HomeMy WebLinkAboutCardinal Drive . ! ; .."; . . . II' , , , I.} ., ---------------------------------------x In the Matter of the <: " , Laying out of certain town highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York. : ---------------------------------------X CONSENT ------- i 1 II . . J UPON READING AND FILING the application of Mattituck Estates, Inc., dated and acknowledged October 19, 1966, and the dedication and release of Mattituck Estates, Inc., dated ~~~.~~ I." ,1966? and duly acknowledged, ., .! dedicating and releasing the necessary lands for certain proposed town high- , ways to extend generally from the State Highway, Route #25, through the lands I of the said Mattituck Estates, Inc., to New Suffolk Avenue, a town highway, as: is shown on a certain map entitled "Map of Subdivision for Mattituck Estates, I Inc., Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, dated May 5, 1965! ii~ ,;: ~ and July 19, 1965, Alden W. Young, C.E. and L.S." and filed in the Office of l 4 ! . the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on September 8, 1965 as Map #4453, a copy ':" ~ ~ It "y I. of which is hereto annexed and made a part hereof, showing the course and RESOLVED THAT, in accordance with the provisions of Section #171 of -, r '-H; it. f: " & i ,.&1 ~ .n i "'. courses of the proposed highways. the Highway Law of the State of New York, consent be and the same hereby is given that the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Southold, make an order laying out the aforesaid town highways, the said town highways to .' :'- consist of the lands described in the said dedication and release, and to ex- ,I tend as delineated upon the map thereto annexed, and it is further !! i H :. i~ !i RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and he hereby is directed to forth-' with cause such release to be recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the ij !' , !I . ,( , :1 I, , :1 " ;i :/ II -)! .,1 -. . , t ., ">:,:~~". J, r . !; ;1 " . " :! County of Suffolk and, upon its return, to attach it hereto. :1 ;.~~~~~~7 Ii Dated: ReYe.lI.-:-.B_,_;1,~". !i , TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, STATE OF NEW YORK BY, ~w~ i SUPERVISOR I (~~1.: zJ!~ ~l 'i ': iI .:i I, II ii I: d I " l1?a%t!;tcA ;:h.~ - TICE OF TEE PEACE . ., fi , jl ~-'7' 52::' '.? C ~~u..~ /)7 A..:.r-'/'7z~'i-U"f I . . 'ro1lN COUNCIIMAN , ': ii ;1 " :1 >i ~f?u.c/ a ~4t~L TOWN COUNCIIMAN ,i " .. ,; " :1 II ~i " " (I :1 !i , H 'l '; II " ,I ;1 l: !i ,. Ii ;1 II II . I II ij I I . . ,',' . ,~~). J'J I. 'J 'I .. I I I ., i , ;: , i , X ~ -------------------------------------- ,1 'I II " In the Matter of the ORDER rAYING OUT HIGHWAY - - ;i laying out of certain town highways in " the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York. ______________________________________X ii Application having been duly made for the laying out of certain town I highways in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, as shown on a ., certain map entitled "Map of Subdivision for Mattituck Estates, Inc., MattituckJ I Ii Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, dated May 5, 1965 and July 19, 1965, j; I, Alden W. Young, C.E. and