HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12515 P 249~~ ~ NY 1103 • RmBnin mul Sak Used wilA Covenant spina Gnwa's Aeu 6dividusl a Caprmion tSingk Sheetl [NYa'R180021 ~ CONSULT YOUR LAKREa BEFORE SIGNINL' TILLS IRSIRUAfEIYI' • THIS NSTRUMRM SIIUULU tlE USFA RY LA WYERS ONI.\' THIS LNDENTURE, m:ulc the 13th day of July , in the year 2007 BETWEEN Wllllam A. Mattfeld and Evelyn M. Mattfeld, his wife residing at 715 East GBiette Drive, Esst Marion, New York 11939 p:uty of the first pnn, and Mary Disz raiding at 12580 Main Road, Esst Marion, New York 11939 parry of the second part. W ITNESSL'!'H, thm Ute party of the first pat, in considwtion of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and rclerse unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of Ute second prrt forcYer, ALL that certain plot, Piece or parcel of Lvtd, with the buildings std improvements thereon ettxtclt xituate, lying std being in the See Attached DacripNon Being the same as the premises conveyed to the party of the first part by decd dated 3/27/86 and recorded on 4/7/86 In Liber 10011 CP 99. Street Address: 715 East Gillette Drive, East Marion, New York 11939 Tax Map Designation: Section 38 Block 4, Lot 14 TOGETHER with all right. titlerml interest if any, of the perry of the first part of, in turd to any streets and roads abutting the abovadeseribed prernisea lli the center lines Uwmf;'fOGF.THF.R with the appurtenances and all the esmte and righa of the parry of the first pun in and to said premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and aaigns of the parry of the second pan forever. AND the parry of the tirsl port wvenants that the p:uty of the first pan hoa not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have ban incumbertxl in any way whatever, except us aforesaid. AND the parry of the first port, incompliance with Section 19 of the Lien Law, covenants that the parry of rite first part will receive the twnsideradon for this convcyonce and will hold the right to receive such wnsidernGon as a tmst fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the coat of the improvement before using any pan of the toml of the some for any other purpose. The word `party" shall be conswal as if it reed "panics" whenever the sense of this indenture so tequirex. iN WITNESS WHEREOF, the puny of the first p:ut has duly executed this decd Utc day and yc:u firn ubnvc written. IN PRLrYISNCP. OF: V J/M ~ G. i.r/ _ D J Evelyn . Mattfeld r~(~(,~C~~ y~ ,-~.cGP~~.t. ~L-'f3'I¢Ct~~rAC.~s William A. Mattfeld by lyn M eld his Attorney in fact • ~-~ t~ ,~ T.~'14. ~~ ~ ~~ o'•, L~,asao ~G~z ~ .• ` CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Title NO.: 3807-00383 LEGAL DESCRIPTION ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIBCE, OR PARCEL OF LAND, SITUATE, LYING, AND BEING AT EAST MARION, TOWN OP SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND BTATE OF N8W YORK KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS LOT NO. 71 AS 6HOWN ON A CERTAIN MAP ENTITLED "MAP OF MARION MANOR" AND FILED IN TH8 OFFICE OF TH8 CLERK OF TH8 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ON MARCH 18, 1953 AS MAP NUMBER 2038 BSINO MORE PARTICULARLY BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON TH8 EASTERLY SIDS OF GILLETTE DRIVE WHERE THE DIVISION LING 88TWSEN IATS 70 AND 71 AS SHOWN ON TH8 ABOVE MENTIONED MAP