HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-03/22/2000Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Henry Smith Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fa~ (631) 765-1366 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MINUTES MARCH 22, 2000 PRESENT WERE: Albert J. Krupski, Jr. Jim King, Vice President Artie Foster, Trustee Henry Smith, Trustee Ken Poliwoda, Trustee CALLED MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NEXT FIELD INSPECTION: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 11:00 am NEXT TRUSTEE MEETING: Wednesday, April 19, 2000 at 7:00 pm WORKSESSION: 6:00 pm I. MONTHLY REPORT: The Trustees monthly report for March 2000: A check for $3,819.04 was forwarded to the Supervisor's Office for the General Fund. II. PUBLIC NOTICES: Public Notices are posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board for review. III. AMENDMENTS/WAIVERS/CHANGES 1. Proper-T Services on behalf of WILLIAM FELIX requests an Amendment to Permit ~552 for the addition of a 16' extension to the existing walkway, that was originally applied for. Located: 760 Oak Street, Cutchogue. $CTM #136-1-39 TRUSTEE KING moved to deny the request as the Trustees feel there is adequate dock space already over Town waters following the previous Amendment, TRUSTEE POLIWODA seconded. ALL AYES 2. Pat Moore on behalf of ROBERT M. SCHUPLER requests a Waiver to construct a 16' X 48' deck onto an existing house. Located: 3635 Wells Road, Peconic. SCTM %86-2-11 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to approve the request for a deck based on planting plan for a 50' buffer area, TRUSTEE POLIWODA seconded. ALL AYES Board of Trustees 2 ~farch 22, 2000 3. Joseph Enrico on behalf of BLUEPOINTS COMPANY requests an Amendment to Permit #4276 to add 5 piles to existing shellfish trays and add a 4' X 20' ramp and a 6' X 16' float with 2 mooring piles. Located: foot of Love Lane, Mattituck. SCTM #140-1-23.1 TRUSTEE KING moved to approve with condition that new plans are submitted showing the 4' X 20' ramp on west side to a 3' X 5' platform as this is a commercial facility, TRUSTEE SMITH seconded. ALL AYES 4. S.E.L. Permits on behalf of PATRICK KELLY requests an Amendment to Permit #71-2-6 to replace existing dock with a 4' X 6' cantilevered platform, a 3' X 12' ramp and a 6' X 20' float, and to Transfer this permit from John C. Campbell to Patrick Kelly. Located: 215 Harbor Lights Drive, Southold. SCTM %71-2-6 TRUSTEE POLIWODA moved to approve the request, TRUSTEE SMITH seconded. ALL AYES 5. ROBERT & ELIZABETH SKINNER requests an Amendment to Permit #382 to move a 3' X 18' ramp and an 8' X 20' float straight out from dock instead of in "L" confirmation. Located: 615 Southold Drive, Mattituck. SCTM #106-11-22 TRUSTEE KING approved the request, TRUSTEE SMITH seconded. ALL AYES 6. Amy Martin on behalf of CHARLES BRIENZA requests an Amendment to Permit %5090 to install armor stone all across the entire beach front as per DEC recommendation. Located: 1240 Latham Lane, Orient. SCTM #15-9-1.5 TRUSTEE SMITH moved to approve the request, TRUSTEE POLIWODA seconded. ALL AYES 7. WILLIAM & CHRISTINE EISENREICH requests a one year extension to Permit #4889 to construct a single family dwelling with sanitary system and driveway with condition that a 30' non-turf, non-disturbance buffer be placed at top of bank landward. Located: 805 Bay Shore Road, Greenport. SCTM ~53-3-10 TRUSTEE SMITH moved to approve the request, TRUSTEE KING seconded. ALL AYES 8. Matthew Ham on behalf of WILLIAM D. REED requests a one year extension to Permit #4883 to construct a single family dwelling, sanitary system, water, driveway, patio and garage. Located: ROW off Peninsula Road, Fishers Island. SCTM ~10-3-12 TRUSTEE KING approved the request, TRUSTEE SMITH seconded. ALL AYES IV. PUBLIC HEARINGS: THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS UNDER THE WETLANDS ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. I HAVE AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FROM THE SUFFOLK TIMES. PERTINENT CORRESPONDENCE MAY BE READ PRIOR TO ASKING FOR COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC. Board of Trustees '.March 22, 2000 PLEASE KEEP YOUR COMMENTS ORGANIZED AND BRIEF LESS T~ POSSIBLE 1. En-Consultants Inc., on behalf of ANDREW MOORE & KAREN SILVERIA request a Wetland Permit to construct an "L" shaped fixed dock, consisting of a 4' x 90' fixed catwalk, elevated a min. of 3'5" above marsh, a 3' x 16' ramp and a 6' x 20' float secured by (2) 2 pile dolphins, and construct a 100+'vinyl retaining wall to be tied into existing bulkheads to north and south and backfill with approx. 100 c.y. of clean sand to be trucked in from upland source. Located: 515 South Drive, Mattituck. SCTM ~106-11-21i TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone who would like to speak in favor of the application? ROB HERRMANN: Of En-Consultant on behalf of the applicants. I would just note that should read a timber retaining wall rather than a vinyl retaining wall the hearing was opened last month and on March 17 th ,It wasn't March 17 it was a Monday that week March 13 I met at the site with Jim King and we resounded the site and basically try to come up with a pure line that would tie through the adjacent property owned by Shawn and Don Williamstock and then also based on the extension that was just approved per Skinner on the other side. This is the plan the revised plan. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. ROB HERRMANN: This plan is based on the meeting we had with TRUSTEE KING and also the adjacent property owners Shawn and Don Williamson and Mr. Skinner was there as well. We are working with the locations. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I was wondering why Mr. Skinner was there, now I found out. I am listening Rob. ROB HERRMANN: There is a portion of the property that does not have inter-tidal marsh located on it. So we are restricting location of .the dock within that area which of course brings up the problem if you are extending the dock out at the same angle as the existing docks to either side you would be crossing the property lines so that was a concern that is why Mr. Williams was here as well. He and his wife are the owners of that property and provided us with this letter. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Are you going to read that? ROB HERRMANN: You can go ahead. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We Shawn and Dawn Williams own property known as 405 South Drive Mattituck which is located north of and adjacent to that owned by Andrew Moore and Karen Silveria. We are aware of and have no objection to Mr. Moore and Ms. Silveira proposal to construct a dock. Since it will be located less than 15 feet from our mutual property line. As specifically depicted on the project plan prepared by the consultants last revised March 22,2000. ROB HERRMANN: I believe you already you should already have also in your file a letter from Robert and Elizabeth Skinner giving their consent to tie the proposed retaining wall into their bulkhead return. If you don't I have a copy of that letter as well. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Why don't you give us a copy. ROB HERRMANN: Otherwise it should be consistent with what Jim and I discussed. Board of Trustees 4 ~"~arch 22, 2000 TRUSTEE KING: It looks about what we talked about. I just miss read when you said "L" shape fixed dock. Which threw me off. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Sure. TRUSTEE KING: So it is not. It is a straight out dock. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I was going to ask that. TRUSTEE KING: In the description it says "L" shaped doCk. ROB HERRMANN: Well that is because the way the float is positioned. TRUSTEE KING: Okay. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: But it is not an "L" shaped fixed dock. ROB HERRMANN: No No No fixed dock with an "L" below. TRUSTEE KING: Looked good when we were in the field. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: What kind of a thin line. TRUSTEE KING: Where you tie in here Rob. Did you take any measurements on those returns north and south returns. Where it is going to tie into them, from the seaward side. ROB HERRMANN: Where the retaining wall is going to tie in. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Right. TRUSTEE KING: Well if you didn't, I did. I will put them on here. ROB HERRMANN: Well it should tie with the face. TRUSTEE KING: No there actually returns. We want that fill into that toe as close as we can get it. ROB HERRMANN: Okay I see what you mean. TRUSTEE KING: And the one on the North is 5' from the seaward face of that. Mr. Skinner's measure 21' See what I mean. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Sure. Thanks that is a good detail map, ROB HERRMANN: Jim could I have the measurements again. TRUSTEE KING: On the southern return Mr. Skinner's is 21' from the seaward, outboard site of it in land. And on Shawn and Dawn's it is 5'. ROB HERRMANN: Okay thanks. TRUSTEE KING: That keeps it pretty close to that toe. That is what we wanted to do there. ROB HERRMANN: When I scaled (change tape) it is just less than 15' TRUSTEE KING: My tape measure said 21. ROB HERRMANN: Okay I see what you are talking about. So basically it as tied into that landward extension. TRUSTEE KING: It is just inside the last pole about that far. ROB HERRMANN: Okay that is fine. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there any call for replanting? With the title marsh there. TRUSTEE KING: I think that the marsh will fill in. When the wall is put in. It is going to stop that stuff from slopping off into the top of it. I think what will happen is that spartina in here, when it is all kind of covered up from what is falling in. I think once that retaining wall is here I think that will fill in. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: But how about. TRUSTEE KING: It would not even be a bad idea to try to rake some of that sand off there. Really. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: What about remediation of water coming from your plan. ROB HERRMANN: It is tough. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do you have dry walls on that house? ROB HERRMANN: We looked at the site. We looked at that issue with Jim. There really is not the entire embankment. All the way up Board of Trustees ~arch 22, 2000 except for that one slay area has been left completely natural. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: But some of it is coming off. ROB HERRMANN: There is kind of almost a ski scrap coming down the William's property. So we kind of hashed it over when we were there, but we could not really come up with something. Even if you cover that one area there still basically that whole (cannot understand) coming down from the Williams side. TRUSTEE KING: It would be nice if we could plant. I do not know what we could plant there to hold it there? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Ivy. TRUSTEE KING: I do not know? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Ivy or finka or something. Anything to hold that soil. TRUSTEE KING: Because Mr. Moore was very, he is very accommodating. He would like to do some stuff there. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It is his bank he should want to save it. TRUSTEE KING: He really does not know what to do. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We will put the recommendation in that he should try to vegetate that bank. ROB HERRMANN: He said that he would. Well he said his wife would. TRUSTEE KING: Doesn't that pitch all the way from South Drive all the way down. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Yeah but you can do a little more vegetation to slow that water up before it actual hits that. TRUSTEE KING: But that is a lot of water. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there any other comment on this application? In favor or against. All right make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE SMITH: I make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KING: I'll make a motion to Approve the application of Andrew Moore & Karen Silveira for the bulkhead, fixed dock, and the ramp and floats as on the diagram, and to approve those measurements on the two returns, that the bulkhead ties into. TRUSTEE SMITH: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: So that is the same length dock? TRUSTEE KING: This is the inside line drawn between the neighboring docks. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Because that number did not change. ROB HERRMANN: The dimensions did not change - No. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay. All in favor. ALL AYES ROB HERRMANN: Thank you. 2. En-Consultants Inc., on behalf of JAMES MIHALIOS requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 77+' timber retaining wall with (2) 12' angled returns and truck in from an upland source approx, 150 c.y. of clean sand to be used as backfill and planted with Cape American Beach Grass. Located: 640 Lloyd's Lane Mattituck. SCTM #99-3-4.1 (NOTE: APPLICANT WISHES TO POSTPONE THIS UNTIL APRIL MEETING.) 3. En-Consultants Inc., on behalf of JOSEPH CORNACCHIA requests a Wetland Permit to relocate existing dock, consisting of a 3'X 14' ramp and (3) 4' X 20' floats with (7) 8" in diameter pilings, approx. 9' to the south onto owners parcel from owners parcel and remove (2) Board of Trustees '~ ~ 6 ~-~larch 22, 2000 8" mooring piles and (1) two-pile dolphin. Located: 635 Kimberly Lane. Southold. SCTM #70-13-20.4 (NOTE: APPLICANT WISHES TO POSTPONE THIS UNTIL APRIL.) 4. Gary 01sen on behalf of NEIL SC~LUSSEL requests a Wetland Permit to construct a single family dwelling. Located: Stillwater Ave., Cutchogue. SCTM #136-2-7 & 8 NOTE: APPLICANT WISHES TO POSTPONE THIS UNTIL APRIL.) 5. En-Consultants Inc., on behalf of EDNA RICHARDS requests a Wetland Permit to construct a fixed timber dock, consisting of a 4'X 58' fixed catwalk elev. 3.5' above marsh, a 3'X 14' ramp and a 6'X 20' float secured with (2) 8" diameter pilings, and steps 2'X 4' landward of existing stone wall. Located: 2300 Broadwaters Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#lll-i-1 NOTE: APPLICANT WISHES TO POSTPONE THIS UNTIL APRIL.) 6. WARREN CROON requests a Wetland Permit to construct a retaining wall 16 1/2" in height from property line on east side along approx. 64 1.f. leaving an opening to access the water, and plant beach grass on site as indicated on new plans dated and received March 22, 2000. Located: 2500 Ole Jule Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#122-4-12 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak in favor of the application? Alright, they propose to keep the existing retaining wall in its present state except for a few modifications. The retaining wall is described in the application and will not extend to the neighbor's bulkhead on the west end. It will extend from the property line on the east side approx. 64 linear ft. leaving an opening to the water. They intend to stabilize the ground adjacent to the wall by careful placement of beach grass or equal substitute as needed. In addition they will create a trough, also known as a french drain, which will begin 6' upland from the wall as shown on the drawing. I think that's what Pickerall and I discussed on the phone. TRUSTEE KING: Chris seemed to think that it would work. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Did Chris Pickerall approve that plan? TRUSTEE KING: This was his design. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That's standard on a bulkhead repair as a non-turf buffer. Do you have an¥...Oh I see this cross-section. TRUSTEE KING: It's going to be like burmed-up. TRUSTEEE KRUPSKI: So what's going to cover that though? WARREN CROON: Chris was saying that it would be best to just let natural vegetation move in and stay off it and create the trough. The center of the trough would be about 3 1/2' out and then just stay out of there and let natural vegetation go back in there. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That would be the best to protect your property. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I think there should be something planted there just to give it a kick start. WARREN CROON: He felt that the corner, where the return is, needed to definitely be planted with beach grass. The other end is already planted. I think he's more concerned with drainage prior to the wall and the rear of the house has drywells. TRUSTEE SMITH: It looks good to me. Board of Trustees 7 ~,~Brch 22, 2000 TRUSTEE KING: I don't see why it wouldn't work. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No, it should work. Especially where the bank area isn't that big so it should accommodate the rainfall. TRUSTEE SMITH: It's a good project actually. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Did you see it Artie? TRUSTEE FOSTER: Quite some time ago. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there any other comment in favor of or against the application? Do I have a motion to close the hearing? TRUSTEE SMITH: So moved. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KING: I'll make a motion to Approve the application of Mr. Croon based on the new plans and drawings. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. ALL AYES 7. J.M.O. Consulting on behalf of FRANCES E. NIELSEN Wetland Permit to construct a deck, pool, patio, retaining wall, pool equipment shed, backwash, leaching pool and regrade area of pool. Located: East End Rd., Fishers Island. SCTM#5-1-8 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak on behalf of the applicant? Jim, you looked at this? It's on a bluff there, isn't it? TRUSTEE KING: It's really insane to put that pool there. We looked at this in the field and the recommendation was to put the pool here where the old deserted tennis court is. This is out. They shouldn't even think about putting a pool there. I would deny this and recommend placement of the pool ... TRUSTEE FOSTER: I flew over there in November and looked at it. TRUSTEE KING: You remember seeing it Artie? There's an old deserted tennis court as you look out at the water and there's a tennis court on the left. There's a real long steep bank and a huge freshwater wetlands. I wouldn't recommend this at all. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Glenn is not here. Do you want to Table it? TRUSTEE KING: It's just not the place for a pool. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Sure. It looks like it would really destabilize the bluff. Did they give a cross-section at all? Is there any comment on this application? Do I have a motion to close the hearing? TRUSTEE SMITH: So moved. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We have a motion to Table, do I have a second? TRUSTEE SMITH: Seconded. ALL AYES 8. Proper-T Permit Services on behalf of PHILIP ALBRIGHT requests a Wetland Permit to construct a fixed open walkway 4' x 40', a hinged ramp 4' x 16' and a floating dock 6' x 20' with two 2 pile dolphins and construct a one family dwelling with on site sewage system, well and detached three car garage. Located: 4483 Wells Road, Southold. SCTM # 86-1-9.6 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak on behalf of this application? JIM FITZGERALD: For Mr. Albright, as you know this was carried over from last month. At which meeting there was concern by the Board. About the water depth and the extension of the dock into the creek. Board of Trustees ...... ' 8 ~'~arch 22, 2000 We examined that on Monday, and found another location which appears to be suitable. We have the revised sketch map pending the really nice map and shows the written description. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do you want to pass them down. When I went out with Mr. Fitzgerald in the field. We measured across, we went further down that channel to the north. That was dug out illegally north of Spring Lane I do not know thirty years ago maybe even thirty five years ago. There is a lot deeper water down here, I wouldn't say, we measured 29" but I cannot say that it is an accurate measurement. Because we had the full moon working the tide. You also had quite a bit of water built up in the bay now because of the wind, But there is a lot more water here than there where it was originally proposed. So we can make a shorter structure out of it 29' dock well he is saying actually 60' because it will come upland further. JIM FITZGERALD: There is a little burm at the top of the bank and then it goes down and goes up again. That is all marshy and phragmites in there. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay JIM FITZGERALD: So that gets it up to the burm soil. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: So then it will be 29' out into the water which gives him more water depth and there is no floater raft. It is just steps down to the water. It is a little narrow there than it is over here. But there is better water. You are going out a lot less further distance. JIM FITZGERALD: It is less than 1/3 of the bay with the creek. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: At the end of Richmond Creek you know where Spring Lane is - right down there. Any other comment on this application. The house is out of our jurisdiction. Do I have a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE SMITH: I will TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Second TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The description for a fixed dock 4x60 with steps to the water on both sides, four foot wide steps at the end on either side. The dock will extend into the water 29' from the edge of the marsh and nothing can be placed at the end of it like a boat because that would restrict the distance of more than 1/3 across the end of the creek. The proposed house and garage is outside of our jurisdiction. However, there should be no disturbance to anything within our jurisdiction during the house construction of 75 feet from the wetland line. I want to make that clear because sometimes the house is out of our jurisdiction but then the people take it to mean that they can do whatever they want. They do not realize they cannot clear within 75' but they do because they think they can. I want to make that clear from the outset. I made a motion, is there a second. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Comment on the construction. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Sure. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: To keep it minimal as possible maybe less than 6" pilings. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Six inch pilings? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: No greater than 6". TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No greater than 6" pilings. Board of Trustees .... 9 ~arch 22, 2000 JIM FITZGERALD: Didn't mention that before. Last time we talked about a dock. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Right. JIM FITZGERALD: That applies, right. The last hearing or the one before I do not mean this one. I mean the one that you just approved. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Right, you mean the one in Mattituck? JIM FITZGERALD: The question of low profile and pilings size did not come up. That is fine as long as. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It is a different creek and a lot more water going through there. Where this is the back end of the creek and there really isn't wave or current. JIM FITZGERALD: Oh - okay. I did not know. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No we try to minimize where we can. Safety is a big concern. TRUSTEE POLIWODA:: There is no reason for putting 10" pilings in the head of a creek. JIM FITZGERALD: No I agree. I am just trying to find out whether it always applies.TRUSTEE KING: No we are not trying to do one size fits all. No. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I'll make a motion is there a second. TRUSTEE SMITH: Second. ALL AYES 9. Proper-T Services on behalf of WEST LAKE A$$OC requests a Wetland Permit to dredge the entrance channel and adjoining portions of West Lake to 3' below MLW, place a total of approx. 600 c.y. of dredge spoil on indicated sites, maintenance dredge to same conditions as necessary to max.of 3 addition times during the next 10 years. Located: 505 Cedar Point Drive West, Southold. SCTM 990-1-11. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who would to sPeak in behalf of the application. JIM FITZGERALD: Again, for the WEST LAKE ASSOC. I think some of you know this project has been applied for a number of times and the Trustee's have approved it. At least once. In 1986 or 1990 the Trustee's have inspected and I am sure if there was anything near low waters.if there was a problem with it. The question of the property owner's owning water front property on West Lake being anxious to be able to get their small craft in and out, of the lake at any tide. Without being caught in or caught out at some time. They don't care to be in or out. The dredging has been done before and is apparently is part of the construction of some of the bulkhead areas. Which line the channel. I spoke today to Mrs. Greenfield who is a property owner. Of one of the properties adjoining me and adjoining the bulkheaded entrance, which is the property containing the bulkhead and she is very concerned about the possible effect that dredging on the existing bulkhead. I suggested to her that would be a matter that the association would have to take up with the contractor and insure that the contractor was able to determine the appropriate dredging technique in the area. Whether or not the bulkhead would be adversely affected and certainly have insurance to protect against the possible (cannot understand) of the dredging. Although personally I think that if the bulkhead when it was installed. Was installed in accordance with the generally accepted standards. We should be able to make the water depth in the channel the same way it was when the bulkhead was installed. Board of Trustees '~- 10 March 22, 2000 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Before we are going to comment. I am going to ask if there is any other comment in favor or against this application. My name is Dai Moy my wife and I own the property abutting the channel. DAI MOY: Our biggest concern is that 10 feet of our bulkhead. This bulkhead we put it in many years ago. Since that time we have resheath the entire bulkhead. Which is a great great expense. This is to protect our property which is true. But also so people can get their boats in and out. Since the forty years we have been there. That channel has been dredged six or seven times already. Every time they dredge it in one year, by the end of the season, it is filled up again. There is no way for them to keep that silt out from that channel. Our main concern is damage to the bulkhead. Because ~f there is any damage to the bulkhead who is going to pay for it? If anything happens this year the damage will show up next year, or the following year. Also people are going in and out of channel. At most high tide - mid-tide you can run a small boat in and out. Larger boat you cannot. I have a small boat and run it in and out at high tide and mid-tide, either up coming up or going down. If you are conscious of using the property you are 'not going to run it that fast. You will be able to get in and out. In the past in fact there was one incident where a boat ran over a swimmer. That is another concern of ours. Also I would like to comment that if you ldo grant this permit, for only one year,to see what happens the following year. Because I assure you this is not going away and will close up every year. And that it will have to be done over and over again. Unless, they find the means of getting rid of all that silt. Also the last comment I would like to make that if this permit is granted, we would like to know when it is due to rake so that we can watch over it. That is it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. Any other comment. My name is Ginny Harms. GINNY HARMS: I live on West Lake. We do not live on the bay. I have spoken to most of the people that live around the lake. Unfortunately, we were not prepared for our conditions. So they are not here tonight to speak their minds. But we are concerned that we can not get out, because we can not enjoy our property. If it does continue to deteriorate it will be just a mosquito haven marsh land. I understand Mr. Weinstein concern and we have said that we will get insurance. We will do everything we can to insure that they are not disturbed. We have about a dozen people living around the lake that are very concerned that we are not able to enjoy our property. That is our only concern. Thank you. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. Any other comment? WILLIAM RILEY: Property owner 1075 Cedar Point Drive on the lake itself. At low tide, I do not know if you have seen it. at low tide. There is absolutely no water that comes into the lagoon. It is a trickle if anything. So when you say we can get out at near low tide it is impossible. Even mid-tide we are lucky to have a very high tide, three foot of water. Lucky to have that much. There is a lot of silt built up in the lagoon because it is stagnant. Nothing can get out. It is destroying the Board of Trustees .... 11 ~'~'~March 22, 2000 marine life within the lagoon itself and there is no boating that can be done. Anywhere near low tide. The fish, the clams and everything are not as abundant as it used to be. Just getting clogged up more and more mosquitos are breeding in the lagoon itself. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. Any other comment. Just a point of information we were out on a board inspection on last Tuesday - eight days ago, at an unusually low tide so we were able to do a good comprehensive inspection of the site. BOB KUHME: I also live on the lake, property owner. My only concern is that there is another piece of water approximately several hundred yards east of our lake. That has been over the past several years I understand has now been closed. It used to be opened to the bay. And that now is and actually fronts our front yard almost. That does have a lot of mosquitos. It is totally enclosed now you cannot gain any excess whatsoever to the bay or anywhere. It is enclosed body of water. I am afraid that is what exactly is going to happen to this lake as well. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is that Mid-way Inlet? BOB KUHME. I believe so. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. Yes ma'am. MARCELLE GREENFIELD: On the other side of the bulkheading. I have the other bulkheading. First of all it is salt water and I do not know how we can breed mosquitoes in that salt water, when we do have quite a flush. If you notice it goes by very fast. At one time my husband thought he would like put a window in. He thought we could generate enough electricity from the current that come in and out. I am not sure that the other area that was blocked off. Whether it has double bulkheading. Like we do. That the Moy's and I maintain very well. I am going to make a brief statement and I have a couple of questions. I have very grave concerns and questions regarding the maintenance of my bulkheading and property, which is directly affected by the proposed dredging of West Lake. Could you please give me an idea. Of what studies have been made to direct the changes that may occur. As the result of the dredging pro and con. The impact on my bulkheading, my property, and my beach, and the environment. Please could you explain the potential change in the water flow that will occur. Possibly lead to flooding or the change in the configuration of my beach and the bulkheading. As trustee's who will likely make the decision. I have the confidence that you will be there to protect me and my property. Change tape. If any of this proposal goes through with your approval. And that the beach and surrounding properties should be maintained significantly and the same. As Trustee's if you do grant this permit, it is encumbrance upon you to insure full and (cannot understand) against any and all damage to my property, my premises including the bulkheading, the beach and the surrounding property. That this can be taken care of for a sufficient period of time. Will this be covered by a bond or insurance or both? I have the following questions? Why was I given one day notice. I signed for my letter, my certified letter, yesterday. That was the first day I got it and was given notice of this proceeding and of the proposed dredging. Why was I not given the courtesy of sufficient notice to prepare for this Board of Trustees ..... 