HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12513 P 631/~/~ .~ ~~/ 7~- ~ ~~ ~ Form NY 005--Bargain and 5alc Dccd, with (:ovcnant against Grantor's Acts Individual nr Corporation. (single shcrq (NYBTU 80021 CUNSUI:f YOUR I.AWYI;R BF.FURE SIGN'IN(: '1'lllti INS'fRU111EN9'-TFltti INSTRUMENT tiliUU1.D 13F. USED 1)Y LAWYERS ONI.I'. THIS INDENTURE. made as of thep?~ day of June, in the yanr 2007 IIMTIVF.EN ~IARGARF:T 1.1. NRUIYN, residing at 1720 Ltte•urd Drive, Srntthuld, New Turk, 11971, party of the first part, and 51.AR'O~11R SKLOUOWSKI and ANNA SKLODUWSKA, his wife. both residing at 7984 Soundvirw Avcnuc. Southold. Ncw fork. 11971. parry of the second pan. WITNESSL•;TI1, that the p:trly oC the first port. in rnnsidcruion of Ten Dollars and other valuable rxmsideration paid by the pony of the sctiYmd part, dues hereby grnnt and rclrase unto the pony of the second part, the heirs or sucr~r.•sors and :usigns of the pang of the stswtd part forever. ALL that ccrwin plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and ruing at Bayvicw, in the Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and State of Ncw York being ntorc parucul;trly boundcrl and described as 1'ollrnvs: -SEF. SCIIF:DUI.E "A" A'1"fACf1ED IIN:RE'I'U - District: lUU0 Srrtion: 079.UU I~lock: 07.00 lax: 043.002 BEING AND IN'I'ENUED'I'O BE the wmc prnnises as that convoyrd to the parry of thr first part by Drrd dated the 14`h day of Fcbruarv, 1976 and rcconkYi in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on February 23, 197(. in I.ilur 7991, page 450. SAID I'RL•MISGS BL•ING COMMO\LY t;NO1V\ AS 162(1 Lccaitrd Drive, Southold. Ncw• fork. T(XiET11ER with nll right, title •rnd interest, if any, of the party of the first part of, in and to any streets and raids abutting the above-described premises to thr center lines thereof; TUGN°fHER with the appurtenanctts and all the estate and rights of the parry of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TU IIULU thr premises herein grnntcYl unto the Ixtrty of the scmnd Ixtn, the heirs or suctt~ssurs and :usigns of the parry of the second part forever. ANll the party of the first pan covenants that the parq• of the first Ixirt has nut done or sufferrd anything whcrchy the said prcmiscs have bren encumbered in mty way wh:uevrr, cxtxpt ss nforcsaid. AND the parry of the tint part, in cumpli:mcc H'i1h Section 13 of the lice L:nv. covenants that the party of the first part will receive the considcmtian far this wnvev:utce :md will hold the right to receive such a+nsideration :u a trust fund Io be applied first for -he purpou: of pitying the cent of the improvcnxm and will apply the same tint to the payment of the rnst of the imprrn•ement before using any p:u•t of the taal of the s~ntc (or any other purpose. The ward "prrq•" shall tx: mnslrucd us if it read "p:trtics" whemvcr the sense at this indenture sa requires. IN WITNESS \VHF.REUF, the party of the first pan has duly executed this decd the day :nut yrar tint ahavc