HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12515 P 802 /~-3-~, ~ %a_s-~ ' CONSULT YOUR UIWYER BEFORE SIONWO THIS WSTRUYENT•THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD tN: USED BY LAWYERS ONLY ~jl ~ THIS INDENTURE, made the ~Z day of Juy, lwro thousand seven, (J BETWEEN SCUDDF~2 H. SINCWR and SUSAN K. SINCWR, (no Peninsula Road, P.O. Box 18, Fishers Island, New York 08390, party of the fast part, and SCUDDER H. SINCWR and SUSAN K. SINCWR, (no Peninsula Road, P.O. Box 18, Fishers Island, New York 08380, as tervults in conrran, each with an undivided fury perceN (5096) Interest, party Of the SeCOrxl part, VYITNESSETH, thatthe party of the first part, without consideration, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected, siwate, lying and being at Fishers Island, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, designated as Lot 80 on a certain map, entitled "Plan of Peninsula at Fishers Island owned by Chades W. Hedge and Frances G. Thorp, made by Chandler 8 Palmer, Engrs, Norwich, Conn. 1813", and filed in the Office of the Suffolk Couray Clerk on May 11, 1913, File No. 253, being more partbulary bounded arld descnibed as folbws: BEGINNING at a monument on the soutlwvestedy side of Peninsula Road, said monument being 1741.54 feet North of a point which I.s 1030.94 feet East of another monument marking the UNted States Coast and Geodetic Survey Triarlgulatton Station "PROS"; and RUNNING THENCE abng the southwesterly side of Pennsula Road North 72 degrees 53 minutes West, a distance of 51.2 feet to a monurtlent set in the eastedy side of Lot 58 on the above mentbrted map; THENCE along said easteRy side of Lot 59 South 24 degrees 04 minutes West, 138.8 fent to the Inner bay of West (Great) Harbor. THENCE abrg Inner Bay of West (Great) Harbor South 72 degrees 53 minutes East, 51.2 feet to the westerly side of Lot 61 on the aforesaid map; THENCE abng the westerly side of Lot 81 North 24 degrees 04 minutes East, 138.8 feet to the monument set in the soutltwestedy side of Peninsula Road at the poYtl or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises corneyed to the partyof the first part bydeed, dated October 28, 1971 and recorded b the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk on November 18, 1971 in l7ber 7049 page 22. TOGETHER with all right, title and Interest, if arty, of the party of the first part in and to arty streets and roads afwttlng the above described premises to the center Ilnes thereof, TOGETHER with the apptatenences and all the estate and rights of fhe party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, file heirs or successors arxt assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenards that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered N any way whatever, except es aforesaid. AND file party of the first part, In compliance with Sectlon 13 of the lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the cortsideretbn for this conveyance and will Ipld the R8nt to receive such cortsideretion as a bust fund io be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the Improvement and will appty the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before usirq any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word 'party' shall be construed as if it read 'parties' whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: _o. ' SaWder H. Sdndair ~A#Nl Shan K. Sind ;s sr.aa.d N.r.s.T.u. Form saoz - Boyaln rrd sw Dwd, vAlh Cawnent aaaYut ar..er. Aets - udform Asknowbdpmenr TO BE USED ONLY WHEN TH~E~'ACKNnOWLEDGMENT ~ MADE IN NEW YORK STATE Stale of New York (booty of Suffolk sa.: f ~ar'S ,?aa.,.~ Slate of New YorK County of ss.: On Ure )1~ day of July in the year 2007 beforo me, the On Ure day of In the year undersigned. P~n~Y aPf~d before me, the undersigned. pereorldly appealed Scudder H. Sirxie'v and Susan K SindaF personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of personally known to me or proved tc me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to 6e the individual whose names ere selbfac~ry svldsnes to be the individuat(e) whose name(s) is ~ subscribed to lM wlthtn Instrument end acknowledged to me that (ere) wbaamsd to lha within instrument and acknowledged to they exeeuled the same in their capadties, and that by thetr rre that heisl,eAl,ay