HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12511 P 932- - _. '/ ~(~~ 3- ~~ ~ 67AJ • 37.x/3 (' ~r~ SomdW v i.n.r ~:. r'.~ xotu rxccuur's txN • tmtniduot,xrwpxuwM / ~ /f . r ' ' ' - ' ' ' ' ' al?IF.\T SIIOI.I.n aF. I15CU a\ IAw1iE0.~U\I.l FR aCFbRF: SIG\t\G l 11151\~7 a11NF.\f-TIII51vs t Cq\Sl~I:r YOI:a IAN 1 ~~~ ~~ i i ~ ~'~~ / 'fH1S INQF.N1'URE, ma c the ~ "day of JGt f,.a .two thousanJ and seven BF.TWF.EN KENNF,TH C. MESSBAUF.R residing at 6437 S. Glencoe Court, Centennial, Colorado R0121, as Executor under the Last Will and Testament of Beverly E. Burkhardt, wfio died a nsident of Suffolk County. New Yark on Novemlxr 6.2006 party of the first part. and .ItI15EPH F. Ct1URCH and MARIANNE 1,. CHURCH, husband and wife, lxrth residing at 90 Shermtut Avenue. Williston Yazk. New York 11596 party of the Second part. 7^x M^p W ITNESSETH. that the p:,rty of the first parr. to whom letters testamentan• were issued by the Dalea^Ibn Surmgate's Court. Suffolk County, New York on December 20.20W and by virtue of the power and pixtrict authority given in and by said Last V1'ill and Testament artd in consideration of 11100 four Hundred Ninet;' Six Thousand lcetioa Dollars 0 78.OD (5496,000.001, lawful money of the tJnitcxi States, Paid by the party of the second part, does hereby R~~ grant and release unto the party of the se~rond pan. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of pa , W the second pan forcvey t..t ALL that certain plot, pi~x:e or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. p~tdCL situate. lying and being in the Town ol'Southold. County of Suffolk, and State of New York, being more particularly bounded and describcci as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Easterly side of Wabasso Street where same is intersected by the Northerly side of land now nr formerly of Burkhanit; which point i~ distant 113.86 feel Northerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the Easterly side of W abasso Street and the Northerly side ut' Nokomis Road. and from Said point of BEGINNING: RUNNING THENCE North OS degrees 45 minutes Otl seconds Wcst along the L•astcrly side of Wabasso Street, 119.00 feet to a pipe and land now or formerly of Connolly; THENCE North 86 degrees 31 minutes 30 seconds I=ast along the last mentioned lands, I?3.28 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of Bransfield; THENCE South 02 degrees 09 minutes 00 seconds East along the Iaat mctttioned lands, 118.93 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of 1urkhardt; TFIENCF. South 86 degrees 32 minutes 1 U seconds Wcst along the last mentioned IandS. 115.69 feet to the Easterly side of Wabasso Street to the point or place of BEGINNING. Being the same premisss described in a decd to Bcvrrly E.13urkhardt by dyed from Beverly E. Burkhardt as Exct;utrix of the Latt Will and'I'cstament of William H. Burkhardt, deceased, datcci September 23.2003 and recorded November 1.2003 in Liber 12281 Page 611. Said premises arc known and de5ignaled as District 1000. Section 078.00. Block 03.00. Lot 041.002 TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, ii'any, of the ptt•t}• of the first part of, in and to any streets and roads abutting the above-dzscribcd premises to the c~ntcr tines thereof. TOGETHER with the appurtenances, and illso all the estate which the said decedent had at the time of decedent's death in said premises, and also the estate therein. [-•hich the party of the first part has or hu> power to convey or dispose of. whither individually, or by virtue of said will or plhcnvise, • TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the prcmis~w herein granted