HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-05/28/1997 Albert J. Krupski, President Town Hall John Holzapfel, Vice President 53095 Main Road Jim King P.O. Box 1179 Martin H. Garrell Southold, New York 11971 Peter Wenczel Telephone (516) 765-1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MINUTES Kay 28, 1997 PRESENT WERE: Albert J. Krupski, Jr., President John Holzapfel, Vice-Presid~nt Peter Wenczel, Member James king, Member Martin GarreI1, Member Jill Doherty, Clerk CALL MR. ETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NEXT FIELD INSPECTION: Wed., June 19, 1997 12 noon NEXT TRUSTEE BOARD ~G: Wed., June. 25, 1997 7:00 WORKSESSION: 6:00 p.m. APPROVE MINUTES: Approve minutes of April 30, 1997 Regular Meeting. I. MONTHLY ~E~ORT: The TrUStees monthly report for March 1997: A check for $3,863.03 was forwarded to the Supervisor's Office for the General Fund. II. PUBLIC NOTICES: Public Notices are posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board for review. iii. AMENDMENTS/WAIVERS/CHANGES: 1. MARIA ANDRIOPOULOS requests a Waiver to cnnst~uct deck additions to existing deck and dwelling' as per plan date~ as receive~April il, 1997 and ZBA Permit. Located 1605 Westview Dr., Mattituck. SCTM %107-7-9. A motion was made byTRUST~.RKRUPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE KING to deny the waiver and requests a full application for the deck ~r~ the retaining wall. ALL AYES. 2. FRANK& JANE, LYNN requests a Waiver to construct approx. 8' X 34' covered porch as per plan dated as received May 1, 1997. Located Hobart Road, Southold, SCTM %64-3-5. Board .of Trustees ~ ~ May 28, 1997 A motion was made by TRUSTEE GARRELL and seconded by TRUSTRR' HOLZAPFEL to grant a waive~. ALL. AYES. 3. JOSEPH F. ST. PIERRE requests a Waiver to construct a 3' 6" high split rail fence along the westerly property line from the existing split rail~ fence at the southwest corner to the northwest cok~e=~ ending, at the bulkhead, Located 370 Goose C~eek Lane, SouthotD~ SCT~ $79-1-6. A motion was made by TRUSTEE WENCZEL and secopx~ed by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL to grant a waiver. ALL AYES. 4. DUANE J. PASCAT,R requests a Waiver to remove existing shed and construct a deck appzox. 15' X 57'6" X 27' .6" as per plan received May 23, 1997. Also to cap cinder block bulkhead. Located 3520 Minnehaha Blvd., Southold. SCTM 987-3-8. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI. and seconded by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL grant a waiver subject to receiving a more detailed plan on capping the bulkhead. ALL AYES. 5. Costello Mamine on behalf, of LOUIS M. BACON requests a on~ year' extension to Permit ~4346 which allows the relocatio~ of existing dolphins and installation of buffer' piles. Located at the~ end, of First Street, New Suffolk, SCT/~ ~117-7-20. A motion was ma~ by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL and seconded by TRUSS~KE KING to approve a one year extension for the above project. ALL AYES.. 6. DOUGLAS POLLOCK requests a Waiver to remove existin~ deck and replace with approx. 20' X 20' deck with angled stairs as per plans dated April 22, 1997. Located. 3340 Park Ave., Mattituck. SCTM 3123-8-21. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KING and second~d by TRUSTEE GARRELL to approve the waiver. ALL AYES, 7. NASSAU POINT' PRO~E55TY fZ~NERS ASSOCIATION re~a~sts a Waiver to pta~-e a rack on the beach, for sailhaat~ co~ti~ o~ 4 vertical wooden 'posts with. 3 horizontal planks. Located Nassau Point Road, Nassau Point. SCT~ $104'13-1.4. A motion was made by TRUSTEE Ki{UPSKI and seconded by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL to grant a waiver. ALL AYES. 8, Robert Kehl on behalf of WALTE~ A. WA~PAUS requests a Waiver to reconstruct a 10' X 28' porch using the existing gutter s~-stem running into existing drywetl system.~ Located 3955 Kerwin Blvd., Greenport. SCT~ 353-6-1. A motion was made by TRUSTEE~ HOLZAPPEL. and. seconded by TR~STEEi GARRELL to approve waiver'. The pipe going~ ~ut of b~lk~ead must be~ closed and_ capped_ ALL AYES.. 9. DOUGLAS ROMF. requests a Waiver to' construct an addition, deck and pool as per plans received May 1.6, 1997. Located Kimberly La~e, Southold. SCT~ ~70-13-2~. 1. A motion, was made by TRSSTEE WENCZEL and seconded hy TRUSTEE HOLZAPFRL to approve~ the. waiver, ALL AYES, Board of Trustees 3 May 28, 1997 t0. Docko, Inc. on behalf of REYNOLDS DUPO~T reques~ An ame~ to Permit 94738 to make the fixed pier and ramp 6' wide, inste~ of 4'. Located Peninsula Ave., F~she~s. Island. SCT~ $10-3-19. A motiQn was made by TRUSTEE KRUPSKI/ and secendedby TRU~ HOLZAPFEL to table this application as per apl~licant request~so he can get a doctors note. ALL AYRM.. 11. Jack Raridon Co~t~acti~g on behal~ of PENN D. SANGE~ requests a Waiver to construct deck 12' out from existing porch and 18 to 12' out fr~mporch and ho~se o~ east side. Loeatsd Pengn~ula~ Roa~. Fishers Islsnd, SC~ $10-3-58,59. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KING and sec.ondedb~ TRUSTEE GAE~E~L to approve the waiver. AIJ. AYES. 12. MRS. PROVIDENCE SACINO re~p~sts a Waiver to construc~ a split rail fence along both sides of her propezty'as per su~ve!~. Located 1350 Oakwood Drive, Southold. SCT~ $70-t2-31. A motion was made by TRUSTEE WENCZEL and seco~d~d~ TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL to approve the waiver. AJ~L AYES. IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING IN THE ~ATTER OF T=~]K FOT.