HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12514 P 998~~S~l~ ~P~~~ ~ n' W.9. HnrBnln and B:dr Dad with G++rrant at;alnN (annar'r .4t* lodividwl +r Gnry+rWim rYmglr SlnY+l (NYBTU BlsRi ;U\SUL'1' YOI:R I.A\Y\'tiR gFF'ORg SI(:VI\(: T71Lti L\\TRU?ff•_\ 1'.'f11L5 L\~'rRU-\1F'.\ f ~Iltll:l.ll Bt (:Milt n5' I.AWYF:Nti (7\I.\' Tn+ tap DnrignWxm d,t. /000 Sa~. ~,4 Lx(aQ~,~~ /K/p/O-'~04J~ CIIRIS LAMENDOI.A residing at 910 Oakwood Drive Southold, New Yurk 11971 PHIS INDF.N7'URI:, ntadr the 2nd day of March . in the year 2007 8FT'WEEN party of the first part. anJ MICIlAEL CARBONS and ELLEN CARRONF. hix wilt, residing at ¢~ ri ,E S">t~ fT ~/~ N~l /UO~ pray of the second pan. WITNFCSF.TIh thm the party of the fiat part, in ronxWcration of Tun Dollars and other valuahlu considcmtiun p:ud by tlu parry of tltc ,cumd pan, dncx hcrchy gram and rclcusc unto dtc luuty uRhe sccnnd pan, ttte hcin or surccsuia and assigns of tlw parry of the srcund pan forever, AI,1. Ut:d cerwin pk+t, piece nr panel of land. with the buildings mul imtnoxmcnu thcmtn cnxa•J. siw:ur. lying aml being m the V illagr of Southold. Town of Southold„ County of Suffolk and State of Ntw• York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly side of Nosh Huyvicw Road, distant :75.00 fort Sottth ax ntcasund slung rite w+cstrrly side of Nonh Buyvicw Road, from the rnmcr fortncd by the interxectionufthc w•rxtcrlyside ofNonh Bayview Road anti the southerly side of Oakwood Drive: RUNNING TI IIiNCE along North Hayview Rttad the tidlowing two (2) ruurscx and Jistanra: (I) South OG degrees W minutes 30 sexvnds Eau, 71.47 fret:121Gtttth 68 drgrccs 37 minutes 20 seconds I•axt, 51.16 fort to the lend now or formerly of Michael A. Carbow: THENCE along said land, South 44 degrees 54 minutes 00 seconds Wcu, 79.261ect; TFIENCG along tie lines the following thrcc (3) rourscs and distances: (I 1 Nonh 13 dcgrres UO minutes 39 secondx West, 63.27 l'ecr,12) North 23 dcgrccs 06 minutes 4G sccondx W'cst, 41.07 feet: (3) Nonh 42 degrcrc 36 minutes OS seconds 1VCSt, 20.41 fret to land now• or fomtcrly of Linda U. Bcnani; TFIENCE along said land, North 54 d(•grecs 30 minutes 00 xeronds East, 53.91 fret to the point or plan of BEGINNING. SUB1L'CT to Wutrr Etvement in Liber 8124 cp 107 (oleo us in Liber 8893 cp 158, Libre 91 I R cp 597, Liher 11810 cp 468 and Liber 11825 cp 9261, and to Uriawge Gscmcnt in Liber 6972 cp 276. BL•ING and INTF.NDL'U TO BE the xamr prcntixcs conveyed by dced dated March 4, 1997 and rcrordcd in the Suffnik County Clerk's OfTire on April 17, 1997 in Liber 11825 Pagc 927. ISCI'~I IOOU•U70.00- I'_.UO-D33.WI8c 1000-U70.0t1-12 U0-033.W2) '1'(N:FTIfER with all right, tiUrrnd intercxL il'aty, Uf the party ol'thc first p+m af, in :utJ to any strretti unJ n+udc alwtling