HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12513 P 525~la~~ ~ .... ~ ~a~ y~-3-~ 9YIId~rd N.Y.B.T.U. Fam Boora•erp~ rd SW Ord vWh Co{I~uld~ ~ps{rt fairanOOrL AdalJriaarm AdolonAdplnrl ooxsu4T,vaaeua-w~a axortE srauwo THIa asrnura~r-TFp .,ra~tra ~NOU~c,ee•ueeo er uwras or~r TFI~•INDFN'fURE, madethe.-. m day'of Jiine; 2007: -.. .. ' . 'l ~ ~: party of the fYet pelt; and • taiEVEN OOEBEL';• `. •'~s ^ . ,:~ • :,... ... :. •n .; ,; • ~ . I. ,• ~. • •i 200 tatilpyard Lane.. .. . ,.... ....: :. • ~, -. ~ : , -.... .. F.esl AAeiicn NY 11931 . ~ ~ .. . .. , f , .~ . ,.:, :: ~ . ,• . • .,!::.. .. , .,. , k. , , • • . .i• 1 ~. •! .~.• .. '.,•• i .7C!7. .. 1,., i p, ~ ..ice. r. I pally of the second ped,-..,.. •./ '.n :.,,•. ' • ~ •:,.~.: S: I aoudis trrlTNEasE rH, drat the party a lire erst pat, in consideration a T'EN ~s~ ooo> pas Iry the parq! or the second pert, does troreby,prerlt and releme.urito the pargi ofthe second pert, thQtregs. !x spxepsas, and,assgns DfttropartycftheSebor{d'paRforever••=1 ~..' '. :~'.:. .. .. .. '~•~.. ..'y\~ . ., . BETWEEN .•:: , ,:? '• ~: SHUL'AMITIi GOEBEL 89 Underwood Rd. • • • Forest•Wps, NY n 11875 9gC9 54': ;.3Fi fA71 llyd/va:r to arr.:2 adduS~tOpN OGRC2Qd(;yg0 .oYl ~rnut!~ rlltiiaZ N bot:la4~! ~~ Oa Ar 11u{I 28sryaa n]1ia517rlot! . ..: •~ .. •; .. • t3EE SCHEDULE A ANNDO:D HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF_ ~•' I l.l' :4:.. "_ i..1'•:.'. 'Jh1i :'.. tit :: . . . ?~•, S..• .. . .1 I.11. ...1 '.: .:'•ly r{lti.!.i ..~ ~:. • • ~ ,.1. ..l •I_: •a."! , .. ~.7.f '1:.. ''•. ,I: .4..r•:•:~4 e;;r:'l ..'.:.,y '.'f:: l .l.~i.:. ~ ::\ .•. t. :l.i: !.ii: :•:\, • ... ~ .. rNa ! II' . ...: NI . • ..~.Si• r'IL . .1... 'iV . . L:•.r. f.V•.I a... 1°II ••'Il nl~fi '\ :: •. _. . li Ip .•{ r... i:•Y. !:.~\'.Iq •\ • ... TOGiETHER.wNh pl riplk,,tltlp artd aaerest o(tt!q R4r1Y of the flrat pad in and to srry Streets and mods abrltilnp the above dssalt!sd premises t0 the canter Arro6 thereof; 700ETHF.R wtih•ihe appurtenenoes and all the solace and riptds of the party ~ the Net part In and to said promises. Tb FIAtfE AND TO HOLD the prembea herein prerrted unto iM par,~pl of tiro eecorrd;pa,R,the heirs err successes and assigns of the pally of the sscwd part forever. AND ttro pally of the fast part canver{ts that the pally of the tUsl pert has not done or suffered anything whereby lire said prerrrises have been encumbered in any way whatever. e~acept as aforoaafd. 