HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12513 P 274~l~S/3 - ~~~ 1tY am . e~.ta and s.ta,asa .irh cocmt.t~arr craerar. aw h~m.~;sa.t Q cava~ba ts~ stern tt+reru moil ODN6W.T YOUR LAWY~ iSPOaBSIGNniG 7tit8 atSfRUat®fr-Ting RaStil'attat@rr SnOULD 861®aY LAWY®tSpq,Y TiHS INDEN171RE, nadc the a~ day of Juue , iu the yore 2007 BSIIVEBN KEVIN J. POWERS and CAROL A. POWERS, residing at 46 Calebs Way, Greeoport, New York 11914 by their attorney-fo 6ct, Kristin B. Church party of the lust pan, and THOMAS N. TOIVONEN and MiLDRED A. TOIVONEN. TRUSTEES OF THOMAS TOIVONEN AND MILDRED TOIVONEN TRUST DATED DECEMBER 1,1998,1065 Gillette Drive, East Marion, New York 11939 pury of the teoond part. WI7'1~17t, thu the party of ere lino part, in considaatisa of Ten Dollars and other vahubk owuidera6oo paid by the party of the secad put, does hereby gnat end release unto the party of the axed pan, the heir ortrrooeswraand asti;rrsof We pant of dre axed pert forever, ALL Drat oauin pbt, piece er penal of lad. with dre buildnjs and impovarreets drawn ceded. siorate, lYmi and bdna is the SEE SCHEDULE A ATTACHED. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same property conveyed to the grantors herein, who were the goatees, in a deed dated January 12, 2001 and recorded with the Su>folk County Clerk on January 23r 2001 in Libor 12098 CP 441 made by Moores I.aae Holdbtg Corp. Thomas N. Toivonw and Mildred A. Toivonco hereby reserve a life etdate for the remainder of their uataral lives. TOGETHER with ell right. title end'mterW, if soy. of the pang of the fustpanof, io end b soy suety aodsoedsabumurg the above-deaail+cd prcmisu to tiwcwter linos therwf: TOGSTBER witl~ the apprutmarora and all the opera and rith4 ~Ihe party of the lust pan is end b sold premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premira herein pareod ®to tln perry of We seoawl pen. the bees err auccctwrs and aaeigas of the party of tlx socaul part forever. AND the parry of the lust pen covraents that the parry of the fiat pan hen not done err suffered anything whereby the acid premise have boo iocurolrerod in ury wq whNever, except a afiaeuid. AND the party ~ the lent put, N oomplierrce with Seaian 11 of the Lien Law. ooveoaots that the party aJ the foal pan will reeeire the cansidention far tlrisaconveyance ud will hold the rightb receive such earsideration m a nsnt toad b be applied tiro for tlw purpose of paying the coat of the improvement and will apply the taow fast b the payment of the coat of the impovemurt before mirrg arty put of dre btal of the tame for any other purpose. The wad'party" shell he contatred u if it read "putira" whenever the seine of thin irrdeNroc so roquirts. DY WITN>;SS WHEREOF, the parry of the first pen hoc duly executed this decd the day and, you tint above wriem irteet~caa: dSeu~ ~ PoiAFeJW ~-t 6. attorney-tn- fact, lrist n B. Church ~~z,.:r` ~ a~ CAROL A. POWE by her attorney-in- fact, Kristin B. Church ~ CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Title No.: 3eo7-oo3a7 S~c~.u_ ~... LEGAL DESCRIPTION ALL TNAT CERTAIN UNIT D83IGNATBD AS 46 IN BUILDING 8 OF CONDOMINIUM II•TOGETHER WITH AN UNDIVIDED 5i INTEREST IN THS COMMON ELEMENTS AS STIOWN ON MAP OF MOORBSLAND ALSO KNOWN AS PHEASANT RUN ESTAT83 CONDOMINIUM I, II AND III AND FILED 7DT T88 OFFICE OP TH8 CLERK OF TAE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ON DECEMBBR 27, 1994 AS MAP NUMBER 257 AND AMENDED BY MAP FILED JUNE 13, 1996 AS MAP NUMBER 257. .. .. ALL THAT-•CSRTADN_PLOT,••PISCB,_.OR PARCEL OF LAND, BITUATB, LYING, AWD BEING IN TH8 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NBW YORK BEING MORE PARTICULARLY BOUNDED AND D88CRI88D AS FOLLOWS: BEGINHINO AT A MONUMSIiT SET AT THS INTERSECTION FORMED HY THS SOUTHERLY 6IDS OF MIDDLE ROAD (CR 48) KITH TH8 EASTERLY SIDE OF MOORB'S LANE; RUNNING THENCE FROM SAID NK)NUMSNT AND POINT OF 88GINNING IN•AN EASTERLY DIRECTION ALONG THB SOUTHERLY SIDE, OF MIDDLE ROAD (CR 48) THE FOLLOWING 2 COURSES AND DISTANCES: 1. NORTR 65 DEGREES 54 MINUTES 50 SECONDS BAST 96.27 FEET TO A MONUMENT; 2. NORTH 69 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 20 SECONDS EAST 695'.97 FSBT TO A P07NT AND LANDS BON OR FORMERLY OF JOHN A. COSTELLO; THBNCB ALONG LANDS NON OR FORMBRLY OF JOHN A. COSTSLLO, SOUTH 16 DEGREES O1 MINUTES 50 SBCOND9 BAST 1254.09 F68T TO A POINT; - THENCE SOUTH 58 DEGREES 15 MINUT89-00••SSCONDS WEST 32.98 PEST TO A POINT AND TR8••• BEGINNING OF A CURVE TO THB RIGHT; THENCE ALONG SAID CURVE SEARING TO THE RIGBT HAVING A RADIUS OF 689.69 FEET A DISTANCB OF 198.62 FEET TO A POINT; TH8NC8 STILL ALONG THB LANDS NON OR FORMERLY OP JOHN A. COSTSLLO, SOUTH 75 D&3R8BS 45 MINUTES 00 SECONDS NEST 496.29 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE ALONG A CURVE BEARING TO TH8 RIGBT HAVING A RADIUS OF 40.00 FSST A DISTANCE OF 61.44 FEET TO TH8 EASTERLY SIDS OP MOORS'S T,ANB; THENCE NORTHEP.LY ALONG TH8 EASTERLY SIDE OP MOORS'S LANE, NORTfi 17 DEGREES 15 MINUTES 00 SECONDS HEST 1169.41 FEET TO TH8 POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING. FOR INFORMATION ONLY: DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 040.01 BLOCK O1.D0 LOT 046.000 ~d"~• -LEGAL ABSCRIPTION- rlsrrAG,caawf~caaenrrraresa¢u~w wmuNNawYoac3rA7a:OM.e ~atedNeWYark,Camq~d SUFFOLK I~ On clra~ay of befiae me, the un pasuaWy known m me a pmnld evideocebhe tha indvidual(s) whn witltin insulmlrnt and ackrawkvlge the some in hisrtlafdle'v wpacit, sbiglurads) an the instrunent, the r~If d which the individl0l(x)Jtl in the year 2007 '~i~q;F m toe m the basis d satist'scmry ~e name(s) is (arc) subsaibod w the d t0 me that he/sht9they esealtod y(iet). ald that by hisfllaAhe'v individual(s). ar Ule person upon ed eaatated.the blsawlrao. of New York ACrNOwI®X1s~A7PoW F01! UsBWirxavN6w YdstrSrASaONCY: rN~• YWt sJarrbVyr a"w,. Ar4w.fdyrm Cwrlhrlr/ SutedNeW York, Cauntyd ) a: before me, die uodasiglord. p~anJ1Y aPP~d m ~ Y~ dr: sahstaibilryl wamxt m die