executed the same in NsAlsrAhNr sipnaWresonlhalos~rumen4theindivkiuals,orthepsreonupon capecly(Iss), and that by hi~twAtair signature(s) on the bsJ helLe(whieh the individuas aded. exewled Urs Inslruman4 InstrumsrN. lhs Indhridual(e). or lhs person upon behalf of which 'L/'(,"/~f`,-`,A N~~^_ n J the individuals acted, exswted Ihs imWmsnL 7Nfotary~~dPubRlie~ (signature and office of irdivldud aclmowledpnanl) Notary Publle •ROXANNE SPAULDINO (signature and oMce of individual takirlp ackroMAedgment) NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEWYORK No.013PB1tap42 UIIAI II It'll IN SUI lltl K ('.1111N1Y MY t:UMMIYBIUN kKl'111L•0 AUII: U, t!U~ TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE Stale of as.: On Ihs day of in the year before me, lha undereigned, personally appeared ~ personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to bs the Individuals whose name are subscribed to the within IneUUment and acknowledged to me that they executed Ule same In they capacities. and that by their sipnaluros on the Instrument, the individuals, or the person upon behalf of which the individuals acted, exewled the InaW marl, and that such Individual made such appearance before Ule undersigned in the - in Iha Slate of (Insert the qty or other polltkal subdivision) (slpnelure and ogles o1lndMdual taking aGmowledpmsnU My ConsNssbn Expires Orc BARGAIN AND SALE DEED DISTRICT 1000 WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS SECTION 010.00 TNIe No. RH00308242 BLOCK 03.00 LOT 021.000 COUNTY ORTOWNSUFFOLK - SOUTHOLD STREET ADDRESS (ra Peninsula Road SCUDDER H. SINCLAIR and SUSAN K SINCLAIR Fishers ISIaM, NY 08390 TO SCUDDER H. SWCLAIR and SUSAN K SINCLAIR AS TENANTS IN COMMON RETURN BY MAIL Td. srewuano raRrr aF REw YoRlr nwno aF TmF wneMSarou Dlrtr6uled by gESERVE Tills BPACE FOR USE OF RECOIrOWO OFFICE r 1 • ' 1 z..i 3 RECORDED 2007 Jul 30 04:25:28 PM Number of pages Judith R. Pascale CLERK OF This document will be public ~~DOOnl2sls record. Please remove afl P 802 Social Security Numbers DTY Oli-41303 priorto recording. Deed/Mortgagelnstrument Deed/Mortgage Tax Stamp Rewrding/Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page/Filing Fee ~ MortgageArnt = 1. Basic Tax Handling 5• ~ 2. Additional Tax TP-564 Sub Total Spec./Asslt. Notation or EA-5217 (County) Sub Total Spec. /Add. 'f S~ TOT. MTG. TAX EA-5217 (State) Dual Town _ Dual County _ R.P.TSA. ~J Held for Appointment Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 ~ Transfer Tax A(fldavtt ~ ~ Mansion Tax The property covered by thh mortgage is Ccrtlfied Copy or will be Improved by a one or two NYSSurcharge 1S. 00 familydwellingonly. Sub Total YES or NO Other If NO see pr ' to tax clause on Grand Total e is Instrument. _ _ _ t o~10 - 1'7 "j 4 Dist 07022710 1000 01000 0300 021000 5 ~ommun enervation Fund Real Propr P T q Consideration Atnount $ TaxServic i Agenq .IUL-07 CPF Tax Due S _ VerlBcation I roved i 6 Satin actlons/Dlsc rges/Releases Us[ Property Owners Mal ing Ad ress RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacant Land TD STEPHEN L. HAM, l11, ESQ. MATTHEWS & HAM TD 36 NUGENT STREET ~ SOUTHAMPTON, NY 119G6 Mall to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 7 Title Company Information 310 [enter Drive, Riverhead, NY 11901 Co. Name wwwsuffolkcountyny.gov/deck Titletl G~ B Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page Forms part of the attatfied DEED made by (SPEGFY TYPE OF W STRUMENT) _ SCUDDER H SINCLAIR The premises herein Is situated to and SUSAN K. SINCLAIR SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK TO In theTOWN of cnt iTUrlt.D SCLIDDERH SIN .LAIR In the VILLAGE end S ISAN IC SIN .AIR or HAMLET of FICi-IFRC fS[..4ND BOXES 6 THRU 6 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED W BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. aver 1111111 IIII INII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIN VIII Illll IIII NII 1111111 IIIII IIIII hll IIII SIIFFOLR COIINTY CLERR RBCORD3 OFFICB RECORDING PAGE Type of Inet~•~^~^ts D88DS/DDD Recorded: 07/30/2007 Number of Pagaa: 3 Ats 04x25:28 PN Receipt Number x 07-0069775 TRANSFER TA8 NO~ER: 06-41303 LIBSR: 000012515 PAGE: 802 i District: Sections Hlocks Lot: 1000 010.00 03.00 021.000 BXANINBD AND CSAR08D AS FOLL09PS Deed Amount: $0.00 Received the 8olloaiag Fees For Above Instrument 8xsmpt ~~Dt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Saadling $5.00 NO C08 $5.00 NO NY8 SRCHO $15.00 NO gA_~y $5.00 NO BA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copiea S5.00 NO RpT $30.00 NO BCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Prea $0.00 NO Seen Paid $154.00 TRANS88R TA% N~BRs 06-41303 T8I8 PAGE IS A PART OF TH8 INSTRIIMBNT TSIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clark, Suffolk County ' PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: httpJ/ vvww.