HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12515 P 564~~ ~ ~~ 7~-a=3 ood Sok Deed with Cwmob ARalut Cnmor'o Atb • lodiridoal or Corporotioa LT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNWC TIUS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLI' THIS INDENTURE, made the .~ day of ~ ft K0... , 2007 BETWEEN SAMUEL DE LUCA and ANN DE LUCA, husband and wife, both residing at 1350 GlenD Road, Soathold, New Yorlr,11971 party of the first part, MICHAEL DE LUCA, residing at 10 Victoria Lane, Glen Cove, NY, 11542; and MARK DE LUCA, residing at Sl Dawn Road, Levittown, PA 19056, as joint tenants with the right of the second part, that the party of the first part, in consideration ofTEN ($10.00) dollars, lawful money of the United States paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second pari forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being SEE SCHEDULE `A' ANNEXED HERETO BEING AND INTENDED TO BE THE same premises conveyed to the parties of the first part by deed dated March 4, 1967 recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk in Liber 6122 at page 593. IE GRANTORS HEREIN RESERVE A LEGAL LIFE ESTATE IN THE PREMISES for the term the Grantors' lives. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in aztd to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof. TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or essors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND THE party of the first part, incompliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trtut fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement, and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. SCHEDULE"A" ALL THA'I' CERTAIN plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Southold, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, known and designated as Lot No. 15 on a certain Map entitled "Map of West Creek Estates, property oCEmcst E. and Harold W. Wilsbcrg, situate al Southold, Suffolk County, New York", made by Otto W. Van Tuyl from surveys completed January 28, 1963 and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on August 19, 1963 as Map 3848. TOGETHER with an casement and right of ingress and egress over any roads described in said filed Map to and from Bay View Road, subject, however, to the right of ingress and egress granted, or that may hereafter be granted, to others of numbered lots on said map and others to whom the same may be granted over the roads and extensions on said Map. Further subject to the right of the sellers, their heirs and assigns, to dedicate the lands included thereinto the Town of Southold as a public highway, which right of dedication is hereby reserved. Upon such dedication the easement and right hereby granted shall terminate. TOGETI IER with all the right, title and interest of the sellers herein and to the land lying below the waters of Wcst Creek adjacent to the premises herein described. SUBJL•CT'1'0 the Zoning oniinances of the Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and State of New York, provided same do not prohibit the erection of aone-family dwelling. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the fiat part has duly executed this deed the day and year fiat above written. IN PRESENCE, OF: ~~ SAMUEL DE LUCA .~ , ANN DE LUCA OF NEW YORK:COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) ss: On the 2£~'r' day of JU ttd.. , 2007, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared SAMUEL DE LUCA AND ANN DE LUCA, personally known to nu or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose narrtcs are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacity, and that by their signattues on the instrument, the individuals, or the person upon behalf of which the individuals acted, executed the instrument. ry Public JENNO'ER B. 6018.0 ~py~ Po~ Shb of Nw'kit N0. Oi60502~610-Sullolt CaINI Cotomitsloa F~Inp t~Y 14. YO(,Q ' ~ z. Number of pages ~i This document will be public record. Please remove all Social Security Numbers priorto recording. RECORDED 2007 Jul 27 02:55:22 PM Judith R. Pascale CLERK ~ SUFFOLK GOUNTY L D00012515 P 564 DT# 06-41116 Deed /Mortgage Instrument Deed /Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording / Filing Stamps 3 ~ PEES Page /Filing Fee Handling TP-584 Notation EA-6217 (County) EA-5217 (Statel RP.TS.A Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other 4 Dist. ' Real Property Tax Servke Agency Verification 6 5. 00 Sub Total ---~ s, 00 V' 1. Basic Tax _ 2. Additional Tax _ Sub Total _ SpecJAssit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX _ Dual Town _ Dual County Held for Appoint t TransferTax Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be Improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriate tax dause on page# of this)nstryinggt._ 15. 00 Sub Total i Grand Tota-I 07022638 iooo o~soo ozoo o3iooo PTS RiNAIA A U RECORD & RETURN TO: Jennifer B. Gould, Esq. PO Box 988 Southold, NY l 1971 Vacant Land TD~_ TD 7D Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk 5 ~ Community Preservation Fund Amount Due $ 7 ~ Title Com Co. Name Title # Information .8 ~ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached Bargain and Sala geed made by (SPEOFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Samuel lle I uca a.