L.S." and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on September 8, 1965 as Map #4453, and B dedication and re- lease from the owners of the lands through which the highways would be opened, having been given; NOW, THEREFORE, I, the Town Superintendent of Highways of the Town of; I , I I I I , I " Southold, Suffolk County, New York, do hereby determine and order that town highways shall be and the same are hereby laid out in said Town in accordance with said aforesaid map. Dated: ~7 ? /7',61' jl q TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK STATE OF NEW YORK '\ /./ --) /} ~/ ,By;:b;,p/7%~~:2~-;/Z/' ~.- /TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS // i/'" !. Ii !, Ii I' " Ii I,l 'I ., ~ i 'I I. . il '1 I' !I " ;1 !' II . . t' .'<l ;:(,;~l;~<<; " i I I, " I I I I I I , j I .L1BER6152 2~Gcti6 : '. 'I .-- ---4 .,. . . '..,'j. , .'_ ~o I, 1 :! I....' jJ I I .~ ~.~. ~ It) '1. ' -.<<) ('; '~ \";', /~~ ~ ___________________________________________x In the Matter of the Laying out of certain town highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York. -------------------------------------------X DEDICATION AND RELEASE OF LANDS " , WHEREAS, application has been duly made to the Town Superintendent of ': Highways of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, for the laying out of certain Town highway~ specifically shown and delineated on a certain map , which is hereto annexed and made a part hereof, and more specifically known as " "Map of Subdivision for Mattituck Estates, Inc., Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, dated May 5, 1965 and July 19, 1965, Alden W. Young, I!. , '~ 1", "'\ ":.' . C.E. and L.S." and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on , ',September 8, 1965 as Map #4453; NOW, THEREFORE, Mattituck Estates, Inc., a New York Corporation, with its principal offices at Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, the owners of lands to be included within the said highways, does hereby dedi- 'cate, release and convey to the Town of Southold, for highway purposes, the lands so shown as highways on the aforesaid map more specifically known as "Map I , , of Subdivision for Mattituck Estates, Inc., Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk: I County, New York, dated May 5, 1965 and July 19, 1965, Alden W. Young, C.E. and : 1 ': L.S." and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on September. I I i I 8, 1965 as Map #4453; AND, it is certified, that the consideration paid to the undersigned :1 lifor this dedication and conveyance are the following: ONE ($1.00) DOLLAR and , " Ii other good and valuable consideration, " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have caused these presence to be executed and i " J ' :i sealed this /3 ttA. day of ;~,-;f<'lI,; 1.'1 , 19617- " ! Ii MATTlTUCK ESTATES, INC. .I " n It ii I, :1 'i I, I, I, 'I I. By: (<:>' 1/ ,J '1 L(:&/, 1- l~ (1'-1'.'--- , ~._a;~b"'J'J 0\t="1\f':(A"C/\ l~.' j -,; :l1> . /':\ 1<. . ,. ;, .... ,,:\ .:;) ((",.~." ( \' \<~~' ','.. . , . . . -.' . "'",'"r/: .. "'", " .,:r", J w~.'" . , ~ '."""', '..' d\,i:- .: :-~~ :' . ".".... .:..; i,l .. ._-" ~ .