INTERSECTS THE EASTERLY SIDS OF GILLETTE DRIVE; RUNNING THENCE ALONG SAID DIVISION LINE, NORTH 63 DEGREES 23 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST 100.39 FEET TO LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF GARDINEAS BAY CO.; TH8NC8 ALONG SAID LAND TH8 FOLLOWING 2 COURS86 AND DISTANC89: 1. SOUTH 25 DEGRE85 41 MINUTES EAST 24.33 FEET; 2. SOUTH 26 DEGREES 36 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST 85.67 F88T TO TH8 DIVISION LINE BETWEEN LOTS 71 AND 72; THENCE ALONG SAID DIVISION LING, SOUTH 63 DEGREES 23 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST 100.00 FSST TO TH8 EASTERLY SIDS OF GILLSTTB DRIVE; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY SIDE OF GILLETTE DRIVE, NORTH 26 DEGR88S 36 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST 110.00 FEET TO TH8 POINT OR PLACE OF 88GINNING. POR INFORMATION ONLY: DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 038.00 BLACK 04.00 LOT 014.000 uwn:. -LEGAL DBSCRIPZION- UseAQiNOWIEDG1r8tVl'FGRNBelAW a71HlNN8WYQRl1'STATRONLY: S1WeofYcwYork,Couotyaf Suffolk )18,; ~ the 13 say of Jul ye before rte, tie undersi y personally ~~ m the ar 2007 Evelyn M. Mattfel~d personally known w me or proved w rte an the basis of suisfoetory evidence w be the individual(s) whose name(s) is (ore) subscribed w the within irrswttten and arkrtowletlged w me that hdsheJdey exrrctrted the same in hisfltcr/de'v capreity(ies). and that by histherhhev xigroture(s) on the iraWnent the individual(x), a the person upon behalf of which the iraliv' ~ e insWtnmt amEle A(e~ Natrq Pa61ie stag Nei York No.6aia8389a Qualilled is Sdtdk G~ogqrr Gmiuisn ]tspirea nee 71, 40117 AC67YORYEDCdMBNFFGRAIFOR flSe WITH/NNFW YOYPII STATRONLY.• /NeK YorR Saaxrr6A,j IwsruAClwwleddwenr Gni~rrarel StateofNew York, CwWy of ) ss: On the da of y before me. the trrKhsigrred. personally appeared in the ear the wbseribing wines w the foregoing inaWmenl, with whom I Otlr a'~nalY arKwinted. who. being by me duly swam, dW depose acrd wY that hdshddrey reside(s) in (ijthe plor•r~neridarnlr ins ritY. (ncGrde tlrestreaatd srrrernanrber. ilr+r+Y. rhrrer~; thu hrdslxNrey know(s) w be the individual dcsaibrd in sod who execvkd Ue foregoing inskwrtcttt: dlu said arbscn'hing wiwess was present and saw said execute the same; and that said wiuress a the sotto time wbscribod hisAer/deir rrarre(sl at a witness drerew. USBACRNONIBUG.tiEY!'F'Otls1 BWf1W tt1TNWNew Ydwc SIAT RONI.Y: $tateofNewYotit,Countyot I ~ 1 is7:: On the day of in the year ~ before me. the undersigned. perronolly appeared personally known w me or proved w me on the basis of ratisfactory evkknce w be the irdividual(s) whose nsrtre(s) is (ate) subscribed w the within irtsuumrnt and urknowlalged w fro that Itdshddey executed the same in hislltcr/tferr tmpochy(ies), and tha by hisAesghar sigrratwe(a) on the insrument de irrdividual(a), or the person upon behalf of which the iMividual(s) acted, executed the instrument AcgvowLeu„treiYrFafxlFnx UseOulsmeNrWYr7si~ SYAT1rOAYri /Aa MS~are or Foni;,r General ArNrrn.