HomeMy WebLinkAboutCountry Club Drive -r. " , .,.,..,':~..,;' .' Cu'+ch6J"'~ · , ~,.. .;"....;.;.-.::...~,.~,._,_.,#,........._-';_""';.'< '"",~"_,"'''''>loo.....~_'t....:i'''~,, ,>~",~",:s~~~,(,,:,:~'!'I'i<",," ~._.<__:." ,.,.:,- ,-.. ..?,_'..,;...... ,,' .._.-, , "t..;'r:"';'.~,~;:;...~... ........,,:.._ .,' COUJ/T/(Y ICL1llf3-DR1VE, - ....,.....,~"..- ., ," -f~.'. "'-.... ~:;:!" \ -, - , .'" :1 'i 'I I I I , I ., ! ,. II II TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: STATE OF NEW YORK ~ ----------------------------------------------------X , i , ! i I In the Matter of the Application of COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES, for the Laying Out of New Highways in Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New " York, to be known as: II j, !I I, !I II " II 'I I, ii ., DEDICA TION AND COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, and DRA INAGE EASEMENT and DRAINAGE AREA, RELEASE ----------------------------------------------------x I, COUNTRY CLUB ESTA TES, a co-partnership, having its principal place of business at One Country Club Drive, Cutchogue, New York, being ,i the owner of certain land in Cutchogue. Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New I Ii :1 il II York, and included within which land are proposed highways known as COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE and DRAINAGE EASEMENT and DRAINAGE AREA, P described in the Application in the above entitled matter dated !i ,1 " !l II " !, " NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of ONE ($1. 00) Dollar to us in hand < paid by Raymond C. Dean, residing at Peconic Lane, Peconic, New York, H 11958, Superintendent of Highways of said Town of Southold, and in further 'I !: consideration of laying out of the new highway known as COUNTRY CLUB 11 ., !i DRIVE and DRAINAGE EASEMENT and DRAINAGE AREA, do hereby release I, '/ ii and dedicate to the Town of Southold all of the land heretofore owned by me II within said proposed highways and drainage easement and drainage area as il /, i , I II !i [I follows: 1. The highway known as COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, as shown and designated on a certain map entitled, "COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES" filed in ,I the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on October 17, 1978, as Map J II Ii .1 I' ,I Number 6736, together with all of the right, title and interest of Country Club I Estates, of, in and to the 12 foot DRAINAGE AREAS abutting Country Club - 1 - . . .......", "':~: ""..'.f', ";.' -, .~.. c' ~.. ~" '<. -. . ..''''.''- "-' "". .~ "" .._ '....,...._.... '.J-!I>..._.". ,," ."".",.."".;......,-,.., t,.,.,. .- . ...-'. ,- . .' .~. ." = :,1..~"-"-'.. . ,'<1 ,. ., / """ . .f ; . ~.,.:..., _,.,"'~.~_........:'.~ ,,--'" ;.", c_""~" ~,~_~. ,_-, ,:,...""...,',." """.'''.'~' -.......,.." .....;, ,.....," "", . _,;r ., I! ., ,! q '\ 'i ., II II " II Drive and Linden Avenue all shown on said Map No, 6737. :1' !, .' il II 'I 2. The DRAINAGE EASEMENT located between Lots 21 and 22 and the DRAINAGE AREA located west of Lots 20 and 21 as shown and designated on " a certain map entitled, "Country Club Estates" and filed in the Office of the !i Ii :1 II I! " ii 'I ii ;! ;1 Clerk of the County of Suffolk on October 17, 1978, as Map Number 6736. A nd I do release the said Town of Southold from all damages by reasons of the laying out of the said highways and drainage easement and drainage area. i 11 I! Ii !! " .j , " I ~ II .i iI :1 r i I ., 11 i I I 'I I ! COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES BY: ~ ~~ J ~ ,'~. -'/;-'1) , '. ~J~ :1 !! ,I ;1 ~l II II il - 2 - ..'/ ";'-"',-^.l'-'--"- ..:',,' >...', ... ......._............,,""'...:w~,....~, .-.,...<.~~,..--,._,...,-> ,...'-;'-,~." I I :. :.~~., ~.- " , .,.:,...> i :.,-;;.:,~',:~.:_.....,...~:,.. :,.,,,.-.' ',-"'........,. .... . . . ",.