HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-09/24/1997Albert J. Kmpski, President John Holzapfel, Vice President Jim King, L Martin H. Gan'ell Peter Wenczel BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Telephone (516) 765 - 1892 Fax (516) 765-1823 ~XNI~P~ES SEPTEMBER 24~ 1997 PRESENT WERE: Albert J. Krupski, Jr., President John Holzapfel, Vice President Peter Wenczel, Trustee James King, Trustee Martin Garretl, Trustee Diane Herbert, Clerk CALL MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NEXT FIELD INSPECTION: WEDNESDAY OCTOBER-22, 1997 at 12 NOON TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL moved to approve, TRUSTEE KING seconded. ALL AYES NEXT TRUSTEE MEETING: WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 29, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. -~RUSTEE WENCZEL: moved to approve,. TRUSTEE ~OLZAPFEL seconded ALL AYES APPROVE MINUTES: Approve minutes of the July 30, 1997 and the August 27, 1997 Regular Meetings. TRUSTEE KING moved to approve TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL seconde~. ALL AYES ' I. MONTHLY REPORT: The Trustees monthly report for August 1997: A check for $3,240.80 was forwarded to the Supervisor's Office for the Gensral Fund. II. AMEND~IENTS/WAIVERS/C~A_~.c,w.S: 1. Costello Marine on behalf of DOROTHY THOET requests an Amendment to Grandfather Permit to reconstruct in same footprint an existing boathouse. Located: 380 Great Peconic Bay Blvd Laurel. SCTM ~145-2-3 '' TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to approve the Amendment, TRUSTEE KING seconded. ALL AYES 2. J.M.O. Consulting on behalf of GINO SCARTOZZI requests an Amendment to Permit %4778 for a 6' X 40' float instead of a 6' X 20'. Located: 1080 Deep Hole Drive, Mattituck. SCTM %115-12-15 ~ ~ 'Board of Trustees ~_~ 2 September 24~ 1997 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to deny the request for an Amendme~t, the Board feels a 20' float is adequate for that area, TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL seconded. ALL AYES 3. J.M.O. Consulting on behalf of ROYS~ON RIN~ requests a modification to Amendment of' PeYmit 93623 to construct a 4' X 16' extension onto the seward end of existing catwalk, constructed a min. of 4' above grad~ of marsh, relocate existing 4' X 16' ramp and 6' X 16' float and install an additional 6' X 16' float. Located: 1375 Meday Ave, Mattituck. SCTM 9113-9-4 TRUSTEE KR~SKI moved to approve the Amendment~ TRUSTE~ HOLZAPFEL seconded. ALL AYES 4. J.M.O. Consulting on behalf of DR. PETRILLI requests a second and last extension to Permit 94385 to constr~ct a single family dwelling. Located: East End Road, Fishers Island. SCTN ~4-5-18 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to grant a one year extension,TRUSTF~R HOLZAPFEL seconded. ALL AYES 5. NANCY KARDWELL requests a Waiver to construct a 250' X 10' walkway with 10 natural steps made out of landscape timbers. Located: 1100 Back Lane & Munn Lane, Orient. SCT~ ~17-2-15.4 TRUSTR~ KRUPSKI moved to deny the waiver and requested a full application, TRUSTEE WENCZEL seconded. ALL AYES 6. ROBERT ALC~S requests a Wai~er to construct a 60' X 120' tennis court. Located: 1457 E. Cedar Beach ~rive. Southold. SCTM~ 92-1-2.1 TRUSTEE WENCZEL moved to den~ the request f~or a waiver, TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL seconded. ALL AYES 10. En-Consulta/%ts Inc.., on behalf o~ THOMAS ~NS requests a Transfer o~ Permit ~128-2-12 from R~sell Ireland to Thomas Hudgins to remove and replace, inkind/inplace an existin~ 30' timber groin. Located: 5400 Peconic Bay Blvdl, Laurel, SCT~ ~12~-2-12 TRUSTEE KING moved to to approve the transfer, TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL seconded. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KR~PSKI: Do I haue a motion go off the regular a~enda? TRUSTEE WENCZELmoved to go off the regular meeting, TRUSTEE ~OLZAPFELsecondad.. ALL AYES tli. PUBLIC NOTICES: Public Notices are posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board for for review. IV. HEARINGS: THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE FOLLOW!N~ APPLICATIONS FOR PERi, ITS UNDER THE WETILANDS OR~I~ANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOL~. I HAVE AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FRKE~T~E SUFFOLK TI~ES. PERTINENT CORREBRON~ENCEMAYBE~READPRiOR~T~ ASKING FOR COMMENTS F~ONTHE PUBLIC. ~ ' 'Board of Trustees _J 3 Se.o~mber 24, 1997 PLEASE KEEP YOUR C/)MMENTS ORGANIZRD AND BRIRW FIVE (5) MINUTES OR LESSt IF POSSIBLE t. En-Consu!tants Inc., on behalf of ROBERT' PROFETA requests a Wetland Permit to replac~e within 18" approx. 90' of existing bulkhead, remove and replace inkind/inplaca 2- 15' returns on either end, remove and replace inkind/inplace an existing 7' wide timber walk adjacent to bulkhead and 50 c.y. of clean fill trucked in from upland source. Located: 1060 Little Peconic Bay Road, Cut ~.~ ogue. SCT~ ~11-14-16 TRUSTEE K~UPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak in favor or against the application? ROB HERMAN,: Eh-Consultants on behal~ of ROBERT PROFETA. The application is just simply to what we just read. DIANE do I need to give you the affidavit from neighbors?CLERK DIA~NE: You can give it to me now. ROB ~: The bulkhead will be replaced within 18" and the returns will be removed to replaced inkin~/inplace and approximately 50 cubic yards of clean sand to be used as backfill and of course that 7' wide walk will need to be removed to replace an inkind/inplace. If the board has any other questions I will answer them. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I took a look at the site. This sticks out so far into thecreek I'm going to reco~mend, that it be replaced inkind/inp!ace because it is already out probably 10 or 12' past the ~eighbors. The neighbors, who are unhulkheaded and I would imagine it was originally your basic cut and. fill operation they built the structure a_nd then dredged in front of it and used the backfill spoil. So I would reco~xm~r~tthat you replace inkind/inplace it because you are starting to restrict it. Th.e creek is very narrow here and its all title marsh around it. ROB ~: That would be the only concern that I would have with that too. I will consider this and of course I would check with the DEC t~o because thez'e is 15' from the westemly return 5' to east. There may be concerns to remove and rep:lace if we loose the backfill into the creek if that ~~tely carries over and potentially buries part of that marsh on either side. