HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12512 P 634~la~~v f Bvpdrf uld Sab rah Cmauas epalna Gnaar. Aeb ~ w3~ /d3-y-3~ CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS IIYDENTURE, made the th day of June two thousand seven BETWEEN John Strattard and Karen Strattard, residing at :~.: i•l. r~a •ff rt4;9 , ., ;;. r!'tJ I~ !_ ., i.:•1., ~, , jV t,.. ih.• ;7^„ :.}?ter, ,jrr J,fr?o GIP IS ,,,v..fl ~., . ._.. .., ,: ~, ...: •r'• "c; ! i:f it}f. :i: ;;J?~ (L'd: 'alt 400 Emory Road, Cutchogue, New York 11935 party of the first part, and :/~, ...- -- -- • - -.... . - .. - . Kevin Creeron and Elena Kabasinskas, residing at ' 116 Salisbury Avenue, Garden:Gity, NewiYork;11530 party of the second part, ~ 'i i;' :>n'~ '•rt I WITNESSETH, that the party of the fast part, in constderatiod ofs`I'en'Dollars and other valuable ,consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby!grant'siid ieleasefimto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the.party,of the second part forever. ~ • . ALL•;-that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate lying and being at East Cutchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New Yo ~k,F known,and, desilgnatfxl as Lot No. 3 on a 'certain map entitled, "Map of Sunny shores at East Cutchogue;iahd•filed ~n„the,Office :of the Clerk of •SfifFolk County on August 30, 1960 as Map No. 3231,-said Ifit bemg~bounded and described as -follows:- - -- - .,..._ [t• [;' r' .; (•[,a ,,•.r :. Jrtti V(f:")'4.15.:'- }!y.: .. !pt'., BEGINNRVG at a point on the Northerly side of Emory Road distant 158.95 few easterly as measured ~along.the, norJtherly side of Emory Road from the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly sid rif fimory Road and the easterly side of Beebe Drive; RUNNING THENCE North 10 degrees 46 minutes 10 seconds east, 178.57 feet to a point; ~..,[•ai n,. ,.• RUNNING THENCE North 78 degrees 24 minutes 40 seconds east,' a-point;. ..._... ___.__ RUNNING THENCE South 10 degrees 46 minutes l0 seconds east, 180.21 feet to the northerly side of Emory Road; ,.,,•.,.,..,,[. •.,,..,;.:•v[~. r;~e•. RUNNING THENCE. South 79,,degrees 13 minutes ;50, seconds ,west, 115.00 feet to the point or place of B8G11VNING. r:c;, f:: r;• ,q,r~! E •.,:ra . ~t, ,1i . r•;., ;[•... •;,[• 1 •.i) [LEG.^'f. Ff r, y'/.i :°.[, iUi/•.:,.;r t„•~:'r •~[c::r( • Being and intended'to the,same premises conveyed to.the.partgof~the;first~.part by:deed dated, sl;,, ; ,,,, Apri1.13; 1999~recorded'omMagS, il999 in Liber 11961 'Page.578:~~:r.;.•., !'• a.[ !{~.; Ir f:.rr:• •,,• •• . •: v•r. ;: j•1 `y; r.. •, :: •: U.Ir. }t7twrj • t[,.!i ~;; .. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any; of thefpiuty fifth'e'firsflparf'imaiid~to'airy!street rand roads,~alutitting'`tbe'abfiie drescritied.premises toFFie cbnter Im"es`'f6ereof;'TOGETHERswith'the• ,appu'rtenances'[aiid all the estate, and rights of the party of the frs{'part m and to`said ~pieiitises;'~TO' HAVE AND TO HOLD the premLSes herein granted,unto,the,party.of-thetsfxond;part,-thefheirs or auccessors;and assigns of the party of the second part', forever ~ , . ;-;~ ~ lu ,. •, •,:: r.. ~~AND the partyt,of the: fast part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been''encumbered in any way whatever, except as •afo>•esaid:l.f7at;~r!.j;. r.(,Ct:il'• :,t.iL'..<):1'.i.1$iI :'r4;`~.f11,..t.~'.r:[. _ .li~:~ AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the~Lien Law, covenants that the party,,of;.the .first part.will,receive the wnsideration'for this Sconyeyance and will hold the right to teceive'such censideration,as;a!trust fund to be applfed;first for: the purpose,of.paymg ttie'cost'of the improvement and will apply the same fast to the payment of the cost of the impiovemenu before using an~ail~of the total~of'tfiel~adte~fT'8My other purpose. Wa+ilVteq N 2nAG?<t;OnuiAA No• pthvenu;t? IN WITNB5Ss~VAF.REOF; the;pa{tpigf the first part has dal exec s deed the day and year first above writtef~fl7?.Ott K bY!l/iCd ~ ~ i~j .PRESENCE OF:.__R._.~._...... _-_ f.(1L fi[ E.: ::;i: : r~li !' 4•i~.,'CI ~%r'i , :IgPr f ;(RrL .•[~.tn![i:(3t ':`1r~:••.ra:' '. (Lrrr. q:, ,:. .: FI C••:~•,:'. ra!;1[.!; r.f,tr'<`; 7r,`',.C uC.f.~+• .:, ;;, err. m. f:r.nJC[; [,1 ur•. eu ii" ti.:.le n; :1[tri'71~it]•dl' a:Cl-'!:L'i7t~1. ;L~t!C:'L!![ '[7J. UG•, f{U.: I[[ i',:: IJ::IL jt,}j~ fN" ~,Ccp'~,'S-/•.CN.21`,c7Pt.jr.:. ,•. o'~ti }. IV:Jd Rt11.1 ~..r F;. r: r i.:., l•J (>i.1•}.. ~ . nr. ~!' C, i. (r ~'t.,•,'!!1. ~i. a:;,u, ,, ~.. : q:< tl ,.Jf. ,.d i' f;1C. IYC .: ..,[L' .)![:,,[i r.ialf:[I. 59{1•!•.r'}(!'. ,. .. t•v( :(,: i ,L'i .•1(!;f vG..:16.f`a :U LIA [~,[)f 4t? ",rL ..: f?~9,•R IP:I(a(~ [ ,_ (t: r, pi $f[(1Yf.4t,•u[( !., !(1L rb 15 ;. `:,P:,,Gb[N4«° U1.'r:r (!J!^[•d!li i. r:C(ZG.!LC• Cr• (.!' ;(:,. :?[+:r V.•: ~,; ~):r:LV:. 1,•'!•rnr: •tt ('I+CA.a (!? ••i . 44 fa,:r,, !~ (: r: ' 4G pti~ ,1 P.~r. (~;;rrc;, ff+r.• qv: ns-q:a: ;'a!;• trs;:aos; ;+(: ra,[;.;,a[i 11r[ iP: (,' .i;:i d{, Su Ufa: r. :[ .:'1l'.r .^.[ %.i ;! 7+.rL':r {c:e•,r[ r ri;,.rf :,;fi'Y .r•; i:r`l'. Jf„ a}.I l", SV'a•r. .. ir:: n+.;r;u.l't ll':i,A i USEACbNOWlEDC'MENT FVRMBELOW RTTN(N NEW YORdSTr1TEONLY STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: J On the ~ th day of Jane in the year 2007 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared JOAN STRATfARD sad KAREN STRATTARD personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfaMOry evidence to the lndividaal(s) whose acme is subscribed