1 i f ~•11i:t i•,C' AND the party of the tLel pall, in'corrrplianoe wih Section is of the,Llen law. ~coven~nis tliat~the'partjr.o(the tlrst pan wB receive the aorrsideration'1dr this mmreyanoe arld wiq hold'ttie right to ieceilie'sudi consideratiei as a wet furrd,to be aPPtied fcr the. purpose •of payYq the cost of the anproverrront end wB apply tiro same tkst to the peyrnait atthe eost o<the •Improuertrord betas usurp nay pad of the taW ache aams for any otirer purpose. the word 'party' s1ieB be oonsbued es H ti reed •paNes' whenever the sense of this inderar!re~so requlies. ., BV YYfTNE88 WL~REOt?, Uie~ .pad of the Iirsl pail has duly exerwled this deed the dayand year first above wdtien. IN PRt.=SENCE OF • . . .. ~~ SHUI.AMfTtl t30EBEL SCBED~TLB A ALL 16at certain Ply P~ or pateel otlend. situeSe, lY~ ++~ big ~ Gremp°ct in Ore Town of 8onthokl, Cowdy of Sttffilk and State of lssw Yak, knnwn aid deeigttatcd as and bry La Plo. 3 as a cutsi:i map entitled, "Map of GreenPort ~~ Park' ~ LSled in Ou Offue of the Clerk of Ors Coaaq~ of Sn~lk oa 1)eeember 1.1909, es Mcp No. 369, which raid lot is mote patictdatiy bounded and desatbod as ibllovw: B5GlNN1NG at s poi on the eeebrly tide of 9° Street (Cherry Street) ditemt 36A7 feet aouthaly from the corner fonaed by the ivlletsecdon of >i-e eoutherly aide of lime! Street with the easterly lido of 9° Street (Cherry 3ttbnt); ItUNN1NG 7HEVCE 8outlt 82 degrca 4S tuiuotn 10 acooads Hatt, 95A8 tea; 7't~NCB tlanh 06 degrees 53 mtrnrtaa 30 eeands WeaG 36.26 feet; THHI.ICE North 82 degrees 43 miemtes 10 saecoede Wert,100.30 fees to the eateerly side of 9° Stet (Chary Straer THENCE North 12 degeea 12 mitartec 10 sounds Fiat along the matrrly aide oi9° street (Cleary Sttret~ Sb,46 fees to the point oe plane of Sp,GITININt}. •• •,: - +- . •wa..~ ~ C18m:ONLY 1NHENi711~E ACItAIO NILEDOMENT 18• MAl>E IN'NEWYbRK'tiTATE~~ R l\ - 'L•l11 I{! .~. =I. I `f. '\•. 'JT :: ••1d:1'.p' (: IY L StMeofNawYaAr.t.ounlyof ttldfalk sc •~8fa)eotNew•YOr1CColinq+ot tiulfdk ..':..'i~~5+n' fe: On the)-) day d Jlale M the year 2007 :.' :On lM: ~ : day d,;: • : ; fn ew year beore 1ne, Ule Indaral9nb Pe~Y aPPw-~ before met tlw underalpned Pa~~Y aDD~b • SNULAMRFt CyOESEt. • peraonely known to me ar proved to ma an the blab of penoneAy Wlwvn to, (ra or provad.to rtle on 1hs,tmr•d ' Sefrteccory sMdartos b f» the kaavidual(a) whoa SelisTaotorji iNdenceto bs the Indli=idwl(s)'wltoae ~' name(s) mare)sutlacribedtotllewithhtkrtrlrmertand rwiii(a) r'(ar:) .albialbedtothswWnY~wrenland' edawvliadpad to methet hahllaltlny alaKlAed the sams in r r' aclalorNedpid td me that hahhsRDey alacutad the ems N NaI11erN1aY apadly(rs), and that ey hrRladtllak alpnekaa(s) Ntelerltlleir oapelaly(ies), and that by hWherMeY elpllature(e) on the I meet, fM kldMdwl(a) Dribs Pe on ~ tleheaor on the k1etr11rrrnt,lM kaYvidllal(e) arthe person upon tlaheM of s NdN aMs)!chd• eorectded N trumerd. which the kwlhedllailp acted, aireoutad 91i tmtrlarlrt` •t:::l ,I•. ..1: ,. . ,. .;;, +t -'n'v.!• t: - .1• ;'• : ii .1. • . rr t?