~IMaearar esrtj(Itwrel ...... ....................................)aa.: rCan7derr Vnrre width Smre, cowry, !'onion ar Manlrlpoltry) On the day of in dtc year before me, the undersigned. personally appeared penton711y known w me ar proved w me on the haaix of satisfactory evidence w be the irxiividual(s) wha7c name(s) is (arc) wbseriber! w the within insuument and acknuwkdgod w me that hdshrldeX execulcd the Larne in hisRa;rhhcir capucityy((eal. that by his(her/ that srgnawne(al on the inunnnent the irWividusi(..:), ar the perxat upon behal of f which de irrdividuel(s)acted, exavtal the iraWmcnt, and that such intlividud mstle such appearance before the undersigned in the (/nrert the M' ur ahrrlroiltiaal subdiv[rian and the state ur country w other place the ackrrouledgment xns taken} BANCAIN & $AI.E DsaF;o M17ra C7WEYAYre xwrxarawrtaea ~crs TfiLE NP. 3 ~ 7 _ 00 Mattfeld, William A, and Evelyn M. ro DuTatcr SECTION 3$ BLOCK 4 Lar 14 Cotrm'orrTowN Suffolk Dtr4z, Mary 010 Here Yart AvenueO Ihmrirgtmr4 NY 111130 Paoae: 631 ~21610D :7 Foe 47 1 4 20 60 79 0 www.edvwagethk.rom aeCORUeD AT I PEQUFSIOF Advantage 7YIle Agency, loc. IrETURNaYXA27G Paul A. Caminitl, Eaq. 53346 Maiu Road at Feather Hlll PO Box 846 Southold, New York 11971 W pQ¢~ W 4 LL W Q S W V 6 a a: ,, _ 1W2 Numher of PuB~ V RECORDED TORRENS 2007 Jul 26 10:19:49 Ata J di h A P l u t . asca e 5crial q CLERK ~ 9UFFDLK COUNTY Ccnilicule # L D00A12515 P 249 Prior Ctf. k DTt 06-40866 Deed / Mongage lnswmettt Decd / Mongagc Tax Swmp Recording /Filing Str!nps 3 FEES Pugc /Filing Fee /t ,\ r Mortgage Amt. _ ~ n( U 1. Basic Tux Handling 5. 00 (/ , ~ _. Additional Tax _ TP-584 Sub Total _ No[ation SpecJAssit. or EA-52 17 (County) ' Sub Total Spec. /Add. EA-5217 (State) TOT. MTG. TAX _ R P T S A Dual Town _ Duul County _ . . . . . Cotten. of Ed. S. 00 Held for Appoint Tmnsfer'I'ax Affidavit Mansion 11tx Certified Copy The property covered by [his ntortgugc is or will be improved by a one or two NYS Surcharge 1 S. 00 family dwelling only. Other Sub Total --}~- if ~ 1 nf/ • YES ur NO '- _ °~ll Grand Total if NO, sec appropria[e tax clause !!n ~ page # of Q(is instrur~t. 07022285 l.ooo o3eoo-oaoo oiaooo s D: PTS Revd Pr REMC A Tux Se! UL-07 Agcn Verific;..._.. 5 (Community Presertratioa Fund Tax Due ) S Improvcd~~ J Satisfuc[ions/Discharges/Releases List Progeny Owners Mailing Address /~ RECORD & RETURN TO: ~p~ l iQ ' ~~ANI /n / .~i'~ ~..~'!!~. ,~33~~ ~p:n ~OrSt~ ~ Co. Name V~ ~ ~ ~ ' Tille # Vacant /Land TD /!/ TD 'rD ~. Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Pane This page forms pan of the attachtxl 7/ ~ ~ ~~~ made by: (SPECSFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT} t ~f The prcrniscs herein is siturted in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW--Y/IO~~,,RK. 11 1'O In the Township of ~ l f~Y'1\ 0 ~d~ ~, ~t'~'~ ) t AZ In the VILLAGE ,.,/1 BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST' BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR 7'O RECORDING Ott FILING. [IWpY SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Inet++++~~++tc DEEDB/DDD Recorded: 07/26/4007 N~:mber of Pageee 4 Atc 10:19:49 AM Receipt Number c 07-0068696 TRANSFER TAX NURSER: 06-40866 LISER: D00012515 PAGE: 249 District: 9actioa: Blocks Lot: 1000 038.00 04.00 014.000 SXAMINED AND CHARaSD AS FOLLONB Deed Amounts $420,000.00 Received the Folloaiag Faee For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NY8 SRCH~ $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO 8A-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copiee $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Traaafer tax $1,680.00 NO Comm.Pres $5,400.00 NO Fees PaiB $7,232.00 TRANSFER TA% NUM88 R: 06-40866 THIS PAQS IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A HILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.atate.ny.us or PHONE (578) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ct. awls cod. I~r~ .3.