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No it wouldn't bury it on either side because you're replacing those returns inkind/inplace on either side anyway. I mean you can see from the survey it's sticking out pretty dramatically. ROB HERMAN: I know what you're saying. Alright I don't have a problem with that. TRUSTEE HOLZA~FEL: What that also means is that you don't nc.cd a permit if you're going to replace inkind/inplace. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there any other com~ent? TRUSTEE'HOLZA~FEL: There is already a 7 or 8' wooden walkway. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I have a motion to closing the hearing? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: So moved. TRUSTEE ~'~CZEL: Second TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All. in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I'll make a motion to approv= the pezmit based on an inkind/inplaoe replacement. Board of Trustees ~.~ 4 SeP ~mber 24, 1997 TRUSTEE KING: Second TRUSTEE KRUPSKI°: All in favor. ALL AYES 2. En-Consultants Inc., on behalf of JOAN TECHET & DEBORAH~ PENNEY requests a Wetland Permit to remove and relocate 8+/- westward, of. exiting, fixed dock co~isting~ of a~ 8' X 5' X 5.5' platform a 2.5' X 12' aluminum ramp, a 5' X 22' float and 5- 8" pilings. Dock is being moved to 50% division line between subject properties as per stipulation of settlement ordered by the Supreme Court, index ~16775. Located: Sailors Needle Lane Salt Lake. Village, Mattituck. SCT~. $144-5-2~ & 144-5-11 TRUSTEE K~UPSKIi: Anyone here who would like to speak~ on behalf of the application? ROB HERNAN: En-Consulta~ts on behalf of JOAN TECHET & DEBiOR~t PENNEY. This the affida~it. I'll speak a little bit to you about the' applicatio~ as ~he beard probably recognizes it's not a ordinary type of application. First of all the project is located on a private boat landing off of James Creek inSalt Lake Village in Mattit~ck. As read, the application is basically to r~locate a small dock consisten~ made up as a 6 pile as a mooring pile. The pu~-~pose of the application is to satisfy sti~lation of settlement between JOAN TECPIET & DEBORAH PENNEY. Basically the situa~ion~ ia that the PENNE¥'S own the ~pland ~roperty with the waterfront and 50% of that waterfront is eeded as a right of way to JOAN TECHET and so there is a 50% division marker alon~ basically the waterfront of the PENNE~ property where thel docks are being moved to. Atty. Hubert is present for' Ms. TECB-ET. He is present to an.~wer an~.legal questions the or is likely to have. I'm here basically to answer any questions but I will stay now and mention a couple of things. There are basically none to address. The dock is cuzrenkly extended off the b~d by approximately 26' int° a 1~5' wide boat basin a~d is less than 25% of the waterways cu~rentty confuted. It does not block egress or basin.. Right n~ the corner of tl~e s closest to the the basin where there are other small beat slips are 93' away fru~ the end of that basin s~ the proposed slip approximately 85' away from the end of that basin. I that ther~ have been objections raised in %he past regarding the size of some of the b~ats that have b~en moored at the dock at it's present tocatio~Whichmay be a separate issue for the board to consider, but I restate that the proposed chan~ge in'the physical locatio~ of the doCk itself does not raise any new environmental o~ navigation issues. The fact. that I would add that the settlement stipulation.., and Diane had asked me to bring a copy of that and I have. It first suggests that the applicant should apply to the proper agencies including The Southold Board of Trustees to contribute the dock perpendicular to the bul_khe~d.. I had actua]ly talke~withbeth MS. TECHET & ~. PENNE~ and. Ms. Techet's atto&~ey Hubert Sullivan and actually talked them out of applyin~ first for disfiguration because b~edon a side insp~ctioa. I was a~raid that then the dock wouldpotentialty bec~e a navigational hazard if it was swung from the angle straight out across. So in 'Board of Trustees ~/ 5 Seu~Der 24, 1997 the interest of time and basic ally proper procedure I suggest that the dock be kept at it's current a~gte and just shifted over 8' so that it remains in it's current condition which is basically not being a navigational hazard. As a final note for the boards info~mation, the New York Deuartment of State of State Personal Resources Division has al~ead!z issued their approval to project which allows the Corps of Engineers to issue a letter of permission that was in response to the Corps. Public Notice for the letter of permission which is an authorization they took over leaders~ip for the work and nature. I have copies of letters from tha Depa~ba~ent of Stake and The Corps and another cop!~of the stipulation. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: One question. You mentione~ a dock facility some 88' off the community docks. ROB ~: The measurement that I referred to, if you take the corner you look. at the drawing based on the survey. The corner that is closest to the back of that basin is about 93' awa~ now. Now bhat does not include whatever the width of the boat that's moored on that side is. TRUSTEE ERUPSKI: Is there anyone else who would like to speak in favor of or against the. application? THOSIAS MC DERMOTT: ~ name is THOMAS MC DER~. I'm an Attorney at Law in Garden City. I represent MR. EDWARD BUCKLEY~no's here this eve~g along with his dau~hte~ SMRTLA who is a property owner, in addition to a few other property owners along DENNIS BUCKL~Y the sen of EDWAR~ BUCKLEY as well as RO~Y BUCKLE¥ MC DEPJ~OTT who are not in attendance but obviously have asked me to represent their interest. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Property Owners. THOMAS MC DERMOTT: They' are the adjacent owners to the PENNEY residence. First off with respect to the procee~in~ here I respectfully suggest to the member's of the Boar~ that the necessar~party that has been noticed properly in this matter and that is theSALT LAKE VILLAGE asso~iation~. If I may just give you a little bit of histor~with respect to .... although it may appear to be a very simple matter as using a flea,lng dock 8' westward rathe~ a torturous histor~ that has brought u~ here this evening.