•ti ;, •• I. •.•,tl :S~yC w'>: P•{~~ + and dace d t1ldFddlNl raid eduloM nwt) (eElrhre end dtb otYwY_vitlllel,teldrla tIN ~' +• • KATHERINE POPE ' ilea/ ~ +; l OQPOMI'331 0 0 . . (~ ~ p~y yII-- 7 IID • a 1i~ COIIMtliaalWtExp11M!IWy Stets (or Dlettld of Cokanbia, Tenkary, ar ForNpn Country) of On the day of ' ... ': ~ .. _ - :°:.. ' in tAsyair •7 :.:,:. .. r bdOre ~ ~ ~~0~. Peery aOP~ 4 personalty known to me w proved to rre on the beer of satlafactory evldena to be the irtdividual(q whose tieme(s) r (w wbealtJed to the whtlMt irtetrwrterlt and adcrtotMedped to me that hefdtallhgl euaealted the same In hktrttadtb capaclypes), and that by IdellterAhelr sti>rwture(s) on the Irtatnartertt, tlts frtdividtral(s), tx the parser upon behalf d whl the Indivktual(s) ailed, ezeuded the ktahturter4 and that wch tltdvktutl made web appearartcs tteforo the iudersipned the ' .. .::'I : l: ~•.:` 1= •:,:.::iir •l. • .r '.i•t' :In..~,'~„ ••'•• r. a:" •Ir •.:.5•:: ~i.~..•.s i^'I.r ,N ..~ ~.:y:'f ~='I C•'./~ •) V •}; ;, a1Mlt eN ~ Or deer POI.tf1G1 eatldhlMell)•;N ' '...! 1 (slid kMt ale 8W`e Or (•GIIItIy.eLOeMr`pleN tlr ~DIOIOdedQMlt weL•tek~ll) •It •i.V t:•,I'• px • Y • •,.• r. V.it~ ~ .Y .ty: t•~•rn l~ ~~ ~ ,:1:.. •'(••J t: • •'•... • i:y~ • :IA a4• ••1 i y. .,.: .. '.rY•• :!•+.J.:t::: •.]... •'^~_ ;r.. ,:lr:i^•!n:-.I:...~ .. ....._ endalYoididNAWYIep~) 1:,.: :7.. Iti:::I: •1::, r... ... .. !'t .. ~...• "r :i = .. • :i . •:i ..•I; J' 1:: •' ^ •'•'=t :I,!' ;.J ~I.i ~.~ :I!• ~:i' + ~ } • BARfi/11N AND SALE DEED 1 , , ,. _ , : 1•, : , SECITON ,,~. • , , . ti... ; ..• :':.~ ' •°'..1N~1•COVEN/IN'1'SpGAINS!'GltllNfOR'SAC!'S,. .BI,OC{C~ ':_ +•=~1 •ti rllf: •'"• ',1~J: :Er. .. • •~'l,:,fti,f:' ;•: i I: n• •.rl~ •~1•..I :;~•, •;ryn:~~~t•l•~/ /~~ppr• ry1y. p~.~ ~V,~~~, r ,. s. .1• .'.:J.~GN11?:. .1:...!.•:~i:'•i1•`J •f:~,l •t1:11'l~~lyf..').il': •.l .w ... •WV,~„itJR tVtII~•i•-: ' • COUNTY bR TOWN • Title No. • r.•; ... -;• •::Y . •STRL7E1'rADDRBSS ,,. , •_5 . SHLiLAM17H GOEBII, 71D STEVEN GOtiBEL .. .. . • .... •:. RETURN BY A'IAB.~'0:...... . • .. $AF6 HARBOICTITLE AGENCY ... ... ... KetFlBfiiPti Z. • Pipe, ESq.... . 1529 Main Slresl Port Jefferson, NY 11777 1 S Fttatt Street, Suite 2 reenport, NY 11944 (Rwwwelr epeoe for lemrdYle dlby ai, .i.;,;;,..~ty'I . ~:; ? ~ ` • ~- 1 2 7 Vumberofpages. --' • RECORDED 2007 Jul 13 01:55:04 PM TURRENS Judah R. Pascale CL ERK OF Serial M SUFFOLK COUNTY • L D000125)3 Cenificak q P 525 DT4 06-3957: Prior Clf. N Decd / Mongegc Inswment Deed / Mongagc Tax Stomp Raonling /Filing Stamps a Fels ~ Y Page /Filing Fa f Mongage Amt. dandling 7 I. F3asic Tai _ { TP-Sg4 ) 2. Additional Tax Notation Sub Total / GA-52 17 (CouMY) ~ Sub Total SpecJAuit. ~ Or FA-5217(Slak) Spa./Add _ ~~ RP.T.SA. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Comm. of Ed. S QQ- Held fur Apponionment ' Atrdavit 7 ransCcr Tax _ CertiGcd Copy Mansion Tax The properly rn~w•rod by this monguge is or Reg Copy, will be improved by s one or two family ( Sub Total dwelling only. aver _ ~ YES or NO GRAND TOTAL ~~ If NO, see appropriate tax elau~ u page N of this instrument. / , ( '/ 7 ~~ S Real Properly Tax Service Agency Verification 6 Community Preservation Pund Dist. Seaion t3lack I.a Con ' mount 5~~.- Q7QZ12.S1 1000 04800 0300 002000 CPf Tax Doc S~~ Stamp P T S ~ late RpTY A Improved 3JUL initials ~ Vacant Land T Satisfac:tions/Uischarges/Relcases Last rropcny ~w::ata r.ra~~~~~a .,,.,, 'I'U ~ RECORD & RETURN TO: _ J (}.R-t~lu Po ~. ~ 9 n1Y J/4}~~ 'Ibis pugs fom>s pert of the attached •rD g Title Company Information Co. Name '1'itlc N :ording & Endorsement Page -- ~~-~ made by: (sPfcIFY•rYPEOr• ilvsl7zui+n~N sff t1 t.-A-AI l ~ G-B ~ P, ~L The premises herrin is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, Nb'W YORK TO S"~'V ~'7<J G.D e~ EL In thc'I'ownsltip of SD r17j~0 c ~j In the VILLAGE orHA1v1LL'1'of ~-rtE-rrt)P)~ lit)\GS S 771RU 9 MUST' l3G lYPEU OR PRINfEU IN 131 ACK INK ONLY PRIOR'f0 RECORDING OR FILING. (OVER) SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Iastrumeat: D8~8/DDD Recorded: 07/13/2007 Number of Pages: 4 At: 01:55:04 P![ Receipt Number : 07-0065048 TRANSFER TAX NUN$8R: 06-39572 LIBER: D00012513 PAGE: 525 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 048.00 03.00 002.000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOIPB Deed Amouat: $0.00 Received the Following Pees 8or Above Instrumeat 8xe~pt Exempt Psge/Filiag $12.00 NO Haadliag $5.00 NO C08 $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO E1--CTY $5.00 NO SA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copiea $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Treasfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pree $0.00 NO Fee^ Paid $152.00 TRANSFER TAX NIIl03ER: 06-39572 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THS INSTRUMBZI'P THIS I8 NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale Couaty Clerk, Suffolk Couaty PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orpa.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 4737222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ct. BwBf cod. Q. DW Daed Roeordod p. BpO~ 11.L.