- , " ~ , '. . .. . . ~ I ' '-,., r. " , "e . :A,.\ '''..:;,.",.,-, ,., II :1 II. .u8ER615~117 . . . ..#" '. - STATE OF NEW YORK) ss. : COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the /3.fj, day of ~tEhtf4""',/ ROBERT L. BERGEN, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did 1967, before me personally came depose and say that he resides at Main Road, Mattituck, New York, that he is the Treasurer of MATTITUCK ESTATES, INC., the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. BARBARA A. CAIN ~ctary Public in the State of New York No. 52.5569890 Residing in Suffolk County if Commission Expires March 30,196 RECORDED' MA Y 15 1967 CD 1/.0' CfM NORMAN E. KlI PP . Clerk ot SUffolk County . .-....- \ " '."~:\,-. ,;,.:.;y:".,.~~, _/ ,=--J -:-_ ,:i'_ '. :;;j~ tt ~.~ If c-:~~" ,~~ (; t '" ~ I" "f}._~ . i Q/' r ~.'tr -,-\..-' '-' . --?, ~ . '.~~:_. . . . ~ c c. '( . ,J ',.J 1. RE;-O'-" >oJ _ r"IW~[,i 1957 ~lny ..H IS fl1)" . .. Os NOR\-]'" : }.\i'J [ ".,n ':-" '""', (" '0- "I 'c..' vi tf'" ". . .., -- \ ( ~oIWrn' // . ~J ~ t l .f ~ '- V I};\ ~~ ~ ~ , ' l ' . ",,":Hd ',: I H I I t:"rlll 'Hi1l2 '.7tH\I-'HHP:~'1I ~IlJ ".I~ Ill'",l .....lh L~'\"'U'\I '11""'" '''H'.'' 1".1.. .,1",,: '" "';'" . CON.SUl.T YOUR LAwnR BE.OIII SIO_G THIS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED SY LAWYf.t; ONLY . " THIS INDENlURE, mad.. the BElWEEN L /! dayof I , ~ R WIIW , nJllt'tet'11 JllHlJred and sixty-..' MATTITUCK ESTATES, DlC. a daoest1c corporstion with its principel " t./ ) , place of business at Mattituck, Suffolk County, New York and CHESTER B. MELOT and JANET M. MELOT, his wifo, residing at New Suffolk Avenue, Mattituck, New York, party of the first part, and THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, Suffolk County, !few York party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the secnnd part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the stcond part, the helT' or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, .".;ib-lBe-IMoiIdi....~.....I'~Ul-lhe.coo..e=ted~ situate, lying and bein!: in the town of Scuthold, Suffolk County, !few York and acre particularly described as follows: BEGlMIIJIG at the southwest corner of Lot No. 43, as shown on a certain IIl8p entitled, "Map of Subdivision for Mattituck Estates, Inc., Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York", filed in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on September 8, 1965 as Map No. 4453, and runnill8 thence hoa said point of be8iDDill8 North 30 54' w. alOll8 the easterly line of Meadow ane, 10.00 feet; thence If. 860 06' Eo through said Lot !lo. 43, 168.64 feet to the land of C. B. Melot; thence S. 12 28' 10" W. along the land of C. B6 Millot, 10.42 feet to the southeast corner of aforesaid Lot 110. 43; thence S. 86 06' 00" W. sloll8 the southerly line 0-( sfar<!'8aid Lot. No. .. ~. 