HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12515 P 591~IW !~ /~ ~9/ a ~_ ~~~ NY200.5 -Uvyin rW 4,k lksJ. rap Curenwl yumltinNrcY MU-IdirlddwCup,ppu taoak Slap CONSULTYOUH LAWYER BEFORE SNiNINGTHIS WSTRUYENT-THIS INSTNUYENT SHOULD BE USED 8Y LAWYERS ONLY. '1'111% INIpEN'fURE, uwde 11u: / 9~ day of mow/,' , in tlw yulr IX 06 7 ItE'I'~YI{I?N iARREN CORA2'L1NI, residing at 1375 McCann i.ana, Greenport, New Yark 11944 lwny of the tint Iwn, and L'..,.•5: -.:/fG .c:9 IOUNDED RNEE PROPERTIES, INC. doing bueinese at 3120.~A1beritllion~L'ane;• IGaeetip3t~t, few York 11944 parry of dw sennul pan, H'1'fNFS.ti1Sl'll, thm dle parry of the first pan, in wnsidemtion of dullrrs lurid by tlw parry of Uu sa:wld Iwn, Juts hereby grrnl and rcluasc unto dle lwny of Uu uc,uul pnA, the lairs to aucn:sstxs and assigns of Ilk party of du: aaatlal lulu forever, AI,1. that terrain plul, piece ul p:ncel al' Iluul, Wllh 1110 INlddlllb'a nlHl I111prpVl'llna115 IIIL'R'(NI L'na'IOtI, siluatc, lying and (Ming in Ilk *SEE, Schedule A Attached Hereto And Made A part HereoF BEING AND INTENED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by Deed dated January 7, 2000 and filed in the Office of the Clerk of tha County of Suffolk on January 20. 2000 in Libcr of Deeds 12015 at Page 050. 7Y.XiL•TI IL'R with all right,litk:unl interest, if any, of the pray of lla: tint prat in and to any stress •rnll rtuuls •rhuuing Qtcrlwvc dexcrilxxl prewiscs w Ute ~•cmcr lila:s Ulcrettf;'fOGL 11 ILR with the appurluwllccsrltd •rll the estate and rights of Ira: parry of da: tint Iwn in and m said prclniaea;9'D IIAVL' AND'I'D I TOLD da: premises herein grrnletl unto the prey t><lhe slv:utxl lu~n, Us: Loin or staccsstus arts assigns of da: parry of dtc sccplul pun fonwcr. AND tla: Iwny of du: fits) lout arvunuuls drat tlu: luuly of du: first parr has ntn dwlu nr wdTcred auythiug wla:rcby the said pruniscs Imw hecn encumbered in any xvy whatever, es~•epl os ufuresnid. AND du party of tla: first pan, iu contpliume wilb tiectirnl 17 of the Licn I_aw, wvennms thilt the lulny of Uu: f rat paA will receive dw rnusilkmtiml fnr this atmryunce nlul will hnld dte rigln to receive such cunsidentinll as a oust fund to he applinl first fnr the purpnsc of baying the carat of the impmvcnlcnt mld will apply du: amllc tint In the lwymcnt of Ilu: asst al' the intpmvcnlcm lu:fure axing any pan of Uu altar of 11K saltu fur any odter lwgauc.'lilc word "party" slwll M: wnlstrucd as it' it ro:al "lwltics" whcncvu the sen:p: of this indenwre an atiluirca. IN WI'ITVFtiS \YI11?ItHf)F, the lxnly al'tlu: lint pall has duly exe~cutcd this du;d dte Jay and year tirsl alu,vc wriucn. IN I'ItPS~.NC1: D1': ~~ t ~ arren Corazzi SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Arshamomoque, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly line of Main Road (NYS Route 25) distant 260.0 feet westerly from the intersection of said northerly line of Main Road (NYS Route 25) and the northeasterly line of Albertson Lane; RUNNING THENCE North 63 degrees OS minutes West 184.03 feet; THENCE South 2 degrees 35 minutes 30 seconds West 45.0 feet; THENCE South 26 degrees 16 minutes East 173.76 feet to land now or formerly of Cassidy; THENCE along said land now or formerly of Cassidy South 31 degrees 43 minutes 20 seconds East 209.70 feet to the northerly line of Main Road (NYS Route 25); THENCE along said northerly line of Main Road (NYS Route 25) on an arc to the right having a radius of 2896.79 feet a distance of 324.37 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. STATE,O~F4~NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SaFwIK- f ht the /7 dxy of ~„t,/y in tiw year ~X~~ , Iel+ttc nm, the wuklsipm•J, Ilcls<uwlly oPleweJ WARREN CORAZZINI , Ilelsrmully kullwn w nw ur ImweJ to nw vu dx: Iwxix of xnliafx~Ywy eviJcllec Ix I+e dw ilxlivhlual(x) wlxpc rwnwlsl Is (mc) suhscriheJ w Ilw within instrunwm and xknxrb cdgal w Inc thm htll,Ixhlwy excenal dw xsnw in h4sllxxhheir capxily(ks), wal Ilwl by hixglcr/Uwir signature(s) un dw illxwmwnl, dw i1lJiviJusl(s), athe perxnl wt behalf of which tlw ilxliriJual(x) acrd, exe~vteJ the iruumlwrtl. Notary qublic v n ,/ F. WIPPERT ~ryNO.07W148~c04083 Yblk cow ~f~n~rui~"~`~aa~t STATE OF , C LINTY OF Un Ilw Juy ul' in Ilw your , lehtte nu, ilw ulxkrsigrt(d, a Nldaty I+uhlic in nnJ fttt tutid Slne, Itcrstuwlly nl+(warcJ ,the suhscrihinE willtexx tx tlw httegt„ng inxlnminu, will wlwm 1 am I+crwnlally a(gwiwc(f, whll, Icing by InC duly xwtttn, J(J delutse arul xny Ibal Itdslvd~h,y rcxidc(s) in l'dUu pq(e dlesWes(e is i s lir ioclek Uu suee sd tked slmlber if toy, Utrse4Q; Thal hr/xheldwy kn+w(xl lu Iw tiw ilulividual rksrlil+wl in ad wlw cxcculcd Uw flttegrting ilutrwttenC Ilml zlid xuhsclihing wiuwxs wux Ix~(cm wxl xuw snit cu colt the sunk; wxl 16:N sail wiuwsx m the souls tints vuhscl ihnl hixAter/their twux:(x) as a wiutexx IlatGu Ia,W tle hAhw•inp if Ile a•Aw,wledynxatlw u w4x,xurhk NY Slxkl and tlml sNW xuhxcribillg wiutexs Hunk arch apltcurulcc lufwe Ilw unJcrsignd in tlw lirxml the city w whcr IvAilirW ,ultJirixi+m uxl rle SINe w xtxuwy,u u1M~ (Axe de Ilnx+f wxx rxkm4 $iariuliu uul ~:Llr ~1rr1 \V I'1Y 1 f:ClV I:NAMf ACAINti I' GRAN'IY11t' S ACfS Trnat No. Warren Corazzini 'I'O Wounded Rnee Propertiee, Inc. fNnribllrrl by ~., stewarf ~ • ~ •~ ~ a,~,i dde insurance etxnpany >tn CAST pfd SI'. IQh t7.0uS • NCW YONR NY i1n17 (3111433-00411 