HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12513 P 612~./ ~~~~~ .~f~ 3/-~8- i YOINt LAWYER BEFORE SgNIN6 THIS INSTRUYENT•THIB INSTRUYRNT 8NOULD l1E USED BY LAWYERS ONLY Ia' 1f18 INDENTURE, made the ~~ day of May, 2008 tETV11EEN CYNTHIA G. KOHL, es survivhlg tenant by the entirety, residing at 493 Countryside DRve, Naples, FL 34104 (arty of the first part, and LAURA L. ORLANDO, residing at 4 Shinnerxlck Lane. East Islip, NY 11730 laity of the second part, NRNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consfdere0on of TEN and no1100ths (510.00) dollars paid by he party of the second part, does hereby Brent and release unto the pally of the second part, the heirs or successors end assigns of the PaRY of the second part forever, ILLl that certain plot. Piece or Parcel of lend, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying end being in the SEE "aCHEDULE A" ANNEXED HERETO BEING AND INTENDED TO BE part of the same premises conveyed to WILLIAM F. KOHL and CYNTHIA G. KOHL, his wife, by deed made by ROBEtiT J. PASCALS and MARY PASCALS, his wife, by deed dated December 18, 1971 and recorded in the Suffdk County Clerk's Office on January 26, 1972 in Libor 7094 cp 418. TOGETHER with all right, tifb and Interest, ff any, of the party of the first pert in and to any streets and [Dada abutting fhe above described premises to the center Imes thereof; TOGETHER wNh the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the pally of Cie first part in end to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of fhe second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the Party of the second part forever. AND the party of Ore fsst part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the Bald premises larva been encumbered In anyway whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance wfth Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants trI91 the party of the hat part will receive the consideretlon for this oorneyence end wtil hdd the right fo receive such cortsideretion se a trust fund to be appiled Bret for die purpose of paying the coal of the improvement and will apply the same fast to the payment of the cost of the Improvement before using any part of the total of the same for erry other purpose. The word "party' shall be oonstrtled ea ff it read parties' whenever the sense of >hffi indenWre so requires. IN NRTNESS WHEREOF, the party of the firet part h9s duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. Cf rz~.a` . ~ o THIA G. KOI ILL IN PRESENCE OF: f'J Ir' ' - - LEGAL DESCRIPTION COMIWT11fIENT NO. LPNY-1163 SCHEDULE A NUMBER 4 ' All that certain plot, Piece or parcel of land, lying and. being in the hamlet of East Marion, Town of Soutlrold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and desalted as follows: Beginning at a pokrt on the .orrO,edy side of a certain 18 toot private roadway known as RabbR Lane, 534.96 feet easterly of the comer formed by Ors intasedion of the easterly side of Bay Avenue with the eouthedy side of RabbR