~very briefly.., back about ~ or lQ years ago there was an existing dock there that is not the one that is presently there.., and I believe the panel conducted, an on sight inspection ...... A dock that was a different location.then wher~ the o.ne that is presently on the pz~ses.. That dock was r~oved by the TECMRT~S father-in, law MR. RICBtAR~ back atx~t 10 years ago which~then resulted in MISS PEN~EY'S locating or erecting and creating the present dock and puttin~ that in the water. Apparently without the consent or without the knowledg~ or without the approval of MR. RICHARIN'S and his children who are the property owners there. That act by h~r including th~ present dock caused litigation to ensu~ which is presently pending a New York State Supreme Court. As I und~rsta~ it was a stipulation of settlement very, very to close what the present stipulation of settlement coD_tai~ls. A stipulation that was entered into in 1995. That resolution of the then pending litigation was brought before the members of the Salt Lake Village Propert~ Association 'Board of Trustees 6 Se~ ~amber 24, 1997 members at the yearly meeting in July of '96. Discussion was had~ I was present myself. I unfortunately don~t have the notes of the meeting. It was a discussion with respect to the re~oval of %he dock to where the permit or the request or the application is presently requested. There was a majority objection by the property owners raisedat that meetin~ which caused MR. TECHET and his wife JOAN. MR. TECHE~ by the way, was the then president of the association as he still presently is president of the association. That matter was never voted upon. There was much objection to this. One of the reasons was there is in fact five boat slips that run along~themain bulkhead. The bulkhead being owned by the association. Those boat slips are of course for convience and enjoyment of the property association and yet there are more a~plicants in a given year. They~ are allotted on a yearly basis. If the~e are more than five applicants then it's done by lottery. If there a~e less th~ five then of course anyone who makes an application can get one. The .fact that those slips are rented for $400.00 per year per slip which revenues benefit the association is the basis for, in m~ opinion at least, suggests to the board that the association should have been a notified partyin respect to this pen~ing application. It's our contention that if the dock were all~wed to be moved to the proposed lOCation which the PENNEY boat that is presently owned by the applicant is a 32 footer as I believe that would cut off and. cause the loss to the association of two slips permanently causing~ the loss of two slips and that certainly is a loss to a property interest and an economic interest. And needless to say they s'bx)uld be heard. Beyond that the owners of the 21 members association, they, in the past, ~d some of them in their own election or in their own ~udgement have rented their homes for a month or two or entire summer. They were one of the recipient~s of one cE those slips included in the. ability to have a boat in. there. So there is a subs.tantial economic interest for the owners of the property who may elect to rent their homes i~ the slips are cut down from 5 to 3 as a result of this simple move of 8' of a dock. We're talking about a substationalec~nomic interest here and I don't believe the~ we.re individually notice~. Now maybe there's no requirement with respect to these proc~eedi~gs. I bring that to the atte~tio~ of the bo~a~d. And th~n lastly, yesterday I vi.sited with the Gener~al Counsel from the Arm~Corps that certainly may be cor~t~uedas misleadin~ and I don't' mean to say or suggest it was done intentionally. There is retrench that the removal for the relocation of the dock in feet is persuasion whe~or8er of the New State Supreme Cour~t as if the act by this board by the New York State Authorities as well as the Army Corps of Enqineers is monasterial based upon an Order a direction from a New York State S~prem~ Cou~t and that simply is not the case at all if one gives a Eair reading to the stipulation of settlement. As a matter ~f fact a stipulation quite clearly spells out that if the movement of the dock of 8' Board of Trustees <~ 7 Sep~nber 24, 1997 is not approved by those agencies that have the jurisdiction and the authority to pass on, it then, the very highly contested litigation, goes. back before the same justice. And lastly, I think the c~%rmsn brought out, and I certainly didn't cause any survey to be made or any engineering diagrams to be~ completed, but I respectfully refer the board to section 3239 of the town code which cont~els the mooring and the anchoring of boats. And I ~believe it specifies clearly, that if the activit~ or a location of a mooring~points 50' within the location, cf another dOCk for a mooring facility, it woul~be a Violation of the very town code. I don't know if that P~sbeen amended~ or' not and I don't know whether I'm reading that properly or not. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: You're not. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: It only applies to boats moored~ not boats docked. TRUSTEE KRUPSF~: If that were the case the association wouldn't be able to moor their own boats within 50' of each TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: You couldn't put a boat right next to other. Because ithat would have to be 50' apart. What that refers to is ab oat moored in a creek. THOMAS MCDERFK]TT: So with respect to, I believe a lack of the n~Cessaryparties here, with the Salt Lake: Village Associat/mn, as well as I could. Certainly indicate to the boar~, that there were several members ef the Association as well as property owners learning of this application prOCess independently or pmivately, notified~R. BUCE/~EY of thei~ ob.jection but I don't want to get into. who said what, I'll just make representation that if the record were more fully developed I'm quite confident that a number iE not a majority of the homeowners within the S~lt Lake Village area, the majority would object to such a mov~ for those TRUSTEE KRUPSK!: Well just a brief answer as fa~ as the n°%ification. ~as. this published in the newspapers? CLERK DIANE: Yes. ~w~. PENNEY: i,ml Debra Pennay. I didn't hear the attorne~.