beach grass would he better
TRUSTEE GARRELL: What axe you g~ing to do about roof runoff?
TRUsTEE. KRU~SKI: Re is going to redo the house. We will be
Do you think beach grass w~al~growthere?
TRUSE~E It certainly looks l~ke it. ~p here it would.
Pa~ents nccds to he wet once a month and just sit in the higher
salinity wa~ers. Which is the opposite of w~at you would think.
Patents has a higher satinitM requirement. Because the water
e~aporates s~n~ it gets stuck up there in the high tides.. It
doe~n,t belong in the water.
TRUSTEE GARRELL: The letter from Altan Connelt says the beach
area below MRW should be planted with Spartina AlternaFlora.
SmoOth Cord Grass would provide further protection of the toe.
The area hetwemn mean high tide and the toe of the slope should
be planted with SpartinaPatents, Salt Meadow Cord Grass.
TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: There it is. That is even better'.
TR~STEEKRLV2SKt.: O.K. Thanks. Do I have. a motion, to class the
TRUSTEE GARRELL: Move to cIose the hearing.
TRUSTRR ~: I move to approve th~ permit for Frank
Scavone as per revised plans fox the rock revetment, box top
planting and revegetation in front in accc~d~ with the
reco~endations of Alla~Connell, a modifi~ slope an~angle~
boulders at the bottom as shown in the revissd plan.
6. En-Consultm~ts Inc~, on behal~ o~ STE~AN MINAKYAN~ requmstm
a Wetland Permit to inmtall 102 1.f. of timber retainingwal~l
Board of Trus. tee~ 6 ~/~nuary 29, 1997
plus an 18' return on west side. On east side, wall will be
built landward of neighbors gabion wall which encroaches on
subject prope~tf. A skort return may have to be removed to
accommodate proposed wall. Approx. 200~ c.y. of clean fill will
be trucked in, and construct a 4' X 120' stairway with 3- 4' X
5' landings. Located: 2375 Soundview Ave., Mattituck. SCTM
TRUST~E KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak in
favor of the. application?
DIANE LEVERIER: Diane LeVerier f~om Eh-Consultants here
behalf Step~n Minakyan. The existing return will be removed.
They a~e going to remove that return an~ construct the new wall
behind the existing ~ab~n~ wall.
TRUSTEE K~UPSKI: We will make it fottowing~ the toe of the bluff.
DIANE: I think that is what they are plannin~ on doing anyway.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I spoke with Roy about the wate~ coming o~t of
the bank.
DIANE: He spoke with Step~n and he said he is aware of the
situation~ He is a P.E. actually. He new that that was
happening. But he also knows that the cost to repair what is
goin~ on is about 100 thousand dotla~s. He was talking about
crib walls and o~bm~ stulf. I don't know if that is going to be
done anytime soon. He is aware of it.
TRUSTEE KRU~SKI: It is serious there.
DIANE: The plan has been revised to show one of the returns
armored with stone. That was~ a requests o~ the DEC.
TRUSTEE K~SKt: What this plan doesn.'t show is that, it
follo~ the toe. Then it. will leave the neigkborhan~ing out in
the open with a f,,nny angle. See how it qoes straight out an~ it
will lea~e a funnw angle an~ if the neighbor does something, it
will make that jog there. Follow the toe of the bluff.
DIANE LEVERIE~: O.K. I don~t think that should he a problem.
TRUSTEE KR~SKI: Do I have a motion to close the hea~in~?
TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: I will make a motion that we table the
application of StepanMinakyanuntil we get new drawings
7. Eh-COnSultants Inc., on behalf of NEWTON ROBBINS requests a
Wetland Pe~t to replace (within I~") 91 i.f. of timber
bulkhead and backfitlwith lO c.y. of claanfill, remove and
replace 20' of return on west side, and~ construct a
return on east side, a~d r~,ove and replace steps and a 5' C 12'
incline~beat. =a~p. Locatex~:. 20 Third Street, New Suffolk.
TRUSTEE' KRUPSKt: Is there anyone who would like to speak on
behalf of the application?
