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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12512 P 536i^ ~ ~ ~~z ~ ' •~~~~ t~~' a T6BS-timNN N.Ytl.T.ll.l'rvlWiwump nml WIN RII COw~eu•binGdp.llAll. tot.e.sErlczlva hl:..unuau ,R ,cola toosutat± trottu ustrru ttttooaa stasuNd stns ~stMSSSttsrt Tsgtt twttturtoar astotue N ttso ~r utwrrte ear. 71119 RIDIF.MIVR~ made the ~a{''' day of / 't9(,b) ~~A1o ~.~ix~f ~ s~Iwt:F.N 1 • DENNIS H.-POPE and NANCY L. POPE, as Trustees of the POPE FAMILY IRREVOCABLE TRUST, mailing address at 22-69 23nd Street, Astoria, NY 1 I lU5 party of the first part, and ~ - - - - NANCY LOUISE POPE residing at 2555 Youngs Avenue, Apl. 17E, Southold, NY 11971 party of the second part, W[1'N1.ASETH, that the party of the first pan, in mroideration of ten dollars and other valuable consideration . paid by the party of the stxond tart, doe> hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the hein or sneeessors and assigns of the •party of the second part {orever, ALL that certain plot, Pieoe or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvanents thereon crated, situate, lying and being in the Please See Attached TOGETHER with all right, title and intereu, if any, of the party of the fiat part m and to any uteets and roads abutting the above described premises to the tooter lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtetuttces and all the state and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premise herein granted unto the party of the second port, the heirs a suceesson and assigns of the party of the second part [orcver. ANU the party of the first-part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Isw. covenants that the party of the first part will receive the rnnsideration for this eonveyanm std will hold the right to receive such mmid- eration"as a'frust'fund to he applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same filet to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the acme for any other purpose. AND the party of the first part covetants sa folbws: that said party of the first part is seized of the acid premises in fee simple, and has good right to convey the sane: that the party 'of the accord part shall quietly enjoy the said premises; that the said premise are (ra from inctunbrarttes, except as aforesaid; that the party of the first rt will execute or procure any further necessary auurance of the title to said premises; and that acid party of the firu part will forever warrant the title to satd premises. The word "parry" shall be mnatrued as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture w requires. IN WII'NFSS WI~REOFa the party of the fint part has dyl exetvted tjt' d~ d the day and ynr fira.abwe written. ` ~ t Iw raaaaNCC or: v t V )¢C Dennis H. Pope ~~~-3v_ Try fc ~ Nancy L Popc SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Village of Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of Ncw York, bounded and described as follows:- BEGINNING at the northeasterly comer of the premises hereby conveyed on the northerly line of a right of way hereinafter mentioned and defined, which lint is also the southerly line of land of Herbert Fordham, and at a stake set in said comer, which stake is distant 226.5 feet westerly on a cotuse north 68 degrees 53 minutes 20 seconds west from a locust post sel in the westerly line of land of Inez Fordham, and running from said point of beginning westerly along the said northerly line of said right of way north 68 degrees 53 minutes 20 