~s name. The dock thak is presently therehasbe~n inplace there for over !0 years and I ha~e t~he original per.mits for' that dock which were filed by ~R. RICHARDS for both us. so not~Dlughas been chan.ged~ Within 1~ years and it was approved and I had no. prohle~ with that at that time. Also as to address the fact that two of these slips woul~beunavail~le witho~tmeb~vi~ a: map in front of me I'll-try to explain this. One of t~.ose slips is my own personal property so it does not exist for the Salt La_ke Village Association. It's the one that's in the first slip is my bulkhead on my end of this prope/fcy. And the's~con~ slip.., this whole summer M~. ROGEP=q who is one of the onl~-peoplethatuses the boat basin has his boat in the second slip this sua~er and has no problem. I've speken to ~R. ROGERS and he hasno negative feelings what we are doing at all. J~t as you knowther~e are three slips at the s~uth end of this basin that canno=.he,~s, ed at all because of Cedar Creek Beach that's built up there so that definitel~ is a problem that. we. a~e dea~ with at Salt Lake Village. But what we want t~ do with the dock has no way of interfering with the first slip because it's not theirs and Board of Trustees ~J 8 SeD._~mber 24, 1997 ~he seco~ has been used this su~e~ wax not a ~rohlem ~l±~e meetz~nd there were some meetings about this and at .ne zlrst meet~g everyone was in fa~o~ of this includin~MR. BUCKLE¥. meetin~his child~enbecame ver~ irate and involved, and wanted another meeting. So they re~ anotheK meeting and they were the only people that were agains% it at the time. I have spoken to all the neigP~ors no one has any objection to this. I've approached ever~bod~ ahead of so there wouldn't be a problem. B~t if MR. coming to him complaining I would like to who they are. TRUSTE~ KR~PSKI: Any other comment? NR. BUCKLEY: Gentlemen m~ name is MR. BUCEr~w~T. I'm a prcpert~ owner Salt Lake Village. This a~reeme~t between the TECHET'S and pENNEY.S ~has been g~ing back to probably 12 or 14 involving ~h~ p~ople in the Salt Lake Village. I'd like to comment o~ ~ remark o~ the previous I spoke with ED ROGER last night who was out for a days visit and asked him if he was coming to the meeting no, because he had a prior commitment. He said , on? I said there 2 a on the removal of weste=ly 8' which I eres with the boat basin. I thought was dead. We had a meeting 1996 in which 16 other home owners, MR. SALTZ~AN, M~S. HERN3kN, MESS ROSS... all'ob3ected to the boat being moved 8-1/2' JULY 4th 1996~ The of our' ~scciation who vol~nteered to iS STEVE TECHE~. When MR, TECHET saw that 6 move of the bo~the s~id,"well that will it". wouldn't proceed further becaus~the Board of Trustees. would never allow this to take pl~ce~ Nor interfering With out boat basin owned by the Village. I've give, the names to MISS PENNEY. She jus~ heard me call them out one. You men there have a le~t~~ from MR. STEVE O giving a background abo~tthe boat and the ' of that boat would present a safety hazard to our children, like my g~andChildren, his gzan~c2sildren, who would usetheboat.., and that big 34'~ boat being moved westerly is a marine safet~ ~hazard jeoPardizing perhaps a child or a colleqe stUdent if. ~e winds took that boat and drove it into the other boat, This clea~ly is an imposition put on the Salt Lake ¥illageASsoci_atio~. To Settle a feud, a familydisputethat's been~ goingon for 8 ~a~.~.. I~uld li~e to. correct a~thsr imp, ression when MR. Rg.~HA~RD~ ~ut that boat basin appzoximat~ly around. 1982 and I got a ±etter zromthe ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEER-S that they have no objection to a 19' boat being applied to that ~loatin~ dock. have no objection to. a 19' boat but when the went home they removed the ~toating dock and took it and put it in their garage. That following fall and winter MISS PE/~gEY and a f~iend of hers rebuilt the dock. I don't know if the pez~ission was granted ~nd floated baCk into the space wh~reMR. RIC~AR~Shad his dock. Now I don't know if a permit was necessary to reapply that boat which was the dock was hand built and put .it back in the water. The exact specimens or the measurements I don't think Board of Trustees ~ 9 Se~v4nber 24, 1997 theY're eXactlY the same as they were when MR. RICHARDS bad his dOCk. Gentlemen I plead with you to give serious attention of moging this d~ck westerly. It's a marine P~zard.. Potentially p.u.tti~ s0_m~¥- 'in very .serious accident position especially with the children. And chlldre~ run boats. High school boys and girls run the boats. Se I've given the names of the people who have knew about this. ~R. ROGERS ~ys to me last lght, this was a dead issue. Why are they I said,, "I have no idea eXce~b two people want to s~ at the expens~ of 16 oth~r a lovely co~,~nity there. ~ll of a sudden this feud the homeowners, are being~ req~aested to b~den 'tha~ to satisfy these two litigants at our expense. It': ~ir. It's not just. It's not safe for our children to boat a condition like that 34' boat being approX~tely. SG' away ...... 30' away from the boat slips. Please give this Y0U~' s~ri~ attention and avoid a potential serious accident to the children o~ Salt Lake Village. T~ank you for me/1. MR~ me. One .question for' you. Was tP~t slip, M~. BUCKLEY out? MR. not sir. I would like to direct the is completely owned by the PENNEY f.a~.