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Albe~t J. Kmpski, President John Holzapfel, Vice President Jim King Martin H. Garrell Peter Wenczel BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 ~I~ITES 5~ARCH 26. 1997 PRESENT WERE: Albert J. Krupski, Jr., President John Holzapfel, Vice-president Peter Wenczel, member Jim King, member Jill Doherty, clerk Darlene Hubbard, clezk ABSENT: Martin Garrell, member WORKSESSION: 6:00 P.M. CALL MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NEXT FIELD INSPECTION: Wed. April 23, 1997, 12:30 NEXT TRUSTEE BOA_RD MEETING: Wed., April 30, 1997 7P~M. WORKSESSION: 6:00 p.m. APPROVE MINUTES: Approve minutes of January and February 1997 Regular Meetings. A motion was made by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL and seconded by TRUSTEE WENCZEL to approve the minutes. I. MONTHLY REPORT: The Trustees monthly report for February 1997: A check for $4,657.16 was forwarded to the Supervisor's Office for the General Fund. II. PUBLIC NOTICES: Public Notices are posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board for review. III. AMENDMENTS/WAIVERS/CHANGES: 1. Deirdre S. Venabtes on behalf of KEVtN & JANE MCGILLOWAY requests to transfer pexmit %'s 262,295 and 1925 from J.J. Newman to the Mcgiltoway's as they have purchased, same. Located 430 Sailor Needle Road, Mattituck. SCTM ~144-5-29.1 A motion was made by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL an~ seconded, by. TRUSTEE WENCZEL to approve the above request as describeS. ALL AYES. ~ ~Board of Trustees 2 ~_~ March 26, 1997 2. VICTOR RERISI requests a one year extension for Permit #4300 for a single family dwelling to expire Marc~ 25, 1998. Located 800 Snug Harbor Road, Greenport. SCTM 935-5-37. A motion was made byTRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL and seconded k~FTRUSTRR KING to approve the ~ove request, and subject to a landscape plan, and a 20' buffer behind the bulkhead, ALL AYES. 3. PETER ENNERS requests an amendment to permit %4689 to move dock to the end of the bulkhead as per DEC request shown on drawing received February 21, 1997. Located East Mill Road, Mattituck. SCTM %106-4-2. A motion was made byTRUSTEEKING and secondsd byTRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL to approve the above request as described. ALL AYES. 4. Costello Marine onbehalf of ROBINS ISLA~ PRESERVATION CORP. requests an Amendment to Permit ~ 4346 to install a 20' X 120' geoweb access ramp at northerly property with a temporary crushed stone driveway leading to the landing craft loading ramp. Also to install ten 2-pile dolphins and two 3-pile dolphins to secuze the landing craft. TWo of the 2-pile dolphins would be placed in front of the deteriorated boxed-in bulkhead to secure one of the passenger trar~ient vessels asp er dra~ings dated March 3, 1997. Located New Suffolk Ave., New Suffolk. SCTM ~117-8-19. A motion was made by TRUSTEE~OLZAPFEL and seconded b~ TRUSTEE KING to approve the above as described for a 2 year period. ALL AYES. 5. J.M.O. Consulting on behalf of ERNEST GAEBEL requests an ~mendment to permit ~4545 to move dock 15' off property line and construct a 4' X 82' fixed dock, 3'X 16~ ramp and (2) 6' X 20' floats with (3) two-pile dolphins in an "L" shape. Located1765 Westview Drive, Mattituck. SCTM%107-7-7. A motion was made by TRUS~EE KING. and seconded by TRUSTieR HOLZAPFE~ to approve the above as described. ALL AYES. 6. Docko, Inc. on behal~ of PIRATES CO%~E 5XARINA requests an amendment to Permit %148 to maintain an existing marina includ4ng concrete launch ramp, concrete, stone and s~eel bulkheading, fixed and floating wood docking facilities with ran~p sand tie-off piles and straddle hoist piers. The marina basin is dredged to a depth of -8' at MLW. Specific work to be accomplished in spring of 1997 is to replace 7- 3" diameter steel pipe restraint piles with driven wood piles and add a 10' extension to an existing 16' X 16' float at the west end of the marina. Located Peninsula Road, Fishers Island. SCTM %t0-3-22. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KR~PSKt and seconded by TR~STEEK/IIG to table this application due to a pump out station as required. ALL AYES. 7. Docko, Inc. on behalf of RICHAR~ BINGHAMrequests an amendment to Permit ~4694 tc add a 6' X 40' extension to existing dock. Located Central Ave., Fishers Island. SCTM %6-4-2. A motion was made h~ TRUSTEE WENCZEL and seconded by TRUSTEE. HOLZAPFEL tc approve the above request as descr'~bed. ALL AYES. ~ ~Board of Trustees ~' 3 .~ March 26, 1997 8. SUSAN TASKER requests a one year extension on permit %4167 to construct a single family dwelling to expire May 26, 1998. Located Route 48, Southold. SCTM %44-2-11. A motion was made by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL and secnnSed by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI to approve the above request as described, but will be the last extension. ALL AYES. 9. VINCENT P. GERAGHTY requests Waiver to place recycled concrete pavement for boat storage as per surve~dated February 27, 1997. Located Route 25, Southotd. SCTM ~56-4-t3.3, 13.4 & 14. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE to approve the above request as described. ALL AYES. 10. PORT OF EGYPT requests an amendment to Pezmit ~3898 to replace bulkheads with cement columns hehin~ existing bulkheads as per DEC. Located off Route 25, Southold. SCTM $56-6-6.1 & 3.4. A motion was made by TRUSTEE WENCZEL and seconded by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL to approve the above requlest as described. ALL AYES. 11. Joe Fishchetti onbehatf of MARY FISCHETTI requests a Waiver to construct a 11' X 20' addition 75' from MHW, in line with existing house. Located 3760 Minneb~h~ Blvd., Soutkold. SCTM 987-3-4. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSF~ and seconded by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL to approve the above request for a waiver to construct a 11' x 20' addition 75', as per plan submitted with a line of haybales between construction and wetlands, also with gutters and drywells. ALL AYES. 12. VINCENT ANNABEL requests an Amendment to Permit ~1755 to move dock over to middle of property as per drawing submitted. Located Private Road of Stillwaker, Cutchogue. SCTM ~137-3-6. A motion was madaby TRUSTEE KRLq~SKI and. seconded by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL to approve ~he above reguest, but to also remove the old dockage. Will inspect on the 23rd of April. ALL AYES. 13. LAGOON ASSOCIATION requests an extension of their dredge permit to run with DEC, May 8, 20.02. Located Nassau Point, Cutchoque. SCTM %118-2-11.1.2. A motion was made b~ TRUSTEE. KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUST~=25 HOLZAPFEL to approve the above request as described. ALL AYES. 14. STEPHEN AND'BARBARA FRIRD~ANN requests a Waiver to constmuct a two story addition over an existing concrete patio with a footprint of 15' X 18' and construct a partial second floor over the existing one sto~y house as per' survey dated January 26, 1997. Located 2140 Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck. SCT~ %123-4-4.1. A motion was made by TRUSTRR KING and seconded byTRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL to approve the above request as described, but with gutters and dr~wells. ALL AYES. 15. En-Consultants on behalf of RONALD RYZOFF requests a Waiver to remove concrete d~bris along AHW by manualt~breaking it up with a Pneumatic jack-hammer and trucking debris to an upland, disposal site. Existing pilings will be cut to grade level and remnants manually removed and disposed of at an upland site. Locatsd 12340 Main R~ad, East Marion. SCT~ ~31-14-6. Board of T~astees 4 ~ March 26, 1997 A motion was made by TRUSTEE ¥~UPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE HOAZAPFEL to approve the above request as described, and waive fees'. ALL AYES. 16. SOUTHOLD TOWN requests a Waiver to excavate the overflow/recharge area south of Hummel Pond and the placement of an earth berm as per plans dated Mazch 26, 1997. Located. Lighthouse Road, Southold. SCTM 949-6-5.11. An inspection was done on April 3rd, and a waiver is o.k. IV. PUBLIC HEARILNGS: THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING IN THEMATTE~OFTREFOLLOWING APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS UNDER THE WETLANDS ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN' OF SOUTHOLD. I HAVE AN ~FIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FROM THE SUFFOLK TI~ES. PERTINENT CORRESPONDENCE MAY BE READ PRIOR TO ASKING FOR COMMOn, TS FROM ~ PUBLIC. PLEASE KEEP YOUR CO~ENTS ORGANIZW~ AND BRIEF: FIVE (5) MINUTW~ OR LESS, IF POSSIBLE 1. Proper-T Permit Services on behalf of GREGORY POULOS requests a Wetland permit to construct new rock revetment approx. 15' wide. Add additional stones behind approx. 60' of existing rock revetment so that resulting revetm~n~ will be approx, the width and height of the new revetment. Place approx~ 300 c.y. of fill in eroded area of the bluff face to restore the previously ~wisting. shape of the face~ plant filled area with "Cape" American beachgrass or other ~aitahle vegetation~ Located 135 & 235 Sound View Road, Orient. SCTM$15-3-3 & 4. TRUSTEE KRUPSF~: Is there anyone here that would like to speak in favor of the applicant? MR. FITZGERALd: Yes, Jim Fitzgerald for Mr. Poulous. Everything is in the application except the problem that ha~-come up, the fact that the existin~ stairs which was built under a pre~ious survey. I would l~ke to ask the board to review the application from the environmental stand point., contingent upon I would be able to resolve the legalities of the existence oE the stairs~ of the proposed constructio/lof the revetment o~the towns property. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI~: What do you mean the proposed, construction of the revetment on town prope~ty? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: The revetment stretche.s aeross two pieces of the property and goes on to the third town piece of propert%z to the stairs. That was the problem. TRUSTRR KRUPSKI: The proposed revetment? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFRL: Right. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Just put the stairs aside for no~, our policy has always been put it on your own property. In. fact we just had a big run in with the law a couple of months ago, ~bout someone trlring to put up a retaining wall on the neighbors property, if you recall that. And one judge said, sure you can, as long as you know the right judge you can put anythingon your neighbors propertlr, if you want. Not all of us agree with that. So I don't think it's a good. idea to B~ard of Trustees 5 ~ March 26, 1997 put a retaining wall on the towns property, especially on part of the town's property. MR. FITZGERAT~: Well that's what I'm saying~ If I had written to the town board, and asked them to grant an easement, that would pe~mlt that activity, if they don't do it then whatever you do won't make a difference. There's a plan that looks like this. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: It came apart, Jim can I just borrow your~ for a moment? Here's the situation. There's two pieces of property, the application~ only for one. ~/R. FITZGERALd: NO, the application's for two. He owns both of them. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Well he owns one and his wife & he owns the other, s~ we usually ask both to apply for two separate applications.. Jill told you that? MR. FITZGERALD: Yeah. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: So since it's two separate tax, we ask for two separate pezmits. So here's what's here right now, there's s~me stone, the~ want to continue it down here, and ge on to town property. TRUSTEE WENCZRL: Your asking fo~ an. easement for the stairs too? MR. FITZGERALD: An easement to permit the stairs to remain where they are. CLERK: They all haven't had a chance to read your letter yet, that's why they're asking these questions. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: How'd they get there? TRUSTEE HOLZAP~EL: They did that? MR. FITZGERALD: A contractor that wasn't paying attention. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: I mean they're not even, like close to the line. TRUSTEE. KRU~SKt: It's probably e~ie~ there. MR. FITZGERALD: The problem is Pete that the turf area at the top' of the bluff extends 20 or 30 feet beyo~d the property line, so the contractor goes out and he sees ~h~ edge of the turf~ and he say oh that must be the property line, and here the stairs must be 10 feet inside that. So he builds the stai~s. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: A1 this up to the town board to make a decisio~ on that? TRUSTEE KRLrPSKI: Sure. TRUSTEE-WENCZEL: I don't feel comfortable with granting~a permit for something we haven't decided on yet. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No it wouldn't be fair to the town hall. TRUSTE~WENCZEL: I'd be more than happ~~ to grant a permit for the work that is on this gentlen~n's property, b~t I think we have to exclude what's on the towns property at this time. TRUSTEE KRUPSK!: Yeah., because we wQuld never forward out a structure on someone's property, subject t~ their approval. And. that' is what your asking. MR. FITZGERALd: Yeah exactly. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: I would feel uncum£ortable, I'm sure you w~ld like us to give you permission, but not without apprc~;al. But I don't want to do that. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I don't think we'd have any objections, to the town board approving that, but you need to get their approval first. I think that would be consistent in the way we do it. We are assuming that it's not the town, that this is another private propert--y owner'. It would be consistent if you got their approval first. MR. FITZGERALD: O.K. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do you want to make, I don't know how you want to do this. Board of T~ustees 6 March 26, 1997 TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Do you want to end it at the property, and build a return on the edge of the property? I think we would do that, I mean if you want to start work, starer down the. othe~ end, ~nd you can settle it with the town board in between. MR. FITZGERALD: One of the considerations is that they might say no to everything, than in which c~e we'll have to move the stairs. It'll have an effect on the structure of reve~,ent of the other property. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: You w~ut to wait? MR. FITZGERALD: I think probably, well I don't know. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: It's up to you Jim. MR. FITZGERAT~D: If you will consider the revetment to the westerly property line. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: With a return. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: What we would do, if we vote onthis, we would have to give you a conditional approval based on a new set of plans. So how ever you want to describe the end of it. MR. FITZGERA¥O: Well the configuration of the. slope, and the existing revetment, it might be difficult to build a return coming out further just for that purpose. Now the existing revetment has survived pretty well on its easterly end, without any sort of concern, the problem is on the westerly end. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Right, but the land tends to go o-~t a little more tha~ 'way, right? It bends a bit, and on the o~h~r siS~; see what I'm afraid of is the town loosing all its property if you land right on the edge. MR. FITZGERALD: Whether its a return or not its going to do that. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Right. MR. PITZGEP3JuD: I mean the possibilities go intense.. But that's all along the so~ndshore, I've been trying to put a hard erosion control. structure. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Could I just ask one question, the marks that you bad, there, that was the outer most. MR.'FITZG~: The orange one's? TRUSTEE HOLZAFFEL: The flags, were the outer most. MR. FITZGERALd: Yes. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: O.K. Just to be sure. MR.FI~Z~: The 2 outer most ones were the outer corners of the proposed re~etment,~inctuding the portion on the town property which · s 12' west of the stairs. TRUSTEE KtNG: What other structures in the area John. TRUSTEE HOLZA~FE¥,: There's nothing to the west, but on th~ other side. MR. FITZGERALd: There's stairs ,on Janet Swansons properr~ on the other side, right of farm lane. Whichare maybe 200' to the west, and the only thing to the east. is about, well. betwcn~ a quarter miLe and a half mile away. A set of stairs and that kind of thin~. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: But there's no other revetments and bulkheads, huh2 MR. FITZGERALD: I don't think so. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: There might be some stone to the east. MR. FITZGERALD: Yeah there could be. It's not immediately concurrent. I have some pictures o~ the whole coastal line there. I could show you. TRUSTEE KING: John looked at. this at the field inspection. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL:. YUP ! TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there any one else who would like to comment on this application, either in favor of, or against? CAC? ~ ~Board of Trustees 7 March 26, 1997 CAC: That's fine. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: CAC recommends approval, no further comments. I'll make a motion to close the hearing. A motion was made by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL and seconded blrTRUSTEE WENCZEL to close the hearing. ALL AYES. A motion was made by TRUSTEE HOLZA~FRL and seconded by TRUSTE~ KI~G to approge the above application only for three middle properties with subject to new plans. ALL AYES. 2. J.M.O. Consulting on b~half of HAROL~ S~T ~equ~sts a Wetland Permit to reconstruct within backfill structure with +5c.y. of clean sand which shall be trucked in from an upland site. Located 440 Oak Ave., Southold.~ TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there any one here that would like to speak in favor of the application? MR. JUST: I'm Glenn Just on behalf of J.M.O. Consulting, the agent for the applicant. I'm asking questions from the board. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone else who would like to speak in favor or against the application. CAC comments, recommended tableo~ MR. MESKILL: Well the CAC really wasn't prepared on all this, the intent of the land owner, we P~ve ~o upperhand on what's going on. .... this is based on what we looked at last time. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: What happened? We went out a couple of weeks ag~, and looked at the ..... MR. MESKILL: They were bad plans, and it was a brief description of what was going on. You really couldn't tell... MR. JUST: Jumt refreshing the board, a few months ago we h~d a full board site meeting. At that time we applied to reconstruct a, well to construct a wall 7' seaward of the existing watl, in place of where there had been an otd sinder block wall. At this time M~. Schwerdt wants to remove the premise of the sinder block wall, and all he wants to do is reconstruct within 18" of new bulkhead, within 18" of the existing bulkhead. TRUSTEE. KING: So it's of th~ existing hulkhead~ not of that small one on the front of the line. MR. JUST: No, No. TRUSTEE KING: That was. really our only concern. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: That was the confusion the first time. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Well Glenn you said that there was an original bulkhead 7' in front of what's there? MR. JUST: That's the one that's existing from the one that's left ~rom the property owners. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: But surveyor Mr. Schwe~dt her~ dated 1973, that you submitted, shows that that's not true.. The concrete block wall in fact, is directly adjac.~nt to the neighbors wall. MR. JUST: ... There's a concrete wall, a timber wall, and the r~ of a concrete block wall. Starting landward geing seaward. The concrete wall is still back there, what's left is behind the timber wall.. And the timber wall TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: How can that be if it shows on the survey, and this is ~lievahle, the only survey that you submitted? It shows on a survey that this concrete wall, MR. Schwezdt, runs ~ight into the neighbors wall. TRUSTEE HOLZAP. FEL: Yeah, that's what's there. That's what's there. MR. JUST: Right, but there's a timber wall in front of that. