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HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12512 P 257~,j~~ /~• f ~ ~~ /l~ c a e3 z- A~aI~S- 07~ NY fxl$ - Bwet{ain ual Suk lheJ wish Cmxaam agnina ti:nnhv'a Acts Indivldwl.r C.nµvx:ivu 15inyle Sheet I I NYN9'1' xrrl2, l.'011x1i1:1' \'OIIN IA WYCIt arruue till:\INI: THIti LNA76U>1HN'r - TIIIS INS'1'RU\I}_YI' tillfltlLn BE I;,46q al' f.1wl'F:ttS OV.Y TIIIS INDENTURE nwde the < ~ day of MAY BETWEEN in the yc:v 2007 G BASILIU SANTIAGO A\D JORGE RODRIGUEZ, resldlnR at 1338ACauuty Rd. 48 Nattltuck, VY 11952 parry of d,e first pan, m,d JORGE F. RUDRIGUEZ & NORMA I. GONZALE7. 133`0 ~ou,~r,~y y2d. C-F~, Gu>~/toGUt, N_y. ~ /p3~ Parry of the second part. W 17'NF:4SF'rH, thot the Party of the fist p:ut in cwtsidcmtiun of Tun Ih~llarx and other valuable considcrttiwt paid by thr puny of the second pan, does hereby grant and release unto the Parry of the second part, the heirs tx sutctsu,rx and axxigns of d,c Pang of the strand pan ftmver. AIL that nn:lin plm, pitrc or panYl of lattd with the buiklin(ts and impnwcmcrtL+ Utctton crccled, situate, lying mtd being in tltc *****SEE 5C11EDUI.E "A" ATTACHED***** UIS'1'RICI': 1000 SECTION: 101.00 BLOCK: 02.00 I.OT: 003.002 COUNTY: SufFolk TU(:ETHER with all right, title and inlerut, if any, of the early of the fist part of in and to any xtrectx and rtwd. abusing d,e al+tn•rrlexcrihrd premises to the center lints thereof; 7'UGF.THER with the appurtenances arxl all the cswtc and rights of the party of the first part in and W srid prcmi~es: TO HAVE AND TO HULD the premises herein granteJ wan tl+e piny of d,e strand pan, the heirs ur wttesM+rs and assigns of the parry of the second part fi,rcvrr. ANU the pang of the first pan wvcnunts that the parry of thr first pan has no[ done or sufli:tidrnything whereby thr said prc,nixex lutvc been incumborcJ in any way whatever. except as uforc:atid. AND the party of the first pan, in cotnpliantr with Strtion 1 a of the Lien Lew, covenants that the pang of thr first pan will retroive the cnnsideratinn for thix convcyancc and will hold the right w rctrive such rnnsideration rs a trust fund to be applitd firsl fur the purpose of paying the auu of the imps+vement and will apply the same first to the payment of the coat of the improvement before u.+ingrny pan of the twul of the .ante for ony other purpose. Thr wtxJ'twrty'"shall I,c constnted as if it read "parries''' whr,trvrr d,r sense of thix intlcnturc w rcyuins. IN WI'ItiM:SS ~YHF:RKUF, the patty of the first p:trt has duly cxtrulcd this dtcd the d:,y and year first above written. 1 LN YtrF.til:NCI:OF': !~ 1BASILIU$ANT CU Vvv~~- JORGE ODRI(sUE ~~ ' Schedule A Description Tple Number AY0125-073 Policy Number. M-6802-003470 Page ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument set of the southerly Ilne of Middle Road at the easterly line of a 25 foot strip of land of County of Suffolk said monument being about 900 feet easterly of Elijah's Lane; RUNNING THENCE along said southerly line of Middle Road, North 49 degrees .29 minutes 15 seconds East, 150.00 feet to a monument; THENCE along other land now or formerly of the party of the first part, iwo courses: 1) South 40 degrees 30 minutes 45 seconds East 266.67 feet to a monument; .2) South 