Lane; running Orenoe souOrerty akxrg Ow eastery aide of land of Rekllart, earth 34° 12' 40" east,135feat, mae or less. to the high water of t;ardineni Bay; Oreru:e eastedy . ekurg high water mark of Gardirrers Bay, 25 feet. more or less. to land of Bastedo; thence north 34° 12' 40" west, 127 feet, more or lase. W the southerly Grrs of said 18 loaf prlvate r~oed; thence westerly. aiorp the sartherly I(ne or side of saki 18 foot Private road. souOr 48° 59' 50' west, 25.30 feet tQ Ora point or place of beghrning. FOR WFORMATIONAL PURPOSES: SAID PREMISES COMMONLY fWOWN AS 570 RABBIT LANE, EAST MARION. NY 11939. ,' ~ 3 BE USED ONLY YrriEN fHE ACKNOWI ADC-SENT IS IrLe9E IN NEW YORK STATE . Slate of New Yodc, Courdy of sg: Siste of New York. County of On the day of In the year before me, the undersigned. peraorway appeared peraonaYy known to rtro or proved m me an the treats of (are wldrtrr instrument andand aduwwledged b me aret her:i,enn.y executed the same in hlalherMelr capadty(lee), end that by hisfhedthelr signeture(q on the trfstrumenR the fndivWual(s), or the person upon behaH of which the IndivWual(s) ailed. exearted tla inetrurtrerd. (signature oral office of trtdividual taklrtg eckrtowledgmenl) On the day of In the year Before me, the urrderalgned, persorraaY appeared ss: Persorragy known to me or proved to me on the basis of setkfactory evidence b be the Individual(s) whose name(s) k (are) wbsrxibad b the within trrstrument and aclaaarladgad 10 me that trdatrsMirey executed the same in hlslirsrAhsir capadly(tes), and that by hblherAhetr spnaWre(s) on the Instrument. the indlvidual(a), or the person upon Uelrad of which the trMMdue1(s) ecmd, executed the Instrument (eigrrature and oMioa of individual taWng edaavAedpmenU TO BE USED O,SLY ~.r1EN TFiE ACKNOYYLEDGMENT IS M147E OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE State (or DiWbt of Columbia. Terdtory, or Foreign Country) of FbrWa w' On the /~ day of MaY h the year 2008 bebre me, the undsnslgned, pereonally aPPa~ CYNTHIA G. KOHL peraonasy krrovwr to rna or proved to ms on the basis of satlefacbrY evkbrtce b be the trrdvidusl(a) whose name(s) D (are) wbseribed b the wf Wn IruWment arW ackrwwledged to me that hedehdtheY executed the same in hlaRrerAhefr CapaaitY(las). and that by NellrerAlrelr signaWre(s) on the kurtrument, the lndk+Wual(s), or the person upon behalf of whbh the indHidual(s) acted, executed the Irretrumant, and that such hrdivldual made such appearertce before the undersigned M lire res (irnert flw Clly or other pditial subdHisbn) (and Werl the Stale or Co~q~-Wtrer glees the acbawbdOmatl was NOTARY PIjBLIC .UBIetLY11RIN YY lbtY13310n a DD S987ar DIRIE$ Sreraieel4 tS01 sarnwssrrrru,e..r. /C/9./A P~ ! ~74.~~u~cc BAR4AIN AND SALE DEED WITN COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'8 ACfB Title No. _ ~P Ny //S.3 CYNTHIA G. KOHL TO LAURA L. ORLANDO DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 031.00 BLOCK 18.00 LOT 012.000 COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS Recorded at Request of COMMONWIJILTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 6TANDMD FW W OP NEervaur aoARO of itn8 uaoma Distrfbutsd ty C0111111011W88IH1 ALVO.