to the wkhin instrument sod acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacity(ies), end that by their signature on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individuals acted, executed the instrneggat. I I I~ i ¢1(nw\ :.. (, Nohry usE ecaNOwLEncltrENr F70BM BELOW iiTTfRN NEW YORHSTATE ONLY: STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: Oa the th day of in the year before me, the undersigned, personally appeared personalty known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the indtvidual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to the within tnstrament sad acknowledged to me that he/shelthey executed the same in his/her/their capacity(ies), sad that by his/her/their signstnres(s) on the issttvment, the r; i; individual(s), or the person spun behalf of which the • - individual(s) a'eted, executed the instrument. Notary ! .. , .'•f, :,::Irr~LI30NKPARKBye+. f^ ~t'Jl/J(~ e f !' S.'.'lf~PubI1C:SiffieOQN&les~j~~~:.3:~ti f,•l~•L~ L50/~ . ~i~ •(~/: .-~!,n- ;~i ...I.. '• I! I c>ualinad in tildlolk.~ 1 Ia . '~ I (' J i ,~,, ~.° : n:Opimmhit+bn F~gilree.Adluo.w.~(~'i,' .!J'•a i:,.::" " nUl%L ~I4.._• IJt ., lr~ r/.In ' V.rlr (J.: ;;gl~~' I:V! ;. (LL'. ~, 'Ll :' '•' '1 '; 7y• P1."r; irr..r ~ • •'i. '~.. ACBNORZEDGIHENT•JMR[fPoRUSE(RTl1IINNEW YOBR,..r{ ~,;; v~ Jr :r, r ~,ACaNOWLEDGAIENTF,O~FOR USEO~IDENEWYORS STATEONLY:jNew York Su6scrlhtnglWgneasACkr(ow@dgmem ,~: (,, I„ ., ST,tTEONLY:(Otii ofSma be Forclgn GeMml AelJrowlerfgineni''r CenrJlcareJ ~ .•. lCerl~carePJ.., i'. r ,^ '. r u•i, F"!'; P]r ';- !,> •.~', . :,a r .r ,r;• u, .{ I. , i ! r r~i(:'Iar.r r' I { ic,., !. 4 . . S.'. •, C .. yr. STATE OF NEW.YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ~ -'UA'it .o r. +:'Y^.{%t :I'. .•1', :d '.,ti!t:{ 1:.r~, (.:'!S6: r- ..'.p; :r~ .. 94 n .JlJ r•.. r-.r ..~ On the day'of, , :'r. y J i in the year,. L• •' Jf ;n '-I ,: " " 1 r :! ~ before me, the mdersigoed, personally appeared l ~ a I , • -•; ..: •. , ;Oo, the r ~ day of to ttie year, - Fi •'/ ! r r .. ({ t • ~ Clu; !': -I •,"- •`.4,, ::~ r rbefore,me, the andereigned,.pereonally appeared thesabscribingwitnessfoa6e,foregoingnatromen4wit~j~y4..l,,_ 'r'.." 1,.. .,( .,' r ``; `:: rl`.!•..~` I_ whom I am rsonsl. a uainted, who, heirs me d'• {'0"` "., ''J' •vr . n ~ ' : •:;~~ •r. ' ' r .r pe ly,, cq .,,:.r, , 8 by, NYr ~'~',:,,'„ . personsllyknowv to me or proved to me'on the basis sworn, did depose and say! thst(helstiieltheyi~eside(s) in (~ ;!, _ of astistaetory evidence to be the indivldnsl(s) whose • eame(s) in'(are)" tu{iseribed to the•witliin iristrmnent that he/she/they knows(s) and acknowledged to me that he/she/they ezecuted the same in his/her/their cspacity([es) ,that by to be the indfviddal"deseribed'iii snd:who executed the; ' n.:•ar.r. ; hL~/her/their.