tht• aM+vc-dcwribal prcmiwx to the center linrx thrrrnf: TOGETHER with the uppunrnunus and all the estate and nghn u(thc party of the fiat port in and to said prcmiscx; TO HA V k AND TO IIOLD the prentisrx hrrcin gnmtc(1 unto Utc party of Urc xa:ond pen, the hairs or xucttxsors and assigns of the pray of the sn:and pun fittever. A\D the twny of the lust Iwn +xttrnams that the (any of the finl pan Itas not done or sUlTcrcd anything wlarchy the said prcmisex have been incumhcred inrny way whatever, excep uc aforesaid. AND the party of dtc tint pan. in rnmpliancc with Sntinn I:t of the Licn L:tw, un'cnants that dtc party of tlx: tint pan wtll rcmicr the cunxitkration farthis conveyance and will hu1J Ute right a> nreise such cunsidrmtiun as a trust Nrul w h applied fiat fnr the pugn+.ut of payinp the cost of the imprmcntent and wil{ apply the s:mtc lira to the payntem r+f Utc nut ul the impmvcntrm Itcfar axing any pan u(the total of the xatnc fur any other purq+sc. 1'hc wnN "piny" shall he rronstrunl as if it read 'parties' whera:ver the senxr r•f thix imk•nutrc ~+ rcttuina. IN R'ITNF_9S W)IkR1iOF, the party ul'tlx fiat tor. Ims duly csreu+cd thts drrd the day' atul year (ir..; shout •rrin_n. ~~~~ CHRIS LAML•NDOLA fISIiAC7L\YI nYi])r11FhT FYNLI! 8(N!/fi' wl711LYA'hlV Y(N(1117A71:' (INLY.~ SlutrnfNewYwk,Glmlyuf NASSAU ass.: GI4 dIC 2 day al' Mareh in the ylJr 2007 hcforc mc, Ur undcr:tisrxxl. pcrxnnlllly appcarcd Chrix I.umrndula perrarwlly known U+ me nr pn+ard N+ nlc un the ha+is of sutisftsiory evidence lu he the irldividtud(sl whnx nwrlc(x) is (wet wburihal w Ills Nilhin insuuntcm and Irknowk:dgcd to tm that hdslu/lhcy r.xcavlLd the same in hisRlcr/their .apriq•(n:a). Irnd Ihw by hisArrhheir xiluuaurt.Yxl an thv irWnulun4 dtc individuul(xl. au the pcrx,m upwt Ilcllalf of which the individwlls) oared. cxceut/xl the instrutnntL ~~-~~~~' Ratu9 Ate' S>~ d ~~ Na01PE811809i ~almisdonFxdt~~ ~~ Ar'r~YUxrrlw.univr Foxs/ FY)N UseWrrYN.YNr:'N' 1'rNrrcS7A%x OAY.r: 1Nrw Y.uh SWuerr(wlV N'hnrx Aa'#mMirrlxr/r+Crnifuarc/ State of New \'nr4, County of ~ s+^t Grl Ihl' daV Uf In IhC yCllr brturc mc. the undvnignatl. )leruinally appcarc/l du: WhxcribinF witncxs to the forcgcting inxwmcnL with whom 1 wn personally aax)uvn4d. who, being by me duly sx•txrL did depose and tity Ihw hchhddx~• nwidays) in (ijrhe plan rlf I>=r4frw•r!(fn a (•ily. i(h.•Ilrrle the xrrcrr wlrlmrcer uwnlx'K if wn: dkrrun; Ihat Ilr/xhiythcy know(x) to be dlc iwlividual ik,vrilr:d in and who cxnvtcd the fnrcgnirig inxtrumrnt: (hat said subscribing witness was pnesem and xuw said exceuw dtc xwne; and thw wid N•itncu w dx sarric lime wbxi:ribad his0lcr/thcir name(x) to a wimacS dlereto. 