~~_.... i' " I , II I! I' II Ii,' STA TE OF NEW YORK) S8: d 1 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) il I: n !i I; On the '.~ 11 ii BABCOCK, il Ii ment, and who bei.ng duly sworn, by me, did depose and say that he is a Ii II i! member of the firm of COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES, a co-partnership, and that: ;I / day of\M~vv4 1982, before me personally came PHILIP to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instru- [i he executed the foreoing instrument in the firm name of COUNTRY CLUB ii Ii Ii [I I' II :! 'i :1 iI 'I II Ii '.1 / ; ~ 'ESTA TES, and that h.o had authority to sign the same, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same as the act and deed of said firm for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. /l // .1'- , / 1/ / // / I "/. ''/(. !--::1,. ./ ......;;...-"7.--:' . '/,,-7..' "//'_"/,/ . Notary Public ,,/ ./ .:-'\-..--.-------, " " 'i " ii fj :1 II II .; " Ii II I I I Ii ;1 II II II !/ !I II i GIIRY FLANNa! OLSEN Not.,y Public, State at tiff., v_ tlo. 52.2SSi900 O'Jal;liedins~Co~ <~, CO':lm'~$IOn Exoiraa March ao.. t~ ":' .;-.J" " . . COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, and DRAINAGE EASEMENT and DRAINAGE AREA, I I I ! I I i ORDER LA YING OUT THE HIG H + I WA YS WITH THE CONSENT OF THE TOWN BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: STATE OF NEW YORK ---------------------------------------------------X In the Matter of the Application of COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES, for the Laying Out of New Highways in Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as: I I I I I WRITTEN application having been duly made to me, the Town" Superinten- ! I; dent of Highways for the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for the I , ! J II II II I I ---------------------------------------------------x laying out of Town Highways in the said Town of Southold, by COUNTRY CLUB! I ! I i I I I i ESTATES, liable to be assessed for highways taxes in the said Town, and a dedication and release from damage having been executed, acknowledged and delivered by the owner of the land through which the proposed highways are proposed to be laid out, a copy of which is annexed hereto and nothing having been paid to any claim for such damages: NOW THEREFORE, I, the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, DO HEREBY DETERMINE AND ORDEn I that the town highways and drainage easement and drainage area are hereby I II i I, laid out at Cutchogue in the Town of Southold, as follows: 1. The highway is known as COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, as shown and designated on a certain map entitled, "Country Club Estates" and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on October 17, 1978, as Map , , ! Number 6736, together with all of the right, title and interest of Country Club I Estates, of, in and to the 12 foot DRAINAGE AREAS abutting Country Club Drive and Linden Avenue all shown on said Map No. 673'Z. 2. The DRAINAGE EASEMENT located between Lots 21 and 22 and the I I; Ii II I: il - 1 - "J,I;', .'" ,~..'i,.~~~};"..,._.~;.;." . "'-";','" .,,-,..,~ .- ",'iL"t- . -~ ,,"""...... .::...,"fo',,:'..:.L~.~\<_'.,'.;,:':..~.-..-: ~;;::,':'<",!<,,'.ic."'" ...,.-.......-'_.,.. --...~:-...,~_..,:-'.,..._.,_ i~'.', ,;...~~........ . . , I , 'I DRAINAGE AREA located west of Lots 20 and 21 as 'shown and designated on I a certain map entitled, "Country Club Estates" and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk, on October 17, 1978, as Map Number 6736. . I Dated: , th ( ) The If-day o~>r;l-77 . , 1982. (/' ~ f./ J ~' /' ~ ~ " / ,,/~....~-- . ,/ / /~/./ / I /!~ ~.,,<;';7V/'- /U,/~""'/1 (~~. , .c/,,_" i.-r I~y;<,.... /" ( ____ '/RaYfri'ond C. Dean, Town Superintendent of ~hways, Town of Southold, Suffolk County. New York ,I r I' - 2 - i I I II I, I I I " ...,' ~, _o'{,t_:,\"~_'.",..",~"...,;"..".,.".,.,,.,. .