•pignstare(s) on the instrameay the foregoing inatrnmenh,'thiit'satd sabscr[bing witass was- ';~~ ~•:; - ' . Individasl(s), or;tl~e^pEM'soo apoa.behslf of which the present and ssw said iudividml(a) acted;~ezeEnted the instr®ent, and that 1 ~ i^• • y 1 t_., ~ i n ;^,,, (' such indiv[dasl made such appearance before the !ettcute the same; and that said witness at the ssme,time . ? ,l.:', rj undersigned,in the r I ' subscribed hL~/her/their name(s) as s witness ttiereto. ~ ' ~'~` (" `~"' ~"J"'1 "` i .1. ~, Il:rl; ~{r'^rq ((nnrtfhe Nry or ofhrrpolaica(nhdhiaion and the Blare or eaunery ar ! ocher place flee acknrne(edgmenr xna taken). { Notary - Notary " ' I 'J i. - BARGAIN AND, SALE DEED, .. '1' ''"r' • .'i'. t, . ' !1 r ( , ,: .r.l~ ..r L•... {~.,T', r. .,.,, r~ • .. ~i ' II:: t I ., .,r.: ^'f,GJli1 fJp ':: ~ i:! v.,. ..'if F• .. :r 1]::...i L '~::' -((.t.l •'. nr,C M :, :., ir.-.fi~i '.J. ~ . :: ICI'.'I• f'r) Title No.: .Montauk Abstract, Inc. SECTION 103.00 ~ BLOCK 00.00 z~'u:. (~,ill,ir ~ .. ?Jt ire•. ,,~~:.! :.r' LOT. ~ qp,{ :.., ;034.000., J~:l'.•' ,, ,-I ... ..(,. JOHNSTRAITARD :,~ •~ ~,, .., " COUNTY,ORTOWN.Suffollc:Cutehogne ~ ' KAREN STRATTARD ~ ' ' r ?• 1(::' ~ 'li F1'i : / r ji:: 41 . 'Pt•~~. .;!". 7!':'r. ',~:•: r:',,: :,, :,. STREET ADDRESS '600Eeiory'Road . KEVIN l^.REERON' • L; : I:- '; _. .. ' ! ~ - ;Jr . , ELENA KABASINSKAS• h !: i, .. 'q ., 'L I •• ~' i ,..: , , '~ I !' ;~ rjr'.'.S% { ~. ~ ~J ry^: "Jf 1111":.+l'• i1117i J',IYi Jr :.S'J .~:~i .il>'7. '.•.n rC'.'. is":N!pl:, ,{a. t.l::! .I'ia'. ,':iC'.;''!.i'N~..°fd^Zr'~(!cl!F7'.,': i{!.k;fp r:~-J. ..Chrysa,Pasqualone; Esq:::u ;: i>;J:: rl , 53345 MaiB Road ' P.O. Boa 846 Southold; NY:119.71.1, ,1, r• alipi+ll_'!R i ;', Nli::fa %i (inl ptr i(:(, .:. :I(j' J.jfy'•i:pS ~G:, ,, 6'A I .C).'[ ~'(~nJ . t('.n "R'{ 1. ~~~,+~ fir, !r.IV! [r,' rhl.:, - 1 2 Number of pages ,~ F:ECUP.[,EU 2UiA Jul U9 lU:U`:35 RM TORRENS Judith R. Fa~cale Serial # i:LEF;h: OF SUFFOLK GUUtdT'r' Certificate # L DUUU12512 F 534 Ptior Ctf. # 6Tff i+6-3F~94 Deed .Mortgage Instrument Deed /Mortgage Tax Stamp Recotding /Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page /Filing Fee q 9 ~ Mortgage Amt. - I.Basic Tax Handling S- 9Q_ 2. Additional Tax _- TP-584 S ~ Sub Total - Spec. /AssiL Notation - or EA-5217 (County) Jr ~ Sub Total Spec. /Add TOT. MTC3 TAX /~ EA-5217 (State) ~.~,/~ Dual Town Dual County _ _ R.P.T.S.A. 30 OJT yam- ~-"'A~, , ~ Held for Appointment ~ Transfer Tax a'~J Cornm of Ed. 5. T~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ k - Mansion Tax - . `'~` ~ QS The coveted b this mot a e is ProPertY Y g g Affidavit : ;; Ls~n•~: , .itj @3 ~ or will be improved by a one or two Certified Copy °`•t~" C' ~'ti.'r.,";~ , :.family dwelling only. Reg. Copy ~ i Sub Total YES or NO - If NO, see appropriate tax clause on Other „ ji ~ "~,, -.: ~ Grand Total ~ ~~''>~t~LS'ti3 page # of this ins[mmenL 4 District 1000 .... .