6ANI:A1\ do SALE. DI;1?n r mi urci~~ls M Mlvsr rx(,vr(m•x xci x TnuFNu. M~DID- ~TSh<•~ TO f/SraACJiAYlµ7JiUfwlle:\TFYLLU Nt.'L44V N'rrN(A'NrtN' }'plrA SrAYI! VA'f.l:• Swte of New Ywk, County of ) sxl On the day of in dw your hcl'ure mc, the utxleniprted, personaly sppearcd pmonally kmNa•n to Inr cr pnnaYl ul ulc on tlr bait of xtrtuflltu+ry cvidwt(r m be the irxlivWual(.} whose naltx:(+) is two) whurihad to tlx: within inawtttent wxl uckrtowhdy~d x+ tm thw hc/shcldtey cznvlal t1LL salnc in hisAux/dlcir ca(lacnylias). and that by hisAuvhhcir xi(enlrturc(xl un the intlunlrnt, the individual(s), or dlC )ICrwn upon hrhulf of which the individu:d[~):(a'le/l. rucuUxl thv in.+lnrnxmt. ItC'1(AON%PlXi•HFhTJ'llell hY1AUSl:'(JI/IYIDRrYIiN'YIIRlr 17A7h.'ONLY.• /(Ixl ty'8urr nr I',wrµn GenrnJ Aa'rJxnJWxrwxl L'rnifirm~/ .......... .. ~ ........... .... ....... )Yx.: (GxnFhrr Vrnur rah SIUN•. C'rxlrry. Pn,rrwrw.tlwl&•ywhgl (M the iWy nl• in Lhr ye:r bcfexc nlr, tM urxkrxigned. pcrxl4ltllly uppcareJ pcrsamally known to nlc or pmaed to I7%7 cNl Ilir haaix Id zatufactory cridcrlre to be the ilxlividualts) w•hnsc Iwrtxtis) is tare) subsvrihal to the within insltuntcw and acknuw•kdg(YI In nu thus Fu/shJthc}' a:CCiukYl tllc sanx: in hisAlerrthcir rapacit}'ficx), that by hixAlcd Uuir ai~nutuaYs) cxt the inswmcm,lhc itxli\iduulls). or the pcrscm upaf behalf uC which the individual(x) xred czcvukcl Ihr inuntlitcm, and that such ilxiividwl Itwily xuch uppvwuncc hcfiuc dtc undcrsiglicd in thr (lnxn rlw riry ar urhrryllllilianl suhdirisiun wrJ Wr aruh' urruuurn• ur (MherPlu(Y (lie W'/JI(111'lydg/llrlll NtW In/(CII/. DLSfRICT SFJ.TION t;wcx IAr CUUNfS'()R Tllw>1 Suffolk RI.Y(INOhTI A%'NF.UUkST llY s•rc AssociatL~s, ~~. Nr.•nlxnerunu%n STG Associates, {nc. 48 Cxrnxlbn A.vrwa Floral Park NY 71001 (81814866811 (/18)258.2467 f2t2)447.8a8B FA%: (576)488.8811 MICIIAL'I. J. KOH\ L•'SQ. 69-27 164TFI STREET FLUSHING. NEW TURK 113U5 W V LL 0 2 S C O V W Q LL O yW 7 Q s W V pt N ~Bq W 6 . , n ?~ ~ . RECORDED 2D07 Jul 24 D4: 15:40 PM Numberafpages Judith R. Pascale CLERK OF T11is document will be public SUFFOLK COUNTY L D~012514 record. I'Iease remove all P 998 Social Security Numbers DT# 06-40674 prior to recording. Deed /Mortgage Instrument Deed /Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording /Filing Stamps 3 FEES Mortgage Amt Page /Filing Fee 1. Basic Tax Handling 5• ~ 2. Additional Tax Sub Total S _ rP-sea __-_ Spec/Assit. Notation or l ~ ~ S b T t S Add u o a EA-5217 (County) _ _ pec. / . T EA•5217 i5tate) ~ TOT. MTG. TAX .~i1 ~ Dual Town _ Dual County R.P.T.SA. J( L~ v- Hetd for Appointm en t ~ ~ 1 Comm. of Ed. _ .. 5. 00 ~ ~ Transfer Tax • • Mansion Tax ..