written. IN PRI:SGNCBOF A• R :ABET 11. BROWN -- LEGAL DESCRIPTION ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIBCB, OR PARCEL OP LAND, BITUATB, LYING, AND BEING AT BAYVIBW, IN THS TOWN OF'60UTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND 6TAT6 OF NBN,YOAK IOdONN AHD DESIGNATED AS PART OP LOT NOS. 50 AND'51 AS SHONN ON A CBRTAIN MAP'SNTITLSD "MAP OF L86NARD ACR66 AT~HAYVIBN" AND FILED IN Tf1E OFFICB OP TNS CL8R1C OP TH8 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ON JUN8.4, 1971 AS MAP NOMHBR 5599,'SAID'PREMISES SBING MORE PARTICULARLY BOUNDED AND DRSCRIBBD AS FOLLONS:. ' BEGINNING AT A MONfPF3NT 6ITUATB ON THB SOUTHERLY SIDE OF LRHNARD DRIVE AT TH8 NORTH WEST CORNER OP'LOT NO. 51 ON MAP OP L86NARD ACRES AT BAYVIBW, AND FILED IN T[IE OFFICE OF TH8 CLERIC OP TH8 COUNTY OP SUPFOLK ON DUNS 6, 1971 AS MAP NUMBER 5599 THBNCE PROM SAID POINT OP BEGINNING ALONG THE.SOUTHSRLY SIDB OP LEEWARD DRIVE, SOUTH 52 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 30 SECONDS BAST 185.00 FSST TO A MONUMENT; RUNNING THENCE THB.FOLLONING 3 COURSES AND DISTANCES: 1. '•SOUTH 37•DSGR88S 30:MINUTBS 30 SECONDS N&ST 230.00 FBRT TO A MONUMETt 2. NORTH 52 DSGR86S 29 MINUTBS 30 SBCONDS NEST 185.00 FSST TO A MONUMENT AND; 3.~ NORTH 37 DHGRBBS'30 MINUTES 30 BECONDS EAST 230.00 FBRT TO A MONUMB6PP AT TH8 POINT OR PLACE OP BEGINNING. ~ ' TOGETHER WITH AN UNDMDBD ON8 FIFTY-THIRD Il/53RD) INTERBST IN LANDS SHOWN AND, DESIGNATED AS "PARK, ASCREATION'AND.DRAINAG6 AREA" ON THS.MAP OF L68NAAD ACRE6 AT BAYVIBN; AND FILED IN THB OFPICS OF TH6 CLERK OF TH8 COUNTY OP'SUFFOLK ON ' JUNE 4, 1971 AS MAP NUMBER 5599. ' FOR INFORMATION ONLY: DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 079.00 BLOCK .07.00 LOT D43.002 -yBGAL DBSCRIpTION- L•pli itCKNO-V/.6'DG,19/iN7' FORM tYIT//IN NF.{V YORti .S7~1%'E ' STA'I'r: OI' •NEW YORK, COUN"I'Y OF SUFFOLK sc: On the day of Junc. in the year 2(107, hcforc me. the undcnigned, personally appeared MARGARET H. I3RO~VN pcnon:dly known to me or proved to nlc nn the basis of satisfactory cvidcncc to be the individual x•hosc nnmc is suhu•rihcrl ki thr within instrument and acknowledged u me that hrlshdthev executed the same in hislher/their cap:u:ity(ies), and That by hislhcrhhcir signaturc(s) on the instrument. the individual(s), or the person ulxln Fxhalf tl( which the individual(s) acted. cxccutcd the instnument. NOTARY US/i .ICKNUt3'/.IiDG~bfEA'T FOlfd9 Wl%!~/IN NIC1V YURA S7 it l't' Sl'ATr•.OI" NL"• W YORK, COUNTY OF SS: Un the day uC , 111 the }'Car 2007, hcforc mc. the undersigned. Ixrsonally apprlrcd prrsonally known Io me or proved to nx on the basis of s:uisfactorv cvidcncc w be the individual whose nnmc is subscribed w the within instrunlcm and acknowledged to me that hr/shdthcy cxccutcd the same in his/her/their rtpacity(ies), attd that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instntmenl, the ilulividual(s), or the person opt+n I+eh:df of which the individual(s) act~Yl. cxccutcd the instrunxnt. BARGAIN and SALE DEF:11 \VCI'll COVI:NAYI~ASAIIVS'1_~FtAN'I'()IYti A(:I'ti DIS'I'R1CI': 1000 SEC"rIUN: 079.00 A7ARGARF7' ll. I3R0\V\ (iI.OCK: U7.0(1 To LU7': 043.002 SI,AWOMIR SKI,UI~R'SKI and 'TOWN: Southold ANNA SKI,ODOWSKA, his wife Rk:'1'IIRN 131' MAII, 7'O: Wl1.l.lAM 11. 