49 degrees 29 minutes 15 seconds West, 150.00 feet to a monument and said land of County of Suffolk THENCE along said land North 40 degrees 30 minutes 45 seconds Wesf, 266.67 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. US6ACRnYI wa~o(,aaa'fFnIPJ/6FtoWWmnN~Nj~Y(11PRSTATI•.'ONLY: Stale of New Vurk County of ~ei~1 - I sa: tfi the~b day of MANY , in the ycr 2007 BASILIO SNTIACU & J~I~~E RODRiGUEZ perxanally known w me or pnwcd w me on the basic of x;aisfocrory evrdencr ro be the individual(s) vA+asc nantc(s) ix (arc) suiw:rii+ed ro the within instnurcm and ucktrowktlgvxl to mr that hdxttc/thcy cxautcd the same in hislltcrhMir rtptrLtity(ivxl, aml that 6y hixllterAheir sign;uurc(wsly~nnh the iavwmn+t. the individual(s), ar tlu: person u(qn behalf of ~e the individual(s) actcd~xavt~d t i rununL /- ~ CQ~G/a t:uarR A cow(OIIY NOTARY PUBI.tC, STATEOF NEWYOAK tIO.OtCOG0125B2 OW(~wslrrWU(COUNIv COr i-r:: Sd F7F+AE8 ~Op~/D A(9Y'AYINZtirCxl/FJ17'FOI4raYAR Usti WlTN/NNEW Y'r/R/tS7A7EOYLY: IN.w a'urA axhar•.ibixa WirrwirAr4w.YrJryxexr Gn(Jlpxrl Stale of Ncw Vor(c, County of ) ss.: USF'ACti\ON7FJXEHF~7FORMRF/DW N7Tal/NNF.I{'YVRRSTATEONLK Statcof New Vwk County of ) ss.: Ott the dry of in the ycm before mc. the umlersignrd. I+~+~IY nppearrtl persrnally lutown to tm or pnwed u, me on the tusis of smisfaaory evrdertce to t+e the irtdividml(x) whose numC(sl is (arc) xuhscriheJ m the within instrument urwl :tckttowkdgrd ro me That hrlsltrhlre~• cxceuttxt the saute in hix/hcrAlxtir eupsi(y(kal and That by htsrltcdtheir zignature(sl rn dtc ittxtwncm, the individual(x), ur the person upon behalf of which dtc individual(s) acuvL cstcw~d Ihr: im'Irurrtenl. AcxNUNYaraC.caXrFnxarFr/R UseOuruuaNewYavexSTAn O.\zr.• (Ow q/arure nr Fweigx Ctxerd Arb,w/rdawrxr Certylrnrrl ..................................................)ss.: (Cn+y,reee Verve wlrA5Wtr. Ciwxrry Pnnvwv,v Alxxirywlrq) Ort the day of in the year before mc, the umlcrsigncd, ptxaxm;tlly appurcd the subscribing witnecc to the foregoing iminunenL with wlunn i am perxrnally acyuainuxf, who being by me July xwom, did depose and soy That ItHahdt)tey rcsidc(st in ((/rhr placeaf residcnrc is ur u riot irrrhulr rhesrrrel arulurcrr wndxr, ijurq; rhrrrr(/): that ItrJ.tltrhhcy know(s) to be the individual described in amt who exetvltd the fwegeving imwtnem: that said wbscribing witne:xx was present aeKl saw said exnvte the svne; aM thm said witntss at the same time subsrrihcd hisrfiLrhhcir rsune(s) as a wiutess theMO. 6AacALY & SALe DtseU asne exwv+um.uw.vxr wuvr rwe TrnENo. A2O125-07S BASILIO SANTIAGO & JORGE RUDRIGUEL TO JORGE F. RODRiGUEZ & NoRMA1.coNZALez FIDELITY NATION,\I. TITI.K 1NSUItANCE CODtPANY dcwrr,rerm rota w r.. w. x, a a. w n r~ e... a w.. (let the day of in the year before m:, the undersigned, petxnn'ttly appeared personally known to me to proved to me rn the b;LYix of satisfactoro cvbkntr to be the individual(s) whose mm~e(s) is (arc) sutuctifxxl ro the within inwuntcnt and acknowledged to me Ilntl he/shdthey exa:uted the scone in hisllterAlteir capacitygics), that by hisllrcr/ their eigntuurc(s) rn the incuumenl, the iMivtidual(s1, or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the itulrutncnL arNl thw sw:h individual mule: such appearmtvro bc(ore the wtdcrsigncd in Iltc (Insrr! rlu cirv orallter palirirul udxlivisirRr oral rlrr .vum are.