HomeMy WebLinkAboutRyder Farm Lane t>' , , .". ti :1 !I Ii 'I u !I CU III W . i! z III I: cu <( III ..J ~ d :E .s: I! c:: I- <( I ;\.. >- " u.. [JJ ii c:: I W ~ il 0 cu I' >- ";: d I c:: 0 q il I " I I: " " :1 I, I ,! ii S""d"a.N:DTVF",m8<~'- . -B"",","dM~!!::G' . CoNSULT YOUR LAWYER IEPOR. SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT.THIS INSTRUM "-., S~..zr . \>illlr'..........~_..., THIS INDENTURE, made the 24th BETWEEN day of September ,nineteenhundredandsevent'.(-thrc WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC., a domestic corporation with its office at 8243 Jericho Turnpike, Woodbury, New York party of the first part, and TOWN of SOUTHOLD, a municipal subdivision of the State of New York having an office at 16 South Street, Greenport, New Yorf~ party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consid('ration of ten dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the seeond part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the h.i" or suecessors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, ~lhed..wilinp~~thcn:on...ccted, ,j'u"te, lying and being in the unincorporated area of the Town of Southo1d, knmv" as Orient, Suffolk County, New York, more particularly bound Jnd described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the westerly line of Ryder Farm Lane, 117.70 feet northerly along said westerly line from Main Road; from s:.!id point of beginning running along land of the party of the first ~drt, two courses: . 1. South 880 05' 20" West 183.89 feet; thence 2. North 10 34' 00" West 24.00 feet to Lot 65, "SectioL II, Orient by the Sea", filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office as Map No. 3444' thence along said Lot 65, North 620 52' 00' East 156.0 feet to said westerly line of Ryder Farm Lane; thence a1on; said westerly line South 270 08' 00" East 100.0 feet to the ~)oi];t of BEGINNING. Containing 10,007 square feet. This conveyance is made by Woodhollow Properties, Inc. to the 'l'mm of Southold so that the above-described premises may be used as ~ leaching area for drainage purposes in connection with the Maps of Orient-by-the-Sea, Section 2 and 3. " Ii [: Ii Ii i: il II II !l AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part ha!' not Jone or suften:.] all}!111II&, II whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatt~ver, exrq)t as afoft'said. 1'1 5 3 AND the party of the first part, in compliance with eClion 1 of the Lien Law, covenants that Ih. pa..)' vi 1,1 the first part will receive the consideration for this convcyam:e and will hold the right to recei,'e such l..~uJlsjd- eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply II the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word Uparty" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whem:ver the sense of this ilHltnture so rt'quir~s. - I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day .nd ye"r tirst above written. TOGETHER with all right, title and interesl, if any, of the party of the first pari in and to an.' sterds ."d roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with tht.> appurtn.~w.:t'S and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HA VE AN lJ TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or Sllccessors and a:isigns of the party of lhe second part forever, , I Ii II J N PRESENCE OF : I, II i; II - I I ; WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC. BY'~~O~ 'walter U 1, Pres~dent ......., . (C-. '- . ,",,;...'. ../-~..,..., ",,' ,~". .;\ . ..; ~ day of 19 / , E. BRUIN. JR, NOT AR'f rUBLlC. S.