165.70 feet to tile point or pace of lIKG DIJIIJIG . Chester B. Melot and Janet M. Melot, his wife The parties of the first pa~,jo hereby grant and release to the party of the second part, its successors and assigns forever the right and easement to discharge water on, over, under, through and into the pond located on their premises adjacent to the premises above described and do hereby release the party of the second part from any and all damages whatsoever occasioned as a result of the discharge of water into said pond. T()I "''I'll ER with all right. title and interest. if any. of the party of the first part in and to any streets and n,ads ;dlllttinR' the ahon' descrihed prf'llu"es to th~ center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurte~s and all the <state alld rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the p""I1,eS herein grallte'l unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assirn. of the party of the second part forever. .. AND the party ..f th., first part covenants that the party 01 the fint part has not done or suffered anythinr whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of ,the first part will receive the conside-ration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consid- eration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first tu tht> payment of the rost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The \\"Onl "party" shall he conS1:ru~d as jf it read "partie-s" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. ~--__ID~ , CAJt.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ .~~r~ - an. M. e at Mattituck Estate6, Inc. B, t '~j { , -f / :r' Tt'i. . fl'''- /~ - '~"~.~' :'; ..-,...._w"!>>t. .' ITAn OF - YOK. C~ OF StlPJ'O~ 50' ITAn OF NlW YOU. C_TY OF - . I .,- J.:.c l.<.,.... "1-- 7. On the 1;1 ""lIay of - '.J,~€# , before me personally came - AlI.llcrffL.tki;t:~/II to me known, who, being by me duly SW$)rn, djd depose and say that he resides at No. /l:HI/. /( C" U(.... ". h, .) /YII"ITn11<C~ _ , DW YCIUC that he is the ... /;(...1 i<< ~_ '. ,'- of JIl'f'1T!'UCJ( B8'rA!IS, DC. , the corporation described in and which executed the for~oing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corpora- tion, and that he sicned h. name thereto by like order. . .. .'!' ../1 . ..... 011....,..... C~l ~tOlk 'Ol On...~.t.'~.y ... 2-:. 1i-7 , before me pe ,. came C~~ B. .GoT and J.!NET M:. MELOT to - known to be the individual S deocribed in and who execultd !tie foregoin and acknowledged that they executed the o ary W1T.JHlI W1C1l'lIA1 llOTARY rnH.lC. snn: O~'llEW YOal No. 52-.t25!1000 Qualified in Sulftlk County Tro:rm elpires .March 3(). tN7 ~ /) .' (~:/ ,. .~ Ct. ~. . ./ RICllA.FD J CRON Y P'Jh':' In the State of N. . Notan' 5,,"1~G _ SuUollr. County i? No. 52-: I I' lr~S Mar. 30, 196.. \'h C(lflH~~I')n .x.p "'rlJain aNI "'Ie 5eeb \\//111 CUVENANT Ar.";T!\!S'1 GRA.NlOK'S Al.I) ["IILE No. TO STAND....D fOIM 0' HIW YOU: IOAaD OF nnl UNOIIWI.ITlkS DiJ,r-ibu'N by IHE TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY eNU"UD .... _ 'N NU .D'. . , . ITAn OJ _ YOU, COUNTY OF H. On the day of personally came 19 , before me to me known to be the individual executed the foregoing instrument, executed the same. described in and who and acknowledged that ... On the day of personally came the subscribing witness to the for~oing instrument, whom I am personally acquainted, who, being by me sworn, did depose and say that he resides at No. 19 before me with duly that he knows to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument; that he, said subscribing witness, was present and saw execute the same; and that he, said witness, at the same time subscribed h name as witness thereto. ,~, i;' J:-' BLOCK LOT COUNTY o~ TOWN RC'C'orckd Al RequC'tt o:;Ji The Tille GUAr~QrC'e Company . RBTURN BY MAIL TO: Zip No. ....'