- -.' ,..-"--,"....':,,;-~:>,,:. .....,,~"".,.. '.. ,.":..:i~y.,.:_,'~...t:.t,..,,,.':;:'.;"f~'::.C;..; -;~:...,,.,__.,- ",:- -, .,.::. ...-,..... - ~'.....,.;;r.~~';..ill.!t\..>':.-r.;. < .....~,',';~.:.;,~'~........".- ..... ~ . ~ . .","b' ... <::) ... ~ 'r]l ~3 [Ql ~r ~ l~ [91 '-.01 ,.' ......::1 f::: ~ f;"; "~-'-'l v, 01 ::.::1 , I II Ii II Ii 'I I <JI ' ..1 II :":'1..... I' /.......,. I Q"j"" ./'. ,'..;~ I '-."'.r . \~":;~\b l '" I':~) II I' if II I , i I II ...,.1 f-. I,:' .. "-"~'-f 21 , ,. , c...;;. "~,' ;:'"'.t"",~,:..;ll.<-;,'>",:, "',:l<>"~:'..,, ,'~,<, i I , l18f.913(ip!Gf 183 .. r ,! II II TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: STATE OF NEW YORK " --- --- --- -- - -- --- -- -- ---- -- - -- -- --- - -- -- - -- -- - -- --- -X I! I: H In the Matter of the Application of COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES, for the Laying Out of New Highways in Ii Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New r York, to be known as: I , DEDICA TION AND COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, and DRAINAGE EASEMENT and DRAINAGE AREA, RELEASE ----------------------------------------------------X I, COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES, a co-partnership, having its principal place of business at One Country Club Drive, Cutchogue, New York, being the owner of certain land in Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New I I I , I I NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of ONE ($1. 00) Dollar to us in hand I I I York, and included within which land are proposed highways known as COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE and DRAINAGE EASEMENT and DRAINAGE AREA, described in the Application in the above entitled matter dated paid by Raymond C. Dean, residing at Peconic Lane, Peconic, New York, 11958, Superintendent of Highways of said Town of Southold, and in further consideration of laying out of the new highway known as COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE and DRAINAGE EASEMENT and DRAINAGE AREA, do hereby release and dedicate to the Town of Southold all of the land heretofore owned by me within said proposed highways and drainage easement and drainage area as follows: 1. The highway known as COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, as shown and II designated on a certain map entitled, "COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES" filed in I r I II I I , " Ii ., Ii i , the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on October 17, 1978, as Map Number 6736, together with all of the right, title and interest of Country Club I Estates, of, in and to the 12 foot DRAINAGE AREAS abutting Country Club I - 1 - , ,;.."". ,', ,.~", '..- ",....,.,.". ,'. '~".' :.'-, - "',,,.;;;J"':,::..'..........:,O., ; '.r:t.I~':,.~..:.;-,.,.<_~ . - _._......:/_.~_,~o,..,;'.'t;,;- ,'. "",',::..;'~~., ...-.......- I "l . ,:~.:-",..;,;...,:,.. ~ ." 118091.:J)..nf18l I :1 Drive and Linden Avenue all shown on said Map No. 6737. I I I i I i 2. The DRAINAGE EASEMENT located between Lots 21 and 22 and the DRAINAGE AREA located west of Lots 20 and 21 as shown and designated on a certain map entitled, "Country Club Estates" and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on October 17, 1978, as Map Number 6736. And I do release the said Town of Southold from all damages by reasons II of the laying out of the said highways and drainage easement and drainage I! i' I I I I area. COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES BY: '~'~3 '_/:-')/) . U-eA-J I I I I II , i .1 !! i , I I II - 2 - ,'>, ' "',,-,"~':~;',,-,:,'<""':',-_'-J..........,. I ....,'-,~---'"", j ......".-.'.......,.:..,..'......-. :'-"..~,..~'.,~N;:.~'-':_-i-.,:"',*.i~;.;:>;-< ,~..,>.,_,~',t.:(i>'l~.:i:;,.;_"IW;-,... ....,.... .