unto the pony of the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of thr party ol'thr second pan li~rrver. ANU the parry of the first pa-t covenants that the party ot'thc f first part has not done or sulTered an.Khing whctrby the said premises have been encumbered in any w~ty whatever, except as aforesaid. ANU the party of the first pan, in compliance with Section 13 ol'the Licn Law. covenants that the pan}• of the first part will rct:civr the consideration for this compyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a tout fund to be applied first for the purpose ofpaying the cost ofthc improvement and will apply the same first to the payment ol'the cost of the improvement before using any pert of the total ol'the same for any other purpose. Thc word "party'' shall be construed as if it tied "panics" whenever the sense ot'this indenture so rcyuires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party ot'the first part has duly executed this decd the day and year first above written. IN PR~F.SL'NCE OP: ^ 9J.~i~ (~../ . 1 VO.,`, ~+~s•-~'~- ~ KENNETH C. MF.SSBAUER (~~ ~ or ~onigr~,rnerrd A ([t{(lment Cerv~e of `~ l R v1 /`~' c. 1 ~t.lv~c!~ f~it0. t~NO Pc ........................................} ss.: ICompiewirh State. Province or Municipality) On the (S day of ~ u ~ r~ I /y~~the year j~~~~ before me. the tmdersigtted.personallyappeared ~r~tvufcT~ L. • ~ieSS bt~iZ personally known tome or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (ere) wbscribnd to the within inswmem and acknowledged to me that he/shchhey executed the same in hislher/then capaciry(ies), and That by hisllterhhcir signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) act executed 11 tn5trttment and that w~"dLm_ d1ual~_ (de) appearance before the undersigned in the ~ ~~ oF~ ~1 V V leR ~ v.7"v'~ re wt ~ o R0.~U (insert the t•ity or other pn/ttlcaJ subdivision and thr stair or country or other piuee thr oclvxrwlergmrnt xtar takertJ V (si are arid o1Tice of • ivi 1 taking acknowledgmrnt) DEED ~."'. TITLE NO. ~ . O.f yt, p y• ~~,..~ ' G: ut;•_PUB~~ ._ . - ~- 1 2 RECORDED 2907 Jul 03 09:56:13 RM Numberttfpag~ Judith R. Pascale CLERK OF TURRENS SUFFOLK COUNTY L D0001251! Serial # p 932 DisE O6-38337 Certificate # Ptior Ctf. # Dcctl . Mongrgr Instrumem Deed / Mongugc'frx Stamp Recording /Filing Scamps 3 FEES Prge /Filing Fec ~ Mungugc Amt. 1. Busic T•rx Handling S• ~ 2. Additional T•rx _ Sub 7btal TP-SR3 - Spec. / Assit.~ Nowtion or Spa. /Add. EA-5317 (County) Sub Totrl TOT. A4TG. TAX EA-5217 (State) ~ Dtt:tl Town _ Dtwl Cuuttty A T S R P ~ Held forAppointtn~J~r . . . . . ~ TrunsferTsut ~. Comm. of Ed. S. ~1 , ~ ~ ~ Mansion Trx • • The pmpcny covered by this motgugc is Affidavit •~' or will be improved by u one or ta•c Certified Copy f:unily dwelling only. YES or NO Reg. Copy Sub Towl If NO, see nppropriate tax clause on Other Grand'futal ~ p:tgc # ol'this in • meet. D 7 4 Disttitt1000 a Srctinn Q7 Black 03 Lot 041.2 Communi • Preservation Fund Real 07019699 1000 07(300 0300 041002 'idcration Amount S r 1'n'Pcny p T g CP :tx Due S Tux Service Agency .~9JUN-0 Impmvcd Verificmion ~~ ValaRl L:md 6 Satisfaction/Dischargec/Release List Property Owtters Mailing Address .I.D ~IL'+7 y RECORD & RETURN 7'O: CHRISTOPHER W. CRITELLI, PC TD SUITE 204 999 FRANKLIN AVENUE TD GARDEN CITY, NY 11530 7 Tille Company Information Co. Name VA C ~ C Title # s 3 ~ ~ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This prgr forms part of the attached DEED mode by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) KFNN •TH . M . BA .R .X . LiTOR The premisis herein is situatal in OF EST. OF BEVERLY E.BURKHARDT SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the Township of SOUTHOLD In the VILLAGE CHURCH. HUSBAND AND WIFE ur HAMLET of SOUTHOLD BOXES 6 THROUGH R MUST BE TYPED OR 1'RIA'TED IN BLACK INK ONLY PR1UR TO RECURDTNG OR FILINCa SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Recorded: 07/03/2007 Number of Pagess 4 At: 09:56:13 AM Receipt Number 07-0061756 TRANSFER TAX NUD~SR: 06-38337 LIBER: D00012511 PAGE: 932 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 078.00 03.00 041.002 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOYi3 Daed Amount: $496,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Iastrument Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 C08 $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 EA-CTY $5.00 NO 8A-STATE $75.00 TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copiee $0.00 RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 Traaefer tax $1,984.00 NO Comm.Prea $6,920.00 8eea Paid $9,056.00 TRANSFER TAX NiTMBERs 06-38337 THIS PAGE 23 A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http9/ vvvvw.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOn COUNTY USE ONLY ~ ~ r+_ L7Y REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT Ct. SYYLS Coda O ~ ` J ~~ sr~rE of NEw roluc cs as Dead tt.oaaw I /~U 1i~ ware so~wo of nEaL reDPFmr sElrvleEs (~ I!/ ~! I RP-5217 C8. Book J G. Papa ~ ara:n w. rn i SouThO~-i] I say~~~t-~~ I~/~f7J aW a soar viu+ca ^ o.....- :.Baye. I ~u RG H I JoSe> Pf{ /-. I Nrtr ravsranrans "f-rwr I C H u~ G H I 1'7 Ii- Lr ,Q- Il~v ~ L. I ~~ a. rw YdraM whre aaur rw SIII. re b he aM eWNp tl athr Nov Gryr addrew W hwrn d l«ml l tsar wutrtnurrrs I r I adaw I waeT~ww w3i wtrc I an a rawx I u I a caa I a hrdlrsa N. nwnhr d a..w.a.w RoY perWS renWned m Ne tlaa0 I I / d Paru4 oB ^ Prt of a Prew ~~ PrnPertY ~ r- ~T I x L--~~ oB I-_~ ~ I ~e a tldlr I C S r~ -Z' d' F {~c Vt. It! i7 C 18 v2 Wme rtaraexr IDdy Y Pre d ^ Prove Oreea w tMy apple k Plradnp Bard wire SulneHekn Aulhray Ealer ^ ~~a~IdaaaP~a~.l,..l~adlrrra.,.r p eC. Pared aPPmaed ear Srm6uhiw WW1 Map ProaWad r I P'rwr I r. CIIeeJt tM bon bebw whkh mwt aewrratdr daeormea W rrw d Nr prePrtY w tlr time d ewr. Clredt Ne 6ww bebr w Nry apply: l 1TarwrehlP ryPe b Condominium A Oro Femlly euideraeal E AarleulWral 1 Community Srviee e. Homy CorrrruCVOn On Veeenl laM B a «a Family ReeWemlal F C«nnWrdel 1 hrdtrmid 10a Progrry lnutod within w AarkuhuN Diwld C eaeidenllel Vaerrt land C aperanmt K Public Servke tea Buyr rcdvad a daebwn notke MdutYq ^ D Ilorr•RUldendal Vrar land H EnrRdrarwrt I Awrwrwm L F«M Nr Ne property h in w AerYadurrel DWrir SALE INFDBMA710N 10. dreeh one « more d thaw corrdltlow w epPeMhla b IrrMr. ~ p. 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L ~ ~ G ~J ~O W ~ ~L /~ to hrdkate the trhre d perwrd I eA{'Y () 0 I poprarty Ywludad M tlrs agile y ~ • x rer d aw.wnrrte Bm From r /S 'tJ ty. row Aws.d vabe ld.e PreYe In trrrM I ; f ";Zd . a rhkh hYannWm berr u•~ C . x hapaaty a.a. 12 /. nl-LI Fe. edrod Die6a4lvem. I - /o e~ T k C7L r~ I a0. Tw aaep MarrWlsAd I Rea WwtaMrld la mre Nan Four. attach blew WIN addldand NaraMrldl /goo ~ ?~ - 3- ~i/. y I I I cEImFlcAnoN 1 crtlrY thal r0 d the Yema d idarostbo etehrad m Wa Irm m tree nod caned Ib the bad d aq' hoowledpe W head) and I reodertaatrd Ural the ~ d r5r rI1Bh1 Mr dYwrot d mMMW M hetai rW sa4leLe we b Na peoshhas d Ne wrrl has eddise b tlr essldne sad IRgt d hhe btrurmus. BUS YEB BUYERS ATTOIINEY Ch i f Etc. / I C~l Ltif T'a ~°h~x WT a4! Ialef IUw anwr ^ .nwtrwrrrtu oral (.t//1 /rsftn ~. I ~ I // ~ (p orra roar s oooe SELLEN erear twrattar n S /(, , 752. - 7100 eram« ,tranaraaar.rr NEW YORK STATE COPY