~ Affidavit The property covered by this mortgage is Certified Copy __. or will be improved by a one or twa NYSSurcharge 15. ~ ~ a35 family dwelling only. Sub Total YES or NO Other _ __ -~~Gl If NO, see appropriate tax clause on Grand Total ~ page N of this Instrument. _ _ -~a-c~ 4 Dist. 10 p7O12363 1000 07000 1200 033001 ~ ~ 5 Community Preservation Fund 1000 07000 1200 033002 ~ $ i A ' T mount on Real Property F A Considerat Tax Service RSFL Agenq ~ ~~ PF ax Due S ~ Verffication I~L - Improved Satls ctlons/Discharges/Releases Lis[ Property Owners Mailing Ad ress / 6 RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacant land ~~ Michrel J. Kohn.Gsy TD . 69-27 164th Strcct ~ Fleshing, NY 113fi5 TD Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Company Information s1o center unve, Itiverneaa, IvY nyos Co. Name /K~y~T/G TTGE ' www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk Title Y ioio- x ooSA 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached _ Decd ___ _ made by. (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Chris L.nmendpj;t_ The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In the TOWN of Snnthnld Jy(ichacl r'nrhnne• _• In the VILLAGE t711,.n C':vFv,nr ~_ or HAMLET of _ .,_ 8OXE5 6THRU S MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. over SIIFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Recorded: 07/74/2007 Number of Pages: 3 Ats 04:15:40 PM Receipt Number : 07-0068718 TRANSFER TAX NU~ER: 06-40674 LIBER: DOO012514 PAGE: 998 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 070.00 12.00 033.001 EXAMINED AND CNARGED AS FOLLONS Deed Amount: $60,000.00 Received the Following Feea For Above Instrument Exempt NO Handling NO NYS SRCBG NO EA-3TAT8 NO Cert.Copiee NO SCTM NO Comm.Pres Feea Paid $5.00 $15.00 $165.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $499.00 8xempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Page/Filing COE EA-CTY TP-584 RPT Transfer tax $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $50.00 $240.00 TRANSFER TA8 N0N88Rs 06-90674 THZ3 PAGE I3 A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS I3 NOT A HILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County •PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httpJ/ vuww.orps.statB?ny.us or PHONE (518) 4737222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ct. souls cod. fx. oaa o..e A.eoraa • q. Boolt PROPERTVINFORMATION ,. Preperltr 13~- Loo.dorr ,.rrr.urw.. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT RATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 I S ~~ld Nzw yor'~-- I I (lq~) I -nn~iriowM wua! n Wo! :• euYer l ~~~ I ~!- Nama IAer newer ear raae[ 7lf i Sr!/-z~~Z re4cooe numow auwea 7. Tr hWFala whge fuWn Tr Silo an to he sere SiwnS B arhr drr buyer addrw Ir bedom d forrnl l I Addrw urr woe r wrsAxr rover awr l I I I I 6111lLrawear u+osrrser row[ ~. IruBeate the nrrrrhar d Aaepemant ~ Rdl Paneb tranekernd on 1M deed I I nryp :one BTale ar ^ IONy p Part d • ParrB Cheek s their e~Ppllr. e of Pareols OR Pan of • Parpl yL Plamtrp Board wah sumiviaian Authuiry E:iW ^ 6 oeed ~ m ~~ I x 1.