1'u 12n) W}I nl STATE OF On Uw day of in the year , lefnrc nrc, Ilw ulxkYSigced, ItcrstulNlly apl+enal . rersuually krxxvn w nw :tt lunral lu nw tul Ilw luuix of xuixl'cexxy evhkttce x+lu: the inliviJunl(x) wlxxw Iwme(s) is (xrc) suhw:riheJ w dw wihin iluuunx:nt slid acknwl- rNlgcJ lu Ilw IIuA IelslwPowy cxavlal dw xanw in hixAwrAlwlr calwcity(ies), snJ Ilwt by hisAwrhlx:ir signutwe(s) na dw instruman, Ilw ilWiviJnai(q,,tt the perstm un bdwlf u( which tlw inlividual(x) octal, exawal the IlswtvnwlN IwIS the lulkxrixg {f Ile xkxaxledSnxvA Ix Ixkot waide NY Slue) and Ihui said snlulcribing witness nook wch u(gwurcnce Ix:ftxe the wulnxignd in llw foulMrkyrWta ryWiW Uthtlrium WlkStatu wlq valhnl(xe Ik drwhdfxrx vattrks4 STATE OF , COUNTY OF Un tlu day of in dw ye:v hchm; me I+erwnally come w nw klwwn, wlm, hcing by ntc July swum, JiJ r4lxue sml Iwy Ilwt Iw resiJex al tlwt Iw is Uw of dw attry+raliwukscrilwJ in nnJ whirl: escculeJ tlw hxegoiug ilWrunWnl; dwl hr ktu+wx tlu zeal of sakl mquttmiun; Ihal the real ulfixcJ hl said inxtrulncw is wch cttgxvule xcnl; tlmt it was ut affiuJ by Onkr of dte 6uY:J r,f Jirecuux of xuiJ axptt:niuu, and dml Iw signed h IIa111C IIIe1Clq by hke ,4Jer. slrtNlN 052.00 nl.o(•1: 05.00 I.trr 058.003 (YN1Nf\'tIR 1(IKT( $Ont)IOId LOUD srxmrrntu+xr4s 67875 Main Road Greenport, Nev York 11944 RcewdcJ al Nrtpwsl xf SRiWAIt'f'fl'fl.[iv BEI'UNN If\' 111A11,'IY): William C. Goggins, P.O. Box 65 Mattituck, Nev York PC 11952 . ~ ~: ~ ~ J ~~ NuuJlcl of la!cs 1 1 2007 Jul 27 04:00:47 PM 'I'l)ItItN.NS Judith A. Pascale I CLFRK OF Swinll) SUFFOLK COIkITV ' L D00012515 Ccllificolc II ~ P 591 6Tt 06-41141 Ih iur ur. n _.. - LkcJ / htullgage InsutnileN UreJ / Tvlurlgngr'lax Slam p Recol•Jiug /Filing Slnnllu •I I~ I:I:S I';gtcll•ilingPcc ~ __ ALnI~ul;cAnd. ...._- -... I1.9111Illllg ~~ I. II:ISII''I ilx ~_,,, / ' 'I'1'-~84 NuGdiun _ •~ Sub 'lutnl _ IiA-51 17 ((burly) ~ „- Sub'I'olul SpccJAssil. Ur liA-5117 (Slalc) _~ ___._ Sl+lv:. /AII11. It.l':1'.ti.A. ~1~JGIUp~; -s.'~_ ~ 1,21 ~ ~ •-_„ '1'U'I'. Afrll.'I'A:( - 4xnn1. uI' lal. 4-_ . t? 3 r~ AI .1 Waal 'town )hlld t'uunl5'-- _ . , / ., _, : I Icld lin Appmlinunu•nl Allldil\'It r _,_,__ ~/ •a ~1. ~ ~ '1'11111%rlr'I'IIX v .. ... .. C:crtilicd Cnpr --_, , ~i a~~ l , ,__ __ 1» II c pngx:rty cuvcrcll by Ibis uunlgllgc is or Itcg, l'upr __ will be iwpruvcd by u arc ar Nvo Ixmily ~ Sub'I'ulnl 1 dwclliug only. 1.1111Cr . ~ _-... / ) ~ -~~~""" BRAND lY)'1'AI, ~~' ~ ~'I:~ III Nth ..._.- If NU, sec npprapriulc Inx clause un page ll .. of Ibis ioslnmlcnl. ~' ,~` D, 1 Itwl 14ulxxly'I'ax Scrviu Agcnuy Vcrilirnliwl 6 Cuuuuuuily Prestawutiun Punt Dlsl. SCC111111 Olllck I.IIt (,'1111RIlICI'lllll111 AIIIUIIIII 1: Slallryl 1 00' ~~~~28 1000 05200 0500 058003 ~ (~1'!