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Albert J. Kmpski, President John Hohapfel, Vice President Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 MINUTES FEBRUARY 19~ 1997 PRESENT WERE: John Holzapfel, Vice-President Peter Wenczel, Member Martin H~ Garretl, Memb. er James King, Member Jill Doherty, Clerk CALL MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NEXT FIELD INSPECTION: Wed. March 19, 1997 at lpm NEXT TRUSTEE BOARD MEETI~G: Wed., March 26~ 1997 7P.M. WORKSESSION: 6:00 p.m. APPROVE MINUTES: Approve minutes of December 1996 Regular Meeting, January 10r 1997 Special Meeting and January 21, i997 Organizational meeting. A motion was made by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL and seconded hy TRUSTEE WENCZEL to approve the minutes. ALL AYES. I. MONTHLY REPORT: The Trustees monthly reuort ~or Januar~ 1997: A check for $3,332.41 wa~ forwarded to the Supervisor's the General Fund.. II. PUBLIC NOTICES: Public Notices are posted on the Town. Clerk's Bulletin Board for review. III. AM~S/WAIVERS/CHANGES: t. SamueLs andSte~lm~n on behalf o~ DENNIS U~E ~equasts a Waiver to demolish existing house and construc~t new home and garage greater th~n 75' from M/TW as per survey dated. January 24, 1997. Located 1227 Pine Neck Road, Soutkold.. SCT~ ~70-5-36. Board of Trustees 2 .~brua~y 19, 1997 oOtionwas made by TRUST~. ~ENCZE~ and seconded hyTRUSTEE ._.ZA~FET, to. a~o~? the walv~ with a staked line of haybales and slin fence an /D line. AL~AYES. ~. .Costello Marlneon behal~of HELEN RUST requests an amendm~nt to Fermzt ~423S to recons~act t2' X 24' boat ram~ and ripper re~ wall, including a 8' X 27' timber walkway between the upper retaining wall and lower bulkhead. Loca~ Wunneweta_ Road, Nassau Point_. SCT~ ~111-14-34. motion was m~s by TRUSTEE. HQLZAPFEL and secc~id~d by TRUSTR~ KING o approve application as. amended an~ t5' Buffer whic~ was suggested by TRUSTEE KRUPSKt. ALL~ffES. ' ' ='= ' -- 3 Proper T Permit Services--n behalf a~ ---. ~p~ i ..... ~ ~ ~_ ~ ~ el. ~ICHAEL SLADE requests ~numenn no ~ermmn ~4440 to replace mnkind/inplace approx. 40 ~..~f e~xi~ti~g fu/lcti~nat ~h~e~. Reconstruct atrprox. 125 1. f. of .%snl~g rx~nct~.o~a. 1 bulkhead ~-adding new sh.ea~hing on the seaward sl~e of the exmsting p~les. Replace inkind/inplace 4 existin~ functional docks. ~cated 1435 West Roa~ Cutchogue. SCT~ ~110-7-26. A motion was made y TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL and seconded by TRUSTEE WENCZELto approve application as described. ALL AYES. 4. STEP.HE~_. PARZIALE requests.a Transfer of Permit 9118-4-11 fru~ Joan ~acclole ~o. Stephen Parzi~l.e and ~ the pe~it to add the secon~.ary retaining wall approx. 90' with two approx. 10' returns as per surve~ dated 10/11/95. A motion was made by TRUSTEE. HOLZAPFRL and seconded by TRHSTEE KING to approve the above. O.K. by TRUSTEJSKRLYBSKI. ALL AYES. 5. _ Gr~enp~r~ Dock ~n behalf ~f ERNEST GAEREL requests an am~t to Fermmt 94808 to change dock as per DEC approval: a total length of 114' out from butkhead and 15' off property line~ 4' X 82' catwalk 3' X 16' ramp and 2 - 6' X 20' floats with associated piles. Dock will go out no further then neighbors to the north. Located 1765 Westview ~rive, Mattituck. SCT~ ~107-7-7.A motion was made by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL and seconded by TRUSTRR WENCZEL to Table this approval until f~rther notice. All AYES. IV. PUBLIC ~RARINGS: THIS IS A PUBLIC HEAPJ/{G IN THE MATTF/~O~ T-~E FOLLOWIN~A~PLI,CATIONS~ FOR PERMITS UNDE~ THE WETLANDSIOR~It~ANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD~. I HAVE AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FRO~ THE S~FFOLK ~. PERTINENT CORRESPO~ENCEMAY BE READ PRIOR TO ASKIN~ FOR PUBLIC. PLEASE KEEP. YOLFR COMMENTS ORGANT~R~ BRIEF: FIVE (5) FLIN~Tm~ OR LEMS~ IF 1. Warren Sambach, Sr. on b e hail of GARD~ BAY ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSOC. requasts a W~tland Permit to install 100+/- wood retaining wall, repai~ existing retaining wall deteriorated planking asp er surv~ydated February6, 1997. Located Do~wocd~.Lan~& Bay View Drive, East Ma~ilon. SCTM ~37-5-23. Board of Trustees 3 }bruary 19, 1997 TRUSTEE ~OLZAPFEL: Is there anybody that wants to speak