HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12515 P 86~ ~~f~~~ ./ _~l~ CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS W8TRUNEN7-THIS UJSTRUMENT SHOULD aE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the ~~' day of f ~Y , 2007 BETWEEN A VCi0tQ4 A. ~N~ rfU-rN St,~ LOUIS J. D'AMBROSIO and DEBRA A. CAGGIANO A!K/A D'AMBROSIO, residing at Buz 11382, Hauppauge, New York 11788 and 4880 Westphalia Road, Mettituek, New York, respectively party of the first part, and EDWARD HANDS and JULIE HANDS, both residing at 1930 Bray Avenue, Laurel, New York 11948 party of the second part, WITNESSE'TH, that the party of the first pert, in conskleredon of Ten ($10.00) dollars paid by the party of the second pert, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the s~ond part, tits heirs w aucceaaore and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece w parcel of land, situate, lying end being in tits Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New Yak, known and designated es part of Lots 131hrough 15 on a certain map entitled `Map of Tollewood" filed N the Sttffolk County Clerk's Office on 1/25H927 as map number 175 and "Map of Lola' al MaHittrck, filed 5I10h921 as map number 745, said part of bffi when taken together are more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Westphalia Avenue distant 322.01 feel easterly from the comer funned by the Intersection of the easterly side of Howard Avenue with the northerly aide of Westphalia Avenue; RUNNING THENCE North OS degrees OS' 30' West 225.29 feet; THENCE North 71 degrees 41' S0' Easl 67.10 feet; THENCE South a8 degrees 21' 00" Eaat 214.50 feet to the northerly side of Westphalia Avenue; THENCE along the northerly side of Westphalia Avenue, South 87 degrees 29' 00"West 100 feet to the point w place of BEGINNING. Together with all the right, tide and interest of the property of the party of the first part, of in and to the land lying In tits street M front of and adjoining said premises. .-,~.c f:~."coc .~ ~. ~, ,d.......~'oiLS,ur... c.a~.L ,G.~ ~ d.t#eeL.. /,~~ J93 ~ A.tese,[esC i.~~9/93 ,rn, .,!~Gtt. //GSd ~ 3G. TOGETHER with all right, Gtle and interest, if any, of the party of the fuel part in and to any streeffi and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereoF, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rtghffi of ti1e party Of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs w successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suAered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered In any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the firet part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenanffi that the party of the first part wgl receive the consideration fw this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such conaideretbn as a Wst fund to be applied first tw the purpose of peying the cost of the Improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the Improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word 'party' shell be construed as If it read 'parties" when ever the sense of this Indenture so requires. ~ ' ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly execy fed this deed tfte~day erid year fast above written. ,. • . .. -. ,. .. 7 t•,~, ..: _~ r' i IN PRESENCE OF: ~ = ~ Slarrdard N.YB.T.U. Farm 6002 • Sergeh end 3eb bead, with Cownent agahW (trenbfs Ada - Unibrm Acknowledgment Forth 3290 AKA DEBRA A. D'AMBROSIO TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADR IN NEW YORK STATE Stale of New York. County of Suffolk ss: On the /o~~day of ~~ h the year 2007 before me, the undersigned, pereonall appeared LOUIS J. D'AMBROSIO Pereorrely.knowrt to me a proved to me on the basis of satiataCtory evidence to, be the Indkvdual(s) whose name(s) Is (are) sutx;aitled re the within Instrument and adcnovdedged ep me that hdshdtlrey executed the same in hidher/their eepacffy(les), and Orel by hlsAxrrthelr sipnature(a) on the Insbument, the Indivkual(s), er eha pereon upon behaff of which the Individual(s) acted, executed the Instrument Y'nP~iiLi ~ -~~ (signature and office ot'Indhridual faking agmowledgment) State of New York, County of Suffofic sa: On the ~~"aay d ~ilty'In Bte year 2007 before me, Ote