~YNVAOYM1IY miuLn r l.wo TrnB lrsuruvCS Cof~~wtt JOHN R. HABERMAN, ESQ. 185 Islip Avenue Islip, NY 11751-3210 " ~. ~ ~ ,~_ .,Numeer of page TORRENS Serial N ~ Certificate q Prior af. N 3 RECORDED 2047 7ul 1E D9:24:39 pH Juditl E. P;,swie O.ERK OF Sl1FFDi.k i:DUi{TV L DOD012513 P Eti DTM 06-39642 Deed /Mortgage Instrtmtcrtt Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording /Filing Stamps 4 Fee ~~~ Pa e /Filin Mortgage Amt g g . Handling I. Basic Tax _ TP-584 2. Additional Tax Notstion „_ Sub Tolal EA-5217(CountY) Sub'I'okl SpecJAssit. Or EA-5217 (Stale) _ Spec. /Add. ~ j/~ R.P: f.SA. _,¢,/_ TOT. M'fG. TAX l ` Dual Town Dual County 5 Q~ Comm of Fd. Ilcld fur Apportionment All'idavit ~ /~~ Transfer Tax ~ J Q Certified Copy Mnnsion Tax _ The property covered by this mortgage is or ~& spy will be improved by a one or two family ~ Total dwelling only. Other YES or NO if N0, see appropriate taz clause on page !! GRAND TOTAL, o t. 3 Real Proptsiy'1'ax Service Agency Verification 6 Commtlnil Preservation Pund Diet. Section Block l.ot Consideration Amount S 807.500.00 07021331 iooo oaioo ieoo oisooo ~ ioD Pr• Tax s 1s,15o.00 Skmp p T S Dale R~ q Impm4ed X 16.IUL Initials scent band T $atlafat:tlOna/UISCnar~CSIRCICi1DEJ LlM rlllllclry vwuc.a.nn~u.~b A ~, TD RECORD & RETURN TO: TD JOHN R. HABERMAN, ESQ. 'fD i65 Uskuo Avenue - Is11p, NY 11751-3210 g Title Company Information Co. Name (, T+ G. $PJ1AA/ Title N L Pr+ I l5 --- 9 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Pale This page fotrns part of Ux: attachal DEED (SI'F.CIFY'IYPIiOF INSTKUMhNI' ) CYNTHIA G. KOHL 'Ihcpttmtis~cshcreinissittratedin SUN-FOLK COUNTY, NL• W YORK TO In the'['owttsltipof SOUTHOLD LAURA L. ORLAN00 In the VIL.LAGF EAST MARION or FIAb11.k f of made hy: BOXES S TI lRU 9 MUST BE TYPLD OR PRINfkD IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RL•CORDING OR FILING. . (OVER) ' SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Iastrumeat: DEEDS/DDD Recorded: 07/16/2007 Number of Pagers 4 At: 09:24:39 AM Receipt Number : 07-0065267 TRANSFER TAX NUN88R: 06-39642 LIBER: D00012513 PAGE: 612 District: 3ectioa: Blocks Lot: 1000 031.00 18.00 012.000 SSANINED AND CNARGED AS FOLLOiPB Deed Amouat: $807,500.00 Received the Following Feea For Above Inst*+++^~~t Exempt Page/Filiag $12.00 NO Haadliag $5.00 COE $5.00 NO NYS BRCHG $15.00 SA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 TP-584 $5.00 No Cert.Copias $0.00 RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 Traasfer tax $3,230.00 NO Comm.Pras $13,150.00 Fees Paid $16,532.00 TRANSFER TA8 NDNBER: 06-39642 THIS PAGE I3 A PART OF THS INSTRDMHN'P THIS IS NOT A BILL Exalt NO NO NO NO NO NO Judith A. Pascale Couaty Clerk, Suffolk Couaty PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httpJ/ www.arps.state.ny.us or PHONE 1518) 473-7222 IR COUNTY USE ONLY ~. ~ ~,Jy^I CT. SWIG Cody I 1 ~~~ SICK ~/f OZ. DS» [MEd Bseordtid ~ O~ on y~ ~,, w~~ p. Book C.d. Payo L~L_k_i REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORS STATE BO/IRD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 t.