~ily. Part the pole I think, was moved two or three fee~ as she said, which she does not own. TRUSTEE t see how actually.., sb~ might own the we own the bottom in the. ham//1. TRUSTEE why I didn' t understand how you own .... or she. owns it. It's ours. : Would anyone else like to speak2 STEVE': ~i. I'm STEVE ZALEWSKI. I'm DE~'S husband ar~l part of ridiculous te me because I walked over to MR. house and was looking at a sprinkler for them was g~in~ on. He says, "Well it sounds like a to me". There has been no problem with the boat. MR. dosen't even have a boat that he _outs in the. area and. has ~ a boat. There was only one boat in there this year for maybe a month. A couple of the slips are taken over by san~ b~t we have a small boat parked in there and I have plenty of room to navigate it. We were at the meeting and everybody was no,fled and nobod~ said no they were not, everybody said it was okay with them. MR.. BUCKLEY: I take issue with the previous speaker. I gave the names of the six peOPle at the JULY 4th 1.996 meeting that TECHET ran as the preside-hr. M~S. ROSS., MRS. ~ MR. AND Mi{S. O'LEARY, MR. AND MRS. SALTZFa%~', MR. N~ ~ myself those names were interceded and we clearly state~ that we objected to it. MR. TECHET'S comments were, if we have s~ many ob~jeutions he will not pursue this before the Trustees, Gentlemen that can be testified to by the ind~vidual people. When this meeting was called here this evening I was th~ only one notifiec%, The association was not notified.. I did have. a boat for the correction of the previous speaker. Because of my age I gave it up but I am, going to buy a boat for my graduate grandchildren Board of Trustees __ 10 Se~ember 24, 1997 and!I don~t want to see a serious accident. We have a potential co~tio~ with a 34' boat int~udin~ and. trespassing on of the people who use the boat slip. It is a serious I can see somethin~ happening. I hope. I'm wrong but did have a boat. 5Rle previous spe~ke~ was not aroun~lwhan I m~boat~ He in the last two years or so. But that float removed and newly constr~te~ by MISS PENNEY associate of hers' and t mat iht he water. I ask this she be allowed to p~tthat boat back in the a permit from tb~ Board o~ Trustees? It's not permit that was ~ranted to E~ RIChLY/IDS and his I say that's disgusting, sentleme~please liste~ to m~ to p~event a serious accident. Thank you. Thank you. Would an~oneets~ lik~. to address the board? HUBERT SUIiLIVAN: J~YO~ name is ~UBERT SULLIVAN. I'm an attorne~ and~ TEC~E~ one of the ce-aPplicants in this pro . Th~ stipulation of second is not tb~ cou~t order. reached some time ago and t~the pa~ties this thought approval.. The. case was then put on of the Supreme Co,a~t it woul~ reach trial this In a conference held in the Supreme it ~as the original stipulation should be to ] and an application maY'for this part~ and othe~ regulato~ parties to approve the removal of the yo~ look at th~ survey you'll see a bulkhead this lot 9. Back in 19 this who was MISS ~r~ndiathero He ~ to a part~'named Who was MISS ~ntitleo In that deed in, 15 there was a the eas~rlyha]~ of the lr~lkb~ad to ~ reserving easeme~/t o~ ba!f of t~e ~ hal~ of ~the dock to get to this reserve area~. )f course you couldn't do that today witCh,ut Ptannin~ Boa~d Approval but you could do it in 1945 (to muc~noiSe)o At any r~te the dock was originally at the half dividing the )86 I believe it was E~- an on behal~ of MR. E~ RICe, DS who isMISS TEC~RT'S father to move this dock easterly from the division line presUmably beca~e~R. RICHARD wante~a boatinqwithi~his waters takin~ the reserve half he. o~ned and was between MIS5 PENNEY~~. ~'about who use it. Her fight said we have exclusive use o~ it. MISS said no. It was 'oi~t use. We the~ a~ter hag~lJ_~g, the_ thing o~t we decided way to settle thiswas to move the dock back to where it was. N~w the stipulation, if you read it, calls for an initial apulication for a perpendicular dock. On a reco~endationof MR~Et~AN both parties a~r~e that. the~ application will be for an angular dock at the hal~wa~ mark. Also the stipulatio~sa~s the dock sbould be~RS. TEC~Rm'S dock which was taken out of the wate~ for the winter b~tm~client MRS. TEC~ET arranged witheRS, p~y t~hat the application, would be fo~ the present dock which belongs to F~SS PENNE~~. We agrccd~ to give permanent use of hai~ of the dock to MRS. PENNEY Board of Trustees 11 S~_.cember 24, 1997 providing it was moved back to the original line. Now I presume that notice was given to all the parties who have properties (to noisy~iat this particular yacht basin. Noon. what the stand~n~ the salt Lake Village Association is, it's not a (cannot make out what~5~. HUBERT' is saying). It would sccmthat if the individual's qot notice then they should be here. I have n~thin~ further to say. TRUSTEE' HOLZAt~FEL: Could I ask a questionjust base, on what you said? When the dock is moved, it will still overlap both properties? You still have to use both properties to get to it? MR.. SULLIVAN: That's right, TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Okay. An~ so the purpose of movin~ it? ~R. SULLIVAN: Well the purpose of mo~ing it is to allow MISS PENNEY.'. ~ ...... TRUSTEE ~OLZAPFEL: Both people have to agree to allow each othe~ to go onto the dock. MR. SULLIVAN: ~es. So if we leave it where it is both people ca~ let both people onto the dock? MR~ SULLIVAn: Not in this present location, WENCZ : Why? MR. SULLIVAN: It's our concern about the liability q~es~io~. TR~STR~ HOLZAPFEL: How does that chang~ if it' s moved o~er~? MR. If the head of the dock is at the half way that would, lessen the liability if an accident. Whichis after 10 years iht he court paying lawyers and judges and what not, it's pretty' p~thetic reasoni~91. TRUSTEE GhRPJKLL:. Yes. I~'s an incredible situation.. I think what makes us so...we get all kinds of applications and yo~ see them but this is unusual. I mean we never had aa application to simply morea good existing st~uctu~ewith peoplelwho have appa~e~tlyg together and maCte an application_ to do so but to share a perfectly goc~ dock that's already r ~ems like a logical person in E~ KOCft'S Peoples would lo~k at th~s and say or two solutions. Either send everybody back to ~amabox to place nice and ben ice and agree on Wha~ YOu've got o~ etse maybe. We should take out all the docks an~all the moorings and start all over again in the basement aoX. st~q~t with som~thinq new ......... MR. HUBERT: Myself and MR. MC' NUTLEy, who is not here.,, that, as you suggested,. I suggested why not do that. Just leaue. My client says no, I'm not going to do that hut I wanb~d it moved back to the halfway mark under conditions for ~une~t use. TRUSTEE KRUPSKt: ~hat our board is dealing with here, is enviroP~nen~tal affects and also what was bro~ht up. b~ o~e of the speakers vote of safety, navigational safety. Aa far as people, and what they said. at the meetin~ on July 4th and what the they didn't say or who said what, that. really b~ no bearing here because they're not here. As far as we're concezned they were ~Board of Trustees. _~ 12 se~ember 24, 1997 Properly notified. Does this Board ever recess a hearing for a month if we think people haven't been properly notified s0metimos? Okay. So that's somethin~we c~n consider here. We don't have the old file. tt might be better if th~ Board took a look at the old file. So the only issues here are ~environmontat issues not any ot~rs and navigational i~. MR. HUBERT: I made a coE~ent on MR. BUCKLEY'S comments to be more directed to his length of the boat then they are to the dock. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Any other Board comments3. Doeathe Board think its worth recessing for a month to look at the old file? TRUSTEE WENZCEL: Yea sure. ROB HERMAN: This particular ~stion to me is, if it's a concern that a boat would fly off a dock and crash into the end of the basin that's going to happen whether, t~ dock is wheme~ it is now or whether it's moved 8', so the question really is, is moving this dock 8' gonna create any environmental im~ac~ that are ad-versed or c~eate a navigational hazard2 And the answer to vote, is no. Period. I mean I don't understand what the ~ ~r discussion would accomplish at t~s p~int. B~ard have a~y a~re~ment on that? TRUSTEE, HOLZAPFEL: I don~t think it's that bl~k and white. I mean is the~e any reason to move the dock environmentally? $o why don!t we just ~eave the dock where it is so we don't have to the bottom and re-dig more bottom over here. We where it is and there is no environmental. problem. ~ don't think that there is only o~e solutilo~. ROB I didn't say that there was only one solution. have been working toward a solution long before yo~ known aho~t it. I think of co. urse the hoard knows the. only agency who's being obliged to. Riqh~ now you have a dock that is'supposed t e be shared by two people. One who h~s an easement anyone who owns the Wetland proper~. And tP~%t ~0ck right n°Wis wAolty in front of the waterfront property- with the easement. 'And so. when we're approaching, the. DEC as well, if the dock is to be shane~it's a dock that shoul~be locate4 at least in part on both properties. I think that would be the original intention, to show that, because otherwise you'd have to write a covernant that would run with~ the tan~ for all future owners and p~rpetuity that who ever owns the PEAFNEY resident could, have access to the right of way' ~ that dock. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: S~ if the proposal is to distur;h, the marine environment there, and in a~fect split the dock on the property line, why don't you move the dock over one foot so part of the dock would be on both prop~.s? ROB~: The dock an~l~s away from~ the end ...... TRUSTEE F/IUP~I,: The dock. itself is not on the. applicant's property. It's on our pro~. ROB HERMAN: I don't get. your point. TRUSTEE Kt~UPSKI: You move the ptat~orm over a foot. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFKL: Leave the dock where, it is. TRUSTEE~KRLr~SF~: Any other co~nents9 (Changed tape) ....... to move the platform, we'll get rid of the original wording, we'll move the platform at a westerly Board of Trustees _~- 13 Se~dember 24, 1997 direction 2' and En-Consultants will provide us with a new drawing for a ramp, the float will he roughly in the sam~ location, therefore the bo. at will be roughly in the same location, the platform and ramp~ will be slightly to the west to acco~Lcdatebotkproperties line.. The platform itself could he moved up 2 to 4', the float and the boat will be same place. All in favor? TRUSTEE HOLZA~FRL: Seconded~ ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRDVPSKI: At this time we call for a brief three minute recess. 3. Bruce Anderson on behalf of BARBARA DE, INA requests a Wetland Permit to construct an additic~ to a single family resident to include a 28..5' X 25' second stor~ addition and enclosure of a 12' X 12' breeze way, with 2- 9' dr~ells to catch roof run-o~f. Located: 192 Willow Terrace Lane~ Orient. SCTM $26-2-7.1 TRUST~KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak in~ favor of the application? BRUCE ANDERSON: I'm fro~ SUFFOLK EN~IR~LCONSI/LTANTS for the application BAR~ARA DEFINA. I have a survey in front of me, ~ou Will note (cannot make out what MR. ANDERSON is saying). We ere o~t there on the property, and you probably saw that the property was a disgrace. This is a two story house similarly situated with the ...... water. The status quote t!rpe application in which the environmental appr~vement ..... by the drywetls. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone else who would like to speak in favor of or against the application? Does t he board have any co~z~ents? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: I'll make a conm~t b~ca~se I looke~ at it and there is no prohlem with the project that they want to do. It ~t exte~ud out further, it's closing in areas and we should, just move ahead, on it. TRUSTEE EtIS~SKI: Thmnk you. TRUSTEE WE~CZRr~: ~o I have a motion to close the hearing? TRUSTEE GARREIJ~: So moved. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Seconded TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE HOLZA~EL: I'll make a motion that we approve the application of BARB~DEFINA. TRUSTEE KING: Seconded TRUETEEKRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES 4. John Geidmanon~h~ of LAURA C~NE~ requests a Wetlan~ Permit to raise exis~tin~ b~~2-5' above the beac~ and extend the existing h~~ 36' alon~ property line with 15' return. Located 1240 Inlet Lane, 450' north of Mmnhasset Ave., Greenport. SCT~ 936-2-24 TRUSTEE Yd~U~SKI: Is there ~yone here who would like t~ speak on behalf of the applicant? LAURA CLE~PNER: You just read the desc~iptionandI probably Board of Trustees ~ 14 September 24, 1997 T~USTEEHOLZA~FEL: I went out and looked at it and I'm a little concerned on the extension part because it tends to go into the wetland itself. LAURA CLE~PNER: There was amah who ....... and the e~tension part is not in line with what's there now the original b~lkhea~t it comes back to the high part it rea~s those bushes that are th.ere. TP~USTEE HOLZAPFEL: High ma~shbusk is right smack in there. LAURA CLE~t~NE~ I don't like that. stuff there anyway, but it's behind that, it's on the plan there. It