HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12512 P 146. . / i ~ NY Olt-Qdklrm need-Inbvidualw Capwwm.~~nrk dal t[ /` }~," CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE &GNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THUi WSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYEt~ / ONLY. TF11S INDENTURE, made the 5th day of Junc,'1'~vo Thousand Scvcn BE1'WL'EN DONALD McALLIS'I'L"•K and SUSAN McALL1STER, husband and wife, residing at 1210 Moore's Lane, Cutchoguc, New York 11935, and MICHAEL It. McALI.ISTER, residing at 360 Past 72"d Street, Apt. B410, New York. New York 10021, and DONALD McALLISTER and SUSAN McALLiSTER husband and wife, residing at 1210 Moons Lane, Cutchoguc. New York 11935. party of the first part, and DONALD McALLISTER and SUSAN McALi.iSTi:R, husband and wife, residing at 1210 Moore's Lane, Cutchoguc, New York 11935 party of the second part. WfINPSSPTH, that the party ot'the first part, inconsideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, dots hcrcby rcmisc, release and quitclaim unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part Forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Cutchoguc,'['o~vn ol'Southold. County of Suffolk and State of Ncw York, known and designated as Lat 5 on a ccrwin Map entitled '`Map of Country Club Estates' and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on October l7, 1978 as Map Number 6736. 'this conveyance is made in order to fully describe the subject parcel in one deed showing the ownership in Donald McAllister and Susan McAllister, husband and wife. ~ TOGPTI lER with all right, title and interest, if tmy, ol'thc party of the first part of, in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof:. TUGE1'IiER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first pan in and to said prcmiscs; TO HAVE AND "1'O HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second pan, the heirs or successors and assigns of the parry of the second part forever. ~ AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 oC the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first pan will receive the consideration for this conveyance and wi[I hold the right to receive such consideration as u trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost ol'the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. 7'hc word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties' whenever the sense ol'this indenture so rcyuircs. fN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first parr has duly executed this deed the day and year first abOVe NTlltan. IN PRESENCE OI': ~~__~ DODO D~ cALlbl LiST~~ r e ~.uW=ur SUSAN McALLIS R /'jZr~(~ R ~, c~it~an`~(e (~LIG~-~i X7,00 _ ~, _~, MICHAEL R. McALL[STER By Susan McAllister, his attorney-in-fact .. , STATE OF NEW YORK) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the 5th day of June, 2007, before me, the undersigned. personally appeared llonald McAllister and Susan McAllister, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is {are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/hedthcir capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the insttwnent, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, cx~eutcd the instrument. Notary Public iMLUAM H. PRICE, JR. Notary Public, State of New York No. 4844944, Suffolk County Term Expires February 28.201 - l ^. REC4RGFD Number of pages 2047 Jut 03 04:44:27 PM Judith A. Pascale CLERIC OF This document will be public SUFFOLK CDIINTV record. Please remove all L p001712512 ~ P less Social Security Numbers OTY o~~ssl4 prior to recording. Deed /Mortgage instrument Dced /Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording /Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page /Filing Fee ~ Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax Handling 5. 00 2. Additional Tax _ TP-584 _~ _ Sub Total _ Notation Spec./Assn. E 2 ~ 7 or A-5 17 (County) t~~ Sub Total Spec. /Add. EA-5217 (State) ~J ~ TOT. MTG. TAX _ Dual Town _ Dual Counn• - R.P.T.S.A. ~ - 6 5 00 C f Ed Held for Appointm ~ ~ . omm. o . Transfer Tax _ _ Affidavit ' • ~ Mansion'I~x The progeny coreced by this mortgage is Ccnificd Copy _ or will be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge 15. 00 Q~ ~5 family dwelling only. Sub Total ~ YES or NO ~ Other ~Tq' • - Grand Total I~ If NO, see a ro riate tax clause on PP P page Ji of thi 'nstruntent. 5-0 4 Dist.1000 $~uoa109.00 Block 03.00 Lot 002.042 g Community Preservation Fund 07018367 1000 10900 0300 002042 Real Property ~ T ' Consideration Amount $ Tax Service E- S Agency ~F'DTY A CPF Tax Due S Verification 1~5JUN 7. // Improved 6 Satisfactions..~~c~,as,.