DIANE LEVERIEt~: Speaking on behalf of Ne~t~nRobbins. This
application is also amended b~ the requests o~ the DEC. The~
want the return, became a bi~ issue (on. the weste=t.ypropert~
line). It is not on his property. The femc~ is %n~4oa.tive of the.
property line on the east side. However, the westerly retuz~ is
Board of Trustees 7 /nuary 29, 1997
not on his property. I brought in new d~awings sh~win~ the
returns. We hav~ a DEC permit for that.
TRUSTEE KRU~SKI: I was going to suggest that he put that on h~s
own property. A 20' return is not, it is ~all mattem
physically. Instead of replacing it there to move it back the
two feet onto his property.
TRUSTEE ~FENCZEL.: The difference is that they would pull out the
other one.
TRUSTEE KRU~SKI: But it is not like it is in great...
TRUSTEE WE~CZ'EL: That is the thing to do.
DIANE LEVERIE~: He just wanted to leave it and replace the
bulkhea~ in the front.
TRUSTEE KRtP~SKI: That is fine. As long as he realizes that it. is
not on his prope~ At some point the highway dept. might say
that it is in the road way.
D~ ~EE: If he didn't cor~truct it is it still his
respqnsibility to...
TRUSTEE K~UPSKI: No but the town could come and pull it out.
DIANE LEVERIER: Tha~ that would be a problem for' him.
DIANE LEVEt~TER: O.K. I, will let him know.
TRUSTEE K~SKI: It is not a permitted, structure. He has no
legal rights to it actually. If he wants to move it the two feet
in to his property line, we will be happy to let him do that.
Otherwise, it is his own risk. He can leave it. there and it
might stay there the next hundred y~ars and nothing will ever
TRUSTEE WENCZEL: So ther. e is no re%u~ on the east side?
DIANE LEVERIER: No, because there was already a bulkhead there
so we are just going to tie in.
TRUSTEE KRUPSK!:: Do I have a motion to close the hearing.
TRU~_/Z KR%rgSF~: I wi.il make a motion te approve the application
as amended. No return on east sidm and reE~¥e and replace. 2~'
return on west side. on property line with a 20' b.u~fer between
house and bulkhead ( 6-10 ' ).
8. Eh-Consultants Inc., on behalf of RICHAR~ MAGEE requests a
Wetlan~ Perm~,t to replace (within. 1S") an existing 6~ 1.f. and
77 1.f. of bulkhead, construct a 12' e~&ens,ion to existing
return and back~ill with approx. 50 c.y. of clean fill.
Located: 2795 Wells Road, Southald~. SCTM ~70-4-15.1
TRUSTEE KRupsKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak on
behalf of the application?
DIANE L~EIE~: En-Con~=ultants on b~hal~ of the Ricb_ar~
Magee. It is just a basic replacem~t within lS". We just want
to extend, thee. existing return.. There is som~ ~osion'..
TRUSTEE HOLZA~: D~ you have any sense on why that is there?
The erosion.
DIANE LEVERtER: It looks like during high tide it comes up and
scout's out behind the. return. I h~ve a picture of it.
Board of Trustees 8 ~jlnuary 29, 1997
TRUSTEE HOLZA~FEL: I saw it. It thought some of it might have to
do with the runoEf Er'om the lawn too.
DIANE LEVERtER: I don't know if it would b~e: coming from the
TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Just because the neighho~ called ~ asked
about that particular, whether the extension of the return would
just make more erosion. I said t didn't think it would cause any
more erosion.
DIANE LEVERIER: I don't think so, if you bring it fas enough
back. That shoutdn' t happen.
TRUSTEE WENCZEL: My feeling was that the. problem there is that
they have the wrong kind oE vegetation planted. They 3ust have
turf. There is nothing to hold that bank. So every time the tide
comes up a~d there is any kind of ripple on the creek, you. are
just washing it out. What they need to d,o is regrad, e and replant
TRUSTEE KR~PSKI: That is the neighbors problem.
TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: I just wanted everybody to be aware that
there is some concern.
TRUSTEE KR~SKi: Any other comment?
TRUSTEE GARRELL: Move to close the hearing.
TRUSTEE HOLZA~FEL: T wilt make a motion that we approve the
application of Richard Magee with a 20' non-turf buffer.
9. Eh-Consultants Inc., on behalf of NEW SLrFFOLK SHIPYARD
requests a Wett~nd Permit to dredge mouth oE Schoolhouse Creek
to d~pth of 4' helo~ ALW, and approx. 200 c.y~ of resultant
spoil will be dePOsited on property of Gerard S_chulthsd~.
SufEolk Ave., New Suffolk. SCTM 3117-5-46.3
Is there anyone here who would like to speak on
behalE o!
I am Gerard Schuttheis. Just a couple of
comments, numhe~ one, I am in favor oE the project. Last Summe~
I spent many a day towing boats out Of the creek that got stuck.
Just some Observation I would like to make is that back in 1987,
I replace 'the bulkheading along my ho~me which is along the si~e
of Schoolhouse Creek. At that time also dmed~ed Schoolhouse
Creek out. On an annual, basis in the spring time I ,would go out
and take seu~gs to check the ~epth. From t98~8 to 1992 the
depth oi that. channel rems!ned cons,tent. In 1992 we had that
big storm which washed out some groi~ that are to the north
of the chan~et. ~ter those gro~ns got washec% out, my
observation has been that the chsn~el itself has been ~ilting in
at a rate oE 6 or' 7" a year. It is just my observation that
those groins prevented, the channel, from Eitling in. The other
comment I, would like to address is basically the ~t calls
for dredging 4' B~LW. I personally' have a sail b~at, My- boat
requires 5' 6". 4' depth really '~limits the accessibility to thak
creek at iow tide.
DION LYNCH: I am Dion LYNCH of' New Suffolk Ships~rd. It is my
belie~ that, I had higher, ed Eh-Consultants to apply fc~ the
permit at a 5' draft. I did get my notice of appliCaltic~ from
Board of Trustees ' 9 %usry 29, 1997
DEC and that showed the 4'. I called them, that has been amend~d
to the 5' depth. I was under the belie~ that was that~ here as
well. Maybe not.
TRUSTEE Kt%UPSKI: If you want to ~mend that tonight, you can do
DION LYNCH: We would like to. Othez~4ise I think it is pretty
straight forward.
TRUSTEE. KING: Did DEC limit you to 5'?
DION LYNCH: No. I don't believe sc.
TRUSTEE KING: Why don't you go another
DION LYNCH: It is my observation i~ the past is that it got to
the 5' spot and filled in. We have gone to the 6' and it wasn't
more than a yeam, year and a hal~ before it filled in to 5'. It
held real true. to the 5' ma~k fo~ years.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That is fine. Jill will show you where to amend.
it. You can do it right now. Diane we just amended the
application to show a 5' depth instead of 4'
TRUSTEE. GARPV. TJ.: Move to close tha hearing.
TRUSTEE GARRELL: Move to approve the application with the
amendment: to d~edge to 5' of water ior New Suffolk Shipyard.
10. John Geidemen on behalf of JOSEPH CASTELLI requests a
We%land Permit to construct a 130' bulkhead within 187' of old
bullkhea~ ~n4 in front of existing slip, than fill in slip with
approx. 50 c.y. of fill. Located Wells Read, Peconic.
T~USTEE.~SKI: Do you want to make a con=sent on the
L-A~~Y ~iLL: Just to say that I think it is alzight the. way it
is'. I don't kn~ow what your c0~ents are.
.TRUSTF25KEUPSKi: Do you ha~e DEC appruYal?
LAR~Y ~LL: I don't ~aw.
TRUSTEE K~UPSKI: Just it minimize the amount of structure there,
we were thinking of taking up the little jog in the front on
the south side. land coming from that corner fEom where the jog
starts and ~illing in hal~ the slip. tnstead o~ puttin~ in one
wall out, one wall ouer. You would start at that point and go
diagonallyacrossthat, join up with the walt i~ ~ront. So y~
would have less st=u~ture.