~OWING APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS UNDER THE WETLANDS ORDINANCE OF THE TOW~ OF SOUTHOL~-. I HAVE AN AFFIDAVIT OF~ PUBLtCATZON FttO~ THE~ SUFFOLK T/d~ES. PERTINA~NT CORRESPONDENCE. MAY BE READ PRIOR' TO ASKING FOR ~ FROM THE' PUBLIC. PLEASE KEEP YOUR cemENTS Ot~GANIZE~ AN~ BRIEF: FIVE (5) MINUTEB OR LESS~ IF POSSIBLE 1. Pat ~ore on behal~ of: RICHAR~ SIRIANO requests a Wetland P~t to =onstruct a budd[he~, in a 30' X 35' eF~Sting basin with (2) 10' returns with associatect d~edging , 8' wide. walk around basin, approval for existing 3' X 12' ramp and 5' X 20' float. Located 600 Beebe drive, Cutchoque. SCTM $97-7-5. A motion was. made by TRUSTEE KR~PSKI ~n~4 seconded by TRUSiTRR HOLZAPFEL to table this application as per applicant requests until new dma~i~gs can he submLtted. ALL AYR. M. 2. J.M.O. Consulting on. behalf~ o~ GLORIA ~. MC COY ~equests a Wetland Permit t~ co~stz~u~t a single family ~welli~, sanitaz~ system, driveway, ~a~a~e ~ decki~ as Der plana, da.te~ Apzi~ 22, 1997. LQcate~ Me~dow Beach Lane, F~ttituck. S~ ~116-7-6. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone who would lik~ to speak on behalf or aga~'n~t this application? The CAC rec~ approval with a 75' no distunbance buffer. Any comments from the hoard? TRUSTEE HOLZ~FEL: Didn't we say' no clearing from the road seaw~rd2 The road is not on the m2~p. It shoulcl ~e measured. TRUST~ KING: I will make a motion ta close ~he hearing. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Second. ALL AYES. A motioa was made by TRUSTEE KR~PSKI and s~zon~ed~ by HOLZAPEEL to approve the application sub. jeer to T~ustea HolzapEel measuring the no clearing~ distance fzum the road seaward. ALL AYES. (was inspected, measured approx. 20' ). Board of Trustees 4 May 28, 1997 3. J.M.O. Consulting on behalf of PAUL WOO~ re~d~st~ a Wetland Permit to remove 73' of cor~crete bulkhead to cons~r~ct 8~~ incl~g 15' ret'~rn o~ ~erbulkb~ad and to back~_tll $.tru,~tu~e with of clean saHd to be trucked in fr~man upland source as p~rplans dated April 2, 1997. Located2575 Bayshore Road., G~eenl~OiL. $53-4-20. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there-anyone here who would like to speak f~or or against this application? PAUL WOO~: I am here if you have any questions. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The. neighbor is con'ce~n~d about' sa~ing the PAUL WOO~: So am I. I will. do everything-possible to save it.. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: It is not somethin~that we can conditio~inthe permit. But it would be nice to save it. PAUL W00~: If we have to keep a piece of the c~t the~e, we will. The neighbor is plannin~ to bring sc~e fill in behinc~her retaining wall. It always washes out in that area. Hoping f~llym~w~ll will stop that. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Are there any other confluents? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: I would like to see a 10' buffer. I make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE GARRY.L: Second. ALL AYES. A motion was made by TRUSTEE HOLZ~FRL and second~db~ TRUSTEE KI~G to approve the application subject to a 10' non-tur~ buffer behind bulkhead. ALL AYES. 4. J.M.O. Consulting on behalf of MIC~RtJ. DUPO~-GOSS requests Wetland Permit to install 120+/--' of rock revetment along eroded shoreline for slope stabilization. The revetment shall consist of 2-4 ton boulders which shall be placed on. filter cloth beginning at +2' below grade, no gout shall be used, rock ships 1' thick shall be utilized to fill voids and any disturbed areas shall he revegetated. All work shall be in accordance with surve~ of Chandler, palmer & King dated November 11, 1994. Located Private Road, Fishers Island. TRUSTEE ¥~UPSKI: Is there anyone who would liketo make a comment for or against this application? Any comment £rom the beard? TRUSTR~ KING: I inspected this. It is a straight forward appli~tio~ TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: I make a motion to close the. hearing. TRUSTEE GAttRELL: Second. ALL AYES. A motion was made by TRUSTEE KING and seconde~ b~ TRUS~R.R HOLZAPFEL to approve the application. ALL AYES. 5. Proper-T Permit Services on beba-]f of' GRACE KAUFMANN requ~s~ a Wetland Permit to construct a fixed walkwa!~ 4' X 45', hin~d ramp X 12' an~ a floating dock 6' X 16' secure floating'dock with tw~ galvanized pipes. Close seawar~ end of beat ramp in existing wood retaining wa]l~ 2' c.y. of clean sand as~ per plans datecl~ch 10, 1997. Located 1570 Mason Drive:, Cutchogue. SCT/~ ~104-7-10. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone, who would like to comment for or' against this applgcation? ~R. FITZGERALD: PEoper-T Permit Services on. behal~ o~ Grace Kauf~an~. I am chan~ing the plans ~or the DEC. They want to see the dock: mov~ct over 15' to the east to get off the marsh. The d%mensionswill be shorter but the dock will be out in th~ cre~kthe same distanc~ TRUSTEE K~qFSKI: O.K. We can approve this su]~j'ect to TRUSTE~ ROLZA~EEL: I make a motion~ to close the~ public~hea~ing. TRUSTEE GARRELL: Second. ALL AYES. Board of Trustees 5 May 28, 1997 A motion ws~ made bM TRUSTEEKRLrPSKI and. seconded hyTRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL to approve subject, to receiving new plans moving dock 15' to the east. 6. Proper-T PeanUt Services on behal~ of MA~-A, F2%R ~req~leSts a Wetland Permit to constZ/lct a fixed open walkway 4~ X 52', hinged ramp 4' X 16' providing access, via floating walkway 4' X 15' to main floating doc~k 5' X 200'. Install nin~ 12"d X 35' piles to secure main floating dock as per plans date~ May 9, 1997. Located 2655 Wickha~ Ave., Mattitu~k. SCTM ~139-2-5. TRUSTE~KRD~SKI: Is there anyone here who would lika to speak on behalf~ of or against this application-? MR. FITZgERALd: Jim Fitzgerald on behalf of Matt-A-Mar Marina Contract Vendee. You hame the revised plans, if yo~ have any questions. JERRY MAGINTY: I live across the creek. When I put my dock in in 1980 there was plenty of water. My boat draws 1'9" and n~w sits on the bottu~,~. Over the years it has fill2d in partly due to wave action of the .boats going by. Here are some pictures showing the wave action that undercut the grass. You can yell all you wa~t b-Gt these people don't slow down. If you put mor~e boats in there, it is going to get worse. RtTA~RTTN: I live across the creek ~rom the marina~ The marina has never been an environmentally clean marina. I pick up gaxba~e all the time fru~, there. I can't do it any more. TRUSTEE WENCZFJ~: It is zone~or a marina? Isn't that correct? TRUSTEE KING: But it has never been used as a marina. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I believe the zoning is for uplan~ not for Trustee land. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: I realize that.. When they changed thezone on the property, obviously... TRUSTEE ~RL~2SKI: Not necessarily, you can us it fo~'...there is a parcel on the main road the rail zoad~ tracks that is zoned for marine. use and there is no water-access. TRUSTEE WE~CZEL: This is marine I? TRUSTEE KI~: M-II MR. FITZGERALD: I think the use of ~he water and the access to the water is implicit in the rezon~g, wouldn't you think? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: That is what we want to lo~k up for you Jim. I hadn't perceived it in that same look. I just want to take a look at what the ho~k says. MR. FITZGERALd: A permitted use is a marina. A marina3s have these. things in the water. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: BOats or docks? MR. FITEGERAL~: Both. TRUSTEE EEUPSK/: Where it is a new m~ina, I think you have to consider wh~t is appzJop~-i~tefo~ that are~as~ far as is one boat appropriate or is 100 boats approp~iat~ and there is a whole range of... MR. FITZGERALD: I was just add~essin~ you~ co~t tha~ th~ Zoning~ does not necessarily meant hat you c~n put docks in ther6. TRUSTEE~ HOLZAPFEL: Jim have you applied to DEC2 MR. FITZGERALD: No. No other applicatio~hav~ b~ s~b~itted~ TRUSTEE WE~CZE~: A~e the~pl~ to dev~lopethe~ upland portion? MR. FITZGER~I~: No. Again, Peter, it is. ~t understandin~that they don't intsnd to make any changes to the upland. Board of Trustees 6 May 28, 1997 TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: It goes on fore, er. Permitted uses are on,-one family d~tach~dwelling pe~ sin~t~ and seDara_t~ t~t of ~ecor. d., mariu~ for the docking, mooring an~ a~'comm~tio~ of recreational ~r col,~,ercial boats, boat do,ks, slips, pier~ or wharf or charter' boats. carryi/lg passe/lg~rs, on excu~sioms~ pleasure or fishir~3 trips. ~t ]~ permitted u~r zoning. MR. FITZGERALD: I think one other point that we oug~L to talk aho~t is if you recatlth~t the last time. we where here on this, Chu~k Hamilton bad written a lette~ to Jim that indic~tedthat there guidelines where 4" of water at low' water. Which probably could be obtain~l, at least to the top of the mud. If that is where one ordinarily measure the water depth too. Any place in eb~t c~eek. ~ow would you react when we come in to dr~dge that area? TRUSTEE WENCZEL: That is a Good question. TRUSTEE KRLY~SKI: Town TD~tee bot~,~ isn't ordinarily dredged. Dredging a private bottom' is permitted on a maintenance basis. But as far as Town Trustee bottom it hasn't been dredged. MR. FITZGERA¥~: So it is unlikely that you would look favora~t~ upon? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It is unlikely. Then you would run into a whole other range of u~el~ adjacent areas, you run into whole range of siltation creating~ets of decorater. The destruction of habitat in that area.. It is a Pretty complicated issue. I th~nkwe are Going to have to table this anyway in order to look through the code ~nd see ex~tlywhat is or isn't all.owe~. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: If the DEC isn't Going to Grant the permit without dredging' it, which is obviously what you are getting at., yo~ shoul~ be submitted, a applicatin~ tb~t inc/lldes, th~ dredging. Doesn.'t that. seem logical? MR. FITZGERAT~: At thf~ point we don't P~ if we need dredging. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Not that I am in favor of that. Its seems, if you get our permit than you go to the DEC and sa~ well we don't hau~ quite four feet of water here but they gave us a permit. Can't we have a permit? Maybe~ you come back to us, ~ybe you don't. MR. FITZGERALD: There is an alternative in that it might be appropriate to say that you would be willing to allow it if the DEC permit can he obtained. TRUSTEE ~q~g'CZEL: No. I wouldn't say that. TRUSTEE KR~PSKI.: No. That is Town bottom, that is not State bottom. We would be more protective there than the State would be. As apposed to being State bottom. In that case we would defe~ to the State. When it is Town bottem they genera]}y defer to us. MR. FITZgERALd: What I am specifically talking ~bout is Chuck's 4', the DEC ~uidelines:. TRUSTF~WENCZEL: ~aybe ~,~ ought to get the DEC. first. See what the~ request andthenwe~cande it as. a. packa~e'.~ ~XR. FITZ~EPJ~LD: It p~tsusin a positic~of ~thr~lgh~which is Going to be more cc~g~lex. TRUS~KRUPSKI: Mayb~n~t.. We are g~inG to h~e~ ts g~ t~rcs/gh ~ code and make sur~ we: are doing t~e right-thing:. TRUSTRR~~,: Tq~S is t~ first n~w mar~n~ t~t ha.~. cc~ up i~I a long time. One of the things t~at always struck me is that thi~ is our land. Ever~~ in Southold owns that. I d~n'tknowwhetb~r.-we should just Give it away for somebod~ e]~e to make monay from. That is a big philomnphical.~q~estio~ that t tP~nk b~%s to be discusse~ to a greater e~test:. TRUSTEE KRUPSKt: That is what. I was~ talking abo~t. Board of Trustees. 7 May 28, 1997 MR. FITZGERALD: It may come up again? TRUSTE. R HOLZAPFEL: That is nights. I am just saying that I want to through that o~t as a questior~ that needs to he talke~ ~bout. I don't think we have talked about that previously. TRUS~EEKRUPSKI: That is not an issue~ as sJJaple as sayin~ that Mat-A-Mar wants another extension or something like that. It is a larger issue. MR. FITZGERALD: I understand. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Specially as an independent piece of property. MR. FITZGERALD: Just let me add to the record, if I may'. A year or so ago our Supervisor wan very high on exp~-nding tourist attmactions in Southold Town, which specially included add%tional~ma~in~ space.. I.f it turns out that after you have discussed this among yourselves that it is going to be a continuing prable~with the use o~ Town bottom for profit making operations, then it wout~ good that you discuss this with Ms. Cochran. TRUS~E GARRELL: I think pla%nly, we have tc discuss this because it isn't a single iss~,~ here. I.t looks, like there are really 2 or 3 issues. The one marina issue, the other the Town bottom issue, and the tb4rd the dredging issue. All of these thin~s we have to d~Eer to other people, including the Town Atto~ney and the statutes haveto be looked at as well. It think we need to t~ble this tool. TRUSTEE HOLZA~FRT;: It think it was ~-=cessa~thek we have a pubtic meeting so that we saw that other people have some~ concerns. That is why we wanted to hear the thing tonight anyway. I thi~k ev~r~dyon the board had the ~ee]~ng that we weren't going to vote on this tonight. MR. FITZGERALD: I got that feelin~ too. TRUSTEE WENCXRI.:I would suggest that you start the rest of the process, i~ you are really serious about this. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: And do a whole process analysis, not piece meal. Dreclging is part of the component that you nee~ to get all the approvals. MR. FITZGERALD: Another possibility is limiting the use of the new area to say half. or boats without motors or boats with motors less than 4 horse. TRUSTEE KING: How would that be enforced. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Enforcement is a major problem. It also comes down to whether we would approve ar~/ dock. that is goiag to sit in the mud also. If it is our opinion that the structure is going to sit in the mud at low water, we are not going to approve it here or any where else anyway. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: That wasn't Ji~y~'s findir~gs. TR~STEEKING.: Those orang~ pol~s you put in, is that tha outsids of. the ~l.oat or the in-ida? MR. FITZGER~Ln: Those ar~ the two ends of the ou.tsid~ of ths float and in the middle. (ev~one _.t~lkiag at once.). TRUSTEE NING: There will be a lit~le~ ins3~d~_ oE the. float, b~t not muck. MR.. FITZGERAI/]: I think there are ma~' floats in Southold T~n that at extmemety iow tide sit at the bott~n. TRUSTEE WENCZEL:. Definitely. You. hav~ to. talk ~bout normal lo~ tide. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Any other c~m~ent from the public? FRRn RANGANESK~: I am the Pres~de~.t o~ the B~owers Wood.~. Assoc4~-tion.. I am listen%ng to the. comments here. It would appear that. we are talking like today. Mr. Meginty has spoken and ~t is shoaling in. What you are discussing i~ a permit for floats to be ~loatgng in a Board of Trustees 8 May 28, 1997 foot of water today. At th~ rate that it is shoaling in I would say in five yea~s it would be Sitting on the bottom. I know the property that I have is shoaling in at a pretty good. rate. When I first moved here ten years ago I had nQ problem bringing a boat in. Right now I can't bring it in at low tid~. Just to think about it. TRUSTEE KRU~:SKI: Thank you, _M~.. MEGINTY: I bough~ my hquse in 1975 that was~ residential at the tl_m~e., I put.my dock. ~u, S.~rtly after I bought the house my neighborn~ and I ~osltmo~ed the Coun~ito dred~ge and they agreed, believe it or not. Then political things happened and it. was tabled and. when we called up to see what happened~to the dred~in~ they' said that seize to existing along F~ .... so that was the end of the that. The filling in of that creek has been a long history. Thank you. Also it might seem odd that I am the only one that is complaining. There is a very good reason for that. I am one of the few on the north sid~ of the creek. The good part of it is owned by the fellow that owns Mat-A-Mar Marina. TRUSTEE KRLq~S~: Thank you. AnyoD~ else, Do I have a motion to tahte. TRUSTEE ~OLZAi~FEL: So moved. TRUSTEE GAR~RT~.: Second. ALL AYES. 7. Proper-T Permit Services on behalf, of JOHN F. O'GRADY requests Wetland Permit to construct a ~ixed open walkway 4' X 85', hinged ramp 4' X 16', and floating dock 6' X 20', install two spites and one 2-pile dolphin to secure floating dock. Construct walk 4' X 19' at grade behind bulkhead as per plans dated May 8, 1997. Located 830 West Cove Road, Cutchcgue. ECTM %111-2-11~ TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there a yone here would like to speak in favor of the application? MR. FITZGERALD: Yes. Jim Fitzgerald for Dr. O'Grady. I have nothing to add to the material that is in the application. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Any other ~omm~nt? Board? TRUSTEE WENCZEL: That was y~urs. TRUSTEE KRUPSKt: Alright. I took a look. at it. I questioned. ~he size of the dock at the time. It is the sam~ size as wP~t. the neighbor has. After tb~nking abc~t t.~is aufllook~ng at the plan~ again, The picture shows the d~ck to t~e north. Is there ever a boat tide up there? MR. FITZGERALD: I don't knoW. TRUSTEE KRU~SKI: Where Moelllers have it, it is really protected.~ Dr. O'Grady is out in the o~e~. I would imagine any kind o~ boat you put there is going to he hammered. I don't th~nk b~ is going ko keep a boat there or a float thereI in one piece, in. a no£mai summe~, remember"the dock to the n~th an~ have ne~r· seen a boat there. That is Why. I don't think a boa% could stay the~e in a normal summer.:. TRUS~EEHOLZA~FEIi: Doest he owner kn~wthat situation? It might be something that you can make him aware of. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: After a summer-o~ everyth~ ng fallin~ apart~ you, are just going to have the dock there vacant for ever. I think his answer might be a sho~t dock and a mooring. He can pull the ding~ up on davits or just a shorter do~k with just big davits that he ca/~ the boa~ up. I don't want .