HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12513 P 859 ~~ -iheplaatl Sale tree6 vah Cwemm atmi~tGoaur'a Acu-Iaairidaol orCap.ralion leioaN ehaeq CONSULT YOl1R LAWYER BEFORE SIGWNG THIS INSTRUMENT-TWS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE ICED BY LAWYEf73 ONLY. TEILti INDENTURE, made the 29th day of June, in the year 2007 BETWEEN Villa Ammosa, LLC 31 Stonclrigh Road Scarsdale, New York 10583 parry of the first part, and Huma & Mttth, LLC 13459 Oregon Road Cutchogue• New York 11935 patty of the seco~ part, WITNFSSETJI, thm the party of the first part, in consideration of ten (S 10.00) dollars and other valuable considemion dollars paid by the party of the second part, dos hereby grant sad rcleaar auto the party of the sceond part, the heirs or successors and essigoa o[ the party of the second pan forever, ALL that certain plot. piecr or parcel of hard, with the buildings and improvtmrn[s thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the See Attached Schedule A Beiug and intended to be a part of the premises convaycd w the parry of the first pan by deed recorded in Liber 122114 at Page 492 snd the same premises as conveyed in Uber 12462 Psge 153. TOGETHER with all right, title end interest, if any, of the party of the fast pan in end to arty streets end roads abutting the above described premises m the center lines thcrco$ TOGETHER with the appttnemoces and all the csmte and rights of the pony of the firm pnrt in and W said premiers; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein gnmuvl mm tbe PAY of the second part, the heirs or ettccrssors and aasigas of the party oCthr second pan forncr. AND the party of the Cost pan wvmartts that the patty of Ure loaf part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises hsve been rncumbcred in any way whatever. except as aforesaid AND the party of the first pan, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the parry of the first pan will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hotel the right to receive such consideration as a oust fund b be applied first for the purpose of paying the coat of the improvement and will apply the same first to the paymrnt of thr cos[ of the improvemem before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. 7Le word'•pa:ty" shall be conatnud as if it read "parties" whrnever the xnYC of thin indenture 8r1 rrquires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first pan has duly rx~rutcd this deed the day and year first above wriucn. 1N PRESENCE OF: Villa orosa, LLC bY• ~~ B• Fags, Member ALTA OWNER'S POLICY (fJ17/06) SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION File No.: S'P-S-9323 Policy No.: 0-8901-9162 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of Newyork, known and designated as lot 1 and a 25 foot right of way as shown on a certain map entitled, "Map of Oregon Landing 1"and filed July 25, 2005 in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk as Map No. 11290; said lot and 25 foot right of way, when taken together, are more particularly bounded and described as follows: BCCINNING at a point on the Northerly side of Oregon Road si the Southeasterly comer of the herein described parcel, said point of beginning being at the Southeasterly corner oCthe Major Cluster Subdivision Map of Oregon Landing; RUNNING THENCE Westerly from aid point of beginning along the Northerly sid eof Oregon Road South b 1 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds West 26.48 feet to Parcel 5 on said Map of Oregon Landing; RUNNING THENCE Northwesterly and Westerly along said Pazce15 as well as along the 25 foot wide right of way owned by Parcel 1 (but used by the other Parcels on