L~CRY TUTHILL: He didn't seem to mind. It didn't bether ~ to
go stza%~ht aeross. That is what he would like to da. He doesn't
have enough wate~ for his heat, so you axe accum~lishing two.
TRUS~EEKRLr~SKI: How does it glue him watsE fez his boat?
LARRY TUTHILL: He has his dock the~e, right?
TRUSTEE HOLZAF--FEL: It is not on oum survey.
TR~STEEK_~UPSKI: t don*t remember a dOckoutthe~e.
LARRY--: This is a standazdpmocedure. On~ of the thi/lgs I
dislike in that particular area., if you noticed-when your where
there, you can almost, see to Jessup~. Z am a~zaid that if you
pull that bulkhead o=t and. ye= get an~ easterly stozm~ he can
Board of Trustees 10 'anuary 29, 1997
loose a trememSnus amount of land there. Secondly, iE you do
that, any time else when they go to reptaca it they ca~p~ll it
out then, because ~ always got the wall behind it to held the
soil. Those bulkheads seem t.o hold up. t don~t like the idea~ of
pulling~hemout wheat here is such ane~sur~.
TRUSTEE KRIrBSK~: If everyon~ agrees that we should approve this
as applied for, there is no sense going out. B~t we COuldn't
approve it witho~tanupdated survey show~n~ the dock. He has to
show the: dou~k and amend the application. He ba~ to show the dock
and amend the applica~ ands how the do, ck,
TRUETEE WENCZEL: Whe~y~u replane these buldcheads, do ¥o~ go rip
out the entire old hulk~e~ud and then put in a new one cum wcutd
you go ripiout the old one as yo~ put the new one.
LAR~TUTHILL: To, might do it that way it saves time, but you.
have. to tare UP a lot of property to do this.
TRUSTEE WE~czEL: S.o what is the procedure? Would you normally do
a little b;Lt at a time as you are building a new one?
LARR~ TUTHILL: I norm~]ly don't do it.
TRUS~TEEKR~SKi: ~o yo~have a cross section inhere?
TRUSTEE HOLZA~FEL: Lets tahte the whole thinD. There should be a
ST~EKRLF~SKI: tt has to have the dock on it. Give us a cross
section too. Showing the existing wall and how it is going tc be
TRUSTEE WE~ZEL: Ask Mr. Castelli about the diagonal. We would
rather see that.
LARRY TIPtS{ILL: I don't have to ask him. I already know wk~t he
thinks. I to come the~e and c~t o~f the
whole basin, come follow the base. line and come back.
He didn't want that. ~s is a diagonal. You a~s doing about the
same thing. I kno~ that he is not in favor of that.
TRUSTEE KRI~PSKI: We will ha~e to table it because we need the
cross section and the dock on ~he survey.
TRUST~ HOLZA~A: It should be interestin~ to sec what the DEC
says about loosing bottom.
TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I make a motion to table.
11. Donna I. on behalf of the ESTATE OF JENNIE
BOKINA ~ Wetland Permit a~l
Coastal Pe~mittm ccnst~ 25' b~]_khea~to tie into:
exiting bUtkhe~ on adjac~t pro~es. Place 2 to 5 ton stuae
armor seawar~ of proposed bulkhead. Constr~ct stairs ~=um
bulkh~ to beack. Place 2,622. c.y. of ~ilt an~ re-vegetate
according to approved plan. Located ROW private Road $5, off
Brid~e Lane, Cutchogue. SCT~ %72-1-3.
Boar(i to rescind permit granted at theNovemhenmeetingtoDona
Wexler for a 25' bulkhead on same property.
CLERK: ~e got in themail~, yesterd~%¥, an authorization ~romthe
Estaue of Jenny B~kina c/o of Edmund Bok~tna to have Donna
Wexler to act as agent to build the hutkhead ~8 the stai~$
only and it is signe~hy Edmund Bokim~an~. Dorothy Kedilack.