~. permit something' that doesn't responsible for us to permit something that is just not practical. MR. FITZGERALd: I can assur~ you that your words will be past along to Dr. O'Grady. It would be nice to have a permit that we could, amend if he chooses to. Board of Trustees 9 May 28, 1997 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: There is no way that you would be hapl~t~ for us to table this so you can speak to him? It is not so much that aeces~ can be provided for a boat in a better way then this. I just dontt th~nk this is going to work. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Another point to bring up is-wherethe dock is going to be the=e is a l~nd4ng an~ that appea~s to be cut into the hill a little, bit. That is another problem that has to be answere~ too. In the sense that part of the hill has to be cut away and it will be vertical to get that ptatfo~m in, I think. MR. FITZGERALd: No. Immediately behin~ the. bulkhead, the 9La~e is relatively flat and there will have to be very little if an~ sand/d~rt will be TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: I didn't see it. I talke~tc somebodyon the CAC and that was one o~ there concerns. TRUSTRR KRUPSKI: CAC recommends a=~provat with the condition that there willbe a non-tu~f ~a~erand applicant construct a small retaining wall landward cf the wooden walk to prevent undue erosion. I don't know if you can make th~m put that on. It is a pretty well vegetated bluff right now. It is pretty stable. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: O.K. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: There is no problem there. MR. FITZGERALd: Why don't you table it and. I will talk to him.. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Like I said even if he wanted to put the walkway with davits. The ramp and float I don't will work or a short dock with a dingy and a mooring. I will make a motion to table, TRUSTEE GARRELL: Second. ALL A~ES. 8. Costello Ma~ine Contrau.ting on b eh ali of PRESTON M. HA~RINGTO~ III requests a Wetla~ Permit to reconstruct 50' jetty on a 90 degree angle as per plans dated April 29, 1997. Located 1030 West Lake Road~. C~ Beach. SCTM %90,-2-3. TRUSTEE KR~SKI: Is thezeanycne here: who would liketo speak in favor of the appticati.o~? GEORGE COSTEYJ%O: Here~ is the a~f4davit of posting that you guys. require. He b~ a 50' existJ~g ~etty. 10' of which is in disrepa%=. He has lost quite a bit of beach in front of' his bulkhead. That. is how tall it was whe~ you did your inspections. That is the reason ~or applicatiom. And to stmaighte~ it. It is on anangle now. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We took a look at it. Would this be a low profile? M~. COSTRI.I~: Yes~ DEC is going to require that. TRUSTEE KRU~.SK~: O.K. Also I. don't, think we had. a big p~obLa~with. straightening it, but we. would rather see-it 40'. It wOuld match up with all the n~g~bOrs that are~ ~11 40'. MR. COS~ELLO: I w~n unaware of all the neighbo~. I think~ir. Mcy the one to west. Are the peopts to the east the same way? TRUSTEE KRU~SF~.: Yes. It is pretty consistent. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: And the last 10' isn't functional. MR. COSTELLO: It hasn't for a while. Have you guys given any thought to pre-~illing the jetty~s. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: It is a great idea. We are not against, it at alt~ MR. COSTELLO: I didn't put it on the application, but would you approve that. TRUS~_2E~ KRiM~SKI: Can ~u amen~ it right now'?. Give us an amendment o~ how much. If you can change that to 40' and pre-fill it with so many yards. Thanks.. Is there any othe~cum~ent? Do I P~e a motion to close the hearing? Board of Trustees 10 May 28, 1997 TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: So moved. TRUSTEE GA._r~kF_~: Second. ALL AYES. A motion was made byTRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL an~ seconded by TRUSTEE WENCZEL to approve the application for a 40' low profile jetty on 90 degree angle and pre-fill with approx. 100 e.¥. ALL AYES. 9. Proper-T Permit Services on behalf of ~OLESLA~S KUTZ requests a Wetland Permit to cons~'~twithi~ 18" of exi~ting~u~ctionat bulkhead 90 1.f. of bulkhead a~d place a~p~x. 50 c.y. of clean fill as per plans dated~larch 14, 1997. Located. 6950 Peconic Bay Blvd,, Laurel. SCT~9126-11-5. TRUSTEE KRU~SKI: Is there an~o~e here who would like to speak in favor' of or against th~ application? MR. FITZGERALD: Jim Fitz~ald for tP~ Dr'. TRUSTE~KING: I have a couple o~ questions. The neighbor to tbs- east has got a butkhead~that is fairly new looking. This proposed one is quite a bit further. The~e was an old bulkhead that starte~here it must of been really pushed out and. it comes along like this. This bulkhead is abc~t 7' out from where that one was. They had to go out that far evidentl~ to. go across where this one was bowed out so bed~ My concern is if we keep going o~t. How many times are we going tg keep going out. I g~ess it is about 10' o~t from the neighbor to the east. It is really getting beat up in a southeaster. You can see it. MR. FITZGERALd: Excuse me, 10' out from whe~e? TRUSTEE KING: From the neighbors bulkhead. TRUSTE~KI~UPS~T: The surve~ sho~s someth~rc~di~ere~t~ MR. FITZGERA¥~: This is lowe~ then this, TRUSTEE KIRG: The nextdoor n~ighbor~ bulkhead is abo~t in line with the old existing, what was th.erG ~riginall~'. Then they came out 7'. From here to here is 7'. That was m~ only questions, is how many times are we going to go out. It is really out from the people to tb~ west, TRUSTEE KR~PSKI: That appears to be inac~ate-. If you look at the picture here it should., show it at an. angl~. MR. FITZGErALd: It does, bc~t this is higher tham that. Thg~. hulkhea~d is indeed there. TRUSTEE KING: Yes. ~R. FITZ~R~I~: But it is lower and you can't see it in the picture. TRUSTEE K~SKt: The problem is that this bulkhe.