~~ oR I .ors O O ~/ aB. sundirnion MPmral was f4wh.d ror rnmfer ^ /~+I ~C. Pared Appaad fa sutMMsion wiN Map ProrWed ^ a surer I L=~}3''YZL'~7~'~C~~ I ~%tj~~.r I N.m. taar.aeermeryaxv rover woe -- I usr ue.ceerexr I rwsrwwc I 7. CheeY ifM boa below wNeh man aauragly dreribr N. uN d the proprly al the time d uN: f9urJr tN boen Glmo r tMy apps{ 0. Oemanhlp TyPa Is CoMoMnWm ^ A Or Family RaaufeMral E ABriwlturol 1 Communiry Senrco 0. New ConwuCion on Vacant UM ^ d 2 or 3 Family Reeidantial I' Corrrmerciel J IMywlel ^ fall PreParn l.omw0 wdhin r ABrkulwral Drwia C U eeidamid Vaunt land G N Ml ltl i V Aperuneq [t Public Service f06. Buyer redwM • dierJowro rwtics indk~drp ^ o es ent el aunt Lrd H EneMirmrt / Amuument I. Foren IRaI lle ProPeM ie N en Apriculturol Diwia SALE INFORMATION t0. Che3 on ar men d then pndBlOne r eppllubM to trwler. / ~ ~ ,,. sw Cenerad oan L / U / / I ' A sale Between Rriadvaa ar Former RNellww m~vi 6y ~PwT R SeM Bennen Related Ca mpriea or Partnan In Bueiner Z ' ~ X7 C Ora of Uw Buyen •f eho ^ Senor i 1i Date d Sao / TurNr I / / 1 U Buror or Sauer Ie Gowemmenl ABenry or LenGnp bedtulbn Aram nay Yeor E Geed Type not Warramy a Bargain and SN 15psih Bebw) F Selo d Freedond a Aar tlimr Fr hltsreat ISpedN Bobwl o' d d ~ ~ G sisnifirant Cheops in Properly Between Tarbla st.w, sod SaN caws tx FuY Sda hip I . . c . n 0 • I fl SW d eueinsr 4 hrcluded N Sala Price (Full Sale Prig le tlw tptpl CnlOara Wld for tM proparn kadudinu Peroorul t-aparry. 1 Oder Unuauel Factera AffanlnP Sala Rip 151racilY fldawl This gymeM may M in de form of caN, odw proMrn or updti or tM aewmpuan of j Mons monpype er mbar oMilAtiona.l P1rma round ro loo rant uAWS dollar amoum. 11. Indwte the wdr d pwrrl ProWnY hrdrrded N alr feM 70. Year d Afeeeemed Roll (ram O~ _ // ~b I whleh lraorrrration Wen ~--yJ 17. Trial Aeerrd Vdw Id aB garde N trorferl I ~~0 I ~Z(n! 10. fhaprly clan / ~ -u 15. Barod oiaslet Nam. ~ ~~y , ! /M1/~LJ I ZB. Tr Map IdgreYrerly / RoB WerraYer1a11R man Nr four. ettaeh atret whh additiorW IderdKlerlsll / U00 ~ o • ~ /J /~ • O .C2'J O~ CbL CERTIHCATION 1 Qrllfy 1M1 W d the Itnr d fofmmatbn ederad un Ihie form are true and aromas lto tIR boa d mJ~ kmrrWAe end bcarn end 1 Wderalytrd eful the moklnR d any rillfd false stalamed d matua•id mel frerdo will wdljnt roe W the omvkbr d the rrl low nkdire p the meWeK errd Ii11aR d fekw irttlrrruerrle. BUYER BUYER'S ATTOANEY r- a rrea ervwywe an T ursrwvue roar nacre an:er wuesa eratn rwrre wnnr awn ~yi / or,-z z orraruwM r ___. -- sr c mmoc SELLER ~~ I ~~z~~ I `'1~ ~,~(g~ gf ~~ ! I C~. Pay. V~Qy,r to NEW YORK STATE COPY