ftacgoing haelma:lll, with whnm 1 am persaully aocryoured, who, being by me duly swam. did dcpese and say tlort Fr/shahltey reside(s) in f rbaplace~nridouriainocirwo+ehidedceanaetaidurretnam6er. q he die Ind'IVldtad tkaaibdl in and who extl.Lted the ftaegdog IIISa1111LL71t: lha said sabsaibhlg wiba:sa War pnesall and S9W Raid Qealte die raII1G 8114 1)lal Sold WIbICSS N the lamC IiIrIC RUlwa•hod hicAarAlcir IIa11C(a) aR a WlbllYf lhaeta BAItGAW ~ SALS OSBU MTINRN9/A4T A(Wa3r ndMNlal'RAt7R Tm1i NQ Chicano Tltk No. 3807-00337 KEVIN J. POWERS and CAROL A. POWERS TO THOMAS N. TOIVONF.N AND MILDRED A. TOiVONEN FmBLmr NATIONAL Trrf.F. INtiOtiANCIS COMPANY OF N6W YOnu ~.,~ `_ ~ `ra+sarm,Iru "gyn.°• a~ AldsWl.i~.,w,/~ w.r.u.awrrrrlwro..r Usts,tr~ntowra~vrFatesa~ow wmrwNMVYaarS7ere0iluf:• StetedNewYostc,Camq~d )ae: ()n the year in the la:hac me. u,e mldasiglrrd, pastorally apprnloll pasaally known b me Q proval to me al dle basis d sadsfactay avidaloe a be the indivdlrks) wham rune(s) is (arc) suhaaibed m the within inaatuotaa and admowbd4od m me tfia hohlrhhry atecmetl the salrc in hisrtlerAheir eal-w4'(ies). and dmt by h'sAwhhv signaoosYs) to the ilabunlen6 the ildividuat(a), a da person upon helmlf d which the individual(s) aaod, esowued the insbtlment ACtraDwrv~x;Mrwr Fixus NDtt UssOmsmsll~wYar[SYAnrOMY: /thu grSrw wFadtn~ Crwtaal Arrbridpaau GnlRrrr/ IGryrleM VRaw wah Sour. G.Wry. P~orimr a MrYr/prdar) On We nay d m dle year lefarc rile, thr undrtsigned, t)Y aPl~ perstaully known m me w proved m me on the basis d setisfaGory evitlaloe to be the individual(s) Whose namds) is (arc) sulrailod b the widlia inaawrlent oral ocknawktlged m nr thu hdslrhhe~ esangcd tM sane bl hisAlnAleir aljpcity(rci), Ilml by hisAled the'a aprlanac(s) all iIIL' m~~ y tlC adlVahYl(a). Or the person apltl bdlal d Whail lhC I1dlVldaal(a) aclal. ellealWl WC nlBblusaa, old dluwch mdividlrel r1adE SYCh hefare the ula4ndgrcd hl rile (faant flY Clly alOffYrrMiQIL'af SYbdJVLTfan Oad fit dials w Mrallry a esker pfa'e dla QL'~W Wfe~/lY/lr MtlR ~1~. Dtslatcr 1000 Stx:rtwt 040.01 Bt.ocx 01.00 L.oT 046.000 CewsrnreaeTOwN Southold ascowxn,treeputsror+ Fk4Lq pmtlsrrl Title tuauaots ~' dNew York irervRNSrw,vc m Daniel C. Mooney. Esq. P. O. f3ott 702 Mattituck, New York 11952 LL O '. I 2 ~~ REGORGE Numher of pages D ~ 2007 Jul 12 11:19s 32 AM Judith R , Pascale aERlc of This document will 6e public , Please remove all record p n< . Social Security Numbers 6TY ots-39387 prior to recording. Dyed /Mortgage Irlswnlent Dyed / Mortgage'P•rx Stalltp Recording /Filing 5lalltps 3 t~t[s ~ Mortgage Antt. _ = Prgr /Filing Frr __ I. Basic Trx _ Handling _ _ 5• (N) 2. Additional lax _ __ TP-584 __.~ _ Suli 7btal -- Spec./Assn. Notation _ _ ~ ^ EA-52 17 (County) _~ ~ _ Sub Totul ~ or Spec. /Add. _ _. _ _ TOT. M9'C. TAX L'A-5217 (State) _ ----~ Dual Tuwn _ Dual County R.P.'r.S.A. Held fur Appointment Culnnl. of Ed. __5• ~ ~ ~ Tlnnsfer lax J ~(~ __ • • Mansion Tux A(fiduvit __ The prope:ny covered by this mortgage is Certified Cupy _ _ or will he improved by a one or Iwo NYS Surcflargr IS. W /a~ fancily dwrllilsg ossly. Sub Towl ~L yES or NO __ Other _- ) Gran) Total l If NO, sec appropriate tax clausr nn page N _,__ of this illstrulnent. 