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: But where did that come from.? Board of Trustees .~ 8 March 26, 1997 MR. JUST: It's shown on the plans, I don't know the exact history. Mr. Schwerdt is here, he can answer the question to that nature. But my plans show that there is an existin~ concrete wall, which is existing to the wall in front of it .... and 7' seaward of the existing timber wall, remains the concrete wall, that's what we lc~ked at when we had the full board ir~pection. I have photos, and Mr. Schwerdt showed you, the board, at that time. Shown that there had been an extensive beach, even trees on the beach. TRUSTEE KRU~SKI: And our discussion, at that time, was the same as the discussion we had with the DEC at that time, on tb~t. Yo~can see if you look down the beach to the east. The neigkb~rs have a much better beach elevation there, it's all planted with Spartina. Schwerdt su~fers from a lot of erosion there becanse there was no, when you don't have plant material, the sand washes away. MR. JUST: That's the whole reason why he wants to reconstruct the timber wall, is because the erosion there. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: NO, No, but the timber wall is not going to hold sand. The timber wall is... MR. JUST: But, the structure will protect that timber wall behind it. That's the point I'm trying to make. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Protect it's upland, but it's not going to do anything but hurt his beach.. MR. JUST: Well here's pictures, again goin~ back to the 70's when there was extensive beach there. With treesand everything else on it, it's between the concrete wall and the water itself. There's constant erosion there. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: There is, no question about that. MR. JUST: And that's why he's here to try to reconstruct that existing timber wall, to protect his uplands. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No question, well to protect the upland, that's not helping the beach at all. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Can I soe the pictures again Glenn? MR. JUST: The beach has been historically eroding. ~ngby the photos, examining h~ the surveys, you haven't found, an!rthinq? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No ~estion about it Glenn, our suggestion to you in the field that day, was to put down., and I'm not talking about the proposed wall, I'm talking about as proposedin your letter March 7th. Our proposal was to put sand in front oE the wall~ and plant Spartina alterna~lora, in front to reestablish Spartina in front. Which will hold his beach, and also protec, t his property, his upland. That's the discussion we had in the field. MR. JUST: With the DEC? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: With you. MR. JUST: Yeah o.k. Because I wasn't present along with the DEC. I don't know I can't answer for Mr. Schwerdt, he is here. He m~ght be willing to put sand in front of a reconstructive wall, and replant that as a condition of the permit. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Mr. Schwerdt, that's what .... TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Glenn can I see those pictures. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We. spoke to 3uu that da~, and we spoke to Glenn, and we spoke to DEC afterwards. I wer~t out with them, and there feeling also was that if you put sand. in, in front o~ your property. I'm not talking about the wall, we're talking about putting sand in the front, in the beach. Take the concrete, and the garbage up, put sand down and plant it with Spartina. That can establish, itself, you will hold your beach in. It will protect your upland also. Board of Trustees .~ 9 · March 26, 1997 MR. SCHWERDT: May I approach? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Please? MR. SCHWERDT: May I have those pictures please? TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Sure. MR. SCHWERDT: Thank you. This is the damage that w~ done o.k. in 1984. If you take a tree down what is going to do for the grass, or whatever I pu~. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: What kind of tree is that? A locust? MR. SCHWERDT: A locust. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: A locust isn't going to s~nd for too long any where. MR. SCHWERDT: There's another locust, o.k. ·RUSTEE F~UPSKI: But see a locust isn't going to hold sand, or any kind of material. MR. SCHWERDT: O.k. let me just point out in 1974, that's the beach I had, o.k. 30 to 35' of sandy beach, like I'd mentioned. There isn't a blade of grass on there. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: But do you know what? Oh no, Go ahead and' finish. MRoSCHWERDT: O.k., nor has there ever been any grass on there. Another picture of the beach and so forth, now since 1984, let's say since 74. I've lost a foot of beach to erosion. There's never been any grass there at all., if I plant grass there now it's only going to be washed away. There's no roots. What I'm proposing, one other thing, my wall. This is the block wall we were talking ~hout, that wall was undermined, o.k. it was leaning over, and collapsed. As a result I got permimmion to put a timber wall up. So I don't want this timber wall to fall down a~ain. So what I'm propo~sing, that I put a retaining wall in front of that, so it doesn't erode into my new timber wall. If it falls down than I'm in trouble. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I do have a question though.. MR. SCHWERDT: Sure. TRUSTR. R KRUPSKI: Why do you nccd a wall in front of a wall? MR. SCHWERDT: Because the erosion has gone so far, I told ~u~ that we had 30 to 35' of beach, it.eroded up to, I would say maybe 6', so at 30' of beach erosion, and this is since 84. So now what's going to happen in the next 10 years? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Well can I show you something, these pictures show it quite clearly. They show what we see in the field. When you look to the east, you can see that your nei~b_hor has all his beach elevation, and his propert~ is protected by the grass. Well at one time, the creeks were all linodwith grass. They never looked like a beach. MR. SCHWERDT: Mine always looked that way, that's 1974. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I believe you., but the point is at some poiut someone put sand there, or else de-vegetated it. The creeks weren't made that way. MR. SCkM~ER~T: ~cuse me, When I bought the property that's the way' it was. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I believe you, the picture shows it, it was like that. MR. SCHWERDT: Now your proposin~ to put 9zass there? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: J~,~t like you~ neighbor ha~. MR. SCRWEPJDT: And what's goin~ to happen to it? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It will be just like your-neighbors, it will accumulate soil, and you'll be stabilizing your property. MR. SCHWERDT: The first storm is goin~ to come along and wash. that away. Board of Trustees _~_ 10 ~J March 26, 1997 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Than how come your neighbors isn't washed away. MR. SCHWERDT: I don't know. He's got roots, maybe. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: You might be talking about two different grasses, I think. The grasses your talking mhc~it on this, is a beach~ grass.. What Al's talking about, is the grass that grows in the water itself. You've lost all your beach, so the waters now all the way up to the wall, just about. Not quite, but almost. And what Al's suggesti~, is to protect your wall, you might want to also consider putting the grass that grows in the water, in front. It tends to build up the beach. The sand gets caught in betw~cn it. MR. SC%tWERDT: I propose to put sand in front of the retaining wall, if it's acceptable by you people. TRHSTEEKRIPPSKI: Right, including sand to build up the beach enough to grow. MR.SCRI~ERDT: I'm going to put the wall up, and put some sand and let it over flow, and put some whatever you. call it. That's what I'm going to do. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I'm still not clear on why you need a wall in front of wall. MR. JUST: Because the other walls being undermined, as each is shortened, the elevation is dropped immensely, as being unde~ed. So if you look at it, it's a tlrpicalhulkhead reconstructed within 18", is that what it comes down to. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: O.K. Any other questions2 We have a letter here, in the file, from the Natural Resource Conservation Service~ which is branched from the N.Y. State Deph. of Agriculture. It recommends in order for vegetated treatment to be successfnl at this sike, certain practices must change, the dock can't be le~t on the ~each, since it will kill any vegetation. The entire beach should be planted to Spartina grass. These grasses will act as a shock absorber, to anticipate waive energy, will entrap sand to help build up the be~h. With that in mind, I rec~d st~ilizing the site, by planting Spartina Atternaftora, below Mead hightide, and Spartina paitance, between Mead high tide in the upland bulkhead. Have the landowner consult the enclosed planning guide, for the proper planning procedure. I have also included a source of grasses for the aPPlicants use. I don't think I have a cop~ of the planting, o.k. Is there any other co~s~nt in favor or against the applicant? MR. GREENE: I have a comment. I think I have the perfect solution ~to letting that grass grow on a t~mpozar~ basis, we'll talk about that later. To use it to calm the water, but if they~ don't than remove it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: O.K. Thank you. CAC rec~m~endsd~oval of the retaining wall, and approval oE the cat walk, ramp, and float. However, I believe that their motion was acted upon their old application. Any other comment'. O.K. A motion was made byTRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL and seconded byTRUSTEE WENCZEL to close the hearing. ALL AYES~. A motion was made by TR~STEEKRHPSKI ~n8 seconded b~TRUST~. HOLZAPFEL to appzoYe the above application o~ the basis of the- letter on 2-27-97 to contact Natural Resources for planting in front of the bulkhead. ALL 3. J.M.O. Consulting' on behalf of STEPHEN & SUSAN TUTHtLL requests a Wetland Permit to reconstruct existing 3' X 15' walk, 6' X 60.5' Board of Trustees.