~ I 570 I Rabbit Lane ~ I r~rnwaa arararaere .I Southold I East Marion 111939 I an rm.x ,.ea« Law« I Orlando I Laura L. Nrria -~{~. i cur .w. r.r. ~ tautrrtmrwr I ,~., I L Tr 6deala wlrra hrn Tr B96 an n ha aam Brkp E atlur thr buyer adtbar W hattOm d 6rrrJ I I 1 Ad6w µ+ -IiBi xrr I I I i I arwrWarem n i-a~ atramar u~smOT L Indlrp IM armbar d Ararnwq fOdy M Art d ~ Parra f9raak r qrF Epps. ReE Paraa6 ti-rfo^d on qw drd L,_,yJ p of Pareoq OR ^ Prt d a Purl M PloirYip Eord yiNh Subdirirpl AWnrry Fbr^ ^ 6. Oaad I ~ K SuhdMdan MVavaf rna Rpulnd tr Tirrbr ^ s~ naxr Rer J X I mrn I a L .~: . D I IG PwoN Apgorad for sabdirwr.atlh Mrp narldaa ^ . Lsr6e 1 Kohl I Cynthia G. Noma uarxw c0+~arr ~~ I ~ ~ 1 i w~u I 7. Clrarh qr hoe below yYMdl mrt uvurtaly drpWr tM tlr d tlM pnparty at the qma d aaM: Greek tlr 6onaa halwr r they aPPIY• L Ownarahip TYPa 6 CondorNnium ^ A % Orr Family Rridrtlal F. AErkuWrY 1 Cemmurdty Sarvb • Naw Cwratruakn on Varnt Wtd ^ B 2 «7 FamYy Rarldrtrq F ~ CerrurraryJY J Irdurriq 70A Prooerh lacard wkh6 an ApkuYunY Riatila ^ C Raatdaaial Vaun land • • G APattment K~ Puhlk SaKCa 10L tluyar raudyW • diakrae rrdke Indrar6P ^ A NoniWdaMiY Yard land H Entar6inrrnt! Amurrrnt L Fprt rhx dra ProPatY 61n r AErktdarl D6hiat SALE INFORMATION tL Graok aea «nraq dthar rrrdl4n r,pEr6Y b teurlar. 11. SaM tMMnat Wta I O4 ' / 15 / 06 I A S^6 S.traan ltataGVr or F«mar RalaOVr M°Ai -~-~ B s.k Bawwrr RNaud Canpanw « Pwrrs In Radnor C oa. d ura Erman 1.,60. Sauer IL O.r d Sa6 / Trarudr I ~/ ~~ / 06 I D Buyr «Saf6r k Gov.rnrrrra Aprwy «lstrdirq hrdhrd0n gp1r' ar rar E Daad Typa Doe Wmardy «BUpaln and Sa6 (Spadfy aMOwl R SW d firioWnY « Lao tNn Fw 4rraat IBPadN Below) v. ndl sw n6. L 6 , 0 7 5 0 0 B y ~ G SgnElvrt Gurga n n"p.^y eatwaan ranh6 8rdn and 8a6 o.t H SW d BuArrer 6 6rJudad In Sa6 Prix 1Fuli Ss6 Ptln 6 Na ton] amount P•b for the prapany IneludinE graorl proparry. 1 Otlur Unutud Feetora Allaetlnp SW Priae ISPadfY.sakwl Th6 PaYrnau may W to Ilra 6mr d oart4 aMar propany «Eaada, «dra aawmptfon of ~ Marra martWYae « atha abur6orW Plaar round m eha rrarrl wha6 dol6r amgau. 1l YrNnea 1M raira d paraarl OraParN hrirdod M tlro aW x r.~ krer~.n~ ~~ t7. Toer A.rra v.6. ae a P.re.e, 6 s.~d«I l - ~6 0 O.I i f ~ tanap.nyaw 2l .1 . OI-LJ Tasr6eola~w,,,.l Oyster Ponds •Ea Tr hlrv laaaallr6l /Roll laam>bagal U man err ts«, aeratlr alert wnh additlOrW IdanWlM1A1 11000-031.00-18.00-012.000 ~ CERTIFlCATION r 1 aetifp Wet aE d the 16me d Istarvrtluo errlered ae Ih6 farm an true aal mread fr the btrt dqY krr6d;e earl belief) ud 1 raderanrrd Ural tlr taeklts d aqy telSlld fate aM6mert d matnW fat heraia w1E rrbjeet me M the raorLdaru d the rrl Mw rdMMe b the ralckq and RBoE d fWr larrerareeLL a wv- BUYER'S ATTORNEY Haberman I John R. ~rt+er rarr Here .rut aartur re 631 I 581-5890 era Oar memOrc rurra NEW YORK STATE COPY em r Towr s a0o[ >~