•aurrrrv or ahrr/r/acv the acMowlydtmenr nos relkrrr). DLSfNtCT IUUU SecnoN 101.00 HIACK 02.U11 i.oT U03.002 Cunt. tv oN TowN SUFFOLK RECUantn.~rRrpuesrur•' Fiddtty 1lationul Title Insurance Company RFTfIRN BYAlA/l7t) F. RODRIGUEZ & , 1. CON7.ALE'/. 1338 County Rd. 48 Mattituck, NY 11952 0 ~_ W U N W 6 RESRDED 2047 Jul US 11:49:2.' PM Number of pages Judith R. Pa~.ale TORR6NS CLEkK OF' SUFF4Lk COUNTY L D00012512 Swint M P 257 Certificate M DTN Dii-38608 Prior Ctf. # Titlo # Deed / Mortgage Instnmtratt Dead /Mortgage Tax Sump Rewrdiug /Filing Stamps ~ FEGS Page /Filing Fee I ~ Madgage Amt _ handling t. Basic Tax TP'S~ 2. Additional Tax _ Notation Sub Tolel _ EA-52 17 (County) Sub Tool SpecJAssil Or W-5217 (SWe) Spec /Add. R.P.T.S.A. TOT. MTO. TAX Dud Town Dual County Comm. of Fd S OQ_ 1 field for Apportiomn AlTalevit Transfer Tax _ Certified Copy AMnsion Tex The property eovaed by this mortgage u or Reg. Copy - will be Improved by a one or two family s„b 7bal dwelling only. phw YES w NO GRAND TOTAL '"~ see eppropriue tax clause on page M f this bsenam ~ _ .7 ! Real Pmpury Tax Serviw Agtstcy Verification uni Preservation Fund Dial Section Block Lot ' ConslderationAmountS oosooz 07020001 iooo ioivoo osoo ~ Sip r-~ is CF'F Tax Due S {fP T S ~ 4'~FJ1P q ~ ved ~o~Q a-.JtUL-07 3 Initials ` ~ ` ~ Vacant Land ~ $atlafaeN Ow.......wp.... r.........., u.or. wp..n~-vwuoia 19anwg n Tp ~~ RECORD & RETURN TO: JORif,E F. RODRI6UEZ ' 13380 COUNTY RD # 48 CUTCH06UE, N. Y. 11935 _ ~ - -- - •- ----- - ---- ~ B 9 This pegc ttrmis part of the attached Title Company Information - nude by: p~ Q, ,, ,~ _ ~ 1-•_ - (SPEC1hY TYPEOF INSIRUIYffNf ) -= ~'~'"~'i' ~ -lire pnat>iscs herein is siluatod in ~~_ i~,i»n SUFFOLK OOUNIY, NEW YORK. ~ To !n the Township of - ,(,p(~ ~ In the VILLAGE i~ or tWIvII.CT of~ q,,~}~ 1lO1SLi5 5'1'IlItU 9 (YfUST BE TYPED OR PRINiT,D IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. rot~l SIIFFOLK COUNTY CLERIC RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGB Type of Iaet^~^~^ts DEEDS/DDD Recorded: 07/05/2007 Number of Pages: 4 Ats 11:49:27 AM Receipt Nsssnbar 07-0062274 TRANSFER TAS NUbIDER: 06-38608 LISER: D00012512 PAGE: 257 District: Section: Blocks Lot: 1000 101.00 02.00 003.002 EXANINSD AND CHARGED AS FOLLO-P3 Deed Amouat: $0.00 Received the Follorviag Feea For Above Inatrumeat 8xempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Haadliag $5.00 NO COS $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO SA-CTY $5.00 NO 8A-STAYS $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.COpiea $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Traasfar tax $0.00 NO Comm.Prea $0.00 NO Fees Paid $152.00 TRANSFER TAX NQl~IBER: 06-38608 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THS INSTRLINSNT THIS 2$ NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale Couaty Clark, Suffolk Couaty ... .. PL€1C$E~€~H'f=~FI~IGICY~€R'~V~ITiR~t~7FaAi01~~ "- - INSTRUCTIONS: http:// or PHONE (518) 473-7222 • 1 FOII COUNTY USE ONLY cl awls Coda I~'t ~, ~-~, (~ ~~ I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT sraTE of Nbw ralR STATE eoARD OF REAL PROPEIRV SERVICES C!. Data Daad Raeavdad ~ c C8 B k 7 ~ ° '" "r G P t ` RP - 5217. . oo ~ . p - , n enexD e.. yE7 PROPERTY INFORMATION ,. Properly l 13 3 duo I C'au h Ty ~~ ~- ~' I Loradon -fIEn~ETCf f o 9 u~E•~ r I /V y - /~ y.