for this application? WARREN SAMBAC~: I have. nothing to say except my name is Warren Sambach from Gar'diners Bay Estates. The purpos~e of this reta~ng wall is just to clean up the ~ea, get rid of the weeds~, an~ to prevent the wash out ~rom the ~mbankment. TRUSTR~ HOLZAPFEL: Is the~e anybody else who would like to speak? o.k. I'll just say I went 0ut~myself and. lookex~ at that and it mak~s complete sense the wa~ it's built an~ the wa~ i~'s d~si~ it will help, se that I think it's a g0odidea. Any other-commen~'s? I'll make a motion to el.ese the hearing. Oh I'm sorry CAC.. I should just.., recommends approval wi~ the stipulation that. the apulica~t minimize any disturbance to sh~re line during~ the repair. I'll make a motion that we close the hearing. A motion was mad~ to close thel hea~in~ by TRUSTEE~OLZA~FEL and seconded byTRUSTEE ~o ALL AYES. A motion was made to approve Wamren Sambachs application on behalf of Gardine~s Estates~yTRUSTEE~OLZA~FEL and second2dbyTR~STEE KING. ALL AYES. 2. ROBERT AdiPietmo on he_half of' FRANK VALENTI requests a Wetland permit to construct a singl~ ~lydweltin~, salIitaI-y system ~nd g~ravel driveway as per survey dated 7/10/95. Located south-west corner of Route 48 and Route 25, G~eenport. SCTM ~34-1-8. TRU~TEE'HOT.M~P~EL: Is theme anybody who would like to speak ahc~t this apptica~ion? o.k. Does anylxxly in the public have any co~maen~m pro or con? o.k. Marty go ahead I'm sorry? I'm just... TRUSTEE GAR~qELL: I looked at that and I ha~ no. problem with it except the size of it's so small, right now there's a cat feeder out there and it kind of looks like the house would have to be the size of the cat feeder almost, seriously it must be a very small foot print. MR. ADIPIETRQ: 850 sg. ft. TRUSTEE ~: yeah o.k. MR. ADIPIETRO~ That's the smallest the to~n will allow. TRUSTF2~ GARRETJ.: ~id you ever speak to Mr. Bruce about, that, the guy who has the property next doorltc the old Jensen house? MR. ADIPIETR0: No TRUSTEE GARRELL: o.k. You know~I sa~ the house wasside~ ~d it seems like it WOUld Work, the only thing I would,. I would wondem is if we could possibly avoid a turf, have sort of a non turf buffer above that wettand~ In other words, no law~. MR. ADtPI~O: Oh o.k. ~REUSTEE GA/~RELL: That would be|my only suggestion for it. .~ADIPtE~I{O: T~t woutdbe along th~ south? TRUSTEE GARRELL.: yeah along the south, southwest. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Southwest yOU think? MR. A~tPIETRO: Southwest. TRUSTEE GARRELL: Yeah where it comes above that end TRUSTEE .GA~R~Rr.L: John you tookia look at it. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Yeah I did ~oo. And. you know, I had the same problem as you did Malty. As a matter of fact, I saw, t saw 'the 2 stakes and I couldn't figure out where the other 2 were. TRUSTF. E GAP~RLL: I know. TRUSTEE HOLZkPFE. L: It was so small, that I was a little con~used. Board of Trustees 4 ~bruary 19, 1997 So I didn't see any problem either with it as it stands. CAC, and I just mentioned this to you, talked abaft the driv~ay as nnt bein~ MR. A~IPIET~O: Not being black topped. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Right. MR.. ADIPIETRO: Gravel TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Right MR. A~IPIE~RO: Stone. TRUSTEE HOLZA~: Or some pe~ious, som~per~ioussumfac~.Soth~t it doesn't increase the run off. And the~ did have a question about the cesspool site., but ~om the survey it's about as far awa~ as possible as you could evem make: it, in that situation so. Any other questions? TRUSTEE GARRELL: Isn't that the Greenport sewer distmict? TRUSTEE HOLZAP. FEL: Not this property. Mit. A~IPIE~RO.: Water district, but not sewer district.. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: I'm going to make a motion that we close the hearing A motion was made by TRUSTEE HOLZAPPEL and seconded, by TRHSTEE GA/IRELL to close the hearing. A motion was made by TRUSTEEHOLZAPF~L and second~4 by TRHSTEE WENCZEL to approve apptication~withper~ious gravel d~iveway'and haybates between the house and wetlands. Also a non turf buffer between house on, wetland. ALL AYES. 3. Harold Reebel on behalf of RE~ SHORES PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOC. requests a ten year Wetland Permit to maintenance dredge entrance tc a depth of 4' below MLW, appmox. 