4 Dist. l 07020543 1000 04001 0100 046000 , 000 5 Commuaity Preservatioa Fund Real Pn~pcn P T S Conaiderelion Arssount $ 3~t~' Tux Service REAP p` 1 ~ Agency UL CPF Tex Due S 4r~a VCrIfICaL1Uf1 _ Impmvexl Satisfactions/Uischarges/Reteases List Property Uwners Moiling Address 6 RRCORU & RF.TURN'rU: Vacunt and L Daniel C. Mooney, Esq. fD P. O. Hox 702 7'D Mattituck, New York 11952 -- 7'U Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Cum an It><f itrmaliun 310 Center Drive, Riverhead, NY 11801 Co. Nallte •4 ~t1r www.suffolkcountynygovlclerk 'fitlc p ~~K II JUIIOlK I.UUII[y itCl:UfUllll~ OG i~uuvraCUiCi><i r ~I:G J / Tlsis pugc fornss pun of therttuclud t+;rr_n~n~ • sA i e_.rieed ~+i r-+ cosreaaata made by: if (SPECIFI"TYPE OF INS'fRUMEN'11 KEVIN J. POWERS and __ 'llte prcl»ises herein is situated in CAROL A POWERS - SUI'FOLK COUNTI; NEW YORK. TO lu the TOWN n( _. Southn] d THOMAS N. TOIVONEN and In Illc VILLA(iL" MIE)~p A~TOIVON~• __ or HAMLET of , GreenPert BOXF_S 6 THRU 8 MUST BE 7'1'PED OR PRINTED IN DLACI{ INK ONLY PRIOR 7'O RFsCURU1NG OR FILING. (nver- SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RKCORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGB Type of instrument: D88D8/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 07-0064512 TRANSFER TAX NUN88R: 06-39387 District: Section: 1000 040.01 BXAMINSD AND Deed Amount: $350,000.00 Recorded: Ata LISER: PAGB: Block: Lot: 01.00 046.000 CRARGED A8 FOLLO~PS o7/la/2oo7 11:19:32 AM D00012513 274 Received the Following Feae For Above Iaetrumant 8xe~mpt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COS $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO SA-CTY $5.00 NO 8A-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copiea $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO 9CTM $0.00 NO Traaefer tax $1,400.00 NO Comsa.Pres $4,000.00 NO Fees Paid $5,552.00 TRANSFER TAY NQl038R: 06-39367 T8I8 PAaB IS A PART OF TR8 INSTRUMENT TBIS IS NOT A SILL .7bdith A. Pascale County Clark, Suffolk Covaty • • PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN' WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:l/ www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473.7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 1 ~~, C. SwBi Cod. cz o.a oo.a•Rttttwdw 07 D 7 ~ . v sr ~ ~. Baak / S/ ~,. P+w t r r o REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORII STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERIII SERIIICE6 RP - 5217 +•~!I 46 I Cal,gbs Wav I LOaatlOn •I~ra. ll~w u~Y~ xwt awr.r THOMAS N. TOIVONEN and MILDRED A. TOIVONEN AS Naar __~ T~R•T7RTF.F.R AF TRF THOMAR TArTVnNF.NI AN~r~T.DR 12/1/ I ~i 1wra,mr~w.