~,.." ...................r..., ,,...._..,..._.....,.._drcss ~ RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacant Land William H. Price, Jr., Esq. TD ~_ P.O. Box 2065 Greenport, New York 11944 ~ TD TD Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 T itle Com anv Information 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co. Name www.suffolkt~untynygov/clerk Title +a 8 This page forms part of the attached ~ Quitclaim Deed. made by: Donald McAllister, Susan McAllister SPECIFY TYPE OF INST(2UMENT) husband •and wife, and .Michael R. The ~ remises herein is siwated in P McAllister, and Donald McAllister andUFFOLKCOUNTY, NEW YORK. Susan McAllister, husband and wife, TO Donald McAllister and Susan McAlliste~r~ VILLAGE [n the TOWN of Southold husband and wife or H~4~ILET of Cutchoaue BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLI' PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FiLiNG. rMPr1 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: D88DS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number 07-0062090 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-38510 District: Section: 1000 109.00 EXAMINED AND Deed Amouat: $0.00 Received the Followiag Fees Page/Filing COE SA-CTY TP-584 RPT Traasfer tax $la.oo $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 Recorded: 07/03/2007 At: 04:04:27 PM LI88R: D00012512 PAGE: 146 Block: Lot: 03.00 002.042 CHARGED AS FOLLOWS For Above Instrument Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Haadliag NYS SRCHG EA-STATE Cert.Copiee SCTM Comm.Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NQMSBR: 06-38510 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRIINENT THIS IS NOT A BILL $5.00 $15.00 $165.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $242.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httpy/ www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518] 673-7222 FORCOUNTY USE ONLY + ~ ~ /~ cT. sYVls code ` ~~ II C2. Date Daed Recorded I or Y •M p. Book I ` ,a~~ G. Pepe ~~ ranee-YV w,en-a.•T,nu REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT SPATE OF NEW YOIIA STATE BOAIQ! OF REAL PRDPERIY SEAVA:EB RP - 5217 t•^°p"tt'I I Linden Avenue I lartion tram Marla sr l Southold I cutchoque 1119x51 orv a towa wur nv ZBrr-•' I McAllister I Donald I Name Uer lnaw /CarwA•v fweTwwe I McAllister I Susan I test xaYe /raavaxY eat xaYr Txx Indicro whys lulus Tax Brls aro b be rm BYlhw If otter tlrn hrrYV arbors w hmbm d brml ~ uT~ar I FlrT route I Aaarw l I I I I r rxuwr.ro s,rrt xaw rm r' a.,w aY CCOe e. Wdkab tlb rtumhr d AYIMYnYM 1 ^ IDrtN Y Part d ^ PreNl Cltadc a they apply: Rdl parrls traManad on elr load I I r of PareeW OR Part of a ParW ell PLmirrr turd wish Subdwidon AMIxMty Fxkb 6 Mb O. SuadrvWan Approxd wax Bognirod Iw Trrrfr PraPUtY r` ~t~ K I rAx I OR I .~i 1. ~ .0 I k. Parbl Apprawd for SuhdvWon with h4P Proxldad lilza aB~r I McAllister I Donald and Susan I Name T~1 xeK/ faaT lNYF I McAllister I Michael R. I r ear / Y F 1 N11 7. t:lr•yk tlr• boa blow whldr mrL reuretdy d••erlh•a the w• d tlr• property •t IA• Nme el a xle: Chrk dra hoar hdow r 1My aPpp^. A Ownsnhip Typa N Condominium Orta Famiy Aasldential E Arrialwral 1 Community Service 8. Naa Conatnstbn on Vernt Lend li C ~ 2 w 3 Family Raddendal F ~ Commarciel J ~ Indwtrlal teA. Propsrry Loce4d wVhin an Apnculturd Wrrict X RritloraWl Vann! land G Apomnrt K Publk S•rvks 1aB. BrrYar r•c•iwd a r1'wrlmun ntrriu irdwainp O D 11or>alosidentid Vount Lrd N Entanoirvn•nt / Amwam•nt L Fww thY tho prap•rty k in an Arricukrrnl OiYritl SALE INFORMATION to fJraeY orr ar rata d tlrw rMNan r applkaWa b tmebr. tt. SaN Cadnd Dn• I N / A / / I A SaW Between Relsdvr or Forrrrn R•lativr Yon lay rw g Sree Betarrr MJabd Conrportlr w Parlrws N Businsr (: Om of the 8uyan la alt a Seller li Dab d SW / Tr•nfbr I '.~/ ~ / ~ 7 I D Buvr Or SNlar ie Gowmmenl Ayertcy Or LnMinp Wtinnion ttorer a•Y Yw I: Deed Typo not Warnnry or Borgdn end SW (Sp•dN tMlowl F' SW d Fraaiarl or tar than Fr Wbrrt ISpadly BalaM ~~ O Sirnificant Change In Property Between Traela Sbtw and Sals Dee t7. FWI !iW Prir I , 0 ~ 0 f f 1 H Selo of Buebrer W IndudM N Selo Pnla • (Full SaM Prka Y dro total amoum gab for tlr property Ircludfnp parrnY DroWnY. I Othor UrwwW fa40ra AMaclinp Sale Pdra ISpetiN Belourl Ttia pymard may W In tlra loan of cash, other prrtpenY w goods, or lM auumpion of J None nrortpapr or dher ohliralbnal Wear routs to lee nrroY xdrole ddW amount Quitclaim Deed u. ktdkrs eM wdrr d partarl I 0 0 0 I , ~ property krrrtkW ti the ew ~ ~ • td. Yar d Arwm•rrt Rdl frorrr I 0 6 11T. Tobl Award VaWa (d •Y pvrab b traMr) I .Z 0 .0 0 I whkh kdarnatlon bkwr 7 7 u.l4oparlyCWr l3 ,1 ,1 I_U is ~~ttiatrtctNanra I Mattituck-Cutchoque I >b. Tea Mp breMerW I Rao bYrtlrrld IV more ehr bur, aabeh ahe•t whh addltlenal IdarrtlBrldl 1000-109.00-03.00-002.042 I I I I I I I CERTIFICATION 1 ttalifj~ that d d the ikms d Mfrrrnbtkxr enYnd o0 1hiY loon are Yoe and rmx4lb the best d my ImowledAe aad helldl erd 1 udersbod thW Ike ataldnA d aqY wBBWI fake sbWOent d aaabrid felt Iterdo wW suhjM ate b the arurhkan d the rroul law rekdlve b the makhtg and NWp d hlfe 6aHruntrtc P Eli BUYER'S ATTORNEY Donald M~cAAl2lister e~ /gym /h 1 l~ a L.. I Price I William H. , Jr. Sus B er ww usrxwt fq•awYr 1210 I Moore's Lane etaeer xurNa atret wart wma son Cutchoque I NY I 11935 tmaroYm stole ay car 631 I 477-1016 You cox rcanrr xuara NEW YORK STATE COPY b~~'i~&~~1e,Q'~uiu boo ~ _~;~; faLey~