•... Section= l'' 103:00 Block 04.00 .. ~~r c•„y~ Lot '":: 0341000 '3t' "t SCommuiti Preserva8ou Fund Real 07020453 iooo ioso 1,l o 0400 034000 ~•<,r. .Consideration Amount $ u~{5W ~~~ P T S $ D S~ i +. CPF T'ax D Tax Service RLPA A ue f''~ ~ ~ ` Agency 9JUL-07 :.:! .. , ` t ~;:: Improved ' Verification r :, Vacant Land ' , , ~,l 4' arf.i e~ 6 Sazisf~tioti/Diselia rges/Release List Ptoperty Owners Mailing Addiess ' ,,,.{ , ~~+ ''RECORD%&'RETURNTO: .'a:r,.bi:;~t ~ y:<•: •.; c.~ ,,, - TD ~- CHRYSA'PAS.QUALONE, ESQ. ,r .t, ,.;• ;,~ ~ TD ' 53345 MALN'ROAD r'l. '; . ' -~:~.., , ; ..r,.: ~ : •. ~,,. . P.O.BOX`846 "~"i' '+' ~ :ii°a:•.i.l~!':,; .,,..i ,•,~ TD SOUTHOLD NY'1~1971' ''"''"` ' ; ?~ : ~i',:}<.,.:-;:,rv~ ~ :: ~i ;-:c,c. ~ t J•:! it. , ; , ~ .: ;;:. , . ;Z , , ~ . • , , ,Title Company Information ~' ''~'~•~'F'~ Co'Name'MONTAUKABSTRACT[NC. . c;:.: x<,c ~ ,Ttle,#,MA-07.082..,,,. „, Suffolk, This page.forms part of,the attached DEED ode by; ? }~:,.,:•. 1>.. .. .. ,~ ..4 ..•(SPEC~I'TYPE~OFINSTRUMENT)_,;_ ' JOHN STRATTARD The premisis herein is situated in KAREN STRATTARD,, , „ .:. _ "„' ,:,. ..{`:'.••, i, ., :'SUFFOLK COUNTY,+NEW~YORK:• +:1 '.': ,~.:' :~r•~i. TO Tn the Township of SO(JTHOLD • • KFVLN CRF.ERON... :... ... _ In;the VII.LAGE., - ,,,... ....i.,i;S?:1,7({i.r'JfiSli'J~d. ': f.b:E!b; ''iil.. i~r.. ELENA KABASINSKAS '~ ' or HAMLET of CUTCHOGUE ,, ,.,, BOXFS 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Recorded: 07/09/2007 Number of Pages: 3 At: 10:05:35 AM Receipt Number 07-0063059 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-38894 LIBER: D0.0012512 PAGE: 634 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 103.00 04.00 034.000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $602,500.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,410.00 NO Comm.Pres $9,050.00 NO Fees Paid $11,609.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-38894 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THI3 IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County PL"EASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUC710NS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (5181 4737222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY cT. sows code CZ. Date Owd RaCOrdW C3. Book I PROPERTY INFORMATION t, Pnprty Loeadan amrr rostra pxw 2 Buyer Name r rSari+r ~ ~ 7 j ~ ~ ~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT O ~ D ` STATE OF NEW YORK 7 STATE KOARD OF RE/LL MOPEIRY