• I wvrruK s.raa YWIaN•AwaNtunruBilkNNMYm THOMAS N. TOIVONEN AND ~nW:iadw tlrrr hrY•r •ddra~4ttmandformlL MTT.IlRRT1 A_ Tr1TVr1NF.N I I uT ru mw~ 'r nmr ~46 Calebs Way _ I Greenport I N Y 111944 I snwr xaraes unsranraws rr r un f. Yrdlet• 1R• r•Ybu d AasYUrrrR ` IOd! tl Part d • PareaU fJr•rt Y tdray •PPIK Rdl pr•ds Vartal•nW m tM d••d I 11 ! of Parceh OR ^ Put of a P•rYl K FYernirp BosrO war BuhNr6lar ArWiy Fxlw a D..e ~A ~,~ .a simdN.Nn ApprwY aaa R•rtand hr Tour. p -rop•nY r r~ x I ~Rx I DR l .~ dD I ~. Pupl Approwa fw su6di.i.ion Mtn M.p hwba sN. as.R. IPOWERS I KEVIN J. 1 ~M -uZi~x..iroow~vn rww IPOWERS I CAROL A. I ~I i osrrwe 7. Olr•ak tlr l7Y brow wnNA nla•t aocunNly d•svWY tM rY• d tlt• prap•Ky a th• drn• d YI•: tlrs bear Wow as th•y •pplp. . L Ip Typ• u Carrdorrrirrlr•rr ® A Oro FYtiH It•sHonlal E ASrksiunl f CornmY lty ti•re ka Now CorrenrNOrr on Vsua land B t « 7 Family R•sihnttsl F Cormrn;iY J ~ irdrwds l t011 Property larat•d wilt, Y ABrivNasl Ditai! C ll fiealdsndal VuaM land G N al l i ApsMrsnt K wait Sank• t!a Srryw ocWd • Qudoaro Ytin Y,yep;ny on drrda •s VsYnt Lard H EnterWninant / Amusomanl L Fawt Wt the IYWnY i in sn Apri«ItuN Diarht BALE WFORMAnON 10. grsrA oY «rnon d thw e•nrltlarts r rgpBotl• M trarsNr. ++• Bw Contras oat• I 6 / 1 Z _/ q 7 I A sw BMwYn Rd.6uY «FOrmer RNriw/s ~ B S+N Beasa•rr Rwt•d LornParias «Pruws b &relrr•as C On d th• Brryr• 4 aW a SsWr u DaN d S.N / Tr.nslu I 6 / ~ l /0 7 I u sure «s•IW r Oowmmm Aodwy «6errdlrrp nmiuelan tAWr Oq Y•m E D•ad Typo nd Wsrrsnry «Brpsir urd 9w (Spdfy BalonA F 8•N d FuabrW «LYS thin FY Ir•arst ISP•dN BeNrrl 17 Fil Sal - i I 3 $ 0 ~ Q 0 G S'ipriGYrrt gasps in FeoP•ny Botwaan T•ahN Soar and Sw Do . e r Y . () 1 , , . • ! 11 S•N d BrWmY N hrsNdsd in SW Pries ! IFWI Ssh Prior h Ur• toal •ngYM pw t« tha PraPortY haiudkp puwrY Wtputy. 1 tId10I UnruYl Fsopo Aflepirrp SeM Prig iSP•arY B•lowl This payrtrM rMy 6e In Ih• loan d Yfh, dnN DropntY or goods, or dr• Ywmpdon d 1 Nam ngnpsps «athu oalpodoria) PNes ronrd to tlr• n•uot whole dolW amount. f1. hrdled• 4r• •Mw d p•naW pop•rty Ne1wYd b M• aw 1a Ysr d AYrrnoM RoY tan X6/07 1 +T, Tow AYe.w vlw Id.! pvYls in o-wwl I 3 3. 6 01 whkh IdorrrtaD•rr t.tar 7 ! ! taProprtya.w LIi~,~,..~J-LtJ tattairadoudd•tNYr.I Greenaort School District I m. TY !!aP IdandRerlO / RoB IderRYarW IY min ehM Nor. uosh shrd with ed8tlond idsrrtiRul•II 11000-040.01-01.00-046.000 I cERnFlcAnoN 1 rerUly that ,a d the Kara d td•ruutirro eoMred m th6: R•m arc true and ourtM IN the hest d rqy N.wiMtR and Wkrl a.d 1 uodnetaod tSot the makNA dam wplfd mtetawl d materhtl rm herein wiY m6jea7 aw N the or•r6iwer rrr the nnml law reiatlY N Ore mo4idt ttad RBoB d Ihhe hWrotnrds ~~y~, ~ BU R BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~T/lv~ ,v 6/ /07 Mooney I Daniel C. lKrfA`S""lC': TOI NENr TRUSTEHen wrrwru rwar a..e •e 46 I Calebs Way arur wnota sraurrw.cwmiww Greenoort i NY I 11944 arv wra•n sure areoo[ 631 I 298-11x00 YYL@ 1DDrNr[ortaa SELLER NEW YORK STATE CONY AIF , 6/a7/o7 is a orrrey- n fact, Kristin S-L'i'tutrcii--