.-......,. ROAD \\ I I .- o o c '" ~ )> < '" :z c '" 11I.~"~OO" ?J ,#Y 0 ,AVENUE I W. ... ~ 0 .- '" \ 0 KEY MAP ::D SCALE' I. = 600' ~ '" ROAD --- \00' -1'.:.;,.. \00 \~ O. "'\0 0, \0 O\"i \~ \. \,-.." , \00 \00' , -- Typical Lot Layout" 2 CESSPOOL SYSTEM T WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPO" FACILITIES FOR ALL LOTS IN THIS DEVELOPMENT COMPLY WITH THE STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH'. a.:J,$~./~ P.E. a L.S. NEW ATE ENCE NO.12845 RIVERHEAD, N.Y. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH si 2-7 /25' RIVERHEAD, N.Y. .- THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE PROPOSED ARRANGEMENTS FOR WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE. DISPOSAL FOR. MATTITUCK ESTATES. INC.. I N THE TOWN OF SOUTH OLD WERE APPROVED ON THE ABOVE DATE. THIS APPROVAL SHALL BE VALID aNLY IF INSTALL- ATION OF WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE FACILITIES ARE COM- pLETED WITHIN ONE YEAR OF ABOVE APPROVAL DATE. UPON THE EXPIRATION OF THIS CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL, APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. APPROVAL OF THIS RENEWAL APPLIC- ATION SHALL BE SUBJECT TO THE REQltlREMENTS IN EFFECT AT~", THE TIME OF FILING SUCH APPLICATION. CONSENT. IS HEREBY GIVEN FOR THE FILING OF THE MAP ON WHICH THIS ENDORSEMENT APPEARS IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY IN ACCORDANCE WITH' SECTION 1118 OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH LAW AND SECTION 2 OF ARTICLE VI OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY SANITARY CODE, ~cYiJ~ o RECTOR, DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL, SANITATION '.: ':~- --~"'.', ..,; f,n'shfIJd grade ~"://-"'<"/~~- ."/~ ..': ;~:.. :,,::~ -:. " ~ t:>.:: ~ ce~""poo/~ .... .. .c E ~ , . 3~~ 4290/3. 'D' , n == '" 0' o\, t..,. . . : 0 - >, ", .. :CI.":..) 4 "PIP" y~und wolj!.0 ""if ~ --r -- ..~ 5ubn?e s;ble pl.lmp3G,P,M. ~..., E .. ' , Typical Well Detai I )0 OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND WATER SUPPY C/;O-S-If. .'~' TJ , ~. '", - ~ .", 4' I!lO.OO' I I I ~/~~ ...OJ OJ .79' t:1'b' 00 00 on . 00 <v'" '" 30 o . R~"'" ~"'O'!'<SI lL.J '",,,, :J . lJII"'i 2:: DEEP HOLE I ~ lL.J / 0 ~r DRIVE '" I 0'" 0'" , '0 ! "'<v ~1lI <e. )' ~ -J o I.L I.L :J C/) ..,. 0 ...., 0 N '" ..,. III '" ~ 4.J ~ 2:: ~ 0 .. '":_'i. ",,\'- " ~ " o ' ~ , Q . ~ 1.-" ~ I .~ Cross Section .', ~ MAIN ~ --~'- '-- NEW . ..~ \ '" sUfro- r~~~. lK r '. ~" I I \ DEEP HOLE 'I i CREEK, ~~ \!' ",~~1 L __ ./7; ~l ~/Y ~ . , \ -,"=:-~;' C~ :\ Ii <==:- flni08hed qrOcle .t ~ - . 'd . fa :....~ fr) ~o~g;?;;;~~'ve~ec1 ~ ~ . 01'8"'''0", to J:X;cJ I " 14~drop'T. v- /4 .8M" 8"", 16 "r:;.oncrel'e Iopere<:l cell Ct:$spool bloCkS /4 I~ /4 I I. =i ~QUnd .J ~~-Q"d"t"" ~ ~ ?~().. .,. -,0> < - Typicol 2 Cesspool System ( I I METHO[ I PROPOSED No. I NO.2 EL.23.!l EL.3!l.3 00 00 00 /'op.3oil topsoil "'.3 /.0 0.7 loom /cal'n .3.1 -,a .H . . 