undesigned, personalty appeared DEBRA A CAGGIANO AKA DEBRA A D'AMBROSIO personalty known to me or proved b me on the bash of satisfactory evidence to ba the IrnANdwgs) whose name(s) b (are) subscribed to the wkhin Inatrumerd and adcravdedged to me Ihat hdshdthey executed the same in hisRbrlareir capaclly(bs), and that DY hldhedthek signature(s) On the Instrument, the Md(vltlual(s), or Ina person upon behalf of which the Individwl(s) acted, executed the InstumenL Eby pidtl sail uoissl o~lota PPubI1c~ Scats nlNeNirr York otary No.101 FA4950148 ~ ~~ AlunoO >flo0 S ul Ps • nD ryNo. 01 FA4B60148 Oual'dled in Suffolk Co itdy_, ~/~ 9b1096b t °N Qualffled In Suffolk County Commisallxt Expires Ap 12a >tioA rneN tJ =t !lgnd ti~O~)ommisslon Expires April 24, ,Zp~~ N l tl101Hltld TUBE USED ONLY WHEN •^ """"" °x+MENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK gTATE ss: State (or Dlatdct of Columbia, Tenitory, or Foreign Country) at On fhe day of In tlnt year before me, the undersigned. pereonalty appeared personally known to me ar proved to me on the Desls of setlafaclory evklence to ba the indhridual(s) whose name(s) b (are) subscrbed tc OIe wkMn Instument end acknowledged to me that hdahdthey exeaded the same in ttlsTherlthek espadb(!w). and execuyted the«rumerd, end that uchendMdual made suedeppearance before the undersignedffln the h the Individual(s) acted. (insert the City or other pollikal subdivialon) (erxt Insert the State or Camtry or other piece the acknowledgment was taken) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS LOUIS J. D'AMBROSIO grid DEBRA A. CAGGIANO AKA DEBRA A D'AMBROSIO to EDWARD HANUS and JULIE HANUS DlstrWted try Commonwealth AlA•DArgG67QMIP Cownanwr~un+ L1t:DT17LE 1d'SUMNCIS CoMrww (signature and office of irdivldwl teklrtp ackrraMedpmenq DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION: 113.00 BLOCK: DI/•dt' LOT: D;7i ~e COUNTY OR TOWN: STREET ADDRESS: Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY RETURN BY MAIL TO: William C. Goggtrfs, Esq. 13105 Maln Road- PO cox 85 MattifuCk, NY 11952 W u S W yK OW M 7 C O LL ~` 17 • 1 2 • Number of pages ~ RECORDED TORRENS 2007 Jul 25 11:14:51 AM JUDITH A PRSCp E . . Serial # CLERK ~ SUFFGLK COlA1TV Certificate # L DD0012515 P 086 Prior Ctf. # DTII 06-40738 Dad .Mortgage Instrument '3 ~ Page /Filing Fa Handling TP-584 Notation EA-5217 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.P.TS.A. Comm. of Ed. 5. ~ Deed /Mortgage Tax Stamp Z,IV FEES I _ Sub Total ~~ • 5.~ Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification _ Sub Total _ _ ~ Grand Total 07022084 1'.00o iisoo l,ioo tizzooo R~ T A EAP uL.o7 6 Satisfaction/Discharges/Relcose List Property Owners Mrdling Address • ~ RECORD & RETURN TO: • /~flt_r_,gm C'. Ga~ciKS, :Encl.. . Rv.BOx 6s • l~~os mgiN ,ed. - /y/Rmruarc/ N t/ 1/9sa • 1 't l^ Recording /Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. _ 1. Basic Tax _ 2. Additional Tax Sub Total .~ ~_ Spa. / Assit. or Spec. /Add. TOT. MTG. TAX ~ _ Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held forAppointmerit Transfer Ta 1860. (Z~ Mansio x The party covraed by this motgage is or. ill be improved b'y a one or twc farm dwelling only. • Y or NO if NO, appropriate tax clause on page # of this insuumem. 7 -/ L-d ~' i 5 ~ Communtil P ~rvation Fund ConsiderationAmou t S SKG~OdD~fa CPF Tax Due S 6.300.05 Improved Vacant Land _ TD ~ Ot7~ TD TD~ T-de Information Co. Name' F/,fs r A i Ti ~ • Title# ,~Op _ b ~ 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attnched~_. BA~Ps/0/n/ A-Nd S'LYL~ dEE'71 made by; • (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) .~ '-~ / J ~ / The premisis herein is situated in , A'/>tmereos/ot Abe/a ~,I'IS A•NO _ ~ SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. . TO In the Township of _ .SCU7F/o~4n .E6tuatn ~ r. = stNd o In the VILLAGE ~T11,C/~ ~pA/!