~ ..... 11 - ~ March 26, 1997 catwalk, 3' X 18' ramp and to install a 10' X 20' float and a 3' X 66' extension to the landward end of the existing walk. Located 1895 Naugles Drive, Mattituck. SCTM~99-4-21. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anybody here that would like to speak in favor of the application? MR. JUST: Glenn Just from J.M.O. Consulting. TRUSTEE K~UPSKi: Is there an~ one else in the audience that would like to speak in favor of or against the. application? MR. TUTHILL: I just wanted to point out that my neighbor was h~re at the last meeting, in front of the boar~o TRUSTE~KRU~SKI: O.k. Ths=~ you. Any board co~nts or questions'? TRUSTEE KING: The only problem I had with it was, the size of th~ property and the width of the boat. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The long standing, town policy, is to keep the structure 15' off the adjacent propert~ line. MR. JUST: I also discussed with the town board, that there's a bend on the creek, and as far ~ set backs from other neighbor, It's up to 30', and I guess th~ town boarddivision, each property only has 30' betwccn the two docks. My neighbor also has a 10' x 40' boat in existence right now. My neighbor to the south of me had a 16' x 30' but it's all bro~ up in. pieces. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Yeah we saw that. MR. TTVfHILL: The other thing is, they use the whole boats on my beach, there's actually railway rails running into the water, where the floats would be, I would probably r~aove those railswhich have probably been there., ~or 40 or 50 year's. There's also a block at that point .... The beachwilt also being a little upgraded. I'm also recycling it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Pete yo~ have a TRUSTF, E WENCZEL: My coau~ent was the thing was fallen when we were there, wasn't it? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I think it w~. We'll make every effort to allow people to access the water-, but theme hs~ tu be some control, and some guidelines as to how-much you can spread out toward~ the neighbors. MR. TUTHILL: But like you said earlier, if you drew the line between the two docks, I mean I have 2 close neighbors on the sides of me that are basically the same size or bigger than what I'm proposing, ~h~n I'm in the middle. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Well I don't know how wide their properties are. M~. JUST: They are all 50' wide. They are all the same. size. We pointed out at the last. meetin~ that Mattituck Creek is unique. water body is under you guys jurisdictiom, where you ~ve deep water, you have narrowe= lots, like what happens on East Creek, or Goose Creek, or something like that. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Not necessarily. MR. JUST: I'm not familiar with. many areas with 50' lots on the water, in the_ town of Southoldpersmnatl~. But the wa~ distance, there's about 8' of water at the end of the dock, that's a perfect dock to accu,aacdate sail boats.. If that's what th~ public bas in mind. That was the r~a~en for the lar~er floats. TRUSTEE KING: Yeah, depth the water is goinq under, bod~' of water. MR. JUST: And again , this is not going any further seaward what's existing there. Again it's a m attar of safety and navigation. Navigation wouldn't be an issue. I wasn't thinking, we're not going any further out. Public Health and Safety, we baa one of the adjacent Board of Trustees 12 ~_ March 26, 1997 neighbors show up there to agree with what's going on, that it's clear with him. TRUSTE~HOLZAPFEL: The one. concern t have with that Glenn, is that I become that next door neighbor, then all of a sudden it interferes with me. You know? TRUSTEE KRLF2SKI: Exactly. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: I just have a concern, that that's o.k., I understand that he's saying it. And sc I thought ~h~tweh~a talked about cutting it down some, I. thought we were going to give like 30' because of the situation. Instead of 40. 40' would leave 5' on each side, or 6. I thought we were going to cut the distance in half, and give half. to you, and half to us. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Even net, I mean this policy has bccn on the board, since before I was on the board. It's a long standing pclicy, and it's there for a reason. And like what JOhn sai~, if your neighbor changes, and he wants tc come up to the property line. You would have a bad situation. MR. TUTHILL: All my neighbors are there, but fortunately like I said it's ~ot a straight piece of property, as far as the vision in 15' of the navigational clear~nce. It's not a perpendicular straight lin~., there's actually ab end in the creek. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No we were there. MR. TUTHILL: My neighbors dock is probably about 30' out further into the creek, because of that bend. The guy south of me is probably about 20' less than I would be in. TRUSTEE KING: It's a unique, area. MR. TDTTHILL: One other thing about this project is unique is it's a federal channel if I'm not mistaking, it's strictly by the Arm~ Corp. And they came up with the 15' set back °fl the property line. And theyissued a permit. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: They came up with it? When? MR. TUTHI¥.L: They're the agency that originally came up with that 15' set ba~k policy. It's not a rule, It's a policy. To support property lines. I'm not trying to say that the A~a~' Corp-. should give us a permit, you should give us a permit. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you TRUSTEE KING: I think we should just gi~e him the 30' TRUSTEF. KRUPSKI: Well the board... MR. TUTHILL: I wasn't there when the whole board, to be hon~qt with you. I was there when F~'. King was there, and ah ..... TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We were all there last week. MR. TUTHILL: O.K. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We weren't there with the DEC, no. Well you have to ask the applicant if he will except the ~hirty feet, if not... MR. TL~HILL: Well if I go 30' I want to put in a new float, right now I've got a woman on the creek that has a 10' X 20' that I can recycle. It's sitting on ~he wetlauds, it's been there for 3 years since her hu~ban~die~i. She has~ no intentions of putting it in. MR. JUST: That was something I had mentioned previously. It's not going to be new construction, it totally exists, somebody on the creek has it. MR. TUTHILL: I know that's a hell cf beans, but I'd be I guess I'd be building new float, adding a 10'x 10' to it, instead of attaching it to my 10'x 20'. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It's just that we have, you know, in this case we do have good access to have a 20' float. As long as I've been on this Board of Trustees 13 March 26~ 1997 board it's always bigger is bettor, hotter is bigger. There's no end to it, and that's why there's a policy keoping it off the prol~ertlr lines. PETE? TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Nothing, what else is there to say? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: O.k. do I have a motion to closethe hearing? A motion was m~e~yTRI~STEE HOLZ~R~Landsec~h~TRUSTEE WENCZEL to close the hearing. ALL AYES. A motion was made byTRUSTEEKING and seconded b~TRUSTEEHOLZA~FEL to approve the above application with a 10'x 30' float. ALL AYES_. 4. Pat Moore on behalf of RICHARD StRIANO requests a Wetland Permit to coDs~truct a bulkhead in a 30' X 35' existin~basi~ with (2) I0' returns with associated dredging, 8' wide walk arc, nd basin, and approval for exist'L~g 3' X 12' ramp and 5' X 20' float. Located 600 Beebo Drive, Cutchogue. SCTM~97-7-5. TRUST~ KRU~SKI: Is there anyone here that wo~ld like to speak in favor of the application? MS. MOORE: Yes, Thank you. Pat Moore 315 Westphalia Rd, I hope that some confusion hasb~en cleared up. All structures that are pres~utly on this propert~ hav~permits. I just wan~ to be sure that, I know that when y~went out on an inspection, that wasn't clear to you. TRUSTE~KRUPSKI: Thanks. MS. MOORE: I have, hot off the press, surveys. Prepared by Poconic Surveyors, that shows the proposed structures, and all existing structures. I also have a set of photographs that show the conditions of the properties. 15 photographs, w~oh I want to put on record. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Sure. MS. MOORE: Here's th~photos, and. the survey f~or everything. The surveyor did a good job of showing the type o~ problem that has been experienced here with the dredged out boat b~in. It is collapsing. You can also sec from the photographs, pictures are worth a tho~sa~d~ words. I'm ~ure that those oE you that hav~ goR~o~t thor~} all of you that were out there, see the condition of this area. How the value of this property, well the value~ to this property is tb~s boa~ basin., and tho use of tho boat basin. The capel is a man made canal, the property is a happening along this man made c~n~t. We have a vacant lot next door which is ~n fact, a h~use is going to be constructed. Angus, which I believe you've got a waiver. I don't know if it was granted, but. TRUSTEE KRU~SF~I: No, I. don't believe we granted a waivor for a hous~ there. 'MS. MOORE: Angus, it was.. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Non-jurisdictions. MS. MOORE: Non-jurisdiction, yes. To the south off that propert3?is Cantrell's and they have a bulkhead boat basin as well, te~in~ on the othen side also has a butkheaclbasin. And to the north is a double wide boat basin that is not bulkhead. It is having some more problems, but they ha~e not applied as yet, for t~e bulkhead. They had asked at one time for an ~m~rgenc~ permit, but thoy were not proposing as of c~nstruction methods. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Who's they, I'm lost there a little, bit. MS. MOORE: The parcel's to the north, which have the do,~hlewid~ TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: The~had asked? O.K. MS. MOORE: Yes, they had asked a while back. TRUSTEE KRURSKI: There was no emerg~¥? Board cf Trustees 14 ~_ March 26, 1997 MS. MOORE: Well at the time it was right after one of the storms, but they really shouldn't. The recommendation at that time, to m~ understanding, was ceme back with a proper bulkhead struct~. Which they had never followed through. What we have here is a situation where the property being on the canal, d~ops off 4 to 5' depth water, right into the canal. It is a narrow' ca~al, and all of these properties that have the boat basins keeps any struct%Lres from interfering with the navigation of this c~al. The. only thing tha~ I would p~int out that the surveyor shows here, a floating dock, which is a 6'x 20' floating dock. The existing floating dock, which has permits, is a 5'x 20' that's the only differe2ace that I see, that I picked up on this surveyors plan, and the one that you ha~ in ~r file. If you have any questions I would be happy ~to try to answer them, and we could discuss this application further. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: I have one question, have the~ considered regrading, or planting, or native vegetation to stabilize this slope? It seems like it would be a lot cheaper. MS. MOORE: Well what has happened is, I asked them that., I said well ~ou know. His reactionwas that the gr~ses, are not stabilizing this area. The end result would be that you would have to put the floating dock, or all structures outsid~ into the canal area. And that's contrary to how all the other properties have developed along this canal. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That's not what Peter asked though. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: That's not what I asked. MS. MOORE: .Oh your asking about ~illing in and regr~ing what is a sloped area? TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Yea~ regrading it. MS. MOORE: I haven't proposed that to him. I believe that this is his proposal, and it's going to be a $20,000.00 investment. So I'm sure that the contractors that he's coP~ultedwith, if that was the cheaper' solution, it would'ye been something he would ha~;e considered. The use of the. propert~ is really this bulkhead, this bulkhead beat~ basin, that's why this application is TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: When was the canal in the cut ou~ done? ~S. MOORE: Prior to his ownership, I know that the Cantrell's had it, oh!! Maybe in the 70's. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: 19647 MS. MOORE: You would probably know best, because it's right in your area. So you could probably tell me, I don't have an answer. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Well see you can see from the photographs, and we saw it of course on our field inspection. This is filled in wetlands. ~S. MOORE: The whole a~ea, as I underst~ Beebe ~r., is a filled in area. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Well that area of the property is. Now, I'm sure the boat basin is important to the property/owner, but it's bccn in use over 30 ~ears as a boat basin~ ~S. MOORE: Yes, and your point is? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: My point is, that he's not bein~ ~.ed use. Your saying how important it is. MS. MOORE: The fact iS'.~hat it's collapsing, and the v~lue to him is the use of the beat basin.. What. has bc~n happ~_~ing is this undermining the area, is prone to flooding, as you k~ow. You have the major storms, and it all floods. What happens is all the s~il erodes into the boat basin, at this point, as you can see f~em that picture, Board of Trustees 15 March 26, 1997 that boat basin has been pretty much cut by 1/3. Just by the fact that it's eroding into the area. TRUSTEE Fd~UPSKI: I don't see how it's been cut by 1/3, I me~q that's the size that they made it, when they made it 30 years ago. You know we haventt allowed, this board has never altow~i a standard cut and fill bulkheadi~g application like this one is, ever'. And it's been previous boards back, many years back since a trustee board, has allowed a standard cut and fill bulkhea~ing app~lic~tion, di~you know that? MS. MOORE: I don't know when you have or haven't. I know that Cantretl has one, Levyin has ona. TRUSTEE HOLZAFFEL: Do you know when they wer~ done? MS. MOORE: I don't know when they were done, it was prior to your permitting, because there's no permitting on record. Se it was. after, Whendid you take jurisdiction, 78? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: 73, 74. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: 74. MS. MOORE: For this type of process? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: That's my concern, As AL said we have not allowed bulkheading on a creek. MS~ MOORE: Well I don't think you have si~ations like this, many places in town, where there's cut out boat basins, inside a piece of property? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Sure TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Oh Yeah! MS. MOORE: The only cases I've ever seen is the. Cantrell's. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The reason I didn't call you immediately on this, and tell you that was because, in. Southcld we told~n applicant it wasn't a cut out. But it was on a dug canal, which was a similam situation. The bank was eroding, and they wanted to put up a standard cut and fill bulkhead. Now once you do the standard cut and fill bulkhead, you fill in the inter titled area, there's no exchange'. The water has no chance to cleanse itself fru~ the surrounding vegetation, and you create, basically an open body of water with no vegetation. It's more or less a cesspool, and that's one of the reasons wh~ the standard cut and fill bulkheads are not done in Southold Town. Now this applicant in Southotd, we offered him an alternatiue, if he wanted to get, which worked in this case. This is the reason why I didn't call you last week whe~ we looked at it. Could work in this case because the cut is on the applicant's proper~y, what we allow themto do, and I don't know i~you~ familiam with Strong'sMarina? MS. MOORE: UHHUH. TRUSTEE KRU~'SKI: Ha~e you. been down there in the last year. MS. MOORE': I haven't seen any of the new stuff. TRUSTR. R KRUPSKI: O.K. They put in this new experimental bulkhead retaining wall system. They' planted where:the=e was none, it's a similar situatio~ as this, well I shouldn't sa~ none. But it was very little beach grass, Spartina Alterna!lora. On the bank they wanted depth for ab oat, this experimental, was p~t. in, was d~signe~ h~ Cornell Cooperative Rxtension, it was put in place. It was much m~r~ succ.ess~ul than any of us could have ever imagined. Now this system allows for the applicant to dre~ge out, to put in a retainin~ wall betwccn high and low water. Plant Spartina Alternaflor'a behin~ that, which is flooded twice a day, and the applicant then was allowed to Board of Trustees 16 March 26, 1997 dredge out in front of that, enough area so his float would be in navigable water. MS. MOORE: How would that work here, because you have an area of the boat basin, where as the float.. How's the float going to reach navigable water. That is the area. TRUSTEE HOLZA~FEL: The basin is going, if I. can speak. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Go ahead if you can make it clear to her TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: I think so, in other words, what... MS. MOORE.: Do you want to draw it on top of one of the surveys? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Let me picture it for you. MS. MOO~E: Alright. I'll be more visual then. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: The boat basin is cut out, but the edges of the boat basin, instead of being a flat wooden bulkhead, is a tier. Just at the lower edge of the high tide, low tide mark there's a bed in which the Spartina is growing. So it provides a margin, it provides the protection that you need, and at the same time allows you to dredge out. A_nd create the float right there for it to happen, and what A1 was saying is, since it's their land I suspect ~h~t we might let them take out another 2 or 3' on each side to acc~m,Odate this. I would suggest going on a field trip to Strong's, eventalk to Jeff. MS. MOORE: Ohabsolutely, but I would take my client there to see it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Oh absolutely, and you mightbe putting in fill, actually. Cause when you put the bulk, the retaining wall in, can you come up please Pat. MS. MOORE: I think I drew it out, I think I drew out what you were describing. Your talking about, like this, steps? TRUSTEE KRLrPSKT: Well no, just one step really. See here., here's the. slope, and it kind of comes up straight. And here's high tide and here's low tide, the wall would go in here. So you'd be able to dig out whatever you need here. Put the float in the boat, this area would get filled in, and planted with grasses. You'd have. marsh ringe, it would stabilize, so your banks are stabile, but you get the depth. MS. MOORE: O.K. His concern, I'm following your his concern t~t he. expressed to me w~, well is the bank that keeps eroding into there. TRUS~CEE KRLrPSKI: No, and that's what does that. That tak~ 'care oi that. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: We're offering you two good solutions. One which is real low cost, which woul~ he reg~a~e and just plant. Or two, this is probably... MS. MOORE: No, I'm listening. TRUSTE~WENCZEI~: Just as expensive as a regula~bulkheac%, mayhe~ a little bit more. TRUSTEE K/~UPSF~I: But we've approved these and ~h~y work.. TRUSTEE WE~CZEL: S~ that's two good sotid s~lutic~s. MS. MOORE: O.K. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: One low cost, one high cost. MS. MOORE: I'll go back to Mr. Siriano, take him to Stnong~s Marina. I'll talk to Jeff about it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Have him calt me, if he's interested. TRU$~F~EWENCZEL: You won't believe how succemm~-ulthilS is. I mean it's a beautiful selection. MS. MOORE: I choose to speak of this proposal to others, so. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We were shocked because it works, it works very well. And he gets to dig out to whatevur depth he needs to reach the canal. _Board of Trustees 17 March 26, 1997 TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: And the other alternative though, I think, just to throw in front of your client, is to call ta Dept. of Natural Resources, Allan Conneli. They will work out a whole planting plan, for nothing. And tell you, success rate, and all the other stuff' they can build into. You have the whole quote" Federal Government" behind you. CLERK: You can call me tomorrow, I'll give you his number. MS. MOORE: Well I'll give the two selutions, that you've proposed to him, and we'll, come back. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: O.K. Thank you. So y~u'll let us table this application tonight, o.k. thanks a lot. A motion was made by TR~STEE~KRU~SKI and secon~'mdb~TRUSTEEWENCZEL to table the above application till April 30, 1997. 5. LAURA ROSENEERG requests a Wetlan~ Permit to construct approx. 100' of new bulkhead to attach to neigtlhcrs existing bul]ch~a8m~ reconstruct low p~efile groin and cons~ucta single family dwelling as per survey dated January 28, 1997. Located Watersedge Way, Terry Waters, Southold. SCTM%88-5-57. TRUSTEE KRUPSF~': Is there anyone her~ would like to speak in favor o~ or against this application? CLERK: Just to note that we have a new sum~ey. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: O.K. CAERK: Moving the bulkhe~a back on whatever side, on the straight line. I talk to Leu Chiarella, and he said ~h~t was ~ine with him. I. couldn't figure out the scale, on how long this buLV~head is. That's why there's nothing here. TRUSTEE Ki{UPSKI.: O.K. I took a look at this afterwards, and I called up Mr. Bertani, and I asked him to e~tain to the applicant that if they go in line, basically they're going to lose their beach in front. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Right, it would be in the water. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Right, cause they have a beach, and the neighbcr~ built, out into the wate=, and so there's no beac~h. And so he said that, so I was honest with him, I said howeve~ when you leave-a piece in the middle, it's an eddpiece. And you do get problems, because it is an odd'ball piece. So he sa~d he'd get to the applicant, with that, and apparently this is what he got back with. To file the bulkhead straight across, it's a legal little jog there in the corner. Because of those jetties, I would imagine that there's got to be pretty good protection there. In. a storm event overall, but. I don't know if anyone else spoke to cuntractors? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: That seems to make sense, that's what we looked at. TRUSTEE KRU~$KI: O.K. Pete? CAC? M~. MESKILL: It's o.k. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: How far is this back? TRUSTEE KRU~SKI~: N° if that's a 100', that's probably 8' back. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: 10. CLERK: I told him 10~ TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Yeah, I think it's 10 peter. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: It's 10. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It's pretty close. 8' TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Yeah, I think t hat makes sense. CLERK: What's the le~qgth of the jetty? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: 30'° Roughly 30'. Did he put it in there. CLERK: Yeah. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Check the low p~cfile groin. Board of Trustees 18 ~ ~ March 26, 1997 CLERK: It says 30'. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Any other co~m, ent? A motion was made by TRUSTEE ~OLZAPFEL and seconded ~ TRUSTEEs WENCZEL to close the he-ring. ALL AYE. M. A motion was made by TRUSTEE HOLF~APFEL and secondedby TRUSTEE KING to approve the above application with 20' non turf buffer and reconstruct a 30' low profile groin. ALL AYES. 6. THEODORE C. MARTZ, JR. requests a Wetland Permit to construct a single family dwelling, sanitary system, well, decks, and driveway. Also to cons.t~uct a 4' X 20' fixed dock, 3' X 20' ramp and (2) 4' X 20' floats asp er drawing dated 2/4/97. Located Jackson's Landing, Mattituck. SCT~$1t3-4-7. TRUSTEE KR~PSKI: Is there anyone here that war, ts to speak in favor of or against the application? The concer~ I had, was the distance irom the septic system to the marsh. The test hole w~ on someone else's property, but the test hole is not tb~s. Did you constr~ct... CLERK: The whole house a_nd septic s~st~: has moved out o~ our jurisdiction. TRUSTEE HOLZA~FRL: Is this the newest plan? CLERK: This is the newest plan. If you scale it off, you'll see it's over, well he said it's over 100'. I don't see it. It's t in. equals 30. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: It's a 100 feet away from the water. CLERK: Yeah f~0m the. wetlands. TRUST~ ~OLZA~PEL: Well the way it's d~awn, it's easily 100' a~ay. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Well the point is, I think, the way it's shown is it's usually 75~ away. CLERK: DEC m~d~ him move it back a 100' that's what he told me. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: That was our concern before. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: There's still no test hole da.ta here, but TRUSTEE HOLEA~EEL: hut. the house is outside. MR. JUST: This is the o~e updated Chandler Palmer King h~d neglected to send Jill co~ies an~ they were thoroughly reamed out about it yesterday.: By Jill an~m~self. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Yeah, cause this doesn't show anlrthing here. MR. JUST: This shows tbs. modified, plan, it's a 4'X 20' stick dock, with a ramp, and a T-sha~ed float. TRUSTEE KIN~: Melinowski's up in here, right? MR.~ JUST: He's up at. the big head~ of the cove, Jokn ski is. up here. There is som~ rocks, on this side, b~t t~ channe~ku~s thaken~of the harbor there. I don't see where there wOUld be any~ room. TRUSTEE HOLZAP~3.: There's room there. MR. JUST: Thak was. the maincence~, I was aske~to walkout. I was. only wearin~kneeboots that day, and I got a little above bb~ knee boots, and I couldn't walk any further for Mr. Hamilton~ you kn~w with the tape measure in myhand s~. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I have a motion to close th~ hearin~ A motion, was made b~TR~STEE HOLZA~FEL and seconded by TRUSTEE~ WENCZELto close the hea~in~. ALL AYRM. A motion was made by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL and seconded by TRUST~E~ F~II~G to approve the above application with subject to new survey~ and with 4'X 47' fixed dock, a 3'X 20' ramp, and ~1) 6'X 20' float. ALL AYES. ~oard of Tr~tees 19 Mar~ 26, 1997 7. RICHARD GREENE requests a wetland Permit for a Wave Abatement System; approx. 10 - 8' to 12' X 20' rafts to be placed in water as per diagram. Located in water off Albertson Marine, Southo]d. SCTM%100056-6-12.1. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Any one here to speak in favor of the application? MS. RITTER: Hello my name is Jackie Ritter, I was wondering is this permit, to support Albertson Marina or other parts of Southold2 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I think he only wants to try it for tb~t o~e area. MS. RITTER: For how long? TRUSTEE KRLv~SKI: That's a good question2 Our intention when we looked at this in the field. Our intention would be to have him do it under experimental basis. Where you get a bottom survey' before, just before, or you know, as their bein~ placed. Then maybe every wcck, get another bot~ survey, so that we can see what eff'eut these structures are ..... MS. RITTER: Your not saying 6 months or a year, your just saying per week, to see how it goes along? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No, I don~t know, no; that's a good point. We haven't set a time. MS. RITTER: I'm just saying cause I live on North Sea Dr. and I'm right next to Kenney's beach, and the beach is really dm-~tro~.=d. I read the article in the paper, and I was. =eal interested in it, and we' re trying to save our beach. We' re spending all kinds o~ money to try to find out how to save it, and if this device would help, than you know... TRUSTEE KRUPSK!: That' s a good point. MS. RITTER: I'm strongly for it. TRUSTEE, NRUPSKI: That' s a good point. MS. RITTER: And also Orient State Park~ that's falling apart, if you can try something new, instead of spending money on something we don' t know ~hout, try it you might like it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thanks,. it's a geed idea, and it's a good point about the ti~e frame, we don't have a time frame I don't think. MS1. RITTER: I think so, at least a year. TRUSTEE' KRUPSKI: Thank y~u. MR. GREENE: You mentioned, a monitor, the idea was monitored a~ter a major storm event for 3 or 4 months p~riod. A weekly peried, is an awful lot of monitoring. It's long and extensive. You want it weekly? TRUSTEE. KRUPSKI: No, no, I'm nodding my he~, I agree with you.. I don't want it weekly. That's something we we're going to fozmalize tonight. TRUSTEE WENCZ~.T.: How long, are we going' to leave thes~ here? MR. ~E: As long- as you want to. TRUSTEE HOLZAP, FEL: Do you leave it out during the winter? I'm just asking. Is that your intention? MR. GREENE: That's my intention, they will come insid~ the protected area, during severe icing. And the~ rea~n for' that-... TRUSTEE WENCZEL: You wouldn't be ~h. le to get them out of there, if that's the case. MR. GREENE: You would get them in ~ust before the~ forecast the real cold. You. c~n puli th~m through the slushy ice, you can't, concern is that during a real ha~d freeze, when that ice bmeaks up in a flow, it would rur~ into th~n and push thum into the beach. It could damage them tha.t way, as long as the flow doe~n't move, it doesn't hurt them at all. But that's the only concern, about th~m. being in the carrier like that. In the deeper water area, you put a screw anchor Board of Trustees 20 March 26, 1997 into the bottom, pull thom down to the bottom and let the ice go right over top of them. The only time they would be damaged then, is if the ice really piled up deep, and chipped it. But in normal water areas, where the ice wouldn't get say 4 or 5' thick.. If we can puli them Gown the ice can go over them, when the ice melts, let them up. Same as if you didn't want to look at them. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Where do you stand with DEC, now. 5TR. GREENE: I don~t know. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I think, on this board, we're usually unafraid when it comes to trying son, thing new. And~ t think we would tike to. sec what effect this would havu-. But we want to make sure that we kno~ it's going to have an effect. We like to see the area, you would have to get a licensed survey, as you did it. MR. GREENE: Please not a licensed survey. TRUSTEE KRUPSK!: Well. how would you survey? Because I want something really, especially befozeanda~ter. Now when I said weekly even if you did it ever~month, with a stick. You know your' own, somebody gu out their and do 3 or 4 points every month, but... MR. GPd~ENE: May I come up and appEoach, and give you a diagram? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Please do. MR. GREENE: O.K. Do you have a dia~ramup there? I have theperfect picture of it, it will give you a good idea. Tb~a ling would be my base line. What I proposed to do was work off this base. line and start probably at the dock. And in this area, take them like 25' apart. W~ere this slope starts up, which is only about 6' away from the low tide, do that on maybe' 5' intervals, to get to the top-. Then go to 25' intervals, then where this stak~ is go in 10' intervals, because this is a long slope.. And tb~n once weget out here where the bottomflattens off again, go 25' int~rvais. Go down the beach 50' or 100' do the same thing. Come out here 50' or 100' and dm the s~ne thing. So when your talking about a survey that I proposed to do, your talking about an extensive survey, which, will give you good data. It's not semething your going to do in 10 min. TRUSTE~KRUPSKI: But how often doyeu, propose to do that? Just. twice? MR. GEEENE: After a major ~torm event, if you like, and after every four months. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: OH, every four months o.k. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Sounds good. Where's your reference stake going to be, up on the island? MR. GREENE: There's two reference stakes on the island, actually there's 3 right now. I work off lay line stock line and. the sid~ of the bate house, t forgot the measureruents on here thst I can always pick back off. As long as that isn't wiped a~ray in a hu~ric~n~ then we're good. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Sounds good. MR. GREENE: i mean if you have any specifics that. you want me to ds? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Yes, are you going to take the measure~uents? MR. GREENE: Yes, with a level. TRUSTEE HOLZA~FEL: O.K. I uD~e~stand~ but. you also want it to work out. Do you know what I mean in a sense.. So it might be safer for yourself, to have somebody else do the... MR. GREENE: My pockets not that deep. I would invite a hoa~d me~3~e~ to assist me taking the survey to a certifier. TRUSTEE HOLZAP~EL: Or Bay Constable, one or the other'. MR. GREENE: Sure, if you would like me to do that for you. TRUSTEE H©LZAP~EL: No I'm just saying for your own sake. Board of Trustees ~ 21 ~_. March 26, 1997 MR. GREENE: That's fine with me, if one of you would like to come, witness it, help do it, that would be fine. Bay Constables. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Bay Constable sounds, good. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It dmes make sense. MR. GREENE: When is the to~ g~ing to take it's next airiel photo? TRUSTEE. WENCZEL: I have no idea. CLERK: I don't think it's in the near futur:e~ the town just did them in 94. TRUSTEE. KRUPSKI: You can order them though. MR. GREENE: I know $200 something dollars. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Oh I thought it was like $75 for a block. I'm not saying a whole set, just one. TRUSTEEKRUPSKI: From the. co~nty? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: No frem the private. ~R. C~RRNE: From the private, it's $280.00, I thi.nk for one. I checked it. CLERK: Yeah I remember, cause I got, they took airiel around m~block and sent notices. It was $150.00 if I wanted a picture of my house, which they already took. MR. GREENE: yeah, but that wasn't a scale. CLERK: Yeah that wasn't scaled, right that was just a plain picture of a house. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: When you do get your next permit, from DEC, when you do, I think it's critical to do it in seasons, not just in any four months. I think there's a definite beach change in the winter, summer, you know, so that's what I'm saying-we should set up a schedule, when it comes time. Cause you want to cat.ch the winter beach, if you can. You want to catnh the summer beach, and th~F change. MR. GREE~E: What we really need is to have it there now. Because this is the time° TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: We have no problem. MR~ GREENE: I k~uow, it's just that, I've got a problem with DEC. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Right. MS. RITTER: Excuse me, how manlrunitsdo we need forth is? TRUsTEE~HOLZAPFEL: There's a diagram up here, of what he's proposJn/g. MS. RITTER: You mean like 4 or 5. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Would you like to see it? TRUSTEEHOLZAPFEL: Take a look at the a~rialphcto is probably the best. This is what it looks like. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: There will be more or less, a flush with the water? MR. GREENE: ah 6 inch~ ak~rve, then I have a sign on them. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: So there's like a bunch here an~ a bunch there. It just gives you a visual of what it is. TRUSTEE KR~PSKI: Any other comment? MS. RtTTER: Is there a iiqht on it or something, or you know. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: He also has to get DEC, and Coast Guard approval. And Army Corp., and engineers approval.. They will regulate him as fa~ as ligh'hs, si.g~, bells, or whistles, or whatever you ncc~ there. other co~m~nt? MR. MCDUFFY: I'd like to ask a question. I'm from Lagoon Association, you asked about the DEE, on where they stood~ on it.. You guys support it but where does the DEC stand on it? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: ~at's why I asked the ~questioa, theze's been some negative sense. Board of Trustees 22 March 26, 1997 NR. MCDUFFY: And who's job is it to get the DEC permits~ ar~ is the town going to help them get that? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I would be happy to speak to the DEC, how long have you been dealing with there. MR. MCDUFF¥: Well, I've run into a stumbling block. As ~ar ~-~, I'm not well adverse to all of the Dec law. I've had a probl~,~, with them-, and every time I fill out something, they wan.t something morse, I don't know where to go. And that's why I hired him. TRUSTEE F~RUPSKI: Have you contacted anyone ther-e~ yet? MR. MCDUFFY: Originally, the~ give you a fast short story, last summer Chuck Hamil~nn was here. He was introduced du~inc3'~ the Beach thing. I handed him one of m~ little blue flyers, and said your the thorn in m~y side. After the meeting he invite~ me to come in and sit down with him and talk ~t it. Then he said one cE our m~ will write up the permit, and put it through, well he only wrote: half of it, then they come back and want sometking I Wave no idea how to handle. I was told a demonstzation, I was told I was going to be fined a $10,000.00 a day for water other than m~ b~, or my registered boat. Well that's why I, Mr. Fitzgerald, I got him working on it, because he knows the law bette~ than I do. And. t~hat's where it stands. I attempted to do a demonstration on Orient State Park, and I .was told that this would bres~k apart. I was lucky enough to have it in the water in different places, for about S years now.. It's never broken apart. MR. FITZGERALD: One of the things you can dc, if they let us, they indicated they needed a lead agenc~f ~ a negative declaration. Even though you may not think it's a type, whatever it is. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Well we've been u~burdened of. the regulatory Eiasco that was secret, that ~b~ state created. Then the~ were h~. and then now, this past year, they have taken that back. We don't do type 1, and type 2 anymore. Which is the reason we can give you a permit now. If you would like I contact Chuck Hamilton, on your behalf, and see if I can't see what's hap~ng. Because the state can be fairly cooperative sometimes. If you can get. a hold of them. MR. FITZGERALd: How indncd is it going to a~fect, adversely affect it. TRUSTEE 'KRUPSKI: Well you know, you don't know unless you try it really. That was our feelin~ I think. Alright~ If you would like I'd contact Mr. Hamilton, and see what he says, Well maybe Jim should contact h'~u. TRUSTEE KING: I' 11 give him a call. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI.: Could you give him a call~ TRUSTEE KING: Sure. TRUSTEE. KRUPSKI: O.K. I think, all your tr-~fing to do is slow down the. water velocity so the particles sett~e out. That's what it looks like to us. Any other cua,,,~nt? Do I have a motion to close the hearing? A motion was made by TRUSTEE WENCZEL and seconded by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL to close the hearing. ALL AYES. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE WENCZEL to approve the ~bove applicatien~ for one year, fzu~ the start o~ all other permits, granted surveys before and aft~ every 4 ALL AYES. 8. DOCKO, Inc. on behalf of HAY HARBOR CLUE requests a. Wetland Permit to maintenanc~ dredge +/-3' in a 15' X 15' area ore existing dock u~ed for diving and. swimming.. Spoil will be~ de.-wate~e~k and. then Board of Trustees 23 March 26, 1997 removed to an approved upland site. Requests that permit run with DEC (5 Yrs?). Located Bell Hill Ave., Fishers Island. SCTM$9-3-1,3. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here that would like to sp~ in favor of, or against the application? Jim any comment? TRUSTEE KING: Yeah I looked at it, &t the siting Thursday. I guess they changed it, because where the~ wanted to put the spoils was ridiculous. They were going to dredge it up and_ take it by truck to another dock, and bring it down to this other place. And there was like a 500' catwalk, how were they going to get it out there? So I guess there going to put it somewhere els~, that's fine. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: O.K. Any other co~L~ent? Can I have a motion to close the hearing? A motion was made by TRUSTEE KR~-SKI and seconded hy TRUSTR~.' HOLZAPFEL to close t~he hearing. ALL AYES. A motion was made by TRUSTEE. KING and seconded by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL to approve the above application as said. ~ AYES. 9. THE LAGOON ASSOCIATION requests a Wetland Permit to maintenance dredge to a depth of 6' below mean iow water to remove appzux. 