1'RICI:, JR.. ISQ. 82g Front Strcct I'.U.13ox 2065 Grccnlxm, Nrw York 11944 A R , Jumbrr9fpages TORRF.NS Serial k Certificau: k Prior Clf. ff Iked / Mortgoge Instrument 4 112 Deed / Mortgage Tax Stantp RECORDED 20D7 Jul 16 09:54:38 RM Judith R. Pascale CLL7tK OF SI~FOLK COLWTV L DOOOt2513 P 631 DTt 06-3%51 Kecordi:tg /Filing Swmps Page /Filing Fec I y Ilandling ~ - TP-584 _~ Notation EA-52 17 (County) Sub'fotal o` r:n-sz n (Stain R.P:1'.S.A. Comm. of f~. __~ Q~ affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy ~= Sub Taal ~~~ - Other -. GRAND TOTAI. Mortgage Amt. _ I. Basic Tax 2. Additional'lbx Sub Total _ Spec./Assn. Or Spec./Add. 'fOT. M'I'G.'fAX Dual Town Uual County I leld fur Apportionment ._ Transfer fax htansion'I'ax ' The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO IfNO, see appropriate tax clause at page k • -uflhis'instrume:rt. ~ nC ~ S Item Property Tax Service Agatcy Verification fi Community Proservnlion l:und °i 07020708 looo 0 900 0 00 043002 Consideration A:notrnt $~Q~[.?o P T S crr• Tax utte s b~~ Slamp { EMC '4 Improvcsl Date ~OJUL-07 Vacant Land Initi:ds 7 Sotiafactions/DischargtaslReleascs Lisl Property Owners Mailing Addrrs TD _~GL RF.CUItU & RR'1'URN TO: ,,.,~ ~~ ,~- ~~ ,C~iDX ~ 6S ,e,1cz~ ~ ~ I19y`l . 1'D s Title Co. Nam 't'itle H ~~/ In&-rmatiun 9 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page '~ 'lhis page lomts part of the attached ~ lO,~ _-• _ _-- made by: (SPI:CIOY'fYPG OF INSIRUMf:NC ) The prentiscs hctrin is sittratetl in SUFOOLKCUUIYIY, NL"W Y ~ 26. 'f0 In the Tawrtthip of o In the VILLAGC ~ Q~ IiOXL•;S s 111RU 9 MUST I3F. 7YP1iD OR PRINTED 1N Iil ACK 1NK ONLY PItIUR'In RL'.CUItDiNG OR OILING. (OVER) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of 2aat~+++~~^t: DEEDS/DDD Recorded: 07/16/2007 Number of Pages: 4 At: 09e54:38 AN Receipt Number : 07-0065296 TRANSFER TAg NO~ER: 06-39651 LISSR: D00012513 PAGE: 631 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 079.00 07.00 043.002 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOSP9 Deed Amount: $400,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO ' Cpg $5.00 NO NYS BRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,600.00 NO Ca®m.Pres $6,500.00 NO Fees Paid $8,342.00 TRANSFER TAX NDMHER: 06-39651 THIS PAGE IS A PART 08 TH8 INSTRLJMBN'P THIS IS NOT A SILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httpJ/ www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (516) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY CT. SWIS Cods Ct Dsb Wod Roedrdad C3. Bock C4. Pape REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOMD OF REAL PROPErrTY SEIlY1~8 r ' RP - 5217 ~' eP~v leer aw t. P.ePSrtY 1 I$$z 1620 I Leeward Drive 1 laoatbn aarNta/rn sewer