HomeMy WebLinkAboutNorthfield Lane Q .. . . . JUDITH T. TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS : /} rr'"",m.~~ . ,,(fcY~~\;UU( C [;l'." . ....","''''. ,~ r -.'-' .,-....... <.-r.... . OFFICE OF. TOWN,GLERK ~ r...-:; ..~"... ..:,,;\:- ~ MWNOF'SOuTBEiI5 \-\ .. .. .... . .... - "1}" ~\ ...~" ~~1_:....,-4(~7.......-::_ SUFFOLK COUNT- ~'i~>!/l J..~1. .'{\~. ~..:::::-,..'~')'];" ..::.:...-zzzr~ Southold, L. I., N. Y. 11971 -JL CtV ~. ..!> NORTHFIELD LANE Southold TELEPHONE . (SI6) 76S.1801 July 23, 1980 Honorable Arthur J.Felice Suffolk County Clerk Suffolk County Center Riverhead, New York 11901 Dear Mr. Felice: Transmitted herewith for filing in your office is deed from Winifred Sayre to the Town of Southold. Enclosed herewith is check in the amount of $10.00 to cover the filing fees. Very truly yours, ~~~~ Judith T. Terry Town CJ.erk Enclosure .)UntUt<ll'l. l. I)... V. rOfml:ilJ\J.4 . 1./ l-lUIUIl'I~lm uel;;<.I-IIllJI\"Idu.a1 ()c l.ucpuUUUll. \Unglc SDecl} . ~ ~ " CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFOR GNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT .HOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. , uf'O S858 srI M-3085 lnE~ . P~Gt. 1 t< . TIllS INDENTIJRE, made the day"f July , nineteen hWldred ."d Eighty, BETWEEN WINIFRED SAYRE, residing at (no number) Calves ~ck Road, .~ Southold, New York 11971, individually and as Executrix of the Last ft~ Will and Testament of F. Harold Sayre, deceased, ()...p /' _..l't (l . ;)J~ / ~J)etfl. party of the first part, and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation organizing and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of New York havig its principal office and place of business at ;Southold, Suffolk County, New York, 53095 Main Road, ~ OIST I I 1000 j -.- S~C. o 7900 BLOCK D300 lOT I ?o)4~1 & 1046000 , - ...? .:WJfD l' . ".,~,..~..t R ~""-")JI' ., '.\,1 or, 1 ~'.7 '~~. " , :. ..."'... 'JO . .: ' 111) ,;{; : ~.tr.:.:.... .~. '1 :...c:"":\.,~ ....,~,-. ~ ,,'j~I~~~ ~~ ~'*';"~" ..~n f'?........ . .' . ~ .,-\. .-, .... -..- ~ \ \ \'--. . ,. party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of ten dollars paid by the party of the second part, does hereby remise, release and quitclaim unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, AU. that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, *~:lallI:Kinqx~Hnme~~ situate, lying and being!lil!mK at Southold, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly line of Northfield Lane, 561.55 feet easterly along said southerly line from Dayton Road; being the northeasterly corner of land conveyed by the party of the first part to Rochford by deed dated February 21, 1978 and recorded in Liber 8398 of Deeds at page 187; from said point of beginning running along said southerly line of Northfield Lane, North 82 degrees 18 minutes 10 seconds East 35.0 feet to land of Ognibene; THENCE along said land of Ognibene, South 7 degrees 36 minutes 40 seconds East 156.42 feet to land of Koke; THENCE along said land of Koke, South 26 degrees 35 ~inutes 10 seconds West 86.0 feet to land of Reese; THENCE along said land of Reese, North 62 degrees 10 minutes 30 seconds West 30.43 feet to said land of Rochford; THENCE along said land of Rochford, No~th 2 degrees 41 minutes 10 seconds East 213.29 feet to the point of Beginning. Containing 0.234 acre. This D~ed is given for the correction of the description in a prior deed from Harold Sayre to the party of the second part dated August 7, 1962 and recorded in Liber 5234 of Deeds at page 200. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. ' AND the party of the first p~rt, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, hereby covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" sha,1I be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture SQ requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, .the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. . IN PRESENCE OF: If j;)I"1tA .n I ~ Sd'? r l ~ .,. /I ,., (L S ) -./vr A,/j,,".-6 ./ Aj _ a..--:..(+C-~ . . (Winifr~d Sayre, Individually and as Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of F. Harold Sayre, Dec'd.) I OctO 1.<~")",,..(<)/l"'" lIf\E~:..Jl:)' \....,1.. 1l ,V STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK OSI On the 7 (f; day of July, 19 80 . before me personally came WINIFRED SAYRE individuall lnd as Executrix of Last Will and Testa- nent of F. Harold S~:y:r.e, Decea.sed, to me known to be the mijlVldual descnbed in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she executed the same. Notary Public. RENSSELAER G. TER~R. Hatery Public. Stete of Now York No. 62-3954850 Qualified in. Sufiolk County 1981 Commission expires March 30, STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF On the day of personally came to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he. resides at No. 19 , before me that he is the of , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- tion, and that he signed h name thereto by like order. auitclaim lIleeb TITLE No. M-3085 TINIFRED SAYRE, individually and as :xecutrix of Last Will and Testament )f F. Harold Sayre, Deceased TO TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STANDARD FORM OF NEW YORK IOARD OF nTLE UNDERWRITERS Dinribuud by THE TiTLE GUARANTEE COMPANY II - w U ;;: ~ o Cl z i5 '" o u w '" ~ o g u.J >- ,. (.)' ':: ~ ~u..;; woo S l'..~<':; -.c::~ ...- 'u.J.-J __ c:...-JO :;.~u.. - u. ~ 'c;:::> ... if' ~ -",I '" .... c:5 N :=l .>.1 ;l x: ::l ,-' :.:.1 ..., - w ~ :> '" o ~. w U '" 0- ~ ~ X t- w > e; ~ ::: .:... , . , "~ STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF On the day of personally came SSI 19 , before me to me known to be the individual executed the foregoing instrument, executed the same. described in and who and acknowledged that. SSI STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF On the day of personally came the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. asl 19 , before me that he knows to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h . name as witness thereto. ~ o. SECTION 79 BLOCK 3 LOT 4.1 and 46 COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk, Southold. , Recorded At Request of The Title Guarantee Company RETURN BY MAIL TO: ) Tv.-d ;+t", I. I e,{>,e y .!;'ol-d/..,olc! 7OuJ/I/ C/e;eK. 70(.0/1/ H-/iL~A.. //{/f /11/ .;f'ti hi JJ So u..J-ho/~ #1. Z;p No. //'71/ 'lQ~" r-- . "t~, ." $'''~~~~~n... . REAL ESTATE JUL 2 81980 TRANSFER TAX SUi-POLK COUNTY , -, , , .,' , i ',: ! ,: J. " I"" , j ", .1 , " I, '"j J "j. .f , .... , " 'f:< i: , j .:~ . , . <. =f " !\ , h_~~j ~ .. .. -' - . ..... r..~ .. '." '. .' : 0, . f ; j i I , , ~ Orig, " ' .' i: " "~', ~ ~ 'I..Y i J " , .;' I .~ ~- \,"':"> c~ \[- -- S 1-<',1/ . .A ~"-'~i-~-"'-'-- \ ..... -, ~ ..: ~ . - c. - . ".. ':) : ,... .' - ..., \.; - .. , :::~ ,< 0 -e II"C." . Ul t: 7.0'-' ~ 0(0, - S ~ I u.! \1r.... (Il "'l-r~c . -l r , ' O' , . ':n -----::' ~~. ~..( r,~ i~~ f ...--- .......0:> ~ . -' U1 _ , c C' ~M(' .!. .-\, " t " - . t~'1 ~) . .. ,\ *'-'.'l ,. ';,. '~--'H;:"'I.,..?3' , tIS', . N ~ 7v .p. '" . "'.' . 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