~ t• or HAMLET of m9Tl/T~GK . BOXES 6 THROUGH li MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED fN BLACK 1NK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FiLTNQ - ~--•--• SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type oP Iastrumeat: DSSDS/DDD Recorded: 07/25/2007 Number of Pageas 3 Ats 11:14:51 AM Receipt Number a 07-0068358 TRANSFER TAR NUbIDER: 06-407 38 LI88R: D00012515 PAGE: 086 District: Sectioas Block: Lot: 1000 113.00 11.00 022.000 SXANINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLON3 Deed Amount: $465,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrsmtent Sxempt Sxampt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO C08 $5.00 NO NYS SRCHO $15.00 NO SA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTN $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,860.00 NO Camm.Pres $6,300.00 NO Fens Paid $8,309.00 TRANSHSR TAX NUMBER: 06-40738 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THS INSTRUMENT THIS 23 NOT A SILL JUDITH A. PASCALE County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http9/ www.orps.atate.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY , ~ _ _ _ ~ J Ct. SWIS Cods (LZ~i()tti!1 ]r UQ SC~i C2. Dots Deed Rer:erded ~yYY~r / C3. Book ~~ Ce. P,Be I Cr~ll ~J _ PROPERTY INFORMATION t. Prop.rerl 4680 I Westphalia Road leeallen sneer r:uuete erec[ wra I TtTPrn ~ul~elcL REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF (03W YORK _ STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVMES `_ , RP-5217 ,Pd:lf en .LN 11952 z Buyer I Hann8 I EGwaro -- ---' wma r wYC r ~ run wuc I I Hanus I Julie I -G31~i un r nwr A 7aa IndeeaN whm• lawn Tm BIN am ro G eerrt I BiYNg B otlw tlrarr buyer addiau Id lrooom d Nrml I I Addru, t,er roue rmrorrxr xwt I I I I I mucr- nuww wnsuul xuu andmww sun amoc •. Ndleete tM number a Aaeseement 1 IOdy tl Prt d ^ -+rcdl Chaek a they apply, Roll peroW e,rehte•d on the dead I I e of ParceN OR ^ Pert of a Pend i0. Phnninp Board with Srbdivifkn Authority Elea ^ eB. SubNWion Approval w,a IlepuirM ler Trem(ar ^ B ~PMy I room rxr I X I vrtu I ~ I '-~~-1 eG. Puml APPrwad for snbdivWon whh Wp Provided ^ else D'Pmbrosio Louis a sdl•r l _ _ I _ I w"b I D'Ambrosio aka Caggiano I Deb a I ~ernure~i n Airr rwr was T. Check the bo, below wNN mod anwrneN daeerWee Me we of the prep•rly et the Hm• d aahr. Cheek dw bosea baknv v they appy: L OwrwrehiP TYPa N Condominium ^ A Ore Femiry flsaiMM6i f AprkulWral I ^ Community Sorvke 8. Now Conuructbn on Vacen lend ^ R Z a 9 FamBy Reeidamial P 1 Comman:lal J -II F IMuNid 1tIA Proparry leraead wtWn an ApdoJtwY DiWG C R•ddant4l Vacant laM G - Apadmenl N I PuWk Servko 1N, Boyar revived, diWOwra mtko hdiceinB ^ D Non~RViGMiel Vaunt lard H EmsMinment I Amuvment L Fmeu the ttw PnrWnY i In en Agdcdturd Dktrkt SALE INFORMATION is CJraeA an• v mere d itNM evtmtNre v ~N to trandan t1. SW Contr,u Deb I Q4 / I e / Q7 I A SaN Beh•ssn Relnivea a Fomwr Roletivu F•ai g SeN Bdw••n R.Nted Cpnpenin or Pennon N Budnma 1 2 Q 7 Q 7 (' Ona a uw Buyers is ako a SWn 72 Dab d Sde / Tnnd•r / I / I n Buys m Seller b Gowmrwm Apwrcy or lending hWkudon honer Day Ywr F. Dead Type not Wamrey or Bargain and Sde lSpxJfy B•krvl F seN a Fremioml w tm than F,e Mbne{ Ispodfy Bdow) 4 6 5 Q 0 Q C SlgnBfuiu Change N hapalty Between Taaeme Suva end SaN Dao 17. Fdl SaN Prke L_~ ~ 0 0 I f I SW d Business is hrdudad in SaN Price F 7 • (Full See Wiv u Iha IOId amount paid fm Ilw property irrduduq psraarel pmp•ny. 1 ONar Unusual Faebn ARactlng Bale Prioa ISpedry Belawl Thb p,yrrwm may he In the lorm a...y, mbar pnperry m geode, a dr• eawmptim of J Norr mvtpepu a War obligatkw.l PAwa mend ro dre nelflX whda dotler amount tI. huBeeN 1M valve d p•norrel PreWrrY 4eJUded ti the eW os/07 7oe16,1o0 1a Ywr a Awwnem Rao iron ~~ ~~ ~M 1 1 17. Tobl Aeeaaaed Valor la dl pnuN in a•nderl I ; ; ; I Matt/Catch/Laurel to Property tYees 12 ,1 01-U to School oiaalal Nem• I I 20. T,e AtaP IdedMNrld I ReB kNnti(urrl,l UI man Ilan four. etbCr ahem with rlditW W Id•miRwldl 1000-113.00-11.00-022.000 CERTIFICATION I nrllfy thY •B d Uw ilee6 d'mflemdiuo emceed m thlr hem are Inv uod elrnael lb Ilw hW d ply knowledge and 6eBeR end 1 rmderxWd Thal Ilw rpekkyt d eqy wBtlld Bdre Ltdenem d maNrtal feel Itenln wBl wlSecl me b We prrnblorec d the ned bW reNtlrs N Ile meklnlt,ed Dlbg d 41e kwlrweuLs BUYER 7~ial~ aura ewwrure wrz BWER'S ATTORNEY Goggins I William tAn wec over woe 4680 Westphalia Road ,ne(r xrArwn arewr xere rArne war Mattituck NY 11952 plY p1 TOWN I RArz I ar saes SELLER n t °/ cL""ivrs ~'Thtl b ~- ~ a 9~ 531 398-4200 41fA Vas I iFAerlraNF NUem[a NEW YORK STATE COPY }ono /FKJ* lJt rp, /oral b~pr