6-" " No.3 EL.23.4 topsoil loornt' qru,,~1 i I "'ed/v", .$t;Hlcl( grovel . . formerly LeiCht 'w. 207.27 67.30 100.00 100.00' 11215.3, ;... 100.00' 100.00 on ! -' ., 24 I I q, ... q, q, .. .. 26 "! ... Ol ... '..,. 27 28 , 29 ..,. ..,. ..,. ..,. .on on on on on 25 '<11 <II <II <II <II ---- 00 67.30' 100.00' 100.00' N.7043 50 E. ,,~ Js ~/" hU1/d n ~~',.,e 2/ ,,~ 'I.' 'I." 100.00' 100.00, 102. . ~ ~ . 'I." - "'40, 80.00 "'v. 0 "I.,O'~ ~ "rill' .3~,,. OU,Ic/ '79 ~<$;~bQc* /. ~ - - 10"" 0"; . [;J ., ... ,,; I 35 : 34 ; : <II , \ 100.00' BEND 100.00' 100.00' , ' "J t-- ~ i ~ ''I: I..: ... }2 . ... Ol 33 ..,. "! ..,. ..,. '" ..,. , <II 100.00 20 3/ 186.32' N. 7043'50 'E. / 100.00' ~. 100.00' 100.00' u c: 1152.69' 639.01 200.00' ) 100.00 3i - "0 on_ 0", '<11 "'0 ::,., .. ~ Ul <II - 0 - '" ILl ->< U :! - i; - - 0 :E o ., Ill'" Ill' . III Ul<ll i 1, " j - I 0 <II ;e Q) ~' u 44 ~i\~_ " R. Q. 262,\0 E. \6!).8!) I ~ S.6037'50"W.198./O 100.00' 98.10 S'/20 28'10"111 915.94 . 2151.70' /215.06 l ~~ 30.70' ~, ~~b "t~ .~~F. l,"n6 b ck "'~, '1 ,----- 1004 S. 2!) I 96. I _ 0 . ,., 0 0_ 0 0 ... 39 '. '" 0 0 40 <:) 4/ 0", 0 0 0 0", '" '" '" '" J" 42 -... ~ 43 ill M""" J_'fl". 45 . C. -o.~ ~ <0.,. ~~,.'O foo. On' --- "7 ~--- . . ".. ... " .0 CDO CD NO 23 C. B. CD Tuthill 0." ~ '" 2'9.98' J . 2- 0 '" "CD . r <;IJ.OO' \ Ni! .. 0 ,..: . 22 CD CD '. N "'- 2/ 00 '1.'0". 10"; .,'1. . ~ 20 -ci .,1 . 'j; George Fi 110 / 20:.\ .26 ~ 75.59' .,:- ..- ,.,...: .,t1l 904.70' 334.11' 245.00' 13 /4 '" . "oP .~ 'l1' 00 O' ",0 /7 '15 00 "'/36 O. /00.00,200.00' /000 ' . 0 .' >.~:i" ..,'" 't ':. .~:f.~. ~ ;.- 38 39 o o o o ~N 40 " ~"O ,i,', '00 ... "0 1000 ___ . 0' -- .. '~1!i~t\;F~')Y2';~, : . , \ ",' .,r.' /. /"':'T~~-""'~ - '1 r....~,..-____.,....___._._. __"_~__ __.w..._."____., . '. '. ." " --\., ',< ,;' "1 ! C. S, Tuthi II , ., ;.;, . "~: ,.f' i ,j" 'V+ j("'-"~' -~~-- , ,"'. ~("i,J-~ ,--~." ;.. ~ :,- George Fj 110 .,....,,$: 10 34' ;O.W. 200.00 .' "" 245,00' ~ 7 ~:- ..- 1n- .,01 ~ /3 /4 ""0 o 'S . i5 It R=50,( L=78. f b o o o ., ,,)::~;~ ~ . .. ,. ".. I . . 'F';~-G ;~ '" 01 - 6' "0 ;t,. . . ';": ~:::,A' "'-)'7" . . :~ ~_~,~>:.>;,. .', :...,", :'.....' ; '.:,"'.1; . "..,-., ,', ....,-,., ::.'.. ',',:-, .:- ,.,;> ",-.:. ";."";;':~'--:< ~ "~. ;",<;,;,,~..,-:.c,:,~:_"".,'.,,-." .-," -c. ,_ __, ,..... -- -." ------~ - ---- - .:-.-1... -~-s ....- -.. . . ~ .5Vb~.5.s;ble: a. pump G. P.~. 't , Typical Lo! Layout" 2 CESSPOOL SYSTEM Typical Well Detail )0 OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND WATER SUPPY . ~ -:-.. '" . q: cJ 5""fi'- .: , '. "THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAT HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE PLANNING BOARD OFaTHE TOWN OFSOUTHOLD BY RESOLUTION OF ('P~ROVAL DATED, VkP,. I (<;-6b-o BY /-'10'!,._.&.__. la€.L< h.L.~-------tSS:AETAR"'GR j ." -...., /~./ . - CHAIRMAN DATt:. ')K,.1 I I'/eo":; . I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS MADE BY ME FROM ACTUAL SURVEYS COMPLETED MAY 7 TH,1965 AND THAT ALL CONCRETE MON. UMENTS SHOWN THUS'. HEREON, ACTUALLY EXIST AND THEIR POSITIONS CORRECTLY SHOWN AND THAT ALL DIMENSIONAL AND GEODETIC DETAILS ARE~ORRE TO ~-W:. ~ ALDEN W. YOUNG, "ROFE$.SiONAL ENGINEER AND LAND SURVEYOR, N.Y. S.. LIC. NO. 12845, RIVERHEAD, N.Y. MAP OF SUBDIVISION FOR ESTATES. INC. :states, Inc. N. Y. MATTITUCK MATTITUCK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFF. CO.,. N.Y. SCALE: III = lOa' MAY 5, /965 JULY 19, /965 \ .. 