40~ c.y., dredge area around floating docks on north bulkhead an~ areas ad~aceAt to west bulkhead to depth of 4' below MLW, approx. 200 c.y.. Spoil to be placed above spr~ng high tide on dunes ~or beach nourishment on, back fill of bulkheads. Also, to replace docks a thru h (3' X 14') to 3' X 20', repair/replace all other floating docks when needed inkind~/inplace, addition o~ l~ 3' X 20' finger docks. As per plans s~tted. Located end of Reydon Drive, Reydon Shores. SC~ ~80-3-21.1. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Is there anyhOw ho would like to speak in ~avor of this application? Is there anybo~ywho would like to speak against this application,? o.k. And we all looked at it, we did have a concern about... CLERK: Yeah, I never got b~ck in touch with~tr.R~ebel about the pipe. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: O.K. CLERK:I have to talk to him about that. TRUSTEE HOLZAPF~J~: CAC, just for the record, recomm~__nds approval, but is concerned with. the ~ne management restoration ptan being allowed. for a ten year p~_~icd. Cir~ces may alter durlng that ti~e, the counselor woul~ like to see that perio~shorten~e~and/ om plan be reviewed a~ter ~ive year. MR. MESKILL: My only concern iS the duration of time can chang~ within that ten year period, for the dune restoration .... TRUSTF2~HOLZAPFEL: Right, and it might.., TRUSTEE HOL~APFEL: It could end up being 50 feet tall if the~ ha~e to dredge it every year. I think tha~tmakes some sense. I'm just not sure how you. go a~oHt, you know. The same thing that happene~down on Whickams Creek, you have a hill 40 feet tall of dredge spoils. TRUSTEE KING: I was there toda~ a~ I forgot alt ~bout that pipe.. I thougkt today would he easier. TRUSTEE KING: Who owns the property to the.., on the other side of the channel c~ming down. Board. of Trustees 5 <_~ ~i;bruary 19, 1997 CLEPJ<: Peconic TRUSTEE KING: Remember we sai~ it would he a good idea if the7 could fill that... TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Peconic Land Trust. Jill called. CLERK: I called him. TRUSTEE KING: How did he feel about that? CLERK: Mr. Reebel hasn't gotten back tc me, But he said that he~s always worked well with them, and he's pretty sure that they will be agreeable. TRUSTRF. HOLZAPFEL:, They actually own bali of ~h~. channel, which presents a problem, If they're going to'dredge, we don't have a letter from them sa~g-... CLERK: Yeah I never thought of that. TRUSTEE HOLZA~FRL: mo you know? I just CLERK: yeah TRUSTEE .HOLZAPFEL: When you had said that the other day. CLERK: Yeah. I never thought of that cause it doesn't show that on the map. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: We need some clarification. Jill had called him, and he said they split the channel.. He has. no problem putting the sand in there but, we d.on~t have an~ letters from... TRUSTEE KIN~: We should get a letter. TRUSTEE ~OLT. A~FEL: I hate to... TRUSTEE KING: We should get a letter. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL.: Is the~e a time limit om this, o= a window. CLERK: I don' t kn~w. UsuAlly Ma=ch 15th. TRUSTEE HOLZ~APFEL: There's nobody here fru~ the ho~ owners? CLERK: No. Mr. Re~b~l's in Nassau county. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: I don't think we can approve something, that's somebcd~ else ' s land. CLERK: How far., How wide is that? Is it only 25' wide theme? TRUSTEE KING: Yeah, it's probably' 30' or more. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: It might be 58 all the way across. TRUSTEE KIN~: Probably 40' wide anyway, CLERK: Cause they are only asking for' 25'. Se maybe th~-e only asking for there property. TRUSTEE HOLZA~FEL: To dredge their part. CLERK: Their part. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: So we can approve it with the idea, they dredge to their property, and obviously ,~e' 11 amend it if they want to. We can do that by Phone. Does that make sense? TRUSTEE GAR~R~.L: Yeah o.k. Yeah TRUSTEE HOLZA~EEL: Yeah, I ' m sure that' s 50. TRUSTEE GARRELL: Yeah that taus% be 50' across then. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Yeah It' s prett~~ far. TRUSTE~ GARRELL: It's a pretty i good reack. It might be 50'. TRUSTEE ~OLZAP~EL: O.k. A~y other comments? I' 1t make a motion that. we close the hearing. A ruction was mad~ to close the, kearing ~rf TI~USTEE HQL~APF~._L and, seconded by TRUSTEE GARRELL. TRUSTEE WENZCEIi A~STAtNRD f~rom this hearing. A motion was made b~ TRUSTEE HOLZAPFCL an~ seconde~ by TRUSTEE KING to approve this application wi~h review a~ter 5 years as per CAC reco~m~endation~. Recommending to upgrad~ road run-off. TRUSTEE WENZCEL ABSTAINRn from this motion. Board of Trustees 6 . ~ruary 19, 1997 4. En-Consultants Inc., on behalf of STE_PAN ~KNAKYAN requests a Wetland Permit to install 102 1.f. of timbe~-retai~ng wall plus an 18' return on west side. On east sider wall willbebuilt land~ard of neighbors qabion wallwh~ch encroaches on subject property. A short return be remove to ac.c~mmod~te~prcposectwall. Approx. 200 c.y. of clean fill witlbe~ trucked in,. and. construct a 4' x t20' stairway with 3 4' X 5' landings. Located 2375 SoundviewAve., Mattituck. SCTM 994-t-2t. TRUSTEE HOLZA~FEL: Is there an~bo~yinthepuhlic wishes tosp~ak, pro or con? Peter questic~s over there? TRUSTEE WENCZFJ=: ~o, we d~n't nee~l a coastal erosionpermit? CLERK: We have the money for that. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: NO othe~ ~estions. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: I'll make a motion that we cl~seths hearing. A motion was m~deby TRUSTR~' HOLZA~FEL ~nd seconded bFTRUSTEE KING to close the hearing. ALL AYES. A motion was m~d~ h~ TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL and~ sec~ by TRUSTEE KIN~ to approve this application for a wetland permit and a coastal erosion permit on the bases of an inspection prior to construction. ALL AYES.. 5~ J.M.O. Consulting on behal~ oEHAROLD~ SCR~qKRI2E recf~ests a Wetland Permit to r~,ove 9~' of concrete block retaining wall and reconstruct inplaee with 80' timber wall with a 7' return on both ends an~backiitlwith 5 c.¥. of clean sand from upland source. Located 440 Oak Ave., Southold. SCTM ~77-2-1. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Is there anybody who wishes to speak, for' or against? ~R. JUST: I'm Glenn Just from J.M.O. Consulting on behalf of Mr. Shwerdt. I would a~k the board at this time if they could maybe put off the decision and vote on this one more time. I don't know if Jill has let the full board k~ow what's happened since we met at the site, a~out a month, and a half ago. I met with the full board of trustees there a little while a~t~r that Lou Chiarella, D.E.C. met with, I believe AL. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: AL. Right. MR. JUST': Then a third person,. I believe CAC w~ there, and. than folks from Suffolk County Soil Conservation Servicewere there. I'm still trying to coozdinate the comments of all four paities. I've gotten response, one r~sponse from Chiarella, nothing from Albert unfortunately. TRUSTEE HOLZA~.: But you know our feelings from the. field inspection. MR. JUST: I think Mr. Schwerd.t,would probably settle on, eithez~a per, nit to reconsuruut the conc=e~ wall, ~inplace within lS" at this time. Instead of going~ 7~ further seaward. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Right. MR. JUST: But that's not, I don't have the permission ta do that, or the right to do that at this time. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Right. That"s where I think we were at. When we met. MRs. JUST: Chiazella's response to me di~n'tmentionany alternatives, which is unlike the-D.E.C., normally tel.lyou do t~is, do this, do this, but. don't do that. It's just a flat out "No". I've met with him earlier today, and with Jimmy King... they had no time. to discuss this. Board of Trustees 7 ~bruary 19, 1997 TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: We' 1I be happy to table it, but let us know before.., at least. MR. JUST: I'm just trying t~ coordinate the four different ag~ncies~. TRUSTEE HOLZA~FEL: But you know t had talked to Jill earlier~ in~ the week about it, or last week I guess, and that's what she had said.. That you wemen't sume what was going on., hut you know ou~ position. MR. JUST: Yours is the one definite that I do know TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: O.K. Fine TRUSTEE WENCZEL: We didn't feel that ths~;e was a preexistia~ wall there. MR. JUST: The concrete wall, I think you gun said, was legit. Ca~se it was shown on survey, but that. timber wall, or the conc~'ete wall in fro~t of the brick wall seaward of the timbe~ wall, didn't show on the survey either. So that was illegal., cr whate~er term you want to choose for it.. The only thing that we do know... TRUSTEE WE~CZEL: Is thee a woodan bulktlead there. MR. J~ST: Yeah, but seaward, just land~ar~ of that is a concrete wall that's shown on the survey. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Lsndward of that. MR. J~ST: Just landward about 8 or 9 inches. And that's the only thing... TRUSTEE WENCZEL: In back of the timbe~-wall, towards the house, between the house, and the timber wall. MR. JUST: And that's the only thing we could, that definitely substantiates ... TRUSTEE WENCZEL: So that must be up on the wall. MR. JUST: It's right the~e, It's the same height as the timber wall. If you can re~ember we were all standing where the drain~ came down to the end of the road. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: yeah MR. JUST: The timber wrapped arou~na an~ ran hs~-k up to the concretm and wrapped back around, and went back right up the roa~. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: SQ why would you want to re~lace the. concrete wall? It's in hack of. the timhe~ wall.. Why would you wa~t to? MR. JUST: Because the whole idea is that timb~er wall is just seaward... TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: It's starting to go. MR. JUST: It just isn't going to make it. TRUSTEE WENCZET.: Oh I see ! TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: That's what we had said at the end, is, that's what they're going to ~eplace. MR. JUST: We originally thought that,~ that concrete htock wall that was seaward of the timbe~ wall, was the one o=iginatty shown on the survey. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Right hut it wash' t. MR. J~ST: It was ~he concrete wall, No. It wasn't. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: o.k. I just wanted to make sure we ag=eed on MR. JUST: I agree with you guys for a change. TRUSTEE HOLZ~.FEL: CAC, Ken are you o.k. with what were talking about2 MR. MESKIL~.: Yeah, I don't have any familiarity with this uro3ect. TRUSTEE HOLZA~FEL: O.k. MR. ~ESKILT.: I didn't visit it myself, and I don't have the plans with me. TRUSTEE HOLZA~EL: It's been around for 3 or 4 months, that's why. MR. MESKILL: Well I'll get it tabled for now so don't worry ak~ut it. Board of Trustees 8 .~bruary 19, 1997 TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: O.k. I'll make a motion that we table this application. A motion was made by TRUSTEE HOLZA~FEL and seconded hy TRUSTEE~ KING to table this applicati.on.~ ALL AYES. 6. J.M.O. Consulting on behalf of ANDREW J. MCGOWAN, JR. requests a Wetland Permit to ~tall 110' of 9abi~ ~2' X 4' X 6') along a severely ~ ~e~. G~i~ s~l ~ ba c. over~ with +75' c.y. of cle~ s~d to ~ ~sd in from ~ upl.~ so~c~ ~n~ plated wi~ ~e~ic~ Bea~ ~ass 12" ~ C~t~, Lo~ted New Ave., Cut~o~. SC~ $Z16-6-18,19,20. ~US~ HOL~F~.: Is ~e an~ in ~e ~lic ~t wish,, to spe~, p~o oE co~? ~. ~ST: We met on site e~lier t~ay with ~us~ ~ ~ Lou Chiaretla ~d Chu~ H~lton from DEC. I believe ~e full ~d made ~ i~ection, at ~e ~sk i~pe~ site. I wa~'t aw~e of the whole histo~ o~ the si.te, there's 4 groin's on ~e prope~ It's obvi~s that 2 were st~tin~ o~f ~e beach at ~e sou~ e~ there, and ~t's wh~e most of ~e ero~on is ~ pl~e. It's wash~ ~ho~t 9/10 seaward, landw~dl of ~e ~s~g Uo~ts. As we all ~w ~at h~y of wat~ is ~~ twice a ye~ by S~lk Cowry, ~e ch~el c~s wit~ ~ou~t 50' oE the ~ach ri.~t ~e. I've no~d it ~s;e~ oz I ~ J~ ~ to when we were said to ~at the county pe~it cal~ for ~at s~nd ~t is ~ out to be placed on t~t bea~. It's nerve ~en pla~ed ~ere b~ore.. Ye~ ~ the DEC deci~ to go ~ ~d co~tact, I ~l~eve it's Rogers fr~ County P~tic Works ~pt. and ask why it's ~t in place there. Because as p~t of ~s ~r~t to ~edg;e, they're s~pposed repl~t ~ sil~ zight.