~d Ann De i ucA The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK TO In the TOWN of _ Southold Michael Dc Luca and Mark f : a In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of Southold BOXES 6THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. over SUFFOLK COUNTY CLSRR RECORDS OFFICS RECORDING PAGS Type of Instrumeats DSSDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 07-0069302 TRANSFER TAX N~ER: 06-41116 Recorded: 07/27/2007 At: 02:55:22 PM LISSR: D00012515 PAGS: 564 District: Sectioa: Hlock: Lot: 1000 078.00 02.00 031.000 ERAMINSD AND CHARGED AS FOLLO~iS Deed Amouat: $0.00 Received the Folloaiag Fees For Above Instrument 8xempt Page/Filiag $12.00 NO Handling C08 $5.00 NO NY8 SRCHf3 SA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copiee RPT $30.00 NO 3CTM Treaafer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAS NUMBER: 06-41116 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THS INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A HILL Judith A. Pascale Couaty Clerk, Suffolk Couaty Exempt $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $75.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $0.00 NO $152.00 ~~ ~ • ~ ' ~- '-""' `"'-"" """" "PCEASE'TYPE"OR PRESS'FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM "" ""•-' INSTRUCTIONS: httpy/ vvww.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY cT. SWIS cod. 11'4' I't , 3 , 8 I $ 1 I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT '1 bTATE OF NEW YORK C2. Date Dfad Rawrdad (6 ~ / p.~l / O~ I ~ STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVIf~S ~. Rpnk I t ,a,, r5. I rs I ~. Pace ~~~ .. '. a RP - 5277 arson ~„ .,, PROPERTY INFORMATION t• ~~ I 1350 I Glenn Road I fraur Yl'eYYn srver Mr.e -_ I `ISouthold I Southold 111971 I rraN ~mx L &rym ( DeLuca I Michael I Nona ufr Mlle/C0IIMYV arTahrrt I DeLuca I Mark I 3. Tr Indcam rdlme lmuro i~x Bipf are m as tam I Spline II alhn than txryu addrrY W hottam of loan) I I Addnaa rAaT MM[/ fbA1Wl.Y INS! 4aIR ~,~3~D 171fnn ion d I 5CIr1'Ir~ld I u Y l 1197 ~ J I use.Tah. MTOWn -~,F~r a,T 1. Indium tM wmlwr YF Aaraamad Klnp p Put d a Paraap prri r they appgr. RW pmrb trardanad w trrY dead I 1 I a al Parcab OR ^ Pan of o Parcel ~ ~~ Brrd ~ Subah+sbrl ~~~ Eofm ^ 0. Dab 10. Sulxavialon Approval w Required for Tranfer ^ RaPartY I rnarrt r~ I X I ~, I OR I .K~ I ~. Panel Approved fa Subdiviabn wid+ Nap ProNdad ^ sw s. saWr I De Luca I Samuel and Ann I Nana IASrMYt /OOYIANY rnfr naMc I I afr MMa /raYnlhY I 1 hMM 7. Cllaak tM box below rrrlrbh mrt aawatary druWaa tM ur d 1M property K the time d rlr. OMak 1M boxr below r tlnt/ wPN: 0. Owrmhip Typa 4 Cpldominlum ^ A One Fa1111H/ RoNtlaldal E Agricultural I Community 6aniu 8. Naw Cortructbn on VraK land ^ R R m 7 FamiM RadtlsntiN F ~ CommuclN J InduatrlN taA. Propnry lnratal wYlan an AprbWUVaI Dimip ^ (~ U RaaWamml Vaerd land G No R W Mbl V W Apartment I: PuWie Swan taB. Buyu rocehrad a diadawra rlotioe intligYng ^ rr aa a al:rx W H Emm~ainmonl / Amuacnwnl 1. FonN thN No gopMy b N an AprcuaurN l>iprkt SALE INFORMATION 10. fJlarA orm ar man d tlraaa auxglbna r apppeahla m trarrlr. 11 Wm Camram Dam I / NA / _~ -- A X SaN BatWrn Reblivof w Former Romdvr D~ rer d Sam Bmxreun Fmmmd CampaNw a Farman In SuairoYY b 2OO7 iL D LA d 8 ~ mr ~ / am / W J TranNm ( I U Suyur Sd a Govamnrm Agsrlry u Larl6rlp 6YdtlRian M0n1n a'l' you E Ord Type clot Warmry or Bargain and Gam ISpsdfy Babwl Sals of Fracliorlal or Loaf than fr Inmrost Iswdh Bubwl T9 F K S P i N/ I Ci SISNRum CMnpe m Roperly Between TwNa Bmtw and Sam Dal . u am r r __ ~ ~ ~ 0 ! ! • I H SW of Suunra b tnellxlW in Sam Prku (Fua Bab Rka b dw mw armwlt paid lar tM propny ircludinp panonN propaM• t qMr Uwuml Fspon ARrdnp Sam Rica ISpscify BNowl The WYnlam may W in dm loan d r...w o1Mr property or panda, or IM aawmplbn d N rrrartpoyea or mMr N>flgmlmnRl Plama ruurxl m thr nrroat xrhola dolmr xmaum. onY ~•• ( _~.- Tl bld;ape tM vNw d pueond NA I re~' ~ J ~e - ~aSTG.!/t~ . 0, 0 prapmry brahrdad m th. ew I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION • Data Should ratlect the lataft Final Asanfinent Roll and Tax Bill 10. Yam d Awrmrt Raa Irom LyJ 17, ToW Aaaeuad Vama Id W parcNe m tramlul I ~~ ~~~ taYan ~ .7 .0~~ ! 7 ! 10. Prapmty IJar I 21O I-LJ ta. School Watrkt Nona I 7~[!1 ~1 ~ I Z0. Tr Map ldmrtplarlN /Nap IdantYlarW N man tMn lom, ameh aMN vldM additbnN WeatlBeANI loon-o7B.oo-oz.oo-o3l.000 CERTIFICA770N 1 aenQ7 Urm YB d Ur itmoa d IafurmaUeo rbrxd w Ihix from are lrue and twraa7 Im the bet d my kouv/IMile and btlmn Sad 1 umlerldaral Ibat Iht mYlligl d YaY wlliral ml5! emlemrl d mamrW me herein MW xrlbjp l rna m drC mM'h1rYn nr Vll' IRnal bIV RIWIY! m ale 1611ih~{ mid RpI1B d raL! Iminmyn4L y/~~J ~~ YER ~~ '1/!/ 8"'U elrn apxanYV oan fTat[T m/ueta maCCT rrelre larren balfl ~ (e~..- Cyr.L I N~' I II SyZ clY Ua ronh al,r. arroe ELLER auux axw.lrxlt wa BUYER'S ATTORNEY Gould, Esq. Jennifer B. I IMTr4ere FYmf haW 631 765-8375 Nlaa epee I Ie.iMalFmwaee NEW YORK STATE COPY