seconds west 34 feet to another stake in the northwesterly comer of the lot herein described and the northeasterly comer of a lot of land conveyed to Irving Price; running thence southerly along the easterly lint of said land of Price on a course south 25 degrees 06 minutes 40 seconds west 126.42 feet to a point in the southerly line of land granted by the Pcoplc of the State of New York to Sandy Beach Association of Greenport, N.Y., Iric. and which grant or patent is recorded in the office of the Secretary of the State of the Suite of New York and also recorded in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County, N.Y., and which point is the southwesterly comer of said land of Price; running thence in an easterly direction and along the southerly line of said grant or patent on a course south 66 degrees 23 minutes 10 seconds cast a distance of 33.93 feet to a point on a said patent line distant 275.68 feet westerly measured along the same from the southeasterly comer of said grant or patent and being the southeasterly comer of the lot herein described and the southwesterly corner of a lot of land conveyed to one Moore; running thence in a northerly direction and along the westerly line of land of said Moore and an a course north 25 degrees 06 minutes 40 seconds east 127.9 fcet to the nottheasterly comer of the lot herein described and the northwcs-tcrly corner of said land of Moore on the northerly line of said right of way at point or place of BEGINNING. SUBJECT to covenants and restrictions contained in former deeds of record recorded in Liber 2716 cp 506 and 1827 cp 248 in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office. SUBJECT to and TOGETHER with a Right of Easement recorded in deeds Liber 2716 cp 506 and 1827 cp 248 in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office. BEING and intended to be the same premises wnveyed to the grantors by deed dated May 20, 1998 and recorded in the Sufffolk County Clerk's Office on Junc 16, 1995 in Liber 11899 at Page 426. SAID Premises also known as 106 Beach Strcct, Greenport, NY 11971 acaxowt.t:olstxtoit si xttir ronrtt ay,nrct:~)a~rt. ~so~W~ ~latc rtf New Vork, County of /~ ss.: • (M (~ ~ Oe r ~ pefnrc ~..Ih~t Uondcrxigncd. i (x:rxonally :trod ~mt,~ 'bID f.." Y`^--~' personally known to on thn basis of wtisfrc- hxy evklnut: to be the indivhual(s) whine name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowkdgnl m me that hdshMthey executed thu atime in hislbedthcir capacity(ks), anti thm by hisllter/their signatwc(s) on the insmttnem, the indi- vitlual(x). or the pe behalf of which the individual(s) actal, execuatl the in raRtem. ~1 n ~1 ss.:. On before mc. the undersigned, personally appeared personally known to nx a pmvtd to nu an,the basis of sotis- factory eviderta: to be tbe indiviJuel(x) whose n;mte(s) is (are) subscribed to the within iaswment arnl acknowledged to me that he/she/thcy executnl the same in hislbeNtheu ca(xlcity(ics). and that by hisPoevtbeir sibmatute(s) on the instrument the intli- vidualfs), rx tbe pervon upon behalf of whkh tltc irxlividual(s) :tcrcd, executed the inswment, tmd that such imlividunl mode such appearunm before the undcrsigrted in (lnrrrt t•iM ru pduhnl rtrldiritinn and Harr rte ntunry rte rnher /tiny a•bxtui. rvfxmmr Inlrm lalxmtrr nrtJ.