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE 1518) 47&7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ct. suns cod. 14.11 3 I g 1 1 I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT srATE of NFw rows C2. Deb Deed Recorded I ~ r / ~ / d~ I ~ STATE BOAAD OF RFJLL PROPERTY SERVICES C ~c ~ ~ RP - 5217 C3. Book I~ r~ 1 J 1~ J I G. Peya I 1 1 c~ 1+ 1r^~i 4+• r d RtW17 Yn.M! PROPERTY INFORMATION t• ~I (no 4) I Peninsula Road ~ a'T tart tatty I Southold I Fishers Island 1 06390 I L Burr I Sinclair I Scudder H. I 11bme roar Yet /PMVAYY rw: wwt I Sinclair I Susan it. I rut , rnYl wur 9. Tu Iodate whue fume Tut Ella an a b rrt I I BYYrq if atlw than buyer oddlwe tat hettarrl d Tortnl I rut / 1 NM1F I I I I I aTNrt YYwee MeitllroTaWt arYWrawx nett x? ? Indkaro tM numbw of AaurunwH I ? 10dY tl Prot d • Pelrq fJlark r ZlroP rpplr Rd pareW tranalrnd on the daW I 1J 1 of Parcola OR Pert of a Peal ell Pwlninp Bard wNh Suhdiviaion Authority Er'rb ? IB. Srlhrlivkion Applowl wr Ragtllred kr Traafor ? a ~ tr I .cony act I x I orrla I oR I . 1.6 I ac PamN Approaad br SubdlYWm whh l~P Provldad ? sw a s.e.r I Sinclair I Scudder H. I rr.nr. IAlr rue I oow.wn roar was I Sinclair I Susaa K. I rail wwe/cDNMYr frT MMC ~ 7. Brea the boa 6olew aeldrr meet aeeuratary druWr tlr ur r w property at tM tlme r rk: Gleot the bulw brow r tlry apply a Oaararahip Tyq b Condomirum ? .4 OIa Famiy Rridunr r AUrkultural 1 Community Servia a blew CaralrlaYlon on Yenn land ? R tar 9 Family Rardantiel 1' Commercial 1 bulwlrial fell Property laund within an AUneuhurol Diahiu ? C Raaidemal Veam Land (i~ Apanmrt K Prllk Sorvioo t0a Buyer leaiyal a dkdaalr tutor hdieedne ? U~ Non•WidudiY VaaM Lsntl H Entmnhurnl / Amuoemant 1. Fasq tlNt der proprty is w an AUnrbaol Oirkt SALE INFORMATON tG Cheek or a men d there arrdldow r apperWa r trrtrder. t t. Sob CoMraat Dab I OS / 14 / 07 I n SW Benver Ibbtlvr er Former Rradwa ~rw R $ra Buell Rraud CerrlPenba w Perbran In Butirr One d tlr Bdyela ie oho a SNbr 1L Dab r Sob ! Tnnrr 1 07 / ~ ~ / 07 1 U Buyer a Sdbr r OowrrrMnt Agency or lprirp IMludion Nam pay yeu F. Ord Typ na Wawudy ar Barpael end Sob ISpKily Bsbwl F Soro d Fraltbnr a Lean then Fr ImertlN ISpudN Below) G Stprifeam ClurrW in Propaety Brwom TerMe Soda end sob W ' ; ~ o 17. Full 8W Price I ( I H sob of Burner b Irdudod it sob Prkro IWII Sae Rfa is da tmr amount pYtl br the PrePertY Indudinp portal property. 1 dhar Unuwd Fu[ora AlloodnU Sulu Prka IBPaoITy Belowl Thu prymam Iran b in the form r eaM, oNar pnporry or Uoada, er the +uullW ion r / Now rrwrtpepa or other ehIlUoYeaW Pkur round ro rhs nwar whoM do1W amount transfer t0 tenancy Tit CO»lmOA t{. bdWte tM vahar d prnenal I 0 B~ U 1 properly hlehrded N the aaY ~ • ASSESSMENT WFORMATION - Dele should roBect the later Final Aawrmrtnt Roll and Tsx Bill to Ym~ Yrhrnrriorr ~frem 01 b_0~ tt. tom Arrrd vrw tar w pre.N ar rnnehd I ; P 9' 3 .0 .0 I to Progeny oar ~ 2. U I-LJ to error OberNt trams I Fishers Island I =D. Tr My Wrrdnwlel /Roll IderdWarlN IB nron Uran row. attarar ahoy wIN addltbnr kbntelarlall I 1000-010.00-03.00-021.000 I I I L ~ I I I CERTIFICATION 1 eertYy tbht aB d the Beoa d lafaroretlee catered r rhk fam eR true om tYaYart Iw Ure bad d e0' koowitdUe and beSefl cod 1 rcdtYatarad rhut We mrde5 d aoy a1tl(W faNe araeolrt d oultetfW Byer bereio wm aubJen oa ro the prmbhrr rrf the pent law rratlre w the pmk4V aed rdblR d Toys heprNmeotu BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY ' 1\ ~ I 07/ ~'t /07 Sam I Stephen L.. III www Ila1t atn I.er rut naT lul! Susan•R. Sinclair (no Y) 1 Peninsula Road - P.O. Sox 16 (631) I 283-2400 alalr \Valt9 LIWtI MMt Wlta aa{il NIta Coat ItYnIYM MIIw111 Fisheye Island I NY 106390 clr o+7owr sun nr mu SELLER NI:W MURK STATE '/~~A o7/ /07 ~ !'t•.~n A I CUPY Scu`~'~e H:"` ittctair o"K