-;- , t I I, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: STATE OF NEW YORK I ----------------------------------------------------X I I: I' In the Matter of the Application of COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES, for the Laying Out of New Highways in Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as: CONSENT COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE and DRAINAGE EASEMENT and DRAINAGE AREA, ,; ---------------------------------------------------x We, the undersigned, being a majority of the Town Board of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York, having duly met at a +i, regular meeting of the said Town Board on the Ii-day of JAMe<If1'; 1982, II II I , I I II II 'I I II , and having duly considered the application of COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES, dated M ; the 13- day of J f/.f'v'tAA R.7 ' 1982, for laying out of new highways, drainag~ I easement and drainage area at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, to be known as I I COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, and DRAINAGE EASEMENT and DRAINAGE AREA, I I I I I I I together with all of the right, title and interest of Country Club Estates, of, in and to the 12 foot DRAINAGE AREAS abutting Country Club Drive and Linden Avenue all shown on said Map No. 6737, at Cutchogue, Town of Southold, do. hereby consent that such laying out be made in accordance with said petition. I, a~wI ~_k Town Justice '11;) %iil ~ VJ.i)..tA:<L-.J#J ./ te -- Supervisor ~ - 11 ~~ , " dt.d{ ...;/ '-.--/L-V'l:~t:- ,ow,-,n'perk/, //(/ J ' - . / /" / / ! ;:,' ~ 'z,'~-"" /', /' /r...~.;J-~~~-::-,cr/' ",/ .~~_. "yripe~intend~t of Highways, "' C 'l~ , tu,{4 To I I \ I i ;1 I' ,I 'I Ii (lnvt,t ~ TO, wn 'C/' cil anh " / ,/ /f'J " / "/, ;2/, W~ -,-' ~urr~~ n7 - " ft ///~,_'m__ ,~. (,~ ~~ ;-. .' //. ;/..... 'Yo vv n Cotmnl ,r .// '" .,"" ",-,)',....;."', ,,~:.,,>. :;,;:,:t,"'lW-<(i,"",jv>!"~"',,, "~,,,' .'.-;-.''''-" """"" '--<"'~'" .-, ',,", ,:,.' ,_~';_ .;::.":.-..,,:';;.;~,^',:',.'....~.......11,_'; :.Y,;.:;:;,':--:,.--,:"d':'!' ',' ,.:,"'," ";,.,,,,-".;". \. _....~,;.,..~_~_'I.'f,-r.... -"""':'::'~;';"t~-"" --'~~- '., "'1 . '_~:'".' "'f''':-~''~'~':}i ,,~....w; ',,_ ,: ',,'__'..c, i ,. , tl8f,913f)'aGf 185 STA TE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) /" On the ,,'\:) day Of\''''MVV--{ 1982, before me personally came PHILIP BABCOCK, to me known to be the person who executed the foregoing instru- I ment, and who being duly sworn, by me, did depose and say that he is a I ; member of the firm of COUNTRY CLUE ESTATES, a co-partnership, and thatl ' I , , he executed the foreoing instrument in the firm name of COUNTRY CLUB I ESTATES, and that he had authority to sign the same, and he acknowledged II II to me that he executed the same as the act and deed of said firm for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. /" ~/ ",' / ' ~/ l i' / (. i / ) / ~ J , / // ,.' .' . ~-1 ./ / ...!--... / /;.-:r'" /.".4"/", ..--, / ~ . /' .,t. /' ,/ .r-~' /_...- / ., NotaJ:'Y Public ",/ GARY FLANNa! OI.SEN Not.,y Public, &tll!9 of N'ffl Veot No. 62-2SIl~ C'tlc::::lled in SUIfoCtCo~_. Y~/-7 CO','HJ": r!.$lon Expi.... Merah 304 1~ II I' I I ! i Ii il II , 1".'''' t....-I.-U-ilv~,; .\ '-:-"";:-~f')S 'J \J':'''~':'''~''~'''~ 'lO'~.~~ . ~:_; 'U - jIJ.:i'r:~F(;L1:"~'" -:1"..:.01" I~ IC,) I . .'~ '( , ! LA. ! l\j C,J ~ G::G~!O~]~ j~~ I Tit T --n\>i ~lLlcho\~ lOlvn~J~k 00 f1cx 7:) tr ~ou-\dw\~ Nt) 1197/ Zu! rid lJO I 6Z H~r u', :"'''<'''-,,,"~'r" ." .. ---.....;~:.;,~H,..S,"..,~..<--."'., ..,;..'R"'-,.... " '" ..~",..~-'''''...'...~"......~.,- ..,."......"'. :-.,..;.;.,.... V",,,,.' ..J/;.'._,.,. ,,"":"'.