$ , ~,9 I Cl. D^U D^^d R^11eord^d I U7~Jr~ Ca. Book I ~ ~ Ol ~ ~~ ~ ~ S I C4. Paa^ I nC ,~ t. Prap^rty Laratlon East Gillette Drive REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT arATE OF NEW YORK STAY HARD OF REAL NIDPERTY liRVlCia RP - 5217 r 11939 s Ipmr I Dsez I Mary I Nam^ wrrrrara~w~r r I I I ~, ^•Mereaumur 1^rrll•Ilt 1 Ta hdiala wllara funs Ta Kilk aM ro d ~ Mlbrr M aUMr dean burar addma W bran d form) I .~, ~ I nrr rue 1 Adtlrs I 11 M arevr ••rr 1 a lemon I •f- a hdkau tM Immb« d Aaaawsrre 2 1 0 WNIr r Part d ^ Ara.a Cheek r Ih^r aPdr• Rsa preaN tr^Iw^le^a an tlr dead I I I of P^reeu OR ^ Mrt of ^ Parcel u ttaradrp aoerd erplr ~ ~~ Erdeu ^ 6. 0^^d ea. ^,w6Nwlan MPrraral car RgWltl Nr TrMx ^ tROP^rtr x i oe.m I oR ~ 2 •5 I w. Pawl A9praad b SuhdMWan rrh Nap Prwldad ^ aw a.e.ur I Mattfeld I William A. 1 tYS r ~~ I Mattfeld I Evelyn M. 1 1/lar a•rraoMr•rrr r 7. CMek tM ba bakwr eMdeh mat ^arnagly daauba 1M rra d tlra YraP^rtY d tlr t NM d ulr . Cluck tlr bes habw a clay aPPM• 6 Orrlrahip Typa M Corltlomkdum ^ A OrM FamIM RardamW H Arrwlww 1 CommuNty Scala a. Naw Cordnrriorl an Vaant laird ^ R ~ Z «7 FnNly RaddaWl F ~ Camrtrreir J ~ Irlduauia l 7M Prewrry Leered wi1Nn n AyWdlud Drtrkl ^ C RaW^mlal Vsm Land G Apamst K Purle Sanip 1rL Brrev aaiuad ^ dedoolm aria inrorYg ^ D NrrR~idadW V^wnt land I l EnDrrlarr^ / Anwwnrlt 1. Facer rlrr tlr PMPrrr Y N an Ayirivr rttn'itt SALE INFORMATION tr. L11aek oea « ma^ d rus mrdlrorra a ^pFreahN b tarWar. ~p 0071 3 1t. 5^la Camrt Ds I 7 / A s^N Bmvwrn ReNUua «Former Rratlw 1 ~ ~m B SaN 9rwan R^Wad Canwda «Pannr^ In BaNw C Orr d dr alrVra 6 akw a SaIW tz Dd. a sw / TrrW^r I 7 ~ 13 / 20071 D sur« «Sorar N Gownmem AS^rwy « Larrdhla hlWhaNrr win err r^r E fkud Tvw not Wrrrdr «Bua^In and Sel^ IswrN aekMd F Solo d FrariaW « lace clan Fa NMrM fSparry 6Yor1 4 2 0 0 0 0 B I G sgrre.m O>Wga N Pr^wny Baeraa T^a^hN Scar and SeN or . ~ . ~ ~ . B . ts. Fur a.N PrN^ I , • ~ H S^N d Gains h kdudd N SeN Prfa ~ ~ a IFUII SaN Prka k dr m1^1 tnMlrN caw 1« dM ProP^dr Neludrq oaraonr WoOrrY. I Odor UmnrW F^r^r^ Aa^et4ra 8^I^ Prb ISVaeIN Balo^rl TNa poynw may b N tlM lorln d each. oKl^r gowny «aodde. «dM aanrrnptbn d J N^a mapapa «otlrr obrrnbn^1 PIMA rand ro the nwar ^ileN ddW arrMUnr. ta. k^rrab /M vakra d Pnaarrr peaFrtr blekrdad N 1M ^W to r..r d Aeawmalr Rar nom 10. 6 I tT. Tom A..n.d vrw Id a wr..r N rMrw1 I ; ; 5 ' 4 0 0 1 ardth ir«rerian mice is AararM clan I 2 1 01_U ta. armor Dlmke N^m^ I Oyster PCxlds a0. Tea May klrNrrl^1 ! RW NarrlrlaAal rl men rrn tear. ^tuoh rr^^t whh ^ddltlaW WadlaarW I (Dist 100, Sect 38, BLnck 4, Lot 14 I I 1 I I L I CERTIFICATION 1 aerOfT art d d the Ices d Nf^rrr^rllorr alnd m rhY f«m arc true ^ad avrr^tt Iro We Iler d rqr koonYdp am bead) atl I rmdn^11rd IW Ike rrrkkyt d ^q ralM ~ earemert d r^krid aut heeeN ^al rlhlea'I me ro Ike oemidorr d Ilr dear Yr relaree N the amd^a ad trial d Ihhr h^dralr^ta BUYdI ~ ? 07 a 715 1 East Gillette Drive nmar nles ararr n•rr cane can Fast Marian NY 11939 a+vaeoml I sun I aoooe BELL£R ~/ice/a~ an BUYER'S ATTORNEY Caminiti I Paul car ^•ue nsr a•Me '631 I 765-5900 •1^•tea rp[nora Maarl NEW YORK STATE copy