Board of Trustees 11 'anuary 29, 1997
So there is your authorization. We have a drawing from Rambo,
Inc. showing the stai~s.
TRUSTEE K~Lv~SKI.: Alpinist, woul~ a~yone like to c~t on this
application.? Anyone like to close the hearing?
TRUSTEE GAERELLi: I will make a motion to rescind the permit
grante~ at the November meeting for a 25' h~lkhe~d..
TRUSSqKE F~RUPSKI: I will make a motion to approve the application.
1. Samuels and Steelman on behalf of POSCH-BORISKY Residence
requests a Grand~ath~r ~Pen~it fo~ approx. 25' X 30' beach house,
approx. 30' stona watl~ and all the retaining walls an~
bulkheads shown on su~e~ dated December 2, 1996 with the
follo~in~ approx, measurements: From west to east 5',to 35', to
5', to 57', to 8' return. 40' retain~ug wall to 50', to 30' 60'
retai~ing wall up by beach house, 24' retaininq wall behind 60'
retaining wal~, ptlat~orm and stai~s next to ~_ach. house. Locate~
9475 Nassa~Point Road, Cutchogue. SCT~ ~119-1-1.
A motion was made by TRUSTEE WENCZEL and seconded by TRUSTEE
HOLZA~FEL to approve for a Grand~ather with no septic or
sanitary system and no running wate~ assaciated with the
AYES: Wenczel,
2. White & Case on ~al~ o~ W. R~CHARD BI~G~A~ r~ts a
Grand~ather Permit for an existin~ 6.5' X 55' dock. Located
Central Ave., Fishers Island. SCT~ $6-4-2.
A motion was mad~b~ T~USTEF. WE~CZEI~an~second~h~TI{DSTEE
HOLZAPFE/~to approve ~hove. ~'L AYES.
3. Board to set ~h~ ~imits on Oysters
The following action was ~ken by the Soutboid Town Board of
Trustees at the regular meeting on Wednesday, Januar~ 29, 1997:
Whereas the SoutholdT0wnTrusteeshavebeen~empoweredto set
daily limit fo~ the commencialan~, recreationaJkharvest of
oysters, and
Whereas, the Trustees Shellfish Advisory c~mittee has been
consulted re~ardin~ what daily limit shc~tdbe
and made a recoam~e~dation limit at 20~0 oysters for
commercial haz~;est~200 o~ste~s recreationa~ harvest,
whereas th~ Southol~ Town Truste~shave det~rmin~hat this
proposed daily limit will benefit the harvest~-s of this oyster
resource in a very p~sitive way, and
wheneas, So~thold Town Trustaes have detent hat this
proposed daily limit will allow for the efficient harvest of the
oyster resource in Mattituck Inlet hy altowi~theha~veste~s to
maximize their harvest ~the Iimitad amount of the time that
Board of Trustees 12 ~anuary 29, 1997
resources is available, because the conditional natuze of the
fishery, and
Whereas, the Southold Town Trustees have dete~in~d that the
propose~ da% ly limit will benefit tl~e oyster resQu~ce hy
allowing the e~ficient harvest o~ the la~ge ovemsize~ oysters
thus providing space for the recruitment of juvenile oyster set,
Whereas the SQu~nl~ Town Trustees. have determ%~e~ that the
proposed daily limit will not a~ect the spawning success ef the
oyste~ population in Mattituck Inlet ~ a negative way because
it has been de:te~mined that the~e asea a~ate numba~s of
spawning adults in the permanently closed area of Mattituck
Inlet, and
Whereas, 1997 will be assessed ~rior to the setting of the 1998
oyster limits utilizing an anonla~ous harvest surve~ that is
required in order to pumchase a Town Permit., and
Therefore. be it RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees do
hereby set the 1997 daily oyster harvest limit at 2000 oysters
per day, pe~ person and 4000 per day pem boat for commercial
harvest and 200 oysters per day for recreational b~vest.
~ ~~ler
M. Dohe k