HomeMy WebLinkAboutHelicopter Flights Over NF Petition ~ RECEMD SEP 1 1 2007 Southold ToW1l CIeri Petition to Restrict and or Regulate Commuter Helicopter Flights over the North Fork of Long Island SAFTEY HAZARD/NOISE POLLUTION We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to insist the FAA pass regulations to restrict and or regulate the flight of commuter helicopter flights over the North Fork of Long Island Petition to Restrict And Or Regulate Commuter Helicopter Flights Over The North Fork Of Long Island Safety Hazard/Noise Pollution We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to insist the FAA pass regulations to restrict and or regulate the flight of commuter helicopter flights over the North Fork of Long Island. Petition to Restrict And Or Regulate Commuter Helicopter Flights Over The North Fork Of Long Island Safety Hazard/Noise Pollution We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to insist the FAA pass regulations to restrict and or regulate the flight of commuter helicopter flights over the North Fork of Long Island. 10 LalAJ -To (VI "'-""- 0- LO \ \~~c.... \6<>5 ,'. 912. p7 9Jg..j c;;)c:zru vr4./ -fa /()<<.J +0 "tb.- Petition to Restrict And Or Regulate Commuter Helicopter Flights Over The North Fork Of Long Island Safety Hazard/Noise Pollution We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to insist the FAA pass regulations to restrict and or regulate the flight of commuter helicopter flights over the North Fork of Long Island. :r;;..; hu-ij tau Ll"l/cA ( , ~/( hv1t~ I 0 ~~ li1 1"'ll~\Ttnl~ Petition to Restrict And Or Regulate Commuter Helicopter Flights Over The North Fork Of Long Island Safety Hazard/Noise Pollution We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to insist the FAA pass regulations to restrict and or regulate the flight of commuter helicopter flights over the North Fork of Long Island. # ....., ""'\":M~ Petition to Restrict And Or Regulate Commuter Helicopter Flights Over The North Fork Of Long Island , '"" "~d(.;0;',:f't1l\*~' ':,~~;";-):'ifi~f~ z:;;< "::~ -r.~,-'-:~ ^ ~ :%;0'; j,~' . ~, .~ ~ ,~ ~; ...... :" ~o< '.~ , ,. -~~~~, ',' 'f-"~,' < <: ',;"" ,~, ,;g"""",'t ':fJ,"I'L)~, .'\<' 'x "~J.,j;~",'\.~* ", ;tjl/'f::;.'i<,,;,'''; '>d': Safety Hazard/Noise Pollution We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to insist the FAA pass regulations to restrict and or regulate the flight of commuter helicopter flights over the North Fork of Long Island. Ste I,.~ ~V>}c..",- chn) )a.ck~"- \k 06 D'-'(v L..w+t~. 7?:, ft. '-' 1'- ""1 co::.....:. 1-.;1 . 7r(Y\(~"1 Ave ",L,;L.. C/oI' - f'Jl'5-v(1.ilv 1ft, if ~d4:e' <; r _ c, 3 en -vx ~ ".,. cv~ L ? C.1AN NON r= '1 c,- L<:v-<. L.. -:,to \'J\ .-rn; w . ner~ el \s &k 100 i:K~L . OCJe1:.- II /" (It/C V ...?t)JY1 C>u~S1rv,.d . Petition to Restrict And Or Regulate Commuter Helicopter Flights Over The North Fork Of Long Island Safety Hazard/Noise Pollution We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to insist the FAA pass regulations to restrict and or regulate the flight of commuter helicopter flights over the North Fork of Long Island. ",2,,- Mo,,,, e.d t-10-4rl-V~ ~,y S- 1j)c-'1' &4-00 O~. /Vt.t If ,"""c ;;..... ()~~ 'flulo +0 loud. s,.