~te o~ New No. 30.0Sn665 O'Ja1ified in Nassau COlI'lty COiT'!T,:uiul'\ bpires March 3D. 1975 / ,/ / -- STATE O' NEW YORK. COUNTY OF NASSAU ss: ":J ii" 24th <lal' of September 1973 , hdore n1(' i'n"'lll.J!h' (',lTllC WALTER UHL lq n)(' 1..:i")Vdl, who. beitlg by me duly sworn, rlid dtpP'-'I' and .,,, Ih", he n'",,,", at 1'0, Split Rock Road, Syosset, New York th;.' iI,' i, thepresident ni WOODHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC., 1 'b 1 . tnt' corporation (pscn Cl in dn'1 which CX"Clll!'d Ih(' foregoing instrument: that he knl'I'.: IIH' ~('at 01 <:';lirl corp0ratinll: that the :,~~al ;tffixerl !(I ";it'" in:--trllnwllt i,,,; :,l1fh corpnr;tt!' -st'al; that it wa::. so aff. Xf,j Il~ nrrlrT "f th{' hoard of rlircctor::i of said corpnra- :'f-,~-. ,lTH: Ill:lt he :-.igned his name to hy lik r or. WM. E. BRU . JR. 'NOTAk't' PUBLIC, Stato o~ New York No. 10_0892665 Qualified in N6uau County Co",mis~ion Expires Mau:h 30. 1915 ~lU1'1Hlit1 anll ~all' Dl'l'b \\;111\ (-:;1:\\"\:1' \! 'I:\~f GR\.'TPl{', .-\Ch -Il'l! '\c) .'~, -- --.----.-- .-.-.. ~-- -..."---- ~ I'IOJDHOLLOW PROPERTIES, INC. TO :-Oh"N OF SOUTHOLD [,'~~:9hP I ~A~ r.~ "EW' YGA~ BOlRO 'OF' TIl~[ ~HD[;~~T;R;l i f),~tnhfltf'd fJY : CDIC....GO TITLE L '~."RA_NC::O::A:V_I] l-~;-.- " , .!- ., . _' _.__.__,._.__.__~__ ._____.~__~.___ _-_______... H., . iD ~ ro ~ c- c << " n '" ,^ c' '" " u n, U < . v' .,...... ~-' -, :,~ ,. 0.' .' . STATIO' NIW TOll, COUNT\' 0' " '. IS. On the day of personally came " 19 , before me to m~ known to be the individual executed the foregoing instrument, executed the same. described in and who and acknowledged that STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF ss: On the day of 19 . before mr pl'r~ol1ally came thc subscribing witnes~ to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted. who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. that he knows to be the individual dl',~crihcd in and who exccuteo the forcgoing instrument; th<lt he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same: and that he, said witness. at the same time subscribeo h name as witness thereto, ST:CTIO:--; Bl.OCK l.OT COl'NTY OR TOWN of Southold Recorded at Request of Clllf:AGO TITLE i:"'SUR:\~CE COMPAN'f Rerum hy Mail tl) 1 ..'__.._.___o,______-~___~ Zi? No. -----_.,q --_._----~--._-- .._-~.--._-.. ---' ----.._.-..~~-----_.- ----. -_.-.-,_._~- ,--, ,. __o_-'-~. ,":-,,~ ' ~ . . " r OFF T ALBERT W. RICHMOND TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS TE'Uo-PHONE 765-3? 1:13 December 18, 1973 Hon. Lester M. Albertson Suffolk County Clerk Suffolk Co~nty Center Riverhead, New York 11901 Dear Mr. Albertson: Transmitted herewith for filing in your office is d~cj between Woodhollow Properties, Inc. and the Town of Southold. $4.00 filing fee enclosed. Kindly return original to this office after fili~g. Very trulYYo~~. /. ~/a-/'~}i2fc ?':-;rl <<-- Albert W. Richmond Town Clerk . . i. /1 LAW OFFICES FROEHLICH & MAHONY 34 WILLIS AVENUE M1NEOLA. N. Y. 11501 F~ANCIS B_ FROEHLICH HA~OLO A MAHONY TELEPHONE CH e - 6500 AREA COOE 516 WILLIAM E. de BRU1N,.JR. October 3, 1973 Hon. Albert Martocchia Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, NY 11944 Re: Woodhollow Properties, Inc., Orient-by- the-Sea, Section 2 Our File No. 9910 A Dear Mr. Supervisor: We understand that the Town Board did not have an oppor- tunity to take up the contents of our letter of September 24, 1973L and the offer of dedication by Woodhollow Properties to the Town. The purpose of this offer is to provide the Town with a leaching area to be used in connection with this Section of Orient-by-the-Sea. A copy of our letter of September 24, 1973 is enclosed herewith. The Deed and a survey of the offered premises were sent with the prior letter. We understand that the Board is meeting on Friday, October 5 and we ask that you kindly add this to your agenda. very truly yours, FROEHLICH & MAHONY it1{~~, deB/ej Ene. cc: Mr. Walter Uhl ll......'., iJy,. I 'I d' ."tj -. ~. . '.~ -, ,~. .~~~ j, :.~-.... ..' i' ~ I",; ,,-,' :- ,,,' ~' .' L < U<'li/"!'