~rr ofirnliridmf mkinx nrimn•IMgtnrnfl ~8lC8t11~ ~tttd {VtTx Fut.l. Cm[NANTa Tttia Na Nb.,,.,,~--~.a„M,,t. ~,1~ ACKr10wL[DGIAEPIT BY SUBaCNeMa amtlEealESl Stale of a5.: County of t)tt before me, tM: umkrsigncJ, personally appeared the subscribing witness(es) to tbe foregoing instrumarot, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly swum, did depose and say that hdshMtbey rcsitk(s) in Uf the phree nf' Kai&ntY !s in n riry. imJrrlr rM .VIM uml afar/ nxnThlT, ifam. thereof}, F P•a ~-cx; • that hdshe/they know(s) to be the indivithwl(s) dearibed in and who executed the fore- going instmment: that sail xubscribing witness(es) w•as (were) present and saw said execute the same; and that said witness(es) at the same time suhscribeJ hisrherhbeir name(s) as a witness(es) thereto. (^ 1fmA•en rwintk New Yuri Smt intro riry tnptlititd fxMHtiritnatW umr to nrtwn• nrrNArr phnv rninrn$vAlrrtrty mien And dial Gait) tathstribing witness(es) matk such appr:aratar before the undersigned in fxlxnufan um! of flee of mJieirhnrf mkirtr arkwn•Irvlxmenl) sltCrttNi 3 tuoett '-~ . 3a ~a~~~ RECORD AND RETURN Itrr M1AR. TOt Law Vices of Vollmer 8 Tartck, P.C. Jericho Atrium 500 North Broadway, Suite 149 Jericho, NY 11753 T4 ~ me Ix o me . ~. ~l Number of pages 3 This document wilt b p bhc record. Please remove all Social Security Numbers prior to recording. Deed /Mortgage I Deed /Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Page/ Filing Fee Handling 5. 00 TP-584 Notation EA-5217 (County) ~ -- EA-5217 (State) ~~ RJ'.T.SA ~ ' 3~ Comm. of Ed. 5. 0O AfOdavit _ Certified Copy NYS Surcharge OD ~_ Other 4 Dist I pn: I c.....~,,., ~_.. -' 07020~~ 1001 Real Property P T S Tax Service Agency RLPA A Verification UL-07 6 7 ~ Title RECORDED 2007 Ju] O6 02:32:50 PM Judith R. Pascale CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L DOOO12512 P 536 DTM 06-38814 or Spec/Add. ~ _ TOT. MTG. TAX_ Dual Town Dual County Held For Appolntm?~ Transfer Tax ()S Mansion Tax ~" The' property covered by this mortgage U or will be Improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES orNO~^ If N0, see appropdate tax clause on Pages ofthislnst[ument 5 CommunltyPreservatlonFund Cottai~ Pr- Ar~Amount $ Recording / Filing Stamps S Vacant Land ro_~_ To TD mortgage Amt _~~ 1. Basic Tax _'- 2. Additlonal Tax __~ Sub Total SPecJAsslt Sub Total SubTotal_ Grand Tota ~~ 00300 0300 032000 Mail to: Judith A Pascale, Suffolk County perk 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 8 ~ Suffolk C uno-ty This page forms part of the attached _~ by; ~ ~ se fl r f ~oPe -h4 ctrp_ dun V ~en~~; .c~~_ TO Cc.Name~$ CPF Tex Due -- --°-°~-~•w~~yrsrrre:eases ust Property Owners M RECORD.& flETURN T0: lallmuy~-fa~c~., P~ r,~- Op N oFrh Liraa~ePula c~ / 5.~~ f lF`f ~1"er~-&, a, ni`~ f I ~s3 Information Endorsement Page (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTR~Tj The premises herein !s situated in SUFFOLK COUNiY, NEW YORK In the TOWN of ~~ l I ~tJ~ In the VILLAGE made BOXES 6THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIORTO RECOR~ 0~ LIN~ SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Iaet+'++m~++ts D88DS/DDD Recorded: 07/06/2007 Number of Pages: 4 At: 02s32 :50 PN Receipt Number s 07-0062850 TRANSFER TAK NUMBER: 06-3 8814 LIBER: D0001 2512 ~ PAGE: 536 District: Sections Blocks Lots 1001 003.00 03.00 032.000 BXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOVPS Deed Amouat: $0.00 Received the Followiag Fees For Above Iastrvment Exempt Exempt Page/Filiag $12.00 NO Haadliag $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NY3 3RCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTD~ $0.00 NO Traas£ar tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $152.00 TRANSFER TA% NUl~ER: 06-38814 