300 c.y. of material from the ch~ of South Lago~ and excavate 2000 c.y. of material built up on the beach abo¥~ MHW south of the channel, with all material to be disposed north of the chann~t on the beach above S~'~WL. Also requests permit to expire May 31, 2002 as per DEC Permit. Located Nassau Point, Cutchogue~ SCTM~llS-2-11.2. PUBLIC ~RARINGWILLNOTBEHEL~. Activit~ does not require a full permit. (See Amendments/Waivers/Changes). !0. J.M.O. Consulting on behalf of J.N.C. HOLDINGS requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 4' X 20' elevated dock, 4' X 10' ramp and a 6' X 20' float as pe~ survey dated . Located The Gloaming, Fishers Island. SCTM ~10-9-19.t. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Would anyone like to comment on this? CLERK: ~elen Best, the neighbor, saw the plans and has no ohjecti.ons. And Steve, his only concern is to make. sure the dock does not go in the channel, and I told him that Jim had that concez~ and they felt it was not ~oing in the channel. MR. JUST: I think that when they were there, there was no water left in theharbor, therewas still-green Stuff in there. There was extreme, extreme low tide. This is the one upd~ated, Chandler Palmer King, had neglected to se~d Jill copie~. Th~Fwere thoroughly reamed out about it yesterday. By Jill andmyself. TRUSTEE'KRUPSKt: I doesn't show anything here. MR. JUST: This shows the modiEiedplan, it shows a 4'X 20' stick dock, with a ramp and a T-~haped float. There's some rocks on this side, but the channel hugs that end. of the harbom there. I was asked to walk out., andI was only wearing knee bootsthat day-. I got a little above the knee boots and I couldn't walk any further ~or Mr. Hamilton, you know, with the tape m~easure in myhan~ so. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I have a motion to close the hearing? A motion wasma~ebyTRUSTEEHOLZAPFEL an~ seconded by TRUSTEE KING to close the hearing. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KING and seconded byTRUSTEEHOLZ~.FEL to approve the above application as said. ALL AYES. Board of Trustees 24 March 26, 1997 il. J.M.O. Consulting on behalf of DONAL~MC ALT.ISTER requests a Wetland Permit to construct a swimming pool, brick terrace, bri~k deck, brick wall, steps, +/- 40' of stone retaining wall, +/- 56' of brick wall, regr~d~ area within, constr~etion footpmint, conskruct pool equipment pad, to install. +/-112' of silt fencing with staked hay bales and to install plantings. Ail construction activity is to take place 75' from freshwater wetlaud~ as per surrendered 1/21/97. Located Private Road, Fishers Island. SCT~ ~4-4-1. TRUSTEE KR~SKI: Is there anyone here that would like to spe~k in favor of the applicant? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Also any activity within 75' requires action by the board for grading or filling. MR. JUST: I went out with Jim, Mr. Hamilton and Steve Lawrence back in June of 96. Steve flagged the fresh water wetlands tine, the grass was probably 5 high on me at that time. Myself and Hamilton w~nt there last month we all thought we were at the wrong s~te. Cause what the guy had done is take do~n t_he DRC wetland flags., mowed it, then attached the wetland flags to the stumps. TRUSTEE KING: Right down to the high water marks. He went right through. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: When did he do this? MR. JUST: He did it, we found out they do it every year in the mo~th of November and December. They slash, and burn once a year. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: DEC fine them? MR. JUST: Actually the DEC is just going to tell them, if you want do it, get a p~rmit to do from now on. Cause all it's doing is keeping out ~nd~gered species. If you want a pe~manent path. for the beach, cause what is here, this is freshwater. Then you get down here, and you have Fishers Island. Sound, if you want a path to bring a boat, or to walk down to ~b~ he-ch., than we will give you that. They're going to say in their violation that their having right now, again if you want to come in this area, it is a regulated area. Your going to have to have a permit, to do so. They're not going to make him do any re-vegetationbecause everything,s going to grow right back in, it was just mowed.. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: So is this all out of our jurisdiction now? HR. JUST: ACtually the activity of the mowing is in jurisdiction, the construction activity is located just on the outside of it. Almost a foot or two. And on Fisher's we always try to be more safe than sorry, cause the past history of the place. It's a very co~u~on occurrence on Fisher's Island, mowing and burning, when we were out there the last time, we h~. the fire rangers? The forest. rangers. And their going from property to property. The~went to the harbor club, the big got~ course, and out. there they do like they do on a =erich. They burn once a year. T~fJSTEE KRUPSF~: Kill the ticks. MR. JUST: They don't have much way o~ ticks. TRUSTEE KR~SK~: That's why. MR. JUST: ~ere's no deer. Well plent~ o~ bunnies, but no doer. There's no ticks to speak of, and it's a natural tool for biologist~ You burn that stuff off and brings back the fresh and the good vegetation and that's good for the wildlife. A~ long as your not disturbing the root system along this area, your not opposing any type of harm. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Sure, o.k. I make a motion to close the hearing. Board of Trustees 25 March 26, 1.997 A motion was made by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL and seconda<l by TRUSTEE WENCZEL to close the hearing. ALL AYES. A motion was made by TRUSTF~R KING and seconded by TRUSTEE' ~OLZAPFEL to approve the above application as said.. AT J. AYES° 12. Suffolk Environmental Consulting on behalf of D~IS AND DIANE HARKOFF requests a Wetland Pezmit to construct a single family' dwelling, deck ,gamage, gravel d~iveway¥ septic bud well. Approx. 1,322. c.y. of fill will be trucked in. Located Meadow Lane, Cutchogue. SCTM $116-2-26. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Any c~nt Bruce? MR. ANDERSON: I think it's really simple, the only regulated aspect of this is the 50' buEfer here.. TRUSTEE KRUPSKi: There's very little we can. get ag:gravated about here, I know, I'm trying to look at the survey, and come up with something here. Yeah th~ ctea~ing, i~ you. want to a~d another clearing, they can cleaz it for a view. That's fine. MR. ANDERSON: They can trim for a view. TRUSTRF~ KRUPSKI: Th~nk You. The 50', it says 5~' here, does it say 50' of what, or does it just say 50', oh clearing limits o.k. So that would be, so can we- just put in the permit, trim for a view, tri~m~g for a view, is. permitted.. MR. ANDERSON: Another thing you might want to say is there i.s a lot of cat brier in their. I don't know how you feel about cat brier. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: t like it, p~opla don't walk through your yard. MR. ANdERSOn,: For that, you have to close the structure, and tb~n come back to do something with the cat brier. Either make it part of this permit oE at a later date. I think it's going to be a problem down the road. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: How are they going to control it? I mean with the trees, I don't know if you ca~ get a piece of equipment in their really. MR. ANDERSON: I would like tc be able to have you build, ma!the cut some oE that stuff. TRUSTEE KRURSF~: How though? MR. ANDERSON: I don't want to .... TRUSTME KRUPSKI: Mow it? MR. ANDERSON: No, Shear it by hand. TRUSTEE KRUPSF~: No no no, that's what I'm saying, go with the trim, mechanically, including the chain saw. MR. ANDERSON: Part of m~ application, seeing this pla.ce. I think it might happen any way. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I mean once they put the house up, there going to see, this tree has to go., or these limbs ha~e to go. That's why' I don't want to even say by han~, because~ ther~ going to go out with a bow saw? We don't want to see it again. MR. ANDERSON: the load to ~ili~ is approximately 40' or there's one section that's really very minor.. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The property is sort of~ like a bowl. MR. ANDERSON: We need to do it before regulations, TRUSTEE. KRUPSKI: That ' s fine. Thanks, CAC recommends approval. Haybates be used during construction, 20' non-tur~ buffer-, actually it would be a 50' non-turf burbler. A motion was made by TRUSTF/~ F~UPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL to close the hearing. ALL AYES.. Board of Trustees 26 March 26, 1997 A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFELto approve the above application subject to trim within 50' of non-turf buffer, mechanically, CAC recommends approvat. Als~ a set back with path to the water. ALL AirES. V. RESOLUTIONS: None VIo MOORINGS: 1. ROBERT COADY requests a mooring in East Cmeek for a 25' Catalina with a 1001bmushronm. Access: Own property. A motion was made by TRUSTEE. KRUPSKI and seconde~by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL to approve the above application. ALL AYES. 2. WILLIAM C. LENGYEL requests a mooring in East Creek for a 19' Dynamgtass with for and aft anchors. Access: Public. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE HOLZAP~ELto approve the. ahov~ application with suhject to For Aft., and enough water at low tide. Do not block channel. ALL AYES. 3. MIKE JORDON requests a mooring in Little Creek for a 19' sail boat with a 1251bmushroom. Access: Public. A motion was made by T~STEE KRUPSKI and seconded bY TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL to apprc~Te the above applicati~,as said. ALL AYES. 4. RICHARD FETIOLA requests a mooring in EastCreok for a 20' Chapanell with 2251b mushroom. Access: Own Prop~rtlr. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRU~SKI and seconded by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFR¥, to approve the above application assaid with s,,hject to For Aft. ALL AYES. 5. BARBARA CLAPS requests a mooring permit in Arshamomaque Creek for an1 on shore, off sho~e stake on owned property. A motion was made by TRUSTEE WENCZEL and seconded by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI with subjec~ to inspection by TRUSTEE W~NCZEL. ALL AYES. MEETING ADJOURNER AT 9:45 PM RESPE?~L¥ SUBMITTE~ BY DARLENE M. HU~ARI~, CLERK