12 <~March 22, 2000 hearing. I need time to consult a legal and technical people to determine the existing conditions and potential problems. I might have (cannot understand) what my opinions are? I would ask you to consider a postponement to accord me this courtesy. The news is a very serious business. Next question - has anyone carefully examined my lower bulkheading which stands on the beach at the neck of the bay front. Which is considerable older than the one I installed in the front and along the canal. And while it is still functioning who will guarantee it's condition as the result of the dredging. What if it gives way and caves in?. Next question - I do not understand the plan, unfortunately I am not able to read it carefully. Given no time to have someone help me I ask you please to tell me where is the dredged spoil to go. Please explain the reason for this allocation as currently planed and by what agreement. I must apologize for this fragmented presentation. I must admit (talking) to think this thing carefully. It has taken me completely by surprise. I am aware as property owners may of us differ in our needs and expectations. I have been here long enough to know that it is tough to fight change. I came here for the pristine serene charm particularly of my area. Do I want boats turning back and forth into our little lake. Do I accept strangers who will now have accessibility to come in and out exploring our charming quite spot and changing our peaceful environment. Other people have different needs and wish to recreate our area and make it something else. Can I stop this. I can only plead for the protection and trust in your good judgement. Thank you. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. Any other comments? NEIGHBOR: I too own a piece of property on the back side of West Lake. I am on the back north east side by the channel. I have concerns because I too live there for forty years with my family. It is when you go to dredge I do not have a bulkhead. The property seems to lose a little bit every time, I know there is wetlands behind there but I do not have any bulkhead. That is my concern. I am not so concerned about the channel being dredged I can understand all the people want to use their boats. The thing is I do not know if you are taking the right precautions. On the liabilities of loosing the properties. That is my main concern. I was wondering also if you could close this decision until it was at least evaluated either by the State or the engineer or Army engineer. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Excuse me. Where are you located? NEIGHBOR: 250 Midway Rd. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I'm just trying to find you on the... NEIGHBOR: I'm the northeast backside of the channel. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay. Thank you. TRUSTEE SMITH: How are you going to dredge this? By what means are you proposing? NEIGHBOR: Excuse me? TRUSTEE SMITH: What kind of equipment are you going to have to do the job that you're proposing to do here? JIM FITZGERALD: It would be a clamshell and/or drag line. Not hydraulic. Pardon me? TRUSTEE SMITH: Yeah, but if you don't get permission from Mr. Moy or this young lady over here, where are you going to put this equipment? Board of Trustees ~J 13 ~'March 22, 2000 JIM FITZGERALD: On a barge. The details of the methodology of the dredging have been discussed with several contractors and they feel that would like to understand that it's a possibility of it being a real job before they put a lot of effort into detailing the methodology. But nobody thinks that it's a problem. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I'd like to make a few comments before we go any further though. This Board operates under a number of different Town Codes and our greatest power comes from the Andros Patent which grants us Title to the underwater lands in question here. Now this is a public area, however, we have to conform to the standards in Chapter 97, one of which is that the operation we Approve will not substantially weaken or undermine the lateral support of other lands in the vicinity. I think that should answer the concerns of the adjacent property owners. We couldn't really Approve anything that is going to adversely affect your property, such as your bulkhead falling in. That's only one of our concerns her. That's not to say that's the only one. I'm looking through the old file here. In 1987 this Board issued a Permit to dredge this channel, 600 yds. out of this channel, how much is this for. TRUSTEE SMITH: 600 yds. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay, but the spoil needs to be taken to an upland source. It's not to be placed on the site. There's one big difference there. We had a lot of concern when we went out there as a Board. One of the big concerns was the integrity of the neighbor's bulkheads. Because, if you dig a hole that size, we were unsure as to whether those bulkheads could withstand the lack of support of either side. Our other concern was the spoil area, and the spoil area, the day we were there, was completely high and dry. The stones in that area were covered with something black, almost like a tar-like substance. Is there anyone who lives in there, and the rest of the beach going to the west was clean, but that one spoil area... JIM FITZGERALD: You mean on the inside. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: On the inside of the inlet. Where the spoil area is marked, there's an old timber bulkhead that's just sort of hanging on there. That was all covered with some black, like tar-like. The stones were. Does anybody have any idea what's going on there? NEIGHBOR: That used to be a dumping ground for stumps. That farm field that was back there that they developed with the houses, well I have a feeling that over the years that it rotted and that is what was carrying that black muck. NEIGHBOR 2: That's not muck. That's some sort of a tar that's being placed, we believe, to shore up those you know, whatever wood is there to keep it from rotting out. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: You mean like a creosote or something? MR MOY: I believe that originally, it was a freshwater lake. The developer opened up the channel. Storm water then got in. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: So, I think we have to have some questions answered whether it's a substantial bond that would ensure the replacement of the adjacent bulkheads if there were failure during dredging. JIM FITZGERALD:: Now may I comment on that please? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Sure. Well now that's not set in stone. I'm just, we're just going through the process here. I'm just making suggestions. Board of Trustees 14 March 22, 2000 JIM FITZGERALD: We discussed this project at the work session several years ago. One of the points that I brought up is that when those bulkheads were installed, the channel was open. It was presumably in a condition such as we would like to put it in now. The bulkheads were stable and they held back the upland soil. I think that it doesn't seem reasonable to have to rely upon the silt that has built up over the years to be a part of the supporting structure of the bulkheads. If at one time they were okay to dredge to say 3' below low water, they ought to be okay in that condition, and you'll notice that in the cross-section of the proposed dredging, it is proposed that it will not be dredged right up against the bulkhead but rather in the middle of the channel so that there is a specified slope against each of the size of the bulkheads. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It doesn't show that here. It shows that the slope begins at the edge of the bulkheads here. But actually maybe I did not make myself clear. It is not only the concerns of the two adjacent neighbors. That we are addressing. We are in fact the owners the under water lands there. And if one of these bulkheads falls in. And is not repaired then it would substantial alter the flow of water coming in and out of that creek. It would affect the environment in side that creek tremendously. So our concern isn't that someone is going to loose their bulkhead. It is going to cost a big chunk of money to fix it. Our concern is that it could have a tremendously adverse impact environmentally in that area. Suppose the bulkhead falls in someone can't for financial reasons or whatever can not fix it. Then it becomes every bodies Problem and town's problem and it is just not limited to someone's bulkhead going. JIM FITZGERALD: It would seem to me that and this is something I mentioned to Mrs. Greenfield that a condition of the permit ought to be out there is a method for resolving that kind of situation. TRUSTEE KING: A bond or insurance. JIM FITZGERALD: Whether that involves a certified inspection before hand to determine whether the bulkheads would be able to withstand this dredging activity and insurance. Or set a bond or some sort. Those things are details I think and I think that the association would not want to enter into the thing. Without any way of resolving problems that resulted directly from the activity. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Because this could impact them far greater than not doing anything JIM FITZGERALD: Sure TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It could block off the channel almost completely. And if one of the neighbors did not have the resources to fix it It would become a major - major problem. NEIGHBOR: I have to comment that this was a fresh water pond at one time. JIM FITZGERALD: That is what Mr. Moy said. NEIGHBOR: Well if that was a fresh water pond at some time. Then some body either Mrs. Greenfield or Mr. Moy must own the bottom where that channel is now. Or some body owns the bottom of it? JIM FITZGERALD: You do. According to the tax map. NEIGHBOR: Well that could be all well and according to the tax map but I think you should do a title search on it. Board of Trustees ~' 15 .... March 22, 2000 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I think we will just claim it. Since we get $10.00 a cubic yard for the dredge squad. I think we will claim that. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: CAC comments? MR. MOY: May I make another comment. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Yes there are a number of hands. Yes, come right ahead. MR. MOY: Talking about bulkheads. Across the channel from my bulkhead. My bulkhead is a river built by a contractor from the(cannot understand) back to where my jetty is. Across my way Mrs. Greenfield's jetty. Her bulkhead is different. Her jetty was built professionally from the mouth of the jetty in the bottom of the bay up through where her lot line ends. There after from that line on the rest of the creek is a home made job. It was not done by professionals. They got themselves a motor, and put a pump on it. You can check on that portion of that jetty and bulkhead. You will find that it is starting to give, and the whole side will close in. The reason why the channel is this way. There was a jetty on one side of the channel going to that lake there. The people did not do anything with it. Over the years it filled up. (cannot understand) As it fills up it gets more and more silt onto it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. Yes ma'am. MRS. GREENFIELD: Correction - Mr. Moy - my new bulkhead. MR MO¥: The one in back. MRS. GREENFIELD: I am not talking about the back. But I only have new bulkheading up to my beach. From the beach, it is the lower part. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Could you show us. MRS. GREENFIELD: Yes I could. (everyone talking a once) With all do respect even with a bond, even with insurance. We all know the bureaucratic process. If my property should loose that bulkheading with bonding with insurance with all the bureaucratic stuff we have to go through. A lot of damage could happen before anything could be rebuilt. The bulkheading that I put in, right after Gloria. Cost me more than my first house. I agree with you what are we doing and aren't there commercial places to keep our boats. That is a good part of our business here. When I moved in, people like Mr. Moy who had a big boat. Keep it at Port of Egypt. He keeps his little runner at his dock. That is the way we want to live. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. Any other comment? What does the Board think here? TRUSTEE KING: I think we need a lot of research. I'd like to see some...I think we ought to do some testing to see how deep these bulkheads are, for starters. TRUSTEE SMITH: They need to do some more engineering work. I'd like to see it dredged but I think they ought to do more engineering work. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The dredging of the channel has implications for water quality. Also we wouldn't want to see a storm that could possibly because it is hard in structure on both sides. It could possibly fill it in, and you would have a situation like the one further down Mid Way Inlet. Where is could possibly fill in. Because the channel cannot kept it self opened. Because it is constrained by the bulkheads. But one of the big questions is whether this will destabilize the adjacent property. So I think we are going to ask the applicant. To give us more information on the Board of Trustees .... 16 <~'March 22, 2000 method they are going to use? Conditions of the existing bulkheads so it will not destabilize their adjacent properties. Also can you give us some soundings into the bay. This project ends, doesn't even go past the end of Mrs. Greenfield's jetty If we could get some soundings out into the bay to see what kind of water depth we are getting there. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: That should go for a quarter of a mile. At least stable same depth very shadow. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: You want a sounding so quarter of a mile. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: That will show how vast the sand flow. It will show how much sand is out there. JIM FITZGERALD: Which way? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: South TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Southward. It will show how much sand is out there. TRUSTEE KING: Southwest actually. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Well a little bit southwest. We are also going to need is more soundings if we are going to allow this. I would like to see the request is for three years. Three times dredging in ten years. I think what we would have to see is soundings along the entire cross section here. The four cross sections I would like to see one more cross section added to the south and one more cross section added to north at the extent of the dredging, Are there any durand? Cross section here, and a cross section further out here. We can make a better decision on future dredging there. Based on if it does. We had some experience in Mattituck where an area similar to this was dredged. It filled in within about a weeks time. So we would like to get a handle on how this is going to react to future dredging. Now, someone had said, I forgot who that this lasted about a year. Or one boating season. So we would like to know. You try to balance everything out between the amount of disturbance this is going to create. Verses the amount of benefit. NEIGHBOR: I do not know if your association is familiar with the bay out in the front. I fish out there and set a lot of pots out there. I do not know if someone is telling you one thing and not the other. But there is a vast amount of soft sand out there. Out in front of that entrance. Going through the expensive of dredging you are not going to get very long before that fills in. That is the reality. Southwest breeze you are going to fill right in. JIM FITZGERALD: An interesting thing is that the most of the material that is filling the channel and that island is small stones. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That island seems to be sand. That little delta of sand into, in West Lake seems to be soft sand that washes in there. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: That is the bay sand. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Because you get a pretty nice of flush., when we were there we had a stiff breeze out of south. But still the channel was draining out through it. And it is moving at enough velocity to move that sand once it turns around. Move that sand in and make that little sand bar at the inside. I do not know how a bond works. How that money the bond money is released or my who. JIM FTIZGERALD: I am sure the contractors would know that kind of stuff. We will find out. Board of Trustees 17 <-/March 22, 2000 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: If you could find that out? Also the specifics of the replacement cost for the bulkheads and the remediation work say a section fell in. The remediation work necessary and find out how much the bond would have to be and then find out how readily accessible that is. So if there is a failure. That money can be used immediately, to remediate the problem. TRUSTEE KING: Performance bonds work. I have had them. As a contractor I have had them. What they do is they guarantee. The bonding company is guarantee that you will perform the job the way it is suppose to be done. If you fail. The bonding company is obligated to come in and hire somebody to do the job the right way. The bulkhead falling in or any damage to any bodies property within the parameter of the job falls on the contractor's liability. Some how you have to write it into the permit. You have to require a half a million dollar insurance policy for it. There are ways to get around it. So that everyone is protected. Including us. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay MRS.GREENFIELD: Half a million dollars in nothing. TRUSTEE KING: Well that was just a number. Make it ten million dollars I am giving you an example of how the system works. So there are ways to make everyone happy. Really.. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Sure. MRS. GREENFIELD: Excuse may I refer to the gentlemen at the end. Who knows the area so well. If we could follow up and understand by observation my beach changes every day. Depending upon the wind, depending upon the conditions, depending upon the moon and that one day I will have about a fabulous 12 foot high water against my bulkhead. A week later I will be down to stone. How you can protect and put all that ( cannot understand) with so many people impossible damage. And the environment, and the all rebuilding that if anything happens which can happen. If this what we want spend our time and affect doing. We have to think very clearly and refer to people that know the area. Know the way how difficult it is to manage and keep it more than even a year. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. The flushing of the West Lake is also a concern and we do not want to see that entrance filled in either. There is concern also on the other side. You want a solid flow of salt water through there. To maintain the marsh that is existing. Once that flow is diminished you are going to get into more of a brackish situation. That is going to change the environment in that marsh. The last thing is the dredge spoil. It is doubtful the State will let you put the dredge spoil on the outside of the bulkhead on the west. Sorry, the east side and it is doubtful that this Board will let you put the dredge spoil on the inside. The permit that I have in the file from '87 states the spoil should be taken to an up land site. That is probably a ... JIM FITZGERLD: Why would you think that the DEC would not let us do it? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I think they are going to call that it into title area. On the bay. Won't you think that would be consistent with what their ruling on. JIM FITZGERALD: But it is all nice clean fine sand. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That is my guess. Have you gone through the process of the DEC, yet. Board of Trustees ..... 18 ~JMarch 22, 2000 JIM FITZGERALD: No. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Where he wants to put the spoils. I have no problem with that. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: On the outside. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Yeah. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I do not either. When was this last dredged? JIM FITZGERALD: I am sorry. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: When was it last dredged? JIM FITZGERALD: I do not know. MR. MOY: 1988. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Because the permit was written in 1987. But that you know permit is written does not mean that it is done then or done five years later, or done at all. Okay. Thank you. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: When this was done in 1988 how many years of boating did you get out of it. NEIGHBOR: Each year it has been getting worse. As you know it is down at low tide. There is virtually no water flowing through. Each year it has gotten worse. We went from probably three feet when we had it done and it just keeps getting worse, through the years. It did not fill in all in one year. But if it does we are paying the cost of it and it will all fill back in. We spent money, we lost our money. It will fill back in. That is it. I understand what you are saying but we as home owner's saying that we want to try to flush this out. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Sure. NEIGHBOR: Keep it clean and utilize our small boats that we have been using through the years. I had a boat up until two years ago. I gave it up because I can not get in and out enough. TRUSTEE KING: It took twelve years to fill in, to the point that it is now. People live for obvious reasons. They want to use their boat. NEIGHBOR: That is why we purchased the property. TRUSTEE KING: Since time has began man has been in a constant battle against nature, this one is no different. NEIGHBOR: We are willing to pay for it. TRUSTEE KING: Sure. NEIGHBOR: And if it fills in. It is our loss. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. We are going to make a motion to table this. Until we get the rest of the information. Does the Board have any other questions, for the applicant. I will make a motion to table, until next month. It will come up again. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I just think that the applicants ought to have some kind of insurance or something. That there will be, put Mrs. Greenfield and Mr. Moy at ease. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It all has to be spelled out completely. In detail. NEIGHBOR: We had insurance the last time we did it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Right, it says here one hundred thousand dollar policy was in place. NEIGHBOR: And whatever it requires. Up to a certain reasonable amount. The association has agreed to do, if we do the dredging. MRS. GREENFIELD: May I have a clarification. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Yes. Board of Trustees '~- 19 .... ~March 22, 2000 MRS. GREENFIELD: The dates were 1988 is when it was dredged. The next application went in 1991, three years later. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay, dated October 26, 1990 it was resolved that the Town Board of Trustee's accept their request of October 25, 1990 from the West Lake Assoc., to withdraw the permit to dredge West Lake. There is a lot of information here in the old file. If you would like to come in and take a look at it, now is really not the time. MRS. GREENFIELD: Because that means that two years after it was dredged. There was an application for the next dredging? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It looks like it, but I really cannot confirm it. It is all here in the file. If you would like to review it. Will review it. We have another month now to review it. But feel free to come in and take a look, also. MRS. GREENFIELD. And one more request, please. Is it possible as a courtesy that those of us who are directly involved. Be given more than you know the time that you have given. It would be very helpful and appreciated if would be given at least a month. If this is all happening or two weeks, or three weeks. DIANE HERBERT: The receipts say that Mr. Fitzgerald sent them all out on the 14th. MRS. GREENFIELD: I am not faulting that. I am just saying as a courtesy I am requesting that little more led time, a little more notice be give. I do not think that should be a problem. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That is a problem. Because quite often the application will come in. The application was received on March 3rd, MRS. GREENFIELD: Do you put it in the Suffolk Times? DIANE HERBERT: It was in the paper. Yes. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It is listed a week before also. But we can't always have that much led time ourselves. The application was received March 3rd. So that is less than three weeks ago. It is a town code that require to notice any project like this. Under a certain amount of time. That is straight across for all Town Boards not just this Board. So we did not set that. That is the town code. I have motion to table. Is there a second. TRUSTEE KING: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES. So this will come up automatically the night of Wednesday, April 19th. For anyone who is interested. If you could I would imagine to spell out specifically how, if there is damage failure of the bulkhead how that will be prepared and redredged if there is failure whatever. So we really have it specifically in the record remediation if there is a problem. Thank you. Okay it has been mentioned that it is trustee bottom. Since it is town owned bottom. The cost is $10.00 a yard for the dredging as standard fee. 10. Proper-T Services on behalf of AL STRAZZA requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 4' x 40' fixed open walkway, and a 10' x 10' seasonal swim float. Located: 1255 Grathwohl Road, New Suffolk. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Would anyone hear to speak in favor of the application. Yes Jim Fitzgerald, for Mr. Strazza. Board of Trustees -~ 20 ~/-March 22, 2000 JIM FITZGERALD: It is pretty straight forward. The application is for a fixed dock with no ramp, and no float. It extends less than 25% of the way, across the creek. In addition, he asking for your permission to put a swimming float, seasonally, and since based on our conversation during the inspections, it seems to be an unusual request, we looked, with your guidance, as far as the placement of the...the dates in and out and so forth. He has an open mind. TRUSTEE SMITH: The 10'X 10' swim float where that's not connected to the dock, I think there would be a liability problem with that. I know that people used to put out, in the sound when I was a kid, swim floats and things like that, but it got to be quite a liability problem so that's when it stopped. JIM FITZGERALD: You mean a financial liability? TRUSTEE SMITH: Yeah. Suppose a kid went out there and got hurt or something like that. Now who is responsible for this liability of this float? I mean, it's not connected to one's piece of property or something like that so the there's no physical connection. The only physical connection is probably to town bottom with an anchor on it. JIM FITZGERALD: I'd say the concept be applied to all the docks. TRUSTEE SMITH: Not necessarily because they're physically connected to the person's property. Just a float out there like that, that's why the Town gave then up along the beaches and things like that because of the liability problem. I know it's a great idea and every thing like that but I think we're just going to open up a big can of worms with something like that. I know ~hat when I was a kid they used to have them off of Peconic, nobody got hurt and we had a lot of fun there but that was then and this is ~ow. That's the only concern I would have with something like that. These people could put this thing out there, Somebody gets hurt and say...I just don't know. JIM FITZGERALD: You're talking about a passerby that sees it and jumps in. (changed tape) TRUSTEE POLIWODA: A minimal structure i~ that location, there's no flow at all. It's up in a, more than a head of a creek. More in the marsh itself. No more than 4'X 4' pilings if anything if even allowed. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Well I don't have a problem with giving them high and dry access there. It's a nice place to put in a canoe or kayak or something. I think it would protect ~he marsh more than someone dragging something through it. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Well there's an access ramp right there. Maybe 100' away. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: But keep it minimal. 4'X 4' posts. How long is the dock to the north there? The Blackl~y dock. JIM FITZGERALD: I don't know. I can't See in the picture. TRUSTEE SMITH: If you don't want a seasgnal float, they probably could put an application in for a moorin~ permit and get the float registered as a boat and then it would probably go under their homeowners or something like that. I don't know but that might be the way around something like that. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I think that's a long stretch. DIANE HERBERT: The bay constables kind of frown on it. They would suggest you didn't do it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: What's the water depth here? JIM FITZGERALD: It's about 2' at the end of the dock. Board of Trustees March 22, 2000 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Could we shorten that up at all a little bit? Shave 8' off of it? JIM FITZGERALD: 8' off a little bit? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Yes. It's a good shave. JIM FITZGERALD: No, I don't think so. If I take 8' off it's probably going to be 6" deep at the end. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: How about 10'? It is just for access to the creek. Right! JIM FITZGERALD: I am sorry. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Just for the access to the creek, Right. JIM FITZGERALD: Yes as to oppose to. What else would it be for? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: How deep is it at the end? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: About two feet. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I just asked what the depth was 8' inward. Do you know. JIM FITZGERALD: I do not know. Because the thought never entered my mind. But I think that my impression is that the bottom is relatively straight slope. It does not take any funny moves up or down. So if it is 2 feet at 24 feet it would be 2/3 of that at 16 feet. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI. I like Ken's suggestion of 4 x 4's and nothing sticking up above the decking. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Sure. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Just keep it low profile. As far as nothing sticking up nothing protruding out. Any other comment. Do I have a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE KING: Seconded. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Ken do you want to make a motion. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: The diagram you gave me. How many feet is that? He has 40 feet here I only see 36, 24 and 12 above. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI. No he is showing 12 feet off of the edge of the pavement.. Starting at 12 feet off at the edge of the pavement. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Okay, I will make a motion to Approve the permit on behalf of AL STRAZZA to construct a 4 x 40 fixed open walkway, and no swim float at all. The construct will consist of 4x4 piles with no raised piles above the degree. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No raised piles above the decking. JIM FITZGERALD: No what? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Low profile poles. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No piles raised above the deck of the structure. Is there a seconded on that. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES 11. Proper-T Services on behalf of SALT LAKE ASSOC. requests a Wetland Permit to dredge portions of the boat basin to 5' below MLW, remove collected sand from surrounding walkway, place dredge spoil and sand removed from walkway on indicated site, maintenance dredge the same conditions as necessary a min. of three times during the next ten years. Located: Old Salt Lake Road, Mattituck. Is there any one here would like to speak in favor of the application. Yes. It is me again, JIM FITZGERALD. JIM FITZGERALD: The project speaks for ibself. The pictures that are in the application where on site inspection. Board of Trustees 22 ~'March 22, 2000 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I would just like to ask, if there is any other comment on this application. From any one else either in favor of or against. I think our big concern here was again is the interrogate of the neighbor's bulkhead to the south. It does not seem to be, in fact the neighbor's bulkhead to the west also. This one here and this has a curiosity rippling in it. This catwalk here it kind of went like this and then it went like that again. JIM FITZGERALD: Where? In here. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI:: Right in here. We noticed it when we were over here looking at this bulkhead. We do not have a problem with the dredging of this. But again we are concerned about the integrity of this structure here, and this structure here. This one particularly looks a little ..... JIM FITZGERALD: The people that own the bulkheads are for the dredging. Presumably they would be able to resolve these questions, among themselves. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay. So we can act on something like this. Invoking the codes and the neighboring properties will not be destabilized through this operation. JIM FITZGERALD: That will be acceptable condition. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It is in pretty bad shape here. This is like a probably a 6 wide catwalk here. That kind of goes like this and then goes that and back there again. There is no ice there it is all filled in, in that corner. This corner here is up, you can walk on this part. The whole corner is up land. JIM FITZGERALD: Where you are talking about. I think is where the sand is coming down. So that the water could have gotten under that section, of catwalk. While it was frozen or while it was freezing. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Well it is possible. JIM FITZGERALD: Lord only knows what they are going to find. When they take the sand out of the corner. Because it has been buried for a long time. So it is going to have to be worked on probably on the whole thing. They will not know what has to be done. Until they get the sand out of there. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Who owns the bulkhead and the timber walkway? JIM FITZGERALD: Presumably the association does. Everybody I ask says the same thing. I guess. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Sure. Okay The spoil site is that going to contain the sand? JIM FITZGERALD: It calculates out that way, that it will. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Is the bulkhead fairly new? JIM FITZSERALD: Which one? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: For the spoil site. JIM FITZGERALD: I do not know. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Do you have a container or does that hold it in. Does it feed back in. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Who owns the spoil site? JIM FITZGERALD: The corner person, yes. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We did not, for whatever reason it must have been the end of the day. We did not look at the spoil site. So I would like to move this along. Maybe we can condition this on - Henry can you take a run up there tomorrow and take a look at this. TRUSTEE SMITH: I am going to be pretty busy tomorrow because I am leaving Friday. Board of Trustees 23 ~"March 22, 2000 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Artie. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Take a ride where? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Are you going to be in Mattituck? TRUSTEE FOSTER: Not first thing in the morning. I am going to be in New Suffolk. Where is this? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Salt Lake Village. TRUSTEE FOSTER: I will go down there early about 6:30. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Can you take a look at the spoil site. We neglected to look at on field inspections. I would rather move this along. Based upon your inspection. TRUSTEE FOSTER: I know where that is. That is all scholl in there. The whole thing. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Sure. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Exactly what does he want to look at? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The spoil site. We did not look at it on field inspection, for some reason we missed it. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Where is it? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Right down there by your left. By the bay. The CAC had a question about that also. TRUSTEE FOSTER: It is right on the corner of the entrance to the creek. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Right. JIM FITZGERALD: Yes. TRUSTEE FOSTER: So they are going to pump in there, I guess in there then. Are they going to do this hydraulically? JIM FITZGERALD: I do not think so. It depends on what they can work out with the home owner about taken it across. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Somebody's lawn, yeah. Okay I will look at it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: You will have an idea whether they can put 700 yards there. Better than the rest of us. TRUSTEE FOSTER: How big is this area? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It looks pretty big. TRUSTEE FOSTER: I will go down early tomorrow morning and look at it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I have a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I will second. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I will make a motion to Approve the application. Do we want to let it go three times in the next ten years. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: It seems to be a type of thing that happens all the time. So I would go ahead with that. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: With the condition has to be notified. Before each dredging and this is all going to be based on that it is Trustee bottom and Trustee owned dredge spoil. The inside inspection tomorrow of Trustee Foster to determine the liability of dredge spoil site. You want to take the whole file. JIM FITZGERALD: The material that is above high water now is not Trustee's. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Sure it is. No it still is ours. Because if it filled in completely. We still own it. Sure. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Sitting on our bottom we take everything. ~RUSTEE KRUPSKI: Fill it in ten feet high and it is still ours. The elevation does not matter. Board of Trustees 24 ~"March 22, 2000 TRUSTEE FOSTER: From the high water mark - thirty feet out. That is a lot of dirt. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Well take a look at it. I think there maybe another option for that sand. It looks like good clean sand. There might be use at the highway department for it also. I am not sure that would have to be worked out with Ray Jacobs. That has nothing to do with us. JIM FITZGERALD: Do you pay for it then. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Not if the town uses it. I would not think. Do you think he could use it. It looks like good clean in there. TRUSTEE KING: I think he was looking for sand, not too long ago. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: You could contact him. JIM FITZGERALD: Ray Jacobs. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Who seconded the motion. All in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE POLIWODA: No I did not. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Will you. Seconded it. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Yes I will. 12. Catherine Messiano on behalf of ROBERT STICKLE requests a Wetland Permit for the clearing of land within 75' of wetlands. Located: 415 Harbor Lights Drive, Southold. CATHERINE MESSIANO: For the applicant, Mr. Stickle is requesting a permit for clearing that was done on this property. (cannot understand) The clearing was done in error. The contractor had a misunderstanding as to the extent of the pe£mit. He read the DEC ~ permit and did not understand it. Your permit was not equivalent to it. So, therefore, the clearing has taken place. Hay bales were placed immediately at your request. Obviously we submitted the application immediately at your request, and here we are. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Well you know what happened. The house is out of our jurisdiction. It is 103 feet, so there is enough room to build it without getting into our 75 feet jurisdiction. But I think the contractor assumed that since it was out of our jurisdiction, everything was. CATHERINE MESSIANO: The DEC letter of non-jurisdiction stated that they had no jurisdiction beyond the bulkhead. He did not understand the difference between yours and theirs. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I think what I tried to explain to him in the field. I think we just wanted to impose a thirty foot buffer which would be consistent to the one that we imposed to the adjacent neighbor. CATHERINE MESSIANO: Right, we demonstrated that on the survey. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do you have anything showing being replanted. CATHERINE MESSIANO: He was going to. His intention at this point was to use the sand. Just fill it with sand. So it was not vegetated at all if that was acceptable. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That is fine. CATHERINE MESSIANO: Thank you.. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I was going to ask it be regraded. But I think this would be plenty of filter. Have a little swale place in there. But that shoal be fine. CATHERINE MESSIANO: Okay swale or no swale with the sand. Board of Trustees ..... 25 March 22, 2000 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I do not think we need a swale in here. It is pretty level there. CATHERINE MESSIANO: It is quite level. Another point, I just wanted to make. I know I have discussed this with the girl's in the office and I did get a verbal okay but there is some deteriorated planks on the bulkheading and he is finding that is getting some soil washing through. We just wanted to clarify that he was okay at this point to do some patching of the bulkheading. He is going to come ba~k in for a permit to redo the bulkhead. The bulkhead is at least thirty years old. They believe that some of the dead men need to be replaced, as well. So will come back in for a permit for that. But in the mean time he would like to prevent any further erosion of the land that is existing because he is finding that it is washing through. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Yes I believe I gave that okay. We do not want to see anymore damage there. CATHERINE MESSIANO: No he wants to preserve whatever he can. (cannot understand) Also he ask me to bring up that the town had contacted him. When they saw that the land was cleared. Requested his permission to excavate across the drainage easement. The town installed new drainage structures from Harbor Lights Drive to the canal. There has been a serious flooding problem there. So that has been done to, and that was done at the town's request to Mr. Stickle. Who was very willing to accommodate them. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: What did the town do. Excuse me. CATHERINE MESSIANO: The town excavated from the road to the bulkheading. With all new drainage structures. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: When? CATHERINE MESSIANO: I was there on, what is the date of my postings the 15th. I was there on the 15th and it appeared to be installed by then. There was no basin installed at that time. The excavation was still opened, but the piping had been installed. It was there before. There was a pipe in there before. TRUSTEE KING: One of these days we are going to stop doing the way we did things before. With runoff problems. CATHERINE MESSIANO: I have been to the site when there was two feet of water in the road. You could not pass. The road was impassable. You have to drive through a neighbor's driveway to get around it. I think that has been a chronic problem in that neighborhood. Three roads converge and this is the low point. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Right. CATHERINE MESSIANO: And there is a real problem there. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It is the deficiency on the way the whole area was designed. CATHERINE MESSIANO: Yes. But the point was he just wanted me to make sure that you knew he did not do it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. Is there any other comment? TRUSTEE KING: No. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I have a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: So moved. TRUSTEE KING: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: In all in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Someone want to make a motion? Board of Trustees ~L~ 26 .... March 22, 2000 TRUSTEE SMITH: I will make the motion that we Approve the wetland permit for the clearing of the land within 75' of wetlands and the restoration. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES 13. Catherine Messiano on behalf of KE~MIT JO~NS requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 4' x 100' fixed timber walk, a 3' x 12' ramp and a 6' x 20' float with 6" low profile piles. Located: 1800 Broadwater Road, Cutchogue. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI:Anyone here like to speak in favor of this application. CATHERINE MESSIANO: For the applicant. We had started this two months ago. When there was a lot of ice out there. We came back last month and we gave the best information that we could gather at that time. The Board had requested that we reduce the scope of the dock. Eliminate the ramp and float. Which we have done. I have plans that are consistent with what the Board had requested, at our last meeting. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. This is what we requested. That is old. I just have the only live one there. That makes it consistent with the two neighbors. Is there any other comment on this? Do I have a motion to close the hearing. Do I have a second on that motion. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES. Will someone make a motion on this application. TRUSTEE SMITH: I will make a motion we approve on the new application. What is the date on this thing? CATHERINE MESSIANO: I think that is dated March 1, TRUSTEE SMITH: March 1 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Seconded. TRUSTEE KING: I will seconded. ALL AYES 14. Land Use on behalf of JOF~N RI~RTADO requests a Wetland Permit for the construction of a driveway for access to proposed house. Located: 10995 Bayview Avenue, Southold. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here like to speak in favor of the application. CHARLES BOWMAN: On behalf of John Hurtado I think we sent you a sketch plan chart. I hope how you wanted the driveway to be laid out with the swales and the grades the revegetation and the hay bales. If that is satisfactory. I hope you will approve of this. The one precautionary note that I would want to add. Is that I have to submit this to Steve Lawrence for his approval for DEC. Hopefully he agrees with our plans. So we do not have to come back and change it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. CHARLES BOWq~AN: I will give you a project description and summary. Which basically says that we reinstalled the hay bales. Where you indicated double rows, another single row on the other side. We are going to filling in the low areas. About ten yards of clean fill material. Two storm recharge basins about 6' x 15' maximum of 2 feet deep to be installed as you indicated in the field, and the roadway was going to be graded to allow that run off to enter those recharge Board of Trustees "~ 27 ~March 22, 2000 basins. Timber piles will be removed and there be a gravel covering on the drive. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I want to explain this. Is there any other comment? Before I start in. I want to explain this to Artie. You know where this is. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Henry and I went over the other day. I thought they changed it to asphalt? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No. TRUSTEE FOSTER: It still going to remain pervious. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Yes. Let me just show you. Do you have a plan there. CHARLES BOWMAN:. The DEC there is not a chance they would approve asphalt. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: When you come through here There is a cut here in the road. I told him they could fill that. Instead of trying to regrade and regroup. Just fill that up to grade and put a drainage swell here. So all this runs here. Put in a drainage swell so that it will always run here. This is the nice wetland here. You are not going to impact that at all. If built correctly. It levels off over here.TRUSTEE KING: Is that a policy of the DEC that they will not allow any asphalt near a wetlands. CHARLES BOWMAN: The thing about these wetlands, Jim, is that. There are (cannot understand) they do not meet their four acre criteria. But they are marked as unique because of that and they are nice little wetlands. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Have they been out there? CHARLES BOWMAN: Chris Stalk was out there, yes. He has not seen this plan yet. I do not think they are going to have any problem with this. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Well this is something that I just came up with last week. CHARLES BOWMAN: I think it is a good idea. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It is simple. I think they will never have a problem with a hole in the driveway either. To make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: So moved. TRUSTEE SMITH: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. TRUSTEE FOSTER: ALL AYES. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: TRUSTEE POLIWODA: TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: TRUSTEE FOSTER: Do I have a motion to Approve this plan. So moved. Seconded. All in favor. ALL AYES. 15. Crowley Construction on behalf of BURTON MIC~%ELS requests a Wetland Permit to reconstruct 93' of timber bulkhead with C-loc vinyl and replace approx. 20 c.y. of fill from upland source. Located: 3570 Minnehaha Blvd., Southold. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Anyone here would like to speak on behalf of the application. IAN CROWLE¥: On behalf of the applicant. I was just wondering if Sue had dropped off. As we discussed the drawing of the line from the nail. In the concrete wall to the adjourning property owners. Which moves the wall back a foot on one side. Board of Trustees -l' 28 ..... March 22, 2000 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Right. I do not see it here. TRUSTEE FOSTER: She let you down. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I spoke to Mr. Crowley, about this so that he could have the plans ready. I do not see a problem with voting on this subject to getting those plans. IAN CROWLEY: Okay. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I would rather not hold this up. Whenever she comes in with the plans. IAN CROWLEY: She has been very ill. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: When she comes in with the plans then we can get the permit. (Tape change) CAC has something written in. Which is interesting. It says reclaiming of fill is - what does that mean. IAN CROWLE¥: Mr. Michael's has lost quite a bit of fill. Due to a leak in his bulkhead. If the wall is taken out there will be just a little reclamation, after the construction. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I do not know quite what that means? What does that mean. He has a big problem here, a lot of that problem is caused by road run off to. Any other comment? Do I have a motion to go off the public hearing. TRUSTEE SMITH: So moved. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Ken do you want to make a motion. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I will make a motion to approve the permit on behalf of BURTON MIC~IAELS to reconstruct 93' of timber bulkhead with C-loc vinyl and replace approx. 20 c.y. of fill from upland source as per the plans showing now through the opposite retaining wall. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: From the set now to the drill hole in the opposite retaining wall. And that per revised plan so that the applicant can reclaim twenty yards of loss fill, from the area that has blown out in front of the bulkhead. That there be a ten foot non-turf buffer behind the new bulkhead. Is there a second on it. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I will seconded it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES. 16. Crowley Construction on behalf of EMMA T$CHIEMBER requests a Wetland Permit to construct 80' of timber bulkhead with C-loc vinyl and replace approx. 20 c.¥. of fill from upland source. Located: 3640 Minnehaha Blvd., $outhold. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Any one want to speak in favor of this application. IAN CROWLEY: On behalf of the applicant. This is just a neighbor. It is the same project. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Any one else like to speak. I spoke to Mr. Crowley about that platform out there. That we would like to see that if not removed at least ...did you speak to Mrs. Tschiember. Maybe we can get her to take the side. That dock there. MRS. TSCHIEMBER: Let me get up there. Old lady do not hear too good. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay take your time. We went out and looked at your site last week all of us. That dock that you have into the water. That is something that we normally would not allow. MRS TSCHIEMBER: It has been there forty years, Board of Trustees 29 .... March 22, 2000 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I know that. I am not saying. So I suggested to Mr. Crowley that if you wanted to put in something more conventional like a ramp and a float. Like your neighbor has. We have no problem with that. He said that you wanted to leave it the way it was. You were not going to touch it. MRS. TSCHIEMBER: I would like to. Very much so. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All right. Cause we assumed that during construction that would be replaced. MRS. TSCHIEMBER: He does not have to touch that. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there any way we could ask you take the planking off the side. At least to get the sun light in. The skirting. MRS. TSCHIEMBER: Somebody mentioned that to me once. I thought that maybe you would not have to take all the planking. You know why. The planking is .on there because the muskrats go under there. I got them all over the yard too. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We noticed that. MRS. TSCHIEMBER: No I do not exactly. I mean I go nuts when I see a mouse. Never mind something with a tail. I am dog sitting my son's dog, she is running out there and this thing keeps sticking it's head up. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Maybe they are living under there. MRS. TSCHIEMBER: They are. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Maybe if it was opened. MRS. TSCHIEMBER: They can not get under. I would be willing to take a couple of boards off. It only would make more trouble. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Once the muskrats are in. The boards are going back. MRS. TSCHIEMBER: They are really ugly, ugly. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Well we did see him there. MRS. TSCHIEMBER: Oh did you see him. I do not know if he has a wife? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Maybe you can station your cat. MRS. TSCHIEMBER: That cat is so lazy. It does nothing but sleep. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I hate to say, but I have seen them go under your house. MRS. TSCHIEMBER: Oh gee... I had a mouse this winter in the cellar and I had to call my son to come down. I refused to go in the cellar. It was this big when he got it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We will just impose the same thing that we did on your neighbor. It will be put in the same place. We want to see a ten foot non-turf buffer along the edging. Some people put in gravel. MRS. TSCHIEMBER: I know that. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay MRS. TSCHIEMBER: Thank you. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I have a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE SMITH: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: TRUSTEE SMITH: TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: buffer. TRUSTEE SMITH: TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Ail in favor. ALL AYES Will you make a motion - Henry. I will make a motion to be approved. With in kind/in place and with a ten foot non-turf I will second. Ail in favor. ALL AYES. Board of Trustees '< ..... 30 ~'JMarch 22, 2000 17. $.E.L. Permits on behalf of FRANK & JANE LYNN request a Wetland Permit to construct a 4' x 100' fixed dock, a 3' x 14' ramp and a 6' x 20' float with 2 piles. Located: 2300 Hobart Road, Southold. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Any one here would like to speak in favor of the application. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: Standing in for Sue Long. She is sick. If there is any questions on it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We looked at it. The length I think looked - was the length right? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Ninety feet. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The total of ninety feet. I think we wanted. I think we kept it in line with the two neighbors. Right in between them. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: I am not sure that gives them the necessary water for the DEC. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I am not sure either. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: We did the soundings last week but it is too muddy to go out beyond a hundred feet. (cannot understand) TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The day we went you could walk out a 100 feet almost. I think we walked out what about 80? Eighty some feet we walked out there. It was low. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: I made it out there. I made it to ninety. I remember it was ninety. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: So we figured at 90 foot fixed, ramp and float. Would give you water there. Because then it dropped right off. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: Ninety foot fixed ramp and float would be 108' overall. So that is being approved? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I think so. Isn't that what .... and while we are looking for the field notes. You wanted to take that groin out. Maybe instead of taking it out. Cut it in half. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: That is what I suggested to Mr. Lynn. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay. Because that would be a small project and he would not be sorry. If he took the whole thing out. We be afraid he be sorry afterwards ANGELO STEPNOSKI: That is a possibility. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Yes so he can just cut it off right at the bottom whaler. It would still give him something. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: That is a good idea. I had suggested that to Mr. Lynn. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We did too.. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: We never came to a final decision on it. But I think he be in agreement. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Because he said to take the whole thing out. We did not think that was a good idea. Do we have a length there? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I think it was ninety feet, plus ramp and float. You walked out on the fixed dock and I held my hand out and you wound it up. It was ninety feet in the fixed spot. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Because that is another 14 plus 6. It is another twenty feet pass there. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: Because the ramp is not right on the float. So it would be 12 and 6. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I think that would be even with the neighbor's. I think that gives you water there. Board of Trustees .... 31 ..... March 22, 2000 ANGELO STEPNOSKI: Yes, that would get us into at least 3-1/2 foot. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I think four. Well the day we were there was unusually low. Ken walked out that far. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: At the site I mentioned that area is highly concentrated with shell fish. (cannot understand) I do not recommend any poles off shore there because that monopolizes a good chunk of the bottom. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: They do not want high poles. They just want the float. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Okay. I see that in the permits. That the two piles. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: What are you saying.., okay. We are good on that. A lot of those 2 piles came out this winter. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: Up at the end of the creek it is all mud. They come out every year. Every time there is ice. As you get out into there. There is all sand at the bottom. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Does it really matter if there are one pole or two poles up? ANGELO STEPNOSKI: Yes it does. It makes a big difference. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I consider two poles if you get the ice in there. The ice gets movement on just either or pole. It is going to pull the other pole. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: No, actually it breaks away because it gets narrower as the tide goes out from underneath it. It breaks off because it is not supported. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Why do they all pull up? ANGELO STEPNOSKI: Because it is all mud up there. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Just soft. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: Henry's dock you can go there. You can push his boat around with your hand. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Don't do that. Right. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: Right. TRUSTEE SMITH: I have to bubble it. ANGELO STEPNOSKI You have to bubble it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: So let us close this out. Do I have a motion to close this hearing. TRUSTEE SMITH: Motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Kenny TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I will make the motion to Approve the permit on behalf of FRANK & JANE L~q~N to construct a 4' x 90' fixed dock, with a 3' x 14' ramp and a 6' x 20' float with 2 piles. Located: 2300 Hobart Road, Southold. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there a second? TRUSTEE: SMITH: Seconded TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Angelo if you want to check the measurements on that. To make sure that we are correct on that. In between them ANGELO STEPNOSKI: Yes. Board of Trustees 32 ~'~March 22, 2000 18. S.E.L. Permits on behalf of TIM & NANCY HIIW. request a Wetland Permit to install a 4' x 45' catwalk, a 3' x 12' ramp and a 6' x 20' float with 2 piles. Located: 360 Oak Avenue, Southold. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Anyone here would like to speak in favor of this application?ANGELO STEPNOSKI: Once again I am standing in for Sue. Because she is to ill to be here. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: This one I think we have a big problem with. Remember this one. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I was waiting for this one. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: You were. Were you. Well go ahead. TRUSTEE POLIWODA. Are you familiar with that exact location? ANGELO STEPNOSKI: I have been there. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: (Cannot understand) Off-shore main channel. Well just where this proposal is. It is right in the middle in shore channel. Which I personally navigate. I am sure a lot of boaters in that area navigate in the channel and it can not be more than 20 feet wide there. So it would be a navigational hazard. To put a float of any type in that spot. There aren't any floats of any type in that spot ANGELO STEPNOSKI: I am just trying to think. Harold Schwartz right next door. Has a dock that is longer than this proposed dock. That he puts in and out every year. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: It was not there when we were there. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: He takes the entire dock out. Every year, but has a dock that is longer than this proposed dock. Right next door. No more than 60 feet away. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Does he go out into that channel? ANGELO STEPNOSKI He must. I am not familiar with the channel. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Well we went out on a good day. It was dry you could see it. Very clearly there. TRUSTEE SMITH: There was a channel that was dredged years ago. Wasn't it? ANGELO STEPNOSKI: There is a small one in shore. A small channel and then there is a monster flat. Than off-shore main channel. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I just could not see how you can put a 6 foot wide boat in, and then have a boat on the side of it. Then have someone else navigate that channel. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: Like I said Harold Schwartz dock is right there. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: That probably be a conflict for this dock then. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: No actually it will get along fine. He has no problems with it. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I do not know how old that permit is? But I am sure. This one would definitely go 1/3 of the length of the navigable channel. It probably go 2/3. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: But it would not go 100 of the way, across the water would it? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Oh no. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It is a navigable water way there. So I think this has to go back to the drawing board. Try to work something out. Give us water depths going out there, right across that channel. Board of Trustees 33 ...... March 22, 2000 ANGELO STEPNOSKI: Sue has water depth on this drawing, but it does not go across the channel. It just goes to the end of the proposed dock. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I think you would need water depths right across because like I said that when we were ...what do the field notes say? First of all we would rather see it start from the bulkhead and not out in the marsh. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: Mr. Hill's reasoning for not starting at the bulkhead. He has small children and he does not want them to have direct access to the dock. He wants them to be contained by the bulkhead. They have to jump down to walk out to the dock. His reasoning is that they are less likely to go on the dock. If they can not walk directly off the bulkhead onto it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: How about a gate? ANGELO STEPNOSKI: That is a possibility. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It seems that if you have small children they are going to go. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: That is the reason he gave me. I can just tell you what he told me. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I think we need to see some kind of re-worked plan here. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: How far out do you want the soundings. How many feet. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Until it comes up again to the flat. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: So then over the flat into the next channel. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No. We are not going to entertain a structure there. Just up to the flat. Just so it levels off again. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: So we will take soundings through the channel. TRUSTEE POLIWODA. There is a way to walk around that spot of that channel. With a little sand bar. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: So we are going to table this to next month. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Yes. Have Sue call Mr. Hill and tell him of our concerns. We loved to see it a little bit longer and come right off of his bulkhead. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: I would to because I get to sell more of the dock. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We would rather see that. Less destruction there. ANGELO STEPNOSKI:. I will give them your comments. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thanks. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Just for note there is a significant shell fish bed there also. Soft clams on that beach. ANGELO STEPNOSKI: We jet up a lot of them when putting the docks in. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I will make a motion to table the application. TRUSTEE KING: Seconded TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES 19. Brian Downey on behalf of SUSAN L. JOF~N$ON requests a Wetland Permit to add three feet to an existing bathroom and enclose the portion of the deck in front of the bathroom and bring the existing deck around the front of the house. Located: Windy Point Lane, Southold. BRIAN DOWNEY: On behalf of Susan Johnson. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We took a look at this. Do you have any comments to make on this. Board of Trustees -'~ 34 ........ March 22, 2000 TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I did not have a problem with the deck. But I have a problem with the placement of you're trees you cut down. Putting them into the marsh. It looks like a junk pile. CARPENTER: I am there specifically as a carpenter. To build the bathroom out. They had inherited this property recently. So I noticed there are lawn movers, all mashed up there as well. If we might take care of it. We would take it out. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: We will put that as a stipulation. I make a... TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I have a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Yes, close the hearing. TRUSTEE SMITH: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE POLIWODA I will make a motion to approve the addition on Susan Johnson house on Windy Point Lane, Southold bring around the deck on the existing bathroom. With the stipulation that they clean up the marsh. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Are you going to be more specific? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Cut down trees and all garbage out of the marsh. Clean up all debris. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there a second on that? TRUSTEE SMITH: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES 20. Richard Larsen on behalf of PAUL LANCEY requests a Wetland & Coastal Erosion Permit to remove and replace inkind/inplace 110' of bulkhead and backfill with 200 c.y. of fill from upland source, remove and replace, inkind/inplace a 9' x 12' deck, stairs relocated and rebuilt, and replace bare areas with beach grass. Located: 18565 Soundview Avenue, Southold. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here to speak in favor of the application? DIANE HERBERT: We had the owner in here today, and see where it is over on this property. We got a letter from the corporation, this man, saying that he did not want this to precede. Until he saw the plans on how they were going to do this. But when Mr. Lancey left the office. He spoke with this man. He would do anything ,,because I told he might have to..the corporation might have to put in an application for this. If you suggested it.They are going to take it out and move it over. So should the BY-HOLD Corporation also apply? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Not for that portion of the bulkhead. He is going to replace that also?. DIANE HERBERT: No they are going to leave that. It is just the steps that Mr. Lancey is doing to take and repair the bulkhead over here. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Wait a second. DIANE HERBERT: See where it bows out. You saw this (cannot understand) on Mr. Lancey's property up to that point. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: That is 110 foot then? Well that has to be over on his property. DIANE HERBERT: 108 feet. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Any problem Ken? TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I did not have any problem with completing the work. But they have to find out .... DIANE HERBERT: So they worked it out between themselves. Board of Trustees '~"~'~ 35 ...... ~March 22, 2000 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: So he just going to move the stairs. Take that off his property and put it on the stairs. DIANE HERBERT: But the question that I had? Do you want the BY-Hold Corporation to do an application TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No DIANE HERBERT: That is good. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Ken - okay - I need permission to go off the public hearing. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: So moved. TRUSTEE KING: Second TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE POLIWODA: I will make a motion to Approve the permit on behalf of PAUL LANCEY to remove and replace inkind/inplace 110' of bulkhead and backfill with 200 c.y. of fill from upland source, remove and replace, inkind/inplace a 9' x 12' deck, stairs relocated and rebuilt, and replace bare areas with beach grass. Located 18565 Soundview Avenue, Southold. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there a second? TRUSTEE FOSTER: Seconded. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Just to add that any disturbed areas on the neighbors properties should be replanted also. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Sure. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: ALL in favor. ALL AYES. 21. Peconic Associates on behalf of DOUGLAS DE FEIS requests a Wetland Permit to build in front of approx. 120" of deteriorated bulkhead. Work Will include replace of deck and approx. 20 c.y. of backfill between the old and replacement structure taken from the immediate area in front of bulkhead. Located: 1165 Cedar Point Drive West, Southold. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there anyone here who would like to speak in favor of the application. MERLON WIGGIN: Peconic Associates on behalf of the applicant. Since we had the mutual visit at the site. We revised the plans which you will see the new revised plans. We moved the bulkhead back 12 feet to put it behind the original deck. So now there will be no requirements for dredging. The old bulkhead will be removed. Until that happens (cannot understand) Based on the discussion we had on the site with the Board. TRUSTEE KING: You are just moving the whole structure back. MERLON WIGGIN: It doesn't really show the erosion taken place because of the damaged bulkhead underneath the upland scrubs and the stuff that the erosion gets back undermines the float in front of the house. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there any other comments? WILLIAM RIELLY: 1075 Cedar Point Drive West. Next door neighbor. I have rip-rapping that goes around. I am not opposed to what they are doing. I just want to make sure that when they put it in. That if any rip-rap they have to move gets moved back. When they finish the project. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Would you like to see the plans? WILLIAM RIELLY: I do not know how they do the construction. To bring it back. How far they come with the return? Whether the locks that I have now have to be moved to do the draw. Board of Trustees 36 ~L~ ~March 22, 2000 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Sure. TRUSTEE FOSTER: In other words that anything that has to be removed on your property. Will be replaced. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Should be restored. TRUSTEE FOSTER: That is not unreasonable. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Any other comment?Do I have a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE SMITH: I will make a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I will make a motion to Approve the plans. The newly submitted plans. The condition that the neighbors property stone rip abutment that if anything is disturbed that it be restored to its present state. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES 22. Walter Perrson on behalf of FRANK CAMPANELLI requests a Wetland Permit to construct a one family dwelling, septic system, deck, a 4'x 27'5" ramp and a 6' x 20' float. Located 1275 Cedar Point Drive West, Southold. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Any one here like to speak in favor of the application. WALTER PERRSON: I am representing Mr. Campanelli. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Artie and Henry did you take a look at this? This is right next to Mr. DeFeis which was the previous one. TRUSTEE FOSTER: No we did not. TRUSTEE SMITH: Do you have DEC approval? Do you have Board of Health approval. WALTER PERRSON: No. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It is about 24 feet to the wetlands of the septic system. One of our big concerns is the septic system. That is one of our big concerns. WALTER PERRSON: Mr. Campanelli bought this property in 1967. At that time there was a building permit issued on it. He had expediation of building eventually. (cannot understand) Things would come up say that he could not build on it. There were other concerns of DEC or health department. That would be a different matter. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Well in 1967 he would not have had any trouble building on it. But things have changed so now. You will never that through the health department. WALTER PERRSON: I did speak to the health department and they said it was part of the septic system. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Well you know I should not say that. You may get it through there. If you put a concrete retaining wall all around it. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I have seen the high ones. That are further away. TRUSTEE FOSTER: But they will I am sure you will have to put a concrete retaining wall completely around that septic system. Definitely.. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: See what I do not understand there? How can you encapsule the sewage and then what. You are going to have finite area of capacity. It has to leak out some where. Board of Trustees 37 ....... ~arch 22, 2000 TRUSTEE FOSTER: Well it goes vertically. You have to dig down through whatever soil that is there. Until you hit good sand which may or may not. You may not have a problem with that. Into the water table. Then you have to back fill with good clean sand and gravel. WALTER PERRSON: Is the cesspool on that? TRUSTEE FOSTER: No it shows it as a septic tank and five pool system. A regular standard health department approved system. WALTER PERRSON: There was a cesspool there TRUSTEE FOSTER: Three foot brown lomie sand. So you have to dig down 5-1/2 feet to the course sand. Then back fill with good clean material. I know they are going to make you put in a retaining wall in. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I do not see where it is from that distance. I have seen them deny ones further. What is the depth of water there? TRUSTEE FOSTER: Out where they did the test hole. It shows 5.7 you need 3 foot above water to the bottom of the pools. There 2 foot and 3 foot, so you do not have the depth. So they would have to be above the surface. WALTER PERRSON: Scale them out from the high water mark to the back of the property line. How many feet that is? TRUSTEE SMITH:: They show 66 feet on one side, but that is below low water. TRUSTEE FOSTER: From the high water you mean. TRUSTEE SMITH: From the high water mark. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Actual high water line, about 52 feet. TRUSTEE SMITH: The jurisdiction was 75. TRUSTEE FOSTER: The other side is even less. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Our policy should be one that allows the septic tank within our jurisdiction. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: We do not. Well we start with our standard 50 foot buffer-high water. See you are really constrained there. TRUSTEE FOSTER: The septic tank is a sealed unit. It is not a leaching unit. It is a solid containment tank. Just like the one at your house. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: What about the leaching pools? TRUSTEE FOSTER: Well the leaching pools are leaching pools. They leach 99% of that goes down. Very little goes to the side. You can talk to the health department about it. But I know just my experience with doing this. I have been a septic system installer for thirty years. I deal with these people daily. I do not see any other way without a retaining wall. But they feel if you retain the sewage from leaching side ways and let it go down. Where 99% of it goes any way. It is traveling through three feet of clean sand and gravel which their criteria calls for. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: How far would they require it to go down. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Well you have to dig into good clean sand. The test hole shows it is 3 foot. From ground elevation zero. You have a foot of dark sandy loam - three foot of brown loam sand or at three feet brown loam sand. That would all have to come out of there and you will have to fill it with course sand and gravel so that you would have a continual pervious layer of material. The bottom of leaching pools would have to be set a minimal of three feet above the static water table. So depending now the pools are two foot high. Board of Trustees~ 38 ...... ~{arch 22, 2000 Three foot above water, that is five feet. So then you have another concrete cover (tape change) So you are going to be sticking quite a ways above grade. So the chances are you will have to put in a retaining wall in. WALTER PERRSON: Will we get health department approval. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Well I do not know. I have talked to the people in the health department. Many many times about jobs like this. From a Trustee level. They really want to know what our disposition is before they act on an application. We work with them. If they would do it? I do not know what WALTER PERRSON: What are the set back rules. TRUSTEE FOSTER: What does it say - what is our policy. If it is not going to fly through here. It is not going to fly there either. So if you want to say well if the health department approves it. We'll approve it but then it is not going by our criteria either. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No i do not want to marry that- that's for sure. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Their criteria includes retaining walls you have to met their rules and regulations. But in their rules and regulations is a concrete retaining wall. So if this particular job meets their criteria. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: So we are going to have to precede with this in some fashion now. MERLON WIGGIN: Can I speak for Mr. DeFeis. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Sure. MERLON WIGGIN: He had a copy of this application. His concern was, I think the application shows that his house has public water. He has a private well next to his driveway which he is still using. He says maybe sometime in the future he might get public water. But he has no immediate plan to do that. He was concerned whether this meets a criteria of the health department distance, even though it is not a Trustee concern. Because it is less than 150 feet. Then it shows that the DeFeis has public water. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: It said that. Yes. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Well you will have to go to board of review. If the neighbor objected he would not get it. The health department probably would grant this application for the septic system. But you would have to do what they tell you to do to get it. Regardless of the cost. That is fine. But if it does not fly through here. It is not going to fly there either. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I think the only way to precede is to have you contact the health department. We will write them a letter also telling them of our concerns. TRUSTEE FOSTER: See I would call them and ask them, but they do not have any papers you have not applied to them. WALTER PERRSON: No TRUSTEE FOSTER: So my suggestion would be to apply to the health department. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Let them precede first. TRUSTEE FOSTER: They will call us on it. I know they will call us on it. One of the fellows will probably call me on it, as in the past. Then we have something to talk about. But without him having the paper work or surveys or anything to look at. WALTER PERRSON: I did not apply to them because I believed they would wait until you. Board of Trustees 39 ~-~arch 22, 2000 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Normally yes we do not see something like this. This is problematic. I have to be honest. There is no light at the end of the tunnel here. There is no guarantee of permit on this property. TRUSTEE SMITH: We had something like this before. Al. and we wound up using incendiary type toilets. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: What is the minimize size house? You can build in Southold town. TRUSTEE FOSTER: 850 bottom floor. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: 850 - I think that you would have to explore something at a minimun size house also. WALTER PERRSON: The basic house the living area is 833 feet. We added on because we had to put the mechanicals. So we put the mechanicals between the house and the garage. So that we could get the heating plant in and the washer and dryer. Because we know that we will not be able to put mechanicals below the eight feet above water. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Put in the elevator then you will go up a little bit. W~LTER PERRSON: I am sure that we can relocate that. Cut it down to whatever the minimum on the first floor. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Well that is the building department. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: No but the small of the foot print the less impact. TRUSTEE FOSTER: But the building department has the 850 sq. ft. in the building code. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: A1 would approve this? Where would your buffer be? TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The hay bales. That is what it looks like here. So I will make a motion to table the application until we hear from the health department and see how the applicant makes out with that route. Do I have a second. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Seconded TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES 23. Joseph Edgar on behalf of ALAN CARDINALE requests a Wetland Permit to dredge an area approx. 30' x 100' to a max. depth of 4' below ALW, and to change the method of dredging from mechanical crane and bucket to portable hydraulic dredge and to relocate spoil from previous site. Located: 1134 Bridge Lane, Cutchogue. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is any one here like to speak in favor of or against the application. Cardinale everybody happy with this. BOARD MEMBERS: Yes TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I have a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE SMITH: Second. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Is there a second. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Someone make a motion. TRUSTEE SMITH: Make a motion that we approve ~LAN CAP/)INALE requests a Wetland Permit to dredge an area approx. 30' x 100' to a max. depth of 4' below ALW, and to change the method of dredging from mechanical crane and bucket to portable hydraulic dredge and to relocate spoil from previous site. What the hell is the previous site? Board of Trustees 40 ....... ~arch 22, 2000 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: There Changing the site to across the way there. There is an old dredge spoil site they have DEC approval. It is 110 yards it is not.. TRUSTEE SMITH: Right. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES 24. Bill Sanok on behalf of MATTITUCK SALTAIRE INC., requests a Wetland Permit to rebuild existing bulkhead and stairs. Located: 715 Soundview Avenue, Mattituck. BILL SANOK: On behalf of MATTITUCK SALTAIRE INC., we have the application. We had a bulkhead that was rebuilt in 1978. I think, Artie lives right next door. TRUSTEE FOSTER:. Yes - this is for beach right away. BILL SANOK: What happened is we had the only bulkhead there. Properties on both sides eroded away. Now our neighbor's built their bulkhead. So ours sticks out about 8 feet. It is severely damaged. So we want to replace it. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Bring it back in line with the others. BILL SANOK: Bring it in line with the others. Re-establish fish. TRUSTEE FOSTER: Right. BILL SANOK: New neighbors put in a bulkhead in and stairs. That is the third property. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I have a motion to close the hearing. TRUSTEE KING: So moved. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: The CAC recommends revegetation. Do you have any of that on the plans? BILL SANOK: We will be putting in American Beach Grass. Very similar to what the property immediately to the west of us. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: I will make a motion to Approve with the condition that it be planted with American Beach Grass, before June 21. Is it going to be done soon? BILL SANOK: I do not know if it will be done by then. Because I do not have the pre-permit from DEC just yet. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Okay - well tell them to plant it in the fall then. BILL SANOK: Okay. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES Somebody is going to plant it, some of the people are going to plant it in July or August. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Seconded. All in favor. ALL AYES. 25. WILLIAM & BARBARA KELSEY requests a Wetland Permit to repair and replace a bulkhead within 18" in front of old bulkhead and approx, 166 c.y. of clean fill from upland source placed behind bulkhead. Located: 3790 Peconic Bay Blvd. Mattituck. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Who looked at this one? TRUSTEE KING: I looked at it. It is just a typical replacement within 18" give them one bump out. The only question that I had was that there seems a lot of fill, 166 yards. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: There is a lot of fill. TRUSTEE KING: There is no erosion. There is nothing missing. They are just going in front of bulkhead. Board of Trustees .... 41 March 22, 2000 TRUSTEE FOSTER: No unless they are going to build the bulkhead high and raise the grade. TRUSTEE KING: It is beach grass right down to the bulkhead. Everything is there. Just the bulkhead is old. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Are you sure it is the same height as the existing bulkhead. TRUSTEE KING: Yes. I cannot imagine using that much fill. TRUSTEE FOSTER: How far out? Do they have an existing or double stage bulkhead, one high one low. TRUSTEE KING: Like in the bay, you are one bulkhead higher than the one at the beach. Well they are just facing it in front of that one bulkhead. Who estimated that amount of fill seems like a lot. TRUSTEE FOSTER: It is. That is a lot of fill. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Let us call him on it then. We will have to call him up. Let us approve it. Based upon getting a revised fill number. Do I have a motion to go off. TRUSTEE KING: So moved. TRUSTEE POLIWODA: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Thank you. I'll make a motion to approve, based upon a recalculation of the amount of fill. Last pump out. Do I have a seconded on it. TRUSTEE KING: Seconded. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: All in favor. ALL AYES. TRUSTEE KRUPSKI: Do I have a motion to go off. TRUSTEE KING: Moved to go back to the regular meeting. TRUSTEE POLIWODA Seconded. ALL AYES. V. RESOLUTIONS: 1. SHARON MC ELROY requests a Grandfather Permit for 140" of existing bulkhead and dock. Located: 385 Gull Pond Lane, Greenport. SCTM #35-4-28.26 TRUSTEE SMITH moved to Approve the application. TRUSTEE KING seconded. ALL AYES. 2. ALBERT J. ROMERIL, JR. requests a Grandfather Permit for an existing dock measuring a 3' x 52' dock with a 3' x 5' ramp to a 6' x 12' float. Located: 1265 Vanston Road, Cutchogue. SCTM#lll-i-5 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI moved to Approve the application. TRUSTEE FOSTER seconded. ALL AYES. 3. Land Use on behalf of GERALD RUPP requests a Coastal Erosion Permit to construct a 1 story addition to an existing single family dwelling within an existing brick patio area. Located: 19375 Soundview Avenue, Southold. SCTM #51-1-20 TRUSTEE KRUPSKI made a motion to table it. TRUSTEE FOSTER seconded. ALL AYES. VI. MOORINGS: 1. CLAIRE MATHER requests a mooring for a 13' dinghy replacing Matt Flynn #23 in Gull Pond. ACCESS: own property. TRUSTEE POLIWODA moved to Approve. TRUSTEE KING seconded. ALL AYES. Board of Trustees 42 ........ ~4arch 22, 2000 2. MICHAEL PERSICO requests a mooring in Jockey Creek for a 22' sailboat with a 300 lb. mushroom. He is replacing a cancelled mooring. ACCESS: Public TRUSTEE POLIWODA moved to Approve. TRUSTEE FOSTER seconded. ALL AYES.. Meeting adjourned at: 11:30 p.m. ,~ spectfully ~m~ ~arlotte Cu~ingham, ~/erK ~Board of Tru~tee~ ~ RECEIVED AND FILED BY THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK l To~ Clerk, Town o{ Soui~old~