~ 'I'llx 1)tl • .l' 4 ~ ' Prs _ Ilalc i RLPA A 1 lugmwcd _... _ ~ 7JUL-07 blitiols I Vncnnl Land Salisfactionsll7isel~ai'gc`s/,t'clcaaos-~tsl rugle,l, .....~~ ..............~ • ss -.. 'I U ~ RECUItU & ItN: roan ro: - 'I'I) Williacl C. Goggilta, PC --~ ~ ~ -- . . 13105 Hain !toad 1 1) _ _,_ , P.O. Box 65 Mattituck, Yev York 11952 x ' rul~• c....alnrly ~1l rlll•n1111 L,11 t'a. Nwuc 9 Sui'Lolk Count Recocdin & Endorsement Pa e 'Ibis Ilagc lonua Ixlrl of We uthulx•J r sin b Sale Deed (til'I:CYI~ Y'1'YI'li UI' 1N511(l IML':Pf I' ) ___ Warren Corazzini ..- '11x: premiacc lurciu is ailunlal in -.-.-..- -_..__ .- _ til II~I't)I,K C'UUNIl', FJSsW 1'OIZIC. 'I'(1 lu 16c'fotwl.Jlip of Southold ~ -._.-.Sinttnded Knee Prooertie~_lnc. __ 1nIhcVI1,L.ACiIi Greenport - -- ur I~IAMl.L:I' of UU\IiS 5'll IRU Y IvIIJSI' UG-1'YI'Isll OIL I'RItJI1,D IN UI,AC:K INK UNL.1' fRIpR TU RI:U)Ii;UINCi UI( I'II,IN(i, SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING FAGS Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Recorded: 07/27/2007 Number of Pagee: 4 At: 04:00:47 PM Receipt Number s 07-0069348 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-41141 LIBSR: D00012515 PAGE: 591 District: Sectioa: Block: Lot: 1000 052.00 05.00 058.003 S7CAMINED AND CHARQED A3 FOLLON3 Deed Amouat: $0.00 Received the Following Sees For Above Iast^••^~^t ~t ~t Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO C08 $5.00 NO NYS SRCHO $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart.Copie6 $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Traasfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $152.00 TRANSFER TAS NUl03ERt 06-41141 THIS PADS IS A PART OF TH8 INSTRUMENT THIS ZS NOT A SILL Judith A. Pascale Couaty Clerk, Suffolk County "" ~ """' -Pl'EASE'TYPE'OR'PRESS'FIRMLY'WHEN WRITING ON'FORM """ ' " "' "' ' INSTRUCTIONS: httpJ/ www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY / , Ct. SWIS Coda 14.,, ,3 , ~, 8,9 I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT BTATE OF NEW YORK tx tan Dow R.wrd.d I D 1 ! oZ 1 / d 7 I sraTE OIOARD of REAL InoPERrv sF]iVICES C3. Boolt I 1,x,5^r f ,Slt;{. POB.I , w,5,9 .1 I `'' a RP - 5217 Y14{EIf Y- YYI t'I fi7875 I Main Road I anal[ wary armn x,rt I Cnur6ntd I Greennort 111944 I ctrwmws ruucc ar m« :. sorer LWounded Knee Properties, Inc. I I lYma llwr~NM1Y,t ilwr rNiT wrr L ,~wrwn I wlsrwuo- 1 Ta^ bdiub whwe futon Tey Bob oA w be wnt &pbp d opar dun buyer edhw W bottom d lorml I .e^T rare r eoYerYr I rwr woos I aaar«. I Greenport I N .Y 111944 I s+lwr arc rui and wit mcmt 1. bAaa. tin rlmnb.r d aurrn«rt r IOmY tl Part a a Pra^p CJrdl as tMtr ypryr. , , Rotl PtYaW 1mMwrad On tM load a of Perale OR ^ Pan of a RGreal ^ / aA Pleminp Bard whh SuhdlWoion IbahaAy Fa1~ `/ , L God ~ ~' Suhdbbian approval was Rpuiad f« Trrnhr ^ I I I I I I r nrl X . -~--~--~ ~ ' 8 ~ m aC. Proel Mfrowd br SutdM^lon whh Mop Pnvdod ^ ,Y, g w: oml L BNk ~MIOYII~KSay ni I Liarrnn I wme ea^r Y.r, I I I fart /Mrw IL ImRMWE.. _. 