~e. But w~t we're asking ~or is the g~io~ r~ pe~endi~dlar to ~e l~ward end of ~e ~o~. ~er~ would be a b~riez st~ct~e, j~t. ~eze for a final solution. think if you ~t~ to go witk that, it would he s~e~ng t~t' s not seen, it would ~ b~ied ~ sa~, ~d pl~t~ ~ top. ~e north wind re~ly t~es a ~~ thee. ~oct~ lost ~out 42' be~ ~ront in ~a l~t 3 ye~s~ o~ the doc~t. Then ag~ ~t s~.~le just be ~ers 'for a fisal solution. ~d forbid ~ere was a biq or an~ l~a that would c~e close to ~e house. TRUS~ HOL~L~ ~l~,n~ t~ one conc~n., or ~estion I th~ we had, I reme~r w~s r~ely do we say m~ it out fur~er into.., we don't us~ly say ~t. But, in t~ p~ti~r c~_e we thought it would ~e mu~k more sen.~ to ~tch. it ~p to ~ groin ~t ~ instead of pro~idin~ ~at ~ttle ~1t for the water t~ move ~. ~. ~ST: ~t was ~oug~t ~ to me on site. I'm suzpri.se~ by ~e bo~ds respo~e that it di.~?t se~ to a~cc with you. I ~ust think I would ~ ~l.e to ~t awa~ with it. ~US~ HOOFS.: Right.. ~. JUST: ~ay w~'t qo ~or ~at. That's wh~ I never app~ed it. It makes s~e to me t~ tie them all in t~e~. ~US~ HO~~: Y~ c~t wo~d be will~ tG 9et: 5 more ~eet land? ~. ~ST: Most de~i~tly, he's lost 30 or 40 right out ~s p~ket. TRUST~. HO~F~:. Fi~, does ~body else ~ve a coquet, pro or con? O.k. CAC ~de ~s s~s c~ts Jill just s~d. I'll ~s a motion to close ~e he~-~. Board of Trustees 9 '-bruary 19, 1997 A motion was made to close the. hearing by TRUSTEE ~OLZA~FEL and secondad hyTRUSTEE WENCZEL. ALL AYES. A motion wa~madebyTRUSTEE HOLZAPFELandseconde~y TRUSTEMKING to approve the application with amendment that the g~hion will attach to southern groinsandnorth 10' f~m the second groir~. ALL AYES. 7. J.M.O. Consulting on behalf of STEPHEN & SUSAN ~JTHILL requests a Wetland Pe=mit. to reconstruct existing 3 ' X 15' walk, 6 ' X 60.5 ' catwalk, 3' X 18' ramp and to install a lO' X 20~' float, and a 3' X 66' extension to the landward end of the existing walk. Located 1.895 Naugtes Drive, ~attituck. SCTM 999-4-21. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Is there anybody who wish~s to sp~-~k, for or against this application? ~R. JUST: On behat~ of Mr. and Mrs. Tuthilt who are both here tonight. In case any questions, direct it to th~w if they don't mind. They want to restore the existing dock. Tb~s section of Mattituck creek, most of the stick docks seem to he 4 x 6 or 4x4 width wise. I guess alot of them ha~ them comm~rcialize~ at one time. Because of the structure of the creek. The d~ck is, the landward end is about 60' short of the wetland. We want to extend the d~ck landward b~ck to ~he wetlands so we don't have to trip over the wetlands back to the high margins, going back forth on the dock. This is kind of a unigue situation, with the floats. It's interesting, it's a 10 x 20' float. Mr. T~thill ha.~ a friend who's willin~ to give him another float. That's what we're trying to put in. The. new floats going' to be constructed for the site. But the neat thing that I think about Matti.tu~k Creek is we've always ta~ about~ you always have to ~make the boat fit the cre~k, and not the creek fit th~ boat. Mattituck Creek is a vez-f, very deep creek. Mr. Tuthill wants to bring a 27' sailboat in, and with the depths, there the sailboat could~ tie up to a floater there. Without extending the docking' further seaward. Whereas alot of creeks, where there docking where it's or 200 feet wide. Here it's 50 feet wide. If you had a parcel in Goose Creek that's perhaps 200 feet wide. t could see the 15' side yard set back, but here you wouldn't have to go any further seaward to get exactly what you want. They're just looking for a fleet a particular way to sit the sailboat, and power boat they have a long side. I don't know any, or see anything happening n~vigational, or public salety. But maybe someone else is fin~ with that. They're not trying to gc ar~y further out into the creek, it's just the width of the property. It's regulated with the sidelines on that lot. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFE~L: Is there a/Iybody else in the public who would to speak? NEI. GH~OR TO NORTH: On al positiv? note, I'm the neig~er directly to the n~rth. I don't see any problem as. far as I'm concern~i with th~ boat being exte~_e~l. It's not in the way o~ m~~ boat, and I don't anticipate any prGhtems~ in the rupture, i ha~ sucks to MR. King about that. TRUSTEE HOLZA~FEL: That was a concern that we had when we looked at the...Is there anybody else that wants to speak either wa~? That was a concern that, we have the policy that. there's si.dalinm~ and. that obviously you,ve taken th~ whole, length and gome over that sideline. It was a concern upon encroaching on the. waterway ~f th2 neighbor, not being able to get his. dock or boat or whatever. Board of Trustees 10 'ebruazy 19, 1997 MR. JUST: Supposedly it wouldn't project past the projected prope~~ line. But being close~ to the adjacen~td~ckmiGht be a little more difficult. TRUSTEE HOLZAPEKL: Rigl~t. In general we'd like to see that 10'. MR. JUST: I agree, but th~s is the first time ~ realty thought on this thing, where we had to R~ow alot. TRUSTEE KING: Your on the_ no~tk side of him? NEIGHBOR,: I'm on the north side. TRUSTEE KING: Whatts on the south of you? NEIGHBOR: A bunch of summe~~ cottages, TRUSTEE KtNG: No decks though? NEIGHHOR: No. T~USTEEEING: There are remai~ of a dock the~e. I think tke~had a float out this p~t year. They didn't heEore. The float woulclhe too close to the cottages. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: ~o you k~ow ~he ... TRUSTEE KING: It's all narrow, it's a 50 foot lot. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: They"re all 50 foot? TRUSTEE KING: Around that corner there, they're all in very long lots, down off the hill. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Just our inm~diate reaction is if that property isn't built on, we'd like to stay in. on that side. MR. JUST: The othe~ side is Sebastia/l's Cove, that's all DEC. owned titled wetlands. There would never b~ any chance o~ any docks on that side. what so.ever. With any interference on the east side o~ the creek there. Just the two of the adjacent n~igkbo~s. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: I thir~what were tryin~ to say is that 40~ is prohahly toomuchfor a 50' piece of prope~thou~h. MR. JUST: Well that's what. were here to discuss, TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Right. If we could shorten it up a little bit in that sense. And the other question, let me back up a little. The othe~ question we had. is the 10 x 20. By enta~ge it's 6 x 20, because of shading and oo~erage ~nd all that stuff. I kn~ow they already have one 10 x 20, but the 6 x 20 is more consistent with what we've dane through out all the towns. MR. JUST': I think 30 woul~ be a good compr~ai.se don't you. It gives you 10' on the sides. It:s a 2S' boat, it's easy to tie 40' boat to a 30' float. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: I think we still have to maintain that t5', is it 15'? Certainly on the one side, where there's nothing there now. TRUSTEE HOLZA~FEL: Say that a~ai~Glenn, I'm sorry. MR. JUST: That's a polic~, I don't know if that's the law in the trustee~s. TRUSTEE HOLZ~FEL: Yeah that's one of ouz policies that's writte~ ~p. MR. JUST:Same thin~ with the arm~~ Co~o-. The army mee~t~ circumstanc~ that a~e shaped like this. TRUSTEE HOLZA~FEL: But it se~m~to he, from what Jim said, that they're all 50' fronta19e, That's wh~' we have some concern, about, the other neighbor, they wou]dn~'t have that sams distanc~. MR. J~S~: Well his ri~ht now, wher~ we looked at it, his theo~etica~ dock that used to be there is right on my property, as it isl My neigkhc~ ad3a~ent to me atreactyhas, a 10 x 40' boat, ~ it has the same prop~rty width I have. The propert~ a~e st~g~erecl, ~e's probabl~ 40' of water h~tween the docks that's actually constructed. Again I don't know if the full boa~dhas made an ins~e~c~ this unique situation. Board of Trustees 11 ~bruary 19, 1997 TRUSTEE KING: Maybe the whole board should look at it. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Yeah maybewe shout~, TRUSTEE H©LZAPFEL: Is there any time ne~uirement on this in terms of,.. MR. JUST: It doesn't look like it. TRUSTEE HOLZAPF~.L: than with the idea of the next door neighbor, is willing to say that he doesn't have a problem on one side, it might be wise for the entime board to go down and look at it, We'll put ih on the field inspections next. month., an~carry~he hearing over. Just. for the reco=~ put it that the CACwa~te~tke dock to. exten~, no further tha~thedock to the north. But it's al~ea~ there, the cat watkbe elevated 3' shove grade~. ~R. JUST: The existing one is 3 1/2 a~d 3 1./4. We had the special DEC roll.er out today. It will be elevate~ 3. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: And they said that thc new float not encroach into the neigh_bors navigation and etc, So we'll look at next month as a full boar'd. MR. JUST: That's fine. Thank You, TRUSTEE HOLZA~FEL: With the idea that we have some questions, o.k. I'll make a motion that we table this hearing. A motion was made by TRUSTEE HOLZA~FELand secondeclb~ TRUST~EK WENCZELtc table this application till the next field, inspe~rhion 3/18/97. ALL AYES, 8. JOHI{ GEIDE~EN on behal~ of JOSEPH CASTELL~requests a Wet.l~Pem~_t to co~ct a 130' bul~ wi~ 18" of old bu~ead~d in ~ncnt o~ ~sting s~p, then ~ilI ~ slip with approx. 50 c,y. of fill, also a 3' X 24' d~k, Locat~ Wells Ro~, Peconic. SCTM~ 86-2-10. TRUST~ HOOFS: ts thee ~ ~the p,~c ~t wi~ to speak about this isle? It was t~led ~rom last month. ~b~ on the bo~d have ~y c~ts. O~ one conce~ w~m~in~ out 1~" hut ~e've done it evemy where else. TRUS~ ~~: W~ll di~'t we have a conceal wi~ el~at~g t~t jog, and con~n~g on the oth~ si~ ~e~e, on ~ west side I ~e~ it was. ~ing ~agonally across. I ~ ~. Tu~ll object~ strenuously to it. ~USTEE HOt~A~F~: Your not ope~ng up treble when you ~le it. In t~t se~e. It provides ~gle to ~e n~d~r ~ig~s~op~t~ more so. TRUST~C~: I t~ it w~d ~ive ~e entre m~t~to TRUSTEE HO~,.: We could equally say that we w~t to r~nt. You kn~, gra~ and =~nt ~ f~t o~ the ~~. w~t was los~. ~t wa~~]-~'h, ~UST~CZ~.: W~it the~have what's ~s~. i~ ~at s~ct~s w~n~t cau~g s~e of si~ ~ere. On ~e west si~ ~e=e, t~ wa~ it juts out ~ ~e's a ~airly o~ r~ch ri~t ~. e~y all ye~, Pet~ I tb%~we ~n ~p~ it b~ ~k~ to,.. ~~~~: Rept~nt in front~~ the b~~, Fine ~S.T~HOL~: ~at way ths~ea ~t's baing ~i~, wiI!~at least recl~d, CLX: In front of ~e entire ~ead¥ or Board of Trustees ~L~ 12 ~ ~bruary 19, 1997 TRUSTEE HOL?/APFEL: Well just a section, bow big is the area that's been close~ off? TRUSTEE WENCZEL: I'm not saying that. that's an important problem in that lithle slope the~e, I'm just. looking at tho othmr side, what's happening. Don't misunderstand. I ~can't even fin~ the scale ~. here. You c~n' t even, read it that's wh~t it is. Somebod~r have a better copy of this? CLERK: 1" equals 40. That's what the old plan was, and the~ just added the d~ck uncle= th~ new plan so it shoul~he the same., It's up by the n. orthamrow, TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Well it looks like it's 15~ across aud 20' deep. 300 sq.. feet. CI.ERK: How 'long is the propert!r? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: 130 is the straight part, but now it's been straightened out. Does the CAC have ~y ccmmer~ts on this? o.k. Pete= you want to make a motion. TRUSTEE ~NCZEL: No you can make the motion. A motion was mad~ by TR~STEE~ and seconde~ht TR~S~ WENCZEL to close this hea~in~. ALL AYES. A motion was made h~ TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL and sec~edby TRUS~ GAR~RLL to a~prove the a~plicatian, with tha a~ea 3 x 100' being g~adedandpta~ted, with Spartina plante~in ~ronk of the bulkhead., replace bottom that is being lost. ALL AYES. RESOLUTIONS: 1. Costello Nsrine on behalf of DOROTHY T~tOET requests a Grandfather Permit to reconstruct 50', 54', a~d 6~' jetties and 125' timber bulkhead huitt prio~ to 1945.. Located38~ Pecor~cBa~ Blvd,. Laurel. SCTM ~145-2-3. A motion was madebyTR~STEEKiNGand seconded byTRUSTEEHOLZAPFE/, to approve this applic~ticm b~t not. to. exten~ ~urthe~ tha/1L~ as pe~ drawing. ALT. VI. MOORINGS: 1. BOB GAMMON requests a duck blind permit in Richmond Creek. A motion was made byT~USTEE HOLZAP~ and seconded by TRUSTEE WENCZEL to tmble this application till August. ALL AYES. 2. CHARLES GREENE requests ~pprovat~ to pl~e 10 wave. aba~nt floats over town property in front of Albertson's ~la~ine ss per application. A motion was madebyTRUS.T~E HOLZAPFEL an~l, secon~ed, by TR~STE~KING to keep t~o=~ a~r~of t~ 4 wave ~at~nt float, bo~d c~ review the ~all app~ca~cn at it's ~r~ 26 1997 r~lar meeting. -' ~ MRR~ING ADJOL~J/E~ BY: 8:30 P.M. WORKSESSION ADJOUI~NE~ BT: 10:30 P.M. ~ECTFUI~ SU?.~/~ITT~I ~il~/,M. D~h~rk