0 ., 0 -01 .,' , Cll -'" ~ :> " > I ". 3: /.LJ 2 t': . '. ~,,~,;., ~ ',,'('-'," ::...:,~:,..>..,.".., .,. .:x:: -l o lL. lL. .::) C/) .< .~ ~~..-_\ .,.--~-- ~. hJa.-r~,'-r. ~ F _ ~~~re~ ::~:.'j.-, . "0;'>':"" . " '__"'.." .._'.,.... e_,:>- ',_:'.'~.'.':_ .;~. ....'-- " .~:-- --- >. -, ..,.. -.... 'Y- -... - -- - . . . " . I Cross Section - Typ ical 2 Cesspool System ( I I PROPOSED ME1THOD I I No. NO.2 i I No,3 EL23.5 El.35.3 El.23.4 0.0 00 00 /'op.:Joil topsoil "..3 topsoil /.0 c.? /oomc /c:>orn qro.-el /00171 I "'B -i<. .3./ .1. "" ~~'9r gra",el 6.0 . coar.se COQr'3S sand .( ..sand<' grovel gravel ] ~~~':Tl 9rq')'c t.-' 'I I No 14,0 /~D I I TEST HOLES I ] ] ,.~~~.~-:~~.. .' - e!.o._:l-a_&<1 r V-/r , fe. /:.., ., , / ~ ~v ..f'" 4'- I ( /__ Ar '7- __) 3 OWNER AND SUBDIVID,ER Mattituck Mottituck, Est N. . :;1 ......--:z . to ,. . 4&,6> 4-J~i-/ -. . .... I t/ . " :<~,...,..' ! 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'," ...c_....- . r~:ii'<,"'r~ _" ;\,'"!"t"'~''''''<__~'~' '~~ . { ': ;:~'~ , TITLE NUMBER 1254021 THE TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY certifies that it has examined title to the land in the bed of Cardinal Drive, Azalea Road, Meadow Lane, Blossom Bend and also the 10 foot wide Right of Way for Storm Drainage in the southerly portion of Lot 43 in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York a shown on a certain map entitled, "Map of Subdivision For Mattituck Estates, Inc.,Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, May 5, 1965, July 19, 1965 and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on September e, 1965 under the File No. 4453 and herein described, THE TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY further certifies that the Ian . in the bed of said Cardinal Drive, Azalea Road, Meadow Lane and Blossom Bend and also the 10 foot wide Right of Way for Storm Drainage in the southerly portion of Lot 43 is vested in and can be dedicated by: MATTITUCK ESTATES, INC. who acquired title by deed from Chester Bennett Melot and Janet M. Melot, his wife dated 4/20/ 1965 and recorded 4/21/1965 in Liber 5733 cp 05. The premises are free and clear of the lien of any mortgages. DJP: emb THE~ GUARANTEE COMPANY BY~~ D. J. PISCITELLI TITLE OFFICER CERTIFIED as of January 24, 1967 RlVERHEAD, NEW YORK STATE OF NEW YORK) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) SS: , Sworn to before me this 31st day of January, 1967 4J~JO ""T JO"N J co".,. .LL-JARY PUBliC ,. "'v." I . ....t<:.ta cf N . \\i-' No. 52.0123623 e.,., r:Yf~ h.~~U.lifl.d in Suffoll Coun' / """'" hPl!!! M~ ~, J2...!..!e? . . - . . - -!t TITLE NUMBER 1254201 DESCRIPTION OF THE PREMISES \ Cardinal Drive, Azalea Road, Meadow Lane, Blossom BenO '.'