xrrs I Southold I 11197 Or'/oa TOWN y Buyer I SKLODOWSKI S1~AWOMIR I Name "-i31 reoN,aNr ~ I SKIADOWSKA I ANNA I x,rre, uTS4 xwe 9. Ta: IrKUrau vdrra earn Tr Bilk sro b W rant SRLODOWSKI BIWntl tladtr)h r~ir r nlat bokom Ilaml I ~,~/mwAnr Addror (J i. 4. InmaaU tlw ember d Ararrarw RW patsW Landarred m its load I ~ I P of Prrh OR Part d ^ Parul e.w~~ I IKI IoRI 1 -0 S I &u reoNr rear oenx .cxs SLAWOMIR IOdY tl Part d • HrerB Ouelr r tlwy aPltf. k Plourirp Bred vdM Subdivision Authrlq Esiru ^ M. Suhdivkian Appmvr we Requirod kr Trrrhr ^ ~C. Parorl Approved to Suhdividan wish lrw t>,old.d ^ a Brty 1' BROWN I MARGA~T H. I ~ -u31~x~u ,taN.,Nr I 1 I ~iai NeNr lCarwrw iiu..~. , 7. L1r.ab the boa brow which nwst amNarp daserhsa Me ur d tM trrepsrry n ura thna d arr. ~ faret tlw bawa craw r tlwtr atrPM ^ R Oiarwship Typa k tondarrYnlNrn A Ono Family RWdentir E Ayrlwlbrr 1 Commurty 9ervlea a Naw ConwuNm m Vaunt land ^ B tar 3 FrrM Rsddantial F Cornrnarcir 1 ~ Industrial 70A ProPrM lomN w11Nn n ApkubuN OiWk, ^ C ~ Rarrsmir Vsrr land G ~ ApsRmee K Publk Service to! soya rereMd r dbdruro rradea indortbV ^ p NoMlardanWl Vaunt land H Fiaarebnrtsrd / Amurmant L Four Mr tlw goPartr 4 in r AtldWeaN Olrir 16. fllrrb ono a more d Braaa aerdWar r appsrbh b bsrMar: SALE INFORMATION I 0 4 / A SW Berorn Rdativaa a Fmror RshtWr a ~ 17, solo Cerrtrse wu n Yv 6 Sao Between Routed Carnpm4s ar Pmnero in Businrs C Ono d rM Buyero 4 air ^ Seller / 23 / 07 I D Buysf a SsIMr v Government Apana/ a landirq tnsthutkn 72. Dar d Sala ! Tnrrdw 106 - tlwm OrY Ym E Deed Type reel Wertanly ar Bersain ant SW lSpaetly Bobwl F See d Fracdmr ar lac sun Fu Mmrrl fspaciH Belowl G Spnlham Qianse m ProPrW Between Taasbu Sulu. rid Sao Wu 77. FNu ssN Prlr L 4 0 0 0 0 . 0 O ~ o l jj Sak d Busin.rr 6lneludad in sw Prlu ~ ~ • I OdNn Unusual Pesaro MsarMp SsN Prize LSPeeh Brats ffu0 Sale Prka b the bW amount Wid for 1M Property inclurnB psrrnr Property. Tnu psymam mry a H tlro form d ash, alter tuoPrny ar ttoodti er the rwmptlm sl j None morttlapr or otter oWprbna.l Plana rowed m rlw rrrror whda dr4ramaunt ' ta. brdkats tM valrw d ywroaW WapartY brdsrdsd N 1M aeN ls. Yon d Aaarrnast ReB ham I 177. Tool Arared Vdw Id rl Forests In vandrl 1 l • U ~O • QI whiob Morrrwdorr rban ~ ~ ~ to r<~r t:l.a I 3 1.1 I_LI la sd,aal plrrbe Nm,. I Southold ~5 I m. Tr rely Wenttllerlr ! Ibtl WemMrlsl Itl nears wn her. atueh stets wdtlr adrfiliorW IdardYlar1a11 ~ /ooU' 079-b~ -b43.00~ I I I CERTIFICATION 1 ondly Ihd tll d We Itesr d isfarrprisn scored m thb fore are true and onm4 lb 16e het d oty Irwrwkdse atd heBdl eel 1 onder,land that Lhe rpebius d apy trtltlr hWe statemem d aalewl het herelp wB1 whjrt oe to Ihe'mm'hims d tlw prrtal hw cidx m the ltwblgl and RMS d how lerrrrrnseta BUYER aurre riaxsr oen 19 8 I ~ h~t'1.L) 71~~ r r sraar xsr wrr wu ~v. e ,WA ~ I I ~/ 9 ~ -'~ra„OwN ere :r soar SELIER ..r ~~. .~ BUYER'6 ATTORNEY Price, Jr. I William N. use xwu race xeNe 631 i 477-1016 '- rueaas tuvinr,anreeF NEW YORK STATE COPY