said Map of Oregon Landing) the following three (3) courses and distances: 1) North 47 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds Wcst 1289.1 l feet; 2) Along a curve to the left having a radius of 50.00 feet and a length of 53.00 feet; 3) South 71 degrees 2G minutes 42 seconds West 482.77 feet to the cur de sac of said 25 foot right of way; RUNNING THENCE in a clockwise direction around said cur de sac along a curve to the 1eR having a radius of 20.00 feet and a length of 32.85 feet and along a curve to the right having a radius of 50.001'cet and a length of 239.19 feet to a point on the South side of the main body of the lot of Parcel 1 on the Major Cluster Subdivision Map of Oregon Landing; RUNNING THENCE Westerly from said point South 71 degrees 26 minutes 42 seconds West 134.59 fcet to land now or formerly of Laura Bolinger; RUNNING THENCE Northwesterly along said land of Bolinger Noah 48 degrees 53 minutes 00 seconds Wcst 513.66 feel to the Long Island Sound; RUNNING THENCE Easterly along the Long Island Sound North 71 degrees 26 minutes 42 seconds !~ast 185.52 feet to Parce12 on the Major Cluster Subdivision Map of Oregon i.anding; RUNNING THENCE Southeasterly along said Parcel 2 South 48 degrees 21 minutes 10 seconds East 510.91 feet to the Northerly side of 25 foot wide right of way owned by Parcel 1 (but used by the other Parcels on said Map of Oregon Landing); ALTw OWNL'R'S POLICY (W ITPo6) RUNNING TIiENCE Easterly along said 25 foot right of way and along the Southerly lines of Parcel 2, 3 and 4 on the Major Cluster Subdivision Map of Oregon Landing North 7l degrees 26 minutcs 42 seconds East 551.08 fcet to land now or formerly of Blados and Shalvey; RUNNING THENCE Southeasterly along said land of Blacios and Shalvey South 47 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds East 1,341.79 feet to the Northerly side of Oregon Road and the point or place of BEGINNING. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT TAIt:EN IN NEW YORK STATE Sctrc of New York, County of Suffolk, ss: On the 29th day of Juor io the year 2007, befiue me, the wdasignal, ptawnally appgrrd KLVitt B. Fa . pasttrodly knu W the or proved W roe w the is of satiafadlvry aid he dtc individual(s) whose namo( is (are) wbscribd W the w' N insmtment wd atdmowldgtd m m that hdshddtey esectt the same in hialltafdte'tr eupacity(ies), thm by hisAt a' tare(s) on the iastrurotat the individu s), or the beh ~twlgdt the individual(s) axed, rod the a IGn_ _ / Nomry R Pk OuaEgl ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY SUBSCRIBLNG WI7'NFSS TAKEN IN NEW YORK STATE Slate oCNrw York, Cotroty of , zvv: On thr dreg of in the year before mc, the wtknigna•11, a Notary Public ~ pctxtmally apF~d .the wbsaibing wimewt W dtc foregoing insWmrnt, with whom I am pmonally acqusintcd, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that hdshdthey tesido(s) in lif aK ylstt aftetdesce 4 h s clq. irc4ida tla meu ad man member ihiry, t4teoq: Utat hdshdth~y ktww(s) W be Wo individual described in and who ex«utcd dtc foregoing ittanumrnt: that said subacrtlting witness wes presort and saw nid execttbc the satet~ and that said wiroeav at the satoc time wbstaibed hisllwdtltdr oattte(s) ox a witness IIILTCW Bargain and Sale Deed With Covenants Title No. ~ 5 ' ~3Z~ Vllla Amoroso, LI.C TO Ilume & Muth, LL(: DISTRIBUTED BY ~~~~~~~ YOUR TITLE EYfERTS The Judlclal TIUs Insurance Agency LLC 800-287.TITLE (8485) FAX: 800-FAX-83D8 ACICIIOWLEDCE]tENTTRKEN IY NEW YORK STATE Sntte of New Yo$ Counry of , sit: On the day of in the gar het'arc mc, the wdasignctl, pasamally uppestad . petwnally known W the or proved W me on the basis of satisfuxury cvidrnce w br the