~~i os row zswtl I ~ODRLUI. ~ .D2 ~~onZ,4~P2. ,M1,Aa I ~U/CG-F ,,,,// F, ~/4DX/%r4 Z I Nswr wf~ rwq /toe~hv l / I I usr wua/cowaxr rover xaue 7. Tff Indian when boom Ttl BRS aro to W am aBlhre R Drive dun huge addrtls W ha0orrr d brM I I I ~~ IAET Male / ragr NaYE I I I ~ I enxr epic aNDf Rwud 4rrr ca TOwa •R~Fod'irT~ a. rdkar tM nrmrhar d Aaeaerrtl IQm E M d a Pareep Chet r EMy apply. RoU percale trrWegad an tM clod a d Payola OR ^ Pan of E Paul ~ ~~ BwN tidy Su6dlrition ~~ F~ 6. Dead AoP-KY >:~ .. BdMr Nine 9 aA SuhdMskn Approvd was RegWrod kr Trenlar I uoxr wr I X I onrrr I oR I .goes 1 . I ac. Panel Approved rr Subdiridon with Mep Awtded Sa~-rla9~ I ,BAS~C~o 7R~~ ~, ~I xaTmunxv ~ Z ~ rur rasp I 7. Cheek W boa below which men esreatdy daodha We sae d tlr ProMrty at EM lima d sale: A One Farrriy Reeidantpl li ~ a 9 Family Rnidwid C RiitlemW vacant Land D NonAniOantisl Vaum Land F Ayrcuhural F ~ Cdnmwept G Apartment 11 hrlrnenmenl/Amuarnrrm 1 Cammurdry Savitn J InduWrl K Puhlk Servkp L Faee layers tM boas bbw a that apply l OwunNp Type r Corrdominium 0. Naw Comtna:tion on Vaud Lend 70A Aapenv Loraud eiitlrln sn Aprkulrrd Dierkt IOB. BuYOr reteivad o dpalowre ndka irrtleeNp ^ clot the swam q r en /priwlkusl DieWa I SALE INFORMATION I 15. tlg ri erq a man d drat eorrdrdorn a wplieabr r tranel.r. 11. Sar Date I A Belxgen ReWiuas or Fomgr RelWiva er'r'or Sar Sotwoen Rertal Comlgnla or Panrgrs r Budrgi /`/ C / Oro d the Brryen r eln a Selrr " / o / I D 12 Dtla d Bar / Trwlar I ~ Sugar or SElla is Govarnmont Apanw or larrdinp relilution kladr Doi vnr E pond Type nd Warumy a aaryeir and SW ISpcpy BeloErl F Bar d AaRlorwl or Lea drsn Fee Iraree ISpalfy fialowl (r ~ SgnrRCSnt Change in Property Betwvsn Tarabr &atus end Sala Dan . R () ~ lA Full Sar Prize I ~ ' ~ ~ H Sale of Bwirrie r Included in Sala Aka e (Fdl Sar Prim q pre torl amoum paid hu the ww.m irrhtlinp personal prweAY• 1 Otlrr Unusual Patton AReWna Sok Prim 1Spoclfy Bslowl Thr psyrtgd mry W n tlro term d raN, dhsr poW m or Goods, or the rswrrplion d J Nans rmnpptl d dhar ohlipsdms) Phan rourrd ro tM /payer whor dd amowrt W ~ l u. krdiar tlq veld d pisorul I 0 I) I DC ~ ~ prapily krelrrdad r the aW • ~ 18. Yw d Assairretl Roll pom 1 / / /' 1 17. Tdel AwrW Valve Id ek pamele r v.rWr) I T s+ • u u~ wNdl 6idorrrralion uherr W~=~ f ! 7 ~ i 1a. Pnpiry tlw r ~ • Q-I_..I 18. School Druid Name 20. Tea Map Menflllrls) I Rog Idwi6rW IM moo than larr, attach sheet wpb arNplonal NirtiTisrpll I /000/!0!• DO~n~ • O8~aD3. oo Z ~ I I I I I 1 cERnFlcanaN t drtity Ihal all d the Ip/rly d IIIBrrdntioo catered on Ihp fmm an trrr apd arrrsd Ir the hW d i5 hmrrdpe earl bdiell aid 1 wdenlaod Ilit the raskkpl d -nY willTd lidee garrpetl d nttlald Ord herEio wi8 wlt{ed eye r tM prrrridia of tiro oen:d low nlalire r Bq iellea and Rlpyi d Brlse Ireilrwmen6 BUYER ZCron-rr~1v7 I S/~6/b7. •, Mme awarrnuE r) o~,rRLt. _. ~j. !JR z ~~ j 33P'D I /' ~oun Ty ~ ~~ aIaHT Mlmie trill xAre rarrra 1 err ea raw surf it coot SELLER ~~~~ [~ I ~~6~b7~ aeon egaanse Q~;l.i 0 JD.Y~.i R9 b BUYER'S ATTORNEY wr wwc roar x,rE ~3/~ ~3~/ /sue aia tooE rsrawaa xurgca VEW YORK STATE COPY