doesn't go with the existing bulkheax~. It doesn't extend that. far, ...... TRUSTEE HOLZ~3FEL: Your diagram on the application. ~haws it's straight across, it doesn't show acros~ F~r recommendation was to~ follow the deck back, but that isn't wh~t you~ applic~tio~ has. I'll make a motion that we table the application. TRUSTEE KR%~SKI: Is the~e an!r fill involved here to raise the bulkhead2 TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: I'll make a motion that we table the application. TRUSTEE W~{CZEL: Seconde~. TRUSTEE Fd{~PSKI: All in rayon. ALL AYES 5.. ~rett Stran9 on behalf of PAUL & SUSAN P~Z requests a Wetland Permit to construct a. 28' X 22' wo~deck t.o replace deck, a 16' X 40' wood platform to replace concreteplatform, a 4' wide boardwalk with an 8' X 12' platform to qo from wood deck to existing catwalk measu~in~ 4' X 60', and a 3' X 4' ramp and a 4' ~ 6' float. Located: 1205 Bayshore Drive, Grccnport. SCTM ~5~ Is there anyone here who wo~ld like to speak on application? Yes I would like to make a presentation to the board may have i~respect to this name is GARRETT'STRANG~ 1230 Traveller St., N.Y. representing prope~cyowners. O~e thin~ I would like to bri~ attention is the d~m~riDtion is, I believe that the go down to the float (cannot hear, too mu~c~ shufiling TRUSTEE K-RUPsF~i: Any other comment? TRUSTEE~WENCZEL: This is th~ edge of the lawn, and this part over ~ the house, ~that's fine~ the~ want to put a walkway, grade. That's:fine. and my only question, wasthe: out heEe on the beach. I don't believe the Board wilt allow that. I mentioned that to Mr. Strand, and ] .'t seem to have a problem with that. i s~ggmst moving it~up here on. the law~ at the e~tge o~ thebes_ck. There's no wetland indicated, he~e, it's a high ~ravel beach. GAP~RE~T STRANG: The DEC felt the walkway frem'th~ deck to the catwalk was a nec~ssaz~ structure fremwhat is there currently the acce~ to the catwalk.. And by itself it's not a real impact but ~t felt that is the type of fra,g~_entationof~ natural corridors along that. heachway. And if so, someoner like a neighbor decides to dG that. then it would be as m~ch a u~ative ~mpact. Board of Trustees 15 S~cember 24 1997 TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Only, well, because of all the. structure or because of some environmental .... MR. STRANGE: The natur~l .... the only need with respect, to that is the desire o~ the owner to have a ..... without hating to come off the p!at~ozm at the lower level to be able to get direct access to the existing catwalk and floating dock without to traps across the lawn or acrcs~th~ TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there any beach traffic there? Is it gonna be to unusual to ask the appliuant to put in a step on either side. This is elevated 12". To put a step on eithe~ side at. one point neam the water? MR. STRANGE: I don~t think there would, be an~objection to that. They cou]d go down thane-pres~tly wheze it would be the transiti°nmade out to the existing catwalk. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: ~y othe= comment? TRUSTEE WENCZEL: I'll make a metion to close the hearing', TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Seco~ TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor'. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: I'll make a motion ta approve the application of GARRETT STRANG on behalf of PAUL AN~ SUSAN PO~EPL~NTZ~to construct a 28' X 22' wood deck to replace the old deck 36' X 40' with platforraanclreplaca concr~teplat~o~m 4' wide boardwalk with an 8' X 12' platform on the lawn not on the beach to be moved from the original d~awings up on the lawn extending to the original catwalk measume~ 4' X 60' and your goin~ to have to give us the rest. of the dimensions ther~ right? GARRETTSTRANG: Yes I will. TRUSTEE HOLZAP~EL: Secondec~ TRUSTEE'KRUPSKI,: And the approval will b~ base~ on a receiving the new plans. All in favor. ALL AYES 6. WILL~, ~, GALATI requests ~ Wetland Pemmit to construct a 60' low profile timber groin extending, from'existing retaining wall and approx. 2' west of existing 85' high profile groin which will be removed ~ediately upon co~wletion o~ new one. Proposed grOin will be the same cenfiguration as other replacement groins to east an~west. This is a re-submission to expiration,of permit. Located: 575 Waters Edge,Way & Longview Lane~ Southold. SCTM ~88-5-61,2 TRUSTEE KRU~$KI: Is there anyone here who w~uld like to speak in favor or against this application= TRUSTEE WENCZEL: I look~d at this. particula~ application ~nd I measured it out and taped it out and only 56' of this groin is functional at this t4me. I spoke to the property owner at tbs time. He was there when I measured, it, He wasn't to happy about reducing it. I thought he would be here tonight, buthe's not. I told him. to be here, 56' from the bulkhead is functional. TRUSTFR GARRR~: So 56' instead of 60'? TRUSTEE WENCZEL: This is my recommendation,, The only other thing I would add is when, he moves it ........... (There a~e probt~ms with the tape). TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I have a motion to close the hearing? Board of Trustees ~ 16 September 24, 1997 Trustee WENCZEL: So moved.. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Seconded TRUSTEE KR~PSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE WENCZEL: I'll make a motion to approve the application of WILLIAM R. GALATI for a Wetland Permit to construct a 56' low profile timber groin extending from the retaining wall at approximately 2' to the west of the rema%n~ of the existing 85' high profile groin which will be removed immediately upon completion of the new one. TRUSTRR HOLZAPFEL: Seconded_ TRUSTEE KR~PSKI: Ail in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Can I just bring up a point DIANE? When you print, up the applications can you type what we say on it? PETER and I were just going back through something from like 2 years ago its just a pez~t issued to and there is no description and we were wondering what it actually wasand it wasn't clear to us. Do you know what I'm saying. We were talking about that the other day. 7. TIMOTHY& DENISE MC NALLY requests a Wetland Pezmit for an 18' X 20' existing deck. Applicant. also wis~es to t~ansfer Permit for a 3~ X 44' dock from Cindy Moloney to Timothy McNa~ly. Located: 905 & 945 Fleetwood Ro~xt, C~tchogue. SCTM: %137-4-23 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak in favor of or against the application.? I took a look at it. The deck is there, the dock is there. But I don't see how we can do them both undez one operation. CI.RRKDIANE: Why not? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI-: If we can give them a pe£,~it for the deck and then transfer it. I think you have to give them separate work for the dock to transfer it. Don't you? CLERK DIANE: What we can. do is Grandfather it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I have a motion to close the hearing? TRUSTEE WENCZEIn So moved. TRUSTEE~KRUPSKI~: All in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Alzight I'll make a motion to approve the. Wetland Permit for 18' X 20' existing deck. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Seconded TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KR~PSKI: By resolution I'll make a motion to approve the transfer of the 3' X 44' dock from CINDY MOLONEY~ & TIMOTHY MCNALLY. TRUSTEE HOLZApFEL: Seconded.. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI~ All in favor. ALL AYES 8 LEO OLSEN requests a Wetlan~Permit to install a septic system, remove locust trees and reDlace with others, repair catwalk, repair retaining wall, replace a 20' non-tumf buffer along dock, remove top soil to and fill. with recycled concr~te and top with stone or wooden~watkwa~, install d~iveways toppe~t with stone, grade land, install a6' fence along rear of property, plm~t grass a_nd la~dmcape, install new watem line from Board of Trustees 17 Se~Cember 24, 1997 main street to existing building. Located: 3590 Main Road, GreenPorto SCTM ~35-4-28.12 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Anyone here would lik~ to speak in favo~ of his application? RUSTEEKRUPSKI: Mr. Olsen the blacktop is that existing? MR. OLSEN: Yes. TRUSTEE WENCME~: Do you have Health Dept. approval on the skeptic system? MR. OLSEN: Not yet. TRUSTEE-HOL~A~FE~: Generally speaking the H~l.th Dept. wants 100' separatio~ f~um the water. TRUSqFF2E KRUPS~I: %mat's the story with the floats? TRUSTEE' MOLZAPFEL: There is one float om youz survey and. on the diagram you just gave us there is two floats, and it looks like twice, as long. MR. OLSE~: The original applicatimn for th~ ....... actually it is two floats aad has always been two floats I guess the one dzawing shows one. TRUSTEE HOLMAFFEJi: ~Se survey dosen't shc~ that. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I have a motion to close the hearing? TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: So move~. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Seconded TRUSTEE E~UPSKI: All in~ favor. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I'llmake a motion to approve the Wetland Permit for LEO OLS~ to remove locust trees, replace with others, repair catwalk, repaim retaining wall, pla~e a 20' non-tu=f bu~er aton~ dock, remov~ top soil to and fill with recycle concrete, ~opwith ston~,~r~ woc~e~ walkway, install driveway' top with stome grade~~talL a 6' high fence, plant grass an~. landscape, install ne~ water, lines fremmain street to existing building. I'm going to make this subject to before you can start this though subject to gettSmg a d~mensions for the catwalk an~g~ttin~ ~m dimens~of the rstainin~wall which means you are going to have to go and measure th~ and p~t them on your plans that's all. and then you can start the work. TRUS~ KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KR~BKt~ I need a motion to return to the regular meeting. TRUSTEE,WENCZEL: So moved.. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Seconded TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES V. RESOLUTIONS 1. Board. to set dates for Scallop Season. · TRUSTEE' HOL2APFEL: Approve Oct. 6 nonc~ciatand commm~cial Oct. 20th and end ~L~rch 31, 1998. TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Approved. ALL AYES. 2. Resolution to accept ALLAN CONNELL'S proposal foe water shed analysis. TRUSTEE HOLZAPFEL: Approved. TRUSTRE WENCZEL: Seconded. ALL AYES Board of Trustees ~_~ 18 Se_~cember 24, 1997 3. En-Consultants Inc. on behalf of JANE ROSS. & JON SC~IBE~' requests a Grandfather Permit for 128' of bulkhead with a 23' return, and add 24' to this return, and_ a de.~ attached to the bulkhead. Located: 1295 01d Harbor Road, New Suffolk. SCT~ ~117-3-10 TRUSTEE GARRELL: Approved Grand~ther and amen~for return., TRUSTEE WENCZEL: Secopd~d ALL AYES 4. PAUL REILLY requests a Gr~father Pe=mi.t fox ~ existing 81' timber bulkhead~ Located~: 3~0Knoll Circle, East SCTM %37-5-13 TRUST~. HOIJ_J~PFEL: Approved to include 45' return and 10' return. TRUSTRR GARRELL: Seconded., ALL AYF.~ 5. Docko Inc., on behalf of FISHERS ISLAN~Y DISTRICT requests a Grandfather Permit for all dolphins in ferry district along the entrance channel and insid~ Silver Eel Cove. T~is permit is requeste~ for the replacement and maintenance of damaged dolphins as needed, as per Arm~Corps a~ DEC permits. Located: Fishe=s Island. SCT~ %12-1-10 TRUSTEE KRLr2SKI': Approved. TRUSTEE FJ/~G: Seconded. ALL. AYES 6. Melrose Marine on behalf of LESZRKGESIAK ~e~ts a Grandfather Permit for a floating do~k measuring. 2- 4' X 19' floats and on. 8' X 37 1/2' float with 4 piles ~hat a=e to be repl.ace~, Located: 1600 Sage Blvd-, Southold. SCTM ~53-5-11o2 TRUST~GARRELL: Approved, TRUSTEE KING: Seconded. ALL AYES 7. HANS & MARGRIT KAESE~. requests a Grandfather Permit for approx. 110' of concrete seawall. Locat~l: 57475 County Rosd 48, Southold. SCTM. $44-2-5 TRUSTEE W~NCZEL: Approve~.. TRUSTEE' HOLZAPFEL: Second~t. ALL. AYR~ VI. MOORINGS: 1. MICHAEL D. TRUE requests a Duck Blind in Mill Creek. ACCESS: Public TRUSTEE GARRELL: Approvect, TRUSTEE KING: Secon~d~. ALL AYES 2. DOLOR1SUV~LANN requests a m~oring in Core¥ Crock off Association Beach. (Enclosed is lette= cf approval), for a 7 1/2'dinghy. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: T~ble TRUSTEE GAP~F~J.: Seconded., A_~. AYES 3. BOB GASCON TRUSTR. R- G/~:~REI;T;: Approved, TRUSTEE KING: Seconded. TRUSTEE KR~K2SKI: Abstained ALL. AYES Board of Trustees ~_~ 19 S~_~cember 24, 1997 TRUSTEE KRUPSKt: To Adjourn - 10 P.M. RECEIVED AND FILED BY Town Clerk, Town of Southoid