~~ "...,stof +~ -.l1"'f'~'"C. ,,~v.~ p"-"'l'I< C' q \\ 10 7 Q;:o/07 q.I\l,~1 "'~_\tCQ>.o~c.Mio O....CIC'" ~"'__<'le.... L9tvt 771G - ^lcJ fUll FVYU<- ~ - """':l-,rs ~te ~ )-;0/5,-/ 9/;).7/07 ~ a -r).(64) f> I) ;I- H'V Ft ,va.. . 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V"'-......-,c:> '" I' i/ b"60t;; 1,5" Cc Mq t{.,-7vti. r ~o? 0{/7 {O1. cth-1~ q~?o 9 -1- '1-1 -(J Petition to Restrict And Or Regulate Commuter Helicopter Flights Over The North Fork Of Long Island Safety Hazard/Noise Pollution We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to insist the FAA pass regulations to restrict and or regulate the flight of commuter helicopter flights over the North Fork of Long Island. o ( H-e,tnili !.O-. ~ / lIer';':c:b- l? ~~ ;I~ AlfrJci.. . l-av/<.( M h-..sr, ().o!leKi)A-y5 ~ '(,' c/ ( ~')( ~. (()Ja-,fre ~ .. . D (,( ~ b' n 01 u)D Peo../lfC - ~ ,;;(:;- Eft ~Ch ~ I C4N'T Sle y ~I 61 /1 ( - . Petition to Restrict And Or Regulate Commuter Helicopter Flights Over The North Fork Of Long Island Safety Hazard/Noise Pollution We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to insist the FAA pass regulations to restrict and or regulate the flight of commuter helicopter flights over the North Fork of Long Island. ~c f1/J t ~ /2:TD/!.ef/D 0' II/ell. L o.t!I- H20 i~ ~_...." 1-'{i#o , - ~70 S.17Af Y--.L ...... L-'<:r 77/7::vm Fe1u-o"; 77tf.- s;~" '/.( -r~~Q 1..":\<..Q.. ~'"", 0"\ a... ~ (" La v cI &t-S r/ (/~- . J/cJ ~/'J. dr A/ ,NO fJer I liON -To ,.e..e..sTA.\.CT /7/'J..o OF!- i.e.'] vl,..A<!€' UJ11#\v-re-;e Hrt?-Li6=-of"re""te ~L-llI-+tr.5 oVe..L --rtle N CJ It- --\:If ft! j{.. K- 0 f-- L-ON 6- ..a:-s l- 4/'i..o ~'i:" W5rW~\1(j~ -<:Jb L9J:cJ h o~b 1" '. Pi,..... JIame AcIdras Comment ('.ifn(DoJ ,J tiS ' fLel'1s-e U"""T 0"'" ,NOJ..il: GFQOR/~I t' Dele S-I'I-O -{f-O ". ~LD P , \, (JE'Ti-oiJfl/,'o RcSTIl.:U;...< 4N~ ol!- f<t:(;.-vl-H"e' C-Z>wt w\.v1"'2"J'1 Ht:L- fe-o fIe;!!. fL-i 1/1-1--(.5 ove:: If? -r tt€ Nol2:rH foltK- ~ f- L-oNfr :rSL-A-N.t) ')/l.'.)l~ . I- v \"'+ ~ v-, Q~..( 1"\ L..\r1 i) ('1)(2).1." jjo If llIen J?.ei. .. (I " LH, \ , , ~ Lo/n$ ?/<"ry "17 -~/9J<57 .-~ ''fe>c;:>:;J// 1<~ -r OH~-5-r?l1. .,;Iff #0 J:;;': r~ dVr;7lWez.." (II /1 {-l- L c21--d. -() ( ~ " ..... 0cv li-Aw O'tv &c,!:J tfl.4 FT I,q 187. c-v-e5'GQ(. ~y 1'1 A..ftifl/(./<. NY I '1$'42. d'-!f){) u)a .sW-z-. [ ~t>rn haz- e hv/r !2~% :2 II f Lu,rr't eJ,;JP6 /l-ff ,< ~ kJ )1( /tI Jo Jov/"d )1~, u.Mi. 8-/~-o 7- 9/'1 ~iZ 8' Dl 1*- ... . ~Th I, ho..uxi e LOLtI.elL :J.../p,? J.1o/Lt5L- W~ ~hl1 Av~ /V e;; j" PCt-~ ~ ;265 ~ if(', Obi' J:.eeAft/l pc! 30M 3}.C) ~~ ~, ~.'~~~ . lot<! 5luJ...firO "J5/e/l.o 21.642.. )~IC ~c;.'\"'.'-- r:A-" /AJ()AJ ?- kBJ~ ~ f)e~ G?/Y :.x., /6~-N2eE/-1;<J-N k ~) . '!- ~. ~ t'I\.~ iU<..t.. - ........ , ~~::l ~t-,~\:::...""- ... o '-A. "C::-- . tJ l:rto7 ~Jf th 'Dr J ~ ( (crl"" a:: r 'I-I/-a? FAA HELICOPTER ACCIDENT DATA 112002>8/2007 Data collected from FAA website United States: .:.1086 Accidents resulting in 285 Fatalities Air Taxi & Commuter: .:.124 Accidents resulting in 86 Fatalities .:. Represents 11 % of all helicopter accidents & 300/0 of all fatalities New York: .:.22 Accidents resulting in 3 Fatalities .:.111812002 East Hampton-l Fatality .:.5/28/2006 Mattituck- Nonfatal