~:';~~'.i' ,-,....;":.;.,, ----~--- II , I I I d I I I I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: STATE OF NEW YORK -------------------------------------------------x In the Matter of the Application of COUNTRY CLUB ESTA TES, for the Laying Out of New Highways in Cutchogue, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to be known as: A PPLIC A TION COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, and DRAINAGE EASEMENT and DRAINAGE AREA, -------------------------------------------------x II II I' II I' 'I II II To the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, in the County of Suffolk and State of New York: , , The undersigned petitioner, COUNTRY CLUB ESTA TES, a co-partnership! i having its principal place of business at One Country Club Drive, Cutchogue, I I I New York, liable to be assessed for highway taxes in the Town of Southold, hereby apply to the Town Superintendent of Highways to layout new highways and drainage area at Cutchogue, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York as follows: 1. The highway is known as COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, as shown and designated on a certain map entitled, "Country Club Estates" and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the COltitry'of Suffolk on October 17, 1978 as Map I II 'I I I I I 'I II I I I Number 6736, together with all of the right, title and interest of Country Club Estates, of, in and to the 12 foot DRAINAGE AREAS abutting Country Club Drive and Linden Avenue all shown on said Map No. 6737. 2. The DRAINAGE EASEMENT located between Lots 21 and 22 and the DRAINAGE AREA located west of Lots 20 and 21 as shown and designated on a certain map entitled, "Country Club Estates" and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on October 17, 1978 as 1\1ap Number 6736. A map of said proposed highway and drainage easement and drainage area I has been made by Young & Young, Professional Engineers and Land I , ! i ! i II I - 1 - ,-'".."'" .;.;.,,~.,," -. -. ,,""-....,-.. ,:,- :,.;'..~..A..:<",.:.l,...:'_O,'_.. ';'."^' "'i--:.' ._.....;:..'l_,~-~.,i...,'--; ""'''''>.'~R''''''- " ,..", ...-.~' . '. i,:" jj; , , I! Surveyors, and is annexed hereto and made a part of the Application, together i with a Release and Application to the Town of Southold by the petitioner herein I over whose property said highway and drainage easements and drainage area I I i , are to run. COV~kL. U~.STtyrEJI' /J BY:_Zr../J . /.J~ ;' I . I I , I I I I II II ,I Ii I' ,I I; ii ,. I. " " ,i - 2 - ;,ko;,i:,~"",',i',., ,4.,,;, ..::;.,:.-",..ll\-:.'.-',",.....~;-,,'. ':':"""--:""""".'.",~"." .',' "-':' ".-....... -;.,:-;.r,-,,:'.:.:-'";.,.,.,'>,..,.:....n-., '.r(~:;:',:.,-:",:.",;". .'.., .,'.-. .. ':'.;~''',~J,; ;._- -,_;'~.'h~\.,"';..('..;.i.:;>.:<;:il'.':t;;;~' . , I I I , STA TE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) n : l Ii On the J) day 0:!1U,u7l982, before me personally came PHILIP I BABCOCK, to me kn(!wn to be the person who executed the foregoing instru- Ii II II I, II il I ment, and who being duly sworn by me, did depose and say that he is a member of the firm of COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES, a co-partnership, and , ! that he executed the foregoing instrument in the firm name of COUNTRY CLuIi , I I , , ESTA TES, and that he had authority to sign the same, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same as the act and deed of said firm for the uses ,,~ and purposes therein mentioned. " I II ! " ! ,: f \/.." } I \,q/ ,,' j "~I' /.-;' /7 /' "",/"" ~ /?-~f'/ .' .,""j;r~ ////;;;// _____ -Notary Public ~ 1/ I I, i GAAY FtANNER OLSEN Natary Pubtic.. Statu of Naw Yom No, 6~-2S5E500 :2 Quellfied in Suffo'- COU!1tY <" eommiesion ecpin'!s Marr.h "3(),'9 -,~ I I! !I 'I It i! I' II 'I II II ,< ,~:':">" ""::'C;~'~''':-'.;'i.~n'', ,,_. '.'_._,."., ",:,,,,,~;,:_c,. ,'-"--",...",,,-. ;:':"'.~..".:.:,;""V:..~"~.,""~' 'j ...,....'.....-,. --''-'..;.,:,''~',..,:...,._., .",..-.:..,,:;;.~-c,., , ~, '~I'"""' ~v~\\7fD! l("~~:-~O- ,O/c-, '")",0 ","",'::": :.J",~ P'~) "t><\.;~\\\ :-J;:.2.