7. ClleeA Na 6oa hobrr which mwt aoeuntelY davlbn the ur d tlw propwty aLtlw tlme d ^^b : Clreak tllo bow h^lOw r they apply: L Orxwr^Idp TYPO b Condaninium ^ A Ono Femlry Ra^idaelY I: Aprkuttuml 1 Cwnmuniry Sarvke L Now Conwmaion on Vacant land B Z «! FemIN Meidsntul F CPmnwrebl J ~ InduWkl 1oA. P+oPerly laeeW whNn en ApdrJtural DWria ^ C RwW^mul Vabm land G Apemrwm i: Publk Serviu WL Buyr nceh^d ^ dbd«wO ram indraliro ^ D NonJlesideaiY Veum 4nd I I [modamment / Amusement I. Famt Ufa tln propery b in n AprialWr^I drrkl SALE INFORMATION 7L gleeh an^ « men d thw aadaorr r ~^ to tr^Irtr: t1. BW Contrast Dae I I ~ ~ A Sale B.trw.n Roleuras «Forma Refativas - - rwr R Salo Bebwen Raleted Companies «Pminen h Bu^Irlru ~y (, ~t C Ono d tlw Buyer b abu a SOOT tY. Dab a sob / Tnmfs I ! / ~ 7 / Q ! I p Bnyx « sNkr b Gwommonl Agency « LandinO lnpiluOon 11r^h Lary YYr ~ I: Deed TYPO not WmenlN v Barpdn OM SW Ispldfy Bukwl I' SW a FrWiond «lau Ulan Fae Ineresl ISPecity Bekw1 ~ ti SlprdlkaN Clumps n RopertY Baoxasn ToxaMo Stobr Ord Sulu Dat ti. FuO Salo Pdu I 0 0 ! ! • I H Sab d Bwlnw I^ Indudad In Salu Prko 1FU11 Salo Prka Is the IOtal amount Mk f« tlw poporry inGudinp personal property, 1 Ottlm Unusual Facl«s AfbaOnp Seb Prlca 1a0er+'W Bdowl Thb psymam moy be In ehs form d eWl, aMr PrOPmY «pootl^, a Lhe sbumption d J None mortpepes or other emlpmiarls.l Pleab round ro rM mover whole ddlu rrlwnt. 1f. 4ldirab tM rsbre d pwwlW pmprly b,dudM N are sW 1L Ye« a Aewm^nt Ralf tr«n whkh ~~ t'~~~ ~~ ~~~J t7. ToW ArnW Vahu Id aY parab In trrnhrl I ! ! ! I 1L Praporty Clw 6.1z.,`'~J-U tf. sawn Dlotrlw Nmw I Greennort I 10. Tn Map IdentiE^rlel /Roll tdsmlRrW Itl mom than bur. etteeh ah^a with addiOonY N^neWrlsll I I nn o I I 052.00 I I 05.00 I I 058.Ob3 I CERFIFICATION I ^ertlfy the uS d Ihr Berm d IarorsWlm entered uo tbb farm are true uod urrrnt tb the hW d m7 IcOSakllse ad Mk11 and 1 wdlrrWd thal the aoulch~ d mry willful ai+e slalemtYd d aWerW M herein wIR'ad~nY ww m the pmrirhlw d llw mm^I bw telaaye b for whbR sad RWgI d!l(b brutrleah BUYER ' Wou dad Knee P girlies, Iuc. ~' c' ? 1 O ^ Wmwluu an WaLren Corazzi 3120 I A rteoa Lane onset NllWw atlear x,1Y r41W nIL BUYER'S ATTORNEY Goggins I William C. usr rs,r ,a,r us,r 631 I Y98-4200 aVa rqa, 1nL/1lara wlYetll Greenport I NY 111944 e:. a+mwll sun «caOt ELLER ' ~ 19 ~a7 Waiter C 8 wu NEW YORK STATE COPY