....lt ,"\~, ,1~'1 _l;'l' ": I; > ~ . ~:"v:rn ~l" f;' "".~'.~u:1.*.'~J >.4 . "" , -'~I;:t~~~~~' ~v.:. ;;:,~ t:~;t.}J1~*~' " -. 'r~~~'}i.~': '01 .~. 'i ~'1t/-;' j~\ :: ',- k,; "'." "., ' >::I I ' i"" ~, I. ~t l' ',4' r. '! -.1 ! .'t~"r~ . ".;, ,. , ~ { ~. .' , . September 24, 1973 ! ii , Hon. Albert Martocchia ,Southold Town Board 16 South Street "Greenport, NY 11944 . .' ,',',;, , ',' ~ I Re: Woodhollow Properties, Inc., Orient-by-the-Sea, Section 2 Our File No. 9910 A ';~'! ~, .,;Dear i.Jr. Supervisor: We herewith enclose an original Deed dated Septell'her,24, 1973~-running from Woodhollow Properties, Inc. to the TOwn of ,,'Southold, along with the map dated September 17, 1973, of Roderick Van Tuyl showing the premises described in the Deed. , .. This is offered to the Town 'of Southold for use as a ',leaching area in connection with the approval of Orient-by- . " the-Sea, Section 2. \". i;..' ,We appreciate that this is your acceptance of this offer ,and may be contingent upon review by counsel, but we hope that you may be ,able to take up this offer at the next Town Board meeting with the Town Highway Committee and the Board. .j< On behalf of our client, you may show in this matter. we thank you for any consideration ~, . '~ -'l. Very truly yours, FROEHLICH & MAHONY deB/ej , Enc. William E. deBruin, Jr. cc: Mr. Walter Uhl r' . . Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Molsa Alfred Grebe Henry Raynor Frank Coyle September 21, 1973 Supervisor Albert M. Martocchia Town of Southold 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Dear Supervisor Martocchia: I am enclosing copy of letter received from William E. geBruin, Jr., attorney for Orient-by-the-Sea. The Planning Board would like very much to conclude this matter in view of the fact that we are holding up final approval of Orient-by-the-Sea Section III until such time as the complete drainage plans are approved. If this meets with your approval, we would appreciate an early response. I am enclosing a simple statement to th<l.t-effecrt-.~~e would like very much to set a date for /a'Final Hearing of Orient-by-the-Sea Section III early in / October. , ~- Very sincerely, q~ ':?~M C~i f,6hn Wickham, Chairman Southold T own Planning Board JW:mm Enclosures cc William E. deBruin, Jr. Town Highway Committee Superintendent of Highways Raymond Dean " :" > PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS John Wickham, Chairman Henry Molsa Alfred Grebe Henry Raynor Frank Coyle . . Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 September 21, 1973 The proposed dedication of 10,000 sq. ft. on the west side of Rider Farm Lane, south of Lot 65, for a leaching area is acceptable for drainage purposes, in connection with Orient-by-the-Sea Section III. It is understood that this drainage requirement is in addition to drainage requirements shown on the map of Orient-by-the-Sea Section III which was given preliminary approval subject to public hearing on July 30, 1973. JW:mm Very sincerely, r ~c Cc-K-' ? U" (L {l~-.~ /t III John Wickham, Chairman . Southold Town Planning Board .- .., - . . . LAW OFFICES FROEHLICH & MAHONY 34 WILLIS AVENUE M1NEOLA, N. Y. 11501 FRANCIS B F'ROEHLICH HAROLD A MAHONY TELEPHONE CH 8 - 6500 AREA CODe:: 516 WILLJAM E. de BRUIN,.JR. September 14, 1973 Southold Town Planning Board 16 South Street Greenport, NY 11944 RE: Woodhollow Properties, Inc. Orient-by-the-Sea, Section 2 'Our File No.9910 A Gentlemen; We understand that Mr. Uhl's suggestion of placing a Sump which the Town Highway Committee requested in escrow, has been rej~cted. Mr. Uhl has advised us, however, that the Board would be willing to accept a dedication of a 10,000 sq. ft. parcel on the west side of Ryder Farm Lane, south of Lot 05, which could be used as a leaching area. Would you kindly advise us as to the Board's feelings on this further alternate suggestion by Mr. Uhl to solve the drainage problem on this map. Very truly yours, FROEHLICH & MAHONY deB:es '~_ I .