imtividuul(s) whosr name(s) is lute) subacdhed to the within ittsoument and acknowlcdgad to the that hdshdtheyexecvtod the same in his/hedthcir latpacity{ies), mtd thm by hisrhLT/their signature{s) on the ituuwncnt, the ituGvidml(s), or the pnalw upon behalf of which the individual(s) aacd, ea«utLV1 dte IikEep~4 o~Syte W Nsw lOt1t ACKNOWLEUGF.111~N7' TAKEN OUTSIDE YEW PORK 3TATE 'State of , County of , m: '(Or ittcett District of Columbia, '1'arimry, Posscxcion a Foreign Counry) On the day of in the yqr , bdurc me nc~ undersigned pemrnally append Pasottatly known W me or provod ro me rn thr basis of aatiafscmn cvidq« W be the individual(s) whnae tmmga) is (arc) subsaibtd W dtr within inshumatt and ncktmw•lalgod W me that hdahddtey exavted the was in his/hMthcir gpadty(ies), that by hitJFterhheir signature(s) rn the insttumrnt, the individual(s) ur the pawn upon behalf of which the indiaiduul(s) acted, otecuted the inswmrnt, mnl that sut:h individual tmtkr such opptarattm before the undasignal in the (add the city or politigl subdivision and Ihr state or awntry or adkr pLvice the acknawlcdgcmrnt was takrn). sr:crlo.: re DLACK 2 IAT: 6 COUNTY OR TOWN: Swuhold 1SY MAIL Number of pages Page / Flling Fee Handling 5. 00 TP-564 Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) _ R.P.T.S.A. `~!1 ~(~ Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Affidavit _ Certified Copy _ NYS Surcharge 15. 00 Other 4 I Dist. Sub Total 1 Sub Total Grand Total Dnl CMlnn 71 M r DI..~L. n•f.nn , -~ nn~ r)~ 5 07020763 lobo o-rzoo 0200 ooeooo , I Reaf Property F T $ TaxServlce RLPA A i Agenry D.IUL-0 I Verification 1 ill 2 REGARDED 2007 Jul 11 11:23:48 aK This document will be public Judisn a. Pascale record. Please remove all CLERK OF SUFFOLK CouNTv Social Security Numbers L D00012513 prior to recording. P oe5 DTt Ot;-34251 Deed /Mortgage Instrument Deed /Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording / Flling Stamps 3 ~ FEES 6 ~~•.~.n~uwuiv,a~„myraine~re,rrusrr~upenyuwnersmamngHaaress RECORD & RETURN TO: 1'ATRICIA C. MOORE ESQ. 51020 MAIN KOAD SOUTHOLD NY 11971 Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co. Name wwwsuffolkcountyny.gov/clerk Title (i 6 ~ 5utto~k County Recording Preservation Fund $ 1, l~/7, OW - I CPF Tax Duc ~61`'~ ~i 8' `'/O - Title ~f-a- orsement Information age This page forms part of the attached BARGAIN & SALE DEED made bY~ (SPECIFYTYPE OF INSTRUMENT) 11 • The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK TO in the TOWN of SOU1'HOI-D HUML" & MLITH 1 I ( In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of Cl iTCHO 1F l rl~' ftJG BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. over Mortgage Amt. 1, Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax _ Sub Total _ SpecJAssit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX _ Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for rAfp ointment r1 Transfer~Tak N~0 b'- Mansion Ta The property vered by this mortgage Is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriate tax Gause on cpage.~ ofthlsinstrument. / Vacant Land / TD _1 2~ TD TD SUFFOLK COUNTX CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGB Type of Iastrumeats DESDS/DDD Recorded: 07/11/2007 Number of Pages: 5 At: 11:23:48 AM Receipt Number 07-0064111 TRANSFER TAX NUb~ER: 06-39251 LIBER: D00012513 PAGE: 085 ' District: Section: Blocks Lot: 1000 072.00 02.00 006.000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOAi3 Deed Amounts $1,617,OOD.00 Received the Followiag Fees For Above Iast~+++^~*+t Exempt 8xempt Pa a/Filin 4 4 $15.00 NO Haadling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS 9RCHG $15.00 NO 8A-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Coplee $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $6,468.00 NO Comm.Pres $30,840.00 NO Fees Paid $37,553.00 TRANSFER TAX NOdIDBR: 06-39251 THI5 PAGB IS A PART OF THS INSTRDMENT THIS IS NOT A SILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE NPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// vtfww.orps.state.ny.uB or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1. SWIS Code )~!73r~,~r~; C2 DeU Deed Recorde`/d - CJ ~ ~ / ~~ C3. Rook / ~ ~+ / an G. Pepe ~~ 1. hoperly LowSan REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL RIOPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 I Sou~l7o%I I C u~c.lTO a/~e I //93.f I pl' ere rose a Dope 2 BuYr I Nvri1e ~ m~~h ~L C i I Nfllle lFFS1IMe!/CWMW ~ ~ F I I I I IA6r AeMe /NMewIY 1 IUelr 8. Tell Indcam whw Tulare Tex BSe an m he sale BillinS II alrw tlun twryer adtlrsef (u 6omorlr d forrrd I I I Addrae taFr cwt r oowFavr Fwr wee I I I I I arTtevD Smrzrruue Irrw sure vwoe /. Indieap tM numbs/ d Au.ameFR ' ' 11 IDnry R Pen d • PannB pweb w thry appy: RoS perwlf trerWemad on Ne deed I~ / of Parwb OR ^ Part d s Parcq K PyminO Bwrtl wish Subdwiar Authority faire ^ , S, Geed I I IB. Subdluisbn Approval vwe RoOUirad far TnMer Property moxr Fat X nrr OR I .~` ~ . / . y I aG Parcel Approuetl for Sldxiividan wide hop PrpvWod Sbn S swler I V,//~ro5a LLC I I Nerve tafr wrest Axr > rest woe: L I Liar woe lc wnr _ FIMT NaNe 7. plerA tM bw bNow which most emrnMY deaerD,.e tM up d the properly m the tlrrre of plc: ClreeA tlw boxes below w tlrry apply: a OwnanNP Typs 'r Condominium A One Fawry Rasidemiel [: Apricultunl I Community Senior 9. New Corwmlc0nn on Vawm faro! R t or 3 Famlry RwitlanW l I~ Commercyl 1 Intlutlryl 1011, Praperry laraled tdthbl p Agricultural Dbbial C RW Oen WI Vewm Lend O Apennwm 1(1 I PuW4 Serww tOB. Buyer r.wived s tlkebeure rodca IMimtinB D Nan RpldanWlVrant Lend H Enyrtalnmwt/Amumment L^Jy F°r°e[ rhn tlx pmperrykNm AgrieuihW DiYrid SALE INFORMATN7N t6. Clterk ow a man d these cvWtlar w fpPBrable q trwlr. tt. sw CaFtrwt wa I S / p7 9 / b7 I n sw Benwen Ralotiwla or Former Raytivac rw R Say Bmwaen Rolaletl Comparliw or Partners N Businep -7 (' Ons of the Buyers is e4p a Salyr 12 Gate d Say I Trawler I ~ / 2 ~ / b / I n Buyer w sdtor is Government Agerlry or tanding Inadtu0an AtuIN Day rw }: pod Typa not Wamamy or Beryay pd Say lswdry Bdowl C ~1 F Say d FraNowl w lap ttwn Faa Inmreft ISwniN Below) p~. / ~ ~. ~~ V . ~ ~ 0 0 I (• Sipnlfirant ChanOa in Flopsrty Beturewr Tepble Suaw and Say Datc 73. FuI18ay Prig I H Ssy m Budwp y Nclutlotl y Sam Pries ! 7 IFuD Say Pries ie the IoW smoum pdtl for the property Indudinp penrond propery f her Unwwl Fagan AReNng Sale Prka Ispadry Bolowl 711y prymre mry be In tho mrm d cTah, other properly or floods, err Me aswmptyn of 1 Now mortpepp or otMr ohlklaeow.) Pyap round m Ne naersN whole dolW amaunc 1a. ydpta tlr wlw d perwW properly krekrded y Sra wy 16 Yeer d Asfeprwm Roll kom wMeh edarrwDon Worn I 117. Toyl Apewed Value Id e0 parwb y tnwlerl I ! ! ! I 76 lerppertY pep 1 3. / . 31-U t& School Dytrlm Name I0. Tex AYp IdantBlerlU I RoB hyrrtMierlfl IB man then lour. attach sheet wkh eddtlonY kWldfiwtell L O/i Sri/o7e' /OrJU I I SCG~//!rf D7e7. UU I CERTIFICATION ~ 1 wrlYyIeyIl~ydu1d d 16r SeFw d inrororutirro emend oo Ibn form ore true a0d neruct Ib lkr halt d my imuwkdpr uml 6elieR aM I wdeestfrrd iWt tlK rOaldrtA d mry L fdee sylwrW d malerW rerl herd0 will wbkpl me m Ule pnn'ldrrw d tMr wwl yes rekdire m the makisA e0d DIbW d fake kWrumenlx. X , i U I a'e9oYl /Cio~.d ilewrMW/eW for wree 4lal H~LtQ I N`1/ I ~~7~ r rt n m cape SE R ytWrfl Mrllle MTC BUYER'S ATTORNEY usr wore I nrar xw _ I M~~'OOY r4CFeoYC MIMfrR A'EW YORK STATE COPY