~ is sticking out and it is goimg to start acting' like: a gr~in, That is why we. like to keep them in line. TRUSTEE GAR~RLL: Is there any way to join this with tkis? TRUSTEE F~RU~SKI: Just go straight across. Start from this corner again and just go back to this one. They shoul~he in a straight line. TRUSTEE KING: Could the bulkh~where the old bulkhead, is an~ =ip the stuff out from behind. MR. FITZGERALD: That would be fun. TRUSTEE KING: I know it would be a job. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: They would loose all the dead men from the front~ We have an expert here. GEORGE COSTELLO: That would be quite a bit of excavating.. You t~ke all that stuff...if you think shout it at high tide it is all going to wash away~ That is one of the reason why we try to go out 18". TRUSTEE HOLZAPF~L: If you where going tchuild 3 or 4' behind, that would you hav~-toremoyu that. TRUSTF. R KRU~SKI: Actually you are talking aJ0out 7' behind it. Board of Trustees 11 May 28, 1997 GEORGE COSTET.T.O: Yes. We would do the same amount of excavating for the bulkhead wall to give us some room to work. And then fill the whole thing in or tear the old, stuff out. Are yolttr~ing to back the line up? TRUSTER. KRUPSKI: Yes, beconase_ it is~al~eacly sticking o~t 7' If you started from this. GEORGE COSTELLO: And match that corner-. I have done it b~fo~e, When there is a lat of wate~ out fro~L and I am fac~ east ancl I th~nk am going to ha~ebad weather, I will tb~w a bucket behin~an~old. bulkhead and rip that one out when mine is done. It is just a lot more money being spent, TRUSTEE KRU~SKI: Sure. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Do you have to rip the old one out. GEORGE COSTE~O: It is going to deteriorate and proba~yDE,C is going... TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Sure. I would be intereste~ in what DEC has to say about this. This is going out to State water. MR. FITZGERALD: The reason that it is written the way it is. I have had the impression these yea~s that this. l~' thing is the. standa~ way of gettin~ anew ~lkheaclan~ without concern with what is behind and how they got to be the way the~' are. I am sure if you a~e concerned about this junction, that it can be arrangedin such away that it doesn't act as ~n 18' groin, if that is important. TRUSTEE KING: I was more concern~ with the eastenn, MR. FITZGER~r~: But that side has been there for awhile. I will be happ~ to sh~w you close up. pictures~ of it, which t didn't include, because I didn't think it was going to be an issue. From which you can clearly see that that wood has. been there a lon~ tim~. There is no significa/lt accumulation, of sand in. that a~ea, as apposed to what is over here. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: To be honest with you I would like to deEer to the State, but I guess the State ca~makethereo~a~d~cision~ If the State decid~ to make youput it belLtnd it and rip ~dt the think we wo~ld be happy' to amend our p. ez~it~ Any other comment? A motio~to close the hearing?. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: So meved. TRUSTEE GARRELL: Second., ALL AYES. A motion~ was made b~ TRUSTEE HOLZA~FEL and secondad b~ TRUSTEE KRUPSKI to approv~ to const~ect 90' within 18" and approx. 50 c.y. of fill. AYES: ~OLZA~FEL, KRUPSKi, WENCZF_~_. ABSTAIN: KING, GARRR~;L.. 10. Suffolk Environmental, Cons~ltin~ on behalf: of CHARLES GRO~PE' requests a Wetland Permit to c,on~t/~/ct a single family dwelling, driveway, and septic syste~, Proposed. COllStlr%tct~n~ will be on piles and will be approx. 47' awa~ from wetlands.. There is a non-disturbance buffer as p~r plan. dated February 4, 1997. Locat~ Bay Shore Road~ G~cc~lport. SCT~ 953-3-12. TRUSTEE KRUPSK~:. I make_ a motion, to table,, this application Ec~ further inspection. TRUSTEE. HOLZA~EEL~ Second.. ALL AYES. 11. En-Cons.ult~nts on behal~ of MURIRV. A,. SCHWARTZ requests, a Wetland Permit to construct 1.00 1.f. of timber retaininq wall. Construct two (2) 8' returns. Back~il~Lwith 60 c.y. of clean sand to be tr~cked in from an upland source. Existing: s. ta/~s and fixed_ dock Board of Trustees 12 May 28, 1997 will be removed to allow installation of bulkhead the~ rep]ace~ as per plans dated April 15, 1997. Located 2425 Mill Creek Prive, West, Southold. SCT~ ~51-6-40, TRUSTR~R~KR~qPSKti: Is there anyone k~re. who would like to speakin favor of apulication? DIANE LEVERRIER: Diane LeVerr'ier from Em-Consultants on behalf' of M~riel Schwartz. I have myaffidavits. I spok~ with Jill on this... I met with A1 Schwartz. that day after you spoke to him. He mention you weren't in favor of this. I spoke with. Jill about you~~ recommendation.. I got in touch with Brian Zimme~men over at Natu~] Resources. We went down and. took a look at the site. Re gave us various oppositions, Some of which I didn't really'try' yet-. One of which we are tak~g into consideration. One of these things with. bio-mats. I want to take time to discuss it further with M~. & Mrs. Schwartz. He just faxed the stuff over to me today. We have discuss the cost. and. that sort of thing. These bio-logs and bio-mats are being used at a campus up. Island,. but the situation was, simila~. They are made of coconut fiber and they place it at the toe of bank.. They' plant it with gra~ses. It stabilizes the area and tk~n/ it deteriorates. It is not an entirely ha~d st~uctnr~ like rocks.. At. the same time he will be able to re-establish some of the landthat has lost. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Are concerned there is that is we start putting in retaining walls, we would go right alon~ the whole thing. I think he does have some erosion p~oble~. We never hear~ of the coconut log theo~yhefore, but it sounds like it would work. DIANE LEVER~tER: We want to look into and we want... TRUS~EEKRU~SK]i: It sounds, tike. yo~ ca, piles in, DIANE. LEUER~T~: They stake it downwiththese 4' stakes ~ that will hold. TRUSTEE KRzr~SKI_: And if he did a little regrading at the top by his. house. Because it is sloped, down an~ he is getting~ some cutting into the ba~J~ a little bit. He doesn't have a severe, p~obl~a. DIANE LRYERR/R~: He has lost some lancl. TRUSTEE Y~II~,SKI: From the bottom he has lost, not from the top. If he went with something like that, I think we wo~ld allow him to put the dirt over the side also to bring the slope back as much has he could and then he can replant the slope. DIANE LEVERRIER: For his situation after discussing it with Brian, it sounds good.. Like I said it i.s not necessarily theoretical because it has been tried in other places, but this sttt~f beC to be skL~ppe~ in from Pennsylvania, I don't-know the cost. ~e said it is goimg to be cheaper then the rock, whioh is the other alternative. TRUSTEE KRI~SKI.: This seemsbette~' then the rock in. this case. DIANE LEVER~IEtt: To me it sounds better also. I just wan~ to diSCuss it with them, So if we can just taste this. TRUSTEE' ~OLZA~FEL:. If you can send us any of the information that you. get on it before next meeting. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I make a motion to table. TRUSTEE ~OLZAP~EL: Second.. ALL AYES. 12. En-Congultants on behalf o~ PgC~IARDCARTWRIGRTrequests a Wetland Permit to replace 48' of bulkhead within lB" of existing. bulkhead and place 25 c.y. of clma~ fill as shown on ~hm plans dated April 24, 1997. Located 22 Second Street, New Suffolk. SCUM ~117-10-20.9. Board of Trustees 13 May 28, 1997 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak in favor of the application? DIANE LEVERRIER.: Diane LeVerrier' on behalf of tlicha~d Cartwri~kt. He is tke adjacent owner to Newt Robins, who got the permit to replace within 18". He has the remaining port%~n on his property ~nd~ would just like to replace it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Can the return be within 18" because it is right next to his house. TRUSTEE HOLZ~FEL: It is just a question. We don't have a problem with that at all. TRUSTEE F~t~SKI: It would be bard to actually physically work in that space. DIANE LEVERRIER: I don't know. When the bontractors are on site~ we will see what we can do.. TRUSTEE HOLZAR~: If you do chan~e it, just let us know. TRUSTEE KRIIPSKI: Do I have a motio~ to close th~ hearing. TRUSTEEHOLZA~FRL: So moved. TRUSTEE~WEltcRRT.: S~cond~ ALL AY~,M. A motion was made by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL s~pd seconde~by TRUSTRM KII~G to approve applic~tio~witk a lO' non-tunf buffer. ALL AYES.~ 13. En-Consult~nt~on behalf of KEVIN C3~NDE rec~sts a Wetland Permit to construct a timber dock consistin~of 4' X 130' fixed walk, elevated m~n~. 4' above grade, 4' X 12' ramp, and a 6' X 20' float secured by (2) 8" diameter pilings and with (2) moorin~ pilings 12' Off owners float as per~ plans d~ted. April 1,9, 1997. Located 675 Halls Creek Roa~, Matti~tutck. SCT~ $11~-7-5. TRUSTEE KRII~SKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak on behalf of t~ application? DIANE LEVE~RIER: Diane LeVerrier from Eh-Consultants On behat~ of Kevi~ Cande~ Jill called and said the Board had a probl~mwith depth of the creek and you wanted some soundings in the area of the dock. I called Kevin Cande and. he said it is not necessar~ He just wants the catwalk so that he can walk over the propert~ and access the creek. He has ~ot a kayak and a canoe. That is what he wants there. TRUSTEE KRUPS~: Is he going to build a house there? DIANE LEVERRIER: I don't know. He hasn't co~e to us to build a house. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Just because we notice quite a bit of clearing on his property. It seems ]~ke it is the neighbor that has done the clearing for a view. DIANE LEVEttRIER: That is his house. He owns both lots. TRUSTEE KRLV~SKI: O.,K. We thought it was a di~ierent neighbor clea~in~~ his lot. DIANE LEVER~IER: Jill mentioned that you want the catwalk to the: edge of the grass, tha~the ramp and float. TR~STRR HOLZA_PFEL: I th~u~kt you were just goi~ to put the catwalk out? DIANE IJK'FERRtER: He wants to access the creek so he is just goin~ to put the ramp out and then the float parallel to the grassy. TRUSTEE GARRELL: I will move to table. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Second. ALL AYES. 14. Eh-Consultants on behalf of CHRI,STOPHER~ req~s~s a Wet]_~n8 Permit and Coastal Erosion Permit to. constr~ta 70+/- 1.f. of retaining wall approx. 10~ from ret~nin~ wa]l to the east. Construct a 20' angled westerly return andarmor return with 300 1.f. stone Board of Trustees 14 May 28, 1997 armor on filter cloth. Construct a 4' X 85' stairway with ptatform~, 4' X '4' platfo~ and a 4' X 10' steps for beach access. Backfill with 200 c.y.c of clean sand to be trucked in from upland source as per pla~s dated~rch 8, 1997. Access via Baile~~ Beach Road~ Located 2735 Soundview Ave., ~attituck. SCT~ #94-1-13. TRUSTEE KRLrPSKI: I think it is pretty straight forward. Do you have any commest? DIANE LEVERRIE~: No. The only comment I would make is tl%at we are working on the prouerty, it is a mess. C~ris Emery ment±on~d that we should plant (the bluff) in the fall. TRUS~EEKRUPSKI: When there is adequate moisture. I think it is a little late to start'planting now. DIANE LEVEt~RIER: Natural Resources recommendation~ was that tb~y really couldn't dn anything until spring. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: O.K. Any other comment. Do I ha~e a metion to clese the hearing? TRUSTEE~OLZAPFEL: So moved TRUSTEE KING: Second. ALL AYES. A motion was made by TRUSTEE~OLZA~FEL an~tsecondedby TRUS~EKI~G to approve the application and revegetat~ the cli~. ALL AYES. 15. ROGER SIEJKArequests a Wetland ~erm3_t to ce~truct a single family dwelling, deck garage, septic s~stem as per plans dated April 2, 1997. Located Willis Creek Drive, (Harbor Farms), Mattituck. SCTM ~115-17-17.8. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyene here who would like to c~mment on the application? ~ has a significant non-disturbance bu~e~. The non-disturbance buffer is alx~ut 35'. T~is is what he is proposing. It is like 85' from the wetlands. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: This shews a 10' buffer and he says he is not going to disturb within 25' of that. Why don't we make it 60' TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: What de we have on those other houses? CLERK: I think 50' TRUSTEE ~L: Make it 50' TRUSTEE KRUPSF~T: Any other coam~ent? De I have a motion to clese the hea~ing? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: So moved. TRUSTEE GAPd~R~: Second. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The CkC says they reconm~end a 75' buffer. I thin~ a 50' buffer is fine. I make a motion that we approve with a 50' buffer. TRUSTEE ~OLZA~FEL: Second. ALL AYES. 16. LEO OLSENrequests a Wetland Permit te remo~ locust trees, replace with other, repair catwalk, (level lank'replace some) r~pair retaining wall along ~ock., hand rail. along dock 20' nen-tur~ amea along bulkhead, remove topsoil to sand fill with recycle~ concrete top with stone and or wooden walkway. Distribute top sell wher'e needed. Grade land, instal] cevered driveway, install. 6' high fence along rear property lins, plant grass and plants, landscaping. Located 3590 Main Road, ~reenport. SCTM ~35-4-28.12. TRUSTEE K~PSKI: Do I have a motion to table this for an update~ survey? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: So moved. TRUSTEE WENCZ~T.: Second. ALL AYES. Board of Trustees ~ 15 ~ May 28, 1997 17. Dean Hough on behalf of JOSEP~ PITJ.US requests a Wetland~ Penmit to construct a 3' X 3' platform off bulkhead with a 3' X 8' ramp' and two 6' X 20' floats starting 15' from so~thern property line along bulkhead as per new drawing dated as received May 20, i997. Also to place a chain link fence a~o~nd property. Located 228Q Ole Juta Lane, Mattit~ck. SCTM 9122-4-t0. TRUSTEE KING: I went there yesterday and he had his big boat o~ the floats (took pictures). The neigh~r to th~ north has got a sma]] boat, about a 21', he has it tide next to the bulkhead. This guy to be out here someplace. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Why. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: That is wher~ he wants it. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: We will just say' he ~s blocking the channel so he can't have the floats. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Maybe we should get depths. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFRT.: I will make a motion to table the hearin~ based on receiving more information on soundings across the front of property. TRUSTEE, GARREAL: Second. TRUSTEE KRtIPSF~: How often? TRUSTEE HOLZAFFRL: I was thinking of two transepts. One every 5' - 25' in from each property line. The pr~ is 75' ALL AYES. 18. Docko, Inc. on behalf of PIRATES COVE MAR/NA requests a Wetland Permit for existing marina as follows: ~dlkheading consistinq of approx. 310' of stone and. steel; approx. 20' ramp consisting of concrete, gra~et and crushed stone~ approx. 240' of floating docks 6' wide for walking, 2 6' X 32' floats and 1 6' X 30' float, 6 piles, a 6' X 8' landing platform lesd~ng to a 3' X 40' ramp and a second 3' X 40' ramp at the westerly end, a 4' X 32' staging dock attached to a 6' X 30' floating dock with a 3' r~mp, a 24' X 48' fixed dock, ramp and a al6' X 16' float, also to add a 10' X 16' extension to float. See file for a more detailed description. All in accordance with plans dated February 2, 1997. Located Pennisula Road,. Fishers Island. SCTM ~10-3-22. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Docko, they are asking for everlrthing. I won't read it. I will just ask Jim to verify it all. TRUSTEE KING: I walked around the whole place. The little map they got is extr~ly accurate. They got everything on it. I couldn't find anything out of place. TRUS,TF.R KRUPSKI: Great. TRUSTEE GARRELL: I move to close the hearing. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Second. ALL AYES. A motion was made b~TRUSTEEKING and seconded by'TRUSTR~ HOLZ~ to approve the application.. ALL AYES. V. RESOLUTIONS: 1. FRANCIS DOTEN~ request a Grandfather Permit for approx. 40' X 38' fixed dock with a approx. 64' floating section on South side. Also to amend, permit to move 64' floating section to north side of fixed dock as per drawing. Located P i edge Street, Fishers Island. SCTM~ 910-7-26.1 A motion was made by TRUSTEE F~NG and secon-ded by TRUSTEE~ to Grandfather for the above. ALL AYES. Board of Trustees ' ' 16 ~-~ May 28, 1997 A motion was made by TRUSTEE KING and seconded by TRUSTEE ~OLZAPFEL to approve the amendment. ALL AYES. 2. Board to set a poli~y on the time frame an applicant can table_ it's application before having to reapply. A motion was made by TRUSTER KRLr~SKI an~ seconded by TRUSTRR. HOLZAPFEL to put a time limit of four months on which a~ applicant can table their application. ALL AYES.. VI. MOORINGS: t. GEORGE A. COADY requests a mooring and an onshore/offshore stake in front of his property at Oak Drive, Go~se Bay Estates for a 19' sunbird I/O and a 16' MFG. A motion was made by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL and seconded by TRUSTEE GARRELL to approve mooring and onshore/offShore stake. ALL AYES. 2. VICTOR L'EPLATTENTRR requests a mooring in James Creek for a 14' Sail boat. Access: Public. A motion was made by TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL an~ seconded b~TRUSTEE KING to approve a moor%ng in James Creek in the area where several have been cancelled withthe Bay Constable inspecti/ig. ALL AYRS. MEETING WAS ADJOUP~qE~ AT 9:15. (Went back to worksession) R$SPECT~ULLY SUBMITTED BYe: O~I) OF TRLPSTEF_~q RECEIVED AND FILED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOV~ CLERK Towm Clerk, To_~n' of So_uthold