~t PROPERTY INFORMATION :. Buts Nr,n REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES G. hyo RP - 5217 ~~ - S ~ - I / W~-T J /mar I WEg EL I STEI/~~tl I ~I r I raw I i Taa 4tdlean Mtrsn fubn Tat Beb w a a aoM BSIYq R otlw than buyer addnas IM hodan d fermi I r a+nr / I r r rrw I Ad6ao I I I I I sate, wwea •ra rrar rY3F"h w~' un S w~ a Irrdfeab n,a mrnrear of Aaaawruane I D 0 / I ^ IOdF S Port d o Prsdl CI.oY s tlrp ~plr RN porpn 6orubnW on flyer daatl e d Pamwia OR Pan of s Pamal K PWmhq Board wfh Suhdhision Authahy E,dm ^ 6. Dood ~ Subtldeian Apprpvsl wa1 tUetMaO err T,aWN ^ Property Imo, I x I ~ I pq I .~ D . I ~I tc. Paow aawawd r« sum.:lon .wh N.P-rara.a ^ s~. N.nr. us+ , row I I I w, ~ nxr rwsr rrwa 7. Chalk tl,a beer baterr whleh mast aauatah OMalbao dyer up of Iha prapany u N• ti mer d aaN: Oran flyer bona below r thafr apply 6 Owrroralrip Typo fs fo,rdorni,rir,r„ ^ A Ona Fvmiry RaaWanlal B Aprkuhunl 1 fanmuniry Sarviu a Naa CorrNnafian an Vaterd lane ^ B = a 8 Family RaddomiM P Cenunare4l 1 frrdunrial teA RopmY found arWvr an Aprkrdard Dutrkt ^ C RuldondY Vauu laM G Apa,bnart K W Wk S mko tea Bnyw raiiwd • dudourn noHn induriq ^ D NanAnaonlnl Vaew land I I Ema,uMrrum I AmutamMt L Fast dw tlu prapony Y H on Ap,kvluval DiMMa SALE INFORMATION to CI,aM an er man d Mar mnAlie,a . appeuhls b Irrdw: 77. SW Ca,rtraol DMa I / / I A San Bebvaert Relaew a Famer RWtlvas ~iy 'Say g 6da Seuusrr Relotad CornpaNoa a Psrtrrera In Bwlnna / /' ~ C Ono d Da Buyus N oW a 6aeer 1 1i Dab d SW I Traralor t v-_ / L~ / V I D BuWr w Saha i Govaanan Aearry a' l.awQnB Irgtlhglon uuuonrradRRll puy r.v (; Daod Type rot Wamnty a' BrpYn arul SaN ISpodN Bobw1 F San d FrapiorW a laaa pun FN atoraa lSwdh Bdowl O G SlBnitleont Ouneo h, PropanY Bauwan Torublo Status and SW Dot lA Fup Bala Aka I . ~ 0 O I H SW d B,rd,taaa Is hduderl a Bak Prko ~ • IFWI SW Prlq 4 the aW amour psN for 1M properly 1nrJudinp gnonal proparry. ~ I Optor Urwswl Faaon AflatlnO SW hka ISpodly Batowl This psymant may M in tM form d aM. oeur properly u pood4 a Me awmption d J Norr mortpopn a odor obGpodansl PMOaa rornM ro tM noerae whoN doW r+mow. ff to ktalt.t. Dr. yalw d paawW I V. n n I properly k,drrdad b tlra aW to r«. a Aprarrm Rm ham t pL /~7 t v. Tpt^I a..n.a vw. err au twwe b awlal I t>~ . v . U I uddeh kdarpWion taWn '__~-~' / ~ ~ F ~ f C7-' to AaPer1Y cw. ~ I °~. ~ D I_LJ tB. Baaol Dwltt Norco I '~'N Pam I >,a iu M.p ld.rrwwl, Roe Id.rgilad.l ul man Mon lav..tndr.h..t wlM .ddhla,W IaamBluWl _ I ! Da'D - o~1~ea - 03. dD - oo.~. lnl I ~ I 1 earthy Ikm dl d thr Ilerpa d Idwmstkn aaYayd m Mk. rum are b,ar and aaryet tb Drr bat d IW k,wledpr and belie0 and 1 ,rderataud Mot the orldrtA d uqy uSlfd Srhe tuknteat of Mpleriul fuel byreio •IS auhlon~re b Mu pnnhbnr d the prnW 4,te IeWhe b lhr makhlR W IBkIR d Dibe Imltumeme BUYER'S ATTORNEY S'T'EVEN (a.D E73 EL -h~~ I 9~' S?~ 6-~-~ Po ~ I ~Y I /r9'~~ m. o+ta~a p+,t Iscaor SELLERS ~ Q S~ I ~o DEL a,t POPE I KR77fE7Va1F wr n.nt rwn aw ~3/ I X77- X1/77 ~~ ,nnxaextamr IYF.W YORK STATE COPY