>": . "1 and the 10 foot wide Right of Way for storm Drainage in the southerly portion of Lot 43 in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York as shown on a certain map entitled, "Map of Subdivision for Mattituck Estates Inc., Mattituck, Town of South01d, Suffolk County, N.Y. May 5, 1965,July 19, 1965 and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of' Suffolk on September 8, 1965 under the File No. 4453. --=-...-~' -3- . TITLE NUMBER 1254021 . EXCEPTION SHEET 1. This being a special service examination, liability of the Company is limited to ONE THOUSAND ($1,000.00) DOLLARS~ 2.- Subject to utility easements. . . ....,; ,I . . l, \ -: ::~}J'; ";;;;;:",,,...- , , ,I .I I I ------------------------------------x In the Matter of the Laying out of certain town highways in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of Nev York. ------------------------------------X APPLICATION TO rAY OUT TOWN HIGHWAYS PURSUANT TO SECTION #171 OF THE ,HIGHWAY rAW OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. TO THE TOWN SUPERINTENDENT OF HIGHWAYS OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, IN THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. The undersigned, a domestic corporation vith its principal offices at, I Mattituck, Tovn of Southold, Suffolk County, Nev York, liable to be assessed for , highway taxes therein, hereby applies to you to layout certain higlNays in sail tovn, vhich proposed higlNays vill pass through the lands of the applicant herein, Mattituck Estates, Inc. Hereto annexed and made a part hereof, is a certain map entitled "Map of Subdivision for Mattituck Estates, Inc., Mattituck, Tovn of Southold, Suffolk County, Nev York dated May 5, 1965 and J1,Ily 19, 1965, Alden W. Young, I I , Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on I I I I I C.E. and L.S." and filed in the September 8, 1965 as Map #4453, shoving the course of the said proposed high- ways. II I, i; Dated, this 19th day of October, 1966. \1 ',I l! ;' ., \1 :1 By: ~ \ MATTITUCK ESTATES, INe,' 'J ~ I,~' , I,) U,') . "1" (,) 1/ , )', ~ .. . ;1 ':) '., : .,) ,j . ., il " ) ... " '~) , \ ~ H :1 STATE OF NEW YORK !: ii COUNTY OF SUFFOLK II ) ~ ss.: Secretary 11 ; On the 19th day of October, 1966, before me personally came ALEXANDER .. to me known, vho, being ~y ~e duly svorn, did depose and say, that he I :\ J. CHASE, ., " H i' resides 10 Riverhead, Nev York, that he is the Secretary of Mattituck Estates, Ii I 11 I: ,:. " . . i':~~}'j.;., ,-",-;,,:;.#,I'~,- .. tl I I :; ~i i! 'j I r " .j :' Inc. the corporation described in and which executed the above instrument; that, I 1 he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal affixed to said instrument - I !! :( I! is such corporate seal; that it ws so affixed by order of the Board of ! Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like .1 H order. ~./~ I " C~I !L MILDRED A. HENDERSON NOTARY PUBUC, State of N:;!w York No. 52.1754450 - Suffolk County CommissiOl1 Expires March 30, 19..'.1 j " " 'i q TO: !; Raymond C. Dean Superintendent of Highways Town of Southold, Suffolk County, N.Y. Peconic Lane, Peconic, New York . ij lj ;\ , !: , ALEXANDER J. CHASE, ESQ. Attorney for Applicant Office and P. O. Address 40 West Main Street P. O. Box #645 Riverhead, New York 11902 727-1026 , " ! , , , II 'I " d I' ~! ii !, 'I !I 'I i' il li u !I 'i I, Ij " 'I ~ H Il ~ r I' J