(.<~_ ,~'... /, G.,.~, ~ William E. " . "- ~~ ,(.,. ..: .F' / deBruin, . Jr. ,,/' cc: Mr. Walter Uhl r . .--/ ., )', . . . , Southold Town Planning Board SDUTHDLD, L. I., N. Y. 11971 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS June 1, 1973 John Wickham, Chairman Henry Molsa Alfred Grebe Henry Raynor Frank Coyle Southold Town Board 16 South Street Greenport, New York 11944 Re: Orient By The Sea, Section III Gentlemen: At a regular meeting of the Planning Board on May 30, 1973, tentative approval was granted for the subdivision map of Orient By The Sea, Section III. The Planning Board has in its files a copy of the Certificate of Abandonment for part of Section II, and notification from the County Clerk that said certificate was filed in his office on May 29, 1973. The Planning Board recommends that the Town Board place the map of the remaining Section II, Orient By The Sea on the list of approved subdivisi~~. ~ ....... Very sincerely,/ . /' ~~~~~~<)- h . k h . :h(..~ Jo n W1C ham, C alrman Southold Town Planning Board JW:tle . Ii ,', f:)?-/L'Ld - - .l.t2~1/J /-h" '')N~ ~ ' / ~ ~/J:~f7yjiY'--. d { /.,~,.( A," <.-<-~ ,.d /~:l- Jf~c rt ~- L '1;/ /' 1_(.-.l~4~ j.,_i 'I .-:,;--/, ~-r-'-I 1&.-,/(/7!_Y.7 'It <''-''It'"""'7i--711 . L tl--L. (t.L-L--J' t- l..- M ----- . ,/tl?~&/' .?-- IIf"1r.' ,r; r / " , e RIENT BY THE SEA . , HOME COLONY I MARINA . . Or:FICE 692--4545-6 MARl riA 323-2'24 , ' . (,,* Wood/wllow propertied, .Jnc. 8243 JERICHO TURNPIKE WOODBURY, N. y, 11797 A July 6, 1973 The Honorable Albert Martocchla Supervisor, Town of Southold South Street Greenport, NY 11944 Dear Sir: ,. Re: Orient By The Sea, Section 3 In accordance with the request of the Town Board as expressed to me by Mr. Dean, the Highway Superintendent, I have caused our-engineer, Otto Van Tuyl, to review the drainage situation as It effects the above described sub-division. Accordingly, Mr. Van Tuyl has prepared a proposal which employs an under- ground drainage system to cure any drainage problem. It 15 the opinion of our engineer, In which I concur, that this system would be superior to the Installation of a sump. Not only would It be more effective, but It would prevent the re- moval of an entire building plot from the tax rolls and would avoid what undoubtedly would be an unsightly sump Installation at the very enterance of the development. Further, It has been my experience that no matter how much money Is expended In the upkeep and maintenance of sumps, they tend to become unkempt; and In the long run are not as effective as originally contemplated. \ j , , I For all these reasons I would ask the Board to consider ac- cepting the drainage system as proposed by Mr. Van Tuyl. A copy of that plan has been delivered to Mr. Dean, and It Is my understanding that he will present It to the Town Board at the executive meeting on Tuesday, July 10. It 15 my hope that the Board will approve the map with the drainage plan as proposed. Sincerely, /i~ilkc(/'& /.. WALTER UHL <; . '. " ".' ., " i'. "" .." ~" '. .. '" ,.,~t>. . , ~~i . ',' -----> -----.-- . .~ ...--' /" ..,,"'" \..... ,- "-"1(<:;' '.' --..- _'-L~4'-~~"~~'A 1:::>;0- .' 1l~..Q ~:." ./ t>. \ __.j.2: c ' \ .. -- '._~-- \ , ._~ b~J\ \ '\ -~ .~ I .- --- ., b/ ~ 2. . \ " ~ . ~ ~- ~'I. '...,)rA b+ bs-' \'-\ ~ r -f ~ .. .. . r' . , \ 1_ ~-- ...----....\ i \ \ \ /70 \ i, ~----.. \ ~~ j/(. /1 p... .;"., . p, _.J ',- &~- o 0 ;0 '\ t> l~ fJ /69 ; ~~,.!~: . , '< " c' ~1 ~ ~O S bO i77 "'\ ,,- '\ ~ \ ~ \ . ' .\\\ /7b ! I I J , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .""..-' .' /7S- \ ! '~ \ ~ \.....-"'- . . I (..;J /) p }.. ..--.- ..-." hi ;-/ "..------. y.-{ r I _______ / /' .- \ -- -' ... ....~.. rP~,d ~ -tf~[~ .~ -~