>:: --"< \ :,,";:"'1:: kI:::: ; -,:: 'J ~ 'Ei: '~~~)- "-1~:-;->. - .,--~ -:-,:-;~?:~,::.:-._~~~..~ .- JUDITH T" TERRY TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 728 Southold, New York 11971 January 26, 1982 Honorable Arthur J. Felice Suffolk County Clerk Suffolk County Center Riverhead, New York 11901 Dear Mr. Felice: Transmitted herewith for filing in your office is Dedication and Release for Country Club Drive, Drainage Easement and Drainage Area, at Cutchogue, New York, and check in the amount of $13.00 to cover cost of filing. Very truly yours, ~J.J7 Judith T. Terry Southold Town Clerk Enclosure . TELEPHONE (516) 765-1801 /' .1 , , S",..I~IJ N,Y.II,I.II. F"!lllIHllll. "'71o-1,,~1 - kdc.l)c oj I)~II 01 Mung.lgeJ .'......uses. CONSUI.T YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD 8E USED BY LAWYERS 'oNLY. .' " ,t'- THIS INDENTURE, made the 2J\th day of 1\11'11]5t . ninctc.'(,lI huncln.fI and eiqhty-<me BETWEEN WILLIAM WICKHAM, residing at 115 Old Harbor Ibad, New Suffolk, New York, ilS Exe(:lIt"r of th0 F,sl ;lh~ of Katieil MIIZ inic, cl,x'C'ilsL'Cl, party of the lirst pan, and COUNTRY CLUB ESTA'I'ES, a NL'W York cO-p<lrtncrship having its principal place of business at (no it) Prai ty lane, Cutchogue, New York 11935 party of tlw :;('cond part, WHERfAS, the party of the first part is the holder of the following mortgage and of the hond or note ~(,cllrcd IhcrcLy: Hortgage ".bled the F!th da) of May , 1977, made ~.i COUNTRY CLUB E:::;TATES to WILLIAM WICKHAM, as Executor of the Estate of Katica Huzinic, deceased, in the prillt';pa! sum uf :$ 200,000.00 7900 ~ of mortgages, page 26 Suffolk on May 31, 1977, amI rerunled in (Liber) ~I!J~ in the office of the Clerk of the County of covering certain lands and tenements. of which the lamb hCf<,inafter descrihed arC' part, and -WHEREAS. the party or the first lI<lrl, at the n'lJuc.:~t uf the party of die sl'con<l part, has agreed to give up and surrender the lands hereinafter described unto the part)' of the second part, and to hnld and retain the residur of tlw mortgaged lalHls as sl->C.'urity ror till' mOlle)' f('maining: dlll~ un s.,id mortgage NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH. that the party of the first parI, in pursuance of said agree- ment and in consideration of ONE and 00/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :... - - ($1.00) - - - - - - - - - - - - ..., - ..., .., - - - Dollars, lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the S('CO~l<..1 part, does g~alll~ rekasc and qllih:Iaim lInto the party of the ~enmd part, all that part .of sait! mortgaged lands described as follows: ALL those certain plots; pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being at Cutchogue, 'Ibwn of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being kna.m and designated on "Map of Cotmtry Club Estates" filed October 17th, 1978, Map No. 6736, as follows:- Country Club Drive; Drainage Area. 32,020 S.F.; Park & Recreation Area 78,064 S.F.; Marsh Area 4 .129 acres; . . . . . . Drainage Faserrent 25.00 I . TOGETHER with all righI, title and iutnl'st, if an)', of the p.lIl)' uf the lirst pan in and to allY streets allll roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof and in and to any fixtures and articles of personal property which are now contained in said premises ami ,...hich may be covered by ...aid mortgage. TOGETHER with the hereditaments and appllrtcn3m:cs therelltlto helOllgillg, and all right, title and interest of the party of the tirst part. in am! to the :'lame, to the intent that the: lauds Iwrehy rdcased ma)" be dis- charged from said mortgage , and that the rest uf the lancls ill said mortgage specified ma)' remain mortgaged to the party of the first part a< heretofore. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the lands and premises herehy released and quitclaimed to the party of the second part, and to the heirs, successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, free, clear and discharged' of and from all lien and claim under and by virtue of said mortgage aforesaid. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, written. IN"PIlESENCE OF: L __ --- [-.-.. ~ ----.--- ...---1 .....-.,....-.- ~.........'............. On UI~ 24 .Iay..t ^llCJust, perSOllally came WIILIAM WICKHAM ~~''';''.~ .....".,. -........,... .',..' :;..; IC) RI I..r"rr "'" 0" lhe clay "I personally came , belure me to me known to be the individual executed the r(Jf(~J.:"oinJ.:' instrwuent. he execuled the e. described in and who and acknowledged lhat , i , JOAN HiNgift~\""NN NOTA." PU3LlC, S....., .... ".... .... 52-"0565' Q_olifl.4' i. -ittf'.... c.-ty (j T...... "'pi,.. M.",h '6, 116-~ STATE OF loIEW YORK, COUNT" OF On the oay of 19 before me personally came to me known, who,being I>y me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. that he is the of , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- tion, and that he signed h name thereto by like order. .' B,blls, Of PART OF MORTGAGED PREMISES TITLE No. WIILIAM WICKHAM, as &recutor of Katica . Muzinic, deceased TO COONTRY CLUB ESTATES STANDARD FOaM OF .NIW 'to.1t lOAD Of nnE UNDfRwamls Db,,.,,.,. by 4J. TIne GUARANTee. NeWYORK . A llCOR COMPANY . w U .. ~ o .. z Q .. o :.l .. ~ o w '" ::l '" o ~ w U ... ... .. .. x 0- w > .. w .. w .. ...--.--.,-'---- .... -' - 'f'''~ ,..,," ,'''.... "''--~''''''''''",,"~' ~~-~-....:,' " 19 to me known to be the individual eXl'cuted the foregoing instrwncnt. executed the same. described in and who and acknowledged that . SS: STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF SOl On the day of. 19 , before me personally came the subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument, with whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No, that he knows to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. SECTION BLOCK LOr COUNTY OR TOWN Recorded at Request or The TItle Guar.ntee Company RETURN BY MAIL TO: (. Af~Y HiU~~~ER OiL5E~;j ESq. P () Q ~~, . , . ..ox 5;). f.hiil !'bad Mattituck, L. i., ~t Y. n~51 Zip No. . -- ., .r , ." ....,. .. " 'l. , . ,,~, ,. GARY FLAN N ER OLS EN . ,. ~ _ 2j ;(:~4:~/oj9/1/ COUNSELLOR AT LAW P. O. BOX 38 . MAIN ROAD. MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND. NEW YORK 1]952 . PHONE 516 298-4844 .RECEIVEP OCT ~i9iJl TflWll rl.r~ Soulhold October 8, 1981 Re: Country Club Estates File # 2042 Dear Judy: ~ Enclosed please find copy of a Release of Mortga to be made a part of the road dedication papers in the above matter. Please advise as to the status of this matter. GFO/ra enc1 Mrs. Judith Terry Southold Town Clerk Main Road Southold, New York 11971 cc: Mr. Philip Babcock '.....,.-;....,.;1<.,-;'."'....,.,.,.; ..,......,... ... 1J;.:'i:""'{'.'-~""':lr<:.' """'~'0;',, . '_.,c, .',", ,....:.,.:,,::''''-..:..',,~..,.,.,'. , ,'.."'- .': - ";'''~':#'''''':''.,.....'.''"'':>'' :;'.:':;::-\' ; <"r:-,< ,.. ---'....~,....,.,~.,._t':...,_ . ",.. .~;....-",. i " ". I ~.,.., , . ~~#-. ~ ,fll~~8j6?-JJt>') .. '. GARY FLAN N ER OLS EN COUNSELLOR AT LAW P. O. BOX 38 . MAIN ROAD. MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND. NEW YORK 11952 . PHONE 516 298-4844 RECEIVE~ AUG G '71981 August 26, 1981 Re: Country Club Estates Road Dedication File # 2042 Town ClArk Soulliold Dear Mrs, Terry: Enclosed please find Road Dedication papers for Country Club Estates. Please advise as to the amount of any recording fees, and I will issue a check immediately, Very truly yours, GFO/clr Enclosure ALL-~L- Judith Terry Southold Town Clerk Main Road Southold, New York 11971 """'" ,.:,,'~', . '''';~~'.:'.'i','';",'"",<'/';' '-.,:..;. ;-.."""~,,,:, ,..,.:,., ,'j::t.i~":,~:}...:,,,._,~;.,.._. """"',< .,' "'"-"/"''':<':~,,,.,",,,.. '. "....>v::.' '.,,;';;';',,^(,..~.......;>l--,'_':" ";-P-.,,_.. ,,,-,_,,<,,,~,,,'..",'I'_" ,:",~"',...:.......".. _ _ i _