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THS INSTRDNENT THIS IS NOT A SILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNTY USE ONLY CT. SWIS Code PL TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WH I ING~1 FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// or PHONE (57B) 473-7222 I f ~FVFOr ~ I C2. flare Dsed Recorded ~ ~ ~~~ ~aM_ ry ear C9. Book L~s2J_L~~• Papa) c ] . , / REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT 8747E OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 ,. Prap.tY LFteatlon s Burn Hems i Tex hFFEcau when fawn Tax Bilb m to be axe BiBinO i o1Mr than bwsr edFesn IM batten d tams) C Addrw ~ ~:SSS loetngs /ji1e. -/7E _ Iy4 so~t~oid L011 e. 4FFBrn w nurMn el Asrssmam Rd psFros6 tnrlane8 On tM FINd 1 I I e of Para4 OR ^ Pert of a Parcel 0. Daad -ralnrtr n [ X I «nx I OR 1 .~: ~. ~ I Biss s. sdl.r I Po~~ryrr.~l.i 1 rreaRCn ~~e_~nuStl Name l r I gym' F N ~/9~~- IOFdtr R Part d • hFall ClFSdt r t!w apply: k Plrninp BoaFd whh Subdivbian AFAhoriq EaIRe ^ a8. Subdivision Approval wu Reddnd f« Trenshr ^ Ol PFFrFnI Approvod b SFFhdIYleipl wish IIaP Provided ^ I I ~ UR NYIt /Nrw11Y1 fqr IIe11! 7. ClFeah the hox blow wtridF most aruretaly dee«ibr tlw Fse d We prspsrty at the time d r M: ch.rx 1M brs blow r dw apply: a Ownerddp TYPE i• Condominiwn ^ A Ona Fsmty RnldenWl E ABrialturd I Community Servir S Now CurvFwtlen on Vseam Lantl ^ R ~ ] w 9 Famlly RaelFNntld F ~ CAmmsrcid J ~ IMudriat 180. Pnperty tauntl wiMin en ABdodtwsl DidFict ^ C RssWrlld Vepnt land G AponnFent K Publle Sovieo 108. Buys nwMd ^ disl«wo nmios IMiudnp ^ D Non•Rridentiel Veert Lend H Entartdnment / Amunment 1. FFxest that the properly is to en Apriwhwd DiRrict SALE INFORMATKIN 11L ClFSdt ens « men d tlFne aorFdlbns r app8nhls m tnmfr. 11. SW C011Veat Osn 1 / / ~ I ' A Ssb Between RsWivr w Fwmw Rda[Ives ~'7ser R Sala BFFNVORF Beloved Oompedr or Partner in BudFFw [~ ) ~1 C One of rho Guyon b elr a Sdbr 19. Dau d Sala J Trrsisr I ~+ / / ~ / 0 / I U Buyer « Shcar is Gowmmsnt ABeney « Landirq MBution Noma ar y«r E Deed Type FFd Wwrrty w Berpaln arH Sak 1Spedry Bebwl F Sels d Fnplrtrl or lrs than Fes Ntered ISPadIY Babw) V SFpdfirm Change in Property Between Taxable Saws and Sak Dal 19. Full W4 Prig I Q R 0 I H SW d Brinw b IndFFded M Sek Pdce ! ! • lFull Sale Prbo is tM total emoum paid t« i1n property Includin8 pemrul properly. 1 Oder Unusual Fectwa ARatirp Sale Price ISpedry Bslowl fils peymam mW ba In UFS form of swh, other Property «8oatla «the rsumptian of J N«w mort8e8n ««Mr obli8etioFFSJ Plan round n the rFaomat while dollar amount 10. 4FFIIrn the revue d peFrrl propmty bFduFYd N tlFS sW 7& Yw d Aseeeunem Roll tram ~ !1~ '-7 ~ 17. ToLI Awned Vdue (d W pvnb N oandv) I .'! t3 . O I which IrdoFFrFSttorF Wen L~yLJ ! ! 7 1L Properly tlees I rte. ~n . 01-u 18. Sehod Distdet Name m. Tee h4y IFIenuYae{e) I Ra8 WadiSerld IB mon flan low, etnah efien wbh eddftloFW IdentlRerpll ~ I 1 ~ CERTIflCATION 1 nrtity ehw a4 d the Rams d idFemallao F'.Ittlrrd r Ihb Nren en In: end Mtavll Iw IM heal d mr 4FwxkdlN esd Dtlietl sod 1 uedennFxl dot Wa nmhiFFg d Fay wWTd Tdn dal[aFed d Frtedil fort henln will auttjFrl eFe w the Fri the serFUl law relwin b Ibe neI[Illp aed TdNR d YaLcr IFL[ifL111eFFt4 BUYER )~Q/~:,( _ I Two ~, ~oc7 971 I yoc7~ulG-/f /4VE. " ~? li ueFer FalaNFl FA.nIFF eatsF SovTF4o~fl i NY 1114~l-1646 Fm r Foew sran a SELLER ~ ~' 1 57~ 6 5 tav etuusautFee na1i5 1 p{ n TT,~k I HPnr„ 1/er W WE IMR S l le I X70- 0 3 .'1S' aq,.mn ,rueeore caeca NEW YORK STATE COPY 1 rhAar/ - I F, F