SERVICES " ~ RP-5217 ~~ ' C4. Papo `- - J _ erwn u.. rwr 1Tu ItdFau w"en lawn Tw gib anwdwn BiinS U mlwr than buYar widrm bt hotbin d rorml 1 (Zcf byw ucrxwumnrurr A Indlut• the numWr d Aaaeaamam Rdl Pareab treMbrrM on tlra eLed B of Peroeb OR ~ Pen of s Perch 6. Dad ' I Ir~f Biae~~ ~ 7l ""'" ~ a sa"w Nrrr I ~~k . ~~ 7. Chadt the ba Wow whkh mow acavatdy dwerBn tM use d qre properly M Ih• time d wlr. Clyd 1M heaa halorv w they apply: a Umwship TYW b Condomlmum A Oa FamBY Reaid•nlbl G ASrtwlturq 1 Community Saevko S. Now Coavuetion a Vaam W W B 2 or ~ Famiry RnfdentW P Commamlal J Irulusvbl t0A Proparry tacged wlWn an Aylwltural Digda C Ilaaidamiq Vaunt Lend G Apartment K Public Servke trice Sayer taaired a dbclown notice iMlcatip D D Noo-Raddendal Vaertt laM H Emenainm•n / Amuwtant L Fawt Uxt Ilr IeoPeny b M an Apricultwq OMnd SALE INFORMATION i la pub rr a tlron d thew attdhlorr a apppeable to teatWr. 11. SW Contract Mta { A Salo Bawaan Rebthra ar Farmer Relauvea Ypm Y r° R Sda Betwwn Mbbd Canrpart(w or Parton In Buainew I C OM OI lM BuWn is abo a Smlw ' n T 17. Daw d Gab / Tnnefr ~y / I I / L] ~ I D Buyer m Sellw ie Goverrwtant Agency m Lanawp Ingitmion raoim Bay yr !: Dash Typ• not Wananry or Baryoin atd Sob ISpemly Blow) F Solo m Fronionn or Lew tha Fa Im.req ISpwdry Botew) ~ ~ ~ ~ G Sipgfuan Ctwlpe m Property Bstrn.n T•yple strw rrd s.ls Dab 17. Fdl s.b Nk• I n .l .. . D. n. n D • I II Sob d Bwrirwsa b bcluded ro Sob Pdu (Full Sob Prk• is Ne to1a1 amount paid rot tM property irrJuoinp pwaoal yropeny, I Odrer Unusual Fagwa AReNnp Sob Pda ISpxiry BNOwI Thh paymat may M In the term of eaalr. maw properly or Soodts m the aawmgbn of J None ^ronpWw w odw rddipapoa.l PM,esa round ro tee rrarq whoN ddW amount. 1{. btdkab tlr whr d garland OwP~Y hrMrdad b rite sale 1S. Yar d Aaawmrrt ReD Iron r I \ l n ~ 77. ToW Awaaaed Vnw Id W grub b 4fndw) ~ • ~ ` 1 A J I wNeh bMarnwtion taherr L11~~11J \ a 7 r ! 7 to Progeny Claw .l , D I-U 1S. Sehool Dbbiq Name 20. Tu MaP kbmMrld I Rdl IdenDBarlsl fY more flan four. atbah ehrt whh edditbul IdemlBerlall I 1bD0 I 1 aYfify Ihd all d the krnr rrf hdomuWm cobrtd oq th[r lotto un trtw rrd nrmxi Iw the teal d my Wrrxkdge uod heShc and 1 understood that the tttakloS of aey xilBd Bdr grmgm of ttralerld Dal hereto xBl m4Jw1 ra w dr nmr6lmn of the oergl bw rebtirx to the maklnS ood DYry{ of hbe In+ltamaxtl. BUYER NEW YORK STATF. CORY IONy K Pan d • P•well Cheri r tlgy apply. N PbnnitW Bard xitlt Subdiridort AghMry bWS 4 Subdivision Approwl was Repuirod Im Tnnafr ~C. Pemd Apprped rot SuhdNhbn wiw Mop PrevWed BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~~431 ~ ~~5-5qo~ mumr rnarrroxexuwea rrKe moparur r111Y t ~bD ~ ~~ ~R,~r Ra(~ a,errxweur artatr xae[ wu